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40. abstain v. To keep oneself back (from doing 56. accessible adj. Approachable.
57. accession n. Induction or elevation, as to
using something).
dignity, office, or government.
41. abstemious adj. Characterized by self denial
58. accessory n. A person or thing that aids the
principal agent.
abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.
59. acclaim v. To utter with a shout.
42. abstinence n. Self denial.
60. accommodate v. To furnish something as a
43. abstruse adj. Dealing with matters difficult
to kindness or favor.
be understood. 61. accompaniment n. A subordinate part or
44. absurd adj. Inconsistent with reason or
enriching or supporting the leading part.
common sense.
62. accompanist n. One who or that which
45. abundant adj. Plentiful.
46. abusive adj. Employing harsh words or ill
63. accompany v. To go with, or be associated
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with, as a companion. 80. acetate n. A salt of acetic acid.
64. accomplice n. An associate in wrong-doing. 81. acetic adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature
65. accomplish v. To bring to pass.
66. accordion n. A portable free-reed musical
82. ache v. To be in pain or distress.
83. Achillean adj. Invulnerable.
67. accost v. To speak to.
84. achromatic adj. Colorless,
68. account n. A record or statement of receipts
85. acid n. A sour substance.
and expenditures, or of business transactions.
86. acidify v. To change into acid.
69. accouter v. To dress.
87. acknowledge v. To recognize; to admit the
70. accredit v. To give credit or authority to.
genuineness or validity of.
71. accumulate v. To become greater in
quantity 88. acknowledgment n. Recognition.
72. accuracy n. Exactness. 90. acoustic adj. Pertaining to the act or sense
73. accurate adj. Conforming exactly to truth or
to hearing.
74. accursed adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or 92. acquiesce v. To comply; submit.
76. accusatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or own, usually by effort or labor.
96. acquit v. To free or clear, as from
an accusation. accusation.
77. accuse v. To charge with wrong doing, 97. acquittal n. A discharge from accusation by
78. accustom v. To make familiar by use. 98. acquittance n. Release or discharge from
101. acrimonious adj. Full of bitterness. 117. adieu inter. Good-by; farewell.
103. actionable adj. Affording cause for 119. adjacent n. That which is near or
insurance company, who calculates and states connected with another thing, but holding a
108. acute adj. Having fine and penetrating 125. admissible adj. Having the right or
112. adduce v. To bring forward or name for 130. adoration n. Profound devotion.
any important change, event, state, or 152. affirmative adj. Answering yes; to a
139. advertiser n. One who advertises, 155. affront n. An open insult or indignity.
of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court. 159. afresh adv. Once more, after rest or
144. aeronaut n. One who navigates the air, later than its appropriate or expected time.
apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. 163. aggravate v. To make heavier, worse,
pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, 164. aggravation n. The fact of being made
168. aggrieve v. To give grief or sorrow to. colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and
170. agile adj. Able to move or act quickly, from the inordinate or persistent use of
171. agitate v. To move or excite (the 185. alcove n. A covered recess connected
172. agrarian adj. Pertaining to land, 186. alder n. Any shrub or small tree of the
receives and transmits the orders of the legislative body, who usually exercises also
179. albeit conj. Even though. 191. alienable adj. Capable of being aliened
skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil 192. alienate v. To cause to turn away.
181. album n. A book whose leaves are so 194. aliment n. That which nourishes.
made to form paper frames for holding 195. alkali n. Anything that will neutralize
the intensity of; mitigate. 210. altar n. Any raised place or structure
197. allege v. To assert to be true, especially on which sacrifices may be offered or incense
198. allegory n. The setting forth of a 211. alter v. To make change in.
subject under the guise of another subject of 212. alteration n. Change or modification.
200. alley n. A narrow street, garden path, of another, in case of the absence or incapacity
201. alliance n. Any combination or union 215. alternative n. Something that may or
for some common purpose. must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead
208. almanac n. A series of tables giving the 221. amalgamate v. To mix or blend
209. aloof adv. Not in sympathy with or occupation for the love of it, but not as a
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profession. 238. amour n. A love-affair, especially one
224. ambidextrous adj. Having the ability of 239. ampere n. The practical unit of
225. ambiguous adj. Having a double 240. ampersand n. The character &; and.
227. ambrosial adj. Divinely sweet, shape, constructed about a central open space
230. ambush n. The act or state of lying limb or some portion of the body.
231. ameliorate v. To relieve, as from pain existing out of its proper time.
232. amenable adj. Willing and ready to phrase so transposed as to make a different
which an English word or phrase is used in the some other) in certain respects, as in form,
234. amicable adj. Done in a friendly spirit. 250. analogy n. Reasoning in which from
of government. censure.
257. anecdote n. A brief account of some 275. annex v. To add or affix at the end.
259. anemic adj. Affected with anemia. 278. annual adj. Occurring every year.
262. anew adv. Once more. which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or
265. Anglo-Saxon n. The entire English race 283. antagonism n. Mutual opposition or
266. angular adj. Sharp-cornered. 284. Antarctic adj. Pertaining to the south
268. animadversion n. The utterance of 285. ante v. In the game of poker, to put up
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a stake before the cards are dealt. 301. Antichrist n. Any opponent or enemy
287. antecedent n. One who or that which 302. anticlimax n. A gradual or sudden
earlier than the actual one. 304. antidote n. Anything that will
the times, things, events before the great flood disease, or the like.
292. antemundane adj. Pertaining to time 306. antipathize v. To show or feel a feeling
and opening into another, usually larger. 309. antipodes n. A place or region on the
from the writings of various authors. 310. antiquary n. One who collects and
297. anthracite n. Hard coal. examines old things, as coins, books, medals,
person) in the name of the law. street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc.,
347. appropriate adj. Suitable for the 361. archangel n. An angel of high rank.
349. aqueous adj. Of, pertaining to, or administrator of the affairs of a diocese.
350. arbiter n. One chosen or appointed, by anthropology concerned with the systematic
351. arbitrary adj. Fixed or done 366. archipelago n. Any large body of water
355. arborescent adj. Having the nature of 370. aristocracy n. A hereditary nobility
376. arraign v. To call into court, as a person 392. ascetic adj. Given to severe self-denial
indicted for crime, and demand whether he and practicing excessive abstinence and
order. attribute.
378. arrangement n. The act of putting in 394. asexual adj. Having no distinct sexual
380. arrear n. Something overdue and 396. askance adv. With a side or indirect
or destination. temper.
382. arrogant adj. Unduly or excessively 398. aspirant n. One who seeks earnestly,
383. arrogate v. To take, demand, or claim, 399. aspiration n. An earnest wish for that
384. Artesian well n. A very deep bored wish, or longing, as for something high and
well. water rises due to underground pressure good, not yet attained.
385. artful adj. Characterized by craft or 401. assailant n. One who attacks.
Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British 403. assassinate v. To kill, as by surprise or
390. ascension n. The act of rising. 405. assay n. The chemical analysis or
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testing of an alloy ore. 420. athirst adj. Wanting water.
406. assent v. To express agreement with a 421. athwart adv. From side to side.
407. assess v. To determine the amount of a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection,
408. assessor n. An officer whose duty it is 423. atone v. To make amends for.
409. assets n. pl. Property in general, expiation made from wrong or injury.
act for another in the management of certain 427. attache n. A subordinate member of a
439. aural adj. Of or pertaining to the ear. 455. autopsy n. The examination of a dead
440. auricle n. One of the two chambers of body by dissection to ascertain the cause of
ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing. 457. auxiliary n. One who or that which aids
the upper regions of the atmosphere. 458. avalanche n. The fall or sliding of a
445. austere adj. Severely simple; 459. avarice n. Passion for getting and
448. authenticity n. The state or quality of 462. aversion n. A mental condition of fixed
being genuine, or of the origin and authorship opposition to or dislike of some particular
claimed. thing.
449. autobiography n. The story of one's life 463. avert v. To turn away or aside.
452. automaton n. Any living being whose 468. awaken v. To arouse, as emotion,
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interest, or the like. atmospheric pressure.
469. awry adv. & adj. Out of the proper 486. barometer n. An instrument for
472. azure n. The color of the sky. 488. baritone adj. Having a register higher
473. Baconian adj. Of or pertaining to Lord than bass and lower than tenor.
Bacon or his system of philosophy. 489. bask v. To make warm by genial heat.
477. bailiff n. An officer of court having 492. baton n. An official staff borne either
woolen fabric used for table-covers, curtains, 493. battalion n. A body of infantry
480. baleful adj. Malignant. 495. batter n. A thick liquid mixture of two
481. ballad n. Any popular narrative poem, or more materials beaten together, to be used
aromatic and oily, used for healing. 498. beatify v. To make supremely happy.
registers graphically and continuously the 502. beck v. To give a signal to, by nod or
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gesture. 520. benefactor n. A doer of kindly and
504. bedeck v. To cover with ornament. with funds or property for the maintenance of
510. belate v. To delay past the proper 526. benevolence n. Any act of kindness or
hour. well-doing.
511. belay v. To make fast, as a rope, by 527. benevolent adj. Loving others and
512. belie v. To misrepresent. 528. benign adj. Good and kind of heart.
513. believe v. To accept as true on the 529. benignant adj. Benevolent in feeling,
oily or sticky substance. 555. bigamist n. One who has two spouses
539. bestrew v. To sprinkle or cover with 556. bigamy n. The crime of marrying any
540. bestride v. To get or sit upon astride, 557. bight n. A slightly receding bay
543. betimes adv. In good season or time. 559. bilingual adj. Speaking two languages.
546. bevel n. Any inclination of two surfaces 561. biography n. A written account of
547. bewilder v. To confuse the perceptions 562. biology n. The science of life or living
548. bibliomania n. The passion for 563. biped n. An animal having two feet.
author, or the literature bearing on a particular 565. bitterness n. Acridity, as to the taste.
550. bibliophile n. One who loves books. 567. blaspheme v. To indulge in profane
leaves and roots the first year and flowers and 569. blaze n. A vivid glowing flame.
two handles at each end for carrying a corpse 571. bleak adj. Desolate.
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572. blemish n. A mark that mars beauty. 588. boorish adj. Rude.
576. boatswain n. A subordinate officer of a 591. bosom n. The breast or the upper front
vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, of the thorax of a human being, especially of a
577. bodice n. A women's ornamental 592. botanical adj. Connected with the
579. boisterous adj. Unchecked merriment 594. botany n. The science that treats of
580. bole n. The trunk or body of a tree. 595. bountiful adj. Showing abundance.
