Adrien Research Proposal Including Questionnaire
Adrien Research Proposal Including Questionnaire
Adrien Research Proposal Including Questionnaire
Prepared By:
1.1. Background………………………………………………………………………
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1.2. Problem
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1.3. Research
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1.3.1. General
objectives…………………………………………………………….Error: Reference
source not found
1.5. Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………
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Chapter.II.Literature review……………………………………………………….…...............................................................................................8
Chapter I: Introduction
1.1. Background
1.4. Objectives
The objective of the study will be to assess dairy farmers’ perception toward
antibiotic use and resistance in Muhoza Sector of Musanze District, Rwanda.
1.4.2. Specific objectives
1. To determine dairy farmers’ knowledge level about antibiotic use and its residues in
Muhoza sector.
2. To determine if dairy farmer’s perception about antibiotics use affect antibiotic
resistance in Muhoza sector.
3. To identify dairy farmer’s practices on antibiotic use in Muhoza sector.
1.5.Research questions
1. What is the level of knowledge of dairy farmers regarding the use of antibiotics and
their residues in the Muhoza sector?
3. What are dairy farmers' practices regarding antibiotic use in the Muhoza
1.6. Hypothesis
III. 1. Description of the study area: This study will carried out in Muhoza
sector of Musanze District, which is Muhoza Sector. The district is one of the
30 districts of Rwanda. Musanze District is among the five largest towns in
Rwanda and is divided into 15 sectors, 68 administrative cells, and 432 villages
with a population of 398,986 (Musanze district, 2021). In Muhoza sector,
commercial milk enterprises are developing due to the high demand of milk
consumers in the study area.
Map of Musanze District showing sectors where this study will carried out (Muhoza
A cross-sectional study will used to assess dairy farmers' perceptions on antibiotic use
as well as antibiotic residues and the impact of antibiotic resistance in the Muhoza
area. This study will be conducted from January to February 2023. Open and closed
questionnaires will used and face-to-face interviews with small and medium dairy
farmers and milk collection center owners will be conducted. Selected based on the
presence of one or more dairy cows on each farm including one cow per family of
GIRINKA. 103 dairy farmers will survey in this study.
According to the report from Muhoza sector, there are 630 dairy farmers in this
sector. Sample size will be determined by using Yamane formula: n=
1+ N e 2
(Neilson, 2011). Where: N=Population, n= Sample size, e= Precision level, the
precision level is 9% .Therefore, by calculation sample size (n) is equal to
N 630
n= = =¿103 dairy farmers. Therefore, the sample size has been
1+ N e 1+630 ( 0.09 ) 2
Data will collect through direct interviews with dairy farmers or from on-farm
participants. A team of 4 veterinary students will be required to help with data
collection. Participants will be selected based on their willingness to participate in the
study. Before the interview, the participants will be informed about the purpose of the
study. The participants will be trained in advance to get the correct information and
answer the questions provided. In addition, the questionnaires will be translated into
two languages, both mother tongue (Kinyarwanda) and foreign language (English) to
remove language barriers for local dairy farmers during data collection. The
questionnaire will cover the following aspects: education level of dairy farmers,
knowledge of antibiotics used and antibiotic resistance, antibiotic residues, and
practice of antibiotic use following withdraw period, means of access to storage
systems for antibiotics drug used and record keeping systems.
103 completed questionnaires will import into SPSS version 20 (Statistical Package
for Social Sciences). Descriptive statistics will be performed to reveal the
demographic status of the participants and their knowledge, attitudes and practices
regarding antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance. The test of significance will be
assessed by chi-square test with a P value of 0.05 to observe the influence of dairy
farmers' educational level on the general perception of the use and resistance of dairy
cows. A confidence interval will be calculated for a rate at the 95% confidence
5. Estimated timeline of the research project
Esti mated schedule 2023
P r e p a r a ti o n o f m a t e r i a l 4-Feb
D a t a c o l l e c ti o n 9 -Feb
D at a r ec o r d i n g 5- Mar
D a t a i n t e r p r e t a ti o n a n d
an al ysi s 10-Mar
R e p o r t w r i ti n g 18-Mar
6. References
Antók, F. I., Mayrhofer, R., Marbach, H., Masengesho, J. C., Keinprecht,
M., Feßler, A. T., Schwarz, S., Monecke, S., Ehricht, R., Grunert, T.,
Fischer, K., Sjöström, K., Stiernström, A., & Emanuelson, U. (2019). Dairy
7. Appendices
Research Questionnaire
University of Rwanda, Nyagatare Campus, Department of Veterinary Medicine
A Survey questionnaire designed to assess dairy farmers’ perceptions on antibiotic use
and resistance in Muhoza Sector
Name of the respondent……………………………………………
Date of questionnaire Interview:…………../……………../……………
Resident: Village……………………………. Cell ………………………………
23. Not providing antibiotic as prescribed it can lead to antibiotic resistance (yes/No).
24. Bacteria, which are resistance to antibiotics, can spread from animals to humans
25. Antibiotic resistance is problem in your country and all over the world (yes/No)
c. Dairy farmers practice on antibiotic use, antibiotic resistance and antibiotic residues
26. Use of antibiotics recommended by
Put 1 if answer is yes, put 0 if No
a. Veterinarian
B. shopkeeper
C.other cattle Farmers
d. Representative of veterinary pharmacy
E.Sector Veterinarian
F. self