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Version 1.2

Author: Bill Gant

Publisher: WarFlail’s Armoury

Editor: Bill Gant

Layout: Bill Gant

Cover Art: Eric Hotz

Interior Art: Eric Hotz, Richard Luschek

© 2020, Columbia Games Inc., and N. Robin Crossby. Open Game License © 2000, Wizards of the Coast LLC.
© 2020, Bill Gant <warflail@warflail.com>.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and
are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, locations, etc.), new rules, rules modifications, dialogue,
plots, story lines, locations, characters, creatures, artwork and trade dress that is considered specific to Hârn and property of Columbia Games, Inc.
(Elements previously designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content,
as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content
may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
This work, created by Bill Gant, is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc., and released for free distribution
and personal use by Bill Gant. No modification of said work may be made without written permission of Bill Gant. Hârn, HârnWorld, HârnMaster
are Registered Trademarks of Arien Crossby, and Columbia Games Inc., and used with permission. All distributions must keep this copyright and
trademark notice intact.
Illustrations are by Eric Hotz <erichotz@shaw.ca> and Richard Luschek <richard_luschek@yahoo.com>, and used with permission.
Cleric. The equivalent divine domain(s) for each major
This document contains Hârnic deity is/are detailed below:
a collection of rules to Deity Domain Deity Domain
adapt SRD5 to Hârn-
World. Agrik Light, War Naveh
All rules marked
with  are optional. Halea Peoni Grave, Life
Ilvir Nature Sarajin
Larani Order, War Arcana,
1. RACES Morgath Death Knowledge
Khuzdul priests of the demigod Sereniel are clerics of the
PC Races Forge domain.
Player characters can be human, khuzdul, sindarin, aenarin
(rare), or halfling (very rare). Most PCs are human.  Hârnic Divine Domains. Replace the above with the
GM’s custom divine domains specific to the gods of Hârn.
Humans from Hârn can be from any of the civilised
states (Chybisa, Kaldor, Kanday, Melderyn, Orbaal, Rethem Druid. Priests of Siem (Inthiars) and tribal shamans are
or Tharda; or at GM discretion: Azadmere or Evael) or one of druids. Most Inthiars are druids of the Circle of Dreams.
the ‘uncivilised’ barbarian tribes. Fighter. All martial archetypes are available. Treat the El-
Khuzdul are dwarves (hill, mountain). They lack dritch Knight as a rare variant of the Shek-Pvar (see below).
darkvision, but have an iron will, which gives them ad- Monk. Monks are rare, but those of neutral or evil align-
vantage on saving throws against being charmed. Most Hâr- ment can be priests of Naveh. Otherwise, clerical orders as-
nic khuzdul live in the kingdom of Azadmere. sociated with a fighting order, especially Agrikan orders, of-
Sindarin are elves (high, wood). They lack darkvision, ten have temples where monastic fighting styles are stressed.
but are immune to disease. Sindarin will live forever, barring Paladin. All sacred oaths are available. Paladins belong-
accidents or violence. Most Hârnic sindarin live in the king- ing to a Laranian fighting order typically take the Oath of
dom of Evael. Devotion or Redemption. Those belonging to an Agrikan
Aenarin are half-elves. They lack darkvision, but can fighting order typically take the Oath of Conquest or Venge-
forgo Skill Versatility and instead take a sindarin trait other ance.
than immortality. Most Hârnic aenarin live in Evael.
Ranger. All ranger archetypes are available, whether the
Halflings are a race of half-sized, humanly proportioned
ranger comes from a civilised or tribal culture.
beings who, according to seamen’s legend, dwell on an is-
land somewhere in the Gulf of Ederwyn. Almost nothing is Rogue. All roguish archetypes are available. Most mem-
known about them; a player wanting to play a halfling bers of the Lia-Kavair, the “Thieves’ Guild”, rather unsur-
should develop it together with the GM. prisingly follow the Thief archetype. Assassins are often
worshippers of Naveh. Treat the Arcane Trickster as a rare
variant of the Shek-Pvar (see below).
2. CLASSES Sorcerer, Warlock. These classes are rare on Hârn and
Available Classes should be developed together with the GM.
All classes are available on Hârn to humans, although the Wizard. Wizards on Hârn are called Shek-Pvar. The
GM may impose restrictions on certain subclasses. There are, equivalent convocation to the schools of magic is detailed be-
however, class restrictions for nonhuman races: for example, low:
there are no khuzdul druids or sindarin clerics on Hârn. Convocation School of Magic
 Low Fantasy. The maximum character level is 12th level. Lyahvi Illusion
Barbarian. All primal paths are available. Certain tribal Peleahn Evocation
cultures are commonly associated with a particular primal
Jmorvi Abjuration
path. Check with the GM which path best applies to a chosen
tribe. Fyvria Necromancy, Transmutation

