Electrical Plan Critique

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The following is based on the Philippine Electrical Code and shown in the electrical plan:

 The graphic scale shall be shown on each drawing sheet.

 The following is shown and which a drawing sheet must contain:
- Location and Site Plans
- Legend or Symbols
- General Notes or Specifications
- Electrical Layout
- Schedule of Loads
- One/Single Line Diagram
- Title Block
 In the drawing, the location and site of the building is shown together with the well-known
streets or landmarks and need not drawn to scale.
 The electrical legend is shown well in the right part of the drawing sheet.
 Specifications, written on the plans or submitted on separate standard size sheets show the
nature of electrical service, including number of phases, number of wires, voltage, frequency
and type of wiring.
 In the electrical layout, the location of equipment, devices and their interconnection wiring is
shown in the drawing sheet.
 In the power layout part, sizes and location of service entrance conductors, main switchboard,
layout of feeders, and distribution panels or switches.
 In the lighting layout part, it shows the location of switches for each fixtures or group of fixtures,
receptacle outlets and appliances, and complete circuits of the lighting and receptacle outlets.
 Both power and lighting layout plan are drawn to scale.
 Schedule of loads in tabulated form
 In the schedule of loads indicates motor loads, lighting and receptacle loads, and other loads
such as designation number on plan, description of load, rating of kilovolt-ampere or kilowatt,
voltage rating, and type and size of wiring.
 The single diagram part indicates the lighting and receptacle outlet loads, motor loads, feeders
and subfeeders, and load center.
 The title block is 40 mm at the bottom of the sheet and contains:
- Name and Location of the Project
- Name, signature and address of owner/manager/operator but there is no signature in the title
- Title of sheet
- Name, signature and seal of Professional Electrical Engineer together with Professional
Regulation Commission professional license number and validity, Professional Tax Receipt
Number, and Tax Identification Number
- Scale used, date drawn and sheet number

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