Concrete Mix Product Data Sheet

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BORAL Cement

Build something great™

Concrete Mix
Product Data Sheet

Boral Cements Blue Circle® Concrete Mix is a proportioned blend

of dry aggregate, graded sands and cement suitable for all general
purpose concrete applications where a quality concrete is required.

Features and Benefits Placement of concrete

• Used by both the professional and the home handy person. Prior to placement, lightly soak the base with water to prevent
• A high cement content for increased strength, durability excess moisture loss. The base should be compacted (crushed
and workability. rock or sand). Placement can be done by shovel ensuring all
• Good finishing properties. corners are reached. For larger jobs a poker vibrator may be
needed to ensure no entrapped air is in the mix.
Typical Applications
Use a straight edge to screed off the concrete to the height of
General smaller concreting jobs like foot Paths, Slabs,
the formwork. Float or trowel the concrete as soon as possible
Footings, Garden Edges etc.
after screeding without overworking the surface. Wait until
Where a more structural concrete is required you may all excess bleed water has dissipated and then finish off.
need to add neat cement to the premixed bag. As a guide,
Use a jointing tool to cut joints every 1-2 metres. Use an
an addition of 1kg to 1.5kg per 20kg bag of Concrete
edging tool to smooth off edges and prevent chipping.
Mix can be used to achieve around 32 MPa concrete
(under normal conditions). Smooth finish with a steel trowel or non-slip finish with
a shelling trowel or broom finish.
Formwork made from 25mm thick timber is commonly Caution on hot weather
used to mould the concrete. Use a builders square to It is advisable to delay concreting until weather cools
ensure that corners are at right angles. Lightly oil the down below 32 degrees. High temperatures can dramatically
insides of the boards before mixing and laying the concrete. affect the properties of concrete by drying out too rapidly.
Lower the formwork on one side to allow a slight fall for
water run off when doing pathways and slabs. Curing
Fresh concrete must be protected from loss of moisture
Mixing as soon as the surface is firm. Plastic sheeting can be used,
Use either a wheel barrow with a ‘larry’ hoe, shovel also Hessian kept damp at all times laid over the concrete.
or mechanical mixer. Add about 75% of the water to the Curing should be done for a minimum of seven days and
mixing vessel and slowly add the contents of the bag. Add longer under certain conditions. Keep formwork in place
sufficient remaining water gradually to achieve a workable whilst curing to protect the edges.
mix. As a guide, use around 2 litres of water per 20kg bag.

Do not over water unless you need to achieve a sloppy mix.

The less water the stronger the concrete.
Concrete Mix
Product Data Sheet

Yield Availability
One 20kg bag will cover an area of 1.1m to a depth of
Concrete Mix comes 20kg plastic lined, multi-walled paper sacks,
approximately 10mm. Or 108 x 20kg bags equates to and small handy 10kg plastic bags.
one cubic metre of mixed concrete.
Cleanup & Storage
Typical Product Performance Clean all tools and equipment with water promptly after use.
Compressive Strength (MPa):
Contact with air and moisture will cause hydration of cementicious
products. Store in a cool dry place and seal any unused material.
20 It is recommended to dispose of any cement based products over
12 months old.
Safe Handling

10 This product contains cement chemicals and trace amounts

of Hexavalent Chromium. Avoid generating dust. Use personal
protection equipment against exposure and alkali burns.
Wash product off unprotected skin immediately with water.
7 days 28 days The use of goggles, dust masks, barrier creams and rubber
gloves is recommended.
Bags required for the job: Manual handling of bagged products without proper training
Square Mtrs Number of 20kg Bags may result in personal injury. Wherever possible you should
use mechanical aids or share the load with another person.
10 82 108
9 74 98 For further safety information consult the Material Safety
Data Sheet for the product.
8 66 88
7 58 76
6 50 66
5 42 54
4 34 44
3 26 34
2 18 22
1 10 12
Depth: 75mm 100mm

The information in this Boral Cement Victoria

Data Sheet and any advice ABN: 62 008 528 523 Telephone: 1800 673 570
given should be viewed as
a guide only. Boral makes NSW Tasmania
no guarantee of the accuracy Clunies Ross Street, Telephone: 1800 800 953
or completeness of the Prospect
information and recommends Product Support
NSW 2148
you conduct your own testing Telephone: 1800 721 258
P.O. Box 42 Wentworthville,
to determine suitability for
NSW 2145
your specific purpose.
Telephone: (02) 9033 4000
Revised: April 2012 Facsimile: (02) 9033 4055


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