Mth101 Lec 23 To 45 by Kinza Bilal - 3
Mth101 Lec 23 To 45 by Kinza Bilal - 3
Mth101 Lec 23 To 45 by Kinza Bilal - 3
44 sin€x) %, = 97GB- _o-150a- <8 OH \+ mony z= 0-734! 7 eS You may continwe, bub male solulion °s On Some did ik. Newtors Method. =) Tt clots ~70 altangs wok. i ou ctl fin fom) | Yow a imvolves division b WE oub business- qr a sepe case will occur +f he Tamgped Lene fy seme Some oppsoximaiion has adobe zie ch i fesatled 10 aon 2) Somkimas apptonimalion dtl Pe ey For example in ytd ” d ee nie %a- OY) ae te io. D> %™ ~ 3) Calyx, - 30) Syn Bo Uae oq Se Tow foow Approximation, value do “el converge es y fa ofy thaedRoile’s Thaover:- , | Ut f£ be dfferenfiable on (a,b) § coat Lael TP flaye fev) -0 thew Tew 4 ot oO oro poink in (a,b) where ficey=o- Example, FOx) = sine Lo, 2 AS sin x is af Perontiable ™ (0, Dy eoilinuns on [0, 24], j Sin(o)= Si So , Pee CoS % =0 ah . mer th of Here le fice fc i x on YO Mean value Th 7 EF ie afecke ie Ca,b) 1 condos om [a, = a? Thow is al leost ore poml wor Roepe FCb)- Fad b~-a c mM woPe ae Inbeg vailion Frea. brobler “Cyc Um AG) -AG) _ lin ©) AG ) Me oo hao Ne hs go to ln ya ce) aca Te ary od ¢ Poidedabalber VS a ‘ rae ven value of ¢ , the Puncleon Co wk om qnibidorivarive — ef fw Wet Cx) + ondidesialive of fa) » musibe in te foi FIOtC> 7 a \ pest form & ne ce called (x) Por example ow > date ne seb of + Lata, 3° aC One AM onde —dertvodiies ef beh a+ dente avili-dertalive by ( 4, week ondee (he ayes *s called inlenod 9 j £00 *s eollod indegrand, St is wad as " Undefenibe tafegred Cx) equals EO i called cont of tegebink Py Example:- S fee) de =? when (DE = ct 6 f(x) due ‘J a Ax 7, Ni ee Exoample:- {2 dx = es (2 Oe —_ a -S+l 5 “4 » fare Fy Zico te : “Set a Jue Form a Leg yalcon For viaill'cs $ Lute 3x le Bx” 5 one: dx = 3 2732) Re [sede = sinzte 4 2 (sins) ae pect jeter Tent +C ats é 4 4 + 3,*. 2 at 3 U3 acu’ =u aod {2 urdu HE) ju Iarma - ya) * => contd can be moed Teg an whey Se fonydx = ¢ foods ; . =) Anti- depivalive of asum *S fre wu dexivabives . Cn +g cay ax 2 JFCO patios Sf fee acij n= Heo I yu =) ft - devolve f a Le mx +4e = Ysinn tk. Example’ Ce Example % _— ie = i" + fx x = zz + = 4+¢ Bate Generali: Veysien:- {fe fone +e, £ By Cy £ Cr) BR] ce (peor de 4 Caf Berd —— Af C0) afExample:- Sze 2x 41x41) dx per aie ~ Int ds oy dy wd So = - = 2 a Tae ee “oy a E - : = a i ss A? =) aes iS Hh omaha roca nw» +e »I Lecture 3, Lecture 26. Fide ~ Yalegratlion b4 Subatione he fe lite chad rhe f diff exentinton > shikeg redion by Substitution % wed Composit funcitens. A a — Cou) = a uy). Me dx clu (4 ») tO. J] Take beprad = Meo ae = Ss ° 5 ES) BY du E = Os a xe . 