Episode 8 Selectingtherefrigerant

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What is a Refrigerant?
 • In a refrigerating system, the  • (Refrigerating fluid) fluid used
medium of heat transfer which for heat transfer in a
picks up heat by evaporating refrigerating system which
at a low temperature and absorbs heat at a low
pressure, and gives up heat on temperature and low pressure
condensing at a higher of the fluid and transfers heat
temperature & pressure. at a higher temperature and
higher pressure of the fluid,
usually involving changes of
state of the fluid.
 ◉ Refrigerant : is the primary working fluid used for absorbing and
transmitting heat in a refrigeration system.
 ◉ In principle, any fluid can be used as a refrigerant.
 ◉ Refrigerants absorb heat at low temperature and low pressure and
release heat at a higher temperature and pressure
 ◉ Typically, refrigerants undergo phase-changes during heat
absorption (evaporation) and heat releasing (condensation)
 ◉ Air used in an air-cycle refrigeration system can also be considered
as a refrigerant (no phase-change).
 ◉ We will focus on those fluids that can be used as refrigerants in
VCR systems only.
 ◉ The thermodynamic efficiency of a refrigeration system depends
mainly on its operating temperatures.
 ◉ However, important practical issues such as the system design, size,
initial and operating costs, safety, reliability, and serviceability etc.
depend very much on the type of refrigerant selected for a given
 ◉ Due to several environmental issues such as ozone layer depletion,
global warming and their relation to the various refrigerants used, the
selection of suitable refrigerant has become one of the most important
issues in recent times.
 ◉ Replacement of an existing refrigerant by a completely new
refrigerant, for whatever reason, is an expensive proposition as it may
call for several changes in the design and manufacturing of
refrigeration systems.
 ◉ Hence, it is very important to understand the issues related to the
selection and use of refrigerants.
Primary and Secondary Refrigerants
 ◉ Primary refrigerants are those fluids, which are used directly as
working fluids, for example in VCR and absorption based systems.
 ◉ These fluids provide the necessary refrigeration by undergoing a
phase-change process in the evaporator, absorbing latent heat.
 ◉ As the name implies, secondary refrigerants are those liquids, which
are used for transporting thermal energy from one location to other.
 ◉ Secondary refrigerants are also known referred to as brines or
 ◉ If the operating temperatures are above 0°C, then pure water can
also be used as secondary refrigerant, for example in large air
conditioning systems (like we have in IIT Kanpur).
 ◉ Antifreezes or brines are used when refrigeration is required at
sub-zero temperatures.
 ◉ Unlike primary refrigerants, secondary refrigerants do not undergo
phase change as they transport energy from one location to other.
Primary and secondary refrigerants/ Cooling Medium

 ◉ Secondary refrigerants are also called as Cooling medium.

 ◉ Cooling Medium: is a working fluid cooled by the refrigerant to
transport the cooling effect between a central plant and remote
cooling units and terminals
 ◉ Chilled water, brine, and glycol are used as cooling media in many
refrigeration systems.
 ◉ It reduces the extensive circulation of the primary refrigerant.
 ◉ An important property of a secondary refrigerant is its freezing
point. Generally, the freezing point of a brine will be lower than the
freezing point of its constituents (i.e. mixture components).
 ◉ The temperature at which freezing of a brine takes place depends
on its concentration. The concentration at which a lowest temperature
can be reached without solidification is called as eutectic point.
 ◉ The commonly used secondary refrigerants are the solutions of
water and ethylene glycol, propylene glycol or calcium chloride. These
solutions are known under the general name of brines.