Bard. There are two bardic colleges on Hârn: College of Odivshe Conjuration
Heralds (equivalent to College of Lore); and College of Savorya Divination, Enchantment
Harpers (equivalent to College of Valor).  Convocations. Replace the schools of magic with the
GM’s custom arcane traditions specific to each convocation.
Worshippers of a god of Hârn tend to share similar align-
BACKGROUND ments, as illustrated below. There are always exceptions,
such as a Lawful Neutral Agrikan or Chaotic Evil Ilviran.
 Sunsign
A character’s astrological sunsign is a significant factor for
skill affinity, providing natural proficiency to a skill depend-
ing on when the character was born. Sunsign is determined Peoni
by birthdate. The first two and last two days of each sign are
termed the cusp: a character born on the cusp enjoys the ben-
efit of either sign (player’s choice).
Tuzyn Reckoning (TR) has a 12 month lunar year. Roll
1d12 to generate a month. Each month has 30 days. Roll 1d30 Larani Siem Sarajin
to generate a birthday.
Save-K’nor Halea Ilvir
The Tuzyn Year
Spring 1 Nuzyael
2 Peonu
3 Kelen
Summer 4 Nolus
5 Larane
6 Agrazhar
Autumn 7 Azura Naveh Morgath
8 Halane
9 Savor
Winter 10 Ilvin
11 Navek Languages
12 Morgat The following languages and scripts are used on Hârn. The
equivalent to Common is Hârnic.
From To Sunsign Proficiency Language Typical Speakers Script
4 Nuzyael 3 Peonu Ulandus Nature OR Gargun Each gargun subspecies has a --
Survival separate language (e.g. Gargu-
4 Peonu 2 Kelen Aralius Animal Hyeka)
Handling Hârnic Humans from Chybisa, Kaldor, Lakise (the
3 Kelen 3 Nolus Feniri Insight OR Kanday, Melderyn, Rethem and tribes have
Tharda; and from the Bujoc, no script)
4 Nolus 4 Larane Ahnu Intimidation Chelni, Gozyda, Hodiri, Kath,
5 Larane 6 Agrazhar Angberelius Longsword Pagaelin, Solori, and Tulwyn
& Short tribes
sword Ivashi Intelligent Ivashu --
7 Agrazhar 5 Azura Nadai Acrobatics Ivinian Humans from Orbaal (of Ivinian Runic
OR descent)
Performance Jarinese Humans from Orbaal, Azadmere, Lakise
6 Azura 4 Halane Hirin Longbow & Evael and parts of Kaldor; and (Taelda:
from the Adaenum, Anoa, Runic. The
Chymak, Equani, Kabloqui, other tribes
5 Halane 3 Savor Tarael Arcana OR
have no
Perception Kubora, Taelda, Urdu, and
4 Savor 2 Ilvin Tai Deception Ymodi tribes
OR Stealth Kamakin Humans from the Kamaki tribes --
3 Ilvin 2 Navek Skorus Persuasion Khuzan Khuzdul from Azadmere Runic,
OR Sleight- (Dwarvish) Khruni
of-hand Orbaalese Humans from Orbaal Runic
3 Navek 1 Morgat Masara Medicine Sindarin Sindarin from Evael Selenian
2 Morgat 3 Nuzyael Lado Athletics (Elvish)
Piety Hârnic Currency SRD Currency
Piety is an important aspect of Hârn. Nearly everyone wor- 1/10 silver penny
th 1 copper piece (cp)
ships a deity. 1 farthing (1f) 2½ cp
1 ha’penny (2f) 5 cp
Undertaking pious rituals, even as simple as attending
1 silver penny (1d) 1 sp
daily mass or making private prayer, has the chance of re-
10d / 1 shilling (1s) 1 gp
warding the worshipper with Piety Points (PP).
20d / 1 pound (£1) 2 gp
Piety Points can be expended as described below. Points 1 Khuzan Crown 30 gp / 3 pp
can also be lost for impious acts at GM discretion. Piety
 Shillings, Pounds and Khuzan Crowns. 12d = 1 shilling.
Points cannot be reduced to less than 0.
24d = 1 pound. 320d+ = 1 Khuzan Crown.
Starting characters have 5d6 PP.
Starting Wealth. A typical character begins play with the
Divine Blessing clothes worn, a knapsack containing their worldly posses-
Any character that worships a deity can beseech a divine sions, credentials when appropriate, and a moneybelt. Check
blessing, no more than one attempt per day. As a reaction or with the GM for starting wealth.
bonus action, a character can expend 5 PP and make an Intel-
ligence (Religion) check against DC 20. The character can ex-
pend additional PP to reduce the DC to improve their chance Armour
of receiving a blessing. For example, if the character expends The prices of armour are twice those listed in the SRD. Half
an extra 10 PP (for a total expenditure of 15 PP), they make plate and plate armour don’t exist on Hârn and are therefore
their Divine Blessing attempt against DC 10. not available.
Unlike a normal ability check, rolling a 20 is an automatic
success and a 1 is an automatic failure when making a Di-
vine Blessing attempt.
All simple and martial weapons are available on Hârn. How-
• If the check is successful, the character is affected as ever, the following weapons are rare: greataxe; greatsword;
if a bless spell had been cast on them. The effects last pike; and crossbow.
for one minute and can’t be dispelled.
The following martial weapons are considered ‘chivalric’,
• On a roll of 20, the expended Piety Points are re-
which means that they should only be in the hands of the no-
bility or those from a sanctioned religious order: battleaxe;
• On a roll of 1, the character is affected as if a bane
flail; greatsword; lance; longsword; war pick; warhammer.
spell had been cast on them. The effects last for one
minute and can’t be dispelled. Sindarin craft a thin-bladed shortsword called a longknife
and a composite bow called a hartbow (treat as a longbow,
Divine Recharge but as a bonus action, you can extend the range of your next
Once per day after finishing a short rest, a cleric, druid or attack with this bow to 200/800). They are often Masterwork
paladin can expend their Piety Points to regain any spent weapons (see below).
spell slots. The cost is 5 PP per spell slot level. So, to regain
Gargun (Hârnic
two 1st level spell slots and one 3rd level spell slot, the cost is
orcs) use variants of
25 PP.
the falchion called the
mang (110d, 1d8 slash-

