123 4 Wonde
123 4 Wonde
123 4 Wonde
I undersign declare that is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other
university, and all of the materials that used for this study have been properly acknowledged.
Name ______________________________signature_______________Date__________
This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as a thesis advisor.
Main - advisore_____________________________Signature_________Date_______
As member of the Board of examiners of the M.A thesis opened examination we certify that, we
have read and evaluated the thesis that prepared by Wondimagegn Wolde and examined the
candidate. We recommend that, the thesis accepted as a fulfillment of requirement for the Degree
of masters of Urban and Regional Development planning/URDP/.
First and for most I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Advisor Dr. Kenate Worku
for his patiently treatment since this program began. Then, my co-advisor Ato- Emnet Yitna for
his invaluable comment, suggestion and feedback. Without their constructive comments the
study would not have been successful.
I am very much indebted to thank Dr.Kidane Koyas, for his fatherly advice and encourage me for
everything including material support and constructive idea.
My gratitude also goes to Mitiku, who helped me by taking the cobblestone roads picture
voluntarily. My friends Kidist ,Melaku, Mesfin.Getinet ,Tariku and Gitme are also thankful
for their moral and material supports throughout my study.
Finally, I really grateful to, Abdul Hafis Ahmed, Tigistu and ,Ato Bedasa for their heart fully
support by providing general information about cobblestone roads paving procedures, both
challenges and limitation that faces on the sector during interview.
The aim of this study was to investigate the access and quality of cobble stone road to enhance
urban development, the case of Jimma town. The study employed a cross-sectional research
design .The primary data was collected by using questionnaire interview and field observation
Quantitative data was analyzed by using mean, frequency distribution and percentage. The
results of each point that obtain in both primary and secondary data were discussed. The ideas
of each tables, figures and pictures these listed in this paper were interpreted in order to make
the information brief and meaningful. Through process the roads of the town both in type and
length to some extent were employed as secondary data that was current inventory data gathered
by municipality .The main finding of this study concerning accessibility was obtained by
calculating of the given roads to total household and population of the study areas and the gap
was clearly identified. The questionnaire was employed the systematic sampling method.
Because the numerical data of households in the study area was available. Accordingly 360
households were taken as the sample size from the three kebeles. In addition to this, roads map
of the town was employed to show the access gaps. The quality issue was interpreted based on
result of community response by means of questionnaire and the statistics methods. The result
shows that, absence of drainage, lack of the stone selection, absence of traffic sign, lack of
community awareness, absence of municipality follow up, construction bid acceptance issues
and other factors were listed as the major finding of cobblestone roads quality parameters that
results deterioration of roads in the town. In addition to the above accessibility issues in the
town, cobblestone roads were paved in the center of the city and peripheral or the outer kebeles
were not equally benefited from the sector. This shows that, inner city was enhanced in
accessible than the outer or peripheral parts .Which means, the cobblestone technology was very
recent in the town. This was other finding of the research in cases of accessibility of the
cobblestone roads in the study area .Finally the research tried to conclude and gave the
directions of the problem solving mechanisms as a recommendation. In the recommendation
part; municipality higher officials, communities and organized pavers were suggested as the
responsible bodies in every activities to keep access and quality of cobblestone roads.
Acronyms /Abbreviations
Definition of Terms
Table of contents
Contents pages
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... v
Acronyms /Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. vi
Definition of Terms....................................................................................................................... vii
Table of contents .............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iii
List of figures ................................................................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Background of the Study ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................... 4
1, 3.1 General Objective .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2.Specific Objectives ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research Questions ................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Significance of the study........................................................................................................... 5
1.6 The Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................. 5
1.7 Limitation of the Study ............................................................................................................. 6
1.8 Organization of the thesis ....................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 7
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................................................. 7
2.1. Conceptual and Operational framework .................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Definitions and concepts of cobblestone ...................................................................... 8
2.2. Theoretical framework of the study ......................................................................................... 9
2.3 Empirical data ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Historical Background of Cobblestone....................................................................... 10
2.3.2. The Cobblestones Construction process ...................................................................... 12
2.3.3 The Quality and Status of the Cobblestone Roads ....................................................... 13
2.3.4. The importance of cobblestone sector for urban development.................................... 13
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 15
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 15
3.1 .Description of study Area ...................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1 The physical setting ...................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 Demographic and Socio- economic profile of the town ............................................... 15
3.2 Study Design and Strategy ...................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Types and Source of Data ....................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Target Population and Sample size ......................................................................................... 16
3.5 Instrument of Data collection.................................................................................................. 17
3.5.1 Questionnaire ................................................................................................................ 17
3.5.2 Semi-structured Interview ............................................................................................ 18
3.5.3 Field Observation ......................................................................................................... 18
3.6 Procedures of Data Collection ................................................................................................ 18
3.7 Methods of Data Analysis ....................................................................................................... 18
3.8. Validity, Reliability and Triangulation .................................................................................. 19
3.9. Ethical Considerations ........................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTR FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 21
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 21
4.1 An Overview of Cobblestone Project ..................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Financial Source of Cobblestone project ...................................................................... 22
4.2 The Respondents information on the Role of cobblestone roads ........................................... 23
4.3 Road Accessibility in Jimma town ......................................................................................... 23
4.3.1 The Access of cobblestone road in the town ................................................................ 25
4.3.2 The respondents Information on cobblestone Accessibility ......................................... 28
4.4 The Quality determinants of cobblestone roads...................................................................... 29
4.4.1 Procedures and paving Stages of cobblestone roads .................................................... 34
4.4.2 Stages of cobblestone road construction/pavement .................................................... 35
4.5. Roles and responsibility of the municipality and communities ............................................. 38
4.5.1The roles and responsibilities of the Municipality ........................................................ 38
4.5.2 Role of Community Participation ............................................................................... 38
4.6. Contribution of the cobblestone roads in enhancing the urban development and challenges 38
4.6.1 Contribution of the cobblestone roads in enhancing the urban development............... 38
4.6.2. Major Challenges faced on cobblestone pavement ..................................................... 39
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 40
4. Summary, finding, Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................... 40
5.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 40
5.2.Major Finding of the study ..................................................................................................... 40
5.3. Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 41
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 43
APPENDICES I .......................................................................................................................... 46
List of Tables
Table 1. The financial source and budget allocation for cobblestone projects ............................ 22
Table 2. Accessibility of Roads in Jimma Town ......................................................................... 24
Table 3. The Accessibility of cobblestone roads in the three selected kebeles ............................ 25
Table 4. The statistical table of the Quality parameters. .............................................................. 29
Table 5. Reponses onquality parameters ...................................................................................... 30
List of figures
1. Introduction
Historically, Cobblestone roads construction was the earliest experience of many cities in Europe,
United States of America and other advanced parts of the world. Cobblestones like any
infrastructure played a central role in the urban environmental development at the turn of the 20th
century. Hence using stones for paving streets is not a new idea in the world (Treskon,2006).For
instance the development of cobblestone architecture and it’s prevalence in western world is
remarkable example of the interplay between the area’s 19th-century in human history.
