A320LEAP1A-B12-0008.1 70-72 Eng Gen R2 010118
A320LEAP1A-B12-0008.1 70-72 Eng Gen R2 010118
A320LEAP1A-B12-0008.1 70-72 Eng Gen R2 010118
The information presented is as correct as possible at the time of production and is not subject to amendment action. These notes contain intellectual
copyrighted material and are for personal study purposes only. Unauthorised copying, distribution or publishing (including electronically) of any part of these
notes is strictly prohibited.
They will be useful to you during your training, but I must emphasise that the appropriate Approved Technical Publications (ATPs) must always be used when
you are actually working on the aircraft.
We always aim to ensure that these documents are as accurate as possible, however if you notice any items which require amending, please inform the
Training Manager or Instructor so that any amendments may be incorporated before the next course.
3 R2, Monday, 01 January Format change and update to material. Modification including: HOR brackets, TBV, EEC straps, MTC
2018 removal.
Table of Contents
Revision Summary .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
CFM LEAP-1A Acronyms .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Introduction to the LEAP-1A Family - Level 1................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Introduction to the LEAP-1A Family - Level 1................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Specifications, Dimensions and Ground Clearance ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Airflow.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Hazard and Danger Areas......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Power plant General - Level 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
General .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Power plant – Systems – Level 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
FADEC System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Pylons & Nacelle ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Pylon ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Nacelle – Level 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Air Intake Cowl .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Fan Cowl Doors (FCD) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Thrust Reverser (T/R)........................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Exhaust ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Nacelle – Level 2 & 3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Air Intake Cowl ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Fan Cowl Door Components ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Function .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Left Hand Door .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Right Hand Door .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Fan Cowl Doors – Left & Right .................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Cowl Loss Prevention (CLP)................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Left Hand Door - Description ................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Right Hand Door - Description ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Exhaust – Components ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Engine - Quick Engine Change (QEC) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Engine Mounts - Level 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Forward Mount and Thrust Links – Level 2 & 3 .............................................................................................................................................................. 58
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Connection and Secondary Load Path .................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Aft Mount ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
73 & 73A Fuel & Control - Level 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
General .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
System Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Main Fuel Control System Components ...................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Electronic Engine Control (EEC) Units ..................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Pressure Sub-System (PSS) Box ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Split Control Unit - Servo Valve Assembly (SCU/SVA)............................................................................................................................................... 70
Main Fuel Pump (MFP) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Main Heat Exchanger (MHX) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) Oil Cooler ........................................................................................................................................................... 72
74 & 80 Ignition & Starting - Level 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Ignition System ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
75 Air Systems - Level 1 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
General .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Start Bleed / Booster Anti-Ice (SB/BAI) Valve - General .............................................................................................................................................. 78
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Function .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Active Clearance Control (ACC) Valves - General ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
Modulated Turbine Cooling (MTC) System ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
EEC Cooling Blower - General ................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
VBV System ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Variable Stator Vane (VSV) System ........................................................................................................................................................................... 88
General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Transient Bleed Valve (TBV) System ......................................................................................................................................................................... 90
General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Throttle Control Systems - Level 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 92
Throttle Control Lever .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 92
Throttle Control Unit ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
ENGINE THRUST MANAGEMENT - Level 1..................................................................................................................................................................... 96
General .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 96
Engine Indicating – Level 1.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
Power Indicating ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
N1 and N2 Sensors – General .............................................................................................................................................................................. 100
The CFM International Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion (LEAP) engine is a family of engine that currently powers the A320neo, B737 MAX and the Comac
C919 aircraft. There are differences between the aircraft power plants and the engine fitted to the A320neo is known as the LEAP-1A (Airbus).
It is a twin spool, high bypass turbofan which incorporates new technology to reduce fuel burn by 16% when compared to the CEO fleet.
The engine is certified to power the following Airbus A320 NEO family of aircraft:
• A319.
• A320.
• A321.
The power plant is identical on all three variants and the thrust is available between 24,400 to 32,900 lbf (108,537 to 146,346 N). This is set by a ratings plug
on the engine.
• Power plant length: 210 inches (5.34 m) (engine length 131.0 inches (3.328m)).
• Air inlet outer diameter: 83 inches (2.12 m).
• Ground clearance: 18 inches (0.46 m).
• Weight: 2990-3150 KG (6592-6940 lbs.).
As the air enters the inlet, it is accelerated by the 18 fan blades and separated into two flows:
The primary airflow is directed into the inner section of the fan blades and is then directed into the booster compressor. The fan and boost comprise the Low
Pressure Compressor (LPC). This airflow then enters the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) and onto the annular combustion chamber.
The product of combustion, the gas flow, flows through the high and low pressure turbines to provide the motive force to drive the compressors and the fan.
The secondary airflow goes through the fan blades and the Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs) bypassing the core of the engine. It then exits through the nacelle
discharge duct to produce thrust. The secondary airflow is also used in the thrust reverser system on the ground.
Ground personnel must be aware of the danger and hazard areas surrounding the engine. These differ between idle and take-off power.
Always observe the safety corridors and AMM procedures when performing maintenance tasks on or near to an operating engine.
When operating engines, ensure that all Foreign Object Damage (FOD) objects are removed from the area prior to operation.
Specific entry corridors are defined in the AMM for performing certain tasks (e.g. manual override of the starter air valve).
Additionally observe warning regarding hearing damage and use hearing protection (ear protectors) when necessary.
Refer to the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) for certified noise values.
The power plant systems are broken down into two groups (by ATA).
Additionally there are ancillary systems which are necessary for engine/airframe operation.
Other airframe differences for the A320 NEO will be discussed at the end of the course.
The Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) system is responsible for the control of the engine.
Each engine FADEC system comprises two separate Electronic Engine Controllers (EEC), channel 'A' and channel 'B' and the associated sensors and controls.
Input commands come from manual inputs via the thrust levers or from auto flight inputs from the Flight Management Guidance Computers (FMGC).
• Indication.
• Maintenance Interaction & Reporting to the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS).
• Engine condition monitoring.
• Troubleshooting and Testing.
Each engine assembly is attached to the aircraft (A/C) by a pylon located under each wing.
• Transmitting the thrust forces of the engine to the airframe (forward and reverse).
• Supporting the weight of the engine.
• Connecting fuel, control, indication and ancillary systems to and from the aircraft.
• Aerodynamic sealing to and from the engine and wing interfaces areas.
The front upper spar and the lower spar are made of corrosion resistant steel. All the other structural components are made of titanium alloy.
Nacelle – Level 1
The air intake cowl is installed onto the front of the engine fan case.
The two Fan Cowl Doors (FCD) are curved composite structures which cover the engine fan area from the aft end of the air inlet cowl to the forward end of
the T/R.
The Thrust Reverser (T/R) or 'C' Ducts consists of two halves that enclose the engine core and the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT).