4. EQUIPMENT ing, 3 lb., versatile

(1d10)) and mankar
Coinage (84d, 1d6 slashing, 2
The standard coin on Hârn is the silver penny (d). Most civi- lb., finesse, light), both
lised states produce their own silver pennies. Gold coins are of which are martial
rare and in the form of the Khuzan Crown, which most peo- melee weapons.
ple will never see. Copper, electrum and platinum coins are  Shield Variants. Bucklers are small, round shields that
not minted on Hârn. Use the HârnWorld price list where can also be used as melee weapons using the Shield profi-
possible, otherwise use the prices from the SRD, converted to ciency (40d, 1d4 bludgeoning, 3 lb., finesse, light, +1 AC).
silver pennies. They require an action or a bonus action to ‘don’ or ’doff’.
A farthing is a silver penny divided (literally) into four Tower shields are large, oblong or oval shields designed
quarters. Shillings and pounds are not coins, merely quanti- for mass infantry defence and are particularly effective
ties of silver pennies. where they can be interlocked (150d, 8 lb., +2 AC, Str 13 re-
The table below shows the conversion between Hârnic quirement, Stealth disadvantage, grants Shieldwall trait (see
currency and the currency used in the SRD: below)).
 Masterwork Arms & Armour
Masterwork weapons and armour are nonmagical items of
superlative quality, crafted by highly skilled weaponcrafters Bleeding Wounds
using the finest raw materials. A Quality:  can pro- Some effects, such as the loss of a body part, cause a bleeding
duce Masterwork weapons and armour (uncommon); and a wound to a creature. At the start of each of the creature's
Quality:  can produce Greater Masterwork weap- turns, it loses 1d4 hit points from blood loss for each bleed-
ons and armour (rare). ing wound. The creature, or a creature within 5 feet of it, can
then use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine)
A Masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to damage rolls
check, ending the effect from all bleeding wounds on itself
and costs the weapon’s normal price × 2 + 150d. A Greater
on a success. Magical healing will also end the effect.
Masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls, and costs the weapon’s normal price × 3 + 300d.
Masterwork armour negates the extra damage dealt from Blinded (Condition)
any critical hit to the wearer; it costs the armour’s normal • A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails
price × 2 + 750d. Greater Masterwork armour (which can be any ability check that requires sight.
medium or heavy, but not kurbul) changes any critical hit • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage
against the wearer to a normal hit; it costs the armour’s nor- (unless the attacker is more than 5 ft. away from the crea-
mal price × 3 + 1500d. ture and can't see it), and the creature’s attack rolls
have disadvantage.

 Critical Hits – Max Base Damage
Resting When you score a critical hit, you deal the maximum amount
The following changes from the SRD apply to resting on
of damage from your normal damage dice, add any relevant
modifiers, then roll your damage dice and add the result as
Short Rest extra damage for the critical hit.
A short rest is a period of downtime, at least 8 hours long, For example, if a 3rd level rogue scores a critical hit with
during which a character does nothing more strenuous than a dagger (1d4) while making a Sneak Attack (+2d6), and the
eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds. rogue has 16 Dexterity (+3), the damage equals 4 + 12 + 3 +
A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the end of 1d4 + 2d6, for a damage range of 22 to 35.
a short rest, up to the character’s maximum number of Hit As another example, if a 9th level barbarian scores a criti-
Dice, which is equal to the character’s level. For each Hit Die cal hit with a greataxe (1d12) while raging (+3), and the bar-
spent in this way, the player rolls the die and adds the char- barian has 18 Strength (+4), the damage equals 12 + 3 + 4 +
acter’s Constitution modifier to it. The character regains hit 1d12 + 1d12 (Brutal Critical), for a damage range of 21 to 43.
points equal to the total (minimum of 0). The player can de-
cide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll. A charac-
ter regains some spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest, as  Infection
explained below. Each day at dawn, if your cur-
Long Rest rent hit points are equal to or less
A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 5 days than half your hit point maxi-
long, during which a character sleeps for at least 6 hours and mum, you must succeed on a DC
performs no more than 2 hours of light activity, such as read- 10 Constitution saving throw or
ing, talking, eating, or standing watch, for each day of rest. If your wounds become infected.
a day’s rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity You have advantage on your
— at least 1 hour of walking, fighting, casting spells, or simi- saving throw if you spent the
lar adventuring activity — the character must begin the rest past 24 hours in a clean environ-
again to gain any benefit from it. ment, or disadvantage if you were in a filthy one.

