Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Answers to the
following questions should help you decide. Under each question, check the answer that
says what you feel or comes closest to it. Be honest with yourself.
Are you a self-starter?
○ Easy does it; I don’t put myself out until I have to.
How do you feel about other people?
● I let someone else get things moving. Then I go along if I feel like it.
Can you take responsibility?
● I like to take charge of things and see them through.
● I’ll take over if I have to, but I’d rather let someone else be responsible.
● There’s always some eager person around wanting to show how smart
he/she is. I say let him/her.
How good an organizer are you?
● I like to have a plan before I start. I’m usually the one to get things lined up
when others want to do something.
● I do all right unless things get too goofed up. Then I quit.
● I get all set and then something comes along and presents too many
problems. So I just take things as they come.
How good a worker are you?
● I can keep going as long as I need to. I don’t mind working hard for something
I want.
● I’ll work hard for a while, but when I’ve had enough, that’s it!
● I can if I have plenty of time. If I have to make up my mind fast, I think later I
should have decided the other way.
● I try to be on the level most of the time, but sometimes I just say what’s
➔ How many checks are there beside the second answer to each question?
➔ How many checks are there beside the third answer to each question?
The more checks there are in the first question means you are a
great candidate to become an entrepreneur.
If there are more checks beside the third question, you had
better think again about becoming an entrepreneur.
What do this quote tells you?