On the air intake cowl, there are two access doors for maintenance:
The air intake cowl also features an air scoop at 2 o'clock, for fan case ventilation (the exhaust vents are in the bottom of the FCDs).
An additional air scoop at the 3 o'clock position provides cold air to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) units for cooling (discussed in ATA 75).
On the left hand Fan Cowl Door (FCD), there are the following components: On the right hand Fan Cowl Door (FCD), there are:
• Two Hold Open Rods (HOR). Manually operated as with A320 • Two Hold Open Rods (HOR).
CEO. The forward rod is always connected to the engine/door. • Three fan cowl latches located at 6 o'clock.
• Three fan cowl keepers located at 6 o'clock. • A ventilation grid located at 5 o'clock.
• An access door for the Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) at the 7 • Oil tank access door located at 3 o'clock.
o'clock position. • A fan cowl strake located at 2 o'clock.
• A starter air valve (SAV) manual override access door located at
the 9 o'clock position.
• An interphone jack flapper door located at 9:30 o'clock (jack point
is optional).
• A fan cowl strake located at 10 o'clock.
• The Cowl Loss Prevention (CLP) system components.
The CLP system is designed to prevent the aircraft departing with the Fan Cowl Doors (FCD) unlatched.
The two HORs hold the left FCD in an open position to provide access for engine maintenance.
The three keepers fasten the FCDs together during the flight.
The starter manual override access door makes it possible for the mechanics to manually open or close the Starter Air Valve (SAV).
The interphone jack flapper door makes it possible for the mechanics to plug their interphone to the “plug in” jack.
The fan cowl strake prevents turbulent airflow at the engine/wing interface.
Additionally the Cowl Loss Prevention (CLP) components are installed on the left door.
The two HORs hold the right FCD in an open position to provide access for engine maintenance.
Note: The rear HOR fan case mounting brackets and rods are colour coded to prevent confusion with the T/R HORs.
The three latches fasten the FCDs together during the flight.
Note: This has been modified and you may see different configurations.
The oil tank access door makes it possible for the mechanics to check oil tank level and to perform servicing.
Note: The oil tank access has been modified and you may see different configurations.
The fan cowl strake prevents turbulent airflow at the engine/wing interface.
The exhaust nozzle and the exhaust plug are located at the rear of the engine.
The Central Ventilation Tube (CVT) is in a central position inside the exhaust plug.
The exhaust plug provides surfaces to guide the primary airflow along its outer skin.
The CVT ventilates the ‘A’ sump – see Eductor ATA 79.
Note: Several components cannot be changed when the aircraft is on the cradle and removed from the engine. Ensure that any components (e.g. IDG) are
removed from the 'old' engine before it is removed from the aircraft.
The engine mounts take the weight of the engine, transmit the thrust to the aircraft and transmit the torque loads.
The forward mount and the engine thrust links are mounted on the forward pylon primary structure. This is the pyramid structure.
The forward mount is attached to the main engine assembly on the rear flange of the fan hub at the 12 o'clock position.
The two engine thrust links are located on each side of the engine forward mount.
Each engine thrust link is attached to an individual thrust link fairings (parts of the fan hub) located at the 2 and 10 o’clock positions respectively.
The forward mount allows the engine forward section to be positioned and supported.
The thrust links main function is to transmit the engine torque load to the forward mount.
The forward mount attaches to the pylon via four bolts and has two centring (locating) pins.
The forward main beam and the front beam lug have a failsafe attachment bolt. For the failsafe secondary load path clearance inspection, the pin must not
be touching the front beam lug.
The engine aft mount is located on the Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) clevis at the 12 o'clock position.
The engine aft mount is mounted beneath the pylon primary structure.
The engine aft mount allows the rear section of the engine to be positioned and supported.
For the failsafe secondary load path clearance inspections of the centre fixing, the locking assembly must be disassembled and the centre pin must be able to
move freely.
The engine fuel and control system includes the distribution, control and indicating components needed to control the engine safely and efficiently.
• Thrust demands.
• Safety.
• Efficiency.
The system utilises the EECs in an industry standard FADEC manner to calculate the necessary quantity of fuel for combustion to generate the commanded
thrust and ancillary power across the engine’s operating range. The EECs communicate with the airframe via the Engine Interface Unit (EIU). Additionally,
sensor air pressures are processed by the Pressure Sub System (PSS) box before being passed digitally to both EECs. The EECs, EIU and PSS are grouped
together as the Propulsion Control System (PCS).
The system interacts with the airframe and acts upon commands. It also provides information for flight deck indication and fault monitoring diagnosis and
responses to maintenance interaction (BITE).
The Propulsion Control System (PCS) is responsible for control of the engine and subsystems including: oil, fuel, air, ignition and starting and thrust reverse.
The functions of the engine fuel and control system can be grouped as:
1. Control.
2. Fuel distribution.
3. Indication.
System Overview
Fuel from the aircraft tanks enters the LP (Low Pressure) pump stage of the Main Fuel Pump (MFP).
The fuel flows towards Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) oil cooler before entering the Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) for the first time.
In the FMU, a jet pump increases the boost circuit fuel pressure and it then passes through a strainer before passing through the Main Heat Exchanger
It is then routed back to the MFP where the pressure is boosted by the HP (High Pressure) pump section. The Main Fuel Filter (MFF) then ensures the fuel is
clean. A wash filter within the filter assembly allows some high pressure fuel for servo purposes (in the FMU, Split Control Unit/Servo Valve Assembly
(SCU/SVA) and the air system actuators).
The fuel is then piped back into the FMU to be controlled by the FMV (Fuel Metering Valve). It then passes through the HPSOV (High Pressure Shut off Valve).
After exiting the FMU, the fuel flow is measured and it is directed towards the Split Control Unit/Servo Valve Assembly (SCU/SVA). The SCU/SVA meters the
fuel through manifolds to the 19 Twin Annular Premixing Swirler (TAPS) nozzles for combustion. Specifically, the Pilot Metering Valve (PMV) within the
SCU/SVA controls fuel during starting.
Note: Some components have been omitted for clarity; See level 3 sections for more details.
The engine fuel and control system is orchestrated by the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) units. The EECs are two identical, separate LRUs attached to the
right hand side of the fan case.
The EECs provide full digital engine control and protection. They are responsible for the instantaneous control of the engine functions and the longer term
health monitoring, diagnostic, and fault reporting.
The pressure sense tubes and lines are connected to the Pressure Sub-System (PSS) Box. The PSS is an LRU installed on the lower right hand side of the fan
case. The PSS takes the analogue air inputs and converts them to digital signals for both of the two EECs to use in control of the engine.
The PSS also is the mounting point for the ratings plug, which is used primarily to set the thrust rating and trim values for the engine (depending on A320
family model (A310/A320/A321). It is located on the lower right hand side of the fan frame.
The flow control of the fuel for combustion and thrust output is performed by the Fuel Metering Unit (FMU), through control of the Fuel Metering Valve (FMV).