1) Sele se) J uw? da so+) ue +c = Wnt0= ( ws % J su. = a % s \ eos a dt smu +O —.f el dx du = $ du = \ an (Sx) +eExample. | par 3- st — an 5-648 Sf Sst* tat > cly : _ = Pe) “ff. ee \ du=-asttat | _, Jaw du. ttt a — Sah v¥ & | . i. we | - -«LSSs | MOE Oo «+ ruPae | ww 3 y OP = 2080 1S 4 33a-st* At S Ta tet = = = 3 “fie & ips eat. 8 Gag 25 U eo) olu 4 ig STe - a eeeLeute 27, Sigma niation:- = wed fo waite Sergiy cas in ere pos. Form => Sy gee (2) is an upper cove een oS =) & is cated “gra / Sermaction, ww Examples: 7 é ke Va Va Be Prs’ y ri <4 ° wy Bie 14 2%4 B+ 4'sOF Summation ces mot tnohve 5 Z22= 242424 iz & 3 56°. a & x= EX E* os ked @ A sum can be wiiilen? in mere han ore wpolode f we Tho Limi - Eek 2424446438410 ae k+2) 2 24+ Y+E + BHO >» Z (2k-2) = 2444648410 Ker ' Chomging fhe index Summalion:. Example: Dupes 2 a5 un BG motoliow So That Lower Lent” 3 O rodtet Than 3. Define a new irdex 4 byKa 8 k- 3 J Pal m i k- 26 ke3 will. Subsex ipts 4 Exam ple:- wiht. ihre 2 O, FOG+ a, Mpyeseut geretal sum can abo be wudtten as kei iL @ ep wit n terms can be Pee 2 b,= brebl+ byy .. 2. ab, Probexties of Sign a Notation: nn nn ene Ae a On a ci iy Z (+bs) ial 2 Kt kel be w)Z_(On- be) = 2 %- Se KelTheovems:- Zk a 14243y.---an 2 weed ket PE » 2 3 4754 34M = nto) QO 1 6 XN ee 12 Eyres ce 2D ‘ & 20 kel sad = 30, 2s, = kel ce +k) = iol Kel x YL God 4t) 4 30( 3041) 6 2 Gre GY Ce) , (Be) 1) o ° ~» > ae 930 2 — +4968 a = 9920 © In above ‘Three Theorems (alte, Jeft park is colled open form ( Bite in 1st , 442+24—--4n)4 ane part is called? closed BEE ses moe)hue 24 ¢ | lectuw 23 Awa as limits. | Jn thie figure Jieeve cS A Aeron 4-4 bounces! below ee UL-QxutS, ihe sicles b ihe Linh w=a ] x2b , Above by a mwe of Cov OU tumelon FOO =e rg bic cs Qho mMN-negalie om miavol [a, b). Gud an eer can be cole ated wong ani derivalives. We can civicle This graph Jaren | region into ” 2 uo) pauls of waite b-% by inserting oH Dende Diween a4 b Cnty, x x, Sp AX = . war fee Lem z $C") be fc 1) Met P(a,%) oe feo t f Can™) beLebt End Poivbs- x = X,), = 04 (k-1) 4 Right Encl Pate uP =X, 2 ark dx Mil Poiwl:- xp = 5 Oe +H) | [9- be es a Pins %, (2-21) ats i a fe Zk) na [2 aq men] ” 6c- aS = = a7 oe 97 = Fp mon) 6 2 um ve | a7- 27 Qn't 3n41) Gn lum . noe [ 27 - ints Sioa) a 6nr lew ” 1-9 o0 [27- Qn? _ 8 In 95 Gn 6y* =| Lim roe [27- G4 M09 b én Env _ ~ - (a7 = NOB | tng 6 (2) ~ a)- a 6 (00 ) BE 0-0 Av, x”lecture 29 “The tle Ink val AS jw formula for willl. C Suez b-& Y) ip he wid belwen subivilewals # not euol How this forrnuda narra. 1 we want 40 find will of Teo lavgeit Gubintewa) to at called mesh Sige ] prseied by nor W%, Reaol 0 marian of lhe OX, Loy ervammple sx, AX DXs °\ oe 2 Ss 42 may A 48 f 2 [hoo ‘ ne Lheovese. Area unodler cue Olinciion Pes conlenuos ol, b} 74 kes ZO for all x in [a,b] || ew cube wind come ovet [2,6] is As lim = 464%) ox, | max yee kel | | dam als be wllen ay fda de 6, Ax, 6 vil |& Fuk) 9%, 'S cabled Remann Sum, =| ee tnercenenencny, f feoetx iS cabled le Penile integral i + P from oo ? 