1. Father of microbiology.
2. Classify bacteria based on temperature requirement.
3. What is Adjuvant? Give two examples.
4. Name two antibiotics that act on the protein synthesis of bacteria.
5. Serological tests for syphilis.
6. Define Agglutination with example.
7. Name four organisms causing meningitis.
8. What are the modes of transmission of HIV?
9. Mention the methods used for cultivating Viruses.
10. Germ tube experiment.
February 2012
1. Mantoux test.
2. Passive immunity.
3. Biomedical waste management.
4. Urinary Tract infection.
5. Malaria.
1. Gram’s stating.
2. Pathogenic Gram positive bacilli.
3. Food borne infections.
4. Anti-tuberculosis drugs.
5. Lepromin test.
6. BCG Vaccine.
7. Streptococcal infections.
8. Serological tests for syphilis.
9. Filariasis.
10. Yeast-like Fungi.
[LB 828] AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 4888
Q.P. Code : 684888
Time : Three hours Maximum:100 marks
(180 Min) Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Define Infection. Add a note on its classification, sources
and mode of transmission. 19 33 20
2. Give the morphology, cultural characters, pathogenicity
and lab diagnosis of Candidiasis. 19 33 20
II. Write notes on:
1. Gram staining. 3 8 5
2. Widal test. 3 8 5
3. Contribution of Louis Pasteur. 3 8 5
4. Koch’s Postulates. 3 8 5
5. Active Immunity 3 8 5
6. Hot Air Oven 3 8 5
7. Dermatophytes 3 8 5
8. Bacterial Flagella 3 8 5
III. Short Answers on:
1. Define Immunity. 1 5 2
2. Hanging drop preparation. 1 5 2
3. Mantoux test. 1 5 2
4. List out the four species of parasite that causes Malaria. 1 5 2
5. Give four properties of a Chemical disinfectant. 1 5 2
6. Bio-medical waste management. 1 5 2
7. Pathogenicity of Staphylococcus pyogenes. 1 5 2
8. Draw a neat diagram of a typical bacterial cell. 1 5 2
9. Classify bacteria based on Temperature. 1 5 2
10. List out the general properties of virus. 1 5 2
[LC 828] FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 4888
First Year – Non – Semester
Q.P. Code : 684888
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
I. Essays: (2x20=40)
1.List the organisms causing acute diarrhoeal diseases and describe the
laboratory diagnosis of cholera
2.Name the various antigen- antibody reactions and describe the principle and
application sof precipitation reaction
[LD 828] AUGUST 2013 Sub. Code: 4888
First Year – Non – Semester
Q.P. Code : 684888
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
I. Essays: (2x20=40)
1. Define Sterilization. Classify the various methods of sterilization and add a
note on autoclave.
2. Define Nosocomial infection. Add a note on the sources, transmission,
causative organisms and prevention.
1. Culture medium
2. Infection
3. Bio-Medical waste management
4. Antigen
5. Food borne diseases
6. Pathogenicity of Staph. aureus
7. HIV - Human Immuno Deficiency virus
8. Pasteurization
9. Vector borne diseases
10. Tuberculosis.
[LE 828] FEBRUARY 2014 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Passive immunity.
2. Pasteurization.
3. Candida albicans.
4. Binary fission
5. Nosocomial infection
6. Mantoux test.
7. Influenza virus.
8. Agglutination.
9. Name four live vaccines.
10. Joseph Lister.
[LF 828] AUGUST 2014 Sub. Code: 4888
[LG 828] FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code: 4888
[LH 828] AUGUST 2015 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Hypersensitivity.
2. Widal test.
3. Antibiotic sensitivity tests.
4. Infections and Various Types.
5. Diphtheria.
[LI 828] FEBRUARY 2016 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Significant Bacteriuria.
2. Wool Sorter disease.
3. Gram Staining.
4. Mantoux Test.
5. Bacillary Dysentry.
6. Elek gel Test.
7. Filariasis.
8. Botulism.
9. Gonorrhoea.
10. Name four live vaccines.
[LJ 828] AUGUST 2016 Sub. Code: 4888
2. Write in detail about antibiotics, its classification, and explain microbial drug
2. Gram staining
3. Hepatitis – B
4. Phagocytosis
5. Autoclave.
[LK 828] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Mesophilic bacteria.
2. Alexander Fleming.
3. Gases used for sterilization.
4. Capsule.
5. Two types of electron microscope.
6. Dengue fever.
7. Widal test.
8. Tetanus toxin.
9. Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS.
10. MMR.
[LL 828] AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Define Sterilization. Classify the various methods of sterilization and add a note
on autoclave.
2. List the organisms causing acute diarrhoeal diseases and describe the laboratory
diagnosis of Vibrio Cholerae.
[LN 828] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Cryptococcosis.
2. Robert Koch.
4. Lab diagnosis of syphilis.
5. Grams Staining.
1. Transport media.
2. Carriers.
3. Anaphylaxis.
4. Endospore.
5. Agglutination.
6. Name two diseases caused by arboviruses and their vectors.
7. Name four viruses causing hepatitis and their modes of transmission.
8. Pasteurization.
9. MMR.
10. Name four nematode infecting man.
[LO 828] FEBRUARY 2019 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Hyper sensitivity.
2. Diphtheria.
3. Enriched medium.
4. Name two spore forming bacteria.
5. Selective media with an example.
6. BCG vaccine.
7. What is zoonosis? Give two examples.
8. Mantoux Test.
9. Immunization.
10. Food borne disease.
[LP 828] AUGUST 2019 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Plasmid.
2. Parasite.
3. Dimorphic fungus.
4. Negative staining.
5. Cold sterilization.
6. Kala-azar.
7. Botulism.
8. Mesophilic Bacteria.
9. Types Flagellum.
10. Joseph Lister.
[PBBSCN 0321] MARCH 2021 Sub. Code: 4888
1. Polio virus.
2. IgA.
3. Innate Immunity.
4. Laboratory diagnosis of typhoid fever.
5. Aspergillosis.
1. Haptans.
2. Flagella.
3. Anaerobic media with example.
4. Write two contributions of Louis Pasteur.
5. Name four Filters used in sterilization.
6. Name four fungus causing superficial mycosis.
7. Tyndallisation.
8. Chemotrophs.
9. Name two killed vaccines.
10. Black water fever.