Bam201 Reviewer
Bam201 Reviewer
Bam201 Reviewer
Solution: A B Total
Amount being allocated 100,000
1. Salaries 50,000 30,000 80,000
2. Allocation of remaining profit (100K
profit – 80K salaries) = 20K
(20k x 50%); (20K x 50%)
10,000 10,000 20,000
As allocated 60,000 40,000 100,000
• Salaries are provided first and the remaining amount is allocated based on the profit
sharing ratio.
• The sum of the amounts allocated to the partners is equal to the amount being allocated
(i.e., 60K + 40K = 100K)
Solution: A B Total
Amount being allocated 100,000
1. Salaries 80,000 40,000 120,000
2. Allocation of remaining profit
(100K profit – 120K salaries) = -20K
(-20k x 60%); (-20K x 40%)
-12,000 -8,000 -20,000
As allocated 68,000 32,000 100,000
• After the salaries are provided, the remaining amount is negative (i.e., loss); thus, it is
allocated based on the stipulated loss ratio of 60:40.
• The sum of the amounts allocated to the partners is equal to the amount being allocated
(i.e., 68K + 32K = 100K)
Illustration 1.3: No Profit/Loss Ratio
A and B formed a partnership on January 1, 20x1. Their contributions were credited to their
respective capital accounts as follows:
Capital Accounts
A, Capital 150,000
B, Capital 250,000
During the year, the partnership earned profit of P1,000,000. There was no stipulation in the
agreement on how profits are to be shared by the partners.
Solution: A B Total
Amount being allocated 1,000,000
Allocation: (based on contributions)
1M x (150K/400K) 375,000 375,000
1M x (250K/400K) 625,000 625,000
As allocated 375,000 625,000 1,000,000
During the period the partnership earned profit of P100,000 before deductions for salaries
and bonus.
Solution: A B Total
Amount being allocated 100,000
48,000 30,000 78,000
1. Salaries
2. Bonus after bonusa 2,000 2,000
3. Allocation of remaining profit
(100K-78K-2K) = 20K 12,000 8,000 20,000
(20Kx60%); (20Kx40%)
As allocated 62,000 38,000 100,000
The bonus is computed as follows:
Where: B = bonus
Requirement (A)
A B Total
1. Salaries 25,000 4,000 29,000
2. Bonus after bonusb - - -
3. Allocation of remaining loss
(-10K-29K) = -39K
(-39Kx60%); (-39Kx40%)
Requirement: What amount of profit would be necessary so that Mr. Awould be indifferent
between the choices?
An algebraic equation is developed from the two choices above.
Let X = profit after salaries and bonus
10%X = bonus after bonus
Choice #1 Choice #2
8,000 salary = 5,000 salary + 10%X
X is computed from the equation above as follows:
If the profit of the partnership is P58,000, it does not matter whether Mr. A chooses to receive a
salary of P8,000 (‘choice #1’) or a salary of P5,000 plus a 10% bonus (choice #2); he will receive
the same amount.