7 b, @ are cabled upper { Rover Le wails pespectively» Evarple:- EvoLualle [ cusrd out: This apne Scena under CLE qe x!) over [2,4]. fx cw Ne "As ks el Loft 2") - (u-2r) S(E-4)-2 - (3-8)-2 _ 6-2 = GY dy, ——_gz Example.. f Cl- x ) ox E 4 = {4 ox - fw ole ee 2 2 | x]. - Ea ~ 2 4 y L b »-~ F342 = 4 7. ef # & fn he oman eff. of fOr) du =O eit t &S integ yeLble om [a,b] , Thou b J f@ AL a = -| £ (x) de b=) Props } defincle jnlegrod @ fe F(x) olx = cf Soody ° Sf Hou) 4 g(x9| kx = 6 Hx) Ax 1 ode of 260 - jo} Ay = f head e- { gcodde “Theovem:- i £ is ivleg rotole om a Closeol inlewad eanlininniny ‘s bois Qa, be Cle ( toyax Plena: | ! $04) abe wl a ‘Se ep, f Hardne = a [asa e 3 Pieoue4 , [Heo dx f foe) Av = * beads 4 ( f(x) dx —1 - (fer) deg 3 oh ed to) ax“Theover:- Wise if ft iliguevie (4, b) j tox)zo for all w m [a,b] ew ffs >0 i} t 4 7, we jbeg yoble functions on [a,b] ji f(x) Zz q Ov for olf mM) [a,b] “Th ft 2f goo wor ks wilk 7,4, © bio. Exoemple Shon [md is ive. e On Pte ey , Us % >O0 but da? SR, So fx) as a wdhole &% <0 Se Seige i negaLive | molion:- Funetion 7’ saiol to be bounded om la, b] 4 toe is a +ve munbr Mee by uo: _-MeE bo Y= - 7 gem PyeMWL 4 is olefined al abl points in [2%] m Tf f fs continuous o[a,b) tun. it ib al ivilegvouole om a,b]. > Jt { is bounced om [a,b] j har orb finite many poinls af clveowdinuaep on [a,b] “thee fic trbeqrable on [9,4]. > if } rs mot bomoled om [4,6] Tham t is sae ielggroble om [a, b] ‘— Lectuve 30. Eve Eumdamentad Theove c of Cleubas he 2 } ¢ is conbrruwous om (a, b] 7 E i on ond? clerods ve f f on [9, ble f $e dee FCo)- FCA) oO m 4x DX, 0 F(b)- Flad= lm + 2 F0%) Ax, a a 4 oe 2 ie = QD" _ Uy» Sos ie y | Qe 2 Dd =) a a8 : Ve, 2-¢[ Fen}, [Few aco] = [Foo]... [Fc2)- Ga]. e [Foo]. -+ [a [food Bla+c f tovadx = fees], GF COS xX over “ Coa) Since aos oe xe A ee? Spor z COs x fx os 1% SS [sin | H =) sin (4 )- ny we 3 = 41-0 24 oe, . Beommple- Evesuale ( C13 - xt tea { Pate Feds Fa de D<| “ jas, | ExomPle Fawwote ( bey dx i Fox) 2 uP 7 as 2, & |. 2 p x) + (es ~2a] _ =) r(§ (4°91) - 2(6 — % + = (32) 77 OU, :- Mean | Value “Thani a | ( eadde 2 Pox") Cbo-a) , YD ts condimou on 2 nledeiol A : P [a,b] fon. How ts ob | beast ont "a in[a,b] - Proof mafGd em L rat $ a diunes Q Marx Vv) 7 9 mun eles mm & FOO = WW) fonts ftendne ft Bet forte mn) bo Pe | fino aH Mea) m [x] 2 SS mM, & j Beode. 