10.1007@s41024 019 0047 7
10.1007@s41024 019 0047 7
10.1007@s41024 019 0047 7
There is saying that earthquakes do not kill people however, the structures do, therefore, the earthquake mitigation becomes
vital for the structure located in the earthquake-prone region. One such tool for the risk investigation is fragility analysis. It
shows the probability of exceedance (POE) of certain damage level at particular intensity measures (IM). The method at first
used for the nuclear power plants in 1984 and from 1990 its utilization was connected in building too. In the present work,
the four story reinforced concrete (RC) framed residential building with different bay ratios such as 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and
1.00 considered. The Non-Linear Time History Analysis (NLTHA) carried out and the inelastic behavior of the building is
captured in the form of damage measures such as maximum inter-story drift ratio (MIDR), roof displacement (Δ), and the
joint rotation (Ѳ). The two types of fragility curves has been obtained such as (1) considering the effects of only MIDR, and
(2) considering the combined effects of MIDR, Δ, and Ѳ. However, past work by researchers is mostly dealing with the for-
mer type of fragility assessment. While for later type of fragility curve, limited work has been done. This paper presents the
effects of the bay ratio (plan aspect ratio) in the fragility curve. It concluded that, combining the effects of response parameters
has tremendous effect on the shape of the fragility curve and its effect must be considered in the study of fragility analysis.
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Fig. 1 The plan of buildings with the bay ratios such as a 1.00, b 0.75, c 0.50, d 0.25 and e the elevation of buidlings
Response Parameters Fragility (CRPF) curve, where the the effects of the bay ratio in the shape of fragility curve
combined effect of all three EDPs such as MIDR, Ѳ, and Δ have been examined.
are taken in account. These two types of curves compared Alternatively, the fragility analysis method initially devel-
and their features are discussed in the present work. Also, oped for the nuclear power plant [1], where they plotted
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 3 of 17 5
a family of fragility curves for various critical equipment this paper considers the effects of both single EDP and the
which could lead radioactive leakage on failure. The method combined EDP. The single EDP means that only one EDP
got impetus and since the 1990s [2], it expanded its influence (i.e., MIDR) is considered while for combined EDP, all
over the assessment of ordinary building also. However, fra- three responses of building (i.e., MIDR, Ѳ and Δ) are taken
gility curve is a statistical measure and it shows the prob- together. The main objective of the paper is to see the effect
ability of exceeding the certain damage level at a particular of the bay ratio in fragility analysis and to compare the SRPF
IM. Here, IM is ground motion indices and it could be PGA, and CRPF curves. The results of this study could be useful
pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA), spectral acceleration for the Govt. and the designer for risk assessment strategies
(SA), Spectral Displacement (SD), and spectral velocity. in earthquake disaster mitigation in this area.
However, among all IMs, PGA is the most common IM
[1–4]. There are various ways to find fragility functions such
as (1) expert opinion based found in the report of ATC 13 2 Methodology
and ATC 40. It is incorporated by Porter et al. [5] (2) empiri-
cal method based on the damage data of past earthquake. 2.1 Sample building
This method is successfully adopted by Ioannou et al. [6]
and developed the vulnerability curve for RC frame, (3) ana- The four story RC framed building is chosen for the present
lytical method; this is a very popular method these days. The study. The study is conducted considering the study region
substantial amount of work is done by the method [7–9] and in and around Silchar, located in NE region of India. The
the last one becomes (4) the hybrid method, which consists considered buildings in the present study are residential
of a combination of analytical and experimental approach buildings. The plan of the building is regular. The study is
and Kappos et al. [10] used this approach for their work. conducted on four different samples building with varying
For the present work, the analytical approach has been bay ratio (Plan aspect ratio) except keeping the number of
used. For fragility curve generation, there are usually two stories same. The four bay ratios selected such as 0.25, 0.50,
types of simulation method namely such as (1) POA and (2) 0.75 and 1.00 shown in Fig. 1a–d. Each building analyzed
NLTHA. In past Mosalam et al. and Frankie et al. [11, 12] and their responses were recorded. The building designed
have used POA and Seyedi et al. [13, 14] used the NLTHA. according to IS 456:2000 and IS 1893:2002. Modeling was
However, Vona [15] went through both the methods in detail done by SAP 2000 v-19 software. Though IS 1893-2016 is
and encouraged to use the NLTHA, as it is very accurate. published but this code is not updated in SAP-2000 v-19.