The FMU responds to the EEC inputs and contains feedback sensors for the EECs. It is located with the majority of the fuel components on the left hand side
of the fan case. It is located on the left hand side of the fan frame.
The Split Control Unit - Servo Valve Assembly (SCU/SVA) is a dual role LRU under the command of the EECs.
1. It takes high pressure fuel (HP) from the Upstream Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) and then controls the distribution to the 19 fuel nozzles via 3 fuel
2. It takes servo fuel from the Servo Fuel Heater and modulates it under EEC commands to control the air system’s (ATA75) actuators and valves.
The Main Fuel Pump (MFP) consists of a low pressure (LP) and a high pressure pump (HP) mounted on a single shaft. The MFP pressurises the fuel supplied
by the aircraft fuel tanks and delivers it to the various engine fuel/oil heat exchangers and the FMU for fuel metering before combustion.
The shaft is driven by the accessory gearbox (on the fan frame left hand side) and it is located on the rear upper face.
The Main Heat Exchanger (MHX) is responsible for heating the intermediate fuel before it travels through the HP pump and the main fuel filter.
It is a fuel/oil type.
The Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) oil cooler controls the IDG oil temperature and is mounted on the fan frame in the 10 o'clock position, just above the
Fuel Metering Unit (FMU).
It is located on the upper left hand fan case below the Main Heat Exchanger (MHX).
The engine ignition system is an industry standard dual ignition system. Either EEC can command either igniter. The igniters produce a spark in the
combustor which starts combustion.
Flight deck indications for igniters and start valve position are identical to the CEO family.
Ignition power supplies come from the airframe, with 115 VAC which is the normal source, and 115 VAC from the static inverter as a backup.
The ignition components are located on the core at the 6 o’clock position, on the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) case and in
• Two ignition exciters inside a cooling box, located at the 6 o’clock position, on the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) case
• Two igniters (left & right), located at the 6 and 7 o’clock positions on the Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) case.
• Engine anti-icing
• Engine cooling
• Compressor control
• High and Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (HPTACC) systems (HPTACC & LPTACC)
• Modulated Turbine Cooling (MTC) system
• Electronic Engine Control (EEC) cooling system
The Start Bleed / Booster Anti-Ice (SB/BAI) valve is dual function valve, controlled by the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) units using servo fuel muscle. It is
located on the core of the engine at the 3 o'clock position.
When selected by the flight crew (engine anti-ice ON), the SB/BAI valve sends hot air from stage 7 of the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) to the flow splitter
of the booster module to prevent ice formation.
To improve start performance during start, the SB/BAI valve releases air from stage 7 of the HPC to decrease the compressor pressure. The air is released
into the core compartment via a diffuser.
The Active Clearance Control (ACC) valves regulate cooling fan airflow over the turbine cases. This minimizes the clearances between the turbine blades and
the shrouds, reducing air leakage and thus increases efficiency and improves the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC).
The High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (HPTACC) and Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (LPTACC) valves are located on the core
engine in the 9 o'clock position.
To keep the HP turbine from distorting due to high temperatures, 10th stage HPC Compressor Discharge Pressure (CDP) air flow is used to cool the 1st stage
HPT turbine blades and roots via internal passages.
The MTC system regulates the 10th stage CDP air flow to the stage 1 High Pressure Turbine (HPT), by closing a valve and thus reducing the amount of CDP
used for cooling. This increases efficiency.
The two Electronic Engine Control (EEC) units have a cooling system installed for on ground use.
Two cooling fans (blowers) are installed on the fan case at the 1 o'clock position.
The cooling duct intake is installed on the fan cowl at the 3 o'clock position.
The EEC cooling blowers provide cooling air to cool both EEC units if the temperature of the internal EEC units is above a certain threshold and when the
aircraft speed is low and the aircraft is on the ground.
The Variable Bleed Valve (VBV) system controls the airflow leaving the Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) booster before it is fed into the High Pressure
Compressor (HPC).
Door assemblies located around the fan hub, are mechanically moved inwards by an actuating ring, crank assemblies and two actuators.
The VBV system increases the booster surge margin when the engine is operating in steady state and transient conditions.
The Variable Stator Vane (VSV) system controls the amount of airflow through the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) to give optimum compressor
performance during steady conditions.
Additionally the VSVs prevent compressor stall during engine acceleration and deceleration including engine start and engine shutdown.
The VSV system surrounds the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) from the Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV) through stage 4 of HPC stator vanes (Inlet Guide Vanes
(IGV) and Variable Stator Vane (VSV) HPC stages 1 to 4).
The VSV actuation system varies the angle of the 5 stages of stators to maintain a smooth airflow through the compressor at all engine operating speeds,
temperatures and altitudes.
The Transient Bleed Valve (TBV) system bleeds 10th stage compressor discharge air. This unloads the compressor during the engine transient phases and
increases the stall margin.
The Transient Bleed Valve (TBV), the inlet air tube, the TBV and outlet air tubes are located on the Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) case at the 2 o'clock
The two left TBV ducts are located on the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) case between the 7 and 11 o'clock positions. They discharge the bleed air into the
Note: This system has been modified from the original configuration.
• A throttle control lever which incorporates stop devices, and auto thrust instinctive disconnect pushbutton switches.
• A graduated fixed sector and a reverse latching lever.
The throttle control lever is linked to a mechanical rod. This rod drives the input lever of the throttle control artificial feel unit.
The throttle control lever moves over a range from -20 deg.TLA (Reverser Full Throttle stop) to +45 deg.TLA:
A mechanical rod transmits the throttle control lever movement. It connects the throttle artificial feel unit to the input lever of the throttle control
unit. The throttle control unit comprises:
• An input lever.
• Mechanical stops, which limit the angular range.
• 2 resolvers (one resolver per FADEC (EEC/EEC)).
• 6 potentiometers installed three by three.
• A device, which drives the resolver and the potentiometer.
• A pin device for rigging the resolver and potentiometers.
• 1 switch whose signal is dedicated to the EIU.
• 2 output electrical connectors.
The engine thrust is controlled under the management of the Electronic Engine Controller (EEC).
The main thrust monitoring parameter is the N1 speed (LP shaft). The main thrust demand parameter is the engine Fuel Flow (FF).
The actual N1 is the actual value given by the N1 speed sensor and is used as a reference for the engine thrust control loop.
This actual N1 is displayed in green on the N1 indicator and in percentage in the N1 box indicator.
The engine indicating system provides the speed, temperature and vibration parameter signals of the engine rotors to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC)
units for regulation and maintenance purposes.
These two rotor speeds are used for engine control, vibration monitoring and balancing and flight deck indication.
The Low pressure rotor speed sensor (N1) is located within the 4 o'clock strut of the fan frame.
The core speed sensor (N2) is located on the Transfer Shaft (TS) housing, between the Accessory Gearbox (AGB) and the Transfer Gearbox (TGB).
