Boulkedid 2017
Boulkedid 2017
Boulkedid 2017
Correspondence Abstract
Florentia Kaguelidou
E-mail:, Background and Objective: Chronic pain is associated with significant functional and social impairment. The objective of this review
was to assess the characteristics and quality of randomized controlled
Funding sources trials (RCTs) evaluating pain management interventions in children and
The study is part of the European GAPP
adolescents with chronic pain.
study that has received funding from the
Methods: We performed a systematic search of PubMed, Embase and the
European Union Seventh Framework Pro-
gramme for research, technological develop- Cochrane Library up to July 2017. We included RCTs that involved
ment and demonstration under Grant children and adolescents (3 months-18 years) and evaluated the use of
Agreement No 602041”. The funders had no pharmacological or non-pharmacological intervention(s) in the context of
role in study design, data collection and pain persisting or re-occurring for more than 3 months. Methodological
analysis, decision to publish, or preparation quality was evaluated using the Cochrane Risk of Bias (ROB) Tool.
of the manuscript
Results: A total of 58 RCTs were identified and numbers steadily
increased over time. The majority were conducted in single hospital
Conflicts of interest
None declared. institutions, with no information on study funding. Median sample size
was 47.5 participants (Q1,Q3: 32, 70). Forty-five percent of RCTs
*The members of the GAPP consortium are included both adults and children and the median of the mean ages at
presented before Reference Section. inclusion was 12.9 years (Q1,Q3: 11, 15). Testing of non-
pharmacological interventions was predominant and only 5 RCTs
evaluated analgesics or co-analgesics. Abdominal pain, headache/
Accepted for publication
migraine and musculoskeletal pain were the most common types of
4 October 2017
chronic pain among participants. Methodological quality was poor with
doi:10.1002/ejp.1137 90% of RCTs presenting a high or unclear ROB.
Conclusions: Evaluation of analgesics targeting chronic pain relief in
children and adolescents through RCTs is marginal. Infants and children
with long-lasting painful conditions are insufficiently represented in
RCTs. We discuss possible research constraints and challenges as well as
methodologies to circumvent them.
abstracts to identify the relevant trials. Each author with 18 RCTs identified through manual reference
independently selected the trials to be included in search (Fig. 1; list of selected articles is given in Sup-
this review. Disagreements were resolved by discus- porting Information Appendix S2).
sion with a third researcher (FK). For all abstracts
considered potentially relevant, full texts were 3.1 General trial characteristics and study
retrieved. Full text article selection was indepen- population
dently performed by three authors (AY, RB, ED) and
Table 1 summarizes the main trial characteristics and
disagreements were resolved by consensus.
Fig. 2 displays the number of RCTs per year of publi-
cation and type of intervention evaluated. Most of
2.2 Data extraction
the RCTs were single-centre, hospital-based trials
Data were extracted using a structured data collection from Europe or Northern America and were recently
form (Supporting Information Appendix S1) which published (after year 2005: 36/58 62%). Public fund-
was pre-tested on ten randomly selected articles by ing prevailed although the information was lacking
one researcher (MM) and modified accordingly. The in more than half of the RCTs. Median sample size
form covered the following categories: general charac- was 47.5 participants (Q1,Q3: 32, 70). Only 32
teristics (e.g. study setting, year of publication, fund- (55%) trials were exclusively pediatric (children
ing), study population (e.g. age groups: infants [3– and/or adolescents) and the median of the mean
23 months], children [2–11 years], adolescents [12– ages at inclusion was 12.9 years (Q1,Q3: 11, 15),
17 years], adults [≥18 years]; size), clinical context and none included infants. The majority of RCTs
(e.g. type and source of pain, presence of an underly- (81%) evaluated the impact of a non-pharmacologi-
ing disease), trial design (e.g. nature of intervention cal intervention.