Silva et al. [16] also, put a light on the accuracy of NLTHA. The number of bays varied in a y-direction. The 2-D non-lin-
Indeed, Billah and Alam [17] highlighted the computational ear analysis was carried out, the ground motions fed in both
expensive nature of NLTHA as it requires a large number of the directions separately and their behaviors were observed
ground motion records but the number of records could be to draw the fragility curve. Static analysis and design of
reduced if Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) method is the buildings done, applying gravity and earthquake loads
used. Colapietro et al. [18] said that IDA is just an extended on the frames. For non-linear analysis, flexural hinges are
version of NLTHA. For the current work, NLTHA with the assigned to the members of the frames by using the auto
increment in intensity level is used for the analysis. The sub- hinge property of SAP 2000. Modal analysis performed and
stantial amount of work done in fragility analysis of building their estimated fundamental time periods evaluated such as
such as by Hancilar et al. and Lin et al. [19, 20]. Singhal 0.975 s, 0.927 s, 0.891 s, and 0.807 s for the bay ratios 0.25,
and Kiremidjian [21] first attempted to capture the effect of 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00, respectively. The detail description of
number of the story on fragility curve the number of story the building is shown in Table 1.
for RC buildings chosen by them were 2, 5 and 12 stories.
Followed by Kirçil and Polat [22] who plotted curves for 3, 2.2 Ground motion
5 and 7 stories and later Ibrahim and El-Shami [23] for 4 and
8 stories mid-rise RC framed buildings. Kumar et al. [24] The behavior of the structure is reflected well in NLTHA.
did vulnerability assessment by providing set back at differ- Consequently in order to know the non-linear behavior of the
ent bays in different story level. From the literature review, structure, selection of appropriate ground motion becomes
it could be concluded that there is a limited work carried a prime importance. The random nature of ground motion
out to distinguish the effect of the bay in fragility analysis. cause uncertainties in the response of the structure [29, 30].
Also, the EDPs used in most of the works are MIDR for the Both synthetic and real ground motion could be used but
mid-rise building. Kirçil and Polat [22], Seyedi et al. [14], the later is widely accepted [31]. According to Uniform
Erberik and Elnashai [25], Zentner et al. [26], and Vam- Building Code [32], the required number of ground motion
vatsikos and Cornell [27] have used MIDR as EDP while records are 7 [33] suggested three ground motions becomes
McCrum et al. [28] used roof displacement as EDP. But sufficient, if selection and scaling are done wisely and later
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Table 1 Description of sample
buildings Total height of building (m) 13.4 Concrete density (kN/m3) 25
Parapet height (m) 1.5 Live floor load (kN/m2) 3
Thickness of parapet wall (mm) 125 Live roof (kN/m2) 1.5
Column height (m) 3.1 Masonry density (kN/m3) 20
Plinth level ht. (m) 0.5 Floor finish (kN/m2) 1
Depth of foundation (m) 0.5 Concrete grade M30
Slab thickness (mm) 150 Rebar grade Fe415
Thickness of exterior wall (mm) 125 Importance factor 1
Thickness of interior wall (mm) 125 Response Reduction Factor 5
Beam size (mm) 300 × 350 Zone v 0.36 g
Column size (mm) 450 × 450 Soil type Medium
Number of storey 4 Poison ratio of concrete 0.15
Reyes and Kalkan [34] suggested to use more than seven till up to the failure of the structures or to the desired level.
ground motions for precise evaluation of structural behav- Thus, the worst scenario could be incorporated by scaling
iors. Therefore, taking the proposed idea into account ten the record.
ground motions selected for the present work. The ground
motions data have been extracted from COSMOS VIRTUAL 2.3 Non‑linear time history analysis
DATA CENTER. The stations from which the records have
been taken are located within the radius of 120 km from In order to develop fragility curve using analytical approach,
Silchar. Further, ground motion could be characterized by NLTHA is performed in SAP-2000. In the past Akkar et al.
different parameter such as amplitude, frequency content, [40], Hancilar et al. [19], and Borele and Datta [7], also used
duration, PGA, SA, and (M–R) pair magnitude-source to this tool, though NLTHA is time taking Vona [15], and Silva
site distance, but among all, PGA is the most common one. et al. [16] reported that NLTHA produces the most accurate
M–R pair is also commonly used for PSHA and DSHA. But result. Geometric nonlinearity is considered in NLTHA.
