Genchem Reviewer

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● Electrons will fill empty orbitals before pairing
ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION (M13) ● The pairing of electrons does not start until all orbitals in the same
sublevels have at least one electron each. This is intended to avoid
ELECTRON CONFIGURATION too much electrostatic repulsion between electrons. When two
● Is the representation of the arrangement or distribution of electrons electrons occupy the same part of the space around the atom, they
in the orbitals of an atom repel each other because of their mutual negative charge.
Parts: number (principal energy level); letter (sub-shell/ type of
orbital); exponent (no. of electrons in the orbital).
● Electronic configuration is a shorthand notation that designates the
electrons' energy level, sublevel, and orbital. The sum of the -
superscripts in an electronic configuration equals the number of
electrons present; hence, it must be equal to the atomic number.
● Can also be represented by an orbital diagram, a statement of how
many electrons an atom has in each orbital. AUFBAU PRINCIPLE-
● Electrons are filled up according to increasing energy
R.N: sub-shell’s equivalent number of orbitals (yung orbitals yung ● As protons are added to the nucleus, electrons are also added to
mga square) the orbitals. The strength of their attraction determines the stability
● (sharp) s= 1 of the electrons in the orbital to the nucleus. The closer the electron
● (principal) p= 3 is to the nucleus, the greater is the attraction; the lower the energy,
● (diffused) d= 5 the more stable the electron is. Hence, electrons occupy orbitals in
● (fundamental) f= 7 the lowest energy level first. Furthermore, they fill up the orbitals
according to increasing energies: s < p < d < f. However, beyond
3p, there is an overlapping of energies. It turns out that the total
GENERAL RULES FOR ASSIGNING ELECTRONS TO ATOMIC energy of an atom is lower when the 4s is filled first before a 3d and
ORBITALS when 5s is filled first before a 4d. The figure below shows the
approximate order of filling up orbitals with electrons.
● No two electrons of an atom will have the same set of quantum
numbers. Hence, only two electrons can occupy the given orbital,
and these electrons must have opposite spins.