N1 Sensor
The low rotor N1 speed sensor (N1) sends redundant low rotor speed (N1) signal to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
The signals are used for engine control (i.e. thrust setting) and vibration monitoring.
The AC voltage generated is directly proportional to the low pressure rotor speed.
N2 Sensor
The low rotor N2 speed sensor (N2) sends redundant low rotor speed (N2) signal to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
The AC voltage generated is directly proportional to the transfer gearbox shaft speed and consequently to the high pressure rotor speed.
The signals are used for engine control (i.e. thrust setting) and vibration monitoring.
The Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) is measured by the EGT sensors or T48 sensors.
They are used to determine the EGT margin and to judge the progress of the engine start or relight and the operating T48 temperature.
There are 8 identical EGT sensors, located on the engine Turbine Centre Frame (TCF), four equally spaced on each side of the core.
Each EGT sensor has a single sensing element which is a thermocouple probe. Inside the element the hot junction is split to ensure a good measurement of
the temperature within the exhaust gases.
The purpose of the analysers is to provide the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) with the Low Pressure (LP) (N1) and High Pressure (HP) (N2) rotors vibration
signatures. It includes:
• #1 bearing accelerometer which provides the LP rotor vibration signature (to channel B).
• Turbine centre frame accelerometer which provides the HP rotor vibration signature (to channel A).
The EEC uses signals from the vibration sensors in conjunction with N1 and N2 speed sensors signals to calculate and isolate the engine vibration levels and
to supply vibration data to the aircraft.
The two vibration sensors can back up each other in the event one fails.
The turbine centre frame accelerometer provides HP rotor (N2) vibration signal to the EEC channel A. The turbine centre frame accelerometer is installed on
the turbine centre frame and goes through the core.
#1 Bearing Accelerometer
The #1 bearing accelerometer provides an LP rotor (N1) vibration signal to the EEC channel B.
The #1 bearing accelerometer is installed on the #1 bearing support at 8 o'clock aft looking forward and goes through the fan hub strut 2.
It sends signals to the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) unit channel B.
The #1 bearing accelerometer is not a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) and can only be replaced in the engine shop.
The two vibration sensors can back up each other in the event one fails.
The Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) system receives information from the EECs to provide the flight deck crew with indication and
warning displays and information to the CFDIU for fault recording and maintenance action via the PFR (Post Flight Record).
The Electronic Instrument System (EIS) system displays information to the aircraft flight deck through the Flight Warning System (FWS) from the FADEC
system (EEC, sensors and control).
Primary parameters are displayed on the ECAM Engine Warning Display (EWD).
Secondary parameters are displayed on the ECAM System Display (SD).
Addition messages and alerts may be also displayed on the EWD and SD.
Also the aircraft will alert the crew via:
• The master caution or warning glare shield attention getters and associated audible chimes.
• The Status Box (STS) displayed after landing.
• As an advisory (or in an Advisory box (ADV) in certain modes to draw the pilot’s attention to a situation that requires monitoring.
For each engine, it consists of two translating sleeves linked mechanically, ten blocker doors and twenty cascade vanes to redirect fan discharge airflow.
Each Thrust Reverser Actuation System (TRAS) is pressurised by its dedicated hydraulic power source:
System Layout
The thrust reverser system is controlled by the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) in response to pilot and airframe/engine inputs.
To avoid inadvertent deployment in flight, the system operates under multiple and independent commands of various components. It comprises three lines of
defence: the Engine Interface Unit (ECU) control on the ICU and DCU, the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) control on the ICU and DCU, and Spoiler Elevator
Computer (SEC) control on the Electrical Tertiary Lock (ETL).
Each thrust reverser half can be opened for maintenance by releasing 8 latches along the centre line at the 6 o’clock position.
The latches are numbers L1, L2, L3.1, L3.2, L4.1, L4.2, LACC (Lower Aft Cowl Catch)-1, LACC-2.
There are two latch access panels, one for L2 latch and one for L3-1 and L3.2.
Note: After flight it is normal to see the red-pop pin of the T/R actuator extended. Connect the hand pump to dissipate the pressure before releasing the
A hydraulic actuator on each T/R half opens their respective halves using a GSE mechanical or electric pump.
Each T/R half is held open with a Hold Open Rod (HOR).
Due to the proximity of the standoff for the T/R HOR and the fan cowl door HOR, the standoffs and the HOR are colour coded (green and yellow).
Note: After flight it is normal to see the red-pop pin of the T/R actuator extended. Connect the hand pump to dissipate the pressure before releasing the
• Distribution.
• Storage.
• Indicating.
The majority of the oil system components are on the left hand side of the fan frame, with the oil tank being on the right hand side.
The oil system cools down and lubricates engine bearings and gears. It is also used as part of the heat management system of the fuel system (see ATA 73).
The oil is stored in a tank on the fan case at the 4 o'clock position. It passes through a strainer and then to a dual rotor pressure pump in the lubrication unit
(located on the rear of the Accessory Gearbox (AGB), fan case, 8 o'clock).
Pressurised oil passes through the oil filter mounted on the lubrication unit and the heat of the oil is used to heat the servo fuel in the Servo Fuel Heater
Additionally, cooling of the oil is provided firstly by the Surface Air Cooler Oil Cooler (SACOC) mounted in the cold stream of the bypass duct and then through
the Main Heat Exchanger (MHX) which uses HP fuel after (downstream of) the Main Fuel Filter (MFF).
Oil is then supplied to the main components and scavenged by 5 dependent pumps on the lubrication unit (all fitted with debris screens and magnetic chip
detectors) before being returned to the oil tank via the Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) (or Main Chip Detector), where vent air/oil is also removed.
Oil Tank
The oil tank is located on the rear of the fan frame, right-hand side, at the 4 o'clock position. It is mounted to the fan frame via three brackets.
It has a total volume of 23.7 US quarts (22.4 litres), with a minimum capacity of 21.3 US quarts (20.2 litres).
Lubrication Unit
The oil lubrication unit is mounted on the aft face of Accessory Gearbox (AGB) at the 7 o'clock position. The AGB mounts to the fan frame.
To prevent the Main Heat Exchanger (MHX) from draining and siphoning the AGB when the engine is shutdown a Non Return Valve (NRV) is installed in the
oil supply line after (downstream of) the oil lubrication unit and before (upstream of) the Servo Fuel Heater (SFH).
The NRV is installed in the supply pipe, attached to the fan frame at the 9 o’clock position.
An educator valve, installed at the 8 o’clock position of the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) case controls the pressurisation of the ‘A’ sump at low engine speeds.
It is a mechanical device with no control or feedback to the FADEC system
The oil lubrication unit pressurises the oil, filters it and then lubricates/cools the following components:
The purpose is to lubricate and cool the gears and bearings inside these components.
Two scavenge screen plugs are located on the rear face of the oil lubrication unit on the AGB at 7 o'clock. The scavenge screen plugs contain 5 individual
A magnetic bar is installed inside each scavenge screen plug attracts and hold magnetic debris.