Baker and Cornell [35] found that the ‘R’ has very meager The analysis in SAP 2000 was carried out by using Direct
significance in an assessment of damage indices of structure Integration Method. For NLTHA, in the current study, ten
whereas magnitude is much more sensitive towards a struc- ground motions are used as discussed in Sect. 2.2 the SCGM
tural response, hence taking this into account ground motion has been scaled to the different intensity level. Here the PGA
of magnitude varying from Mw 5.5 to Mw 7.2 has been cho- (g) is considered as IM and each ground motion has been
sen for the NLTHA. The extracted ground motions are from scaled up or down to the desired level. For each intensity
soil site. The care has been taken not to include a record of level, the demand response is recorded for the example
distance lower than 15 km to avoid near-field effects as sug- building and the demand responses are MIDR, Δ, and Ѳ.
gested by UBC [36]. All other details regarding the chosen The ground motions have been scaled as 0.04 g, 0.08 g,
ground motion are given in Table 2. 0.12 g up to 0.44 g. The PGA (g) till 0.44 g has been chosen
In order to make ground motion compatible with the site because the MIDR observed were more than 4% for some
condition, the spectrum compatible ground motion (SCGM) GM. The analysis has been carried out for both directions.
is generated [37]. The main benefit of using SCGM is that
it becomes compatible with design spectrum. Accord- 2.4 Fragility curve
ing to Bommer and Acevedo [38], SCGM produces rela-
tively lower dispersion and it could be used especially for Fragility curve is a statistical measure and it shows the prob-
NLTHA which is computer intensive. Another good reason ability of exceeding the certain damage level at a particular
for using such accelerograms is the scarcity of recorded IM. It is expressed by Cumulative Distributive Function.
ground motion for many seismic areas. Therefore, all the Here IM is ground motion indices which could be PGA,
converted ground motions are scaled down and up in order PSA, SA, SD, and so on. In the present work, the fragility
to get the desired IM. Here each and every SCGM is scaled curve is plotted against the PGA. PGA is the most com-
from 0.04 g to 0.44 g in the increment of 0.04 g. Samanta mon form of IM [1, 2, 4], while few discouraged its use and
and Pandey [39] proposed that the scaling of ground motion recommended the use of SA such as Kirçil and Polat [22]
provides lower dispersion in the assessment, if EDP such as while Kafali and Grigoriu [41] gave an alternative IM char-
MIDR is used. By scaling, it is possible to get the response acterized by M–R pair and warned the using of PSA as it is
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 5 of 17 5
Duration (s)
the y-direction
Bay ratio ln PGA(g) = a R2 Lognormal Lognormal
ln(MIDR) − b standard mean
Long (E)
0.25 0.804 1.648 0.773 0.4795 − 1.612
0.50 0.833 1.593 0.792 0.4682 − 1.694
0.75 0.810 1.566 0.782 0.4826 − 1.605
Lat (N)
1.00 0.788 1.407 0.758 0.5113 − 1.601
PGA (m/s2)
not good for non-linear system but M–R pair used by him
is from simulated ground motion not from real earthquake
mal distribution. Indeed, EDP used are mostly MIDR for the
mid-rise building like in Refs. [22, 25], while McCrum et al.
silchar and station
Distance between
Table 2 The details of ground motions extracted from COSMO VIRTUAL DATA CENTER for NE region
[ ]
ln(LS) − ln PGA(g)
P(Demand > LS|IM ) = 1 − 𝛷 ,
Epicentral distance
tion was adopted by Sudret et al. [26, 42–44] for their study.