The magnetic form of a substance can be determined by examining its

electron configuration: if it shows unpaired electrons, then the substance is
paramagnetic; if all electrons are paired, the substance is diamagnetic.
Substances can be classified as paramagnetic and diamagnetic, according
to the orbital diagram. 1. Principal Quantum Number (n)
● PARAMAGNETISM refers to the characteristics of an element to be ● The number of the main energy level where the electron
slightly attracted to a magnet/ substances contain net unpaired revolves.
spins and are attracted by a magnet. ● It determines the energy of an orbital.
● It determines the orbital size
● Tells us how far electron is from the nucleus in a particular
orbital; the larger the n value, the farther the average
distance of the electron from the nucleus.
● The maximum number of electrons in each energy level is
● The number of orbitals in a shell = n
● DIAMAGNETISM is characterized by non-attraction, or even a ● Orbitals with the same n are said to be in the same shell.
slight repulsion, of an element to a magnet/ do not contain net
unpaired spins and are slightly repelled by a magnet. 2. Angular Momentum or Azimuthal Quantum Number (l)
● Tells us the shape or type of orbital
● s = 0 - orbital shape: spherical
● p=1-“ “ : dumbbell-shaped
● d=2- “ “ : cloverleaf
● f=3-“ “ : too complex
● Orbitals with the same n and values belong to the same
In a mathematical solution of the Schrodinger equation, three quantum subshell.
numbers can be obtained. These are the principal quantum number (n), the
angular quantum number (ℓ), and the magnetic quantum number (mℓ), which 3. Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) *hindi ka-level ng ‘l’ si ‘m’, medyo
are all used to describe the atomic orbitals. A fourth quantum number, the baba si ‘l’
spin quantum number (ms), completes the description of the electrons in the ● Position of electron in the orbital/ It describes the
atoms. orientation of the orbital in space
● s=1 possible position=0
● • Based on quantum theory which says that matter also has ● d=5 possible position= -2, -1, 0, +1, +2
properties associated with waves. ● f=7 possible position = -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3
● Electrons are found in an electron cloud or orbital
● Erwin Schrodinger developed this shit. 4. Spin Quantum Number (ms) *hindi ka-level ng ‘s’’ si ‘m’, medyo
baba si ‘s’
● refers to two different spin orientations of electrons in a
QUANTUM NUMBERS specified orbital.
● Describe the orbital occupied by an electron ● Uhlenbeck, Goudsmit, and Kronig (1925) introduced the
● Tell us the distance, shape, position and spin of an electron idea of the self-rotation of the electron. The spin
orientations are called "spin-up" or "spin-down" and are
assigned with the number ms = ½ ms = -½, respectively. Development of the Periodic Table (definition from ppt)
● The spin property of an electron would give rise to the ● Dmitry Mendeleev, a Russian chemist published the first version of
magnetic moment, which was a prerequisite for the fourth a systematically organized periodic table of elements.
quantum number ● This was arranged in order of increasing atomic mass and was the
- -1/2 = electrons spinning clockwise basis of the currently used periodic table.
- +1/2= electrons spinning counter clockwise ● He organized the elements in a column called groups or families,
and rows called periods or series.
● negative (-) kapag yung last na arrow sa orbital is ‘going down’ - Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
● Positive (+) kapag yung last na arrow sa orbital is ‘going up’ ● Law of Triads: when elements are arranged in increasing
order of their atomic masses, the arithmetic mean of the
atomic masses of the first and third element in a triad is
approximately equal to the atomic mass of the second
CLASSIFICATION OF AN ELEMENT (M14) element in that triad.
(M15) - Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois
● 'vis tellurique' (telluric screw/telluric helix)
Development of the Periodic Table (definition from module) ● The telluric screw plotted the atomic weights of the
● The arrangement of elements in the modern periodic table was elements on the outside of a cylinder, so that one
made possible through the efforts of several chemists, such as complete turn corresponded to an atomic weight increase
Dobereiner, John Newlands, Dmitri Mendeleev, and Henry of 16.
● It started with Dobereiner’s “Law of Triads.” He found a relationship - John A.R. Newlands
among three elements where the atomic weight of the middle ● arrange the elements into a periodic table with increasing
element is nearly the same as the average of the atomic weights of order of atomic masses. He found that every eight
the other two elements. elements had similar properties and called this the law of
● John Newlands arranged the elements in what is known as the “law octaves.
of octaves.” He noted that the eighth element has similar chemical
properties to the first one. The elements in the periodic table can be classified as representative
● Mendeleev prepared a tabulation of elements based on equivalent elements, noble gases, transition elements, lanthanides, and actinides.
weights (atomic mass) and the regular recurrence of properties of
the elements. In a few cases, the mass and the properties did not 1. Representative elements, also known as main elements, are the
go the same direction. But Mendeleev rationalized that the elements in the s- and pblocks of the periodic table, except the
properties were more accurate than the masses since the noble gas. These include elements in Groups 1A to 7A.
technology used to determine the mass was still improving. Henry 2. Noble gases are elements located at the rightmost side of the
Moseley discovered that each element in Mendeleev’s table was periodic table.
arranged in an order such that their integral positive charge (atomic
number) increased numerically from left to right and top to bottom.
3. Transition elements are the elements in the d-block of the periodic Note: The elements in A subgroups have either s or p last sublevel
table. They are named as such because they “bridge” or configuration, while the elements in B subgroups have either d or f last
intermediate the elements in s and p areas sublevel configuration.
4. Lanthanides and actinides are inner transition elements located in ● The horizontal rows designated by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are called
the f-block of the periodic table. They have incompletely filled f- periods. The elements belonging to the same period have varying
sublevel. properties.

R.N: The position of an element in the periodic table can easily be

METALS, NONMETALS, AND METALLOID determined through its electronic configuration.

The majority of the elements in the periodic table are metals. These include Period 1 has two elements corresponding to the two electrons in the s
alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, poor metals, sublevel.
lanthanides, and actinides. Their atoms tend to lose or donate electrons. Periods 2 and 3 have eight elements corresponding to eight electrons in the
They have a higher melting point, electrical conductivity, luster, density, s and p sublevels.
malleability, and ductility than nonmetals. Periods 4 and 5 have 18 elements corresponding to 18 electrons in the s, p,
and d sublevels.
In the rightmost part of the periodic table are the nonmetals. Their atoms are Periods 6 and 7 have 32 elements corresponding to 32 electrons in the s, p,
structured to accept electrons. d, and f sublevels.

The elements in the borderline of metals and nonmetals are called The position of an element in the periodic table can easily be determined
metalloids. They share the properties of both metals and nonmetals, and through its electronic configuration.
they may act as their electron donors or receivers.

PERIODS AND GROUPS Last sublevel = block.