History of refrigeration
 ◉ 1830s - Jacob Perkins - Vapor Compression (ether)
 ◉ 1851 - John Gorrie - Patent for Air Cycle
 ◉ 1859 - R-717 / R-718 (Ammonia / Water)
 ◉ 1866 - CO2 - Marine Applications
 ◉ 1873 - R-717 (Ammonia) Commercial Refrigeration
 ◉ 1875 - R-764 (Sulfur dioxide)
 ◉ 1920s -R-600a (Isobutane) & R-290 (Propane)
 ◉ 1922 - Willis Carrier - R-1130 (Dielene)
 ◉ 1926 - R-30 (Methylene Chloride)
Common refrigerants in 1920-30
 ◉ Ammonia (R-717) 𝑁𝐻3
 ◉ Carbon Dioxide 𝐶𝑂2
 ◉ Sulfur Dioxide 𝐶𝑂2
 ◉ Hydrocarbons 𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑚
 ◉ Methyl Choride 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝑙
 ◉ Water 𝐻2 𝑂
Historical perspective
Hydrocarbon refrigerants
 ◉ Many hydrocarbon gases
have successfully been used as
refrigerants in industrial,
commercial and domestic
 ◉ Halocarbon refrigerants are
all synthetically produced and
were developed as the FREON
family of refrigerants.
Molecular structures of common refrigerants
Property trends/ H-Cl-F
Blending of refrigerants
 ◉ Two or more refrigerants can  ◉ Two Basic Types
be suitably blended to achieve  ○ Zeotropes
the required/desired  ○ Azeotropes
 ○ Flammability
 ○ Volumetric Capacity
 ○ Limit discharge superheating
for lower discharge Temp
Thermodynamics of mixtures
Thermodynamics of mixtures
Azeotropic refrigerants
 ◉ A stable mixture of two or
several refrigerants whose
vapor and liquid phases retain
identical compositions over a
wide range of temperatures.
Zeotropic refrigerants
 ◉ A zeotropic mixture is one
whose composition in liquid
phase differs to that in vapor
phase. Zeotropic refrigerants
therefore do not boil at
constant temperatures unlike
azeotropic refrigerants.
Properties of Refrigerants
 ◉ Latent heat of vaporization is one of the
 Essential properties of most important properties.
refrigerants  ◉ Chemical stability under conditions of use
is another equally important characteristics.
 ◉ Safety codes may require a non-
flammable refrigerant of low toxicity for
most applications.
 ◉ Cost, availability, efficiency, and
compatibility with compressor lubricants and
materials with which the equipment is
Physical properties
 ◉ The refrigerants are
arranged in increasing order of
atmospheric boiling point, from
air at -194.3°C to water at
 ◉ Normal boiling point is most
important because it is a direct
indicator of the temperature
level at which a refrigerant can
be used.
Refrigerant selection criteria
 ◉ Selection of  ○ Thermodynamic and thermo-physical
refrigerant for a properties.
particular application is  ○ Environmental and safety properties,
based on the following like:
requirements:  ■ Ozone depletion potential (ODP),
global warming potential (GWP), and
 ■ Economics of
Thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties
 ◉ Suction pressure: At a given evaporator temperature, the
saturation pressure should be above atmospheric for
prevention of air or moisture and non-condensable gases
ingress into the system and ease of leak detection. Higher
suction pressure is better as it leads to smaller compressor
 ◉ Discharge pressure: At a given condenser temperature, the
discharge pressure should be as small as possible to allow
lightweight construction of compressor, condenser, pipe, etc.
Thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties
 ◉ Pressure ratio or Compression
ratio: Should be as small as
 ◉ From the above equation, it can
possible for high volumetric
be seen that for given condenser
efficiency and low power
and evaporator temperatures, as
the latent heat of vaporization
 ◉ Latent heat of vaporization: increases, the pressure ratio also
Should be as large as possible so increases. ◉ Hence a trade-off is
that the required mass flow rate required between the latent heat
per unit cooling capacity will be of vaporization and pressure ratio
Thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties
 ◉ Isentropic index of compression:
Should be as small as possible so  ◉ Thermal conductivity:
that the temperature rise during Thermal conductivity in both
compression will be small. liquid as well as vapor phase
should be high for higher heat
 ◉ Liquid specific heat: Should be
transfer coefficients.
small so that degree of subcooling
will be large leading to smaller  ◉ Viscosity: Viscosity should be
amount of flash at evaporator inlet. small in both liquid and vapor
phases for smaller frictional
 ◉ Vapor specific heat: Should be
pressure drops.
large so that the degree of
superheating will be small.
