Karanataka State Open University: M Tech in Mechanical (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
Karanataka State Open University: M Tech in Mechanical (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
Karanataka State Open University: M Tech in Mechanical (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
M Tech in MECHANICAL(Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Subject Code Subject Title Semester I Max Marks Max Credits
6 6 6 3
Semester II MT2001 MT2002 MT2003 Precision Engineering Integrated Manufacturing Systems Computer Integrated Manufacturing Elective II Elective III MTP002 CIM LAB 100 100 100 100 100 100 6 6 6 6 6 3
Semester III
Subject Title Robotics and Sensors Advanced Material Technology Advances in CNC Systems Elective IV Elective V
Max Credits 6 6 6 6 6 3
6 6 12
Note: Out of these Electives 2 are to be taken from CAD, 2 from CAM and 2 from Production List of Electives CAD Subject Code Subject Title MTE001 MTE002 MTE003 MTE004 MTE005 MTE006 Advanced Machine Tool Design Integrated Mechanical Design Optimization Techniques in Design Mechanical Vibration Flexible Competitive Manufacturing System Design for Manufacture, Assembly and Environments
List of Electives CAM Subject Code Subject Title MTE007 MTE008 MTE009 MTE010 MTE011 MTE012 Mechatronics in Manufacturing Systems Industrial Safety Management Manufacturing System & Simulation Metrology and Non Destructive Testing Maintenance Management Integrated Product and Process Development
List of Electives Production Subject Code Subject Title MTE013 MTE014 MTE015 MTE016 Fluid Power Automation Advances in Casting and Welding Total Quality Management Maintenance and Reliability Engineering
SEMESTER :I Subject Code : MT1001 Subject Title : Engineering Statistics and Probability Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Random Variables (One Dimensional)
Unit 1: Probability Function Unit 2: Moment Generating Function Unit 3: Binomial and Poisson Distributions Unit 4: Geometric and Exponential Distributions
1. Richard A. Johnson and Dean W. Wichern, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Pearson Education, Asia, 5th Edition 2. Dallas E Johnson et al., Applied multivariate methods for data analysis, 3. Richard Johnson. Miller & Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineer Prentice Hall of India, Private Ltd., New Delhi, 7th Edition 4. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K.Fundamentals of Mathematical statistical, sultanan Sons, New Delhi 5. Jay L. Devore, Probability and statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Thomson and Duxbbury, Singapore 6. James, G., Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 3rd edition, Pearson 7. Grewal, B.S., Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, 7th edition, Khanna 8. Gupta, A.S., Calculus of variations with applications, Prentice-Hall of India, 9. O'Neil, P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 10. Andrews, L.C. and Philips, R. L. Mathematical Techniques for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice Hall of India
SEMESTER :I Subject Code : MT1002 Subject Title : Computer Application Production Design Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Computer Graphics Fundamentals
Unit 1: 2-D & 3-D Transformation Unit 2: Clipping Transformation Unit 3: Surface modelling Techniques Unit 4: Volume modelling and Boundary Models
Unit 1: Writing Interactive Programs to Solve Design Problems Using Auto LISP Unit 2: Writing Interactive Programs to solve Production of Drawings Unit 3: Creation of Surfaces Unit 4: Creation of Solids
Solid Modelling
Unit 1: Regularized Boolean Set Operations and Primitive Instancing Unit 2: Sweep Representations and Boundary Representations Unit 3: Constructive Solid Geometry Unit 4: Graphics and Computing Standards
Visual Realism
Unit 1: Hidden, Line and Surface Unit 2: Solid Removal Algorithms, Shading and Colouring Unit 3: Introduction to Parametric and Variational Geometry Based Softwares Unit 4: Creation of Prismatic and Lofted Parts Using These Packages
1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall, Inc 2.Ibrahim Zeid Mastering CAD/CAM McGraw Hill, International Edition 3.Donald Heam and M. Pauline Baker Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall, Inc 4.William M Neumann and Robert F.Sproul Principles of Computer Graphics, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. Singapore 5.Foley, Wan Dam, Feiner and Hughes Computer graphics principles & practices, Pearson Education 6.Rao,CAD/CAM: Principles and Applications, TMH 7.Zeid,CAD/CAM:Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill 8.Zeid,Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi 9.ChennaKesava R.Alavala, CAD/CAM: Concepts and Applications, PHI 10.Dr.RajendraKarwa, A Text book of Machine Design, Lakshmi Publications Pvt Ltd
SEMESTER :I Subject Code : MT1003 Subject Title : Computer Aided Metrology and Inspection Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Basic Concept of Measurement
Unit 1: Definition and Standards of Measurement Unit 2: Errors in Measurement Unit 3: Interchange ability and Selective Assembly Unit 4: Accuracy and Precision
Unit 1: Introduction of Interferometry Unit 2: Principles of Light Interference Unit 3: Interferometers Unit 4: Measurement and Calibration, Laser Interferometers
Unit 1: Tool Makers Microscope Unit 2: Co Ordinate Measuring Machine Unit 3: Applications and Laser Micrometer Unit 4: Non Contact and Process Inspection, Vision system.
