Velocity Lab Report

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Control Engineering

Velocity Control of Armature-Controlled

DC Motor Using PID

Lab Report
Group (VI)

Mg Ther Htet Aung V-BE MC-2

Ma Yin Wai Phyo V-BE MC-5

Mg Htet Naing Htun V-BE MC-6

Block Diagram of Armature-Controlled DC Motor (Velocity


A DC Motor Electrical Diagram and Sketch

Fig: Electrical Diagram Fig: Sketch

Formulation Derivation of the Transfer Function of the Armature-
Controlled DC Motor

Fig: Armature-Controlled DC Motor

The torque developed by the dc motor,

Td = Kϕia (1)

ϕ = air gap flux
ia = armature current
K = constant

Neglecting the affects of saturation and armature reaction we have the air gap flux
proportional to the field current. That is,
ϕ = Kfib (2)

Because ib is constant the torque developed is given by,

Td = Ktia (3)
Kt = motor constant

The armature voltage ea is supplied by the thyristor converter. The armature circuit
equation is given by,
d ia
ea = iaRa + La + eb (4)

eb in Equation (4) is the rotational (back) emf induced in the armature and is
proportional to the product of speed and flux. But, the flux of the motor is constant.
Therefore, The dynamic equation of the motor giving the torque balance can be
written as,

J d t + b.ω = Ktia (5)

Assuming the initial conditions to be zero, Laplace transform of Eq (3), (4) and (5)
can be written as
Ea (s) = RaIa (s) + sLaIa (s) + Eb (s) (6)
Eb (s) = Keω (s) (7)
sJω (s) + bω (s) = KtIa (s) (8)

Taking Ea(s) as the input and w(s) as the output, the transfer function w(s)/Ea(s) can
be obtained by eliminating la(s) from the equations and is given by,
ω (s ) Kt
Ea ( s)
= 2
La J s + ( La ƒ+ Ra J ) s +(R a b+ K t K e )
The block diagram given in Fig (a) represents Eq (9). This can be finally reduced to
a single block given in Fig (b).
Normally the armature inductance La is very small and may be neglected. The
transfer function in this case is given by,
ω (s ) Km
Ea ( s)
= (T m s+ 1)

Km = ( Ra b+ K t K e )

Ra J
Tm = ( Ra b+ K t K e )

It can be seen that the back emf affects the damping of the system. A transfer
function between the speed and load torque can be derived by assuming the other
input ea to be zero. In this case the dynamic equation would be,
Td (s) = sJω (s) + bω (s) + Tω (s) (11)
T d ( s )−T ω(s)
ω (s) = (12)
sJ +b

But from Eqs (6) and (7), we have,

K t K e ω(s)
Td (s) = ( Ra + s La )(sJ +b)

Substituting in Eq (11) and simplifying we get,

ω(s) (R a +s La)
= (14)
−T ω( s) ( Ra + s La ) ( sJ +b ) −K t K e
Tm = J/b
ω(s) ( s T a +1)(1 /b)
= (15)
−T ω( s) ( s T a +1 ) ( s T m+ 1 )−K t K e /(R a b)
ω(s) K m ( s T a+ 1)
−T ω( s)
= ( s T 1 +1)(s T 2 +b)
where K is constant. If the poles of this transfer function are complex conjugates the
speed change for a change in the load torque is oscillatory.

Fig (a)

Va (s) θ (s)
[( R a+ s La ) ( sJ +b ) −K b K m ]

Fig (b)

Eb (s) = Kbsθ (s) (17)

(sLa + Ra) Ia (s) = E (s) – Eb (s) (18)
(Js2 + Bs) θ (s) = Tm (s) = KtIa (s) (19)

From above Equations:

θ(s) Km
G (s) = E( s) = [( R a+ s La ) ( sJ +b ) −K b K m ]
Block Diagram of PID-Controlled DC Motor

Fig (a)

Va (s) Kp+ +KDs θ (s)
s [(R a+ s La ) ( sJ +b ) −K b K m ]

Fig (b)

Transfer Function of Position-Controlled DC Motor using PID

G (s) = [Kp+ s
+ KDs] . [( R a+ s La ) ( sJ +b ) −K b K m ]
Armature-Controlled DC Motor Specifications

Fig: AMETEK Pittman – GM8224S017

Armature-Controlled DC Motor


Product ID GM8224S017
Gearbox Type Spur
Max Cont. Torque(oz-in) 41.5
Max Allowable Torque(oz-in) 175
Peak Torque(oz-in) 117
Gear Ratio 19.5: 1
No Load Speed(rpm) 230
Related Voltage(v) 24
Encoder 500
Velocity Control of Armature-Controlled DC Motor Using PID

Fig(a): Step Response with Kp = 1.12 (Step Height = 12)

Fig(b): Step Response with Kp = 0.03, Ki = 13 (Step Height = 12)

Fig(c): Step Response with Ki = 15 (Step Height = 12)

Step Responses Using PID (Step Height = 12)

Fig Controller Overshoot peak Steady-state Settling Time
(Step) value error (Ts)
(a) P 1.8353 - 0.45 s
(b) PI 2.7987 0.4843 0.47 s
(Kp=0.03, Ki=13)
(c) I 3.2567 0.923 0.95 s

Fig(a): Ramp Response with Kp = 0.8 (Ramp Slope = 12)

Fig(b): Ramp Response with Kp = 0.015, Ki = 14 (Ramp Slope = 12)

Fig(c): Ramp Response with Ki = 12 (Ramp Slope = 12)

Ramp Responses Using PID (Ramp Slope = 12)

Fig Controller Overshoot peak Steady-state Settling Time
(Ramp) value error (Ts)
(a) P 0 - 8.2 s
(b) PI 1.3773 1.4742 3.19 s
(c) I 3.1096 0.1759 7.05 s

Fig(a): Parabolic Response with Kp = 1.2 (Sine Amplitude = 12°, Sine

Frequency = 1 Hz)

Fig(b): Parabolic Response with Kp = 0.05, Ki = 34 (Sine Amplitude = 12°, Sine

Frequency = 1 Hz)
Fig(c): Parabolic Response with Ki = 28 (Sine Amplitude = 12°, Sine Frequency
= 1 Hz)

Parabolic Responses Using PID (Sine Amplitude = 12°, Sine Frequency = 1 Hz)
Fig Controller Overshoot peak Steady-state Settling Time
(Parabolic) value error (Ts)
(a) P 10.557 - 1.57 s
(b) PI 5.1469 2.3635 1.92 s
(Kp=0.05, Ki=34)
(c) I 2.7451 0.9168 2.77 s


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