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Assignment on Pakistan Studies



Roll Number: Nine




As we realize that, after the war of autonomy the state of the

Muslims of India were exceptionally hopeless as the British fell more on the

Muslims than on Hindus. They considered that Muslims were in charge of the

considerable number of wrongs and the war held on account of their cruel and

impolite conduct. Later 1857, the Muslims rose as a regressive country; they were

uneducated and pitifully oblivious in each stroll of life. They were denied of their

essential rights and were dismissed in each circle of life. By the by, they were

financially, politically, socially and to be more correct religiously made the subject

of savage discipline. They were vulnerable before the British and their consolidate

campaign with Hindus; along these lines, in these conditions they neither trusted

Hindus nor British, who saved no push to tormented Muslims.

The founder:
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, one of the draftsmen of current India was

conceived on October 17, 1817 in Delhi and began his profession as a government

worker. The 1857 revolt was one of the defining moments of Syed Ahmed's life.

He obviously predicted the basic requirement for the Muslims to get capability in
the English dialect and present day sciences if the group were to keep up its social

and political character, especially in Northern India. He was one of those early

pioneers who perceived the basic part of training for the strengthening of poor

people and in reverse Muslim people group. In more than one ways Sir Syed

Ahmad Khan was one of the best social reformers and an extraordinary national

manufacturer of current India.

The Architect of Modern India:

History of social and instructive changes in

Indian sub landmass can't be finished without Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. He is one of

the immense scholar, rationalist and progressives who had committed his entire

life for his country and particularly for his group. Nineteenth century was a hard

time for the country of India and particularly for Muslims in the outcome of 1857

rebel against British imperialism. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan attempted and inspired

Indian Muslim. In the historical backdrop of India's change from medievalism to

innovation, Sir Syed emerge unmistakably as a dynamic power set against

conservatism, superstitions, idleness and numbness. He contributed a

considerable lot of the fundamental components to the improvement of current

India and cleared the development of a sound logical mentality of mind which is

sine qua non for headway, both material and scholarly. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan said:
After the Revolt of 1857, I was lamented neither by virtue of the loot of my home

nor because of the loss of property that I had endured. What disheartened my

heart was the hopelessness and pulverization of individuals. Whenever Mr.

Shakespeare offered to me the Taluqa of Jehanabad, which initially had a place

with a recognized Syed family, and yielded a yearly rental of more than lac

rupees, as a reward of my administrations. I said to myself, how might I

acknowledge this jagir and turn into the Taluqdar while every one of the general

population are in trouble. I declined to acknowledge it.

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Ali Garh Movement:

 In these conditions, Sir Syed

Ahmad Khan approached and attempted to enable the Muslims to turn out from

such despicable and hopeless conditions. He guided the Muslims towards the

correct way and endeavored to draw out the Muslims from such vulnerable

condition. He began a development with a specific end goal to give respectable

position to Muslims in the public arena as they had in past, this development is

known as Aligarh Movement.

Main focus of Ali Garh Movement:

The principle center of the Aligarh development was:

• Loyalty to British Government.

• Modern western training for the Muslims to contend with Hindus.

• To keep away the Muslims from governmental issues.

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan understood that this hopeless and vile state of Muslims was

because of the absence of current instruction. He trusted that the cure of each

issue of Muslims was the cutting edge instruction. Subsequently, he initiated an

instructive program keeping in mind the end goal to inspire the denied and

frustrated Muslims, who had lost their past brilliance. He made solid strides for

his instruction design.

 Murad Abad School:

During the age of 1859, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan set up a

school for Muslims in Muradabad where English, Persian, Islamiat, Arabic, Urdu

were obligatory subjects. In 1862, Sir Syed was exchanged from Muradabad to

Ghazipur where he set up another school for Muslims, which was known as

Madrass Ghazipur. Here, additionally the English, Arabic, Persian, Urdu and

Islamyat were mandatory subjects.

A scientific Society of Ghazipur:
In 1864, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan laid the

foundation of a scientific society at Ghazipur. The purpose of this society was to

translate the English books into Urdu language. In any case, later on, in 1866,

after his exchange to Aligarh, the primary office of the logical society was

additionally exchanged to Aligarh. In 1866, the logical society issued a diary

named as Aligarh Institute Gazette. This diary was distributed both in Urdu and

English dialects. The aim of this journal was to wash away the misconception

between Muslims and British government and brought them close to each other.