582. boll n. A round pod or seed-capsule, as 597. bowler n. In cricket, the player who
585. bombard v. To assail with any missile 601. brandish v. To wave, shake, or flourish
language, especially on unimportant subjects. 604. bray n. A loud harsh sound, as the cry
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of an ass or the blast of a horn. 620. Britannia n. The United Kingdom of
606. brazier n. An open pan or basin for characteristic of Great Britain or the British.
607. breach n. The violation of official duty, 623. broach v. To mention, for the first
608. breaker n. One who trains horses, 624. broadcast adj. Disseminated far and
brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or of English, especially that of the Irish people.
667. calculable adj. That may be estimated 680. canary adj. Of a bright but delicate
by reckoning. yellow.
various parts of the body resembling a pebble 682. candor n. The quality of frankness or
in hardness. outspokenness.
669. callosity n. The state of being hard and 683. canine adj. Characteristic of a dog.
670. callow adj. Without experience of the 685. cant v. To talk in a singsong, preaching
raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 687. canto n. One of the divisions of an
673. Calvary n. The place where Christ was district in which the troops are quartered.
674. Calvinism n. The system of doctrine 690. capillary n. A minute vessel having
675. Calvinize v. To teach or imbue with the 691. capitulate v. To surrender or stipulate
696. carcass n. The dead body of an animal. 713. cataract n. Opacity of the lens of the
697. cardiac adj. Pertaining to the heart. eye resulting in complete or partial blindness.
698. cardinal adj. Of prime or special 714. catastrophe n. Any great and sudden
699. caret n. A sign (^) placed below a line, 715. cathode n. The negative pole or
700. caricature n. a picture or description in and practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
or distorted. acceptance.
702. carnal adj. Sensual. consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used
703. carnivorous adj. Eating or living on for flogging in the army and navy.
705. carrion n. Dead and putrefying flesh. 720. causal adj. Indicating or expressing a
707. cartridge n. A charge for a firearm, or 722. cauterize v. To burn or sear as with a
708. caste n. The division of society on 723. cede v. To pass title to.
one hundred infantry in the ancient Roman 746. chastity n. Sexual or moral purity.
731. cereal adj. Pertaining to edible grain or 748. chattel n. Any article of personal
outward form or ceremony. 750. chiffon n. A very thin gauze used for
736. chagrin n. Keen vexation, annoyance, 753. choleric adj. Easily provoked to anger.
or mortification, as at one's failures or errors. 754. choral adj. Pertaining to, intended for,
distinguished from a common-law court. 757. Christendom n. That part of the world
739. chaos n. Any condition of which the where Christianity is generally professed.
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758. chromatic adj. Belonging, relating to, 774. clandestine adj. Surreptitious.
759. chronology n. The science that treats arms, chains, or bells; clamor.
763. circumference n. The boundary-line of proper authorities that a vessel has complied
765. circumnavigate v. To sail quite around. 782. close-hauled adj. Having the sails set
766. circumscribe v. To confine within for sailing as close to the wind as possible.
770. claimant n. One who makes a claim or 786. coagulant adj. Producing coagulation.
demand. mass.
revoking, or explaining in the body of a will. 807. collective adj. Consisting of a number
793. coercive adj. Serving or tending to collection, as of objects of art, books, or the
force. like.
794. cogent adj. Appealing strongly to the 809. collegian n. A college student.
795. cognate adj. Akin. 811. collier n. One who works in a coalmine.
799. cohesive adj. Having the property of 814. colloquialism n. Form of speech used
805. collapsible adj. That may or can or explanatory notes on any important work.
army charged with the provision of its food and 841. complaisance n. Politeness.
827. committal n. The act, fact, or result of 846. complicate v. To make complex,
rivalry. content.
871. conclusive adj. Sufficient to convince 888. confederate n. One who is united with
876. concurrent adj. Occurring or acting 892. confidant n. One to whom secrets are
together. entrusted.
897. confiscate v. To appropriate (private 914. conjugate adj. Joined together in pairs.
property) as forfeited to the public use or 915. conjugation n. The state or condition
many buildings, a forest, or the like. joined together, or the things so joined.
900. confluent n. A stream that unites with especially one with thorough knowledge and
909. congregate v. To bring together into a 926. conscript v. To force into military
crowd. service.
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927. consecrate v. To set apart as sacred. 944. conspire v. To plot.
932. conservatory n. An institution for 949. constituent n. One who has the right to
934. consignee n. A person to whom goods reside in a foreign city, chiefly to represent his
935. consignor n. One who entrusts. 952. consulate n. The place in which a
939. consonance n. The state or quality of as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up,
940. consonant adj. Being in agreement or 955. consumptive adj. Designed for gradual
943. conspirator n. One who agrees with 957. contagious adj. Transmitting disease.
occurring, or existing at the same time. opposite of that which has been said.
961. contemporary adj. Living or existing at 977. contradictory adj. Inconsistent with
964. contender n. One who exerts oneself 980. contribution n. The act of giving for a
966. contiguous adj. Touching or joining at furnishes, in common with others, for a
967. continence n. Self-restraint with 982. contrite adj. Broken in spirit because
form. authority.
975. contraband n. Trade forbidden by law 989. contuse v. To bruise by a blow, either
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with or without the breaking of the skin. winding motion.
sickness. transportation.
progressive restoration to health and strength 1008. convulsion n. A violent and abnormal
997. convergent adj. Tending to one point. obviously from another that it requires little
999. conversion n. Change from one state 1014. coronation n. The act or ceremony of
1000. convertible adj. Interchangeable. according to its form, various degrees of noble
1001. convex adj. Curving like the segment rank less than sovereign.
of the globe or of the surface of a circle. 1016. corporal adj. Belonging or relating to
1002. conveyance n. That by which anything the body as opposed to the mind.
1005. convolve v. To move with a circling or 1019. corps n. A number or body of persons
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in some way associated or acting together. geography, and geology.
1022. corpuscle n. A minute particle of 1038. cosmopolitan adj. Common to all the
matter. world.
1024. correlative adj. Mutually involving or 1040. cosmos n. The world or universe
1028. corrode v. To ruin or destroy little by 1042. counteract v. To act in opposition to.
1030. corrosive n. That which causes gradual 1045. counterfeit adj. Made to resemble
1031. corruptible adj. Open to bribery. 1046. counterpart n. Something taken with
1033. cosmetic adj. Pertaining to the art of 1048. counting-house n. A house or office
1036. cosmography n. The science that 1051. course n. Line of motion or direction.
describes the universe, including astronomy, 1052. courser n. A fleet and spirited horse.
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1053. courtesy n. Politeness originating in fundamental points of religious belief.
kindness and exercised habitually. 1070. crematory adj. A place for cremating
into by two or more persons or parties. 1071. crevasse n. A deep crack or fissure in
rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's 1074. critique n. A criticism or critical review.
boat and its crew under an officer. 1075. crockery n. Earthenware made from
especially that part enclosing the brain. 1077. crusade n. Any concerted movement,
1061. crass adj. Coarse or thick in nature or vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or
establishment. shell.
1069. creed n. A formal summary of 1082. cudgel n. A short thick stick used as a
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club. 1101. cynosure n. That to which general
1084. cull v. To pick or sort out from the rest. 1103. darkling adv. Blindly.
1085. culpable adj. Guilty. 1104. Darwinism n. The doctrine that natural
1086. culprit n. A guilty person. selection has been the prime cause of
channel for the passage of water through a 1105. dastard n. A base coward.
1090. curator n. A person having charge as of 1109. dead-heat n. A race in which two or
1092. cursive adj. Writing in which the 1110. dearth n. Scarcity, as of something
1093. cursory adj. Rapid and superficial. 1111. death's-head n. A human skull as a
1097. cycloid adj. Like a circle. 1114. debonair adj. Having gentle or
1099. cynical adj. Exhibiting moral 1115. debut n. A first appearance in society
1100. cynicism n. Contempt for the opinions 1116. decagon n. A figure with ten sides and
1118. decaliter n. A liquid and dry measure of 1137. declamatory adj. A full and formal
1119. decalogue n. The ten commandments. 1138. declarative adj. Containing a formal,
1121. decameter n. A length of ten meters. nouns and adj. to express their different
1123. decapitate v. To behead. 1141. decorous adj. Suitable for the occasion
1125. decasyllable n. A line of ten syllables. 1142. decoy n. Anything that allures, or is
1127. deceitful adj. Fraudulent. 1143. decrepit adj. Enfeebled, as by old age
1131. deciduous adj. Falling off at maturity conclusion by reasoning from given premises
1132. decimal adj. Founded on the number 1146. deface v. To mar or disfigure the face
1133. decimate v. To destroy a measurable 1147. defalcate v. To cut off or take away, as
1134. decipher v. To find out the true words 1148. defamation n. Malicious and
or meaning of, as something hardly legible. groundless injury done to the reputation or
1152. defensible adj. Capable of being 1169. degrade v. To take away honors or
1154. defer v. To delay or put off to some 1172. deign v. To deem worthy of notice or
1155. deference n. Respectful submission or 1173. deist n. One who believes in God, but
1158. deficient adj. Not having an adequate 1177. delectable adj. Delightful to the taste
1187. demagnetize v. To deprive (a magnet) united by a common faith and form of worship
1197. demonstrative adj. Inclined to strong 1211. denude v. To strip the covering from.
beyond the specified time of sailing. 1215. deplore v. To regard with grief or
1218. deport v. To take or send away 1236. derive v. To deduce, as from a premise.
1219. deportment n. Demeanor. science which relates to the skin and its
on interrogatories and reduced to writing, for 1238. derrick n. An apparatus for hoisting
1221. depositor n. One who makes a deposit, 1239. descendant n. One who is descended
regret for, with hope for the opposite. 1242. descry v. To discern.
1225. depreciate v. To lessen the worth of. 1243. desert v. To abandon without regard
word is traced from its original root or 1249. desperado n. One without regard for
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law or life. 1267. detrude v. To push down forcibly.
1250. desperate adj. Resorted to in a last 1268. deviate v. To take a different course.
1253. despond v. To lose spirit, courage, or 1271. devious adj. Out of the common or
1256. despotism n. Any severe and strict rule efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or
1261. determinate adj. Definitely limited or 1279. dialect n. Forms of speech collectively
1264. detest v. To dislike or hate with which two or more take part.
