Payment Gateway Vs Payment Switch
Payment Gateway Vs Payment Switch
Payment Gateway Vs Payment Switch
The fintech industry is a big ocean where one gets easily lost if
unaware of the operational standpoint of digital solutions. It has so
many entities built with innovative ideas, frameworks, and processes
that offer high scope to elevate the business to different levels.
The powerful coding lines in the payment gateway enable the user to
request a payment transaction within the seller platform. It assists
the transaction process by executing the following steps,
BIN allotment is one among many ways for the payment switch to
route the transaction. It also supports routing by amount, routing by
the time of the day. Once it receives the message from the issuing
bank, it formats and sends back the response to the acquirer.
You can imagine a payment gateway as the train track, and the
payment switch is the railroad switch to change train routes. Just like
the railroad switch guides the train to their proper destinations, the
payment switch guides the transaction process to the right
acquirer’s place.
In retrospect…
The switch will be the payment gateway and grow as a monopoly in
the payment ecosystem.
But the real question for our thought here is, what if AI intelligence
operations are allowed into payment technology. Then the game
changes — switches will get a complete upgrade. But the future is
yet to be witnessed.