Image Techniques
Unit 1: Overview, Computer Imaging Systems Unit 2: Image Analysis, Pre-Processing Unit 3: Human Vision System, Image Model, Image Enhancement Unit 4: Image Transforms
1. Graham T.Smith, Industrial Metrology, Springer 2.R.K.RAJPUT, Engineering Metrology and Instrumentations, Kataria & Sons Publishers 3.Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Cengage-Engineering; 3 edition 4. ASTE Handbook of Industries Metrology, Prentice Hall of India Ltd 5. G.N.GALYER F.W. and C.R.SHOTBOLT, Metrology for engineers, ELBS 6. GUPTA, I.C, A Text Book of engineering metrology, Dhanpat Rai and Sons 7. www.metrologytooling.com 8. www.iuktu-harburg.de 9. Bewoor,Metrology&Measurement, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 10. Holman,Exprimental Methods for Engineers, TMH
SEMESTER :I Subject Code : MT1004 Subject Title : Finite Element Analysis Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 One Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Unit 1: Historical Background and Weighted Residual Methods Unit 2: Basic Concepts of FEM and Variation Formulation of B.V.P Unit 3: Finite Element Modelling - Element Equations Unit 4: Linear and Quadratic Shape Functions, Bar, Beam Elements
Unit 1: Basic Boundary Value Problems in 2 Dimensions Unit 2: Triangular, Quadrilateral, Higher Order Elements and Laplace Equations Unit 3: Weak Formulation, Elements Matrices and Vectors Unit 4: Application to Solid Mechanics, Heat transfer, Fluid Mechanics
Unit 1: Natural Co-ordinate System, Lagrangian Interpolation Polynomials Unit 2: ISO-Parametric Elements, Formulation Unit 3: Numerical Integration, 1D ,2D Triangular Elements Unit 4: rectangular elements - Illustrative Examples
Special Topics
Unit 1: Dynamic Analysis, Equation of Motion and Mass Matrices Unit 2: Free Vibration analysis, Natural frequencies of Longitudinal Unit3: Transverse and Torsion Vibration, Introduction to Transient Field Problems Unit 4: Non Linear Analysis, Use of Software
1. Reddy J.N. "An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Mc Graw Hill, International Edition 2. Rao S.S., "Finite Element Method in Engineering", Pergamon Press 3. George R Buchanan, "Schaum's Outline of Finite Element Analysis", McGraw Hill 4. Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis 5. Kobayashi, S, Soo-IK-Oh and Altan, T, Metal forming and the Finite element Methods, Oxford University Press 6. Lewis, R.W., Morgan, K, Thomas, H.R., and Seetharaman, K.N., The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer Analysis, John Wiley 7. Buchanan,Finte Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill 8. Hutton, Fundamentals of Finte Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill 9. Krishnamurthy, Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Programming, TMH 10. Chennakesava R. Alavala,Finite Element Methods: Basic Concepts and App, PHI
SEMESTER :I Subject Code : MTP001 Subject Title : CAD & CAM Lab Structure of the Course Content CAD Lab
2D modelling and 3D modelling of components such as 1. Bearing 2. Couplings 3. Gears 4. Sheet metal components Jigs, Fixtures and Die assemblies
1. Exercise on CNC Lathe: Plain Turning, Step turning, Taper turning, Threading, Grooving & canned cycle 2. Exercise on CNC Milling Machine: canned Cycle. Profile Milling, Mirroring, Scaling &
3. Study of Sensors, Transducers & PLC: Hall-effect sensor, Pressure sensors, Strain Gauge, PLC, LVDT, Load cell, Angular potentiometer, Torque, Temperature & Optical Transducers.
SEMESTER : II Subject Code : MT2001 Subject Title : Precision Engineering Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Basics of Precision Engineering
Unit 1: Accuracy and Precision Unit 2: Need for High Precision Unit 3: Concept of Accuracy, Tolerance an fits, System Unit 4: Expects Accuracy of a Manufacturing Process
Unit 1: Diamond, Types, Single Crystal and PCD Unit 2: Natural, Synthetic CBN and Ceramics Unit 3: Coated Metals and Non-Metals, High Performance Polymer Unit 4: Cutting Tools, Performance and Components of Instruments
Unit 1: Static Stiffness and Influence on Machining Accuracy Unit 2: Errors Due to Variation of Cutting Forces and Clamping Forces Unit 3: Heat Sources and War Dissipation Unit 4: Error Due to Clamping and Setting Location
Unit 1: Guide Ways, Drive Systems, Rolling Element Bearings Unit 2: Lubricated Sliding Bearings, Construction and Principles Unit 3: Hydrostatics Bearings, Types and Aerostatic Bearings Unit 4: Linear Drive Motors, Magnetic Bearings, Applications and Limitations
1. R.L. Murthy, Precision Engineering in Manufacturing, New age Instruction Publishes, New Delhi 2. V.C. Venkatesh and Sudin, Izwan, Precision engineering:- Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi 3. JAMESD, MEADOWS, - Geometric Dimensioning and tolerancing, Marcel Dekker Inc
SEMESTER : II Subject Code : MT2002 Subject Title : Integrated Manufacturing Systems Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to IMS
Unit 1: Objectives of a Manufacturing System Unit 2: Identifying Business Opportunities and Problems Unit 3: Classification of Production Systems Unit 4: Linking Manufacturing Strategy and Systems Analysis
Unit 1: Introduction, Part Families, Parts Classification and Cooling Unit 2: Group Technology Machine Cells Unit 3: Benefits of Group Technology Unit 4: Process Planning Function CAPP
Unit 1: Production Planning and Control Unit 2: Cost Planning and Control and Inventory Management Unit 3: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Unit 4: Automatic Identification System and Barcode Technology.