1265. detract v. To take away in such manner 1283. diatomic adj. Containing only two
1286. didactic adj. Pertaining to teaching. 1303. diligence n. Careful and persevering
through the system and acting quickly. sovereign state at the capital or court of
1295. dignitary n. One who holds high rank. 1310. diplomatic adj. Characterized by
1297. digress v. To turn aside from the main and shrewd management.
subject and for a time dwell on some incidental 1312. disagree v. To be opposite in opinion.
1299. dilate v. To enlarge in all directions. actually or for the time being.
1300. dilatory adj. Tending to cause delay. 1315. disappoint v. To fail to fulfill the
choice between opposing modes of conduct is 1316. disapprove v. To regard with blame.
for. disfavor.
1325. discernible adj. Perceivable. 1343. discursive adj. Passing from one
1329. disclaim v. To disavow any claim to, 1348. disfigure v. To impair or injure the
1333. disconnect v. To undo or dissolve the 1352. disinfect v. To remove or destroy the
1357. dislocate v. To put out of proper place 1373. disreputable adj. Dishonorable or
or order. disgraceful.
1359. dismount v. To throw down, push off, 1376. disrupt v. To burst or break asunder.
to obey. animal.
1367. displace v. To put out of the proper or 1387. disservice n. An ill turn.
1396. dissonant adj. Harsh or disagreeable in 1410. distrainor n. One who subjects a
alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, or 1412. distrust n. Lack of confidence in the
1398. dissuasion n. The act of changing the 1413. disunion n. Separation of relations or
1405. distillation n. Separation of the more the accustomed course or a line of action
1427. divulge v. To tell or make known, as 1445. domination n. Control by the exercise
1431. doe n. The female of the deer. 1448. donator n. One who makes a donation
authority. is made.
1433. dogmatic adj. Making statements 1450. donor n. One who makes a donation or
1459. dramatist n. One who writes plays. 1478. dyne n. The force which, applied to a
1460. dramatize v. To relate or represent in a mass of one gram for 1 second, would give it a
1461. drastic adj. Acting vigorously. 1479. earnest adj. Ardent in spirit and
when so long continued as to cause vegetation 1480. earthenware n. Anything made of clay
1463. drowsy adj. Heavy with sleepiness. 1481. eatable adj. Edible.
1464. drudgery n. Hard and constant work in 1482. ebullient adj. Showing enthusiasm or
1467. ductile adj. Capable of being drawn 1485. eclipse n. The obstruction of a
out, as into wire or a thread. heavenly body by its entering into the shadow
1470. duplex adj. Having two parts. 1488. ecstatic adj. Enraptured.
1473. duration n. The period of time during proclaimed by authority as a rule of action.
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1491. edify v. To build up, or strengthen, flowery, or a flowery appearance.
written by the editor and published as an exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter.
1496. effective adj. Fit for a destined 1514. egoism n. The theory that places man's
1500. effervesce v. To bubble up. who is constantly telling of his own views and
1502. effete adj. Exhausted, as having 1519. egress n. Any place of exit.
intended effect as shown in the production of 1522. elasticity n. That property of matter by
1506. efficient adj. Having and exercising the passage of an electric current.
part. agitated.
aside. secretly.
1530. Elizabethan adj. Relating to Elizabeth, 1544. emblazon v. To set forth publicly or in
express emotion or feeling in lofty and 1547. embolden v. To give courage to.
1533. elucidate v. To bring out more clearly plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel.
1536. emaciate v. To waste away in flesh. 1551. emergence n. A coming into view.
1537. emanate v. To flow forth or proceed, 1552. emergent adj. Coming into view.
foreign commerce or of any special trade. 1555. emigrate v. To go from one country,
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state, or region for the purpose of settling or 1569. encamp v. To pitch tents for a
residing in another.
1570. encomium n. A formal or
1556. eminence n. An elevated position with
discriminating expression of praise.
respect to rank, place, character, condition,
1571. encompass v. To encircle.
1572. encore n. The call for a repetition, as of
1557. eminent adj. High in station, merit, or
some part of a play or performance.
1573. encourage v. To inspire with courage,
1558. emit v. To send or give out.
hope, or strength of mind.
1559. emphasis n. Any special
1574. encroach v. To invade partially or
impressiveness added to an utterance or act,
insidiously and appropriate the possessions of
or stress laid upon some word.
1560. emphasize v. To articulate or
1575. encumber v. To impede with
enunciate with special impressiveness upon a
word, or a group of words.
1576. encyclical adj. Intended for general
1561. emphatic adj. Spoken with any special
impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set
1577. encyclopedia n. A work containing
of words.
information on subjects, or exhaustive of one
1562. employee n. One who works for wages
or a salary.
1578. endanger v. To expose to peril.
1563. employer n. One who uses or engages
1579. endear v. To cause to be loved.
the services of other persons for pay.
1580. endemic adj. Peculiar to some
1564. emporium n. A bazaar or shop.
specified country or people.
1565. empower v. To delegate authority to.
1581. endue v. To endow with some quality,
1566. emulate v. To imitate with intent to
gift, or grace, usually spiritual.
equal or surpass.
1582. endurable adj. Tolerable.
1567. enact v. To make into law, as by
1583. endurance n. The ability to suffer pain,
legislative act.
distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without
1568. enamor v. To inspire with ardent love.
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1584. energetic adj. Working vigorously. 1607. enthrall v. To bring or hold under any
privilege, especially with the right to vote. intense and rapturous feeling.
1588. engender v. To produce. 1610. enthusiastic adj. Full of zeal and fervor.
1596. enlist v. To enter voluntarily the with a trench or ditch and wall.
1602. enrapture v. To delight extravagantly delicate taste for eating and drinking.
1604. ensnare v. To entrap. 1622. epicycle n. A circle that rolls upon the
1628. epiphany n. Any appearance or bodily 1644. equivocate v. To use words of double
literary work, separable from yet growing out 1646. errant adj. Roving or wandering, as in
1633. epizootic adj. Prevailing among 1652. espy v. To keep close watch.
1658. estuary n. A wide lower part of a tidal 1678. evoke v. To call or summon forth.
1660. eugenic adj. Relating to the 1681. exacerbate v. To make more sharp,
laudation of a person's life or character. 1683. exasperate v. To excite great anger in.
which a phrase less offensive is substituted. quality, value, action, power, skill, etc.
from place to place holding services. 1691. excess n. That which passes the
1674. evert v. To turn inside out. 1692. excitable adj. Nervously high-strung.
1695. exclude v. To shut out purposely or 1713. exhaustible adj. Causing or tending to
from some liability, or restriction affecting 1725. exorbitant adj. Going beyond usual
1712. exhaust v. To empty by draining off the 1727. exotic adj. Foreign.
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1728. expand v. To increase in range or 1744. explode v. To cause to burst in pieces
stretch. outbreak.
1730. expansion n. Increase of amount, size, 1746. explosive adj. Pertaining to a sudden
1731. expatriate v. To drive from one's own 1747. exposition n. Formal presentation.
requirements of a particular case. 1753. extant adj. Still existing and known.
1737. expedite v. To hasten the movement 1755. extempore adv. Without studied or
1738. expeditious adj. Speedy. 1756. extensible adj. Capable of being thrust
1740. expense n. The laying out or expending 1757. extension n. A reaching or stretching
1761. exterior n. That which is outside. border, or that farthest removed from a mean
1763. extinct adj. Being no longer in 1778. extrude v. To drive out or away.
1767. extortion n. The practice of obtaining 1783. facet n. One of the small triangular
1769. extradition n. The surrender by a 1786. facile adj. Not difficult to do.
court. reproduction.
1774. extravagant adj. Needlessly free or mode of reasoning, or anything based on such
1775. extremist n. One who supports 1794. fallible adj. Capable of erring.
extreme measures or holds extreme views. 1795. fallow n. Land broken up and left to
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become mellow or to rest. offenses, and punishable with death or
1798. fancier n. One having a taste for or 1816. fernery n. A place in which ferns are
1799. fanciless adj. Unimaginative. 1817. ferocious adj. Of a wild, fierce, and
1804. faun n. One of a class of deities of the 1821. fervor n. Ardor or intensity of feeling.
woods and herds represented as half human, 1822. festal adj. Joyous.
1809. feint n. Any sham, pretense, or 1827. feudalism n. The feudal system.
1810. felicitate v. To wish joy or happiness of a truncated cone, usually red with a black
happiness. failure.
1812. felon n. A criminal or depraved person. 1830. fickle adj. Unduly changeable in
1833. fiducial adj. Indicative of faith or trust. extravagance and in general by want of good
1837. finality n. The state or quality of being 1855. flexible adj. Pliable.
1838. finally adv. At last. 1857. flippant adj. Having a light, pert,
1840. financier n. One skilled in or occupied 1858. floe n. A collection of tabular masses of
1841. finery n. That which is used to 1859. flora n. The aggregate of plants
1842. finesse n. Subtle contrivance used to 1860. floral adj. Pertaining to flowers.
1844. fiscal adj. Pertaining to the treasury or 1863. fluctuate v. To pass backward and
1848. fixture n. One who or that which is 1865. flue n. A smoke-duct in a chimney.
expected to remain permanently in its 1866. fluent adj. Having a ready or easy flow
1849. flag-officer n. The captain of a flagship. 1867. fluential adj. Pertaining to streams.
1850. flagrant adj. Openly scandalous. 1868. flux n. A state of constant movement,
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change, or renewal. 1886. foreshore n. That part of a shore
1872. foliage n. Any growth of leaves. 1889. forecastle n. That part of the upper
1873. folio n. A sheet of paper folded once, deck of a ship forward of the after foreshrouds.
1874. folk-lore n. The traditions, beliefs, and proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor
1879. foppish adj. Characteristic of one who 1894. forehead n. The upper part of the face,
is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of between the eyes and the hair.
1883. forecourt n. A court opening directly 1898. foreman n. The head man.
of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck. 1902. foresail n. A square sail.
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1903. foresee v. To discern beforehand. 1926. frantic adj. Frenzied.
1913. formula n. Fixed rule or set form. 1934. frequency n. The comparative number
1914. forswear v. To renounce upon oath. of any kind of occurrences within a given time
1916. forth adv. Into notice or view. 1935. fresco n. The art of painting on a
1917. forthright adv. With directness. surface of plaster, particularly on walls and
1920. foursome adj. Consisting of four. 1937. fretful adj. Disposed to peevishness.
1924. fragile adj. Capable of being broken. temperature for preserving fruits, meat, etc.
1925. frankincense n. A gum or resin which 1941. frivolity n. A trifling act, thought,
territory that abuts upon another country. 1964. further adj. More distant or advanced.