The equation (b) was used to derive the SRPF curve whereas
for CRPF curve equation (c) has been used which is given
9th January 1990
9th January 1990
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Table 4 Regression analysis Bay ratio ln PGA(g) = c + d ln(IDR) + e ln(Ѳ) − f ln(Δ) R2 Lognormal stand- Lognormal
for CRPF curve with ground ard deviation mean
motion in the y-direction C D E F
Table 6 Regression analysis Bay ratio ln PGA(g) = c + d ln(IDR) + e ln(Ѳ) − f ln(Δ) R2 Lognormal Lognormal
for CRPF curve with ground standard devia- mean
motion in the x-direction C D E F tion
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 7 of 17 5
Fig. 2 The SRPF curve for Bay ratio a 0.25, b 0.50, c 0.75, and d 1.00 with ground motions in the y-direction
are very less. This means fragility curves derived from a demand parameters are considered and the fragility curves
single response parameter is contributing less in bay ratios were drawn for the same.
effect on it. So an alternative approach adopted to incorpo- Figure 3 shows the fragility curves derived after consider-
rate the bay ratio effects, since considering only one param- ing the effects of combined response parameter, which are
eter, is not sufficient to know the behavior of fragility curve MIDR, Ѳ, and Δ with ground motions in the y-direction.
distinctly. As a result, the combined or multiple effects of The trend of fragility curves observed here is same as for
5 Page 8 of 17 Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5
Fig. 3 CRPF curve for bay ratio a 0.25, b 0.50, c 0.75 and d 1.00 for different limit states with ground motions in the y-direction
SRPF curve shown in Fig. 3. Here also the performance of consideration of combined parameter. The POE is much
of the structure is less for limit states of 0.10 g and more lower than the one shown by Table 7. It gives the intui-
for 0.36 g. The collapse probability gets lower as we give tion that using only a single parameter can result in very
higher threshold limit. But the main differences between the conservative design. The structure is an integration of dif-
Figs. 2 and 3 is that the CRPF curves have a gentle slope ferent component or it is a combination of systems. During
and the slopes of the curves in case of combined response the seismic excitation, the structure undergoes deformation.
parameter get flattered and flatter with the increasing bay While very famous EDP used is MIDR for global collapse
ratio. So unlike the SRPF curves, CRPF curves show the but the structure failure could be due to any reason or com-
bay ratio effects. The extreme bay ratio as shown in Fig. 3a bination of reasons and it becomes important to think about
and d, there is a significantly large amount of difference in other parameters too, other than MIDR. In reality, the struc-
POE value at any IM which was not the case for SRPF curve. ture could fail like a system. During the failure mechanism,
Table 8 shows the POE at 0.40 g IM of CRPF curves there is always an interaction between different components
shown in Fig. 3. This gives intuition about the usefulness of the systems.
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 9 of 17 5
When it comes to seeing the effects of bay ratio then it is also observed that at this point nature of curve getting
consideration of multiple EDP is important, as the single reverse. The points where these two types of curve meet
EDP does not provide the real scenario. Also from Fig. 3, are shown in Table 9.
it is clear that CRPF curve responds well to the number Table 9 shows the coordinates at which these two types of
of bay ratio. the curve (i.e., CRPF curve and SRPF curve) intersect with
Figure 4a–d shows the comparison between SRPF each other at different limit states. It is interesting to note
curves and CRPF curves at different limit states while here that all of them are meeting at 50% of exceedance rate
ground motions are feed in the y-direction. It is noticed and they get 50% of exceedance rate at exactly at those IM
that the single parameter curve has the stiff slope which for which the limit state has been provided. That means if
means its failure probability increases abruptly at par- the provided limit state is 0.10 g then the two curves meet
ticular IM. But in the case of the combined parameter, at the point with coordinate (0.10 g, 0.50) similarly for the
the slope is gentle and it is increasing consistently. The limit state of 0.16 g, the point of intersection is (0.16 g, 0.50)
structure like building just not fail only because of MIDR and the same for other cases also. For the given limit states
which is considered by most of the eminent researchers the points of intersections are the pivotal point, where the
but the point in this paper is to highlights that the structure nature of curves gets changed.