Computer Monitoring
Unit 1: Types of Production Monitoring Systems Unit 2: Structure Model of Manufacturing Process Unit 3: Process Control and Strategies Unit 4: Supervisory Computer Control
Unit 1: Definition, Application, Features and Types of Manufacturing Systems Unit 2: Machine Tools, Materials Handling System and Computer Control System Unit 3: Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) Unit 4: CAD/CAM System
1. Groover M.P., Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing ", Third Edition, Prentice-Hall 2. David Bedworth, "Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing", TMH, New Delhi 3. Yorem Koren, "Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems", McGraw Hill 4. Ranky, Paul G., "Computer Integrated Manufacturing", Prentice Hall International 5. R.W. Yeomamas, A. Choudry and P.J.W. Ten Hagen, "Design rules for a CIM system", North Holland Amsterdam
SEMESTER : II Subject Code : MT2003 Subject Title : Computer Integrated Manufacturing Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to CIM
Unit 1: Types of Production and Functions Unit 2: Automation Strategies Unit 3: Production Economics Unit 4: Cost in Manufacturing and Breakeven Analysis
Unit 1: NC and CNC Part Programming Unit 2: DNC Systems and Adaptive Control Unit 3: Pallets and Fixtures Systems Unit 4: Manufacturing Cells
1. Mikell P.Groover, Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing PHI 2. Weatherall, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, A total company strategy, 2nd edition 3. Ronald G.Askin, Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, John Wiley 4. Radhakrishnan, P., Subramanian, S., and Raju, V., CAD/CAM/CIM New Age International Publishers 5. James A.Retrg, Herry W.Kraebber, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education, Asia 6. Gideon Halevi and Ronald D.Weill, Principles of Process Planning, Chapman Hall 7. Viswanathan, N., and Narahari, Y., Performance Modeling and Automated Manufacturing Systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd 8. Kant Vajpayee, S., Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India, 9. Alavudeen and Venkateshwaran, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
SEMESTER : II Subject Code : MTP002 Subject Title : CIM Lab Structure of the Course Content List of Experiments
1. Using of Pre-processor and post processor in finite element analysis (Exercise must include importing model from a modelling package, model correction, meshing, and addressing quality of mesh issues). 2. Model analysis of engineering structures (Exercises must include model analysis of simple beams and plates and comparison of FEA and analytical solutions, and model analysis of actual components like brackets, machine tool structures etc). 3. Nonlinear analysis (Exercise must include plastic deformation of simple objects or crash analysis simple structures. 4. 3 Axis CNC code generations for CNC machining. 5. CNC Machining of complex features like machining of hemispherical cavity, Tapered hole, hole of parabolic shape etc... 6. Automated component inspection using vision System. 7. Automation using programmable Logic Control. 8. Dimensional and geometric measurement using CMM. 9. Study on RDBMS and its application in problems like inventory control MRP etc. 10. Robot Programming
SEMESTER : III Subject Code : MT3001 Subject Title : Robotics and Sensors Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to ROBOTS
Unit 1: Definition, Need and Application Unit 2: Types of Robots and Classifications Unit 3: Configuration, Work Volume, Control Loops, Controls and Intelligence Unit 4: Specifications of Robot, Degrees of Freedoms
ROBOT Kinematics
Unit 1: Introduction and Matrix Representation Unit 2: Homogeneous Transformation, Forward and Inverse Unit 3: Kinematic Equations, Denvit Hartenbers Representations Unit 4: Fundamental Problems with D-H Representation
Unit 1: Lagrangeon Mechanics Unit 2: Static Force Analysis of Robots, Trajectory Planning Unit 3: Joint Space, Cartesian Space Description and Trajectory Planning Unit 4: Third Order, Fifth Order and Polynomial Trajectory Planning
Unit 1: Types of Programming Unit 2: Teach Pendant Programming Unit 3: Basic Concepts in A1 Techniques Unit 4: Concept of knowledge Representations
Unit 1: Design of Robots Unit 2: Characteristics of Actuating Systems Unit 3: Position, Velocity, Force, Temperature, Pressure Sensors Unit 4: Contact and Non Contact Sensors, Infrared Sensors, RCC, Vision Sensors.
1. Groover.M.P. Industrial Robotics, McGraw Hill International edition 2.Gordon Mair, Industrial Robotics, Prentice Hall (U.K.) 3.Wesley E Snyder R, Industrial Robots, Computer Interfacing and Control, Prentice Hall International Edition 4.Saeed.B.Niku, Introduction to Robotics, Analysis, system, Applications, Pearson educations 5.Deb,Robotics and Technology and Flexible Automation, TMH 6.Fu,Robotics:Control,Sensing,Vision and Intelligence,Tata McGraw Hill 7.Mittal&Nagrath,Robtics and Control, Tata McGraw Hill 8.Saha,Introduction to Robotics, TMH
SEMESTER : III Subject Code : MT3002 Subject Title : Advanced Material Technology Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Elastic and Plastic Behaviour
Unit 1: Elasticity in Metals and Polymers an Elastic and Viscous-Elastic Behaviour Unit 2: Strengthening Mechanisms, Work Hardening, Solid Solutioning Unit 3: Grain Boundary Strengthening, Poly phase Mixture Unit 4: Effect of Temperature, Strain and Strain Rate on Plastic Behaviour
Fracture Behaviour
Unit 1: Griffiths Theory, Stress Intensity Factor and Fracture Toughness Unit 2: High Temperature Fracture Unit 3: Deformation and Fracture Mechanism Maps Unit 4: Fracture of Non Metallic Materials
Unit 1: Dual Phase Steels, High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steel Unit 2: Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel, Managing Steel Unit 3: Intermetallics, Ni and Ti Aluminides Unit 4: Smart Materials, Shape Memory Alloys
Unit 1: Polymeric Materials and Formation of Polymer Structure Unit 2: Production Techniques of Fibers, Foams, Adhesives and Coating Unit 3: Structure, Properties and Applications of Engineering Polymers Unit 4: Advanced Structural Ceramics, WC, TIC, TaC, Al2O3, SiC, Si3N4 CBN
1. Thomas H. Courtney, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, (2nd edition), McGraw Hill 2. Charles, J.A., Crane, F.A.A. and Fumess, J.A.G., Selection and use of engineering materials, (3rd edition), Butterworth-Heiremann 3. Ashby M.F., Material Selection in Mechanical Design, 3rd Edition, Butter Worth 4. George E.Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill 5. Flinn, R.A., and Trojan, P.K., Engineering Materials and their Applications, (4th Edition) Jaico
SEMESTER : III Subject Code : MT3003 Subject Title : Advances in CNC Systems Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Metal Cutting and Tool Materials
Unit 1: Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting Unit 2: Types of Tool Wear, Abrasion, Diffusion, Oxidation and Fatigue Unit 3: Monitoring of Wear, Cutting Forces and Vibration Unit 4: Selection of Machining Parameters and Tools
Micro Machining
Unit 1: Introduction to MEMS, Principle, Process Capabilities Unit 2: Types, Advantages and Applications of Bulk Micro Machining Unit 3: Surface Micro Machining Unit 4: Tool Based Micro Machining Processes.