and comparator, outcome measures, pain assessment,
statistical conclusions) and methodological quality. 3.2 Clinical context
Participants presented a chronic pain which was per-
2.3 Methodological quality assessment
sistent in 1 RCTs (2%), recurrent in 26 (45%), both
Methodological quality was assessed using the in 11 (19%) but the type of chronic pain was not
Cochrane Risk of Bias (ROB) Tool implemented based specified in 20 RCTs. Participants presented an
on the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration (Hig- underlying disease in 9 RCTs (16%). Only 29% (17/
gins et al., 2011). The tool covers six methodological 58) of RCTs specified the physio-pathological type of
areas: sequence generation, allocation concealment, pain to be treated although most patients presented
blinding, incomplete outcome data, selective outcome with more than one type of pain: nociceptive pain in
reporting and other sources of bias. 10, neuropathic pain in 8, psychogenic pain in 6 and
For each study, ROB is described as low (all six mixed pain in 6 RCTs. Pain locations/causes are
domains are judged to be at low ROB) or high (one given in Table 2 according to type of intervention.
or more domains are judged to be at high ROB) or The majority of studies focused on the management
unclear (one or more domains are judged to be at of abdominal pain (64%) and headache/migraine
unclear ROB and none at high risk). Two authors (47%) however, 23 (40%) trials included patients
(AY, EB) assessed methodological quality indepen- with pain originating from more than one location/
dently and discrepancies were solved by consensus. cause. Of note, RCTs on the management of cancer,
myofascial, eye and psychosomatic pain included
2.4 Data analysis both children and adults.
the characteristics of the RCTs’ outcome measures. not required in 13 (20%) and not reported in 44
Assessment of pain was the primary outcome in RCTs (78%).
86% (50/58) of RCTs (single assessment [n = 12] or Among the 11 RCTs evaluating pharmacological
part of a composite outcome [n = 38]), and a sec- interventions, five evaluated the use of diclofenac or
ondary outcome in 8% (n = 8). Self-assessment of nefopam, acetaminophen-codeine with or without
pain was privileged (95% of RCTs) and the numeri- doxylamine, amitriptylin with or without pindolol,
cal rating scale (NRS-11, 50%) was the most fre- chlormezanone and drotaverine hydrochloride
quently used pain scale. Other important outcomes respectively; the remaining trials evaluated the
measures such as quality of life and pain-related dis- effects of antibiotics (n = 3) or combinations of vita-
ability were more rarely assessed (Table 3). mins (n = 3) to treat chronic painful symptoms.
A baseline period of pain assessment before ran- Overall, control groups comprised a placebo (n = 5)
domization was required in 83% (48/58) of RCTs. or an active reference treatment (n = 6). Of note,
However, the duration of this assessment period was only 4 of these 11 RCTs were exclusively pediatric.
reported only in 67% (32/48) of these trials and var- For RCTs evaluating non-pharmacological
ied between 1 day and 6 months (median: interventions (n = 47): 39 evaluated the efficacy of a
14.5 days). Also, a treatment ‘wash-out’ period was single intervention, (psychotherapy, n = 13; comple-
required in 1 pharmacological RCT (7 day duration), mentary therapy [e.g. hypnotherapy], n = 5;
Non-pharmacological intervention
All RCTs (n = 58) Pharmacological intervention (n = 11) (N = 47)
Number (%) or Median [Q1–Q3] Number (%) or Median [Q1–Q3] Number (%) or Median [Q1–Q3]
Figure 2 Trends of time of the number of RCTs according to the type of evaluated intervention.
Table 2 Pain locations/causes persistent pain (Eccleston et al., 2012) although, one
Non- cannot refute the necessity of pharmacological treat-
Pharmacological pharmacological ments and the positive interactions between the two
Source of All RCTs intervention intervention therapeutic approaches. Still, evaluation of analgesics
pain N (%)a (N = 58) (N = 11) (N = 47) for the treatment of chronic pain in children was very
Abdominal painb 37 (64) 9 (82) 28 (60) scarce. In addition, RCTs focused mainly on two
Headache/migraine 27 (47) 4 (36) 23 (50) causes of pain: headache/migraine and abdominal
Musculoskeletal 15 (26) 1 (9) 14 (30) pain, while neglecting children and adolescents with
pain long-lasting conditions causing substantial pain e.g.