actually fails in multimode and to consider its effects is The same kind of pattern noticed for the fragility function
important. From the above Fig. 4, it is clear that the nature in x-direction also (Fig. 5). The curves are intersecting at the
of SRPF curve exhibits abrupt with the steep slope. This same point as mentioned in Table 9. POE for x-direction is
abrupt nature of the curve may be due to the consideration comparatively less than the one in y-direction for both single
of a single parameter. Structure fails due to load acting and combined parameters.
on it. In the case of seismic load, it is uncertain and sud- Tables 10 and 11 shows the POE at IM of 0.40 g when
den. When only one parameter is considered then there ground motions are fed in the x-direction. Indeed, it is
may be a chance that at certain load the structural perfor- observed that the values becomes much less for CRPF curve
mance may not be sufficient or just to say the functionality than in SRPF curve. Percentage variation for both type of
of considered parameter is over, due to which the curve curve is shown below.
shows the abrupt rise in slope but in case of combined From Tables 12 and 13, it is clear that the variation
parameter, even if the one EDP fails to meet performance between the SRPF curve and CRPF curve becomes more in
criteria but other EDP may be still in functional mode and case of the x-direction and it increases with the increase in
they may be still within the permissible limit which helps the bay ratio. It means as the stiffness of building increases,
the structure to withstand even at the higher seismic load. the contribution from combined parameter also increases
Simply relying on the only one parameter is not enough. and neglecting the effect of the combined parameter in fra-
Figure 4a shows comparison of SRPF curve with CRPF gility analysis could result in very conservative design.
curve for bay ratio 0.25, however, it is seen that these two Figure 6a–c shows the comparison of the curves in both
curves are intersecting each other at some points but the x- and y-direction. It is clearly indicating the proneness of
gap between these two curves is not that much but as the building in the y-direction being more. It is interesting to
bay ratio increases the gap between these two curves get notice that the gap between the curves in x- and y-directions
more and more implying that as the bay ratio increases, the being reduced as the bay ratio approaches towards 1.00.
contribution of combined parameter becomes prominent. No matter in which direction the excitation is, the build-
When the bay ratio increases along any direction of the ing always showing the same pattern of exceedance. The
buildings, its stiffness also increases in the direction. As y-direction becomes dominant here, so this dominance could
a result it could be concluded that the stiffer the building, be reduced, if the shear wall is provided along this direc-
the more is the contribution of the combined parameter. tion. At lower IM the POE for x-direction is more because
But considering in Fig. 4, both types of curves (i.e., SRPF of the high moment of inertia but at the higher IM, it shows
curve and CRPF curve) are intersecting at some point. And comparatively less POE which shows the contribution of
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Fig. 4 CRPF curve vs. SRPF curve for the Bay ratio a 0.25, b 0.50, c 0.75 and d 1.00, respectively with ground motions in the y-direction
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 11 of 17 5
Fig. 5 CRPF curve vs. SRPF curve for Bay ratio a 0.25, b 0.50, c 0.75 and d 1.00 for ground motions in the x-direction
5 Page 12 of 17 Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5
followed by the bay ratio 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00. The thresh- 4 Discussions and conclusions
old value or limit states that we choose for deriving fragil-
ity curves plays an important role in the nature of fragility 4.1 Discussions
curves. Here the point of intersection is (0.36 g, 0.50); at
the point, the behavior of curve is getting reverse. So the During the literature survey, it was found that the research-
threshold limit should be selected cautiously to analyze the ers essentially have adopted only one EDP (mostly MIDR)
performance of the structure. The same process has been for deriving fragility curve. This paper made an effort to
followed for combined parameters too. include effects of multiple parameters (i.e., Ѳ and Δ along
Figure 8 shows the CRPF curve for the different bay ratio. with MIDR). The fragility curves were drawn considering
Same as in case of single parameter too, it also showing the only a single parameter and combined parameters. Also, the
same kinds of trend. From this behavior, it could be con- most of the work is done to see the effects of the number of
cluded that the combined effect of EDPs shows more distinct story in fragility curve. However, past work is silent about
visualization; also since it includes more than one EDP it the effect of bay ratio in fragility curves adopted for the cur-