Eductor Valve
The educator valve controls the de-pressurisation of sump ‘A’ at low engine RPM. This increases the delta Pressure (delta P) across the ‘A’ sump seals and
prevents oil leakage/loss.
It uses HPC 7th stage air. The valve is mechanical and has no inputs/outputs to the EECs.
To ensure the continued safe operation of the engine, the Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) is installed. It monitors the scavenge oil returned to the oil
tank for metallic particles.
Components - General
The Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS) consists of the following components:
The LEAP-1A engine maintenance schedule is based upon the "on-condition" concept.
This means that most in-depth maintenance will only be performed when necessary or when called for by the engine monitoring systems.
With the LEAP-1A, repetitive inspections and tests are performed to determine whether the components, of the engine are serviceable and can continue in-
The engine has no periodic overhaul schedule and can remain on the wing (subject to meeting the test/inspection criteria) until the lifetime limits of parts and
assemblies are reached.
Specifically, to ensure continued in-service operation, the preventative maintenance performed Includes
• Borescope inspection,
• Oil particle analysis (in conjunction with the Oil Debris Monitoring System (ODMS).
• Engine health condition & performance trend monitoring,
• Engine vibration monitoring,
• EEC BITE (initialisation tests and periodic tests) and troubleshooting investigation.
The Low Pressure (LP) and High Pressure (HP) rotors turn in the clockwise direction Aft Looking Forward (ALF).
• 1060°C.
• Air Start: 875°C.
• Ground start 750°C.
Engine deterioration is directly related to engine hot section time & temperature (EGT) operation. Rapid temperature changes also increase the deterioration
rate of hot parts.
The corner points indicate where the flat rated thrust decreases. At a certain ambient temperature, maximum EGT is reached and therefore fuel flow is
reduced (as ambient temperature continues to rise) to compensate. This has the obvious effect of a reduction in maximum thrust.
• The take-off corner point ambient temperature (at sea level): from 30°C (LEAP-1A35) to 45°C (LEAP-1A23).
• The maximum continuous corner point ambient temperature (at sea level): 10°C.
The borescope ports allow access to the internal sections of the engine for scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Borescoping forms part of the “on-
condition” maintenance system for the LEAP-1A, meaning that if all inspections are in limits, the engine may remain in operation.
Additionally the ports give access to the borescope-blending tools which allow blade rework (subject to AMM limits) if necessary. This specialist task can be
performed on-wing.
All ports are fitted with self-locking plugs, except ports A and B.
The 3 Major Modules (MM) and the accessory drives are divided into 19 Minor modules (Mm).
With this modular approach, it is possible to replace a damaged minor or major module.
This allows the engine to be maintained more efficiently and improves Turn around Time (TAT).
Engine Assemblies
The Air Transport Association (ATA) Chapter 05 identifies the life limits for critical engine parts such as those that rotate (spools, shafts and blisks) and those
that are static (Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) case) and lists the approved mandatory inspection intervals if any apply.
Note: A blisk (blade-and-disk) is a compressor rotor stage made from a single machined piece of metal which replaces the convention disk and blades design.
The life of these parts is given in flight cycles and therefore those parts are serialised for tracking purposes.
The cycles for these serialised parts must be counted and recorded continuously from the part’s first entry into service.
A cycle is defined as a:
Note: It is the operator’s responsibility to maintain accurate records (keep a life–limited parts list) of these parts and their total number of cycles operated
and the number of cycles they have remaining.
• Low Pressure (LP) rotor (N1) is supported by bearings #1, #2 and #5.
• High Pressure (HP) rotor (N2) is supported by bearings #3 (#3B + #3R) and #4.
• ‘A’ sump (forward), that includes two ball bearings (#2 and #3B) and two roller bearings (#1 and #3R).
• ‘B‘ sump (middle sump), that includes one roller bearing #4.
• ‘C’ sump (rear sump), that includes one roller bearing #5.
The A sump is located inside the fan and booster module and the fan frame module.
There are five bearings support the LP and HP rotors. The #3 bearing is a dual roller and ball assembly. The function of the bearings is to support axial and
radial loads from both of the engine rotors (LP & HP).
• Isolate the bearings and oil area with a sealed device that prevents oil leaks to other engine areas and minimize engine oil consumption,
• Supply the bearings with permanent oil lubrication.
Sump A is sealed by two carbon seals & one air seal. Sump B is not pressurized and is sealed by a carbon seal and an air/oil seal.
Sump C is not pressurized and is sealed by a carbon seal and an air/oil seal.
To reduce rotor vibration level, roller bearings #1, #3R and #5 are Squeeze-Film Damped (SFD) bearings. The air comes from the Oil Pressurisation Valve
(OPV) located in the Main Heat Exchanger (MHX) - see ATA 79.
‘A’ Sump
The ‘A’ sump is vented and its pressurisation is controlled via the educator valve (see ATA 79).
The ‘A’ sump sealing is performed with a Segmented Radial Seals (SRS) and a classic abradable/seal tooth seal. The Segmented Radial Seal (SRS) is
composed of a carbon seal and a labyrinth seal. Additionally an intermediate classic abradable/seal tooth seal is located upstream the #3 bearing and
downstream (to the back of the sump) is a SRS to ensure correct sealing at the back of the sump.
‘B’ Sump
The non-vented B sump sealing is done by an abradable/seal tooth seal upstream and a SRS downstream.
‘C’ Sump
The non-vented C sump sealing is done by an abradable/seal tooth seal upstream and a SRS downstream.
The sump seals prevent any oil leaks from the engine sumps.
The air inlet section is located at the front of the engine. The air inlet consists of the following main modules.
The air inlet section supplies the HPC with compressed air, contributes to the engine thrust and provides structural attachment for the front of the engine.
The fan case module supports the air intake cowl, contains the fan blades in the event of failure.
The main functions of the fan frame module are to direct and ensure a smooth aerodynamic airflow, support the engine, transmit the power plant thrust to
the aircraft and provides attachment points for the engine ground handling (engine trolley).
The main function of the #1 and #2 bearing support module is to support the Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) Rotor.
The Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) comprises 4 stages (one fan and 3 booster).
The Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) is driven by the 7 stage Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) via the LP shaft.
As the LPC rotates, the 18 fan blades accelerate the air. The air is divided by the booster inlet splitter.
Some of the air enters the booster and is compressed (to be used in combustion). This is primary airflow.
The rest of the air enters the bypass and is used for thrust. This is secondary airflow.
Within the primary airflow path, the fan and booster module accelerate the air ready for entry to the High Pressure Compressor (HPC).
• Front spinner.
• Platform front shroud.
• Flow splitter.
• Fan blade platform.
The front spinner is located at the front of the engine; it is bolted to the platform shroud.
The platform front shroud is then subsequently bolted to the fan disk.
The 18 fan blades are carbon fibre with titanium leading edges and are secured into the fan disk using dove tail slots and fan blade locks.