During that period, the granite shaped rock was used for wall pavement in addition to streets
pavement and building of house (Swartou,1981).In the first half of 19th century the carved rock such
as cobblestone provide the multipurpose use like street pavement ,building of house and canals by
masonry or stone workers. Masons played great roles to build cobblestone structures in western
world. Then, they advertised for other parts of the world. At that period the canals like Eric canal
was the practical evidence of cobblestone technology in New York City. After the canal was
completed many of these imported masons purchased farms and made Western New York their
home. They needed masonry work to supplement their farm incomes. This is probably the principal
reason for so many cobblestone houses on or near edge Road and the area paralleling Canal east and
west of Rochester in the present New York City (Schmidt, 1966).
In the third world countries particularly in Africa, the provision of proper infrastructure like
cobblestone and other roads access and their quality issue consider as challenges for urban
municipality to enhance urban development and create well designed urban environment (World
Bank, 2005).In Ethiopian cobblestone technology is the newly emerging practices. The Construction
Sector Capacity Building Program (CSCBP) started the Cobblestone Project in 2005 in a dual effort
to create job opportunities and income for youth, and to provide attractive and long-lasting road and
pavement in Ethiopian Ministry of Education (MOE, 2014). According to Ministry of Urban
Development and Construction (MUDC, 2012) “one of the priority services selected by urban local
government /ULG/ for improvement is improved road access through the construction of
Cobblestone roads in the cities.
All participating Urban Local Government (ULG) have included Cobblestone road construction as
part of the prioritized Capital Investment Plans (CIPs).Cobblestone road construction is
comprehensively labor intensive jobs like quarrying, chiseling, transporting, and paving, as well as
the production of tools needed and requires skilled labor. According to, Ministry of finance and
Economic development, (MOFED,2010), Construction of road and cobblestone pavement strategies
within the cities was one of the strategic direction of Ethiopian government since GTPI and coming
GTPII programs. In addition to other infrastructure, paving cobblestones both in cities and towns is
the strategic intervention in Ethiopia micro economic plan. This is given more attention including
Addis Ababa and other towns of the country. In this regard, a huge skilled labor pull is being
developed in the country (MOFED , 2010)
Road infrastructure is one of the problems observed in many urban areas of developing countries
and especially in Ethiopia in general and jimma in particular. Lack of roads in urban and cities
results negative impact for people living in surrounding. Because transportation is one of the
important urban services, which influences and has an impacts on communities these living in cities
and towns (Sum. M, 2008).When the roads are constructing the access and quality issues must be
considered. For instant the accessibility of cobblestone road has to meet social benefits from the
radius of the city center to out ward On the other hand the quality of paved road is one of the
important measurements to create qualified urban environment. But in Africa the provision of proper
infrastructure like cobblestone road access and their quality issue consider as challenges for urban
municipality to create well designed urban environment (World Bank, 2005).
The cobblestone roads were paved only in the limited kebeles out of the seventeen kebeles within
the town. The peripheral areas of the town or kebeles didn’t benefited from the sector and the
population of the peripheral areas are less access of cobblestone project as compared to the central
town .This confirm that, the cobblestone roads were paved with in the short distance from the
center. In Some kebeles, the coverage of cobblestone roads is high and in another kebeles the
cobblestone paved roads are very low or completely unpaved. For example the peripheral kebeles
such as, Hora gibe,Ifabula,Bore and Kito furdisa are still no cobblestone roads at all . In addition to
this, most kebeles of the town, were minimum or no cobblestone access. This information
generalized there is unbalance proportion between population size and cobblestone roads
accessibility in the town. Consequently, there is access gap of cobblestone pavement within the
kebeles by different reasons. That is why the research believes as a problem and tried to identify and
show directions for solving mechanism.
The study attempted to assess the access and quality of Cobblestone roads in enhancing urban
development in jimma town.
To show the gap between cobblestone and another roads accessibility among kebeles.
To identify the quality parameters /main reasons for deterioration /of the cobblestone paved
To identify the role and responsibility of municipality, the community and other stakeholders in
order to keep and managing the quality of cobblestone roads.
3. What are the parameters and main reasons for the deterioration of the Cobblestone roads?
4. What should be the roles and responsibilities of the municipality and the participation of the
community in order to keep the quality of Cobblestone roads?
To enhance urban development roads infrastructure plays a great roles if it fulfilled both quality and
access. There for, the study could motivate the stakeholders (municipality, community and others)
and created awareness for further reduce the problems. In the study, contribution of cobblestone
roads in enhancing urban development was confirmed.
