(ADVE 20113)
1. Explain how advertising has changed to meet the needs of changing times
2. Describes innovations that have impacted advertising
In this part of module, we will tackle Advertising, its definition and how times
changed advertising to people. This part describes the innovation that have impacted by
the use of advertising in product.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
was glamorous and promoted consumption during prosperous times. During the
Great Depression in the 1930s, advertising took a no- nonsense approach, and
law passes to prohibit deceptive advertising practices. In the 1950s, the TV
added a whole new dimension to advertising. Typical advertisement focused on
families and new technological advances. In the 1970s, advertisements became
more creative and innovative, reflecting values that were more nontraditional.
The economy was robust in the 1980s, and thus advertisements promoted
In the latter half of the 20 th century and the early 21st century, advertising
became more visual- and youth- oriented. Advertising also entered the electronic
age. Various forms of advertisements began popping up on the internet.
Mass Production
In the latter half of the 19th century, at the end of Industrial Revolution,
advertisements changed dramatically. New mass production techniques in the
1880s used assembly lines to create standardized products in large quantities.
Manufacturers began developing brand names to help consumers clearly identify
their products. Large department stores that cropped up in the growing cities in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries joined manufacturers to advertise branded
Printing Press
The invention of the printing press made information of all kinds available
to the general population. Printing could spread information quickly and provided
a platform for advertising. The printing press was used to produce posters and
handouts containing information about goods and services for sale during the
16th century.
Advertising could be heard for the first time through the use of radio in the
1920s. the first commercial was broadcast in 1922. Radio programming included
soap operas, music, and serial adventures that often were sponsored by
advertisers. Radio stations and radio advertising grew in the 1930s and 1940s.
Radios appeared in virtually every home in America, and the sales of products
advertised on the air exploded.
In the 1990s, a web revolution in advertising began. Internet advertising is
now $42 billion industry that has overtaken the conventional methods of
advertising. Chat rooms, blogs. E-mails, pop-up advertisements, instant
messaging, and webpage notices are just a few of the ways advertising can let
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
people who are surfing the web know about product and services. Social
networking sites, such as facebook and twitter, are becoming more popular
advertising avenues.
Advertisements placed on popular search engines allow products and
services to be widely promoted. Consumers can use the internet to access
information about a product or service that they want to purchase. the internet
also allows customers to compare various brands of products and services,
sometimes on a single website, such as the Epinions website.
Online Advertising has presented a challenge to advertisers. They had to
determine the most effective way to deliver their messages on the web. Online
advertising has become more sophisticated over the years, moving from simple,
pop-up ads to elaborate web videos.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
1. Describe environmental influences on advertising.
2. Describe consumer influences on advertising.
We should be aware how advertising influence our surroundings. In this part, we
will talk about how advertising influence our environment and consumer and how
creative they did on advertising a product or service.
Environmental Influences
Advertisements are used as public relations tools to present businesses as good
stewards of the environment. Protecting the environment from harmful pollutants,
conserving nonrewable resources like coal
and oil, disposing of waste responsibly,
selling environmentally friendly products,
and using environmentally safe and
sustainable energy sources to meet
business needs are advertising themes
that emphasize businesses’ responsibility
in conserving the environment. The use of
advertising to support and improve the
environment is known as Green
Because of the growing movement
towards environmentally friendly products
and processes, business that use green marketing have an advantage when introducing
their product or service in the marketplace. Advertising can be used to educate
consumers on how products or service benefit the earth or conserve resources.
the project was to sequester the carbon dioxide associated with the company’s print
advertising by planting bamboo, a long lasting wood perennial grass.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Political Advertising
While advertising is important for political campaigns, there is no clear agreement
on the effects of political advertising on electoral outcomes. During an election year,
unregulated political advertisements on television and radio are predominant in U.S.
Great Britain prohibits of broadcast advertising by political candidates and regulate their
television advertisements. The number of negative advertisements in U.S. election
campaigns has increased over the years. Negative campaign advertisements involve
criticism of a candidate, a policy position, or past performance. Some of the
advertisements question the character of political candidates. Exposure to
advertisements does influence public perceptions of the candidates. The debate
continues over the effectiveness of negative political.
Consumer Influence
The Consumer is the end user of a product or service. The overall consumer
market consists of all buyers of goods and services for personal or family use. More
than 310 million people spend trillions of dollars annually for goods and services in the
U.S. Consumer behavior describes how and why people make purchase decisions.
Advertising is highly influenced by consumer needs and purchase patterns.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Find an advertisement that had an environmental message on the internet. How
did the advertiser benefit from this advertisement?
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
1. Describe the participants in the advertising industry
2. Explain how the advertising industry works
In this part, we will know how advertising work in many different form and how
does it affect us in buying a product or service that was being advertised and to know
who are the person participate in advertising.