Rapid Prototyping
Unit 1: Introduction, Classification, Principle Advantages and Limitations Unit 2: Stereo Lithography, Laminated Object Manufacturing Unit 3: Selective Laser Sintering Unit 4: FDM, SGC, 3D Printing
1.Armarego E.J.A. and Brown R.H., The Machining of metals, Prentice Hall 2. Marc J. Madou, Fundamentals of Micro fabrication: The Science of Miniaturization, Second Edition, CRC Press 3. Sadasivan T.A., and Sarathy.D. Cutting Tools for Productive Machining, Widia ( India) Limited 4. Shaw Milton.C., Metal Cutting Principles, Second Edition, Oxford University, Press 5. Battacharya, theory of metal cutting, NCB Agency 6. HMT Manual, Non t5raditional Machining Methods 7. Pandley P.S. and shah.N. Modern Manufacturing Processes, 8. Rich F. and KnightK., Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill Inc,
SEMESTER : III Subject Code : MTP003 Subject Title : Project Work Phase I Structure of the Course Content
SEMESTER : IV Subject Code : MT4001 Subject Title : Advances in Production Management Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Field of Manufacturing Management
Unit 1: Introduction to Manufacturing Unit 2: Manufacturing Strategies and Competitiveness Unit 3: Meeting the Competitive Project Management Unit 4: Quality Management
Designing of Products
Unit 1: Process Selection and Process Flow Design Unit 2: Operations Technology Unit 3: Waiting Line Management Unit 4: Computer Simulation of Waiting Lines
Unit 1: Definition, Purposes of Inventory and Inventory models Unit 2: Fixed Order Quantity Models and Fixed and Time Period Models. Unit 3: MRP System Structures, Improvements in the MRP system Unit 4: Advanced MRP and Type Systems
Unit 1: Operations Consulting Unit 2: BPR Unit 3: Synchronous Manufacturing and Theory of Constraints Unit 4: Case Studies
1. Production and Operations Management, Chase, Aquilano and Jacobs, eighth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Manufacturing management: a quantitative approach, Robert A. Olsen, International Textbook Co, 3. Production and Operations Management, S. N. Chary, Tata McGraw-Hill, 4. Production and Operations Management: Strategic and Tactical Decisions, Jay Heifer, Barry Render - Business & Economics 5. Operations Management, Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel - Business & Economics
SEMESTER : IV Subject Code : MTP004 Subject Title : Project Work Phase II Structure of the Course Content
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE001 Subject Title : Advanced Machine Tool Design Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Tool Design
Unit 1: Introduction, Tool Engineering and Tool Classifications Unit 2: Tool Design Objectives and Tool Design in Manufacturing Unit 3: Surface Finish, Fits and Tolerances Unit 4: Ferrous and Non Ferrous Tooling Materials
Unit 1: Tooling Requirements for Numerical Control Systems Unit 2: Fixture Design for CNC Machine Tools Unit 3: Universal Fixtures, Cutting Tools and Tool Holding Methods Unit 4: Automatic Tool Changers and Tool Positioners, Tool Presetting
1. Cyrll Donaldson, George H.LeCain, V.C. Goold, Tool Design, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd 2. Venkataraman K., Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press tools, TMH 3. Haslehurst M., Manufacturing Technology, the ELBS 4. Pollack H.W., Tool Design Reston Publishing Company, Inc. 5. Joshi P.H., Jigs and Fixtures, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 6. Hiram E. Grant, Jigs and Fixtures, Tata Mc-Graw Hill 7. Prakash Hiralal Joshi, Tooling data, Wheeler Publishing 8. E.G.Hoffman, Jig and Fixture Design, Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, Singapore
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE002 Subject Title : Integrated Mechanical Design Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design
Unit 1: Phases of Design Unit 2: Standardization and Interchange ability of Machine Elements Unit 3: Selection of Fits for Different Design Situations Unit 4: Design for Assembly and Modular Constructions
1. Maitra G.M., Hand Book of Gear Design, Tata McGraw Hill 2.Alexandrov, M., Materials Handling Equipments, MIR Publishers 3.Norton L. R., Machine Design An Integrated Approach Pearson Education 4.Newcomb, T.P. and Spur, R.T., Automobile Brakes and Braking Systems, Chapman and Hall, 2nd Edition 5.Shigley, J.E., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill 6.Prasad. L. V., Machine Design, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 7.Boltzharol, A., Materials Handling Handbook, The Ronald Press Company 8.P.S.G. Tech., Design Data Book, Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore 9. Lingaiah. K. and Narayana Iyengar, Machine Design Data Hand Book, Vol. 1 & 2, Suma Publishers, Bangalore
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE003 Subject Title : Optimization Techniques in Design Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Unconstrained Optimization Techniques
Unit 1: Introduction to Optimum Design Unit 2: General Principles of Optimization Unit 3: Single Variable and Multivariable Optimization Unit 4: Golden Section, Random, Pattern and Gradient Search Methods
Unit 1: Optimization with Equality and Inequality Constraints Unit 2: Direct Methods, Indirect Methods Using Penalty Functions Unit 3: Direct Methods, Indirect Methods Using Lagrange Multipliers Unit 4: Geometric Programming
