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XI C Worksheet It's A Crime

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Name and surname: _______________________________________ Friday, The 4th of March 2016



Scan the following text, which is based on your home assignment. Try to fill in the correct words. The
listen and check your answers.

Once your house has been 1) .................................., it will most likely happen again, unless you make
sure your house is not burglar – 2) .................................. . Burglars think that the biggest the house, the richer
the 3) .................................. are. Anything which signals nice possessions and 4) .................................. will
catch the burglar’s eye. You may complain about your nosy 5) .................................., but it’s good to know
someone is watching your house while you’re away. You shouldn’t draw attention to new things by leaving
empty 6) .................................. by the dustbin. You should be sensible and leave lights on in your
7) .................................. when you go out at night. An open 8) .................................. is an invitation to burglars.
If you leave 9) .................................. milk bottles on the doorstep, it will give burglars the
10) .................................. light to break in. A good idea is to take photos of your possessions and label
valuable items.

Listen to the news report and match each person with the crime described, the write headlines for each
news report.
1. John Pierce a. fraud
2. Sally Smith b. terrorism
3. Ann Daniels c. blackmail
4. Tom Corman d. joyriding
5. Jerry Parr e. drug trafficking

1. a. Look at the extracts below and try to identify the crime.

a. ___________________________ b. ___________________________ c. ___________________________

David Smith got drunk one night and John James pretended to start a Paul and Jennifer Winters stopped
decided to go home. As he turned a business and persuaded some the boy on his way home and forced
corner, he crashed into another car people to lend him money, which he him into their car. They later asked
and killed the driver. then used to go on a holiday to the the family to pay a $ 5,000,000
Carribean. ransom.

d. ___________________________ e. ___________________________ f. ___________________________

Ronnie Tyler pulled out a gun and Johnnie Smerger set fire to the Peter Tapper took out his pistol and
shot the bank guard five times. building after being dismissed. ordered the pilot to fly to Miami.

g. ___________________________ h. ___________________________ i. ___________________________

Nigel Handy waited until night, Anne Clinton walked around the Mike Bonton was caught at the
carefully forced open the window and department store and, making sure customs with 4500,000 worth of
climbed into the house. He took some no one was watching, she put two cocaine hidden in the doors of his car.
jewellery and a lot of cash. expensive watches in her bag.

b. Now do the opposite. Read the headlines below and briefly explain what happened.

2. Read the text below.

a. Look at the picture on the screen and match the people with the corresponding number. Can
you say what each person does?


When someone commits a crime and does something 1. wrong, the police must investigate. If they
find 2. the person responsible for the crime, they arrest them and 3. take them to the police station,
where they question them. When they are sure the person committed the crime, the person is 4. charged with
that crime and must go to court for trial.


In court, the 5. person charged with the crime, also called the defendant, must try to prove the fact
that they are 6. not guilty. They are tried by a judge and jury. At the trial, the prosecution aims to prove the
person has 7. commited the crime and 8. the defense, must present all the evidence to prove their
innocence. The jury listens to all the witnesses, reach their 9. conclusion.


If the defendant is found not guilty, they will be acquitted. If the defendant is convicted of the crime, the
judge will give the 10. sentence. This can mean 11. serving time or, for minor offences, paying a fine or
doing community work. The conviction goes into the person’s criminal record.

b. Using the words from the

list, label the picture. Then
match each word with the

the accused, court reporter,

witness, policeman, jury, judge,
defence lawyer, prosecutor,
junior defence lawyer

c. Replace the words in bold with suitable phrases or words from the list below

suspect innocent accused broken the law punishment put into custody

going to prison verdict officially accused of lawyer/barrister/attorney illegal

3. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph. You must change the form of the verbs when
arrest charge commit evidence plead prison release rob
sentence serve steal trial verdict witness

Jake (1) ________________ a crime when he (2) _______________ a post office. He (3)
_____________ $ 5,000. A (4) ____________________ managed to take a photograph of him. The police (5)
________________ him and (6) ________________ him with robbery. The case came to court two months
later. At his (7) _________ Jake (8) ____________________ not guilty. However, the photograph was used in
(9) _________________ against him and, as a result, the jury passed a (10) ____________________ of guilty.
The judge (11) ____________________ him to ten years in (12) ____________________. He (13)
____________________ eight years, but then he was (14) ____________________ earlier for good behaviour.

4. Listen to Chief Inspector Ronald Lewis advising people on how to protect themselves from certain
types of crime and fill in the table below.

mugging  carry personal ______________________________

 attend _______________________________classes

kidnapping  teach children not to talk to _________________

 if approached by strangers, they should go to the
nearest _______________________________ place
 if you can afford it, hire a ______________________

car theft  fit an _______________________________ system

 park in an ___________________________car park
 make sure your car is securely _________________

5. Fill in the text with the correct form of the words given.

At the County Court today, a second man was convicted of (0) driving DANGER DANGEROUS
after a crash which killed a female cyclist, 23-year-old police constable
Sarah Jacobs. Witnesses told the court they saw the men racing their cars
(1)__________ before the crash on 28th August last year. The (2) SHORT
__________ pleaded guilty of the charges and can expect up to ten years’ DEFEND
(3) __________ . PRISON
The counsel for the (4)__________ had insisted on tough sentencing PROSECUTE
from the (5) __________ , saying that this type of “macho boy racing” was SET
responsible for more and more (6) __________ on our roads each year. DIE
While he condemned the actions of the accused, the judge extended his (7)
__________ to the families of all those involved and described it as a tragic SYMPATHISE
accident in which many lives had been ruined bu a few moments of (8)
__________ madness. YOUTH

6. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word. The first letter has been given.

It’s a crime
Thieves have been around for centuries, probably for as long as humans but armed r………..……. is a
more recent phenomenon. Unfortunately women have always been the v………..…… of rape and domestic
v………..….. . F…………… has been around since ever printing has been used to make money or produce
documents. Rich people or their children are sometimes k……………… and are not set free until a ransom
has been paid. The twentieth century has seen the appearance of many organized c………… such as
hijacking. Statistics show an alarming r………….. in the rate of violent crimes and crimes to do with the
i……………. sale of arms across the world. Perhaps the most recent crime of all is hijacking into computers to
access i………..…. that helps competitors in industry. This increase in international crime makes one wonder
whether it is still true to say “C………..… doesn’t pay”.

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