End Term 2 2022 Newsletter5

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Dear Parent/Guardian.


Much greetings!!!

It’s my trust that you’re well and the family too as I warmly welcome you and in particular our new
parents who have joined us this term. I am pleased to advise that the children are fully settled in their
classes and are showing great interest in learning. My teachers are also fully engaged and have burning
passion to impart knowledge to these children in line with our school motto of ”THE RIGHT START.”


1.MACHAKOS AGRICULTURAL SHOW. We took our children to Machakos Agricultural Show this term
where learning, fun and enjoyment were in plenty. This would not have succeeded without your
sacrifice and financial support. As such I take this opportunity to thank you very much for your support
and pray that in your household you’ll never lack.

2.SWIMMING. PP1 and PP2 learners have been going for swimming this term thus exhausted all their
swimming session . Thanks parents for your support financially and materially.

3.ACADEMIC CLINIC PP1&PP2.-We had academic clinic/parents meeting for pp1 and pp2 learners on
10th September at our primary premise at Kathome,where we discussed much on C.B.C and parental
involvement in the new curriculum. I believe those who attended were enlightened and now
understand more about the new curriculum. We had a session of parents/teachers discussion where
parents met class teachers for one on one review of the learners performance.

4.SCHOOL CLOSING AND OPENING.The school will close on Thursday 15th September 2022 at 11:00 am
to re-open on Tuesday 27th September 2022.Kindly feel free to come and see learners progress if you
didn’t make it for the parents meeting. Buy them good goodies to celebrate with others.

5.SCHOOL DIARY AND FILE. For the benefit of new parents please take time and peruse the school diary
and assessment file. These are important records where homework and valuable teachers comment on
your child’s performance is entered. You’re further advised to discuss your child ‘s progress with the
class teacher and or myself in need.

6.FUN DAY. We had scheduled our fun day this term which didn’t materialize due to unexpected holiday
on the suggested date 13th therefore leading us to postpone it till third term when we re-open.Sorry for
the inconvenience.
NEW AGENT PICKING YOUR CHILD. In the interest of security, change of person expected to pick your
child should be introduced to the school Head before-hand. This position holds even if the affected
person is a close relative but unknown to the school.


Please be reminded that school fees is payable TERMLY in advance, Payment should be made in cash to
K.C.B ACCOUNT:1142268373. Thereto after recall to hand over the banking slip with your child name
and class well marked on it to get a receipt. You can also pay fees using MPESA by choosing “PAYBILL.”
BUSINESS NO:522123 then on account number field enter school code 30091K, Child’s name and initial
for school e.g (30091K Musyoka E). E- in this case stands for Eastleigh. Mumbuni use - M and Kathome
K. This fields character is limited hence reason for abbreviating.


I trust you will enjoy one week break. Kindly keep him/her busy by reading story books and doing
holiday home work.I wish you Happy Holiday.

Thank you and God bless you

Judith Ihaji
Head Teacher

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