A Visit of England:
In order to closely watch the educational system of England,

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan accompanied his son Syed Mehmud, visited England in 1869

and stayed there for seventeen months studying English educational institutions

like Oxford and Cambridge University. Later, after his return to India, he set up a

committee known as “Committee Striving for Educational Progress of Muslims”.

Under this committee another committee was established named as “Fund

Committee for the establishment of a Muslim College” and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

was selected the secretary of the both committees. For this purpose, Sir Syed

Ahmad khan toured across the country and collected funds for the establishment
of college. The committee decided first for the forming of school as a model to

the people and later to found the college.

M A O School:
Hence, in 1875, Sir Syed Ahmad established Mohammedan Anglo

Oriental School at Aligarh. In 1877, the school was upgraded to the level of

college which was inaugurated by Lord Lytton. The primary normal for this school

was that it offered both Western and Eastern instructions. Later on, this school

was raised to the level of college, after the demise of Sir Syed Ahmad in 1920.

Organization of Mohammedan Education conference:

In 1886, Sir Syed

Ahmad made an association which is known as Mohammedan Educational

Conference, which introduced a twelve point program in western and religious

instruction in English and different dialects. It point was to pass on the message of

instruction to the Muslim masses. The Conference held its sessions at various

towns of the nation to think about the instructive issues and afterward attempted

to illuminate them. The gathering in its meeting talked about the advanced

methods for the advancement and change of the standard of the training.
British India Association:
  In 1866, Sir Syed Ahmad established British India

Association at Aligarh. The main purpose of this organization was to express the

grievances and point of view of Indians to the British parliament. He also wrote

“Loyal Muhammadans of India” in which he recorded a detailed account of the

loyal services of the Muslims which they rendered to the British rulers. In 1870, Sir

Syed Ahmad, after his return from England, setup an organization known as

“Anjuman-i-Taraqi-i-Muslamanan-i-Hind” in order to impart modern education to

the Muslims of India.

Commentary of Tabaeen al Kalam: 

Sir Syed composed the philosophical

editorial on Bible named as "Tabaeen-al-Kalam." In this discourse Sir Syed Ahmad

can draw out the similitudes found amongst Islam and Chirstianity. He likewise

stated "Article on the life of Muhammad" on the reaction to "Life of Muhammad",

composed by William Muir, in which he had censured the Holy Prophet. Sir Syed

Ahmad khan expressed "Anjuman-I-Tariki-I-Urdu" for the insurance of Urdu. Sir

Syed Ahmad khan appropriated another intense magazine named as "Tahzib-ul-

Akhlaaq" in which he discussed the Muslim society by rebuffing the traditionalist

technique for living and underlined on the new current way of life.
His services of educational progress:
  Sir Syed Ahmad khan, although, was the

first Muslim member of Central Legislative Council, but he advised the Muslims to

remain apart from politics unless and until they would get education. He trusted

that the cure of Muslim issues is just training and unless and until the point that

Muslims get instruction, they will stay in reverse in each circle of life. In this way,

Sir Syed gave a valiant exertion, through the Aligarh improvement, for the Muslim

reason, and took the assistance of British by showing unwaveringness to them

and besides unapproachable the Muslims from the Indian National Congress.

Sir Syed’s Dream:

Sir Syed had gone for the foundation of a college however this

fantasy did not appear amid his lifetime but rather he had set the development

immovably on course to accomplish this objective. His famous successors,

Muhsinul Mulk and Wiqarul Mulk, untiringly worked for the acknowledgment of

this goal. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan inhaled his toward the end in 1898 and M.A.O.

School accomplished the status of college in 1920. A century after his demise

Aligarh Muslim University is a lively present day college. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was

a visionary and had effectively analyzed the essential disquietude that was

sapping the imperativeness of the Muslim people group and untiringly attempted

to set it on course to respect, pride and flourishing. The challenges that he

needed to surmount were huge and numerous. In any case, no measure of

individual distress, threatening restriction and negative conditions could stop him

from his objective. With the assistance of a submitted band of companions and

supporters he accomplished what may have appeared in the conditions to

numerous as unachievable. It is hard to envision the state of the Muslims of the

Subcontinent had there not been Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his Aligarh


After to read this topic we can say that the founder of this

movement was the prophet of education, because it worked hard to spread the

education to the all Muslims of India and sub-continued. There were many

complications in his life but he did his work with full bravely. We will say that,

"There are two kinds of people came to this world, one who work to live and the

other who live to work". Sir Syed lived to work.


Zilli Ishtiyaq Ahmad, 2002

Usmani Afzal, 2007




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