This is fact that, Cobblestone road construction sector is a new emerging practice applied in some
selected cities of Ethiopia including jimma and other towns recently .So researches were not further
done on this related issues. There for the study can shows direction to further studies.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The drawback of this study is mainly availability of data, which was mostly expected to gather
necessary information about accessibility and quality parameter of the cobble stone from
municipality and kebeles. But these data were not available for the expected time and even the very
important data this research need was un fulfilled. For instance the numerical data of roads, in type
and their length in each kebeles were the important one for this study to show the gaps among them
and accessibility of these roads to the community. This research was tried to identify the quality
parameters that municipality believed .Based on these quality parameters, the questionnaires was
prepared and distributed to the community Cobblestone as the recent technology quality
measurements were not well known. As a result, some member of the community were not
interested to list down or give the common problems that cobblestone faced .It may be political
related issues. On the other hand time and materials restriction themselves were factors those
affected for the study.
Cobblestone roads
Accessibility nt in urban/ town.
from center to Quality Parameters
out ward
Constructers, paving
Low population
per km
n per .km
m Low quality
High quality
roads roads
The above fig2.1, conceptual framework reflects that, to enhance urban development,
construction of cobblestone road is necessary if it fulfills the basic parameters of quality
measurements and encompasses high accessibility to the local community. But due to the
absence of adequate quality measurements or dependent variables such as rocks, soil, road
trafficking and other factors, the quality might be reducing the urban development. Other
dependent variables were location of an area.
This indicates that, as we go far away from inner city to peripheral areas, accessibility of the
cobblestone roads became very low despite its distance from the radius of central town. Which
means the paved roads in the central town is better accessible than the peripheral kebeles in the
study area. The black and large upward arrow shows that, using the standardized parameters and
highly accessibility of cobblestone roads within the town has higher contribution to enhance
urban development. The thickness of horizontally drawn arrow at the fig (2.1) bottom indicates
that, low quality parameters reduce to enhance urban development and cobblestone roads in the
town has lower access in the peripheral area as contrast to the inner city.Which means the roads
were built within the short radius from inner city.
Ethiopian Roads Authority ( ERA,2011 ) defined Cobble Stone (Dressed stone) as Cubic
pieces of stone larger than sets, usually shaped by hand and built into a road surface layer or
surface protection.
Operational definition or term: Cobblestone;- is a stone that carved from hard igneous
rock (basalt ,obsidian ,and granite )which formed after cooling of the magma on the
surface of earth that cannot broken easily and used for paving street in order to solve road
problems within urban short paths .
Theoretically cobblestone pavement technology had taken place as early as nineteenth century
in west Europe and North America .According to this theory cobblestone is available as either
roughly squared, unfinished blocks or as uniformly trimmed, highly polished tiles, Common cut
stone, used for paving include blue or flagstone, marble, slate, granite blocks that considered as
street pavement’(Jim Gibbons, 1999). Cobblestone had emerged as best suited to urban traffic
throughout North America and Europe. The technology determined to solve urban roads
problems and improve access, reliability and safety and to lower negative effects of transport on
people and environment (Treskon, 2006).
2.3 Empirical data
Cobblestones techniques show a progressive refinement over the cobblestone era. This is Early,
1825-1835 according to (Schmidt, 1966). At that period the New York's regional architecture
used this stones not for only road pavement but also for wall construction technology. The
development of cobblestone architecture and its prevalence in America and West Europe
counties is remarkable example of the interplay between the area’s 19th century in human history
and the bedrock and sacrificial geology of the area. These continents used the terms for the small
pieces of the stone like sand which is available for building houses, Canal and the economic
development projects .These countries used building cobblestone house as it’s comparative
advantage with building frame house .In order to reduce labor cost for wood and reduced, a
particularly important factor in the inflationary labor markets that followed the Civil War during
the periods they preferred cobblestone (Tenney, 1987).
This paper takes and analyzes a certain type of cobblestone road or stone block road. More
specifically, it tries to analyze the cobblestone itself: its genesis, development, obsolescence, and
occasional reuse. As the quote above indicates, the development of a specific form of road stone
could (and would) be cited as an exemplar of rational Positivistic progress. However, these roads
lost their primacy in the urban environment at about the same time the automobile overtook the
horse as the primary means of conveying people and goods.
As the practices and concepts related to Cobblestones roads which were experienced in early
nineteenth and late twentieth century in different cities of Europe, United States of America and
Latin America, there is a lack of literature review for this topic. And how the Cobblestone road
construction was started in Ethiopia will discussed in detail as a review under this title even
though there is also a lack of related literatures. There is some that Cobblestone Pavement is not
really a new concept, even for Ethiopia, this technology was used over a century according to
cited in (Azeb, 2011). This document described that Cobblestone in Ethiopia was first introduced
by the French experts some 100 years ago during the construction of Ethio-Djibouti rail way.
Beyond this fact however, this construction could not show any progress for a long period of
time, and recently, the idea of Cobblestone has started again in different areas of the country in
collaboration with the German Technical Cooperation of Engineering Capacity Building
program.The Construction Sector Capacity Building Program (CSCBP) started the Cobblestone
Project in 2005 in a dual effort to create job opportunities for youth, and to provide attractive and
long-lasting road pavement in Ethiopian cities. Cobblestone projects include labor-intensive jobs
like quarrying, chiseling, transporting, and paving, as well as the production of tools needed
Ministry Of Education (MOE, 2014).As ( UN-Habitat, 2013) described in its document,
Cobblestones technology was introduced in Ethiopia by the France visitor who called Mayor, in
Dire Dewa town. It is only recently (2008) that paving streets with Cobblestone was introduced
to the rest of Ethiopian cities. In 2008 the initiative was started in Adama town as a pilot and
up scaled to 19 World Bank supported (ULGDP second edition, 2011 ) and further spread to 140
regional cities and towns (Mulaw, 2015). And in terms of roads constructed or paved (as per the
World Bank standard of meter width) between 2008-2012/13 more than 2,202 km of
Cobblestone roads, taxi terminal, feeder roads and public squares have been built Addis
Ababa, as a capital city of the country, is also the one which is implementing the Cobblestone
road construction in its all Sub-Cities. And Addis is also the one which is covering almost most
of the earthed roads with cobblestone.