Types of Advertising
Advertiser include large for non-profit corporations that sell products, or services,
nonprofit groups, politicians, and other types of organizations. Among these various
types of advertisers, there are three common types of advertising.
Product Advertising
Most companies use some form of
product advertising. Product advertising uses rational
arguments to communicate why consumers need a
specific product by highlighting the benefits
associated with the use of that product. Product
advertising presents at least one product
characteristics as a reason for purchasing a product.
Brand Advertising
A brand is an important component in many advertisements. A brand is
the combination of unique qualities of company, product, product line. The name, logo,
slogan, and design are important elements of brand. Brand advertising is used to build
an image based on the set of values held
by the company. Nike is known for
competitive edge and can-do attitude,
which has been communicated through
its “Just Do It” slogan. Through brand
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
advertising, Nike has created a personality in the minds of consumers. Individual look
for brands that match their personalities.
Corporate Advertising
Some companies use corporate advertising, which is intended to enhance
a company’s reputation or build good-
will. It is known as institution
advertising. Corporate advertising
does not ask consumers to take
specific action, such as buy a product.
Instead, it promotes a positive attitude
toward the company.
When GE ran an
advertisement about capturing and
using wind energy through the use of
windmills, it was not promoting a
product. Instead, it was attempting to
associate its name with energy
conservation. Corporate advertising
can also be used by companies to take a stand on important social issues.
Explain the Advertising Agency
1. Recognize the importance of understanding the customer’s wants and needs
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
We should know and be inform at the importance of understanding the
customer’s wants and need for us to have a great business. In this part we will tackle
about it and also the 5 step in consumer decision making.
Personal needs and wants are never ending, but the resources used in the
production of products and services are limited. This is the concept of scarcity. Scarcity
may result in the production of fewer products and services at higher prices. A
consumer’s financial resources are limited by his or her income. Scarcity affects the way
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
consumers make buying decisions. They must decide how to use their limited income to
buy all things they want and need.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Write a post-purchase evaluation for a recent purchase. The evaluation should describe
your product expectations and your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the purchase.
1. Distinguish between types of consumer purchase
2. Recognize the level of consumer involvement in buying decisions
3. Describe different types of consumer products
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
In this part we will be discussing about the types of consumer purchase and we
will be recognizing the level of consumer involvement in buying decisions and lastly, to
describe the different types of consumer products.
Types of Purchases
1. New purchase- involves buying a product or service for the first time. New
purchases tend to be infrequent. Consumers may be inexperienced with
the product or service, making it the most challenging type of purchase.
2. Modified purchase- sometimes consumer realize that products purchased
in the past do not totally meet their current needs. After consumers identify
the product changes or improvements needed, they will make a modified
purchase to meet their new specifications. A modified purchase occurs
when consumer must make new decisions about a product or service that
they have previously purchased.
3. Repeat purchase- purchasing the same products and services over and
over again. This the most common type of purchase and involves routine
decision making. The buyer has identified a product or service that meet
his or her needs and habitually purchases it with little or no thought.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Types of Products
Each day consumers make purchases ranging from routine to unique products.
1. Convenience products- are purchases regularly without much planning.
Consumers want to purchase convenience products as quickly and easily
as possible. They do not spend too much time shopping and comparing
products and brands that seem to be familiar.
a. Impulse products- are purchased without no advanced planning
b. Emergency products- purchased because of an urgent need
2. Shopping products- consists of products that consumers want to own after
they met personal needs. They are more expensive than convenience
products. Automobiles, homes, furniture are examples of shopping
products. Consumers are willing to spend extra time shopping and
comparing before making a buying decision.
3. Specialty products- are those that have a strong brand loyalty. Consumers
are reluctant to buy substitutes because of their positive past experiences
with the product.
4. Unsought products- are not actively sought out by consumers. This could
be because the consumer is unaware of the product or service.
Advertising in used to increase awareness of the products.
What is Consumer Involvement in Buying Decisions?
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
We will be discussing the buying motives and how does it work. We will be
describing the influences in consumer behavior.
Buying Motives
The actions of individuals are influenced by motivation, which is an incentive or a
reason for doing something. Consumer purchases are influenced by short- and long-
term motivation.
Motivation has a direct influence on consumer buying behavior. Buying motives
are the driving forces that cause consumers to buy product and service. Three
categories of buying motives that influence consumer decision include:
1. Emotional Motives- reasons to make a purchase based on feelings,
beliefs, or attitudes.
Consumer purchases
may be influenced by
such things as love
and affection, guilt,
fear, protection,
appearance, prestige,
and popularity.
Emotional advertising
spends more time creating a special experience than describing product
features. Advertising for technology products, such as cellphones, shows
people staying in touch with loved
2. Rational Motives- not all buying
decisions are based emotions.