Between each fan blade is a fan blade platform. These platforms are held in place by the platform front shroud.
The flow splitter is located behind the fan blades, at the front of the booster.
The fan blades provide energy to the airflow by accelerating the airflow and increasing the airflow pressure.
• Directs and smoothes the airflow aerodynamically to feed the fan stage.
• Protect the booster against Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and icing.
• Reduces noise levels.
The curved design of the spinner helps debris to be guided into the secondary air flow and not the primary airflow.
The platform front shroud secures the fan blade platforms and is designed with aerodynamic protrusions in line with the fan blades to assist the smooth
passage of air into the fan stage.
Description (continued)
The front spinner rear flange is connected to the platform front shroud by radial screws and cup washers.
The platform front shroud rear flange shroud is connected to the fan disk by axial screws. The screws connect to barrel nuts held in the fan disk. Once
secured by the screws and barrel nuts, the platform front shroud mechanically holds the fan blade platforms in place.
The platform front shroud holds the fan blade balance weights (x72). There are three combinations; no bolt, bolt or bolt and weight.
The platform front shroud is made of titanium. It additionally has aerodynamic portions that align with the base of the fan blades to smooth the airflow over
the blades. The balance weight positions are engraved every 5th position on the shroud (e.g. 0-5-10-15….).
Maintenance Tip
A dimple on the front platform shroud indicates the position of blade #1. The adjacent bolt hole for the spinner is offset to be fool proof when installing
the spinner.
The fan blades are solid, wide chord, 3D-designed parts. They are made of 3D woven composite material and have a titanium leading edge.
The fan blades are covered with a black rubberised coating for wear protection.
To reduce fretting against other components, wear strips are added to the surfaces that touch:
• Fan disk.
• Fan blade platforms.
• Fan blade locks.
• Booster spool.
Note: The carbon fibre parts may appear black with white marks. The black strips are the interwoven carbon fibres while the white is the injected resin.
The fan blade platforms are also composite parts with wear strips and blade seals which seal between the platforms and the blades.
The blades and the platforms are weighted parts and care should be taken when removing and installing.
The wear strips do not lubricating.
The blade lock has a honeycomb front edge to absorb forces in the event of blade detachment.
The fan blades are separated by the fan blade platforms and the fan disk shields.
The rear section of the fan blade touches the booster spool.
Maintenance Point
No lubrication of the fan blade root is necessary. Do not lubricate the wear strips on the blades or the platforms. Be careful not to damage the wear strips.
The Fan Blade Platforms have blade seals for sealing along the blade edges. These must be seated correctly (down against the blade).
The spacers hold the blades in the correct radial position. They are carbon fibre.
Barrel nuts are held in the fan disk. These are used to secure the platform front shroud.
The barrel nuts are removed to install the specific GSE tool to remove the spacers. Each spacer has a removal slot for the tool attachment point.
Maintenance Point
The flow splitter is a one-piece machined titanium part. The flow splitter is connected to the #1 and #2 stator flange of the booster by axial bolts.
The flow splitter receives hot air from the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) 7th stage for anti-icing protection.
To pipe the anti-ice air, six holes for the connection with the anti-ice supply tubes from the Start Bleed/Booster Anti-ice (SB/BAI) Valve) – see ATA 75 are
For even distribution, 188 notches under the leading edge exhaust the HPC 7th stage anti-icing air into the primary airflow.
The fan case is located between the air intake section and the fan frame module. It is manufactured of a composite material.
The main functions of the fan case are to ensure fan blade containment, to support the air intake cowl and to aerodynamically duct the air for primary and
secondary airflows.
Attached to the fan case are the acoustic shroud, the abradable liner and the five aft acoustical panels.
The one piece acoustic shroud is in front of the fan blades while the abradable liner is radially in line with the fan blades. The five aft acoustical panels are to
the rear and are located on the inner surface of the fan case
The main function of the acoustic shroud and aft acoustical panels is to reduce engine noise.
The main function of the abradable liner is to provide a wear surface between the fan case and the fan blade tips.
The common function of all these parts is to provide a smooth aerodynamic surface for the secondary airflow.
Maintenance Point
The acoustic shroud is a single piece which requires the inlet cowl to be removed when changing. Beware of damaging the shroud when entering the intake.
Note: Original engines are supplied with a blue abradable liner; on later engines this is black.
The forward and aft flanges of the fan case are connected to the air intake cowl and the fan frame by bolted flanges.
• Acoustic shroud.
• Abradable liner (it is adhesive-mounted).
• Aft acoustical panels.
• Two threaded hoisting points for engine ground handling purposes at 2 and 10 o'clock.
• Several mountings for engine equipment such as the Accessory Gearbox (AGB).
The acoustic shroud is connected to the forward inner surface of the fan case by thirteen brackets. The acoustic shroud is a one-piece barrel, made of
honeycomb and carbon fibre skin.
Maintenance Point
The acoustic shroud is a single piece which requires the inlet to be removed when changing. Beware of damaging the shroud when entering the intake.
Each aft acoustical panel is attached by six bolts across the aft inner surface of the fan case and the inner surface of the fan frame shroud. The aft acoustical
panels are made of honeycomb and carbon fibre skin.
The Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs) are located after the fan blades. They direct the secondary airflow exiting the fan blades.
They connect the fan frame shroud to the fan hub providing the structural support for the fan frame. The inner shroud of the fan frame is known as the fan
frame shroud.
They are evenly distributed over the circumference of the fan hub.
At the three OGV strut locations, are the three strut assemblies which include a strut and a shroud. The shrouds provide aerodynamic properties for the
secondary airflow around the struts and also contain pipes and controls for the core of the engine.
Around the centre are five shroud segment panels that form the central shroud of the engine kit. These contain vents for the engine air systems.
The Outlet Guide Vanes (OGV) and OGV struts connect to the fan frame shroud by four radial bolts and to the fan hub by two radial bolts and two axial bolts.
The OGVs and the OGV struts are separated by OGV platforms with an OGV seal on their inner air foil section.
The OGV platforms are located after the acoustic panels and before the fan frame flow path panels and the Surface Air Cooling Oil Cooler (SACOC) segments
(see ATA 79).
The OGVs are hollow constructed of aluminium covered by an aluminium sheet, including a stiffening rib. They come in nine different profiles dependent on
their radial position around the fan hub.
The # 6 OGV strut houses the Radial Drive Shaft (RDS) for the accessory drives.
Behind the three OGV struts (#1, 5 and 6) are the struts.
The struts are connected to the fan frame shroud by radial bolts on their outer platform and to the to the central shroud (made of the five shroud segments)
by radial screws on their inner platform.
Flow path panels are installed on both sides of strut #1 and strut #5.
The central shroud is located between the fan hub and the Thrust-Reverser (T/R).
The struts (#1, 5 and 6) and the five centre shroud segments are made of titanium.
• Eight Variable Bleed Valve (VBV) outlet ducts all around the central shroud (see ATA 75).