the different researcher treated the cobblestone in different ways. This is obvious that,
cobblestone road has socio-economic and political benefits for the local community. But due to
lack of awareness within the stakeholders and other related issues, it deteriorates from time to
time. The main factor for deterioration is, lack of management and maintenance problems in
development country (Mulaw,2015) experience of Addis Ababa sub, city. Another research
shows, that how the newly development of this technology has cost effective and fasten urban
development in the 20th century (Treskon, 2006). Subsequently another searchers also treated the
low standard/low volume road and it’s negative consequence for development in Ethiopia (zaid,
2011). Other researcher also realized that, positive impacts of cobblestone project in order to
create jobs for youth plus women and for food security,( Azeb N,2011).
This research supports most of the ideas of the above Autos .Especially the statements that listed
as a benefits of cobblestone project by Azeb N, factors for deterioration of cobblestone roads by
Mulaw and impacts of low volume roads sited by (zaid,2011) above were major contributors of
this study. But the particular difference of this thesis was focusing on the various parameters
that determine quality and accessibility gaps or coverage of cobblestone roads to the community
of the study area. For instance the quality that explained by (zaid,2011) was more gave attention
on technical aspect of the road but this thesis highly determine the absence of quality in terms of
rock type ,soil selection ,drainage ,contractor issues due to limited fund, huge vehicles and
paving quality. There is also another research that done by (Mulaw B., 2015) in the experience
of Addis Ababa sub city which was more depends on the management and maintenance, issues
that related with budge allocation and farther shows how the community lacks in order to use this
social over head capital properly. His thesis also supports factors that affect the quality of cobble
stone which has partial similarity to this study.
But he more focused on management and maintenance issues. The quality of rock, materials and
contractors related issues that affects the paved cobblestone roads were not further raised and
discussed more. However this research included other factors that affect the roads quality and the
access rate which is related to coverage of the cobblestone road with in the town. Which means
the research focused on accessibility of cobble stone roads and the gaps of pavements among
kebeles. In addition to this, the stone type, size, awareness of community, vehicle load and
management related issues are considered under the study.
with asphalt or earthen road can simply be destroyed unless strongly fixed with a cement or
concrete as sited by (ERA , 2011).).
The curve stones should also be properly erected, stuck or fixed by cement and other materials
in order for it to hold the Cobbles. If the joint area between the end of the Cobblestone roads and
either asphalt or earthed road is not constructed with the help of big stone and cement, it will
simply deteriorate and makes other Cobblestones to scatter as practically observed in the field.
In developing country, every infrastructure has problems which are related in access, quality, and
quantity and other. When these roads were constructed, the quality must be considered as a
major deal because of the aim to reduce the number of Unemployment and to cover all the intra
urban earthen roads with cobblestones. At the beginning people may not have any awareness
about the characteristics of the cobblestone roads, their benefits and advantages to create wealth.
There for the government needs to give clear orientation about their responsibility. Because
absence of awareness can bring great quality problems cited by (Mulaw ,2015). This research
tried to investigate human related factors that affect cobblestone quality within the urban areas.
These factors are vehicle controlling and Management, constructers or organized pavers,
Materials types of rocks and others are expected finding of this research concerning quality
through the data collected and the field observation.
given to foreigners because it is based on imported technology, and in Ethiopia, only Chinese
companies are constructing asphalted roads.
Climate and topography;- . The town has the average annual temperature of 16.2 °C and the
average rainfall is 1099 mm ( climate profile of the town, 2002). The town lies at the foot of
mount Abajifar 2020m to the lowest of 1700m around Becho bore kebele above sea level. The
town is commonly known by moderate climate which is sometimes called woinedega .The town
is surrounded by highlands and can get rain fall in each seasons. The presence of rain and
vegetation coverage makes the town as preferable for coffee production and makes greener to the
Figure 2: Location map of the study Area. Source ;( Ethio GIS data, 2016)
their varieties of believers and culture by tolerating one another. The economy of the community
is based on commerce and different stakeholders’ activities both in government and privet
sectors. The town is center of commerce due to its coffee production and distribution.
The research design that used for this study was across-sectional research design Thus; the
required data was collected from municipality, kebele leaders and communities. These required
data obtained by using various tools such as questioner, interview, observation and the analysis
follows both qualitative and quantitatively (i.e.) through the use of statistical tools for data
analysis, such frequency distribution.
There is mismatch of cobblestone accessibility among each kebeles due to wide extent of the
town and newly practiced technology of this sector. This research focused on three (3) kebeles
that are taken as an sample size. These kebeles are Aweto mendera, Gingo Guduru and hermata
purposely. The total population of these three kebeles is 32491. which means Awetu mendera
13,217 , Ginjo Guduru 10,106 and Hermata 8, 951 respectively. In the level of household
Hermata 1089, Ginjo guduru, 1120 and Awetu mender 1400 according to the information
obtained from the kebeles . The total number of house hold in the three kebeles was 3609. This
research identified the parameters of cobblestone quality from municipality professionals. Then
questionnaire was distributed for the community in household level as above indicated. The
following formula was used to calculate sample size of households at 0.05 level of precision
(Yamane, 1967).
That is , ,
Using the above formula the sample size of the household can be :
This is approximately
360; was the sampled household of the three kebeles. These, three selected kebeles were the
purposely focused area. The reason that this research focused these kebeles was due to better
cobblestone pavement as compared to the rest. For instance Mendera kebele is one of highly
accessible than others.