Static Applications
Unit 1: Structural Applications, Design of Simple Truss Members Unit 2: Design Applications, Design of Simple Axial Unit 3: Design of Shafts and Torsionally Loaded Members Unit 4: Design of springs
Dynamic Applications
Unit 1: Dynamic Applications Unit 2: Optimum Design of Single, Two Degree of Freedom Systems, Unit 3: Application in Mechanisms Unit 4: Optimum Design of Simple Linkage Mechanisms
1. Rao, Singaresu, S., Engineering Optimization Theory & Practice, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi 2. Johnson Ray, C., Optimum design of mechanical elements, Wiley, John & Sons 3. Goldberg, D.E., Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine, Barnen, Addison-Wesley, New York 4. Kalyanamoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering design algorithms and Examples, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE004 Subject Title : Mechanical Vibration Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Fundamentals of Vibration
Unit 1: Introduction, Sources of Vibration and Mathematical Models Unit 2: Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Unit 3: Vibration Isolation Vibrometers and Accelerometers Unit 4: Transient Vibration, Impulse loads, Critical Speed of Shaft-Rotor Systems.
Unit 1: Influence Coefficients and Stiffness Coefficients Unit 2: Flexibility Matrix and Stiffness Matrix Unit 3: Dunkerley, Rayleighs, and Holzer Method Unit 4: Continuous System, Vibration of String, Shafts and Beams
Vibration Control
Unit 1: Specification of Vibration Limits, Vibration Severity Standards Unit 2: Vibration as Condition Monitoring Tool, Vibration Isolation methods Unit 3: Damped Vibration Absorbers Unit 4: Vibration Control by Design Modification, Active Vibration Control
1. Rao, S.S., Mechanical Vibrations, Addison Wesley Longman 2.Ramamurti. V, Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basic Theory, Narosa, New Delhi 3.S. Graham Kelly & Shashidar K. Kudari, Mechanical Vibrations, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Com. Ltd New Delhi 4.Thomson, W.T. Theory of Vibration with Applications, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE005 Subject Title : Flexible Competitive Manufacturing System Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Manufacturing in Competitive Environment
Unit 1: Automation of Manufacturing Process Unit 2: Numerical Control and Adaptive control Unit 3: Industrial Robots and Sensor Technology Unit 4: Design for Assembly, Disassembly and Service
Unit 1: System Issues, Types of Software, Specification and Selection Unit 2: Trends, Application of Simulation, Software Unit 3: Manufacturing Data Systems and Data Flow Unit 4: CAD/CAM Considerations and Planning FMS Database.
Just In Time
Unit 1: Characteristics of JIT, Pull method Unit 2: Small Lot Sizes, Work Station Loads and Close Supplier Ties Unit 3: Flexible Work Force, Line Flow Strategy Unit 4: Strategic Implications, Implementation Issues
1. Groover M.P., Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2.Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co 3.Jha, N.K., Handbook of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Academic Press Inc 4.Taiichi Ohno, Toyota, Production System Beyond Large-Scale production, Productivity Press (India) Pvt.Ltd
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE006 Subject Title : Design for Manufacture, Assembly and Environments Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Design for Manufacturing
Unit 1: General Design Principles for Manufacturability Unit 2: Strength and Mechanical Factors, Mechanisms Selection Unit 3: Evaluation Method, Process Capability and Feature Tolerances Unit 4: Assembly Limits, Datum Features, Tolerance Stacks
Unit 1: Working Principle, Material, Manufacture Unit 2: Design, Possible Solutions and Materials Choice Unit 3: Influence of Materials on Form Design Unit 4: Form Design of Welded Members, Forgings and Castings
Unit 1: Design Features to Facilitate Machining, Drills and Milling Cutters Unit 2: Doweling Procedures, Counter Sunk Screws Unit 3: Simplification by Separation, Simplification by Amalgamation Unit 4: Design for Machinability, Design for Economy, Design for Clampability
Unit 1: Redesign of Castings Based on Parting Line Considerations Unit 2: Minimizing Core Requirements, Machined Holes Unit 3: Identification of Uneconomical Design Unit 4: Modifying the Design, Group Technology
1. Boothroyd, G, 1980 Design for Assembly Automation and Product Design. New York, Marcel Dekker 2. Dickson, John. R, and Corroda Poly, Engineering Design and Design for Manufacture and Structural Approach, Field Stone Publisher, USA 3. Kevien Otto and Kristin Wood, Product Design. Pearson Publication 4. Bralla, Design for Manufacture handbook, McGraw hill 5. Boothroyd, G, Heartz and Nike, Product Design for Manufacture, Marcel Dekker 6. Fixel, J. Design for the Environment McGraw hill 7. Graedel T. Allen By. B, Design for the Environment Angle Wood Cliff, Prentice Hall. Reason Pub
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE007 Subject Title : Mechatronics in Manufacturing Systems Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Mechatronics
Unit 1: Introduction to Mechatronics and Systems Unit 2: Need for Mechatronics, Emerging Area of Mechatronics Unit 3: Classification of Mechatronics Unit 4: Measurement Systems and Control Systems.
