Asset 1731 QA Report
Asset 1731 QA Report
Asset 1731 QA Report
3 ModelNo. : lntraskan-DC
lnstrument Name Sr. No, Certificate No
No Certified By Validity
1 RF Detector 233596 0749.233596.05072021 RPL 05.07.2022
2 Survey Detector 232s34 07 49.232534.0501202r RPL 05.07.2022
3 lmaging Phantom N.A. N.A. N.A, N.A.
Note :
1) This certificate refers only to the particular item submitted for Test.
2) The Test results reported in the certificate are valid at the time of and under the stated
conditions of measurement.
3) This certificate shall not be reproduced, except in full unless written permission
for the publication of an approved
abstrad has been obtained from the Technical Manager of ,,Reliable
Technocare, pune,, pvt. Ltd.,,.
4) Referred Standard forTesting : AERB Test protocol 2015.
5) Decision Rule : Pass and Fail remark is based on AERB test protocol
and tolerances as mentioned in summary Report.
Approved By
:::.'/_,""", g'&"r
Tech#al Manager
R.D. Bodhe
* YaminiBorse
Report No.: T.
D. Summa Of Radiation Performance Test ort
Sr. No, Parameter Used Measurement Conditions Measured Values Tolerance Remarks
70 66.93
mm of Al
1.5 mm Alfor kvp < 70,
6 Total Filtration
2.0 mm Alfor 70 < kvp < 100 Pass
60 2.734 2.5 mm Al for kvp > 100
Consistency of radiatlon
8 50 0.0014 CoV < 0,05
output Pass
60 0.0010
10 Low Contrast Resolution N.A. N,A 3.0 mm hole should be visible N.A,
77 HiEh Contrast Resolution N.A. N.A 1.5 lp/mm should be visible N.A.
On - Position Radiation
Leakage level from X-Ray Position mcy in t hr
tube housing measured at
< 0.25 mcy in one hour Pass
60 kv Tube Collimator
8 mAs 0.116
1 Tests as mentioned in Sr. No. 1,2,3 are not applicable for C-Arm/tnterventional Radiology Equipment.
2 Tests as mentioned in Sr. No. 9,10,11 are not applicable for only radiography mode of x-ray equipment
I hereby undertake that all the information provided above is in accordance with the detailed
c o
Quality Assurance Repon enclosed herewith
Pt/,VE 'o
(r yvt-
* lppr#veu ey
RTPr-TvF41/00 2of5
Report No. : T.
I Congruence Of Radiation & Optlcal Field
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
I- FFp {.r) I 30
FFD (cm) 30
6 Output Consistency
FFD (cm) 30
Output (mGy)
Applied kvp mAs Average cov
7 2 3 4 5
Report No. : T.
7 Low Contrast Sensitivity:
Not Applicable
10 Radiation leakage levels from X-Ray tube housing at I m from the focus
kVp 60
mAs 8
Acceptable Tolerance Limit : Leakage Radiation level at 1 meter from the focus should be
< 114 mR in one hour
or <1 mcy in one hour
ot ,te
RTPL-TVF41/OO 4of5
Report No.: T.
11 Radiation Protection Survey Report
Equipment settings
kvp 60
MA 8
time (s) 1.50
Permissible Limit:
RTPL-TVF41/OO 5of5