Global City
Global City
Global City
The Honourable Secretary / Chairman,
H Bld. 23 to 26, Global City
Near Yazu Park
Virar - W
Contact No:-
Sub: Quotation for providing Termite Treatment to the Common Areas of Society
Dear Sir,
This has reference to the subsequent discussion to your above site and the we had with you regarding the
subject cited above.
We are glad to inform you that Our TOTAL PEST CONTROL COMPANY has successfully completed 10
years in providing pest control service in your locality. As we have lots of other societies on our board of
customer we will feel more lucky if you provide us an opportunity to serve you also and bring you on our board of
customer too .TOTAL PEST CONTROL is introducing its Pest Management Services to your for the first time we
are pleased to inform you that we have worked out a very cost effective proposal on an Annual contract basis
without compromising on the quality of our services which you will experience in the near future.
As TOTAL PEST CONTROL is introducing its Pest Management Services to your for the first time we are
pleased to inform you that we have worked out a very cost effective proposal on an Annual contract basis without
compromising on the quality of our services which you will experience in the near future.
These specifications have been formulated for all types of structures with RCC foundations or with load bearing
walled foundations. The principle of the treatment is to create a chemical barrier below and around the building to
deny entry to termites into the building. The stages of the treatment are mentioned below.
Stage – 1: Treatment to wall and floor junction:
Holes of 12mm dia 30 cms apart will be drilled along the inner junction of wall and floor in the entire ground floor
premises only. Chemical emulsion will be injected under pressure into these holes, to create a barrier against
termites. If the building is on stilts, holes shall be drilled along the column sides at ground level. This treatment
will not be carried out in the outer wall of basement since it will damage the water proofing. Interior walls of
basement will be treated at skirting level only.
If the cracks are noticed on the floor because of construction joints, expansion joints or shrinkage, the soil below
floor needs to be treated. Holes of 12 mm dia 30 cms apart will be drilled along the cracks only and chemical
emulsion will be injected.
Holes of 12 mm dia will be drilled at the base of wooden members such as window frames, door frames inset in
the flooring and chemical emulsion will be injected. This treatment will be done on all floors (except
basement/terrace). An oil-based chemical will be sprayed on all the woodwork infested by termites within the
Visible shelter mud tubes will be removed and the infested area treated with our chemical emulsion. This
treatment will be done on all floors.
Trenching or drilling holes along the external walls of the building (similar to stage-1 of the specifications) will be
carried out to create a chemical barrier around the building. This stage of treatment is done when entire building
premise is under treatment.
The chemicals are the recommended chemicals for termite control in buildings by IS Code 6313 (Part III)
Essential requirements and general conditions of post – construction
Anti-termite treatment.
1. To facilitate the treatment along the junctions of wall and floor, it is required to shift the furniture and the
carpet to be rolled to leave at least 2 feet clear space from the walls.
2. Our technicians have instructions not to handle owners’ property. Shifting or removing your property
should be handled by your representative.
3. Before commencement of work, we require to have details of electric, telephone cables, water lines,
conduits or any other service lines concealed in floor/wall to avoid damage during drilling operations. We
shall not be held responsible in any inadvertent damage caused to the above due to non-availability of the
details as necessary.
4. Necessary arrangements for a carpenter / electrician to be made by the customer in order to treat infested
areas behind fixed furniture or in concealed electrical wiring.
5. Nominal electricity and water to be provided free of cost to carry out drilling and spraying operations.
6. To facilitate the treatment at roof level, if needed, we request you to provide a ladder or adjustable stool
and to remove false ceiling at random / or completely.
7. During the course of our treatment, there will be some noise of the drill machine and slight odours of the
chemical. Infants and aged or any person having breathing problems or sensitive to chemicals should avoid
being present in the premises during the treatment.
8. Do not touch or let pets touch treated surfaces until surfaces are dry.
11. Customers are advised to avail of the services as per the schedule mutually fixed. As non-availability of the
area for no fault of ours, no pro-rata refund / adjustment in bills will be permitted also possibility of
reinfestation cannot be ruled out.
12. This treatment does not give protection against drywood termites and powder post beetles.
14. Warranty Certificate issued shall be to certify that the said structure will be free from termite infestation. In
the unlikely event of any subterranean termite infestation during the warranty period, we shall carry out such
treatment as may be necessary to control the infestation at no extra cost to the owner
Our charges for providing the above said services would be:
1 Year Warranty
Termite Treatment
( 1st Drilling ) ( 1st Drilling 3 Check-up
Rs.45,000/ AI-