Environmental and safety properties
 ◉ In contemporary times,  ◉ Refrigerants having non-zero
environment friendliness of the ODP have either already been
refrigerant is a major factor in phased-out (e.g. R11, R12) or will
deciding its usage. be in near-future (e.g. R22).
 ◉ Ozone Depletion Potential  ◉ Since ODP depends mainly on
(ODP): According to the the presence of chlorine or
Montreal protocol, the ODP of bromine in the molecules,
refrigerants should be zero, i.e., refrigerants having either chlorine
they should be non-ozone (i.e., CFCs and HCFCs) or bromine
depleting substances. cannot be used under the new
Environmental and safety properties
 ◉ Global Warming Potential  ◉ Total Equivalent Warming Index
(GWP): Refrigerants should (TEWI): The factor TEWI considers
have as low a GWP value as both direct (due to release into
possible to minimize global atmosphere) and indirect (through
warming. energy consumption) contributions
 ◉ Refrigerants with zero ODP of refrigerants to global warming.
but a high value of GWP (e.g.  ◉ Naturally, refrigerants with as a
R134a) are likely to be low a value of TEWI are
regulated in future. preferable from global warming
point of view.
Environmental and safety properties
 ◉ Hence, toxicity is a relative term,
 ◉ Toxicity: Ideally, refrigerants which becomes meaningful only when
used in a refrigeration system the degree of concentration and time
should be non-toxic. However, of exposure required to produce
all fluids other than air can be harmful effects are specified.
called as toxic as they will  ◉ Some fluids are toxic even in small
cause suffocation when their concentrations. Some fluids are mildly
concentration is large enough. toxic, i.e., they are dangerous only
when the concentration is large and
duration of exposure is long.
Environmental and safety properties
 ◉ Some refrigerants such as  ◉ In general the degree of
CFCs and HCFCs are non-toxic hazard depends on:
when mixed with air in normal  ○ Amount of refrigerant used vs
condition. However, when they total space
come in contact with an open  ○ Type of occupancy
flame or an electrical heating
element, they decompose  ○ Presence of open flames
forming highly toxic elements  ○ Odor of refrigerant, and
(e.g. phosgene-COCl2 ).  ○ Maintenance condition
Environmental and safety properties
 ◉ Flammability: The refrigerants  ◉ Refrigerants belonging to
should preferably be non- Group A1 (e.g. R11, R12, R22,
flammable and non-explosive. R134a, R744, R718) are least
For flammable refrigerants hazardous, while refrigerants
special precautions should be belonging to Group B3 (e.g.
taken to avoid accidents. R1140) are most hazardous.
 ◉ Based on the above criteria,  ◉ Finally, economic properties: The
ASHRAE has divided refrigerants refrigerant used should preferably
into six safety groups (A1 to A3 be inexpensive and easily
and B1 to B3). available.
Comparison/ Issues
Nomenclature of Refrigerants
 Designation of refrigerants/  ◉ From the number one can get
Nomenclature some useful information about
 ◉ Since a large number of the type of refrigerant, its
refrigerants have been chemical composition, molecular
developed over the years for a weight etc.
wide variety of applications, a  ◉ All the refrigerants are
numbering system has been designated by R followed by a
adopted to designate various unique number.
ASHRAE Standards (Number 34)
 ◉ The number assigned to each  ○ 300 Series Cyclic Organic
refrigerant is related to its Compounds
chemical composition and the  ○ 400 Series Zeotropes
system has been formalized as  ○ 500 Series Azeotropes ○
ASHRAE Standard 34. Broadly,
the numbering system is as  600 Series Organic Compounds
follows:  ○ 700 Series Inorganic
 ○ 000 Series Methane Based Compounds
 ○ 100 Series Ethane Based  ○ 1000 Series Unsaturated
Organic Compounds
 ○ 200 Series Propane Based
Designation of refrigerants/ Nomenclature
 These refrigerants are designated byR –
XYZ, where:
 1. Fully saturated,
halogenated compounds:  ○ X+1 indicates the number of Carbon
(C) atoms
 ◉ These refrigerants are
derivatives of alkanes  ○ Y-1 indicates number of Hydrogen (H)
(CnH2n+2) such as atoms, and
methane (CH4 ), ethane  ○ Z indicates number of Fluorine (F)
(C2H6 ) and propane atoms
(C2H8 ).  ○ The balance indicates the number of
Chlorine atoms.