1948. frugal adj. Economical. 1966. furtive adj. Stealthy or sly, like the
which a lever rests, or the point about which it 1968. fusible adj. Capable of being melted by
turns. heat.
1953. fulsome adj. Offensive from excess of 1970. futurist n. A person of expectant
1954. fumigate v. To subject to the action of 1971. gauge n. An instrument for measuring.
1956. fundamental adj. Basal. 1974. gait n. Carriage of the body in going.
1957. fungible adj. That may be measured, 1975. gallant adj. Possessing a brave or
1981. gambol n. Playful leaping or frisking. 1998. generate v. To produce or cause to be.
1985. garrison n. The military force stationed 2002. geniality n. Warmth and kindliness of
1989. gastric adj. Of, pertaining to, or near 2005. genteel adj. Well-bred or refined.
1991. gastronomy n. The art of preparing science that treats of the constitution and
particularly in France, a uniformed and armed 2009. germinate v. To begin to develop into
2014. gibe v. To utter taunts or reproaches. 2034. gourd n. A melon, pumpkin, squash, or
2015. giddy adj. Affected with a whirling or some similar fruit having a hard rind.
giver n. One who gives, in any sense. relative position in an order or series.
glacial adj. Icy, or icily cold. 2037. gradient adj. Moving or advancing by
2028. gluttonous adj. Given to excess in 2043. grantor n. The maker of a deed.
issue out of which is by bold or unusual 2046. granule n. A small grain or particle.
2051. gratuity n. That which is given without 2069. gullible adj. Credulous.
2056. grievance n. That which oppresses, of the functions and diseases peculiar to
occasioned by some feeling of pain, disgust, 2078. habitable adj. Fit to be dwelt in.
2059. grindstone n. A flat circular stone, used 2080. habitual adj. According to usual
2063. ground n. A pavement or floor or any 2083. haggard adj. Worn and gaunt in
2091. harbinger n. One who or that which 2109. heptagon n. A figure having seven
foreruns and announces the coming of any sides and seven angles.
2096. hawthorn n. A thorny shrub much used 2113. herbivorous adj. Feeding on herbs or
2099. head foremost adv. Precipitately, as in mental qualities, diseases, etc., from parent to
diving. offspring.
2103. heifer n. A young cow. 2117. heretic n. One who holds opinions
2104. heinous adj. Odiously sinful. contrary to the recognized standards or tenets
organ in whole or in part from its normal 2139. hirsute adj. Having a hairy covering.
2121. hesitant adj. Vacillating. 2141. hoarse adj. Having the voice harsh or
2123. heterodox adj. At variance with any 2142. homage n. Reverential regard or
2127. hexangular adj. Having six angles. with but different in meaning from another.
2128. hexapod adj. Having six feet. 2147. homophone n. A word agreeing in
2129. hexagon n. A figure with six angles. sound with but different in meaning from
something necessary to supply the connection 2148. honorarium n. A token fee or payment
2134. hilarious adj. Boisterously merry. 2152. hospitable adj. Disposed to treat
2135. hillock n. A small hill or mound. strangers or guests with generous kindness.
2137. hindmost adj. Farthest from the front. and entertaining strangers and guests with
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kindness. that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of
2155. huckster n. One who retails small 2171. hydrous adj. Watery.
2161. hussar n. A light-horse trooper armed somnambulistic state in which the mind readily
2165. hydraulic adj. Involving the moving of professions of his views or beliefs.
water, of the force exerted by water in motion. 2180. hypodermic adj. Pertaining to the area
mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids. 2181. hypotenuse n. The side of a rightangled
triangle opposite the right angle.
2167. hydroelectric adj. Pertaining to
2182. hypothesis n. A proposition taken for
electricity developed water or steam.
granted as a premise from which to reach a
2168. hydromechanics n. The mechanics of
2183. hysteria n. A nervous affection
2169. hydrometer n. An instrument for
occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing
determining the density of solids and liquids by
and crying.
2184. ichthyic adj. Fish-like.
2170. hydrostatics n. The branch of science
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2185. ichthyology n. The branch of zoology 2206. illogical adj. Contrary to the rules of
2186. ichthyosaurs n. A fossil reptile. 2207. illuminant n. That which may be used
2188. iciness n. The state of being icy. 2208. illuminate v. To supply with light.
2192. idiom n. A use of words peculiar to a 2212. illusory adj. Deceiving or tending to
2193. idiosyncrasy n. A mental quality or 2213. imaginable adj. That can be imagined
2197. Iliad n. A Greek epic poem describing 2218. imitation n. That which is made as a
2198. illegal adj. Not according to law. 2219. imitator n. One who makes in
2200. illegitimate adj. Unlawfully begotten. 2220. immaculate adj. Without spot or
2204. illiterate adj. Having little or no 2222. immature adj. Not full-grown.
2223. immeasurable adj. Indefinitely
2205. ill-natured adj. Surly.
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2224. immense adj. Very great in degree, 2240. impassable adj. That can not be passed
2225. immerse v. To plunge or dip entirely 2241. impassible adj. Not moved or affected
2226. immersion n. The act of plunging or 2242. impassive adj. Unmoved by or not
2230. imminent adj. Dangerous and close at 2247. impel v. To drive or urge forward.
2231. immiscible adj. Separating, as oil and 2249. imperative adj. Obligatory.
2232. immoral adj. Habitually engaged in 2251. imperfectible adj. That can not be
2264. impiety n. Irreverence toward God. 2282. impropriety n. The state or quality of
bringing from one country into another. 2290. impunity n. Freedom from
2275. impotent adj. Destitute of or lacking in 2294. inaccurate adj. Not exactly according
2277. impracticable adj. Not feasible. 2297. inadmissible adj. Not to be approved,
2305. inaudible adj. That can not be heard. 2326. incipient adj. Initial.
2306. inborn adj. Implanted by nature. 2327. incisor n. A front or cutting tooth.
2308. incandescence n. The state of being 2329. incitement n. That which moves to
2309. incandescent adj. White or glowing 2330. incoercible adj. Incapable of being
2313. incendiary n. Chemical or person who 2333. incombustible adj. That can not be
2314. incentive n. That which moves the 2334. incomparable adj. Matchless.
2317. incessant adj. Unceasing. 2337. incompetent adj. Not having the
2318. inchmeal adv. Piecemeal. abilities desired or necessary for any purpose.
2342. incongruous adj. Unsuitable for the 2361. indigestion n. Difficulty or failure in the
2344. inconsiderable adj. Small in quantity or 2362. indignant adj. Having such anger and
2348. inconvenient adj. Interfering with 2364. indiscernible adj. Not perceptible.
2351. indelible adj. That can not be blotted 2368. indistinct adj. Vague.
out, effaced, destroyed, or removed. 2369. indivertible adj. That can not be
2354. indicant adj. That which points out. 2372. indolent adj. Habitually inactive or
2356. indict v. To find and declare chargeable 2374. induct v. To bring in.
2376. indulgent adj. Yielding to the desires or 2396. infallible adj. Exempt from error of
2378. inedible adj. Not good for food. notorious, as for vice, or crime.
2381. inefficiency n. That which does not judgment from any given material of
2382. ineligible adj. Not suitable to be 2400. infernal adj. Akin to or befitting hell or
2383. inept adj. Not fit or suitable. 2401. infest v. To be present in such numbers
2386. inevitable adj. Unavoidable. 2402. infidel n. One who denies the
2390. inexpedient adj. Unadvisable. 2406. infirm adj. Lacking in bodily or mental
2392. inexperience n. Lack of or deficiency in 2407. infirmary n. A place for the reception
2393. inexplicable adj. Such as can not be 2408. infirmity n. A physical, mental, or
2394. inexpressible adj. Unutterable. 2409. inflammable adj. Easily set on fire or
2411. inflexible adj. That can not be altered permanently existing in something.
2412. influence n. Ability to sway the will of 2430. inhibit v. To hold back or in.
2418. infuse v. To instill, introduce, or 2436. initiate v. To perform the first act or
2421. ingenuity n. Cleverness in contriving, 2441. inlet n. A small body of water leading
2422. ingenuous adj. Candid, frank, or open 2442. inmost adj. Deepest within.
2454. insatiable adj. That desires or craves examine or oversee any matter of public
2456. inscrutable adj. Impenetrably 2474. instant n. A very brief portion of time.
2459. insentient adj. Lacking the power of 2477. instigator n. One who incites to evil.
2460. inseparable adj. That can not be 2479. instructive adj. Conveying knowledge.
2461. insidious adj. Working ill by slow and 2481. insufficient adj. Inadequate for some
importance. or situation.
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2484. insuperable adj. Invincible. 2500. intercede v. To mediate between
understand. end.
2518. interrogative adj. Having the nature or 2535. intramural adj. Situated within the
2519. interrogatory n. A question or inquiry. 2536. intrepid adj. Fearless and bold.
2521. intersect v. To cut through or into so as 2538. intricate adj. Difficult to follow or
to divide. understand.
2522. intervale n. A low tract of land 2539. intrigue n. A plot or scheme, usually
from one's dying not having made a valid will. 2541. introductory adj. Preliminary.
2525. intestate adj. Not having made a valid 2542. introgression n. Entrance.
2526. intestine n. That part of the digestive 2544. introspect v. To look into.
tube below or behind the stomach, extending 2545. introspection n. The act of observing
2558. invariable adj. Unchangeable. 2577. invulnerable adj. That can not be
2562. inventive adj. Quick at contrivance. 2581. irate adj. Moved to anger.
the first shall become last and the last first. 2584. iridescent adj. Exhibiting changing
2565. invert v. To turn inside out, upside rainbow-colors due to the interference of the
2566. investigator n. One who investigates. 2585. irk v. To afflict with pain, vexation, or
2590. irrational adj. Not possessed of 2604. irrigant adj. Serving to water lands by
2591. irreducible adj. That can not be 2605. irrigate v. To water, as land, by ditches
2592. irrefragable adj. That can not be 2606. irritable adj. Showing impatience or ill
2593. irrefrangible adj. That can not be 2607. irritancy n. The quality of producing
to religion. tension.
2596. irreparable adj. That can not be 2609. irritate v. To excite ill temper or
2597. irrepressible adj. That can not be 2610. irruption n. Sudden invasion.
2598. irresistible adj. That can not be 2612. islet n. A little island.
2599. irresponsible adj. Careless of or unable the barometric pressure is the same at a
especially for sacred things. 2615. isolate v. To separate from others of its
a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred 2616. isothermal adj. Having or marking
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equality of temperature. 2633. judiciary n. That department of
2617. itinerant adj. Wandering. government which administers the law relating
2619. itinerate v. To wander from place to 2635. juggle v. To play tricks of sleight of
place. hand.