Purchases that are based on facts
or logic. Quality, reliability,
convenience, value, and cost are
examples of rational buying motives.
Rational motives are very important
for expensive purchases like homes
and automobiles.
3. Patronage Motives- purchases that
are based on loyalty. Consumer may be loyal to a particular business or a
specific brand. Loyalty results from previous positive experiences or
personal identification with the product or business.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
1. Explain the marketing concept
2. Define the functions of marketing
We should know on how to satisfy the wants and needs of our customer and
because of that we will be discussing the marketing concept and the functions of
What is Marketing?
Marketing means different things to different people. Some people think of
advertising when they hear the term marketing. Marketing involves all of the process
used to identify, create, and maintain exchange relationships that satisfy individuals and
organizations. An exchange occurs when people giving up something in return for
something else. When a customer pays money for a product, an exchange has
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Marketing Functions
Are related activities that must be completed to accomplish an important
marketing goal.
1. Marketing planning-involves identifying target markets and developing an
effective marketing strategy and marketing mix that will produce a
satisfying exchange relationship.
2. Product and service management- involves creating products and
services that meet the needs of customers. Researching, testing and
gathering customer input are essential activities of the product and service
management function.
3. Distribution- involves determining the best methods and procedures to use
so that customers can locate, obtain, and use a product or service.
4. Pricing- involves establishing and communicating the value of products
and services to customers.
5. Promotion- is the communication of information about products and
services to potential customers.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
1. Define target market
2. Explain the process for selecting target market
Businesses should have target market that can help them to determine on who
they will be selling for. In this part we will discussed target market and to explain the
process for selecting target market.
Businesses spend a lot of time and money on research to identify target markets
and the products and services demand by those target markets. Based on the market
research data, a business can make changes or improvements to its product before it is
offered in the marketplace. It can also develop new product lines to increase the size of
its customer base.
The task of identifying a target market is an ongoing process for businesses of all
sizes. Even businesses that have a strong presence in several markets will be on the
lookout for emerging markets where they can reach new customers. By exploring the
appeal of their products in various target markets, business can determine if expansion
into other markets would be successful.
Can help a business grow by bringing in new customers and retaining current
ones. An effective target market has the following characteristics:
1. People in the target market have common, important needs and will
benefit from the use of business’s product or service.
2. People in the target market can afford the product or service.
3. The demand for the product or service by the target market is high enough
to produce a profit.
4. There is adequate data available about the target market that can be used
to create an effective marketing mix.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Explain the target market strategies
Explain target market
1. Differentiate between market segmentation and mass marketing
2. Describe market segmentation categories
3. Explain how to select market segments that have market potential
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
We should be informed on the groups that we will be selling our product or
services to. In this part, we will talk about market segmentation and mass marketing.
Mass Marketing
Is an attempt to appeal to a large, general group of consumers. A company that
uses market segmentation focuses its efforts on a specific group of consumers with
unique needs. A company that uses mass marketing directs its efforts to the whole
market in order to reach the largest number of consumers. Mass marketing is more
commonly used for products and services that everyone tends to buy, such as soap,
snacks, and household cleaners.
There are some benefits of mass marketing. The business can reach a larger
audience, gain wider exposure, increase sales volume, and lower marketing costs.
Mass marketing involves developing one marketing mix for all consumers, which can be
risky when trying to appeal to a diverse group of customers with different needs.
Mass marketing can be effective for large companies that have volumes of
production and that sell to domestic and international markets.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
3. The market segment must have many potential customers and the
potential for growth.
4. The market segment is accessible. There are specific advertising
media, such as magazines or websites, that the target likes to use,
making potential customers easy to reach.
5. The business can serve the market segment more effectively than
competitors can.
Even if a business determines that it can serve the market more
effectively than its competitors can, it is highly unlikely that the
business will capture all the customers in the market.
Differentiate market segmentation and mass marketing
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
New Products
Can mean different things to different people. When products that have been
sold in specific markets enter new markets, they are often classified as “new.” A
business that she had success with product in its home country may decide to sell the
product globally. Discovering a new use for an existing product can result in a “new
product” for new markets.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Product Mix
The product mix, or product assortment, includes all of the different products a
business sells.
Product Levels
A business’s product mix often begins with a basic product. Consumers
are familiar with the basic product and know how it meets their needs. The basic
product is very similar to products offered by competitors.
A business may try to meet the needs of several target markets by
enhancing its basic product. An enhanced product includes features and
options that increase the usefulness of a product.
A business may try to increase customer satisfaction by offering an
extended product. An extended product may be in the form of services or
complementary products. Guarantees, warranties, product usage
recommendations, and additional products that improve the use of the primary
product can help the customer get the most value from his or her purchase.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser
(ADVE 20113)
Why would a business license the use of its brand to another business? Give an
example of a licensed brand.
Advertising and Sales Promotion
By Ken Kaser