At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit If your wounds become infected, your hit point maxi-
points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a mum is reduced by 1, and by another 1 for every 24 hours
number of dice equal to half of the character's total number that pass thereafter while the infection persists. If your hit
of them (minimum of one die). For example, if a character point maximum drops to 0, you die. A spell or effect that
has eight Hit Dice, he or she can regain four spent Hit Dice cures disease will cure the infection. Alternatively, someone
upon finishing a long rest. can tend to the infection and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medi-
cine) check once every 24 hours. After ten successes, the in-
A character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of
fection is cured.
the long rest to gain its benefits.
Lance Charge may panic and try to get away from combat. The Morale
score is used when the GM makes a Morale Check.
This manoeuvre is available to any mounted character who has
proficiency with Animal Handling and lances. Morale Scores
If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target while All creatures have a Morale score between 1 (always flees)
mounted on a steed that you control, and then hit the target and 12 (never flees), for example:
with a lance attack on the same turn, roll the weapon’s dam- 5 Cowardly human non-combatants
age dice twice and add them together. 6 Typical human non-combatants (e.g. townsfolk);
7 Typical human combatants; gargu-hyeka; gargu-ky-
8 Human commanders; gargu-khanu; gargu-viasal;
typical khuzdul and sindarin
9+ Battle-hardened warriors
12 Gulmorvrin (undead)
How to Check Morale
When a Morale Check is necessary, the GM rolls 2d6:
• If the result is greater than the creature’s Morale
 Lingering Injuries score, the creature will try to stop the fight or get
Damage normally leaves no lingering effects, unless a crea-
away from it.
ture takes a critical hit, or drops to 0 hit points and isn’t sta-
• If the result is less than or equal to the Morale score,
the creature will continue to fight.
To determine the nature of the injury, roll a d20 on the
Lingering Injuries table in the official 5th Edition GM source-
book. This table assumes a typical humanoid physiology; the
GM may adapt the results for creatures with different body
 ‘Tis But a Scratch! Roll d20 twice on the Lingering Injuries
table, and use the higher of the two rolls.