2620. jargon n. Confused, unintelligible 2636. jugglery n. The art or practice of sleight
2621. jaundice n. A morbid condition, due to 2637. jugular adj. Pertaining to the throat.
2623. Jingo n. One of a party in Great Britain 2640. juncture n. An articulation, joint, or
2624. jocose adj. Done or made in jest. deliberates in secret upon the affairs of
2626. joggle n. A sudden irregular shake or a 2642. juridical adj. Assumed by law to exist.
2630. judgment n. The faculty by the 2645. juror n. One who serves on a jury or is
exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice.
2632. judicial adj. Pertaining to the 2648. juvenile adj. Characteristic of youth.
be kept for the sake of the giver. 2670. lackadaisical adj. Listless.
2651. kerchief n. A square of linen, silk, or 2671. lactation n. The secretion of milk.
other material, used as a covering for the head 2672. lacteal adj. Milky.
2653. kiln n. An oven or furnace for baking, 2675. ladle n. A cup-shaped vessel with a
burning, or drying industrial products. long handle, intended for dipping up and
2655. kilometer n. A length of 1,000 meters. 2676. laggard adj. Falling behind.
2657. kimono n. A loose robe, fastening with 2678. landlord n. A man who owns and lets a
2658. kind-hearted adj. Having a kind and 2679. landmark n. A familiar object in the
2663. knead v. To mix and work into a 2681. languid adj. Relaxed.
homogeneous mass, especially with the hands. 2682. languor n. Lassitude of body or
knights who in the middle ages went forth in 2684. lascivious adj. Lustful.
2667. laborious adj. Toilsome. 2687. latency n. The state of being dormant.
2690. latish adj. Rather late. 2711. legible adj. That may be read with
2692. laud v. To praise in words or song. Roman legion or of the modern French Legion
2698. lave v. To wash or bathe. 2717. legitimate adj. Having the sanction of
2702. laxative adj. Having power to open or 2720. lenient adj. Not harsh.
toward which the wind blows. 2724. lever n. That which exerts, or through
2707. left-handed adj. Using the left hand or which one may exert great power.
arm more dexterously than the right. 2725. leviathan n. Any large animal, as a
property, as security for a debt or charge. 2759. liniment n. A liquid preparation for
2743. lifetime n. The time that life continues. 2761. liquefy v. To convert into a liquid or
2745. ligature n. Anything that constricts, or sweetened and flavored with aromatic
2746. light-hearted adj. Free from care. 2763. liquidate v. To deliver the amount or
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value of. 2783. locative adj. Indicating place, or the
2764. liquor n. Any alcoholic or intoxicating place where or wherein an action occurs.
2766. literacy n. The state or condition of moving from one place to another.
2767. literal adj. Following the exact words. unstratified metal- bearing vein.
2768. literature n. The written or printed 2787. lodgment n. The act of furnishing with
2769. lithe adj. Supple. 2788. logic n. The science of correct thinking.
2772. lithotype n. In engraving, an etched 2791. loiterer n. One who consumes time
2774. litigate v. To cause to become the 2793. longevity n. Unusually prolonged life.
2776. littoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or living 2796. lordling n. A little lord.
2806. luminescent adj. Showing increase of 2826. macrocosm n. The whole of any sphere
2808. luminosity n. The quality of giving or 2827. madden v. To inflame with passion.
2809. luminous adj. Giving or radiating light. representation of the Virgin, usually with the
2814. lurid adj. Ghastly and sensational. 2831. magistracy n. The office or dignity of a
2822. lyric adj. Fitted for expression in song. greatness of action, character, intellect,
path or roadway, with small broken stone. 2837. magnificent adj. Grand or majestic in
2841. maintain v. To hold or preserve in any 2857. maltreat v. To treat ill, unkindly,
United States called simply corn. 2860. mandatory adj. Expressive of positive
2845. malady n. Any physical disease or and about the neck of certain animals, as the
alternating chills, fever, and sweating. 2863. maneuver v. To make adroit or artful
2848. malediction n. The calling down of a 2865. maniac n. a person raving with
2852. malevolent adj. Wishing evil to others. 2868. manliness n. The qualities
2853. malign v. To speak evil of, especially to characteristic of a true man, as bravery,
2854. malignant adj. Evil in nature or tending 2869. mannerism n. Constant or excessive
2871. mantel n. The facing, sometimes richly indiscriminate killing of human beings.
ornamented, about a fireplace, including the 2886. massive adj. Of considerable bulk and
2876. marine adj. Of or pertaining to the sea 2890. materialize v. To take perceptible or
2877. maritime adj. Situated on or near the 2891. maternal adj. Pertaining or peculiar to
2879. martial adj. Pertaining to war or 2893. matricide n. The killing, especially the
2880. Martian adj. Pertaining to Mars, either 2894. matrimony n. The union of a man and
2881. martyrdom n. Submission to death or 2895. matrix n. That which contains and
persecution for the sake of faith or principle. gives shape or form to anything.
2882. marvel v. To be astonished and 2896. matter of fact n. Something that has
2883. masonry n. The art or work of 2897. maudlin adj. Foolishly and tearfully
2905. meander v. To wind and turn while 2919. melodrama n. A drama with a
2909. medial adj. Of or pertaining to the animals, especially when kept for exhibition.
2911. medicine n. A substance possessing or 2927. mentor n. A wise and faithful teacher,
2913. mediocre adj. Ordinary. 2930. merciful adj. Disposed to pity and
2934. messieurs n. pl. Gentlemen. capital or the largest or most important city of
by combining with oxygen, is usually hard, 2949. metropolitan adj. Pertaining to a chief
extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. 2951. mettlesome adj. Having courage or
2941. metaphysics n. The principles of assisting the eye in the vision of minute objects
soul of a human being at death into another objects with the microscope.
2945. metonymy n. A figure of speech that 2959. midwife n. A woman who makes a
indicating and marking exact time in music. 2962. migrate v. To remove or pass from one
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country, region, or habitat to another. or quantity.
2965. militant adj. Of a warlike or combative 2980. mirage n. An optical effect looking like
who are enrolled and drilled in temporary 2986. misbehavior n. Ill or improper
2969. Milky Way n. The galaxy. 2987. mischievous adj. Fond of tricks.
2970. millet n. A grass cultivated for forage 2988. miscount v. To make a mistake in
2972. miniature adj. Much smaller than 2991. misdemeanor n. Evil conduct, small
2973. minimize v. To reduce to the smallest 2992. miser n. A person given to saving and
two portions into which a number or a group is 2997. misnomer n. A name wrongly or
2978. minute adj. Exceedingly small in extent 2998. misogamy n. Hatred of marriage.
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2999. misogyny n. Hatred of women. 3016. moccasin n. A foot-covering made of
service for the celebration of mass. 3020. modernity n. The state or character of
the crossing of different breeds or varieties. 3049. monsieur n. A French title of respect,
two or more letters interwoven into one, 3055. moralize v. To render virtuous.
3041. monolith n. Any structure or sculpture 3057. morbid adj. Caused by or denoting a
3044. monopoly n. The control of a thing, as 3060. moribund adj. On the point of dying.
3047. monotonous adj. Unchanging and 3064. motto n. An expressive word or pithy
3069. muffle v. To deaden the sound of, as by 3083. myriad n. A vast indefinite number.
3070. mulatto n. The offspring of a white divine illumination, or relies upon meditation
3073. multiplicity n. the condition of being presented as historical, but without any basis
3074. mundane adj. Worldly, as opposed to 3087. mythology n. The whole body of
town or city, or to its corporate or local 3088. nameless adj. Having no fame or
government. reputation.
by generous motives and extraordinary 3090. Narcissus n. The son of the Athenian
3092. narration n. The act of recounting the 3107. navigate v. To traverse by ship.
event. result.
3096. nasal adj. Pertaining to the nose. died in a certain place or time.
3097. natal adj. Pertaining to one's birth. 3113. necromancer n. One who practices the
3099. naturally adv. According to the usual 3114. necropolis n. A city of the dead.
producing dizziness and usually an impulse to 3116. nectar n. Any especially sweet and
3103. nautical adj. Pertaining to ships, 3119. needy adj. Being in need, want, or
3104. naval adj. Pertaining to ships. 3120. nefarious adj. Wicked in the extreme.
abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus 3122. negation n. The act of denying or of
omission. quarters.
3124. negligee n. A loose gown worn by 3138. nestling adj. Recently hatched.
3126. negligent adj. Apt to omit what ought system of cross- lines.
for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of 3143. neuter adj. Neither masculine nor
property. feminine.
modified and extended by more recent 3147. niggardly adj. Stingy. (no longer
3133. neopaganism n. A new or revived that nothing either exists or can be known.
words or new meanings of words. 3151. nit n. The egg of a louse or some other
3156. nomad adj. Having no fixed abode. 3173. noticeable adj. Perceptible.
3157. nomic adj. Usual or customary. 3174. notorious adj. Unfavorably known to
naming a man or woman for office. 3177. nowadays adv. In the present time or
3162. non-existent n. That which does not 3179. noxious adj. Hurtful.
3163. non-resident adj. Not residing within a in anything perceptible to the sense of the
3164. nonchalance n. A state of mind 3181. nucleus n. A central point or part about
army or navy, but having duties other than that 3183. nugatory adj. Having no power or
of fighting. force.
3166. nondescript adj. Indescribable. 3184. nuisance n. That which annoys, vexes,
marriage, especially to the marriage ceremony. 3205. oblivion n. The state of having passed
3189. nurture n. The process of fostering or out of the memory or of being utterly
3190. nutriment n. That which nourishes. 3206. oblong adj. Longer than broad: applied
3192. oaken adj. Made of or from oak. 3207. obnoxious adj. Detestable.
untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of 3209. obsequious adj. Showing a servile
3198. obituary adj. A published notice of a process of gradually falling into disuse.
3202. obligatory adj. Binding in law or science concerned with the treatment and care
opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to or below any other, considered in relation to
3220. obstruct v. To fill with impediments so in which the sheets are so folded as to make
oneself into undue prominence. 3236. ocular adj. Of or pertaining to the eye.
3223. obtrusive adj. Tending to be pushed or 3237. oculist n. One versed or skilled in
side of (a thing) toward any person or object. 3239. ode n. The form of lyric poetry
3227. Occident n. The countries lying west of 3242. odoriferous adj. Having or diffusing an
Asia and the Turkish dominions. odor or scent, especially an agreeable one.
