Procurement Checklist v1.2
Procurement Checklist v1.2
Procurement Checklist v1.2
January 20, 2023 January 20, 2023
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM 7. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM
8. Agency Procurement Request 8. Agency Procurement Request
9. Updated List of CSEs 9. Updated List of CSEs
10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy, stamped with opening date attached with the received copy, stamped with opening date
13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
or at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) or at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
21. Other supporting documents 21. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. Agency Procurement Request, attached with 7. Agency Procurement Request, attached with
Pricelist of the items Pricelist of the items
8. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 8. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
9. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 9. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
10. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 10. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
11. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 11. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
12. Other supporting documents 11. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. PNDF Certification from Health Officer (if applicable) 4. PNDF Certification from Health Officer (if applicable)
5. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 5. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
6. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 6. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
8. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 8. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
9. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 9. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
10. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 10. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
11. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 11. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
12. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 12. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
14. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 14. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
15. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 15. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
16. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 16. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
17. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 17. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
18. Duly-Accomplished Distribution Lists (Certified True and Correct) 18. Duly-Accomplished Distribution Lists (Certified True and Correct)
19. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 19. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
20. Other supporting documents 20. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. PNDF Certification from Health Officer (if applicable) 4. PNDF Certification from Health Officer (if applicable)
5. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 5. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
6. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 6. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
8. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution 8. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution
declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency
9. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of 9. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of
Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable) Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable)
10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
12. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps 12. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps
13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
17. Eligibility Requirements*** 17. Eligibility Requirements***
18. Duly-Accomplished Distribution Lists (Certified True and Correct) 18. Duly-Accomplished Distribution Lists (Certified True and Correct)
19. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 19. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
20. Other supporting documents 20. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
***Eligibility Requirements ***Eligibility Requirements
Technical Documents Technical Documents
1. Audited financial statements 1. Audited financial statements
(not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission) (not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission)
Legal Documents Legal Documents
2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate 2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate
3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation 3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation
4. Business Permit 4. Business Permit
5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration 5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration
6. COR from BIR 6. COR from BIR
7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance 7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance
8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit 8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
with Price List from NFA (for food supplies including rice only) with Price List from NFA (for food supplies including rice only)
10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
17. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures, 17. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures,
indicating the goods received (Certified True and Correct) indicating the goods received (Certified True and Correct)
18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
19. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution 7. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution
declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency
8. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of 8. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of
Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable) Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable)
9. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 9. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
10. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 10. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
11. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps 11. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 13. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
14. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 14. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
15. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 15. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
16. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures, 16. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures,
indicating the goods received indicating the goods received
17. Price List from NFA (for welfare goods including rice only) 17. Price List from NFA (for welfare goods including rice only)
18. Eligibility Requirements*** 18. Eligibility Requirements***
19. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
20. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
***Eligibility Requirements ***Eligibility Requirements
Technical Documents Technical Documents
1. Audited financial statements 1. Audited financial statements
(not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission) (not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission)
Legal Documents Legal Documents
2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate 2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate
3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation 3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation
4. Business Permit 4. Business Permit
5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration 5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration
6. COR from BIR 6. COR from BIR
7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance 7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance
8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit 8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM 7. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM
8. Agency Procurement Request 8. Agency Procurement Request
9. Updated List of CSEs 9. Updated List of CSEs
10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
21. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures, 21. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures,
indicating the goods received (Certified True and Correct) indicating the goods received (Certified True and Correct)
if applicable if applicable
22. Other supporting documents 21. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 6. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
8. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution 8. Executive Order, Administrative Order, SP Resolution
declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency declaring State of Calamity/ Emergency
9. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of 9. DBM/ DILG Circular or other related issuances on State of
Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable) Calamity/ Emergency (if applicable)
10. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 10. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
11. Notice of Award 11. Notice of Award
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 13. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
14. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 14. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
15. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 15. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
16. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures, 16. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures,
indicating the items received (if applicable) indicating the items received (if applicable)
17. Eligibility Requirements*** 17. Eligibility Requirements***
18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
19. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
***Eligibility Requirements ***Eligibility Requirements
Technical Documents Technical Documents
1. Audited financial statements 1. Audited financial statements
(not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission) (not earlier than 2 years from date of bid submission)
Legal Documents Legal Documents
2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate 2. SEC/CDA/DTI resgisration certificate
3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation 3. Latest articles of incorporation/cooperation
4. Business Permit 4. Business Permit
5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration 5. Certificate of PhilGeps registration
6. COR from BIR 6. COR from BIR
7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance 7. Latest tax returns and tax clearance
8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit 8. Omnibus sworn statement/Affidavit
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP attached with the latest BAC Certified ASPP