could actually give the more realistic result. rent study. Indeed, the following observations made from the
Figure 9 shows the effects of bay ratio when ground results obtained are as:
motion is seeded in the x-direction. Unlike in y-direction,
the x-direction fragility curve has the close range, they are 1. The fragility function obtained using a single parameter
very near to each other which depicts the fact that building is is not sufficient/reliable and the effects of bay ratio on
considerably stronger along the direction. Though the prone- fragility curve are to be examined considering multiple
ness of building decreases from 0.25 bay ratio to 1.00 bay EDPs. In Fig. 2, it is seen that the curves close to each
ratio but practically the bay ratio 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 have other almost coinciding and from Table 7, it becomes
the almost same POE. The contribution of the bay ratio in clear that a significant difference in POE value observed
higher stiffer (x-direction) side becomes less prominent than at particular IM (0.40 g), but in a very minute level
that of lower stiffer (y-direction) side. which means that there is a need to look for the alter-
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 13 of 17 5
Fig. 6 Comparison between CRPF curves when ground motions are fed in x- and y-direction for Bay ratio a 0.25, b 0.50 and c 0.75
nate approach to see the bay ratio effects on the fragility parameter even if the one EDP fails to meet performance
curve. criteria but other EDP may be still in functional mode
2. Figure 3 depicted that the influence of combined param- and they may be still within the permissible limit which
eter increases as the bay ratio increases. However, one helps the structure to withstand even at the higher seis-
parameter is considered only when there may be a mic load. So fragility curve derived from multiple EDP
chance that at certain load, the structural performance is better for high IM.
may not be sufficient or just to say that the functionality 3. Figure 4 shows the comparison of SRPF curve with
of considered parameter is over, due to which the curve CRPF curve. The SRPF curve has a very steep slope.
shows the abrupt rise in slope but in case of combined The collapse probability increases abruptly whereas for
5 Page 14 of 17 Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5
Fig. 7 a SRPF curves for different Bay ratios, b–d enlarged view of the indicated portion with ground motion in the y-direction
the CRPF curve, the slope is gentle and consistently lead to the conservative design of the building if it is
increasing. designed considering with only a single parameter.
4. Both types of curves are intersecting at one point and 5. The building is more critical in the y-direction as the
the coordinate of that point is (0.36 g, 0.50). This point collapse probability is higher. This dominance could be
is a pivotal point where the nature of the curves getting reduced if the lateral loads resisting system such as a
reverse. Before reaching the point the SRPF curve is shear wall placed along this direction.
underestimating the collapse probability, whereas it is 6. The proneness to damage of building is high for a limit
overestimating after the point of intersection. This could state 0.10 g having low capacity design and less for the
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (2019) 4:5 Page 15 of 17 5
Fig. 8 a CRPF curves for different Bay ratio and the b enlarged view of the indicated portion with ground motion in the y-direction
0.36 g, as a result the designed standard should be met 1. The multiple EDPs must be incorporated to derive fra-
properly to enhance the performance of the structure. gility function because single EDP neglects the redun-
7. When the bay ratio increases along any direction of the dancy of the structure during the seismic excitation.
buildings, its stiffness also increases in the direction. So 2. The fragility function derived considering single param-
it could be concluded that the stiffer the building, the eter, fails to show the bay ratio effects on the curve.
more is the contribution of the combined parameters. 3. As the bay ratio increases the combined parameter
becomes more and more active and hence, its influence
4.2 Conclusions on the curve also tends increases.
4. At a lower IM, the mass inertia contribution becomes
The building is the combination of various components and more but at higher IM, stiffness contribution/participate
it is considered as a system performance. It fails due to the more in fragility function.
load acting on it, and when the system fails, it fails not only 5. The limit state plays an important role in defining the
due to the failure of the single parameter but it fails when the shape of nature of fragility curve. Hence, the limit state
associated parameters together fails to withstand the load. should be chosen wisely to know the performance of the
The following conclusions could be drawn from the present structure.
study as:
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