BLOCK 3 Actuators
Unit 1: Actuators, Mechanical and Electrical Unit 2: Fluid Power, Piezoelectric and Magnetostrictive Unit 3: Shape Memory Alloy and Applications Unit 4: Selection of Actuators
Unit 1: Designing, Possible Design Solutions Unit 2: Traditional and Mechatronics Design Concepts Unit 3: Pick and Place Robot, Conveyor Based Material Handling System Unit 4: PC based CNC Drilling Machine, Engine Management System
1. Bolton.W, Mechatronics, Pearson education, second edition, fifth Indian Reprint 2. Smaili.A and Mrad.F, "Mechatronics integrated technologies for intelligent machines", Oxford university press 3. Devadas Shetty and Richard A.Kolk, Mechatronics systems design, PWS 4. Godfrey C. Onwubolu, "Mechatronics Principles and Applications", Elsevier 5. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, Mechatronics Principles, Concepts and Applications Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Limited 6. Michael B.Histand and Davis G.Alciatore, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement systems. McGraw Hill International edition 7. Bradley D.A, Dawson.D, Buru N.C and Loader A.J, Mechatronics Nelson Thornes ltd, Eswar press, Indian print 8. Lawrence J.Kamm, Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering An Introduction to Mechatronics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 9. Dan Necsulescu, Mechatronics, Pearson education 10. Newton C.Braga, Mechatronics Sourcebook, Thomson Delmar Learning, Eswar
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE008 Subject Title : Industrial Safety Management Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Safety Management
Unit 1: Evaluation of Modern Safety Concepts, Safety Management Functions Unit 2: Safety Organization, Safety Department, Safety Committee Unit 3: Safety Audit, Performance Measurements and Motivation Unit 4: Employee Participation in Safety, Safety and Productivity
Safety Measures
Unit 1: Layout Design and Material Handling, Use of Electricity Unit 2: Management of Toxic Gases, Industrial Fires and Prevention Unit 3: Road Safety, Highway and Urban Safety, Safety of Sewage Disposal Unit 4: Control of Environmental Pollution, Managing Emergencies in Industries
1.John V. Grimaldi and Rollin H. Simonds, "Safety Management", All India Travellers bookseller, New Delhi 2. Krishnan N.V., "Safety in Industry", Jaico Publishery House 3. Singh, U.K. and Dewan, J.M., "Safety, Security and risk management", APH Publishing Company, New Delhi 4. Occupational Safety Manual BHEL 5. Industrial safety and the law by P.M.C. Nair Publisher's, Trivandrum 6. Managing emergencies in industries, Loss Prevention of India Ltd., Proceedings 7. Safety security and risk management by U.K. Singh & J.M. Dewan, A.P.H. Publishing company, New Delhi
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE009 Subject Title : Manufacturing System & Simulation Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to manufacturing System
Unit 1: Basic Concepts of System, Elements of Manufacturing System Unit 2: Concept of Simulation, Simulation as a Decision Making Tool Unit 3: Types of Simulation, Monte-Carlo simulation, System Modelling Unit 4: Types of Modelling, Limitations and Areas of Application of Simulation.
Random Numbers
Unit 1: Probability and Statistical Concepts of Simulation Unit 2: Pseudo Random Numbers, Methods of Generating Random Numbers Unit 3: Discrete and Continuous Distribution, Testing of Random Numbers Unit 4: kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, The Chi-Square Test and Sampling
Case Studies
Unit 1: Development of Simulation Models Using GPSS for Queuing Unit 2: Development of Simulation Models Using GPSS for Production Unit 3: Development of Simulation Models Using GPSS for Inventory Unit 4: Development of Simulation Models Using GPSS for Maintenance
1.Jerry Banks and John S.Carson, Discrete event system simulation, Prentice Hall 2.Geoffrey Gordon System simulation Prentice Hall of India 3.Averill M.Law and W.David Kelton, Simulation Modelling and analysis, McGraw Hill International Editions 4.John H.Mize and J.Grady Cox, Essentials of simulation Prentice hall 5.Jeffrey L.Written, Lonnie D, Bentley and V.M. Barice, System analysis and Design Methods, Galgotia publication
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE010 Subject Title : Metrology and Non Destructive Testing Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Measuring Machines
Unit 1: Tool Maker's Microscope, Co-ordinate Measuring Machines Unit2: Universal Measuring Machine, Laser viewers for production profile checks Unit 3: Image Shearing Microscope, Use of computers Unit 4: Machine Vision Technology, Microprocessors in Metrology
Unit 1: Data Presentation, Statistical Measures and Tools Unit 2: Process Capability, Confidence and Tolerance Limits Unit 3: Control Charts for Variables and Fraction Defectives Unit 4: Sampling, ABC Standard, Reliability and Life Testing
