VAS Valimaki2006
VAS Valimaki2006
VAS Valimaki2006
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2 authors, including:
Vesa Välimäki
Aalto University
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Virtual analog synthesis refers to computational derstood, because imitating analog electronics with
methods that imitate the sound production prin- digital processing is not as easy as it may seem. One
ciples used in electronic music synthesizers of the problem is aliasing caused by sampling of analog
1960s and 1970s. In practice, it means digital sub- waveforms that have rapid changes. The spectra of
tractive synthesis. In this paper, we introduce new such waveforms contain infinitely high frequencies,
methods to generate digital versions of classical and the signals are thus not band-limited. Another
analog waveforms with reduced aliasing. We also difficulty is that analog filters do not obey simple
propose modifications to the digital nonlinear linear theory. With high signal levels they generate
model of the Moog ladder filter. These virtual ana- distortion. This does not naturally occur in digital
log synthesis techniques enable the production of processing, but it must be designed and implemented
retro sounds with modern computers. on purpose (Rossum 1992; Huovilainen 2004).
In this paper, we discuss new versions of oscilla-
tor and resonant filtering algorithms that can sound
Introduction like old analog synthesizers. Computationally very
efficient oscillator algorithms not requiring wave-
Virtual analog synthesis refers to computational tables and having reduced aliasing distortion are
simulation of the sound generation principles of proposed for classical waveforms used in subtrac-
analog synthesizers of the 1960s and 1970s. In prac- tive synthesis. These algorithms are modifications
tice, it means digital subtractive synthesis. The ba- and extensions of the digital sawtooth waveform
sic principle in subtractive synthesis is, first, to algorithm based on the differentiated parabolic
generate a signal with rich spectral content, and wave (DPW) proposed recently by Välimäki (2005).
then to filter that signal with a time-varying reso- A new digital resonant filter structure is also pro-
nant filter. posed for subtractive synthesis. It is a modified ver-
Virtual analog synthesis became a popular com- sion of the nonlinear digital Moog ladder filter
mercial term around 1995, when Clavia introduced introduced previously by Huovilainen (2004). The
the Nord Lead 1 synthesizer, which was marketed new structure reduces the computational cost of
as an analog-sounding digital synthesizer that uses the nonlinear digital Moog filter by using a single
no samples (Clavia 2002). Instead, all sounds were nonlinearity instead of five nonlinear functions in-
generated by simulating analog subtractive synthe- side filter sections. The new digital Moog filter
sis. Previously, the Roland D-50 synthesizer of the structure also decouples fairly well the cutoff and
late 1980s worked in a similar way, although it con- the resonance parameters and offers several response
tained sampled sounds. An early example of an at- types by selecting a weighted sum of different out-
tempt to design a digital synthesizer that sounds put points.
analog was Synergy (Kaplan 1981).
Design and implementation of digital subtractive
synthesis are more demanding than is generally un- Analog Subtractive Synthesis
This paper is a revised and extended version of the paper “New The electronic music modules introduced by Rob-
approaches to digital subtractive synthesis” that was published ert A. Moog in the mid-1960s are one of the most
at the 2005 International Computer Music Conference, important innovations in music technology (Moog
Barcelona, Spain, September 2005.
1965). A few years later, his company introduced
Computer Music Journal, 30:2, pp. 19–31, Summer 2006 products where the various modules, such as oscil-
© 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. lators, filters, and amplifiers, were integrated into a
Figure 3
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 4
The waveform produced by the bipolar modulo Raising the signal to the second power modifies
counter resembles the sawtooth waveform, as seen the waveform so that it now consists of parabola seg-
in Figure 4a, but it sounds badly distorted. The rea- ments, which form the unipolar, non-negative signal
son is that its spectrum decays slowly, about 6 dB shown in Figure 4c. The spectrum of this waveform
per octave. When it is sampled, the spectral compo- decays at about 12 dB per octave, and this is why
nents above the Nyquist limit are mirrored down to aliasing is reduced in Figure 4d (Välimäki 2005). Fi-
the audible frequencies. This is clearly seen in Fig- nally, when the piecewise parabolic signal is differ-
ure 4b, where the desired harmonics are indicated entiated and scaled, the signal again looks like the
by circles and the rest of the peaks are aliased im- sawtooth waveform, see Figure 4e, but the aliased
ages. This signal is called the trivial sawtooth wave. components are suppressed, as seen in Figure 4f.
(a) (a)
(a) (a)
Figure 10
(b) (a)
(c) (b)
(d) (c)
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
Figure 12 Figure 13
The block diagram of the proposed algorithm is spectra of the trivial and DPW-based triangular
shown in Figure 10. A bipolar modulo counter is waveforms. It is seen in Figures 12a and 12c that the
used, where the fundamental frequency is twice difference between these two waveforms is micro-
that of the desired triangular signal. This initial scopic, apart from the initial transient in Figure 12c,
waveform, which is equivalent to the trivial saw- which lasts for one sample when the first-order FIR
tooth signal, is shown in Figure 11a. After squaring differentiator is used. Nevertheless, the spectra
the initial waveform, it must be turned upside given in Figure 13a and Figure 13c are quite differ-
down by subtracting it from one (see Figure 11b). ent: the level of the aliased components is much re-
The signal is modulated by a (trivial) square wave duced at low frequencies in Figure 13c. Figure 12b
with the fundamental frequency 2f0 (see Figure 11b, shows the bipolar parabolic signal, whose spectrum
open circles) to produce a piecewise parabolic wave- is given in Figure 13b. It can be noticed that the
form of the desired type (see Figure 11c). The square spectrum of this signal decays fast with frequency,
waveform must be phase-locked to the bipolar mod- about –18 dB per octave. This is why aliasing is less
ulo counter; this is easy by toggling the sign of the severe than in the case of the trivial triangular
square waveform when the counter reaches +1. Fi- wave. It can also be noted that the triangular wave
nally, the resulting bipolar piecewise parabolic approximation (see Figure 12c) is perfectly symmet-
waveform is differentiated and scaled to obtain a tri- ric above and below the zero level. Thus, its spectrum
angular waveform with reduced aliasing, which is (see Figure 13c) is free of even harmonics, which are
presented in Figure 11d. not well suppressed in some other triangular wave-
Figures 12 and 13 compare the wave shapes and form approximations.