3229. occult adj. Existing but not 3244. off adj. Farther or more distant.
3232. octagon n. A figure with eight sides 3248. offshoot n. Something that branches
3250. ointment n. A fatty preparation with a 3266. opaque adj. Impervious to light.
3252. olive-branch n. A branch of the olivetree, controls some machine or scientific apparatus.
as an emblem of peace.
3270. operetta n. A humorous play in
3253. ominous adj. Portentous.
dialogue and music, of more than one act.
3254. omission n. Exclusion.
3271. opinion n. A conclusion or judgment
3255. omnipotence n. Unlimited and
held with confidence, but falling short of
universal power.
positive knowledge.
3256. Omnipotent adj. Possessed of
3272. opponent n. One who supports the
unlimited and universal power.
opposite side in a debate, discussion, struggle,
3257. omniscience n. Unlimited or infinite
or sport.
3273. opportune adj. Especially fit as
3258. omniscient adj. Characterized by
occurring, said, or done at the right moment.
unlimited or infinite knowledge.
3274. opportunist n. One who takes
3259. omnivorous adj. Eating or living upon
advantage of circumstances to gain his ends.
food of all kinds indiscriminately.
3275. opportunity n. Favorable or
3260. onerous adj. Burdensome or
advantageous chance or opening.
3276. opposite adj. Radically different or
3261. onrush n. Onset.
contrary in action or movement.
3262. onset n. An assault, especially of
3277. opprobrium n. The state of being
troops, upon an enemy or fortification.
scornfully reproached or accused of evil.
3263. onslaught n. A violent onset.
3278. optic n. Pertaining to the eye or vision.
3264. onus n. A burden or responsibility.
3279. optician n. One who makes or deals in
3265. opalescence n. The property of
optical instruments or eye-glasses.
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3280. optics n. The science that treats of light 3295. ordnance n. A general name for all
and vision, and all that is connected with sight. kinds of weapons and their appliances used in
in nature and the history of mankind is ordered 3296. orgies n. Wild or wanton revelry.
3287. orate v. To deliver an elaborate or 3301. orthodox adj. Holding the commonly
3289. orator n. One who delivers an 3303. orthogonal adj. Having or determined
3290. oratorio n. A composition for solo 3304. orthopedic adj. Relating to the
3292. ordeal n. Anything that severely tests 3306. oscillate v. To swing back and forth.
3293. ordinal n. That form of the numeral 3308. ossify v. to convert into bone.
that shows the order of anything in a series, as 3309. ostentation n. A display dictated by
3312. ought v. To be under moral obligation 3330. outrigger n. A part built or arranged to
3317. outcast n. One rejected and despised, 3337. overdose n. An excessive dose, usually
3321. outlast v. To last longer than. 3341. overlord n. One who holds supremacy
3323. outlive v. To continue to exist after. 3342. overpass v. To pass across or over, as a
stationed at a distance from the main body to victory over by superior power.
3351. overstride v. To step beyond. 3371. paly adj. Lacking color or brilliancy.
3356. pacify v. To bring into a peaceful state. 3375. Pan-American adj. Including or
3357. packet n. A bundle, as of letters. pertaining to the whole of America, both North
3359. pagan n. A worshiper of false gods. 3376. pandemic adj. Affecting a whole
3364. palette n. A thin tablet, with a hole for 3379. panel n. A rectangular piece set in or as
3366. pall v. To make dull by satiety. 3381. panoply n. A full set of armor.
3367. palliate v. To cause to appear less 3382. panorama n. A series of large pictures
with a fine Corinthian portico and a great 3399. paraphrase v. Translate freely.
ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans. 3403. parish n. The ecclesiastical district in
real scenes or events usually with a moral. 3404. Parisian adj. Of or pertaining to the
belief. rank.
in the same direction and equidistant in all 3408. parliament n. A legislative body.
3397. paramour n. One who is unlawfully 3413. parricide n. The murder of a parent.
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3414. parse v. To describe, as a sentence, by 3429. patrimony n. An inheritance from an
separating it into its elements and describing ancestor, especially from one's father.
3417. participant n. One having a share or 3432. patronymic adj. Formed after one's
3418. participate v. To receive or have a part 3433. patter v. To mumble something over
3423. pastoral adj. Having the spirit or 3439. peaceable adj. Tranquil.
3428. patrician adj. Of senatorial or noble 3446. pedagogics n. The science and art of
rank. teaching.
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3447. pedagogue n. A schoolmaster. law.
3448. pedagogy n. The science and art of 3462. penance n. Punishment to which one
3450. pedant n. A scholar who makes 3464. pendant n. Anything that hangs from
needless and inopportune display of his something else, either for ornament or for use.
3452. pedestal n. A base or support as for a serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of
3453. pedestrian n. One who journeys on 3467. penetrable adj. That may be pierced
medical science that relates to the treatment into the interior parts of.
3455. pedigree n. One's line of ancestors. 3470. peninsular adj. Pertaining to a piece of
3456. peddler n. One who travels from house land almost surrounded by water.
to house with an assortment of goods for 3471. penitence n. Sorrow for sin with desire
3458. peerless adj. Of unequaled excellence for sin with desire to amend and to atone.
follow the transgression of natural or divine 3475. pentagram n. A figure having five
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points or lobes. 3492. percolator n. A filter.
3476. pentavalent adj. Quinqeuvalent. 3493. percussion n. The sharp striking of one
3478. pentagon n. A figure, especially, with 3494. peremptory adj. Precluding question
3479. pentahedron n. A solid bounded by 3495. perennial adj. Continuing though the
3480. pentameter n. In prosody, a line of 3496. perfectible adj. Capable of being made
associated exercises in the great games and 3498. perforate v. To make a hole or holes
3485. perambulate v. To walk about. 3503. perigee n. The point in the orbit of the
3486. perceive v. To have knowledge of, or moon when it is nearest the earth.
3488. perception n. Knowledge through the 3505. peripatetic adj. Walking about.
senses of the existence and properties of 3506. perjure v. To swear falsely to.
3490. percipient n. One who or that which 3508. permanence n. A continuance in the
3513. pernicious adj. Tending to kill or hurt. 3528. perspective n. The relative importance
3514. perpendicular adj. Straight up and of facts or matters from any special point of
down. view.
beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages. 3533. perspire v. To excrete through the
3543. pervasion n. The state of spreading 3558. pharmacy n. The art or business of
or permeating. marvelous.
3548. pervert n. One who has forsaken a 3562. philanthropic adj. Benevolent.
doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed 3563. philanthropist n. One who endeavors
3550. pestilence n. A raging epidemic. 3565. philately n. The study and collection of
3552. pestilential adj. having the nature of or 3567. philogynist n. One who is fond of
3554. petrify v. To convert into a substance connection with history and literature.
3557. pharmacopoeia n. A book containing 3572. phlegmatic adj. Not easily roused to
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feeling or action. 3586. physiology n. The science of organic
3576. phonology n. The science of human distinguished from the whole or the mass.
3578. photoelectric adj. Pertaining to the which an offender is fastened to boards and is
3579. photometer n. Any instrument for 3594. pincers n. An instrument having two
measuring the intensity of light or comparing lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot.
that treats of the phenomena associated with 3597. pioneer n. One among the first to
3582. physics n. The science that treats of 3598. pious adj. Religious.
the phenomena associated with matter and 3599. pique v. To excite a slight degree of
3583. physiocracy n. The doctrine that land 3600. piteous adj. Compassionate.
and its products are the only true wealth. 3601. pitiable adj. Contemptible.
from the writings of another and publishing 3625. plumb n. A weight suspended by a line
3608. planisphere n. A polar projection of 3626. plummet n. A piece of lead for making
3609. plasticity n. The property of some 3627. pluperfect adj. Expressing past time or
substances through which the form of the action prior to some other past time or action.
3612. plausible adj. Seeming likely to be political community who control the
3616. pleasant adj. Agreeable. 3635. poetics n. The rules and principles of
3619. pledgee n. The person to whom 3637. poignant adj. Severely painful or acute
3639. polar adj. Pertaining to the poles of a 3654. pompous adj. Marked by an assumed
3640. polemics n. The art of controversy or 3655. ponder v. To meditate or reflect upon.
3644. polycracy n. The rule of many. 3660. portend v. To indicate as being about
having more than one wife or husband at once. 3661. portent n. Anything that indicates
3647. polygon n. A figure having many 3662. portfolio n. A portable case for holding
3649. polysyllable adj. Having several 3664. position n. The manner in which a
3650. polytechnic adj. Pertaining to, 3665. positive adj. Free from doubt or
that there are more gods than one. 3667. possess v. To own.
3652. pommel v. To beat with something 3668. possession n. The having, holding, or
3671. possible adj. Being not beyond the 3689. precedence n. Priority in place, time,
3672. postdate v. To make the date of any 3690. precedent n. An instance that may
writing later than the real date. serve as a guide or basis for a rule.
3673. posterior n. The hinder part. 3691. precedential adj. Of the nature of an
3674. postgraduate adj. Pertaining to studies instance that may serve as a guide or basis for
3675. postscript n. Something added to a 3692. precession n. The act of going forward.
letter after the writer's signature. 3693. precipice n. A high and very steep or
3677. potent adj. Physically powerful. 3694. precipitant adj. Moving onward
3683. prate v. To talk about vainly or 3699. precocious adj. Having the mental
3704. predicate v. To state as belonging to 3720. preferable adj. More desirable than
something. others.
3710. preeminence n. Special eminence. 3726. prehensile adj. Adapted for grasping
preference in the purchase of public land. 3727. prehension n. The act of laying hold of
beforehand. government.
state earlier than something else. clergy having direct authority over other
address to the reader, at the beginning of a 3732. premature adj. Coming too soon.
designed to bring about some event. 3757. presumptuous adj. Assuming too
3750. prescriptible adj. Derived from 3768. prim adj. Stiffly proper.
3752. presentient adj. Perceiving or feeling 3771. primeval adj. Belonging to the first
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ages. and confirmed.
3773. principal adj. Most important. 3787. proceed v. To renew motion or action,
3778. privateer n. A vessel owned and 3791. proctor n. An agent acting for another.
enjoyed by all, or that may be enjoyed only 3793. prodigious adj. Immense.
another or others regarding a private matter. 3795. productive adj. Yielding in abundance.
3781. privy adj. Participating with another or 3796. profession n. Any calling or occupation
transaction. disciplines.
3782. probate adj. Relating to making proof, 3797. professor n. A public teacher of the
3783. probation n. Any proceeding designed 3798. proffer v. To offer to another for
through. science.