Sickle cell disease 2 (3) 0 2 (4)
cancer or sickle cell disease. Both findings underline
Fibromyalgia 2 (3) 0 2 (4)
the fact that for some clinical conditions, pain therapy
Postoperative pain 1 (2) 0 1 (2)
CRPSc 2 (3) 0 2 (4) remains empirical and mainly based on extrapolation
Cancer 1 (2) 1 (9) 0 of therapeutic schemas from adults (Gregoire and Fin-
Myofascial pain 1 (2) 0 1 (2) ley, 2013; Mercadante and Giarratano, 2014).
Eye pain 1 (2) 1 (9) 0 Clinical trials in chronic pain are altogether diffi-
Psychosomatic 1 (2) 0 1 (2) cult to design, conduct and interpret even in adult
practice (Polydefkis and Raja, 2008; Dworkin et al.,
Not specified 3 (5) 1 (9) 2 (4)
2010; Moore et al., 2013a). Several methodological
The total percentage exceed 100% because some RCTs include more challenges, e.g. the heightened placebo response and
than one category. the use of subjective outcomes are also encountered
Includes epigastric pain, recurrent or functional abdominal pain,
in children (Dworkin et al., 2005, 2010; Birnie et al.,
recurrent abdominal pain of psychosomatic origin, chronic abdominal
pain, functional bowel disorders, irritable bowel syndrome. . .etc.
2012; Weimer et al., 2013). However, paediatric pain
Omplex regional pain syndrome. research may be exposed to additional challenges.
First, the number of children and adolescents pre-
medicine (Treede et al., 2008; Bouhassira and Attal, senting certain types of chronic pain, e.g. neuro-
2011; Moore et al., 2013b). The absence of diagnos- pathic pain, is known to be very small compared to
tic tools and the difficulties in classifying chronic adults (Howard et al., 2014). Thus, small sample
pain was reflected by the fact that one-third of RCTs sizes and trial participants with highly variable dis-
did not provide information about the physio-patho- ease profiles preclude treatment evaluation (Moore
logical type of participants’ chronic pain. This may et al., 1998). Second, the choice of an adequate
also be the reason why no RCT involved infants comparator to test therapeutic interventions is often
<2 years of age. Although pain perception and its problematic. Placebo controlled trials, the gold stan-
negative effects have been clearly identified in dard for drug testing, are not ethically acceptable in
infants as young as preterm neonates (Allegaert sometimes severely affected children and adoles-
et al., 2013), recent experimental studies advocate cents. In our review, placebo arms have only been
that neuropathic chronic pain is suppressed in the implemented when testing vitamins’ and antibiotics
youngest and may emerge later in adolescence for the management of abdominal pain. On the
(McKelvey et al., 2015; Fitzgerald and McKelvey, other hand, there are currently no active compara-
2016). But how can we clinically confirm the tors proven to be efficacious and considered as the
absence of persistent pain in infants who are unable standard of care in paediatric chronic pain (Walco
to verbalise pain or discomfort and without adequate et al., 2010; World Health Organization 2012). Third,
tools to recognize it? Yet, the challenge of identifying several study features like the duration of the base-
and quantifying ongoing pain is not specific to the line pain intensity assessment period, washout of
youngest as pain intensity scales used in children prohibited medications before inclusion and accep-
and adolescents have been essentially developed to tance or not of concomitant analgesics during the
evaluate acute or procedural pain (Hummel and van trial were rarely reported in the RCTs reviewed. Yet,
Dijk, 2006; Stinson et al., 2006; von Baeyer and Spa- these are important trial features that may impact