• The inlet duct for the Low Pressure and the High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (ACC) (see ATA 75).
The High Pressure Compressor (HPC) increases the pressure of the booster discharge air for combustion. It is located between the air inlet and the
combustion section. It forms part of the High Pressure (HP) assembly (N2).
• Two case sections. Forward and rear compressor stator assembly located between the air inlet and the combustion section.
• HPC rotor assembly located in the forward and rear compressor stator assembly, comprising 10 stages.
The 10 stages of the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) rotor assembly increase the velocity and pressure of the airflow. An Inlet Gearbox (IGB) positioned at
the front of the HPC transmits rotation energy (torque) from the turbine section (HP parts) to the drive shafts to power the Accessory Gearbox (AGB).
The forward and rear compressor stator assembly converts air velocity into an increase in pressure. The air is then directed onto the next higher HPC stage.
There are five stages or adjustable vanes at the front of the HPC, one stage of IGVs (Inlet Guide Vanes) and four stages of VSV (Variable Stator Vanes) –
(see ATA 75).
Forward Connections
(Static parts):
The High Pressure Compressor (HPC) module is connected to the fan frame module.
(Rotating parts):
The HPC module is connected to the Inlet Gearbox (IGB) within the fan frame module.
Rear Connections
(Static parts):
The HPC module is connected to the Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) assembly, as part of the combustion section.
(Rotating parts):
The HPC module is connected to the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) rotor assembly, a part of the turbine section.
The compressor control system parts which operate the Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs) and Variable Stator Vanes (VSVs) are mounted on the HPC module.
Air Bleeds
The HP turbine turns the HP compressor which increases the pressure of the airflow to feed the combustion section.
The blade stages of the HPC rotor assembly accelerate the airflow, while the matching stator vane stages of the forward and rear compressor stator assembly
straighten and direct this airflow onto the next higher stage.
In order to optimize the HPC module operation, the positions of the IGVs and VSVs are modulated by the compressor control system. When the speed of the
HPC rotor assembly increases, the IGVs and VSVs are axially open and axially closed when the HPC rotor assembly speed decreases.
Front Interface:
The High Pressure Compressor (HPC) rotor assembly is supported through the front shaft by #3 ball bearing (3B - thrust) the #3 and roller bearing (3R). The
bearings are located within the Inlet Gearbox (IGB).
Rear Interface:
The HPC rotor assembly is connected to the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) stage 1 disk forward flange by a bolted flange.
The HPC rotor assembly interfaces with the HPC stator assembly through air seals, and the forward section of the HPT air duct.
The 10 stage HPC rotor assembly consists of six parts, which are bolted together by three flanges:
• Stage 1 compressor rotor blisk that is a single titanium component making up the front shaft, disk, blades, seal teeth and rear arm,
• Stage 2 compressor rotor blisk that is a single titanium component making up the disk and blades,
• Stage 3-4 compressor rotor blisk that is a single titanium component making up the stage 3 disk, stage 3 blades, stage 4 disk and stage 4 blades,
• Stage 5 compressor rotor blisk that is a single Inconel component making up the disk and blades,
• Stage 6-10 compressor rotor spool that is a five-rotor disk one-piece component. Each disk has axial grooves to hold the dovetail blades. At each
Stage, the rotor blades are secured with two locking lugs;
• And the Compressor Discharge Pressure (CDP) rotating air seal.
All the rotating blades of the HPC rotor assembly have the latest technology 3D-aero design.
Inside the HPC rotor assembly, fourteen HPC outer impeller tubes extend radially outward-from and perpendicular-to the impeller tube support. Each HPC
outer impeller tube is retained in the impeller tube support. Damper tubes are installed within the HPC outer impeller tube (at the base of the impeller tube
support) to dampen vibrations of the HPC outer impeller tubes.
Each Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) and Variable Stator Vane (VSV) has:
• An inner trunnion for the connection with the inner compressor stator shrouds.
• An outer trunnion for the connection respectively with the fan hub and forward compressor stator case.
• A lever arm connection.
The IGVs are made of aluminium alloy, the first three VSV stages are made of titanium alloy and stage 4 VSVs are made of nickel alloy.
The air seals at the inner diameter of stage 1-4 compressor stator shrouds prevent air from leaking into the previous High Pressure Compressor (HPC) stage.
The five stages of the rear compressor stator assembly are individual stages kept together by bolted flanges. Each stage has fixed compressor stator vanes.
For assembly, the two parts that have a mounting flange for the connection with the forward compressor stator assembly and the CDN assembly are:
• The aft compressor stator extension case linked to stage 7 compressor stator vane.
• The wishbone aft inner compressor stator case linked to stage 9 compressor stator vane.
Air seals at the inner diameter of each compressor stator stationary seal prevent air from leaking into the previous HPC stage.
The combustion section mixes the fuel and the HPC discharge air for efficient and uniform combustion.
The annular combustion chamber is located within the Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) assembly. The CDN is located between the HPC and HPT stator cases
and provides the structural load path between these assemblies.
The combustion chamber assembly provides containment of high pressure and high temperature air during the combustion process. Cooling galleries are
incorporated into the CDN.
The Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) assembly has mounting locations for the nineteen fuel nozzles and the two igniters.
The fuel nozzles are of a unique design, Twin Annular Premixing Swirler (TAPS) and is covered in ATA 73.
Forward Connection:
The combustion section is connected to the rear compressor stator assembly of the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) module.
Rear Connection:
The combustion section is connected to the stage 1 and stage 2 nozzle assembly of the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) module.
The Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) assembly interfaces with the engine air system, fuel nozzles and ignition system igniters.
The CDN assembly interfaces with the engine High Pressure Compressor (HPC) rotor through the Compressor Discharge Pressure (CDP) air seal.
The combustion section receives a compressed airflow from the HPC module and delivers the gas resulting from the combustion to the HPT module.
The air flow coming from the HPC module enters the combustion section through the Outlet Guide Vanes (OGV). The OGV direct the air flow axially into the
combustion section.
Then the air flow goes through the diffuser, which reduces the velocity and increases the static pressure of the compressed air.
Airflow from the diffuser is directed to the radial mixer before being mixed with the fuel coming from the fuel nozzles. The mixing occurs within and around
the nozzle (discussed in ATA 73).
The fuel/air mixture is burnt in the combustion chamber to produce high energy gases.
These gases travel onwards towards the HPT module by the combustion chamber dome and the inner and outer liners.
The other part of the air flow (HPC discharge air) flows from the diffuser to the space between the inside surface of the Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN)
case and the inner and outer baffles. This airflow cools the combustion chamber through the cooling holes located in the inner and outer liners and baffles.
Additionally some of the HPC discharge air is used to cool the first stage of the HPT hub and blades. This flow is controlled by the MTC Modulating Turbine
Cooling System (see ATA 75).