3785. probity n. Virtue or integrity tested 3800. proficient adj. Possessing ample and
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ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, duration.
3802. profiteer n. One who profits. 3818. prominence n. The quality of being
prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale 3823. promoter n. A furtherer, forwarder, or
3812. proletarian n. A person of the lowest 3826. propagate v. To spread abroad or from
3813. prolific adj. Producing offspring or 3827. propel v. To drive or urge forward.
3814. prolix adj. Verbose. 3829. propeller n. One who or that which
performance. foretelling.
3835. propulsion n. A driving onward or 3849. protege n. One specially cared for and
3837. proscenium n. That part of the stage the authority of the Pope and holds the right of
3840. proselyte n. One who has been won forms the principal portion of an animal or
exploration, search, or examination, especially 3856. protrude v. To push out or thrust forth.
3844. prostrate adj. Lying prone, or with the 3860. protuberate v. To swell or bulge
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beyond the surrounding surface. apostle.
3862. provident adj. Anticipating and making character of using a fictitious name.
ready for future wants or emergencies. 3877. psychiatry n. The branch of medicine
3866. provocation n. An action or mode of 3881. pudgy adj. Small and fat.
3868. proximately adv. Immediately. 3885. pulmonary adj. Pertaining to the lungs.
3869. proxy n. A person who is empowered 3886. punctilious adj. Strictly observant of
by another to represent him or her in a given the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom.
3871. prudential adj. Proceeding or marked 3888. pungent adj. Affecting the sense of
by caution. smell.
3874. pseudapostle n. A pretended or false 3891. pupilage n. The state or period of being
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a student. 3908. qualm n. A fit of nausea.
where souls are made fit for paradise or 3910. quantity n. Magnitude.
3893. purl v. To cause to whirl, as in an eddy. any person or place infected with contagious
3896. purveyor n. one who supplies 3913. quarter n. One of four equal parts into
3926. quintessence n. The most essential 3943. rapacious adj. Disposed to seize by
3927. quintet n. Musical composition 3944. rapid adj. Having great speed.
arranged for five voices or instruments. 3945. rapine n. The act of seizing and
3930. rabid adj. Affected with rabies or 3947. raptorial adj. Seizing and devouring
3931. racy adj. Exciting or exhilarating to the 3948. ration v. To provide with a fixed
3933. radiate v. To extend in all directions, as opinions by relying upon reason alone,
3934. radical n. One who holds extreme 3950. raucous adj. Harsh.
3959. realism n. The principle and practice of 3975. reciprocate v. To give and take
3961. reassure v. To give new confidence. repeating, especially in public and from
3963. rebuff n. A peremptory or unexpected 3978. reck v. To have a care or thought for.
3966. recant v. To withdraw formally one's 3981. recline v. To cause to assume a leaning
3969. recede v. To move back or away. entered into before a court with condition to
3987. recollect v. To recall the knowledge of. 4004. recurrent adj. Returning from time to
3988. reconcilable adj. Capable of being time, especially at regular or stated intervals.
examination of for military, surveying, or 4006. redolent adj. Smelling sweet and
3990. reconsider v. To review with care, 4007. redolence n. Smelling sweet and
3992. recourse n. Resort to or application for 4010. redress v. To set right, as a wrong by
3994. recreant n. A cowardly or faithless 4011. reducible adj. That may be reduced.
3995. recreate v. To refresh after labor. 4013. redundant adj. Constituting an excess.
3998. recruit v. To enlist men for military or 4017. referable adj. Ascribable.
4002. recur v. To happen again or 4021. reflection n. The throwing off or back
repeatedly, especially at regular intervals. of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy that
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travels in waves. 4039. regime n. Particular conduct or
4024. reform n. Change for the better. 4042. regnant adj. Exercising royal authority
4028. refragable adj. Capable of being status, capacity, right rank, or privilege.
4030. refringent adj. Having the power to 4047. reimburse v. To pay back as an
4031. refusal n. Denial of what is asked. 4048. rein n. A step attached to the bit for
4037. regent n. One who is lawfully 4051. rejoin v. To reunite after separation.
the time being in the name of the ruler. 4053. rejuvenescence n. A renewal of youth.
4057. relevant adj. Bearing upon the matter and then of art, which marks the transition
4062. relish v. To like the taste or savor of. 4080. renunciation n. An explicit disclaimer
4066. reminiscence n. The calling to mind of 4082. reparable adj. Capable of repair.
incidents within the range of personal 4083. reparation n. The act of making
4067. reminiscent adj. Pertaining to the 4084. repartee n. A ready, witty, or apt reply.
4072. remonstrant adj. Having the character 4088. repentance n. Sorrow for something
written protest to those who have power to 4089. repertory n. A place where things are
artist himself, and regarded, equally with the 4110. repugnant adj. Offensive to taste and
4095. repository n. A place in which goods 4111. repulse n. The act of beating or driving
4096. reprehend v. To find fault with. 4112. repulsive adj. Grossly offensive.
4098. reprehension n. Expression of blame. 4114. requiem n. A solemn mass sung for the
4099. repress v. To keep under restraint or repose of the souls of the dead.
4100. repressible adj. Able to be kept under 4116. requital n. Adequate return for good
4101. reprieve v. To grant a respite from 4117. requite v. To repay either good or evil
4102. reprimand v. To chide or rebuke for a 4118. rescind v. To make void, as an act, by
4103. reprisal n. Any infliction or act by way 4119. reseat v. To place in position of office
an animal or plant gives rise to another of its 4122. reservoir n. A receptacle where a
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quantity of some material, especially of a liquid to the one to whom it properly belongs.
a part has been separated or otherwise 4139. resurgent adj. Surging back or again.
springing back to a former position. 4142. retaliate v. To repay evil with a similar
4127. resistant adj. Offering or tending to 4144. retention n. The keeping of a thing
4128. resistive adj. Having or exercising the 4145. reticence n. The quality of habitually
4129. resistless adj. Powerless. 4146. reticent adj. Habitually keeping silent
to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. 4147. retinue n. The body of persons who
4131. resonance adj. Able to reinforce sound attend a person of importance in travel or
4133. resource n. That which is restored to, 4150. retrace v. To follow backward or
relied upon, or made available for aid or toward the place of beginning, as a track or
support. marking.
4135. resplendent adj. Very bright. (something that one has said).
searching. changes.
4158. retrospective adj. Looking back on the 4174. riddance n. The act or ridding or
4159. reunite v. To unite or join again, as 4175. ridicule n. Looks or acts expressing
back, as toward a former position or the like. 4183. ripplet n. A small ripple, as of water.
4165. revile v. To heap approach or abuse 4184. risible adj. capable of exciting
upon. laughter.
4167. revise v. To examine for the correction 4186. robust adj. Characterized by great
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strength or power of endurance. deity, especially by presenting on an altar.
4187. rondo n. A musical composition during 4202. sacrificial adj. Offering or offered as an
4189. rotary adj. Turning around its axis, like 4205. safeguard v. To protect.
a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus. 4206. sagacious adj. Able to discern and
as a means of learning them, with slight 4208. salience n. The condition of standing
4192. rotund adj. Round from fullness or 4209. salient adj. Standing out prominently.
4195. ruffian adj. A lawless or recklessly hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act.
4196. ruminant adj. Chewing the cud. the commencement in American colleges.
4197. ruminate v. To chew over again, as 4214. salvage n. Any act of saving property.
food previously swallowed and regurgitated. 4215. salvo n. A salute given by firing all the
4200. ruth n. Sorrow for another's misery. 4217. sanction v. To approve authoritatively.
4220. sanguine adj. Having the color of 4235. savage n. A wild and uncivilized human
blood. being.
4221. sanguineous adj. Consisting of blood. 4236. savor v. To perceive by taste or smell.
4222. sapid adj. Affecting the sense of taste. 4237. scabbard n. The sheath of a sword or
4229. sardonic adj. Scornfully or bitterly 4246. scribe n. One who writes or is skilled in
sarcastic. writing.
4230. satiate v. To satisfy fully the appetite 4247. script n. Writing or handwriting of the
4231. satire n. The employment of sarcasm, 4248. Scriptural adj. Pertaining to, contained
irony, or keenness of wit in ridiculing vices. in, or warranted by the Holy Scriptures.
which vice, incapacity ,or corruption is held up regarding a question of moral right or duty.
4254. seance n. A meeting of spirituals for 4269. sedentary adj. Involving or requiring
4255. sear v. To burn on the surface. 4270. sediment n. Matter that settles to the
4257. secant adj. Cutting, especially into two public order and the tranquillity of the state.
4258. secede v. To withdraw from union or directed against public order and the
from fellowship, especially from political or 4274. sedulous adj. Persevering in effort or
4263. secondly adv. In the second place in 4278. seismograph n. An instrument for
4264. second-rate adj. Second in quality, 4279. seize v. To catch or take hold of
4280. selective adj. Having the power of 4297. sentence n. A related group of words
4284. semiconscious adj. Partially conscious. 4299. sentient adj. Possessing the power of
4287. seminar n. Any assemblage of pupils 4301. separable adj. Capable of being
resulting from spiritual or inherent feeling. 4307. sequel n. That which follows in
4292. sensibility n. Power to perceive or feel. 4308. sequence n. The order in which a
4293. sensitive adj. Easily affected by outside number or persons, things, or events follow
4294. sensorium n. The sensory apparatus. 4309. sequent adj. Following in the order of
4296. sensuous adj. Having a warm retire, as from society or public life.
military officer ranking next above a corporal. 4330. sibilant adj. Made with a hissing
officer in legislative bodies who enforces the 4331. sibilate v. To give a hissing sound to, as
4347. sinuosity n. The quality of curving in aims to secure the reconstruction of society.
4351. sirocco n. hot winds from Africa. 4366. solace n. Comfort in grief, trouble, or
by some bond of sympathy or by a religious 4367. solar adj. Pertaining to the sun.
4357. sleight n. A trick or feat so deftly done occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear.
4360. sluggard n. A person habitually lazy or 4376. solvent adj. Having sufficient funds to
4361. sociable adj. Inclined to seek company. 4377. somber adj. Gloomy.
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4378. somniferous adj. Tending to produce rigorously severe.
4384. soothsayer n. One who claims to have animals or plants subordinate to a genus.