grud, 2007; Palermo, 2009). Though, it is recom- acceptance of the trial by patients/families and treat-
mended to use the same scales for chronic pain, ing physicians and consequently influence trial
there is no evidence on their psychometric properties recruitment. Finally, participation of patients in the
in this clinical context (McGrath et al., 2008). RCTs was found to be rather short (median
A variety of psychological therapies have proven to 6 months) for a condition such as chronic pain,
be beneficial for children and adolescents with although research needed more than 2 years to
Pain intensity
Simple primary outcome 12 (21) 4 (36) 8 (17)
Complex/composite primary outcome 38 (66) 5 (45) 33 (70)
Secondary outcome 8 (14) 2 (18) 6 (13)
Pain intensity outcome defined as
Qualitative variable 5 (9) 0 5 (11)
Binary based on threshold 1 (20) 1 (20)
Binary based on % of response 3 (60) 3 (60)
Other (pain unchanged/improvement/pain free) 1 (20) 1 (20)
Quantitative variable 52 (90) 10 (91) 42 (89)
Mean/median pain score 22 (42) 1 (10) 21 (50)
Decrease on initial score in term of points or % 29 (56) 9 (90) 20 (48)
Other 1 (2) 0 1 (2)
Not reported 1 (2) 1 (9) 0
Tools used to assess pain intensitya
Simple verbal scale 2 (3) 1 (9) 1 (2)
Visual analogue scale 22 (38) 7 (64) 15 (32)
Numerical rating scale (NRS) 29 (50) 5 (45) 24 (51)
Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale 1 (2) 1 (9) 0
Faces Pain Scale – Revised (FPS-R) 7 (12) 2 (18) 5 (11)
Other 13 (22) 5 (45) 8 (17)
Not reported 5 (9) 3 (27) 2 (4)
Pain intensity assessora
Patient 55 (95) 10 (91) 45 (96)
Medical doctor 1 (2) 0 1 (2)
Nurse 1 (2) 1 (9) 0
Parents 16 (28) 2 (18) 14 (30)
Research assistant 1 (2) 0 1 (2)
Not reported 2 (3) 1 (9) 1 (2)
Other outcome measuresa
QOL 15 (26) 2 (18) 13 (28)
Primary outcome 3 0 3
Secondary outcome 12 2 10
Depression 16 (28) 1 (9) 15 (32)
Primary outcome 2 0 2
Secondary outcome 14 1 13
Anxiety 9 (16) 1 (9) 8 (17)
Pr Primary outcome 2 0 2
Secondary outcome 7 1 6
Disability 12 (21) 0 12 (25)
Primary outcome 7 0 7
Secondary outcome 5 0 5
Safety 7 (12) 4 (36) 3 (6)
Primary outcome 1 0 1
Secondary outcome 6 4 2
Quality of sleep 5 (9) 0 5 (11)
Primary outcome 1 0 1
Secondary outcome 4 0 4
Satisfaction 6 (10) 1 (9) 5 (11)
Primary outcome 0 0 0
Secondary outcome 6 1 5
Other 44 (76) 8 (73) 36 (77)
complete (median 28.5 months). Long-lasting RCTs developed and applied in adults should be adapted
mainly due to recruitment difficulties tend to and validated in paediatrics, e.g. in neuropathic pain,
increase research costs while losing their scientific the DN4 questionnaire or the quantitative sensory
interest. testing (QST), whose value in clinical practice should
In a significant number of RCTs included in our be further explored (Howard et al., 2014; Mainka
review the risk of bias was unclear probably because et al., 2015). Moreover, pain intensity is only one
authors do not follow guidelines for reporting of dimension of the chronic pain experience (Birnie
RCTs and this is consistent with conclusions from et al., 2012). In our review, assessment of pain
previous reviews in adults (Turner et al., 2012a,b). intensity was the primary outcome for all studies but
Our review intended to explore the potential quality of life or satisfaction with treatment was
research gap in pediatric chronic pain management rarely assessed. Confining evaluation to merely pain
and to discuss the underlying reasons for this gap. In intensity does not accurately reflect anticipated ben-
any case, the methodological weaknesses of the efits in pain-related disability and may potentially