controlled (Curtis Electromusic Specialties 1984). A both the input waveform and the distortion func-
value of 1.0 for the Gcomp parameter in Figure 16 tion are symmetric. The difference almost disap-
keeps the pass-band gain constant. This, however, pears when the resonance parameter is increased.
results in a large increase of the output amplitude This can be attributed to the negative feedback em-
as the resonance is increased. To maintain the over- ployed to produce the resonance peak. As soon as
all level approximately constant, the value of the the pass-band gain compensation is used, the differ-
Gcomp parameter should be set to 0.5, resulting in a ence is restored. The simplified Moog model of
6-dB pass-band gain decrease at the maximum reso- Figure 16 therefore seems best suited for uses where
nance (compared to a 12-dB decrease in the original a large overdrive is not demanded. The simple non-
Moog model). linearity still limits the amplitude when a very
Figures 17 and 18 compare the two models for high resonance amount or the self-oscillation
210-Hz sinusoidal and sawtooth inputs using mod- mode is used.
erate overdrive. The input peak-to-peak amplitude Another improvement to the original Moog model
is 2.0 for the full model and 1.0 for the simplified is the addition of various frequency response modes
model in order to visually match their behavior. besides the original 24-dB/oct low-pass filter mode.
The output signals have been normalized to ease This can be easily achieved by mixing the outputs of
the comparison. The difference is clearly visible the individual sections with different weights. The
in the sine wave when the cutoff is much above the concept was pioneered in the Oberheim Xpander
input frequency. For the sawtooth wave the differ- and Matrix-12 synthesizers (Oberheim 1984), but it
ence is smaller. An interesting effect is the asym- was not widely used due to the large number of re-
metric output shape in the full model even though quired components and the need for precision resis-
Table 1. Examples of Weighting Coefficient Values Figure 19 shows examples of four-pole low-pass,
for Typical Magnitude Response Types That Can Be two-pole low-pass, and two-pole high-pass filter re-
Obtained with the Filter Structure of Figure 16. sponses produced by the filter structure of Figure
16. More examples of responses as well as the equa-
Filter Type A B C D E
tions for deriving the coefficients are available else-
Two-pole low-pass 0 0 1 0 0 where (Oberheim 1984). The filter response shapes
Four-pole low-pass 0 0 0 0 1 remain relatively constant independent of the cutoff
Two-pole band-pass 0 2 –2 0 0 frequency, but the amplitude falls as the cutoff fre-
Four-pole band-pass 0 0 4 –8 4 quency is increased. The drop depends on the re-
Two-pole high-pass 1 –2 1 0 0 sponse used but can be readily compensated using a
Four-pole high-pass 1 –4 6 –4 1
polynomial gain correction. For most responses, a
simple linear correction will be sufficient.
cently proposed method is probably the simplest Valkonen of VLSI Solution Oy (Tampere, Finland)
useful technique for this purpose, because only the for helpful discussions.
trivial sawtooth is simpler, which is practically use-
less due to its heavy aliasing. In this paper we pro-
posed an alternative differentiator for the DPW References
algorithm that suppresses high frequencies to avoid
audible artifacts. We introduced methods to pro- Brandt, E. 2001. “Hard Sync without Aliasing.” Proceed-
duce pulse and triangular waveforms based on the ings of the 2001 International Computer Music Confer-
parabolic waveform. ence. San Fransisco: International Computer Music
The new nonlinear model of the Moog ladder fil- Association.
ter is based on a cascade of four first-order IIR filters hardsync.html
Burk, P. 2004. “Band Limited Oscillators Using Wave Table
and a memoryless nonlinearity within a feedback
Synthesis.” In Audio Anecdotes II—Tools, Tips, and
loop. The proposed new Moog filter structure has Techniques for Digital Audio, pp. 37–53. Eds. K. Greene-
nice advantages, such as a smaller computational baum and R. Barzel. Wellesley, MA: A. K. Peters, Ltd.
cost than that of a recently proposed nonlinear filter Chamberlin, H. 1985. Musical Applications of Micro-
structure, the adequate decoupling of the cutoff fre- processors, 2nd Ed., Hayden Book Company.
quency and the resonance parameters, and the pos- Chaudhary, A. 1998. “Bandlimited Simulation of Analog
sibility to obtain various types of filter responses by Synthesizer Modules by Additive Synthesis.” Proceed-
selecting a weighted sum of different output points. ings of the Audio Engineering Society 105th Conven-
The proposed methods allow the synthesis of retro tion, paper no. 4779, San Francisco, CA: Audio
sounds with a modern computer. Engineering Society.
Clavia DMI AB. 2002. “The Virtual Analog Concept.”
Curtis Electromusic Specialties. 1984. “CEM 3328 four
Acknowledgments pole low-pass VCF.”
This work has been financed partly by the Academy Huovilainen, A. 2004. “Nonlinear Digital Implementa-
of Finland (project no. 104934, “Control, Analysis, tion of the Moog Ladder Filter.” Proceedings of the In-
and Parametric Synthesis of Audio Signals”). The ternational Conference on Digital Audio Effects.
authors are grateful to Teppo Karema and Tomi Naples, Italy, pp. 61–64.