3.5.1 Questionnaire
Questionnaire was one of the instruments that used for data collection in some cases; this
research believes that, the questionnaire has an option. Because, it was obvious that, the users of
this infrastructure or the community can easily observes through their way in their locality about
the quality of cobblestone and factors for deterioration. So that they had answer what they have
observed about the access and the quality of cobblestone in their surroundings. It is fact that,
after quality parameters identified by municipality experts on the issues, the questionnaire was
distributed to 360 households in systematic technique. It was very important to check the reality
of the problem. They could gave comparative explanation of the project by comparing other
towns in similar way. In this regard the relevant questions were preferred.
different bodies was analyzed using frequency distribution, mean and percent in order to explain
the major determinant, variables more extensively. Different data analyzing methods was used as
much as possible to meet the variables. For instance data regarding quality was collected through
interview and questionnaire from the stakeholders. SPSS software was used to analyses
quantitative data. The results of data were presented in form of tables, graphs, map and figures.
In this research the quantitative method were used to analyses the data.
Reliability is generally understood to concern the reception of research findings and whether or
not they would be repeated if another study, using the same or similar methods, was undertaken
(Ritchie and Lewis, 2003). The possibility of another researcher in the future obtaining similar
findings could slightly be different as it depends more on the type of issues, time, purpose,
changes and processes used. Similar or repeated findings or results arrived at by another
researchers will be an argument because problems like the change of respondents’ opinion on
issues, the time lap between the researchers, new regulations of the local government, the
response given by the government or other stakeholders to solve or bridge the problems or gaps
found in the study may have influence on the result arrived at by other researchers.
Triangulation may take several forms, but commonly refers to the employs of multiple data
sources, data collection methods, or investigators. In general, the purpose of this would be to
reduce the disadvantages inherent in the use of any single source, method or investigator
(Longand Johnson, 2000). Triangulation may involve the use of different methods, especially
observation, focus groups and individual interviews, which form the major data collection
strategies for much qualitative research (Shenton , 2004). So based on the above justification the
researcher for this paper has used different types of data collection instruments such as interview,
focused group discussion and observation in order to triangulate the research results.
Triangulation is more a direct check on the validity of observations by crosschecking them with
other sources of data. If a researcher’s conclusion is supported by data from other sources, then
we can be more confident of its validity. Triangulation can involve comparing data on the same
behavior from different researchers (as in reliability checks in more-structured observation) who
possibly adopt different roles in the field.
As the philosophy of the sector, the organized members for this project must be eleven in
number in order to give approval for the groups’’. According to the professional of the sector, the
type and size of the rock that selected for the cobblestone is internationally constant. For
instance, igneous rock (granite) is considered as the best and selective rock for cobblestone
pavement (Treskon, 2006).Concerning the size, international standard for cobblestone is
(10cm3).The funding procedure is taken place by the three stakeholders. According to
Abdulhafiz Ahmed, general foreman of the project, (April,2008), the source of fund for the
cobblestone project are :World Bank ,Local government(Municipality) and Pavers by
themselves. The expected budget for the project by each stakeholders is shown as follow; .
4.1.2 Financial Source of Cobblestone project
According to secondary data that obtained from the sector professionals, financial source for the
cobblestone project implementation was not owned by one or individual stakeholder .As
municipality, cobblestone project budget system implements by the three stakeholders. These are
the local government (Municipality), organized pavers and World Bank respectively.
Table 1 The financial source and budget allocation for cobblestone projects
As it is shown in table ( 4.1) above, the financial source for the cobblestone project was obtained
from the three stakeholders. Here, 30% of the cobblestone fund is to be paid by World Bank,
then 30% of the budget is covered by Urban Local Government/Municipality/ and finally 40% of
the financial source is facilitated by organized pavers.
Graph 4.1 the financial source and stakeholders for the cobblestone project
Source;- (Municipality,2016).
Similarly the graph on figure 4.1 above represent that, from the expected 100% budget for the
cobblestone project in the town, three stakeholders are shared different amounts of money.
The other economic importance of these roads is also the fact that the materials for the
construction are locally produced materials that enable the town, cities and country to save the
foreign currency that might be spent for any foreign materials that imported from abroad.
Environmentally, Cobblestone roads are important in contributing that the soil is not degraded by
water or flood and not wiped by a wind. These are generally eco- friendly designed type of roads
important to cope with the challenges produced by climate changes.
According to the source of information from municipality, the town is suffering by the road
problems .Even if the different road types are built in the town, the accessibility of these roads
were not proportionally addressed to the communities in the locality. The accessibility of these
roads for the communities within the town is listed down as the following
Table 4. 2. Accessibility of Roads in Jimma Town
According to table (4.2.) revealed above, various types of roads that built in the town. For
instance asphalt road is 34.5km with the accessibility of 0.0002km.This means, the coverage of
asphalt roads to the total population of the town (189,732), is only 0.0002 km per- individual. On
the other hand, gravels, 0.004 km, cobblestone roads 0.00013 km, earth roads 0.0011km and
pedestrian side, 0.000015km per individuals in the town. In general the accessibility of each road
in the town is very low. As compared the cobblestone with another roads, it is relatively better.
Because it was established very recent (2002 E.C) in this small city. Table 4.2.1 above fig is
clearly shows the gap between the different roads type and inadequacy of the quality roads like
asphalt and cobblestone roads within the town.
Graph 4.3.1 The roads infrastructure type and coverage in (km)
The above graph (4.3) is also shows that, the different road types and their coverage in km. For
instance, as seems clearly on the graph, except earth road, the rest roads are low accessible
within the town. But to enhance the urban development, the earth roads are not preferable even if
it has better coverage.Because it do not have quality and selective to enhance urban
development. The cobblestone road is at the fourth stage according to the graph. But as it’s
recently implementation; it seems better progress than other roads in the town.
4386 4565 8,951 2 2.1 0.00023k.m
3 2.00 0.00022km
4 0.2 0.00002km
2 1 3.396 0.00025km
Awetu 6476 6741 13,217 2 4.553 0.00034km
3 0.985 0.00007k m
4 1.625 0,00012km
3 1 2.264 0.00026km
Ginjo Guduru 5058 5265 10,323 2 5.220 0.00050km.