7g ae Cecio! volute. rs a mur pan Aus om "yn 4 S xd apretie. Theorem : cePas ) Examples we { ‘ S)o 2 6. > haf. ay peg | Log fad. tein Suele inleqrad We will Wea ef Pe y ont | Lewer e inhegvockion tod dfferentioiting blu 3 Lonaith : variokle. Exam ple:- Evaluale f t° ot - te dt => = ai oa 2 3 x3 3ZI2 3 3 a7 w{ “he Result & @ funchion of Ww. Second Fundamental “Theorem of Clea. = i inlegranot is» Gliwous , ‘Lom (he olerfvolive - of aX cleffndle neg’ vo. iks upper al ee equal to Raiond waluotecl of ol upper Lgintl : => “The fan of a function Representing “(he | ARO WAAL — ewe of anoller — continuo funelion f : : t te cen indewal sSGual to ke function f mn & qe? i : = ( f P(t)olt = F(x)So aay, Example:. f(x Jex® is cmlinuom. Evabsole Frtdt te chee vebicily “f 2c forced “hove of Caleulls- d / > x =f f(t)dt) = Fa [f tlt | - dad (ye Aju. aX \ =) é\ 4 “| 7 & | H+ |; 4e'-1)| = as eJeot (uxs)= 1h. Exustence conlonuaus func el [OS] #0 tae a el valive of , Fone f flit & on aioli xO" a i So out entlinuodus kinction on av enpowal hos on anti-deictie m tat ne: Exam ple:- 3 pre J \ dx dncléon ® emlinuovws on [ I, 3] soso inleg yovble. by rd durcla menial ‘Theorem of L Colculus. Fx). | = at 3 \ 3 iF -F) 2 J bot -J Lb dt > (Lett ger FCB FD = J pdt J Edt of pet f sat defines a funclin im terms of ialeprel Lecluie 33 Applicaiion ‘pW defile wlegrel frea Pl etl \sppose ot $59 ote conkinuous -tarcléons on prleweb [a,b] 4 fy) Z9@9) The BES y2fls) oboe Ac) two cay touch SS; Cy0SS. oh ne he ( area uncle 4) ( atea TH g/ a [toda fod « f [to -4c],Defanal can:- Tf f 5 d Ne combintos fare. om [a,b] j f(x) Zax) fst olf X mLa, 6] , tom (he ouen, ef Jegion bounded! above On (\° (x) bobsia " Arar), on the Left Oy Une LHaQ ] ae nig of tne Oy yeb IS A= J | $00-goo)|dx Exam Dple:- lind area of region bounded above oe d= at+6, 5 below by ext on sida by reo | XRs2. | te -magihe [Corea Ge 2) »[ Fkor 2] fevsord er ake D+) die - > 4-3 3 St ty 3Example: | asta, of Aegion enclosed bw dl 2a” 1 a? Ath. To fincl limals Compare boi equations xs x46 x7-2x-6=0 X-3x+¢la-b20 1(1-3)+2€%-3)20 A-3)x¢2)20 a-3-0 | xte=-0 q2 3 X2-2 S timits [rtenot i [-2,3] a x" et vale of [-2, 3] aatane AD de => [2 4 bx —n? Oto e ea [E@?- a") [= .6(-2)- 4 x©@ AG 8-4) (2-2 +8) 3 - 41 44 410-3 * mate), ei 8 41F 2 “3: 2 Ae hey,shh 10 : Example: Vind area of Aegan enclosecdl be aw & a oH 4 (jz x-2. a? 22 a . -_ CaOrwPaAnung boli, I 1g i Y-Y-2=0 d- 4tq-r<0 ACy-2) (gr? <8 (4-2)C yor) =O foee J atts de> | yal | ws z v6 ow qkuts in [-1, 2]. ’ Sas (e7y-d] # tS oi 24) 1c oe i 3), fePear Phe Xew(g& x2 wy) TP wh vce coiltruous fmdiom / “f wly)z vCy) for ollf t in [c,d] | how LEA of ALAC “ bounde m ded Left be tvCq) yan aco ba X= WC Ww bs dq mw Gees oubove. be qzol * gh vost | Damp. Fond areq of Aegean conhinedl og “eT d= x-2°: Gofued on preiou page.lectuse 3Y Cy UUimders movin) a Id-cicle oblong On line ( peypenclicul at to clicle) we gee a ey Ley cler - Volume of aw Minder = Ne A.W A is area 4 be GA hoaghl. So volume