● The elements in the periodic table are arranged in a series of ● The last sublevel of an element’s electronic configuration dictates
vertical columns and horizontal rows the block to which it belongs.
● The vertical columns are called groups. The elements belonging to
the same group have similar properties, divided into A and B Valence electron/outer electronic configuration = group number
subgroups. Group A is divided as follows. ● For the A family, except for He, the group number to which an
Group 1A Alkali Metals element belongs corresponds to the number of valence electrons of
Group 2A Alkaline Earth Metals the element.
Group 3A Boron Group - 1A has an outer electronic configuration of ns1.
Group 4A Carbon Group - 2A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2.
Group 5A Nitrogen Group - 3A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np1.
Group 6A Oxygen Group - 4A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np2.
Group 7A Halogen Group - 5A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np3.
- 6A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np4.
- 7A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np5.
- 8A has an outer electronic configuration of ns2 np6.
● The atoms of the elements in Group 8A have eight valence
electrons and are not expected to give up or take electrons.
Therefore, elements in this group have zero valences.
Occupied main energy level = period number
● The number of occupied main energy levels corresponds to the
period number. For example: PERIODIC TRENDS
- are specific patterns that are present in the periodic table that
illustrate different aspects of a certain element
● Atomic Radius (atomic size)
● Metallic Property
● Ionization Energy
● Electron Affinity
● Electronegativity
*practice some exercises and check module for illustrations*
● is the distance from the centre of the nucleus to the
PERIODIC TRENDS (M16) outermost shell (valence) containing electrons.
● The atomic size decreases from left to right across the
FORMATION OF CATIONS AND ANIONS period in the periodic table and increases down a
● In the formation of cations and anions, one or more electrons are
removed or added, respectively, from/to the highest occupied
energy level to have a stable outer configuration of electrons (with ● Across a period, the number of protons increases
eight valence electrons). without affecting the number of energy levels. Thus,
there is a greater attraction between electrons and
● Group 1A, 2A, and 3A elements lose electrons to attain stability; protons. The greater the number of protons, the greater
hence, they become cations. Group 1A exhibits a valence (net
the nuclear charge, and the stronger the nucleus's hold
charge) of +1; Group 2A shows a valence of +2; and elements
Group 3A exhibits a valence of +3 since their atoms lose one, two, on the electrons. The increasing nuclear charge across
and three electrons, respectively, in the outer level. the period fills the electrons toward the nucleus; hence,
atomic size becomes smaller
● Group 5A to 7A elements gain electrons to attain stability; hence,
● Down a group, the energy level increases; hence, the
they become anions. The elements of nitrogen group (5A) exhibit a
valence of -3; elements of oxygen group (6A) show a valence of -2;
atomic size increases. Furthermore, the inner–filled
and halogens of Group 7A exhibit a valence of -1 since their atoms energy levels reduce the electrostatic attraction
gain 1, 2, and 3 electrons, respectively. between the protons in the nucleus and the electrons.
Weak attraction causes the atom to expand in size,
and an effective nuclear charge is decreased.
● Ionic Radius is the distance between the nucleus and ● With this, it can be said that electron affinity increases from left to
the electron in the outermost shell of an ion. right within the same period and decreases from top to bottom
within the same group
● The elements on the left side of the periodic table have a lower
affinity for the incoming electrons. In contrast, elements on the right
side have a greater affinity for the incoming electrons. Group 7A
elements have the greatest electron affinity within the period
● is the ability of the atom to donate electrons
because they only need to accept one electron to complete a stable
● metallic property decreases from left to right across a period and
configuration of 8 electrons. The noble gases have electron affinity
increases down a group
almost equal to zero since they are already stable and are
● The smaller the number of valence electrons and the farther they
expected not to take electrons.
are from the nucleus, the greater is the metallic property.

● is the energy required to remove an electron from its orbital around
an atom
● The metallic property decreases
● Ionization energy generally increases from left to right across a
● The atomic size decreases
period and decreases down a group due to the electrostatic
● The ionic size decreases
attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons
● The ionization energy increases
● The energy level increases from top to bottom; so does the average
● The electron affinity increases
distance of a valence electron from the nucleus.
● A greater distance between the valence electron and the nucleus
means weaker attraction, making it increasingly easier to remove
● The metallic property increases
the electron. On the other hand, the effective nuclear charge
● The atomic size increases
increases across the period; hence, the stronger the nucleus holds
● The ionic size increases
on the electron. Consequently, more energy is needed to remove
● The ionization energy decreases
the electron.
● The electron affinity decreases
● When a neutral atom loses or gains electrons, the nuclear charge
remains the same but the electron-electron repulsion changes. In
cation formation, the loss of electrons decreases e-e repulsions.
The opposite happens in anion formation. Therefore, all cations are
smaller than their corresponding atoms, and all anions are bigger
than their corresponding atoms.

● Is the energy given off when an electron is added to a neutral atom
in the gaseous state. The greater the electron affinity, the greater
the affinity or “attraction” of an atom for an electron.

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