3 1.2 0.00011km
4 2.5 0.00024km
According to table( 4.3.) above detail information about accessibility of cobblestone roads within
the three selected kebeles and their comparative analysis based on present inventory results of
road data from municipality office of construction, accessibility of cobblestone roads within the
kebele is found to be very poor. As the data shows, the coverage of cobblestone roads is
restricted to be accessed for the local community .For example the accessibility of asphalt road
in Hermata is 0.00031km per-individual .Which means the asphalt roads that pass through the
kebele is very low when it divided by the total population of the kebele. Similarly in this kebele,
the accessibility of the cobblestone road is 0.00023km.As compared to asphalt road in this
kebele, just about the same accessibility. But cobblestone as the recent technology, it has better
progress. On the other hand, the accessibility of Earth road is 0.00002km.
Assume that, on the table (4.3.1) the earth road was 211.37km that has accessibility of
0.001114km per-individuals. This is the highest coverage of the town. But in this kebele, the
earth roads has less accessibility than cobblestones roads. This shows the degree of cobblestone
accessibility in this kebele is high as compared to other roads. In Awetu Mendera accessibility of
the asphalt roads is 0.00025km per individual and the cobblestone road is 0,00034km per-
individual. As this number shows Awetu Mendera has the higher accessibility both in asphalt
and cobblestone roads in the town .Ginjo Guduru is another highly accessible kebele .For
instance asphalt road(0.00026) km. Cobblestone (0.00050) km ,Gravel(0.00011) km per-
individuals .According to this numerical evidence, Ginjo Guduru is the highest accessibility
from these kebeles. As table 4.2.2 indicates that the comparative demonstration of cobblestone
roads in the three selected kebeles as the sample of study, there is variation of cobblestone roads
in length within the kebeles. This realized the access variation among kebeles.
As graph (4.3.2) indicates, the cobblestone paved road in Ginjo Guduru kebele is 5.22km, Awetu
Mendera 4.553km and Hermata kebele 2.1km respectively. Accordingly the progress of
cobblestone pavement in Ginjo Guduru is the highest as compared to others. But the numerical
data of the table (4.2.2) shows, Ginjo guduru has the lowest accessibility of asphalt road than
other two sample kebeles in the town.
Figure 4.2.1 The Road map of jimma town.
According to the fig (4.2.1) above, roads of the jimma town are highly concentrated within the
city center rather than the peripheral areas .Similarly the map confirms that, the inner kebeles of
the town has somewhat higher road accessibility as compared to the peripheral kebeles. The
idea of the above road map reflect that, fig ( 2.1) the conceptual framework .It is fact that as we
go beyond from the city central kebeles to the outer kebeles,the accessibility of cobblestone
roads became lower. In the same ways other roads like asphalt and gravel roads also highly
covered in these areas. This is obvious that, in central town there is high economic activities,
administrative center and highly popular regions. Figure (4.2.1) also clearly demonstrates, the
three kebeles(Ginjo Guduru,AwetuMendera and Hermata) are included in this district .
4.4 The Quality determinants of cobblestone roads
According to construction and infrastructure development office of municipality, the quality
parameters of cobblestone roads are rock type and size, soil selection and damping, presence of
drainage on both side of the roads, vehicle controlling or traffic, contractors related issues,
paving quality ,other materials like sand, ground by itself, appropriate use of the community and
others variables. Based on the above variables, the researcher prepared questionnaires to collect
information pertaining to the quality. The questionnaires were distributed to the community by
the researcher in order to ensure either the given data from the municipality and kebele leaders is
accurate or not. Thus, around 360 households were selected by using systematic sampling
method from the three purposive kebeles to make the data reliable particularly on the quality
parameters and the standards measurement techniques. In addition to this the data was collected
from the cobblestone pavers these organized to benefit the job opportunity and directly to
involve in the development process.
Source: The Author, 2016)
According to the results of descriptive statistics in table 4.4 that obtain by using SPSS version
16, the average mean (1.98) confirms the availability of drainage in the town was found to be
poor. In a similar manner the average mean (1.18) shows that the selection of stone has an
impact on the quality of cobble stone pavement. Then mean average (1.98) depicts that the
standard of cobble stone in study area was poor. The average mean (1.21) in table 4.4 confirm
that, there were no drainage in the cobble stone roads in the study area. Similarly the mean
average (1.94) shows that, there is no or rare availability vehicle control sig on cobblestone road
Again the table also confirms, absence of vehicle control has an impact on quality of cobble
stone roads. On the other hand the absence of awareness creation for the community on the
cobble stone has yet poor as the mean average (1.36) near to 1. More over the table also
prevailed that the municipalities didn‘t give any awareness for the community. On the similar
table, the degree of satisfaction of the community on the cobble stone roads in their surrounding
was found to be to some extent rather than good or very good.
5 Availability of vehicle load Yes 14 3.9
controlling traffic sign No 268 76.4
Partially 78 19.7
An evaluation of the data on the construction of cobblestone quality determinants in jimma town
as are presented in table 4.4.(92.2%) of respondents replied that there was no availability of
drainage on the side of cobblestone roads in order to protect the road in their locality. The
following picture from field observation also confirms the on top records.
Figure 5 Cobblestone roads without drainage patterns
From table 4.4 , above (86.7%) of the respondents replied that the selection of stone was found to
be one of the factors that determine the quality of cobble stone. In a similar table (83.1%) of the
respondents agree that the standard of the cobble stone in the town was found to be poor. As
depicts in table 4.4. , (84.2%) respondents’ response prevailed that the absence of drainage in
the town for the cobble stone was also the other influential factor for the quality of cobble stone.
According to table 4.4 the (83.3%) of the respondents have the same opinion that the absence of
vehicle traffic sign has an impact on the quality of cobble stone in selected site.