 Massive Damage When to Check Morale

For a single creature encountered alone, a Morale Check is
When a creature takes damage from a single source equal to
or greater than half its hit point maximum, it must succeed
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer a random ef- 1. When the creature is first hit and takes 1 or more hit
fect determined by a roll on the System Shock table in the of- points of damage; and
ficial 5th Edition GM sourcebook. For example, a creature 2. When the creature is reduced to 25% of its hit point
that has a hit point maximum of 25 must make a Constitu- maximum.
tion save if it takes 12 damage or more from a single source. For a group of creatures, a Morale Check is made against
the Morale of an active creature in the group with the high-
est score:
 Morale 1. When the first death occurs amongst the group; and
Morale is a measure of a creature’s courage, loyalty and high 2. When half of the monsters are no longer free to act –
spirits. It is optional in your first Hârn games – the beginning killed, magically asleep or controlled, etc.
GM should not use Morale until all the other game mechan-
ics have been learned. Morale should be added after every- Followers’ Morale
one, both GM and players, has participated in 2 or more An NPC follower’s Morale is typically 7 + the leader’s Cha-
group games. risma modifier and is not checked for every situation occur-
ring in the description above. Instead, a follower’s Morale is
In combat, any creature may try to run away or surren-
only checked during an adventure if:
der. A PC may choose to do this, but this is the decision of
the player – Morale Checks are not made for PCs. 1. The leader orders the follower to endanger them-
selves while the party is in less danger; or
To determine whether an NPC or monster wants to run
2. The follower is damaged and down to 25% of its
away or surrender, the GM uses the creature’s Morale score
maximum hit points.
– see the guide below. A high Morale score indicates a will-
ingness to keep fighting; low Morale means that the creature
Adjustments to the Morale Check Constitution saving throw: on a success, the condition and
The GM may decide to adjust a Morale Check by a penalty any exhaustion levels gained from shock are removed; on a
or bonus to the 2d6 roll by 1 or 2, according to the circum- failure, you remain in shock and gain another level of ex-
stances. haustion. Repeat the saving throw every 1d4 hours until ei-
ther the condition is removed, or you die.
Results of the Morale Check
If a creature fails the Morale Check, it will try to get away
from the battle in the most expedient manner possible. If  Tower Shields
fleeing is not possible, an intelligent creature will surrender The tower shield grants the
if it thinks the opponent will accept the offer; otherwise, it Shieldwall trait if its wielder has
will continue to fight. proficiency with shields.
Shieldwall. If you move no
Mounted Combat more than half your speed on
your turn, and end your move-
 Controlled Mount Attacks. While you’re controlling a
ment within 5 feet of an ally
combat-trained mount such as a warhorse, you can use your
who has the Shieldwall trait,
action to direct the mount to take an Attack or Overrun ac-
you can use an action or a bonus
tion against a target of your choice. For example, you could
direct your warhorse to make a hooves attack with a Tram- action to form a Shieldwall. The
Shieldwall is a formation with
pling Charge against a target, or overrun an enemy position,
you and the ally as its members.
instead of making your own attack with your sword.
Choose a facing: the Shieldwall
Depending on the circumstances, the GM may require
provides half cover to its mem-
you to succeed on a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check
bers against attacks from this
and/or have the Mounted Combatant feat to direct a con-
facing, until the start of your
trolled mount attack.
next turn. Your Shieldwall benefit is immediately lost if ei-
ther member of the formation is not wielding a shield, forms
or joins a Shieldwall with a different facing, moves from its
Movement Around Other Creatures space, is prone, or is incapacitated.
You can move through a nonhostile creature's space. In con-
trast, you can move through a hostile creature's space only if
the creature is at least two sizes larger or smaller than you. Unseen Attackers & Targets
Treat a prone hostile creature as being one size smaller than nor-
When a creature can't see you, you have advantage on attack
mal for this purpose. Remember that another creature's space
rolls against it, unless you are more than 5 ft. away from the crea-
is difficult terrain for you.
ture and can't see it.
Whether a creature is a friend or an enemy, you can't
willingly end your move in its space.
If you leave a hostile creature's reach during your move, 7. RUNNING THE GAME
you provoke an opportunity attack.
Experience Points
You gain experience points in three ways:
 Shock 1. Tactics – combat, and overcoming challenges out-
A dying creature might enter shock once it recovers con- side combat. Even losing combat can yield XP.
sciousness. Shock is a special condition that lasts until the 2. Strategy – completing significant milestones, such
creature recovers naturally, or the condition is removed by as accomplishing one in a series of goals necessary
the lesser restoration spell. A creature in shock displays a vari- to complete the adventure.
ety of symptoms including pallor, cold sweats, weakness, 3. Alliances – turning important NPCs into allies,
nausea, thirst, and groaning; it is usually incoherent and may aligning them with your cause, or denying them as
gaze helplessly at its injuries. assets to your enemies.
Each time you regain hit points after dropping to 0 hit Level advancement will generally take place after you
points, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving finish at least a long rest, at a suitable juncture in the game as
throw or enter shock. This saving throw is made with disad- determined by the GM. The GM may require additional
vantage if you failed any death saving throws before regain- tasks to complete level advancement, such as when a paladin
ing hit points. reaches 3rd level and must take an Oath.
When you enter shock, you gain one level of exhaustion
and are incapacitated. Your speed is reduced by 10 feet, and
you can’t speak coherently. You automatically fail Strength
and Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls against you
have advantage. After 1d4 hours, you must make a DC 10

Cost Weight
Armour (d) Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth (lb.)
Light Armour
Quilt 100 11 + Dex modifier - Disadvantage 8
Leather 200 11 + Dex modifier - - 10
Coat of plates 900 12 + Dex modifier - - 13
Medium Armour
Kurbul 200 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 12
Mail byrnie 1,000 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 20
Scale hauberk 1,000 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 45
Khuzan / Sindar 8,000 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) - - 20
mail shirt
Heavy Armour
Ring hauberk 600 14 - Disadvantage 40
Mail hauberk 1,500 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55
Mail and plate 4,000 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60
Buckler* 40 +1 - - 3
Shield 100 +2 - - 6
Tower Shield** 150 +2 Str 13 Disadvantage 8

* The buckler also counts as a melee weapon (1d4 bludgeoning, finesse, light).

** The tower shield grants the Shieldwall ability if its wielder has proficiency with shields.

5E Hârn Armour 1
Armour Descriptions
Quilt. Quilt armour consists of quilted layers of cloth and batting, typically in the form of a gambeson
and topped with a kettle hat.

Leather. A tunic or coat of tough leather, often reinforced with additional layers. The armour
includes a hood or helmet.

Coat of plates. A form of segmented torso armour consisting of metal plates riveted inside a cloth or
leather coat. Unlike scale armour which has plates on the outside, a coat of plates has the plates on
the inside of the foundation garment. The armour includes a helmet.

