DSM-0289.1 AM NiCrMo Superalloy

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Material Product Data Sheet

Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Superalloy Powder

for Additive Manufacturing
Powder Products: Quick Facts
MetcoAdd™ 6022A
Classification Alloy, nickel-based
Chemistry NiCrMoW
1 Introduction
MetcoAdd 6022A is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum super- Manufacture Inert gas atomized
alloy, similar to UNS N06022 and DIN 2.4602. It exhibits ex- Morphology Spheroidal
cellent resistance to chemical attack, pitting corrosion, crev- Apparent Density 4 to 5 g/cm3
ice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. The high Process Laser Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB)
chromium and molybdenum content in MetcoAdd 6022A of-
fer improved oxidation and chloride attack resistance com-
pared to other nickel-based superalloys and stainless steels.

MetcoAdd 6022A has been designed for processing in Laser

Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB). MetcoAdd 6022A has been
meticulously engineered and tested to meet the demanding
requirements of powder bed additive manufacturing.

In the printed and heat treated condition, MetcoAdd 6022A

has a fully austenitic ( face-centered-cubic ) structure for ex-
cellent ductility and corrosion resistance. As Metco 6022A
does not contain any precipitation-formers (e.g., Al, Ti, Nb),
structures produced from MetcoAdd 6022A are also essen-
tially free of secondary or precipitation phases. This further
contributes to the outstanding corrosion resistance and ex- Typical cross-section of MetcoAdd 6022A gas-atomized powder with a free-
cellent weldability of the material. A low carbon content en- ly-flowing spheroidal morphology.
sures very limited of carbide phases within the build.

1.1 Typical Uses and Applications

n Oil and gas equipment
n Industrial processing equipment
n Chemical processing equipment
n Pharamaceutical and biotech processing equipment
n Personal and home care processing equipment (e.g.,
soaps, detergents, cleaners)
n Foodstuff processing equipment

DSM-0289.1 – NiCrMo Superalloy for Additive Manufacturing

© 2022 Oerlikon Metco 1
2 Material Information

2.1 Chemical Composition

Product Weight Percent (nominal)

Ni Cr Mo Fe W Co Mn Other
MetcoAdd 6022A Balance 22 14 3 3 2.5 max 0.5 max < 0.5

2.2 Particle Size Distribution

Product Nominal Range D90 D50 D10

(µm) (µm) (µm) (µm)
MetcoAdd 6022A –53 +20 µm 50 32 21
Nominal range size analysis 45 μm or above measured by sieve (ASTM B214), analysis below 45 μm by laser diffraction (ASTM C 1070, Microtrac).
Fractional analysis (D90, D50, D10) are nominal values by laser diffraction

2.3 Other Properties

Product Morphology Manufacturing Method Hall Flow (s/500 g)

MetcoAdd 6022A Spheroidal Gas Atomized < 16

2.4 Key Selection Criteria 2.5 Related Products

n MetcoAdd 6022A has been engineered specifically for n Oerlikon Metco offers several other nickel-based superal-
additive manufacture of a wide-range of components us- loy products for additive manufacturing including,
ing powder bed fusion processing. MetcoAdd 718 series, MetcoAdd 625 series and others.
n MetcoAdd 6022A offers superior resistance to oxidizing n Oerlikon Metco also offers several steel alloys for additive
and non-oxidizing chemical attack, pitting corrosion, manufacturing including grades17-4PH and 15-5PH
crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and corrosion stainless steel grades 316L type austenitic stainless steel,
in high-chloride environments. maraging steels, and tool steels.
n When compared to other common nickel-based superal- n In addition to nickel- and iron-based powders, Oerlikon
loys such as Inconel 625 or Inconel 718 or stainless Metco offers cobalt- and titanium-based materials for ad-
steels such as grades 316L, 17-4 PH and 15-5 PH, the ditive manufacturing. Please contact your Oerlikon Metco
excellent corrosion resistance of MetcoAdd 6022A makes account representative for more information.
it the best choice for highly corrosive environments.

2.6 Specifications

Product Specifications (similar to)

MetcoAdd 6022A UNS N06022
DIN 2.4602

DSM-0289.1 – NiCrMo Superalloy for Additive Manufacturing

© 2022 Oerlikon Metco 2
3 Key Processing Information

3.1 Typical Post Heat Treatment Properties (MetcoAdd 6022A) a, b, c

Specification EOS M290

Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) ASTM E8 828.7 ± 2.7
Yield Strength (MPa) 378 ± 4
Elongation at break (%) 58 ± 1
Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) 199.5 ± 22.4
Hardness (VHN10) ASTM E384-17 190 ± 9
Average Density (g/cm3) Internal Specification 8.70 ± 0.008
a Disclaimer: All data published in this datasheet has been shared for reference purposes only and is not sufficient to design or certify parts. No warranty or guarantee
is made against these results.
b Bounds are based on one standard deviation of each population with six samples in the Z direction. Test specimens were 6.35 mm (0.25 in) diameter round bars
machined from coupons 75 x 75 x 13 mm (3 x 3 x 0.5 in).
c Coupons were HIP processed at a heating rate of 10 °C/min (18 °F/min) and held at a temperature of 1155 ± 10 °C ( 2111 ± 18 °F) and a pressure of 140 ± 5 MPa
(167.5 ± 0.725 kpsi) for 180 ± 30 min.

3.2 Post Heat Treatment Microstructure, Vertical 3.3 Additive Manufacturing Services
Build Direction (MetcoAdd 6022A)
EOS M290 Oerlikon AM is an excellent source for pilot and production
run additive manufacturing services and is ready to serve
your needs. Please contact your Oerlikon Metco account
manager for more information or contact Oerlikon AM direct-
ly through their web site at www.oerlikon.com/am.

Homogeneous, fully austenitic microstructure of MetcoAdd 6022A processed via

PBF-LB (with the characteristic twinned grains), and free of any grain structure

4 Commercial Information

4.1 Ordering Information and Availability

Product Order No. Package Size Availability Distribution

MetcoAdd 6022A 1522720 10 lb (approx. 4.5 kg) Stock Global

4.2 Handling Recommendations 4.3 Safety Recommendations

n Store in the original container in a dry location. See the SDS 50-2608 (Safety Data Sheet) in the localized
n Open containers should be stored in a drying oven or hu- ­version applicable to the country where the material will
midity controlled environment to prevent moisture pickup. be used. SDS are available from the Oerlikon web site at
n Tumble contents gently prior to use to prevent segregation. www.oerlikon.com / metco (Resources – Safety Data Sheets).

Inconel is trademark of Huntington Alloys Corporation

Information is subject to change without prior notice.

DSM-0289.1 – NiCrMo Superalloy for Additive Manufacturing www.oerlikon.com / metco

© 2022 Oerlikon Metco info.metco@oerlikon.com3

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