Unit 1: Characteristics of Liquid Penetrants Unit 2: Different Washable Systems, Developers and Applications Unit 3: Methods of Production of Magnetic Fields Unit 4: Principles of Operation of Magnetic Particle Test
Unit 1: Sources of ray, x-ray Production Unit 2: Properties of d and x rays Unit 3: Film Characteristics, Exposure Charts, Contrasts Unit 4: Operational Characteristics of x ray Equipment
Unit 1: Production of Ultrasonic waves Unit 2: Different Types of Waves Unit 3: General Characteristics of waves, Pulse Echo Method, A, B, C Scans Unit 4: Principles of Acoustic Emission Techniques
1.JAIN, R.K. " Engineering Metrology ", Khanna Publishers 2.Barry Hull and Vernon John, " Non Destructive Testing ", MacMillan 3.American Society for Metals, Metals Hand Book 4.Progress in Acoustic Emission, " Proceedings of 10th International Acoustic 5.Emission Symposium ", Japanese Society for NDI 6.www.metrologytooling.com 7.www.sisndt.com 8.www.iuk'tu-harburg.de
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE011 Subject Title : Maintenance Management Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Maintenance system
Unit 1: Introduction to Repair and Maintenance Unit 2: Maintenance Systems Such as Reactive, Preventive, Predictive Systems Unit 3: Human Resources Management in Maintenance Management Unit 4: Design for Maintenance
Unit 1: Condition Based Monitoring of Equipment and Systems Unit 2: Vibration Analysis, Ultrasonic Detection Techniques Unit 3: Oil and Lubricant Analysis, Motor Condition Monitoring Unit 4: Shaft Alignments through Laser, Vibration Instruments
Unit 1: Reliability Centred Maintenance, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Unit 2: Root Cause Analysis, Logic Tree Analysis and Criticality Matrix Unit 3: Lean Manufacturing, TPM and TPO Unit 4: Computerized Maintenance Management System in a Business Scenario
1.Maintenance Engineering and Management: K.Venkataraman-PHI Learning 2. Kelly. A and Harris, M. J, Management of Industrial maintenance, Butter worth & Co 3. John V.Grimaldi & Rollin H.Simonds, Safety Management, AITBS Publishers & Distributors 4. David J. Smith, Reliability and Maintainability in Perspective, McMillan,2nd Edition 5. Gwidon W Stachowiak and Andrew W. Batchelor, Engineering Tribology, Butterwork-Heinmann
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE012 Subject Title : Integrated Product and Process Development Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to IPPD
Unit 1: Need for IPPD, Strategic Importance of Product Development Unit 2: Integration of Customer, Designer, Material Supplier and Process Planner Unit 3: Behaviour Analysis, Understanding Customer Unit 4: Organization Process Management and Improvement
Unit 1: Plan and Establish Product Specifications, Task Unit 2: Structured Approaches, Clarification, Search, Externally and Internally Unit 3: Concept Selection, Methodology, Benefits and Implications Unit 4: Product Change, Variety and Component Standardization
Product Architecture
Unit 1: Product Development Management, Establishing the Architecture Unit 2: Creation, Clustering, Geometric Layout Development Unit 3: Related System Level Design Issues and Secondary Systems Unit 4: Creating Detailed Interface Specifications and Portfolio Architecture
1.Product Design and Development, Karl T.Ulrich and Steven D.Eppinger, McGraw Hill International Edns 2. Effective Product Design and Development, Stephen Rosenthal, Business One Orwin, Homewood 3. Tool Design Integrated Methods for successful Product Engineering, Stuart Pugh, Addison Wesley Publishing, Neyourk, NY 4. Concurrent Engg./Integrated Product Development. Kemnneth Crow, DRM Associates, 6/3,Via Olivera, Palos Verdes, CA 90274(310) 377569,Workshop Book
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE013 Subject Title : Fluid Power Automation Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Automation
Unit 1: Need for Automation Unit 2: Hydraulic & Pneumatic Comparison Unit 3: ISO Symbols for Fluid Power Elements, Hydraulic, Pneumatics Unit 4: Selection Criteria
Unit 1: Hydraulic Pumps and Motor Gears, Vane, Piston Pumps Unit 2: Motors, Selection and Specification, Drive Characteristics, Linear Actuator Unit 3: Types, Mounting Details, Cushioning, Power Packs and Construction Unit 4: Reservoir Capacity, Heat Dissipation, Accumulators
Unit 1: Direction Flow and Pressure Control Valves Unit 2: Methods of Actuation, Types, Sizing of Ports Unit 3: Pressure and Temperature Compensation Unit 4: Electro Hydraulic Servo Valves, Different Types
Circuit Design
Unit 1: Typical Industrial Hydraulic Circuits Unit 2: Design Methodology, Ladder Diagram Unit 3: Cascade, Method-Truth Table-Karnaugh Map Method Unit 4: Sequencing Circuits, Combinational and Logic Circuit.