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM 6. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM
7. Agency Procurement Request 7. Agency Procurement Request
8. Updated List of CSEs 8. Updated List of CSEs
9. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 9. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 10. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
20. Inventory Custodian Slip (2 copies) 20. Inventory Custodian Slip (2 copies)
21. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 21. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
22. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures, 22. Duly Accomplished List of Recipients affixed with signatures,
indicating the items received (if applicable) indicating the items received (if applicable)
23. Other supporting documents 23. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recommending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any conspicuous 8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any conspicuous
place (for 3 days, if contract amount is above 50,000) place (for 3 days, if contract amount is above 50,000)
9. Request for Quotation (3 quotation from different suppliers) 9. Request for Quotation (3 quotation from different suppliers)
10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass (2 copies) 10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass (2 copies)
11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS and at any 13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
17. Notice of the Meeting/ Memorandum Order/ Invitation 17. Notice of the Meeting/ Memorandum Order/ Invitation
18. Narrative Report or Minutes of the Meeting 18. Narrative Report or Minutes of the Meeting
(whichever is applicable) (whichever is applicable)
19. Attendance with signature 19. Attendance with signature
20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 20. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
21. Other supporting documents 21. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM 6. Certification of Non-Availability from PS-DBM
7. Agency Procurement Request 7. Agency Procurement Request
8. Updated List of CSEs 8. Updated List of CSEs
9. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 9. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
10. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 10. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 11. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 12. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 13. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 14. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 15. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 16. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 17. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 18. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 19. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
20. Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment 20. Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment
21. Certificate of Warranty 21. Certificate of Warranty
22. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 22. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
23. Other supporting documents 23. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 14. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
17. Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment 17. Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment
18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
19. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any 8. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS and at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 9. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 10. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 11. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 13. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
If not purely labor, Items 14-18 shall apply: If not purely labor, Items 14-18 shall apply:
14. Charge Invoice/ Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 14. Charge Invoice/ Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 15. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 16. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
17. Certificate of Repair 17. Certificate of Repair
18. Report on Waste Materials 18. Report on Waste Materials
If purely labor, Items 19-22 shall apply: If purely labor, Items 19-22 shall apply:
19. Bill invoice /Statement of Account 19. Bill invoice /Statement of Account
20. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 20. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
21. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 21. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
22. Certificate of Repair 22. Certificate of Repair
23. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 23. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
24. Other supporting documents 24. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Program of Work/Building Plans (original) 6. Program of Work/Building Plans (original)
7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 7. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
8. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 8. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
9. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS or at any 9. Proof of posting of invitation in PhilGEPS or at any
conspicuous place (for 3 days) conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
10. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers, 10. Request for Quotation from at least 3 different suppliers,
attached with the received copy attached with the received copy
11. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass 11. Abstract of Bids/Summary of Canvass
12. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC) 12. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier (c/o BAC)
13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 13. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
14. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 14. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
15. Charge Invoice/ Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 15. Charge Invoice/ Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
16. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies) 16. Inspection and Acceptance Report ( 2 copies)
17. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies) 17. Requisition and Issuance Slip ( 2 copies)
18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
19. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
Items 6-10 for initial payment only Items 6-10 for initial payment only
7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Copy of letter to selected supplier requesting for quotation 8. Copy of letter to selected supplier requesting for quotation
9. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier 9. BAC Resolution recommending the award to supplier
10. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps 10. Notice of Award, as posted in PhilGeps
11. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 11. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
(if contract amount is above 50,000) (if contract amount is above 50,000)
12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy) 12. Purchase Order (original with duplicate copy)
------- continued --------- ------- continued ---------
13. Driver's Trip Ticket (with gas slip and order slip 13. Driver's Trip Ticket (with gas slip and order slip
14. Requisition and Issuance Voucher (2 copies) 14. Requisition and Issuance Voucher (2 copies)
15. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account 15. Charge Invoice/Delivery Receipt/Statement of Account
16. Monthly Report of Official Travel 16. Monthly Report of Official Travel
17. Summary of Withdrawals/ Report of Consumption 17. Summary of Withdrawals/ Report of Consumption
18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
19. Other supporting documents 19. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
Items 6-10 for initial payment only Items 6-10 for initial payment only
7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Letter from the supplier indicating the quotation 8. Letter from the supplier indicating the quotation
9. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 9. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
10. Contract of Agreement (original with duplicate copy) 10. Contract of Agreement (original with duplicate copy)
11. SP Resolution/LSB Resolution (if authority is not delegated) 11. SP Resolution/LSB Resolution (if authority is not delegated)
------- continued --------- ------- continued ---------
12. Monthly Billing /Statement of Account 12. Monthly Billing /Statement of Account
13. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 18. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
14. Other supporting documents 13. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form 1. Disbursement Voucher (3 copies) *See prescribed form
2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/) 2. CAFOA (3 copies; controlled by OCPDC and/or CMO for 9999/)
6919/ 8919 charges) 6919/ 8919 charges)
3. Purchase requests (2 copies) 3. Purchase requests (2 copies)
4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto 4. Copy of the BAC Certified PPMP and any amendment thereto
5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC) 5. Copy of the APP and any amendment thereto (c/o BAC)
6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable) 6. Project Design, attached with Sup. Budget, if any (if applicable)
Items 6-10 for initial payment only Items 6-10 for initial payment only
7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode 7. BAC Resolution recomending and justifying alternative mode
with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative with approval of HOPE or his duly authorized representative
8. Letter from the supplier indicating the quotation/ price 8. Letter from the supplier indicating the quotation/ price
9. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS 9. Proof of posting of Notice of Award in PhilGEPS
and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days) and at any conspicuous place (for 3 days)
10. Contract of Agreement (original with duplicate copy) 10. Contract of Agreement (original with duplicate copy)
11. SP Resolution/LSB Resolution (if authority is not delegated) 11. SP Resolution/LSB Resolution (if authority is not delegated)
------- continued --------- ------- continued ---------
12. Monthly Billing /Statement of Account 12. Monthly Billing /Statement of Account
13. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO 13. Fund Investment Plan, if charged against CDRMMO
14. Copy of output (Publication, newspaper, advertisement 14. Copy of output (Publication, newspaper, advertisement
or recording of TV/ Radio Commercial) or recording of TV/ Radio Commercial)
15. Other supporting documents 15. Other supporting documents
( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001) ( as applicable under COA Circular 2012-001)
Returned Returned
Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks Post-Audit Findings/ Remarks
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________