The Combustor Diffuser Nozzle (CDN) assembly is located between the High Pressure Compressor (HPC) rear stator assembly and the forward face of the
High Pressure Turbine (HPT) stator case. Both connections are via a bolted flange.
The inner diameter of the CDN assembly is connected to the forward face of the stage 1 HPT nozzle support of the turbine section and to the inner combustor
forward manifold (engine air system) by a bolted flange.
Each Twin Annular Premixing Swirler (TAPS) fuel nozzle is surrounded by a radial mixer mounted on the combustion chamber dome.
The inner and outer liners form the inboard and outboard portions of the combustion chamber assembly. The liners have cooling holes and are covered with a
Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) to protect them from the heat energy generated by the combustion process. The liners have baffles with cooling holes for
improved cooling efficiency.
The outer liner has local holes for the igniters and the borescope ports.
The turbine section comprises the 2 stage High Pressure Turbine (HPT) and the 7 stage Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) sections.
The turbine section converts the energy of the hot gases produced during combustion into rotational energy to drive the HP and LP shaft. This then turn the
High Pressure Compressor (HPC) module, fan and booster module.
The HPT stage 1 nozzle assembly directs the flow of combustion air to the 1st stage HPT rotor blades.
The HPT stage 2 nozzle assembly then directs the air to the HPT 2nd stage rotor blades.
The Turbine Centre Frame (TCF) assembly supports the bearing #4 support housing, giving radial support to the HP shaft. The structural support given by
the TCF also minimises the HPT blades clearances.
The LPT stage 1 nozzle module supplies the next higher stage with the correct airflow angle. This happens through all 7 stages
The LPT shaft transmits the LPT torque to the fan and booster.
The combustion gases flow through the turbine stages. Each blade of the turbine is forced to react and changes the gas flow into rotational energy. The
matching nozzle stages expand and direct the flow onto the next higher rotor stage which repeats the process.
The HPT rotor (N2) drives the 10 stages of HPC through the HP shaft.
The LPT rotor (N1) drives the 4 stages of LPC (fan and booster) through the LP shaft.
The front flange of the Turbine Centre Frame (TCF) assembly is connected to the rear flange of the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) stage 2 nozzle assembly by
a bolted flange.
The rear flange of the TCF assembly is connected to the front flange of the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) rotor and stator module.
The TCF assembly interfaces with the HPT rotor assembly through roller bearing #4 and air seals.
It also hosts the mounting points for the 8 Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) sensors T48 sensors (see ATA 77) and cooling ducts that bleed air from the High
Pressure Compressor (HPC) 4th stage.
• TCF case.
• LPT transition duct.
• TCF transition duct seal.
• HPT stator stationary seal.
• Bearing #4 air seals.
• Bearing #4 oil seals.
• Roller bearing #4.
The struts of the TCF case provide support for the bearing #4. They are located within the LPT transition duct to the LPT assembly and therefore the local
temperature is lower and a provides a better location for the oil tubes.
The Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) module is located between the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) stator and the exhaust components by bolted flanges.
The rear flanges of the Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) are connected by bolts to the following exhaust components:
• Exhaust nozzle.
• Exhaust plug.
• Central ventilation tube (CVT) - for ‘A’ sump ventilation.
The rear mount attaches to the Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) module via three clevis mounts (two main, one failsafe).
The TRF supports roller bearing #5 and the associated oil feed/return pipes.
• Oil pressure/scavenge.
• Drain.
Additionally, there is the Venturi connection at the 9 o’clock position (see ATA 79) for the A sump depressurisation (through the eductor valve).
The Accessory Gearbox (AGB) is mounted on the fan frame at the 7 o’clock position.
To drive the AGB, an Inlet Gearbox (IGB) (which is part of the #3 bearing assembly) at the front of the N2 HP rotor drives the Radial Drive Shaft (RDS) to the
Transfer Gearbox (TGB).
The Accessory Gearbox (AGB) drives the N2 HP rotor during starting using the Pneumatic Air Starter (PAS) – (see ATA 74 & 80), in the reverse of the process
The IGB consists of a housing including an horizontal bevel gear connected to the HPC front shaft and a pinion bevel gear connected to the Radial Drive Shaft
Note: Bearing #3 is the combination of one roller bearing and one ball bearing (3B and 3R).
The RDS is composed of two alloy steel parts, the radial inner shaft and the outer radial outer.
The TGB consists of a cast housing including a bevel gear connected to the RDS and a bevel gear connected to the TS. There is a short transfer shaft
between the TGB and the AGB.
The AGB consists of a cast housing including a series of spur gears that distribute the torque to the associated engine component and ancillary systems (fuel,
oil hydraulic etc.).
The Transfer Gearbox (TGB) is also the mounting point for the N2 speed sensor (see ATA 77).
The AGB is secured to the fan frame at three points (top, mid and bottom). It additionally has a central damping mount.
Additionally, the AGB has a manual cranking location on the front face for hand turning the HP rotor for maintenance purposes.
Maintenance Point
The hand crank cover includes an interference fool proof design. Ensure the seal is fitted correctly before refitting the panel.
The rotating seals prevent oil and fuel leakage from around the AGB rotating shafts. They are kept in position by retainer rings.
The rotating seal assembly uses a carbon seal with grooves knurled on one surface (the alveolus area). This acts as a pump and creates an air film on which
the mating rotating-seal ring rides on.
The rotating seal consists of a mating ring section and a housing section.
Maintenance Point
The rotating seals must be handled correctly. Incorrect installation or installation of a dirty seal may lead to oil leaks and potential Inflight Shutdown
Use the correct tools (different tools for mating ring section and the housing sections) when removing/installing and beware of unsecured seals falling
from the AGB when the tool is removed.
The seals are not all the same part number.
There are two drain masts, one for the fan zone and one for the core zone.
The drains system is split left and right. Each system (left or right) uses both drain masts.
The Left Hand Side (LHS) drain system is split into two zones the fan zone and the core zone.
• Engine Driven Pump (EDP) drain line • LHS Variable Stator Vane (VSV) actuator drain line
• Fuel pump drain line • LHS Variable Bleed Valve (VBV) actuator drain line
• Hand cranking pad drain line • High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (HPTACC) valve
• Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) drain line (between the 6 drain line
o'clock and 8 o'clock positions) • Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (LPTACC) valve
drain line
• the LHS Modulating Turbine Cooling (MTC) actuator
• Pylon drain line
• Sump ‘A’, (between the 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions) drain
The Right Hand Side (LHS) drain system is split into two zones the fan zone and the core zone.
• Oil tank scupper drain tube (between the 3 o'clock and 6 o'clock • RHS Variable Stator Vane (VSV) actuator
positions) • RHS Variable Bleed Valve (VBV) actuator
• RHS Modulating Turbine Cooling (MTC) actuator (removed)
• Transient Bleed Valve (TBV)
• Booster Anti Ice/Start Bleed Valve (BAI/SBV)
• Pylon
• Sump ‘B’, (between the 1 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions)