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, , headings tags like

, text formatting tags like , , , and other tags like


. The questions test knowledge of what each tag represents and is used for in defining the structure and formatting of text in an HTML document.">

Web Technology (Chapter - HTML) Solved MCQs (Set-1)

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Web Technology MCQs [set-1]

Chapter: HTML

1. ----describes the structure of a Web page

A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: A

2. ----elements tell the browser how to display the content

A. <html>
o m
B. <body>
. c
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: A

q M
c for creating Web pages
3. ----is the standard markup language
A. <html> M
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: A

4. A browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how to
display the document
A. yes
B. no
C. can not say
D. none of these
Answer: A

5. The HTML document itself begins with -----and ends with </html>.
A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: A

6. The visible part of the HTML document is between----and </body>.

A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: B

7. -----stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: A

8. <TAGS> tages are divided into 2 types

A. paired tag & single tag
B. meta tag &verbal tag
C. order tag & sequence tag
D. none of these.
Answer: A

9. The-----declaration represents the document type, and helps browsers to

display web pages correctly.
A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: C

10. The------declaration for HTML5 is:

A. <html>
B. <body>

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C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: C

11. The-------declaration is not case sensitive.

A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <!doctype>
D. <h1>
Answer: C

12. -------defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important
A. <H1>
B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: A

13. <h1> defines the most important heading------- defines the least important
A. <H6>
B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: A

14. The HTML------element defines a paragraph.

A. <H6>
B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: B

15. The------tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page, and is most often
displayed as a horizontal rule
A. <H6>

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B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: C

16. The HTML-----element defines a line break

A. <br>
B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: A

17. The HTML-------element defines preformatted text.

A. <H6>
B. <P>
C. <HR>
D. <pre>
Answer: D

18. ------are used to indicate exactly how specific characters are to be formatted
A. physical tag
B. <P>
C. logical tag
D. <pre>
Answer: A

19. ------are used to indicate to the visually impaired that there is some
emphasizes on the text.
A. physical tag
B. <P>
C. logical tag
D. <pre>
Answer: C

20. -----it is used to show the Bold text

A. <b>
B. <strong>

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C. <i>
D. <em>
Answer: A

21. -------it is used to show the Bold text and big font
A. <b>
B. <strong>
C. <i>
D. <em>
Answer: B

22. -----it is used to show the Italic text

A. <b>
B. <strong>
C. <i>
D. <em>
Answer: C

23. ------it is used to show the Emphasized text

A. <b>
B. <strong>
C. <i>
D. <em>
Answer: D

24. -------it is used to show the Smaller text.

A. <del>
B. <small>
C. <ins>
D. <sub>
Answer: B

25. ------it is used to show the Deleted text

A. <del>
B. <small>
C. <ins>
D. <sub>
Answer: A

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