 ◉ Only 2 digits indicates that the value
of X is zero.
Nomenclature: Example
Isomeric refrigerants
 2. Inorganic refrigerants
Complete Nomenclature explained
 ◉ The first digit on the right is  ◉ The third digit from the right is
the number of fluorine (F) one less than the number of carbon
atoms. (C) atoms. When this digit is zero it
 ◉ The second digit from the is omitted from the number.
right is one more than the  ◉ The fourth digit from the right is
number of hydrogen (H) atoms. equal to the number of
unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds
in the compound. When this digit is
zero, it is omitted from the number.
Complete nomenclature explained
Complete nomenclature explained
 ◉ Zeotropic blends that have
 ◉ Blends are designated by their been commercialized shall be
respective refrigerant numbers and assigned an identifying number in
weight proportions. rest of text the 400 series. This number
okay, add this. To differentiate designates which components are
among blends having same in the mixture but not the amount
components with different of each. The amount of each
proportions, an uppercase letter component is designated as
shall be added to designation. For described in 7 above. For
example, R-402A and R-402B. example the 60/40 weight %
mixture of R-12 and R-114 would
be R-400 (60/40).
Complete nomenclature explained
 ◉ Azeotropic compounds that  ◉ The 700 series has been assigned to
have been commercialized shall inorganic compounds with relative
be assigned an identifying molecular masses less than 100. Within
number in the 500 series. It is the 700 series, the relative molecular
not necessary to cite the mass of the compounds is added to
percentages parenthetically 700 to arrive at the identifying
once a 500 series is assigned. refrigerant numbers. When two or
 ◉ The 600 series has been more inorganic refrigerants have the
assigned to miscellaneous same relative molecular masses,
organic compounds. Within the uppercase letters (i.e., A, B, C, etc.) are
organic 600 series, the added to distinguish among them.
assignments are serial.  ◉ The 1000 series has been assigned
to unsaturated organic compounds.
Overview of the most important refrigerants
ASHRAE Standards (Number 34)
 ◉ The number assigned to each refrigerant is related to its
chemical composition and the system has been formalized as
ASHRAE Standard 34. Broadly, the numbering system is as follows:
 ○ 000 Series Methane Based
 ○ 100 Series Ethane Based
 ○ 200 Series Propane Based
 ○ 300 Series Cyclic Organic Compounds
 ○ 400 Series Zeotropes
 ○ 500 Series Azeotropes
 ○ 600 Series Organic Compounds ○ 700 Series Inorganic
Compounds ○ 1000 Series Unsaturated Organic Compounds
 The commercial refrigeration  Refrigerant and equipment
industry is evolving to meet the manufacturers are introducing
challenges presented by new innovative, next-generation
regulations. The industry is alternatives and equipment that
witnessing an unprecedented era deliver improved cooling
of technology development to performance and energy
meet regulatory and customer efficiency while driving down
demands with more climate- GWP. Multiple refrigerant
friendly alternatives that strike an solutions will be critical to serve
even better balance between the diversity of needs and
energy efficiency, environmental variables among equipment
impact and economic users.
 Type and size of application
 As regulatory obligations in
countries around the globe  System configuration and location
necessitate conversions, many  Geography and ambient temperature
in the commercial refrigeration  Safety of the system including toxicity,
industry are taking an flammability and pressure
objective, informed and  System reliability
pragmatic approach to ensure  Energy efficiency
an orderly transition. There are
many factors to consider in  Total equivalent warming impact (TEWI)
selecting a next-generation  Cost to implement and operate
refrigerant, including:  Technical support
 Ease of maintenance
 Regulatory Compliance

Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics

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