After achieving lots of success in West Bengal we decided to work outside to expand our work. From
2021 we started seeding and Mulching (Procedure of Vetiver plantation) in Nagaland and
successfully completed 4-5 sites. We also started working on Hydro-seeding in several hill areas to
stop landslide.
We offer planting and controlling erosion by seeding and mulching. Seeding and Mulching is a cost-
effective way to help stabilize exposed soils and restore areas that have been disturbed by some
unusual activity. Applying seed and fertilizer can be done by broadcasting, sowing, or hydroseeding
depending on the site and its characteristics. Once seed and fertilizer has been placed over a
prepared seed bed it is very important that it is covered in order to protect the seeds from direct
sunlight and other environmental factors. Most commonly seed is covered using agricultural straw
mulch that is dispersed over the seed and then anchored into place. Straw mulch applications are
typically used on highway, large non-irrigated, and industrial sites. The need of this above to prevent
soil erosion occurred near railway, highway sometimes near river bed. Vetiver plants are the suitable
because it is a densely tufted bunch grass which can be easily established in both tropics and
temperate regions of the world. It plays a vital role in watershed protection by slowing down and
spreading runoff harmlessly on the farmland, recharging ground water, reducing siltation of drainage
systems and water bodies, reducing agro-chemicals loading into water bodies and for rehabilitation
of degraded soils. The use of vetiver grass has been regarded as a low-cost technology for soil and
water conservation; on- and off-farm land and water sources stabilization and remediation of
polluted soils; and enhancement of water quality for irrigation purposes when compared with other
soil conservation technologies. Other than Vetiver grass we also use Tiger grass, Srictus bamboo.
Depends on the site and weather condition we choose suitable grass and it generally take 3 months
to make the site green.
Hydroseeding –
Hydroseeding is a procedure of applying seed (grass, LCC or shrubs) combine with soil binder, hydro
mulch, fertilizer and water in one liquefied (slurry) and sprayed by pressure gun onto the ground
Hydro-seeding includes showering a blend of water, seed, manure, and protective mulch, all mixed
in a tank and force sprayed onto the field or ground. Other agents for boosting growth and
Copolymers for moisture are added based upon soil conditions and the availability of water in the
Water acts both as a transporter and the agent to kick start the growth in the seeds.
Any seed can be used in hydro-seeding such as grass, wild flowers, seeds for erosion control etc.
Seed application rate in the mix remains the same as normal standards.
GRAM -Trust generally use Bermuda grass for hydro seeding.
Fertilizer is a part of the mix and phosphorus in most cases is used to boost the growth process.
Green colour is because of the mulch. Mulch protects the seed and locks moisture for better growth.
Mulch is mostly prepared from paper and wood products.
Rate of Hydroseeding:
Rs – 200 per square meter.
Advantages of Hydro-seeding:
GRAM – Trust introduces Lawn Grass for soil erosion control and rate is Rs - 250 per square meter.
We have made slight changes in our plantation technology for Lawn grass and the benefit of using
Lawn grass is it grows faster rate and area will turn into a green place from the 2nd day of plantation.