Figure 6.Deteriorated cobblestone roads by heavy vehicle
On the other hand table 4.4.2.(76.8%) of the respondents’ replied that, absence of awareness
creation by the municipalities to the local community has negative impact on the cobble stone
quality. The following picture also verify how the local community require to keep cobblestone
roads quality.
The exceeding picture (4.4.3) realized,nonexistence of the local community fashioned carelessness
on them to use this social amenity properly. The picture clearly proves garbage/rubbish materials
accumulated on the cobblestone roads around Hermata kebele.On the similar table (4.4.2) 69.2% of
the respondents replied that the degree of satisfaction by cobble stone quality was found to be to
some extent good rather than very good or good as a result of respondents.The detail response on
this issue was specifically shown as below. As this graph 4.3.3. result depict that 69.2% of
respondents are satisfied to some extent, 26.7% of respondent are moderately satisfied and only
4.2% of respondents were satisfied by the cobblestone quality.
earthen road can simply be destroyed unless strongly fixed with a cement or concrete. The curve
stones should also be properly erected, stuck or fixed by cement and other materials in order for
it to hold the Cobbles. If the joint area between the end of the Cobblestone roads and either
Asphalt or earthed road is not constructed with the help of big stone and cement, it will simply
deteriorate and makes other Cobblestones to scatter as practically observed in the field in
Stage 1: Production of cobble stones: This stage precedes production of raw material at quarry,
delivery of raw material to chisellers, and chiseling of stones to the required sizes.
Stage 2: Surveying of the proposed road: This stage follows ground preparation to make the
ground ready for pavement to determining location, levels and grades of road as per the design.
Ground preparation
Stage 3: Sub grade, Materials fulfillment / preparation: This stage involves cut and fill
works to bring the raw material to the required level and facilitating for pavement grade, and
then constructing sub-base and/or base layer as necessary based on design recommendations.
Stage 4: Bedding and cobble stone laying: This stage involves constructing bedding layer that
comprises either crushed stone or sand, and then putting cobblestones and the bedding layer.
Pavers on
the field
stage stage
Stage 5: Finishing work: This stage involves filling the spaces between cobblestones with
crushed stone or sand, completing minor finishing works, compacting and clearing the area.
Filling the
Figure 10. One of the model roads of the town which is built in Mendera Kebele
Thanks to MSE ’for creation, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs these problems on the
way of solving. It is an important sector in creating jobs in quarrying, chiseling and paving.
Employment in cobblestone sectors is open to all, focuses largely on unemployed women and
youth, disabled working people, TVET graduates and other vulnerable citizens. Moreover, the
market oriented focus of cobblestone emphasizes on MSE’s creation, providing opportunities for
entrepreneurs and to transfer. Although many benefits were obtained by the construction of a
cobblestone (CS) road, the main one resonates around the benefit related to the streamlined
transport that came after its completion. Along with this is a reduction in transportation cost for
the citizens living in the town and surrounding areas .In general the sector has reduced
unemployment, added joint roads within the town and reduced transportation problem, kept the
town beautiful and plays vital roles in enhancing urban development.
As response that obtain from organized pavers during field observation, they had replied it is
not secrete that, most curved cobblestone roads do not have quality and similar standard .The
main reason for the absence of quality is municipality bid accepting or approvals situation.
Which means the municipality accepts these who submit lower cost. After the pavers accepted
the roads in this situation every materials that they use is mostly below quality. Because how can
they get profits? For instance, the size of the stone was less than 10 cm×10cm×10cm(10cm3 ).If
the cobblestone stone is under this size it cannot carries heavy loads. Other important factors that
reduce the cobblestone roads quality are the pavers them self and absence of vehicle controlling
mechanism. Cobble stone similar to any sectors of work needs procedures in order to keep its
quality. In general the above factors and other were considered as main challenges during and
after pavement of cobblestone road.
5.1 Summary
The purpose of this study is to assess the overall access and quality of cobblestone roads and
their contribution to enhancing urban development in the jimma town. This means accessibility
within the kebele of the town and Factors that affect the quality. Accessibility in this sense
coverage of the cobblestone roads with in each kebeles by population per km and the gaps within
them .In addition to this the study tried to identified other roads in the kebeles to see them
relatively with cobblestone roads. The roads commonly include in addition to the cobblestone
roads in this studies are;- asphalt, gravel roads , earth roads and pedestrian in a similar manner.
In this situation the necessary numerical data was available to identify their gaps. Thus, the
inventory data of some kebeles is collected from municipality and the accessibility results were
shown in the forms of tables, and graphs through analysis. The numerical evidence of these rods
in each kebeles was obtained by calculating each road to the population of the kebeles. The
second dimension of this study was the quality parameters. Here, the relevant information was
obtained from municipality and questionnaires were prepared. The community participated to
give necessary information on the questions that raised on the quality parameters of the
cobblestone roads in their surrounding and the factors that affect the durability of this road.
According to this, the results for cobblestone roads deterioration are clearly identified through
the results of the respondent.
The paved cobblestone roads did not have quality due to inappropriate use of quality
parameters and the issues that related to the different stakeholders. As results of the study,
the roads are deteriorating by the quality determinants such as;-absence of drainage, traffic
sign, community awareness, materials and others.
5.3. Recommendations
Taking in to consideration all the findings, the analysis and the conclusion drawn, the following
points were made as recommendations:-
Through the investigation the researcher tried to observe the huge gap of roads accessibility in
the town and variation among the kebeles .Thus, the local government or the municipality
should have to work hard in order to reduce the gaps .
As the quality of roads depends largely on the quality of the sub base, even though it is difficult
to reconstruct, it is better to focus on the construction and maintenance of some parts of the roads
such as drainage to save the existing roads to minimize the cost of future maintenance.
The government has not created awareness to make the community to keep the cobble stone
roads and participate on the construction of the roads. There for municipality should have to
work in order to increase the durability of the roads and inculcates the community in the
development process.
