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Course Outlines:


Warehouse Operational Principles

• The role of the warehouse in the modern supply chain

- Why do we need to hold stock?

- Types of warehouses

- Warehouse challenges

• Factors determining the location and number of warehouses

• Warehouse design

- Space calculations

- Receipt and dispatch areas

- Storage areas

- Aisle width

- Storage equipment

- Warehouse operations


Warehouse Technology

• Warehouse technology

- Choosing warehouse management software

- What to look for in a system

- Selecting a partner

- Implementation

- Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing

• Contingency planning and risk

• Warehouse mechanical handling equipment and automation

• Reverse logistics
• Warehouse costs

- Return on investment (ROI)

- Traditional versus activity based costing systems

- Traditional costing methods

- Activity based costing

- Charging for shared user warehouse services

- Logistics charging methods

• Warehouse outsourcing

- The future of outsourcing

• Warehouses and the environment

- Legislation

- Warehouse energy usage

- Energy production

- The environment and waste

- Mechanical handling equipment


Inventory Management Principles

• Analyzing requirements

• Product classification

• Demand analysis

- Inventory planning for independent and dependent demand

• Product coding

• ABC analysis

• Item groupings for inventory management

- Replenishment methods

- Relating replenishment methods to ABC classes and type of demand

• Inventory management essentials

- Modeling demand

- Reorder point system

- Periodic review system

• Inventory costs and service

- Service level

- Stock value

- Stockholding cost

- Ordering cost

• Lead time

• Demand forecasting

- Understanding the context

- Simple moving averages

- Measuring forecast accuracy

- Adjusting the forecast using extra information

• Setting the inventory management parameters

• Inventory and statistics

- Mean absolute deviation of demand


Stock Control, Verification and Reporting

• Stock record transactions

• Inventory receipts

- Checking the purchase order and the contents of the delivery

- Recording receipt in the inventory management system

• Inventory issues

- Physical issue

- Allocation

Stock management
• Identifying inventory

- Raw materials

- Work in progress

- Finished goods

• Surplus and obsolescent stock

- Definitions of surplus and obsolescent stock

- Preventing surplus

- Variety reduction

- Disposal policy

• Stock control and records

- Overall objectives of stock control

- Stock records

• Stock accuracy

• Stock checking programs

- The annual count

- Continuous or perpetual inventory counting

- Periodic checking

- Spot checking and accuracy audit

- Resolving differences and improving future accuracy

• Physical counting of stocks

- General and specific processes

• Role of inventory manager or stock controller

• Performance reporting

- Total investment in the stock

- Value of average stock level

- Stock turns and stock cover

- Availability or service level

- Data accuracy

- Non-mover analysis
- Back orders

- Shortages and reasons for shortages


Human Resource Management

The role of the warehouse manager

- The role of the warehouse supervisor

• People management

- Challenges

- Staff retention and recruitment

- Training

- Grievance and discipline

• Resource planning

• Performance management

- Why do we need to measure?

- How to choose the right performance measures

- Traditional performance measures

- New performance metrics

- Hard and soft measures

- Integrated performance models

- Benchmarking

- Balanced scorecard

• Health and safety

- Risk assessments

- Layout and design

- Racking check list, fire safety, slips and trips, manual handling, working at height, vehicles

- First aid

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