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Maybelle A.

Farinas Assessment of Learning

BSE-Math 2-A May 13, 20222

Topic 1


1. Describe a performance-based test and its purpose.

Performance-based evaluation measures students' capacity to apply the aptitudes and information
learned from a unit or units of think about. Ordinarily, the errand challenges understudies to utilize their
higher-order considering abilities to form a item or total a process. It serves as a tool to provide
feedback in terms of records of performance produced in actual classroom teaching events, such as
lesson plans, video clips of teaching, and samples of student work.

2. Cite some advantages of performance-based tests over standardized tests.

1. Performance assessment looks at higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Other
features like time management and clear communication are also tested in these kinds of assessments.
This ultimately leads to a deeper and more meaningful learning process.

2. High-stakes standardized testing evaluates whether students know enough about a subject.
Performance assessments, on the other hand, measure whether students can apply the knowledge
appropriately in various contexts.

3. If interim goals are created and applied correctly, performance assessments allow students to
monitor themselves. This type of metacognition, particularly in a test environment, is enormously
beneficial to higher-level student learning.

4. Any instructors who use performance assessments need to include the standards they expect and the
steps that they must take in applying the knowledge in the curriculum. This makes “teaching to the test”
a positive teaching and learning strategy.

5. Performance assessments go hand-in-hand with modern teaching strategies like active learning and
critical thinking. If a student undertakes collaboration and discussion in a classroom context (and in
formative assessment), those learned skills will be more easily applied and evaluated in summative
assessments, and eventually reflected.

3. Differentiate between standardized tests and performance-based tests.

1.Performance-based assessments are seen as a tool to provide feedback in terms of records of

performance produced in actual classroom teaching events, such as lesson plans, video clips of teaching,
and samples of student work while standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a
consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions and
interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.
Topic 2


PowerPoint Presentation Rubrics(Analytic)

Criteria 4-Excellent 3-Proficient 2-Progressing 1-Good Teacher


Content Information is Most information There are some Most informations

relevant and is seen to be information presented are not
apparently relevant to the added that are properly organized
connected to the intended topic to not related to the and are not part of
topic to discuss discuss and is topic to report the topic and there
and is clearly and organized in a and an seems to be most
logically clear and logical occasional slides information
organized. The manner yet one seems miss out missing out of
type of material in slide is of place. place.
the next slide is unintentionally
perceptibly misplaced.

Graphics Graphics exhibit A few of the All graphics Several graphics

an attractive and displayed graphic appear attractive look not totally
pleasing size and designs look not and appealing attractive and even
color that that appealing however few do detract from the
definitely but everything not seem to content of the
supports and supports the correspond to presentation.
matches the theme and main theme and
theme and content of the content of the
content of the presentation. presentation.

Background Choice of Choice of Background fits No connection

background is background is the topic but it between the the
constant from consistent from does not look topic and
card to card and is card to card and suitable with background
totally not cause any some of the appeared plus the
appropriate to the distract from text chosen graphics it distracts the texts
topic. It does not or other graphics and texts. and competes with
distract from texts but somehow not the graphics.
to other graphics. appropriate to
the topic.
Spelling and Absence of Few of the Some of the Most of its
Grammar spelling and statements are content contents appear to
grammatical perceptibly displayed an have spelling and
errors. possessing errors error in both grammatical error.
in grammar. spelling and


Dinner Presentation (Holistic)

Score Description

4 All the dishes are perfectly cooked

rendering a very scrumptious taste.
The feast is feast is presented in an
appealing manner that totally
surpasses the expectations.

3 Food is cooked is cooked correctly

and is presented in a clean and
well-organized way.

2 Some of the dishes are not soundly

cooked and some aspects of the
presentation are sloppy resulting to
the uncomfortability of the
recipient at times.

1 Most of the food is lousily cooked

and presented in unclean and
sloppy manner which tends the
recipient to feel gauce at most of
the time.


Rubrics give understudies with a clear understanding of what is anticipated of them. Understudies have
concrete bearings around what makes a great science extend, a great influential composing piece, etc..
Numerous thinks about have demonstrated that rubrics move forward students' conclusion items and in
this way increment the students' in general learning. Rubrics give understudies with important data
almost the degree of which a particular learning result has been accomplished. They give understudies
with concrete input that shows regions of quality and ranges in require of advancement. Understudies
can utilize this criticism as a device to assist create their abilities. Rubrics empower understudies to think
almost their possess considering and conceivably around their claim criteria for what is "nice.": to
analyze their possess work and handle to see how it matches up with the standard clarified within the
rubric. By utilizing rubrics, instructors donate understudies involvement in their higher-level considering

I as students put speacial regards on rubrics. As an person who is evaluated and who is evaluating
others, I discover them supportive on both fronts. As a understudy, rubrics make the reviewing prepare
more straightforward by acting as a kind of street outline. They diagram each turn and turn the teachers
has taken on his or her course of allotting my last review. When evaluating others, rubrics offer
assistance clarify evaluating criteria whereas too speeding up the reviewing prepare.

Making a well thought-out, comprehensive rubric takes work; but the exertion is worth it. Rubrics, when
utilized accurately, have a number of benefits. They have been appeared to assist understudies ended up
more mindful of their learning prepare and advance, move forward understudy execution, and offer
assistance teaches rapidly and reliably evaluate assignments from understudy to understudy.

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