The problem is observed on the part of the government in creating awareness, space and
opportunity to the community and other stakeholders to participate and expected to mobilize the
community to evaluate and monitor the roads.
During the data collection the researcher tried to observe absence of traffic Sign on the side of
the roads. These roads are deteriorating due to passing huge vehicle, so the municipality
should have to solve this problems to protect these roads from being damaged by different huge
vehicles. And these sign posts are expected to be erected in collaboration with the concerned
governmental bodies or Offices.
If any type of developmental activity is done at the local level we have to use the outcome of the
development properly and there should be managing and keeping of it in order to utilize
sustainably. All local actors, , the local government, the community, NGOs, community based
organizations, Micro and Small Enterprises, Religious institutions should also involve in this
activity and develop the sense of ownership in order to preserve, manage and maintain the
development outcomes without expectations to the government or each other.
Directives or provisions that guide how to use the Cobblestone roads should be in place as a
legal framework or as a policy in order to save the roads from being deteriorated by any huge
vehicles with very high load. Selection of construction and pavement materials should be an
important element to suit the design, construction and maintenance of the roads. So there should
be a serious follow up on material delivery i.e., the quality and quantity of crushes and other
materials and their proper application as it was a practical problem faced on the process
Cleaning and Sanitation activities are better to be given to the Kebele’s and local community to
carry out and in exchange of this an incentive should also be given as a reward for their best
As the main problem observed and concluded during the construction was the quality of the
cobblestone roads, it is better for the government and the community to take the responsibility
together to construct and the pavement rather than doing them separately .
Some of the prominent stakeholders such as the municipality, community , other members of the
ton City Bureau of Road and Transportation are better to involve in keeping the safety of the
roads. The government should either take full responsibility to take any measure on the roads or
should hand over the responsibility to the community or to some other set up task force to
manage and keep the roads
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Wondimagegn Wolde
1. Could you please tell me how the cobblestone roads are being constructed in Jimma town sub
2. Who are the participants in constructing the roads? In what way (their contribution)?
3. What is the general effect that the cobblestone roads have on development in this particular
4. How could you evaluate the process of construction in terms of quality of the roads?
5. What are the functions of cobblestone roads in the town and what social and economic
benefits could the cobblestone paved roads bring?
7. Do municipality or any other bodies assess and evaluate the performance and current status of
the cobblestone paved roads? If yes, what does the result look like?
8. What do you think of the reasons for the defects on, deterioration or decreasing of the quality
of the roads? What can be the consequences if the cobblestone roads continue deteriorating?
9. What is the role and responsibility of the municipality in preserving and maintaining the
roads? And also in creating awareness on the community to keep the safety of the roads?
10. How much is the weight of vehicles that are permeable to pass on the cobblestone roads?
11. What is the role of the community and other local development actors in constructing these
cobblestone roads? In cleaning, preserving and maintaining the roads?
13. What are your suggestions or possible solutions for these problems in order for roads to be
used sustainably while they are in a good condition?
14. What types of rocks do commonly used for cobblestone pavement? And what are other
quality measurements?
Appendix II
Jimma University
Masters program in Urban and Regional Development planning questionnaire for the community
Dear respondents:- the objective of this questionnaire is to examine the current overall status of
the cobble stone road in order to bring sustainable development. The information you provide
would be very cervical and so valuable for the success of the very crucial and so valuable for the
success of the study.
Therefore, to attain this purpose your honest and genuine participation in responding these
questionnaires is very important. There for I highly appreciate you for your volunteer and
spending your time for the questionnaires.
Wondimagen Wolde
1. Is there any drainage on the side of the cobble stone road in your locality?
Yes No I don’t know
2. Does the selection of the stone has an impacts on cobble stone quality.
Yes No I’m not sure
3. Do you think that the cobble stone paved road in your surrounding is standardized?
Yes No I don’t know
4. Do you think that the absence of drainage on the side of cobble stone road has an impact?
Yes No partially
5. Is there any vehicle load controlling traffic sign in your surrounding?
Yes No partially
6. If your answer is yes on “No” 5 its absence has an impact on the cobble stone road?
Yes No to some extent
7. Do you think that misunderstanding of the community on the cobble stone road has
negative impact?
Yes No to some extent
8. Is there any awareness creation given by the municipality?
Yes No I don’t know
9. How did you satisfied by the pavement of cobble stone road in your surrounding?
Very good good to some extent
ጅማ ዩኒቨርስቲ II
የከተማና ክልል ፕላን ለጋራ ልማት ለማስተርስ ፕሮግራም ለጥናት የቀረበ መጠይቅ
አዎ አይቼ አላውቅም በመጠኑ
4. በጥቄ ቁጥር “3” ላይ ባለው ሀሳብ ላይ በመመስረት የጎርፍ መውረጃ ያለመኖር
የመንገድ ጥራት መጓደል ምክንያት ነው ብለው ያምናሉ?
አዎ አይደለም አይመስለኝም
ክፍል ሁለት
Descriptive Statistics
Is the absence of
awareness of community
360 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.3611 .02931 .55619 .309
has an impact on cobble
stone road?
Is there any awareness
creation given by the 360 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.9806 .02407 .45666 .209
Is there any impact of the absence of traffic sign on 1.21
cobble stone road? .02705
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
Mean Difference
How do you observe
about the degree of
satisfaction by the 90.059 359 .000 2.65000 2.5921 2.7079
pavement of cobble in
your surrounding?
Is there any drainage in
134.987 359 .000 1.98333 1.9544 2.0122
your locality?
Data setting procedures all the way through SPSS version 16.
The following Sample of data shows that, the individual response on questionnaire.
3.0=I’m not sure/I don’t know/Not satisfied .
1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0
3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0
4.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0
5.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
6.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
7.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
8.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
9.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
10.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
11.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
12.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
13.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
14.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
15.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
16.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
17.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
18.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
19.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
20.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
21.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0