Unit 1: Electrical Control of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Circuits Unit 2: Use of Relays, Timers, Counters, Ladder Diagram Unit 3: Programmable Logic Control of Hydraulics Pneumatics Circuits Unit 4: Electronic Drive Circuits for Various Motors
1. Antony Esposito, Fluid Power Systems and control Prentice-Hall 2. Dudbey.A.Peace, Basic Fluid Power, Prentice Hall Inc 3. Peter Rohner, Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design, Mcmelan Prem 4. Herbert R. Merritt, Hydraulic control systems, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork 5. E.C.Fitch and J.B.Suryaatmadyn. Introduction to fluid logic, McGraw Hill 6. W.Bolton, Mechatronics, Electronic control systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Pearson Education 7. Peter Rohner, Fluid Power Logic Circuit Design, Mcmelan Prem
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE014 Subject Title : Advances in Casting and Welding Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Casting Design
Unit 1: Heat Transfer between Metal and Mould Unit 2: Design considerations in casting Unit 3: Designing for directional solidification and minimum stresses Unit 4: Principles and design of gating and risering
Casting Metallurgy
Unit 1: Solidification of pure metal and alloys Unit 2: Shrinkage in cast metals Unit 3: Progressive and directional solidification Unit 4: Degasification of the melt-casting defects
Unit 1: Shell moulding, precision investment casting, CO2 moulding Unit 2: Centrifugal casting, Die casting, Continuous casting Unit 3: Counter gravity low pressure casting, Squeeze casting Unit 4: Computer aided design of casting
Unit 1: Heat affected Zone and its characteristics Unit 2: Carbon Equivalent of Plain and alloy steels Hydrogen embrittlement Unit 3: Lamellar tearing Residual stress Distortion and its control Unit 4: Analysis of stresses in welded structures
Unit 1: Friction welding, frictions stir welding explosive welding Unit 2: Diffusion bonding, high frequency induction welding Unit 3: Electro slag welding- narrow gap, hybrid twin wire active TIG Unit 4: Hot gas, wave and vapour phase soldering
1. Parmer R.S., Welding Engineering and Technology, Khanna Publishers
2. Jain P.L., Principles of Foundry Technology, Tata McGrawHill Publishers 3. LANCASTER.J.F. Metallurgy of welding George Alien & Unwin Publishers 4. ASM Handbook, Vol 15, Casting 5. ASM Handbook vol.6, welding Brazing & Soldering 6. Srinivasan N.K., Welding Technology, Khanna Tech Publishers 7. HEINELOPER & ROSENTHAL, Principles of Metal Casting, Tata McGraw 8. Carrry B., Modern Welding Technology, Prentice Hall Pvt Ltd 9. IOTROWSKI Robotic welding A guide to selection and application Society of mechanical Engineers 10. CORNU.J. Advanced welding systems Volumes I, II and III, JAICO Publishers 11. SCHWARIZ, M.M. Source book on innovative welding processes American Society for Metals (OHIO)
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE015 Subject Title : Total Quality Management Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to TQM
Unit 1: Need for TQM, evolution of quality Unit 2: Definition of quality, TQM philosophy Unit 3: CONTRIBUTIONS OF Deming Juran Unit 4: Crosby and Ishikawa, TQM models
Unit 1: Vision, Mission, Quality policy and objective Planning for quality Unit 2: Quality policy Deployment Unit 3: Quality function deployment Unit 4: Introduction to BPR and analysis of Quality Costs.
TQM Principles
Unit 1: Customer focus, Leadership and Top management commitment Unit 2: Employee involvement Empowerment and Team work Unit 3: Supplier Quality Management, Continuous process improvement Unit 4: Training, performance Measurement and customer satisfaction
Unit 1: PDSA, the Seven Tools of Quality Unit 2: New Seven management tools Unit 3: Concept of six sigma, FMEA, Bench Marking Unit 4: JIT, POKA YOKE, 5S, KAIZEN, Quality circles
Quality Systems
Unit 1: Need for ISO 9000 Systems Unit 2: Clauses Documentation, Implementation Unit 3: Introduction to ISO14000 and OSHAS18000 Unit 4: Implementation of TQM, Case Studies
1. Dale H.Besterfiled, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, (Indian reprint) 2. Oakland.J.S. Total Quality Management, ButterworthHeinemann Ltd., Oxford 2.Brain Rethery, ISO 9000, Productivity and Quality Publishing Pvt. Ltd 3.Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S., Quality Management Concepts and Tasks, New Age International 4.Zeiri. Total Quality Management for Engineers, Wood Head Publishers 5.Juran J.M and Frank M.Gryna Jr., Quality Planning and Analysis, TMH, India 6.D.Mills, Quality Auditing, Chapman and Hall
ELECTIVE Subject Code : MTE016 Subject Title : Maintenance and Reliability Engineering Structure of the Course Content BLOCK 1 Introduction to Reliability
Unit 1: Reliability function Unit 2: MTBF - MTTF Unit 3: Mortality curve Unit 4: Availability -Maintainability
Unit 1: Repair time distributions Unit 2: Exponential, normal, log normal, gamma, and Weibull Unit 3: Reliability data requirements Unit 4: Graphical evaluation
Reliability Management
Unit 1: Reliability demonstration testing Unit 2: Reliability growth testing Unit 3: Duane curve -Risk assessment Unit 4: FMEA, Fault tree
Unit 1: Causes of Machine Failures - Downtime - Maintenance policies Unit 2: Restorability predictions - Replacement models - Spares provisioning Unit 3: Maintenance management Total Productive Maintenance Unit 4: Organizing for TPM implementation
1. Paul Kales, Reliability for technology Engineering and Management ", Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2. Gopalakrishnan.P, and Banerji A.K., Maintenance and Spare Parts Management ", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 3.Nakajima, Seiich, Introduction to TPM, Productivity Press 4.Andrew K.S.Jardine & Albert H.C.Tsang, Maintenance, Replacement and Reliability, Taylor and Francis 5.Bikas Badhury & S.K.Basu, Tero Technology: Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management, Asian Books 6.Seichi Nakajima, Total Productive Maintenance, Productivity Press 7. Charles E. Ebeling, An introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engg,TMH 8.Roy Billington and Ronald N. Allan, Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems, Springer 9.Andrew K.S.Jardine & Albert H.C.Tsang, Maintenance, Replacement and Reliability, Taylor and Francis