RCTs included and the heterogeneity of interven- impair testing of promising therapies (McGrath et al.,
tions tested prevent from drawing any conclusions 2008; Lynch-Jordan et al., 2014). Finally, interna-
on the effectiveness of the latter. Our review is also tional expert initiatives to define adequate method-
based on published RCTs and may not comprise ologies and study features when performing chronic
negative studies. Therefore, our results may not pain trials in paediatrics are greatly needed. The
completely reflect research efforts to improve man- IMMPACT initiative (Grol et al., 2008) whose mis-
agement of paediatric chronic pain but they shed sion was to develop consensus reviews and recommen-
light into the dearth and challenges of research in dations for improving the conduct of clinical trials of
the field. Although there are many ways to tackle treatments for pain comprised a paediatric component
these challenges, three should be further high- for outcome measures in trials. However, as opposed to
lighted. Properly identifying ongoing painful condi- adults (Dworkin et al., 2010, 2011), IMMPACT did not
tions in children and adolescents is the first step to issue specific recommendations for the design of confir-
adequate treatment. Some diagnostic tools initially matory chronic pain clinical trials in children and
adolescents considering specific methodological chal- Marcello Allegretti, Dr Ornella Bellagamba, Prof.
lenges. Currently, only one US expert group has pro- Franca Benini, Dr Donato Bonifazi, Dr Daniela
posed guidance on how and when to perform RCTs in Caprino, Prof. Adriana Ceci, Dr Sabrina Congedi,
children and adolescents but merely in the context of Dr Francesco Craig, Dr Sandro Dallorso, Dr Antuan
acute pain (Berde et al., 2012). In addition, alternative Divisic, Dr Mariagrazia Felisi, Dr Marco Gentile,
and innovative approaches to clinical trial design such Dr Andrea De Giacomo, Dr Rebecca Lundin, Dr Luca
as the randomised withdrawal or adaptive designs may Manfredini, Dr Laura Mangiarini, Dr Emilia Matera,
represent more feasible and reliable options to perform Prof. Lucia Margari, Dr Alessandro Mazza, Dr Virgilio
clinical research in children (McQuay et al., 2008; Pace, Dr Chiara Di Pede, Dr Maria Giuseppina Pet-
Baiardi et al., 2011; Moore et al., 2013a). International ruzzelli, Dr Pieradelchi Ruffini, Dr Luigina Tagli-
consensus on these methods would certainly urge reg- avacca, Dr Maria Traverso; the Netherlands:
ulatory acceptance and contribute in developing effec- Dr Maarten O. Mensink, Prof. Dick Tibboel, Prof Sas-
tive treatments in children and adolescents with kia N de Wildt, Dr Tjitske van der Zanden; United
chronic pain. Kingdom: Dr Oscar Della Pasqua, Dr Paul Healy.
5. Conclusions
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Acknowledgements Bouhassira, D., Attal, N. (2011). Diagnosis and assessment of
neuropathic pain: The saga of clinical tools. Pain 152, S74–S83.
All the collaborators were involved in the context of the Coffelt, T.A., Bauer, B.D., Carroll, A.E. (2013). Inpatient characteristics
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the supporting information tab for this article:
Moore, R.A., Derry, S., Wiffen, P.J. (2013a). Challenges in design and
interpretation of chronic pain trials. Br J Anaesth 111, 38–45.
Appendix S1. Data extraction form.
Moore, R.A., Straube, S., Aldington, D. (2013b). Pain measures and
cut-offs – ‘no worse than mild pain’ as a simple, universal outcome.
Appendix S2. References of RCTs included in the review.
Anaesthesia 68, 400–412.
Odell, S., Logan, D.E. (2013). Pediatric pain management: The
Appendix S3. Search strategy.
multidisciplinary approach. J Pain Res 6, 785–790.