Beluga Instructions. II
Beluga Instructions. II
Beluga Instructions. II
Instruction Manual
Beluga FS2214 Cutting Kit
Starting hole using Pick Hammer. Suction cup placement.
Beluga Ready and mounted on your drill
Read and familiarize yourself with these instruc-
tions before attempting to use this equipment.
Partner ready to assist. Beginning Cut. • Always wear suitable Eye Protection
• Always wear ANSI Approved Personal Protec-
tive Equipment, including gloves, helmet and
• Always wear suitable respiratory protection
conforming to N95 or higher
• Always protect your patient from glass dust
and chips
Making the final 90 degree Turn, back up to starting hole
Beluga Cutting Kit Contents Cut the Glass
You have protected the patient and are wearing your ANSI ap-
• FS2214 Cutting Head
proved Tech-Rescue gear, respiratory protection and eye protec-
• FF Clear Safety Glasses with protective bag tion. The suction cups are on two clean and unbroken areas of
• Pick Hammer the windshield, and spaced apart to balance the load for handling.
• 4.5” Suction cups (2) Your partners are ready to support the glass from below and you
• Carry Bag have made your purchase point with the pick hammer.
• Instruction Manual Insert The Beluga crushing blade in the hole, press the shoe of the
cutter firmly against the glass. With one hand guiding the cutting
head and one hand operating the drill start your drill and gently
CAUTION— CAUTION—CAUTION guide The Beluga Cutter through the glass following your mapped
out line.
Always wear personal protective equipment
(PPE), including but not limited to: As you cut along the roof line or dashboard of the windshield, an-
ticipate making the 90 degree turn in advance and begin guiding
• Certified Safety Glasses the tool in that direction.
• Certified Extrication Gloves Caution: Do not operate The Drill without hold-
• Certified Tech Rescue Turnout Gear ing The Beluga Cutter head firmly in your hand.
• Certified N95 or higher respiratory protection
Operation of the drill without holding the cutter
• Certified Steel Toe EMS boots
head will cause the cutter head to spin and possi-
Protect your eyes and lungs from glass chips and dust. Protect bly dislodge from your drill.
your skin and hands from sharp edges. Protect your feet from
Once The Beluga is firmly placed on the windshield, it is only nec-
falling glass and slippery conditions.
essary to hold the Beluga Cutting Head to navigate your turns.
Always remember you are working with glass, heed all depart-
mental (SOP’s) and necessary precautions to protect yourself
and your patient from the dangers of broken glass, glass chips
and glass dust.
Pick Hammer Size Up
The pick hammer is included in the Beluga Kit to assist you in As with any auto extrication, size up the situation when you ar-
making a purchase point (hole) in the glass. This hole will be rive at the scene and work with your officers to determine the
your starting point and ending point. best cause of action.
The best place to make this hole is in the top or lower portion of If it is determined that removing the windshield by cutting it out
the windshield near the edge. Make the hole where it will in- will assist in the safe removal of your patient, take the following
tersect with the line you plan to cut in the glass. precautions.
WARNING: Before making the purchase hole Don ANSI Approved Tech Rescue turnout gear, including, ap-
proved helmet, extrication gloves, eye protection and wear ap-
don your approved turnout gear and goggles, proved boots. Have a partner ready to support the glass with
cover and protect your patient. their gloved hands, pike poles, Halligans or any other chocking
Place the pick side of the hammer on the glass where you wish Do not rely
device you feel is safe under the conditions.
to make the starting hole. Lift the hammer about 12” and drive on the suction cups alone to hold the glass.
it into the glass. Once the hammer is imbedded in the wind-
shield, twist it back and forth to increase the hole size and then Cover your patient with an approved extrication blanket to pro-
pull out the hammer. tect them from glass dust and chips. The Beluga’s Cutter blade
design limits glass dust in the vehicle compartment but does
Do not overdue the downward pressure as this hammer is not eliminate it. Take all necessary precautions to protect
quite efficient. Too much downward thrust will cause you to your patient from the dangerous by products of broken glass,
make a much larger hole than desired. glass chips and glass dust.
Before Cutting: Map out your cutting line. Know in advance where you want to
• Don your protective gear. cut the glass so you can remove the glass in one sweep. Make
• Cover your patient to protect them from glass chips and sure your cutting lines will not interfere with the patient or in-
dust. ternal obstacles.
• Plan your cutting path.
You can get very close to the dashboard, A-Post and Roof with
• Have your partners stand by to chock and support the glass.
the Beluga Cutter as it inserts into the glass less than 1.0” and
• Clean the windshield and attach suction cups testing for
firmness of grip. only reciprocates 3/8” upwards.
Suction Cups Power Head—Driver
There are two 4.5” 65lb capacity suction cups included in The The Beluga Cutting Kit is unique in the industry. It is not provided
Beluga Kit. with a power tool, but one is required to operate the system.
IMPORTANT: Choose a good quality battery operated 3/8” drill or 1/4” impact
driver. Look for a battery driven tool that has a operating voltage
The suction cups are provided only as a convenience to assist of at least 19VDC. Your industrial tool supplier or home center has
the operators in handling the glass, once cut. Support the glass many brands to choose from.
with a pike pole, Halligan or other device to keep the glass from
falling into the passenger compartment when cut.
Before installing the suction cups, wipe the glass clean of dust
Connecting the Beluga to your
and debris, clean and inspect the suction cups for dirt, debris
and cracks in the rubber. Check that there are no cracks in the
drill or impact driver.
glass where you plan on putting the suction cups. Dirt, Dust,
Glass Chips and Cracks will work together to loosen the vacuum The Beluga Tool comes standard with a 1/4” locking hex type shaft.
on the suction cup and render it useless. Firmly press the clean This can be attached to a standard 3/8” Drill Chuck or directly to a
suction cup on clean non-cracked glass and squeeze the suction 1/4” female locking hex adaptor. If using a 3/8” drill be sure to fix
cup handle closed. Pull on the handle to check for tightness. the three chuck jaws on the flats and tighten the chuck securely.
Any battery operated drill or Impact driver will work. Best results
Warning Suction cups can fail unexpectedly and
are with a smooth operating drill. If you have a hammer drill, oper-
cause the glass to drop without warning. DO ate The Beluga off “Hammer Mode” Variable speed drills are ideal.
NOT USE SUCTION CUPS TO CARRY THE GLASS WARNING: Failure to align the chuck on the flats and tighten
Use the suction cups only to assist the operators the securely will cause the shaft of The Beluga Cutting Tool to score
and eventually round out. This is not a warranty !
in handling the glass during the cut. Never rely
on the suction cups alone to carry the glass or WARNING: Do not rotate the drill without holding the Beluga
Tool from spinning. The tool is not balanced, running the drill mo-
hold it in place. Always protect your patient(s)
tor without holding the Beluga Head from spinning can cause the
and yourself from falling glass. chuck to loosen and dislodge the Beluga Head from the chuck.