Kurbul. This armour consists of a leather coat with overlapping pieces of thick leather that has been
hardened through boiling in water or oil. It may feature larger, moulded kurbul plates such as
shoulder protectors and a breastplate. The suit includes a helmet.

Mail byrnie. Made of interlocking metal rings, a mail byrnie is worn between layers of clothing or
leather. This armour offers modest protection to the wearer’s upper body and allows the sound of
the rings rubbing against one another to be muffled by outer layers. The armour includes a helmet.

Scale hauberk. This armour consists of a coat and leggings (and perhaps a separate skirt) of leather
covered with overlapping pieces of metal, much like the scales of a fish. The suit includes gauntlets
and a helmet.

Khuzan / Sindar mail shirt. A very fine mail byrnie with a quilted silk backing, crafted by a Khuzdul or
Sindarin armourer.

Ring hauberk. This armour is a leather coat with heavy rings sewn into it. The rings help reinforce
the armour against blow from swords and axes. Ring armour is inferior to mail, and it’s usually worn
only by those who can’t afford better armour. The armour includes a helmet.

Mail hauberk. Made of interlocking metal rings, this coat of mail includes a layer of quilted fabric
worn underneath the mail to prevent chafing and to cushion the impact of blows. The suit includes
gauntlets or mail mittens at the ends of the sleeves and an open or enclosed helmet.

Mail and plate. Mail armour supplemented with metal plates for spot protection. It includes an
enclosed helmet.

5E Hârn Armour 2
Once you have generated an Occupation for your character (HârnMaster 3rd Edition, Character 13), refer to the
table below to determine the character’s background proficiencies, languages, feature, and suggested characteristics
(personality trait, ideal, bond, flaw). See Character 17 for generating starting equipment and funds.

Character Skill Tool Languages and Background Suggested

Occupation Proficiencies Proficiencies Scripts Feature Characteristics
Animal Trainer Animal - One language Rustic Folk Hero
Handling Hospitality
Beggar Sleight of Hand - One language City Secrets Urchin
Cartographer / Artist History Cartographer’s One language By Popular Entertainer
Nature tools, painter’s and one script Demand
Cleric (Agrik) Intimidation - One language, Knightly Regard Knight of the
Religion Azeryani, Order
Surikal, Zerin
Cleric (Halea) Persuasion - One language, Court Courtier
Religion Karuia, Zerin Functionary
Cleric (Ilvir) Nature - One language, Wanderer Outlander
Religion Old Jarinese,
Ivashi, Khruni
Cleric (Larani) Insight - One language, Knightly Regard Knight of the
Religion Emela, Khruni Order

Cleric (Morgath) Intimidation - One language, City Secrets Urchin

Religion Azeri, Ormauk,
Nuvesarl script
Cleric (Naveh) Deception Disguise kit, One language, False Identity Charlatan
Religion poisoner's kit Besha, Neramic
Cleric (Peoni) Medicine - One language, Shelter of the Acolyte
Religion Emela, Khruni Faithful
Cleric (Sarajin) Insight - One language, Steady Marine
Religion Ivinian, Runic
Cleric (Save-K’nor) History - One language, Library Access Cloistered
Religion Azeri, Tianta Scholar
Cleric (Sereniel) Investigation One type of One language, Respect of the Clan Crafter
Religion artisan's tools Khuzan, Khruni Stout Folk
Druid (Siem) Perception - One language, Wanderer Outlander
Religion Sindarin,
Selenian script
Farmer / Herdsman Animal - One language Rustic Folk Hero
Handling Hospitality
5E Hârn Backgrounds 1
Character Skill Tool Languages and Background Suggested
Occupation Proficiencies Proficiencies Scripts Feature Characteristics
Fisherman Nature Vehicles (water) One language Harvest the Fisher
Survival Water
Fisherman (Smuggler) Deception Vehicles (water) One language Down Low Smuggler
Gladiator Athletics - One language By Popular Gladiator
Performance Demand
Hunter / Trapper Nature - One language Wanderer Outlander
Laborer / Athletics - One language City Secrets Urchin
Longshoreman Perception
Prostitute / Pimp Performance - One language City Secrets Urchin
Ratter Animal - One language City Secrets Urchin
Sage / Tutor Arcana - Two languages Researcher Sage
History and two scripts
Scribe Arcana - Two languages Researcher Sage
History and three