of on Aaght oy Lincter ’s product of zis aKa 4 beig hb But if Ihe cy ltinolet és mot Aig , thew we use meéllod ef slid fy volume of suck ey Wiel ey objew- in on ochoharne wu be b V aL oe, 20 z A(x*) bug = J ACO Volu ? teamula: be a solic! bouncleal “4 two pasollef planes petpencticulas fo x-axis ol x=0 § x=b- Lf, wn La, b] “he Cr085- ceclionald crea cs A(x) , eee volume fo! each % orclierSoe to H-aws ASimilar fot q if fr / geal ol fe f Aca Volume f sohiol ( Disk) pepenctealor es A= a [feo]? Ve [ A(x) lx b Ve fa [Pexy] ke Example:. Find volume of cobicl thal +4 obtoumec! ushen ‘he veqon unoley curve (fr Ju over bra] seesheea! aboul x1-au,. Ve ( ire AxExample. Deiive ‘te formula fe The volume of a Abheve of yadius y¥- eq uation of cscle WO ote a tt = > -uKXt fo) = ye Se N= | «(a ) “olx -Volume. of washer _pupendiodar to x-onit” As A(x)< a[ foo] - a[ goo] 2 af (goo) * -(90%)') So Ve ( a(L ¢oo]’ -AcrT ) eee Find volume of C omer when ae bw qo of L(x)= = Vax? 4 (ode x over the entervos )% 2} ww alow L- ans: ef a ‘(Gr) ]'- or) 4x 0 bee? ye | de [ 4 4% | dx 2 cis Ss oes. navolome of ik oferta 1 pane A 2 \Je , x [acy] ae Washer p endicwlars 40 4 canis: Me ( a ( uca)) ven) J dir Nolamelecture 35 Volume of Cy dleretscead Shots: Bae VCS) = lem 2 1k, $x) AX = [ 2a f(x )dx Vallume _formala:- lek Rbea plane segion ounce above Se Qa ominous Cee det) helow by y-axis, ‘ lept y Aight by fends Kea! 7 t=b aes pective _. Then volume of soLicl generate by sevoliiva R abort gee ras giver by b Ve YS x ax { gFoo Example:- Use cy Lirclreca sholls Lo findl ile volume. ef sahil generale by Aagian enclosed yo or a »w=aY / x-AWD ws sovalveot vin ofa | i ran tearde | Soe : J rnin da dus aa J x oh Bal 4 - 2 fy)" ea \X 2 na = )) - “| yi_ te aif 2") baa § wai) Susface sea ef qMireltt = LindG) Examples Use Cy Mimdlricad shoals to find the volume of Tha Aokicl vohen segion R yun (be firsk gyacourb enclose! bles gen | fox w soled about fara. qe * 1 qa” Composing m= x2 V-L =e 0 x (1-1) =0 9 *=O OX x-l[=0 n= | So Limits or 0 5 tle, 1] | 7 %” So Ue bone (ng Wu = rax (xy) x 8 As . { 24 ev" ) bxlecture 26. . Leng. of % plane cume. fre Leng lt. The —funchion Thal ot conbinlaws MN a i farterol al colled ¢mooll- furelior. ] deit ia re called! Smeal. Cuwes . Cheneratly Lez, (B%)* + (aye) lout a duel roms el (ed AX, L = \J ane Ax. > of As (BY aelectwre SI mo frea_of a Surface f Royo salon. | Guha nevaleadl / ‘aaa by he polygonal pout eee o. i moole cS £ susan of a con. of Pes seek of oe A fiukum of Qa come 6s solid bat qr gt 4 you chop off The poindecl top of a cow Ft how Iwo wacli¢ 7 3! slaved len fn. | us Surface OMA 1A Sealy, wt = k-1 NS = ot Xe) Na = 1 @ Or we 1 0 “ar abd wile # Os otc lengli RE S- mteeNh a AX, . max DA, 90 2, -* F(x) 1+fF