4386. sophistical adj. Fallacious. 4402. spectator n. One who beholds or looks
4390. sorcery n. Witchcraft. investment that involves a risk of loss, but also
4393. sparse adj. Thinly diffused. 4408. spheroid n. A body having nearly the
4411. spinster n. A woman who has never 4427. static adj. Pertaining to or designating
4412. spontaneous adj. Arising from 4428. statics n. The branch of mechanics that
inherent qualities or tendencies without treats of the relations that subsist among
4414. spurious adj. Not genuine. 4430. statistician n. One who is skilled in
4416. squalid adj. Having a dirty, mean, 4431. statuesque adj. Having the grace,
4421. stagy adj. Having a theatrical manner. 4436. stellar adj. Pertaining to the stars.
4422. staid adj. Of a steady and sober 4437. steppe n. One of the extensive plains
4424. stanchion n. A vertical bar, or a pair of 4440. stigma n. A mark of infamy or token of
bars, used to confine cattle in a stall. disgrace attaching to a person as the result of
4442. stimulant n. Anything that rouses to 4458. stupendous adj. Of prodigious size,
4446. stipend n. A definite amount paid at 4463. subaquatic adj. Being, formed, or
4447. Stoicism n. The principles or the the mind, but without attendant
4450. stratagem n. Any clever trick or device 4468. subliminal adj. Being beneath the
4451. stratum n. A natural or artificial layer, 4469. sublingual adj. Situated beneath the
4457. stultify v. To give an appearance of 4473. submersible adj. Capable of being put
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underwater. 4492. succeed v. To accomplish what is
4476. submittal n. The act of submitting. 4494. successful adj. Having reached a high
4478. subsequent adj. Following in time. takes the place of a predecessor or preceding
sustained. voting.
4483. subsistence n. Sustenance. 4502. suffuse v. To cover or fill the surface of.
4484. substantive adj. Solid. 4503. suggestible adj. That can be suggested.
4485. subtend v. To extend opposite to. 4504. suggestive adj. Stimulating to thought
occurring below the surface of the earth. 4506. sumptuous adj. Rich and costly.
4511. supercilious adj. Exhibiting haughty 4527. supplicant n. One who asks humbly
4516. superintend v. To have the charge and 4533. supramundane adj. Supernatural.
movement. charged.
management. performance.
4518. superintendent n. One who has the 4536. surfeit v. To feed to fullness or to
or by the immediate exercise of divine power. 4540. surrogate n. One who or that which is
4550. Sybarite n. A luxurious person. individuals united for the prosecution of some
4552. syllabic adj. Consisting of that which is vowels or syllables, as e'er for ever.
4553. syllabication n. Division of words into 4568. synonym n. A word having the same or
that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. almost the same meaning as some other.
4559. sympathetic adj. Having a fellowfeeling 4575. tact n. Fine or ready mental
for or like feelings with another or
discernment shown in saying or doing the
proper thing.
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4576. tactician n. One who directs affairs 4593. technology n. The knowledge relating
4578. tangency n. The state of touching. 4596. telephony n. The art or process of
4580. tangible adj. Perceptible by touch. 4597. telescope v. To drive together so that
4581. tannery n. A place where leather is one slides into the another like the sections of
tanned. a spy-glass.
is applied with a needle, designed for concerned with the affairs of the present life.
4588. taxidermy n. The art or process of 4604. tempter n. An allurer or enticer to evil.
4591. technique n. Manner of performance. 4608. tenet n. Any opinion, principle, dogma,
4612. tenure n. The term during which a 4630. theological adj. Based on or growing
4614. termagant adj. Violently abusive and 4632. theoretical adj. Directed toward
4617. termination n. The act of ending or 4635. thereabout adv. Near that number,
4619. terrify v. To fill with extreme fear. 4636. therefor adv. For that or this.
4620. territorial adj. Pertaining to the 4637. thermal adj. Of or pertaining to heat.
domain over which a sovereign state exercises 4638. thermoelectric adj. Denoting
regard, often presented in public. 4641. thoroughbred adj. Bred from the best
distinguished from intensity and pitch. 4666. tractable adj. Easily led or controlled.
alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine. 4668. trajectory n. The path described by a
4648. tinge n. A faint trace of color. projectile moving under given forces.
4653. Titanic adj. Of vast size or strength. 4673. transalpine adj. Situated on the other
on a map the physical features of any locality 4680. transcript n. A copy made directly from
4662. torrid adj. Excessively hot. cause to pass from one person or place to
4664. tortuous adj. Abounding in irregular 4682. transferable adj. Capable of being
from one person or place to another. 4700. transmission n. The act of sending
conveys from one person or place to another. 4701. transmit v. To send trough or across.
4687. transfuse v. To pour or cause to pass, 4703. transparent adj. Easy to see through or
poured from one vessel to another. 4705. transplant v. To remove and plant in
4690. transgress v. To break a law. the order or changing the place of.
4691. transience n. Something that is of 4707. transverse adj. Lying or being across or
4692. transient n. One who or that which is 4708. travail n. Hard or agonizing labor.
4693. transition n. Passage from one place, 4710. treacherous adj. Perfidious.
4694. transitory adj. Existing for a short time confidence, or plighted faith.
4698. translucent adj. Allowing the passage 4715. trebly adv. Triply.
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4716. tremendous adj. Awe-inspiring. 4732. triple adj. Threefold.
4718. tremulous adj. Characterized by 4734. triplicity n. The state of being triple or
4719. trenchant adj. Cutting deeply and 4735. tripod n. A three-legged stand, usually
4721. trestle n. An open braced framework especially into three equal parts.
for supporting the horizontal stringers of a 4737. trite adj. Made commonplace by
4722. triad n. A group of three persons of 4738. triumvir n. One of three men united
4723. tribune n. Any champion of the rights 4739. trivial adj. Of little importance or
4725. tricolor adj. Of three colors. 4742. truculent adj. Having the character or
4727. trident n. The three-pronged fork that 4743. truism n. A statement so plainly true as
4728. triennial adj. Taking place every third 4744. truthful adj. Veracious.
4730. trinity n. A threefold personality 4747. tutelage n. The act of training or the
existing in the one divine being or substance. state of being under instruction.
4751. typical adj. Characteristic. 4767. unanimous adj. Sharing the same
composed type, or the appearance of printed 4771. unbecoming adj. Unsuited to the
4756. tyranny n. Absolute power arbitrarily 4773. unbiased adj. Impartial, as judgment.
something else to the matter spoken of. 4778. unction n. The art of anointing as with
mountains, especially beyond the Alps (that is, exposed for proper or full development, as
4789. underling n. A subordinate. body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.
4792. understate v. To fail to put strongly 4812. unnecessary adj. Not essential under
4796. undue adj. More than sufficient. 4816. untimely adj. Unseasonable.
4797. undulate v. To move like a wave or in 4817. untoward adj. Causing annoyance or
waves. hindrance.
4799. unfavorable adj. Adverse. 4819. unwieldy adj. Moved or managed with
4800. ungainly adj. Clumsy. difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape.
4823. upbraid v. To reproach as deserving 4841. utmost n. The greatest possible extent.
4826. upheave v. To raise or lift with effort. 4845. vacuous adj. Empty.
4827. uppermost adj. First in order of 4846. vacuum n. A space entirely devoid of
precedence. matter.
4831. urban adj. Of, or pertaining to, or like and demonstrative vanity.
courtesy. www.exampundit.in
4838. usury n. The demanding for the use of 4854. valid adj. Founded on truth.
what is allowed by law. 4856. vapid adj. Having lost sparkling quality
that actions are right because they are useful 4857. vaporizer n. An atomizer.
another in form only, being the same in 4879. venerate v. To cherish reverentially.
4862. variegate v. To mark with different 4881. venial adj. That may be pardoned or
4864. vaudeville n. A variety show. 4883. venom n. The poisonous fluid that
4866. vegetarian n. One who believes in the 4884. venous adj. Of, pertaining to, or
theory that man's food should be exclusively contained or carried in a vein or veins.
4868. vegetation n. Plant-life in the 4888. verbiage n. Use of many words without
aggregate. necessity.
4870. vehement adj. Very eager or urgent. 4891. verification n. The act of proving to be
4872. velvety adj. Marked by lightness and 4892. verify v. To prove to be true, exact, or
softness. accurate.
4877. veneer n. Outside show or elegance. 4896. vernacular n. The language of one's
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country. watchfulness in guarding against danger.
4897. vernal adj. Belonging to or suggestive 4911. vigilant adj. Being on the alert to
4898. versatile adj. Having an aptitude for 4912. vignette n. A picture having a
applying oneself to new and varied tasks or to background or that is shaded off gradually.
4901. vertical adj. Lying or directed 4917. vinery n. A greenhouse for grapes.
4906. vicarious adj. Suffered or done in place 4923. virago n. A bold, impudent, turbulent
4907. viceroy n. A ruler acting with royal 4924. virile adj. Masculine.
authority in place of the sovereign in a colony 4925. virtu n. Rare, curious, or beautiful
or province. quality.
4908. vicissitude n. A change, especially a 4926. virtual adj. Being in essence or effect,
4910. vigilance n. Alert and intent mental 4928. virulence n. Extreme poisonousness.
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4929. virulent adj. Exceedingly noxious or 4946. vociferous adj. Making a loud outcry.
4930. visage n. The face, countenance, or 4948. volant adj. Flying or able to fly.
nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British 4951. volitive adj. Exercising the will.
4933. visual adj. Perceptible by sight. 4953. voluptuous adj. having fullness of
4934. visualize v. To give pictorial vividness beautiful form, as a woman, with or without
4935. vitality n. The state or quality of being 4954. voracious adj. Eating with greediness
4936. vitalize v. To endow with life or energy. 4955. vortex n. A mass of rotating or whirling
4941. vivisection n. The dissection of a living 4957. votive adj. Dedicated by a vow.
regarded in relation merely to its qualities of 4959. vulnerable adj. Capable of receiving
sound. injuries.
4943. vocative adj. Of or pertaining to the act 4960. waif n. A homeless, neglected
of calling. wanderer.
4964. wane v. To diminish in size and 4984. wield v. To use, control, or manage, as
4969. weal n. Well-being. 4988. wiry adj. Thin, but tough and sinewy.
dependence on mother's milk to another form 4990. witless adj. Foolish, indiscreet, or silly.
4974. well-doer n. A performer of moral and 4993. wittingly adv. With knowledge and by
4976. whereabouts n. The place in or near 4995. wizen-faced adj. Having a shriveled
4977. whereupon adv. After which. 4996. working-man n. One who earns his
4979. wherewith n. The necessary means or 4997. workmanlike adj. Like or befitting a
4980. whet v. To make more keen or eager. 4998. workmanship n. The art or skill of a
proper or right.