Social Contract
Social Contract
Social Contract
In this part of the third topic we study the origin of society. For that, we are going to meet three
di erent points of view, based on the philosophical ideas of the social contract’s philosophers.
They are:
“Man is good by nature, it is society that
corrupts him”
According Hobbes’ philosophical ideas, before the creation of the diverse societies, human being
lived in the nature, but this natural state, in Hobbes’ opinion, was a real struggle, a real battle
against everyone. This is the main motive which explains the origin of society, better, of civil
societies, which basement is a social contract that guarantees the civil peaceful and harmony.
The result is the civil state, whose political order is an absolute monarchy, where the King is
identi ed with the State. The name of that monster is Leviathan. This is a pessimistic view of
human being.
His point of departure was an optimistic view of us, of human beings. In his opinions, the human
being is good by nature. Then, the natural state, for him, was something like a paradise. By the
way, we can ask: Rousseau, if the nature is a paradise, why do human beings decide the creation
of civil societies? There is his answer: one day, one of the natural human beings decided to fence
an area of land, for saying that the fence was his private property. Thus, the natural egoism of
human beings supposes the origin of civil societies. Once in society, the human beings become
corrupt beings.
Topic 3 Philosophy 2020/2021
John Locke (1632-1704)
Locke has been considered the father of political liberalism -it supposes the opposition to the
political absolutism- and his point of departure is a philosophical hypothesis: before the existence
of the civil societies there was a natural state.
In this natural state the human being appears like a completely free being, and our conduct and
behavior was limited only by the natural law, stablished by God. In this world there was equality
between everyone, and all humans enjoyed these three natural rights:
- Right to life.
- Right to liberty.
At the same time, these three rights are fountain of some con icts. Then, the creation of the state
is like a kind of guarantee that preserves the three rights.
The basement of the civil state is a rational covenant, which if is unful lled, citizens can rebel
against the abuse of power.
-Legislative power.
-Executive power.
-Federative power.
Course and group:
Delivery date: 10-02-2021
1. Find interesting information about the biography of Locke, Rousseau and Hobbes.
- Philosophical current.
- Main ideas.
- Personal opinion.