Servant / Cook Insight Cook’s utensils One language Rustic Folk Hero
Perception Hospitality
Shaman Insight - Two languages Wanderer Outlander
Soldier (Guardsman) Athletics One type of One language Watcher’s Eye City Watch /
Intimidation gaming set Investigator
Soldier (Legionnaire) Athletics One type of One language Military Rank Soldier
Intimidation gaming set,
vehicles (land)
Soldier (Mercenary) Athletics One type of One language Mercenary Life Mercenary
Survival gaming set, Veteran
vehicles (land)
Soldier (Viking) Athletics Vehicles (water) One language Steady Marine
Soldier (Yeoman) Athletics - One language Rustic Folk Hero
Perception Hospitality
Teamster Animal Vehicles (land) One language Wanderer Outlander
Thatcher History Carpenter’s tools One language Rustic Folk Hero
Perception Hospitality
Toymaker Insight Woodcarver’s One language City Secrets Urchin
Investigation tools

Alchemist Arcana Alchemist’s One language Researcher Sage

Investigation supplies and one script
Apothecary Medicine Alchemist’s One language Discovery Hermit
Nature supplies, and one script
herbalism kit
Astrologer Arcana - One language Researcher Sage

Religion and one script

Chandler History Tinker’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Insight and one script Membership Merchant
Charcoaler Nature - One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Perception Membership Merchant
Clothier History Weaver’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation and one script Membership Merchant

5E Hârn Backgrounds 2
Character Skill Tool Languages and Background Suggested
Occupation Proficiencies Proficiencies Scripts Feature Characteristics
Courtesan Insight Disguise kit One language By Popular Entertainer
Persuasion and one script Demand
Embalmer Investigation Alchemist’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Medicine supplies and one script Membership Merchant
Glassworker History Potter’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation and one script Membership Merchant
Harper / Skald History One type of One language By Popular Enteratiner
Performance musical and one script Demand
Hideworker History Cobbler’s tools, One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Nature leatherworker’s Membership Merchant
Innkeeper History Brewer’s supplies Two languages Guild Guild Artisan /
Insight and one script Membership Merchant
Jeweler History Jeweler’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation and one script Membership Merchant
Lexigrapher Investigation Calligrapher’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Nature supplies, and two scripts Membership Merchant
Lia-Kavair (Thief) Deception One type of One language Criminal Criminal / Spy
Stealth gaming set, and Thieves’ Contact
thieves’ tools Cant
Lia-Kavair (Smuggler) Athletics Thieves’ tools, One language Down Low Smuggler
Deception vehicles (water) and Thieves’

Litigant History - Two languages Guild Guild Artisan /
Persuasion and one script Membership Merchant
Locksmith History Thieves’ tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation and one script Membership Merchant
Mage (Shek-Pvar) Arcana - One language, Library Access Cloistered
History convocational Scholar
script and one
Mason History Mason’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation and one script Membership Merchant
Mercantyler Insight - Two languages Guild Guild Artisan /
Persuasion and one script Membership Merchant
Metalsmith History Smith’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation Membership Merchant
Miller / Millwright Nature Carpenter’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Perception and one script Membership Merchant
Miner Nature Carpenter’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Perception Membership Merchant
Ostler Animal Leatherworker’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Handling tools Membership Merchant
Perfumer History Alchemist’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Insight supplies and one script Membership Merchant
Physician History - One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Medicine and one script Membership Merchant
Pilot History Cartographer’s One language Ship’s Passage Sailor
Nature tools, navigator’s and one script

5E Hârn Backgrounds 3
Character Skill Tool Languages and Background Suggested
Occupation Proficiencies Proficiencies Scripts Feature Characteristics
Potter History Potter’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Nature Membership Merchant
Salter Nature - One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Survival Membership Merchant
Seaman Athletics Vehicles (water) One language Ship’s Passage Sailor
Seaman (Pirate) Athletics Vehicles (water) One language Bad Reputation Pirate
Shipwright History Carpenter’s One language I’ll Patch It! Shipwright
Perception tools, vehicles and one script
Tentmaker History Weaver’s tools One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Perception Membership Merchant
Thespian History One type of One language By Popular Entertainer

Performance musical Demand

Timberwright Nature Carpenter’s tools One language Wanderer Outlander
Weaponcrafter History Leatherworker’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation tools, smith’s Membership Merchant

Weaponcrafter History Carpenter’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /

(Bowyer / Fletcher) Investigation tools, Membership Merchant
Woodcrafter History Carpenter’s One language Guild Guild Artisan /
Investigation tools, Membership Merchant

Herald History - Two languages Court Courtier

Perception and one script Functionary
Knight / Patrician / History - One language Retainers Knight

Lady Persuasion
Knight of a Fighting History - One language Knightly Regard Knight of the
Order Religion Order
Knight-Bachelor / Lady History - One language Position of Noble
Persuasion Privilege

5E Hârn Backgrounds 4

The following is a suggested guide for suitable player character classes by tribal nation.

