Web 2

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Web 2.

0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Lesson Idea Name: Exploring Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque Materials
Grade Level/Content Area: 4/Physical Science

Content Standard Addressed: S4P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the nature
of light and how light interacts with objects.
a. Plan and carry out investigations to observe and record how light interacts with various
materials to classify them as opaque, transparent, or translucent.
ISTE Technology Standard Addressed:  What would you like students to know and be
 Student Standard: able to do by the end of this lesson: 
Empowered Learner - 1.1.c. Students use  
technology to seek feedback that informs and Students will be able to identify the similarities
improves their practice and to demonstrate their and differences between opaque, transparent, and
learning in a variety of ways. translucent materials.
Students will be able to state examples that can
Educator Standard: prove a certain material and which example best
Standard 2.6.a. Facilitator Standard: describes them.
Foster a culture where students take ownership of
their learning goals and outcomes in both
independent and group settings.

What is the student learning goal(s) for this lesson idea?

I can explain the difference between opaque, transparent, and translucent.

I can show my understanding of light and how it interacts with objects through posting on Padlet.
I can conduct an investigation to figure out if a material is translucent, transparent, or opaque.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☒


I will promote student learning to a higher level by allowing students to create an advertisement
through their own window company regarding the three different materials in the standard (opaque,
translucent, transparent).

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply: 

X Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by

teacher direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the
student and mostly practice based. 
X Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic
of learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The
Frazier, 2021
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration
teacher facilitates the learning as the students direct their own learning processes. 
☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems
and completing projects to demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared
outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another
class, or publishing via an outside source.) 

Lesson idea implementation: The teacher will first introduce the learning target and goals to
students and address any questions related to the standard. Students will repeat their learning goals
aloud and the goals will be written on the board for their reference throughout the lesson. Then, the
teacher will review how to use Padlet by showing their screen on the board and explain to students
that they will explore and learn about opaque, transparent, and translucent materials in the Padlet.
Each table group will receive a piece of aluminum foil, wax paper, water bottle, and mini flashlight.
The teacher will explain how these materials will be available for students as they explore how light
travels through the three different materials they learn about in the Padlet lesson. Students may work
individually or with a partner at their table, but each student will post their own work in the Padlet.
Within the Padlet, students will work from left to right, beginning at the first section which raises a
question to think about before the lesson begins. This will access students' prior knowledge as they
start their learning. As students move along in the lesson, they are able to respond to the prompts by
typing or recording their answers. Students will be motivated to stay engaged as the Padlet gives them
the opportunity to express their thinking in multiple ways. They will watch a video through Ed Puzzle
and answer questions as the video is playing so they will know to pay attention to its key details.
Student learning will be assessed in the last two sections of Padlet where students will play a Kahoot
with quiz questions regarding the standard and then create their own window company which
advertises opaque, translucent, and transparent windows. This will help students relate to a real-world
event and provide a creative outlet as they create their own advertisement. The teacher will conclude
the lesson with a whole group discussion of what students now know about the first question they
answered in the lesson which was “Why do you think you can see through some windows but not
others?” The teacher will also review how students discovered light traveled through the three
materials provided to them with the flashlight. Finally, the teacher will allow students to share their
insights and key takeaways from the lesson or anything they liked or disliked about the Padlet. 

Managing student learning: The tool Padlet used for this lesson will cause a shift in the behavior of
students where they move from passive to active social learners by providing them with critical
thinking questions and tapping into different learning styles. Students are also able to collaborate and
communicate with their peers as they move through the lesson on their own and ask their own

The teacher will set a timer on the board to give students an idea of how long they should be moving
through the activities within the Padlet so that they will have time to create their own advertisement at
the end. As students are working in the Padlet, the teacher can provide positive feedback and address
any questions so that they are as actively involved as their students. 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The Edpuzzle included in our Padlet includes a video based on
our lesson. Throughout the video we have provided questions to help students remain engaged.
Answering questions and defining the important keywords of the topic helps support representation
by providing information in different ways and allowing students to access their understanding.

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Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration
Action is demonstrated throughout students creating their own work by coming up with their very
own window company. This performing task allows students to share what they learned and express
what they know.

Reflective Practice: Students will have a better understanding of this lesson by using the tool Padlet
because it provides multiple different ways to teach this lesson. It provides a better understanding than
most traditional tools because it begins with basic prior knowledge of the topic. This helps allow
students to process and get them thinking of the topic and gives them an opportunity to share their
ideas. It provides visual representations with pictures and videos and gives students a chance to
answer questions within the learning and this helps build their skills as they go. The pictures provided
give students the ability to look at them and determine if the items are opaque, translucent, or
transparent. The scavenger hunt is a productive and fun way to demonstrate examples of this lesson. 
It also allows students to have the opportunity to define key terms in their own words to the best of
their ability. It allows students to demonstrate what they have learned by summarizing the lesson
through the game Kahoot. The activity I look forward to the most in this lesson is students creating
their own window company. This allows students to put the lesson into their own matters and works
by advertising windows and being able to describe what kinds of windows their company provides in
detail to help support their learning and understanding.

Frazier, 2021

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