Ce] : aoataaea: :Sutface area foirnsha,. i f be a smook. aon —negaltve function on [a,b]. The surface CALA, S generotedt oy revolving Te po won of Cuwe jet bl xX2a 1 deb about 1 -QUs b S- fant papa} iy Example: find surface aren of portion of Sphese pemaates a seyokuing ase ged [-x? of ae — abovl x-aWwd HOP TI aRe fim = xen) (- 2x ) Oe L — 2a f 1-% Jee Ax 1 Jl aee -onfidy 2) 2 [alin (Z)o Teat ‘Lecture 3% - Wot ‘ Tndefionke indege Lootkdone = Ferce X distance We Fd EATS uwil | dislance vs anehed Cm) 4 Spvictll Ss toy force OAL Pounds (bs) 5 Dy nes oy Newton (nv), AS Fz WMC Cre Dymo = force needed to give Q mass of tara? ard acc deralion of 4m /s . to to 22. ded t ¢ amass 4 4. Newtowm= terce 1 iD 4 ve ma f G and acceler ation of Ro Commen ws yee are .) Foot - pounds « (ev Lbs) gtre gore (Are _meler (Nm)| Examples Aw Object amoves S$t a lime while subjected ‘be a force (00 bbe tu ALS divedlion of mohion Foncl woikdone. d= distance = SM | Fe Foee= loo Abs We F.d = Ctoos(s)= Soo Ft. Lbs. This formu is useol for conblonl turce: Bul “f force bs vounble hon we use CoSeulhues. Wertkdone of one inbewal= Wk = Foxg) AX + _ n UW) _ n | LUorkalone ove hale ion Z K 2 FCXx ox, SO y = lim AX, Zo wor DX, 7° kel _ 7: in wor Dp ves Le (he +Vve Defenadcgrr gS lin objerl ome ems Je sub ae ewol [a,b] while 5 ‘ 2 Spee Fen) im olixertion af amin hm oN ’ ne ga wotkdorw PY force 44 ‘how U4 | W= ( Fox) dx |. Exanmple A ag blenbsiead voalles took of . wadius loft 4 bapnl Boft boll filed ilk woe How muck farce is neeolecl to bump all The woler over up pet air ef tombs Force peng hl Rt ea Exo] | = C10)" ax) (62-4) SH | = 620K Ax, , Now Ups (20-x%) (6yr0 % A) W = 5 Fix dz = i (20 Bee) lx. — 64204 “Of 20-x)dx “ek (or ST we a [ours - )_Cacw / 2) Sgr = — = 2,106,000 4 Ft/ 4b. - 6,66 194 H/Lb. }SD pdesitles Tt ye) defined ous force Pe = = fl. oheke, , a woelghl olenstly / bv £3 olepit. Ffuiol Pressure:- iY Prea As ne horizontal wn a f Jui ol lop — excsls a force F perpemalinle to S$ Fe fa pid dlemthy (ig 62-4 dbs/ Ft. Jw weg IO ) Tt wo phypicoh “fad Tat te farce F doe» vot iu ra on the shape of Claires - “LY & 6 Poscol’s Primeiler — Foscal”s Prinuiblex Aes i, i Pscal’s Puree pot fluiol Pressure al wer pak of ‘favicl 3 Sayre. per Unril Area: -Pe ' Porenuda cA Fovee: i} a a diol S ace & immeyseol vertically in \ Diauiol of weil cfensily Pa hoe Cafe esgco olin extends from x2a to x=6- om vor ticol A- Awe . ToLal FQuiol Pressure Fe J fhcx) wwlx) Ax ledute 39 : x Improper Drlegregs Tf infewal is frnifi@e. L} Then defrwte “egies 2 § 8 x. Bub xf inbewot 13 iwile ) ivlegroS wilt be eydxO- ew t Kc & gms Her. calleol ad ate Kirra euists | hen teopaopew sabege4 ge 4 value of ee inden oy Lina does _mot eousst: Yew Hprper Mbegrol giverger j ~ fa wala 2 stip