Jarin Tribes
• Druid (Sha Woman), Circle • Barbarian, Path of the
Adaenum of the Shepherd Berserker (Shevrachi)
Fisherfolk of Anfla Island off the • Ranger, Hunter • Druid (Shaman), Circle of
southwest coast of Hârn. the Land (Forest)
• Rogue, Scout
• Fighter, Champion
• Druid (Olna), Circle of the • Ranger, Hunter
Land (Coast)
• Ranger, Hunter Famed sea-folk of Belna Island. They
• Sorcerer (Vulna) range the Gulf of Ederwyn in large Kabloqui
sea-going canoes, and are much Degenerate cannibals from the north
valued as seamen on merchant ships. shore of Lake Benath. They are
Anoa related to the Equani, who detest
Nomadic hunters of the Anoth River • Druid (Sarfaeda), Circle of them. Their gargun neighbors may
valley in southern Orbaal. the Land (Coast) destroy them, if their own treachery
• Ranger, Horizon Walker doesn’t first.
• Druid (Shaman), Circle of (Cult of the Shrouded
the Land (Swamp) Walker) • Ranger, Hunter
• Ranger, Gloom Stalker • Rogue, Scout
(Green Demons)
• Ranger, Hunter Equani
• Rogue, Scout Warrior tribesmen of Equeth, noted Kubora
for their elaborate facial scars and Powerful warrior nation of Peran.
tattoos and their merciless treatment They once united under Arlun the
Bujoc of intruders. Barbarian and conquered Rethem.
Nation of shy, superstitious, forest They export wild beasts for the
nomads with a strong matrilineal Pamesani Games.
5E Hârn Tribal Classes 1
• Barbarian, Path of the • Barbarian, Path of the • Druid (Shaman), Circle of
Berserker Berserker the Land (Grassland)
• Druid (Shaman), Circle of • Druid (Shaman), Circle of • Ranger, Hunter
the Land (Forest) the Land (Grassland) • Rogue, Scout
• Paladin, Oath of Conquest • Fighter, Cavalier
• Ranger, Hunter • Ranger, Hunter
• Rogue, Scout Tulwyn
Merciless barbarians who inhabit the
Gozyda wilderness of Athul. They are divided
Taelda Forest tribesmen who control the into some 90 tribes, of 60–150
Nomadic hunter-gatherers who Mimea Hills in western Hârn. members. The Tulwyn use weapons
inhabit the vast forests of southern Organized into bands of 60 or less, and tools taken from traders along
Nuthela. The Taelda are renowned the Gozyda include some outlaws the Salt Route.
healers and woodsmen. from Tharda and Kanday. This has
brought them new blood and • Cleric of Kekamar, Tempest
• Druid (Tuathar), Circle of technology. Domain
Dreams • Barbarian, Path of the
• Ranger, Hunter • Druid (Shaman), Circle of Berserker (Turenkemri)
• Rogue, Scout the Land (Coast or Forest) • Fighter, Samurai
• Ranger, Hunter • Ranger, Hunter
• Rogue, Scout • Rogue, Scout
Nomadic hunters who inhabit the
range between the Chetul and Hodiri Other Tribes
Pemetta rivers in northwestern Hârn. Proud nomadic horsemen of Horadir.
The Hodiri are extremely fierce
• Druid (Shaman), Circle of warriors. There are about 80 tribes, Kamaki
the Land (Forest) 60 to 300 strong. The herdsmen of the island of
Kamace off southwestern Hârn.
• Ranger, Hunter
• Fighter, Cavalier There are fourteen tribes, few
• Rogue, Scout
• Fighter, Samurai exceeding 100 in number.
• Ranger, Hunter
Ymodi • Druid (Shaman), Circle of
the Land (Coast)
Wild forest tribesmen of Himod in
northern Hârn. Beleaguered by the Kath
Equani to the west, Anoa to the east, A loose federation of wild and
and gargun to the north and south, primitive tribes inhabiting the Solori
they survive because of their Kathela Hills in eastern Hârn. There A primitive and wild nation in
impressive skill with the bow and are about 60 bands, few of which southeastern Hârn. There are about
spear. exceed 30 in number. Kath women 30 tribes, each of 40–150 people.
are known for their beauty. The Solori are slowly being
exterminated in a genocidal crusade
• Barbarian, Path of the
waged by the knights of the Order of
Totem Warrior • Druid (Shaman), Circle of
the Moon the Lady of Paladins.
• Druid (Shaman), Circle of
the Land (Forest) • Ranger, Hunter
• Ranger, Beast Master • Rogue, Scout • Barbarian, Path of the
• Ranger, Hunter Ancestral Guardian
• Fighter, Samurai
Pagaelin • Paladin, Oath of Vengeance
The violent, vicious tribal nation • Ranger, Hunter
Pharic Tribes
dwelling roughly between the Osel • Rogue, Scout
River and Setha Heath. There are
Chelni approximately 120 tribes of 60–240
A loose federation of 30 tribes, members. They are under the
ranging in size from 60 to 200, who influence of a heretical Navehan
occupy the Chelna Gap and sect.
surrounding hills. The Chelni breed
ponies that are traded for civilized • Barbarian, Path of the
goods. Zealot

5E Hârn Tribal Classes 2

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