Taylor Et Al-2001-Parasite Immunology

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Parasite Immunology, 2001: 23: 401±409

Wolbachia bacteria in filarial immunity and disease


Cellular Immunology Laboratory, Division of Molecular Biology and Immunology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK

Lymphatic filarial nematodes are infected with endosym- A recent and exciting breakthrough in filarial research is the
biotic Wolbachia bacteria. Lipopolysaccharide from these discovery that endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria play an
bacteria is the major activator of innate inflammatory important role in the biology of filarial nematodes (1).
responses induced directly by the parasite. Here, we Studies so far indicate that all lymphatic filarial parasites
propose a mechanism by which Wolbachia initiates acute are infected with closely related bacteria, and that these
inflammatory responses associated with death of parasites, occur throughout the geographical distribution of the
leading to acute filarial lymphangitis and adverse reactions species (2±4) (Figure 1). Phylogenetic analysis and the
to antifilarial chemotherapy. We also speculate that effects of antibiotic therapy on embryogenesis, develop-
repeated exposure to acute inflammatory responses and ment and viability show that Wolbachia appears to have
the chronic release of bacteria, results in damage to evolved an essential mutualistic association with its filarial
infected lymphatics and desensitization of the innate hosts (3,5). The pervasive presence of large numbers of
immune system. These events will result in an increased endosymbionts throughout all stages of the pathogenic
susceptibility to opportunistic infections, which cause acute filariae of humans suggest that the host will be exposed to
dermatolymphangitis associated with lymphoedema and Wolbachia following death of the parasite or through the
elephantiasis. The recognition of the contribution of release of bacterial products. Here, therefore, we will
endosymbiotic bacteria to filarial disease could be consider the role of Wolbachia in the immune response to
exploited for clinical intervention by the targeting of filariasis and in the pathogenesis of disease.
bacteria with antibiotics in an attempt to reduce the
development of filarial pathology.
Keywords Wolbachia, pathogenesis, inflammation, ACUTE INFLAMMATORY PATHOLOGY
symbiosis, filariasis Our initial encounter with Wolbachia came from studies
aimed at understanding the inflammatory pathogenesis of
filarial disease. We focused on the role of parasite-derived
mediators in the activation of innate inflammatory
responses, based on the ability of Brugia sp. to cause
lymphatic pathology in mice in the absence of T cells and
opportunistic infection (6,7) and the association of
inflammatory responses with the death of parasites.
These studies showed that soluble extracts of the human
filarial parasite B. malayi could induce potent innate
inflammatory responses, including the release of tumour
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-1b and nitric
oxide (NO) from macrophages. The active component was
Correspondence: Mark J.Taylor, Cellular Immunology Laboratory,
Division of Molecular Biology and Immunology, Liverpool School of
heat-stable, reacted positively in the Limulus amoebocyte
Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool L3 5QA, UK lysate (LAL) assay, and could be inhibited by Polymyxin
(e-mail: mark.taylor@liv.ac.uk) B, characteristics which bear all the hallmarks of a
Received: 16 February 2001 bacterial endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-like
Accepted for publication: 11 April 2001 molecule (8).

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Figure 1 Wolbachia in human lymphatic filarial nematodes. (a) Bacteria (arrows) in a microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti. (b) Bacteria (arrows) in
the lateral cord of Brugia malayi.

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Volume 23, Number 7, July 2001 Wolbachia bacteria in filarial immunity and disease

Figure 2 An overview of the proposed mechanisms by which Wolbachia contributes to the pathogenesis of lymphatic filarial disease.

LPS is one of the most potent and well-studied mediators plants (10,11,15). The activation of TLR4 by the LPS±
of inflammation and is thought to play a fundamental role in CD14 complex leads to a signalling cascade that results in
the development of Gram negative bacterial sepsis (9). A the activation of NF-kB and transcription of several
number of recent advances have been made in the under- inflammatory response genes including TNF-a, IL-1b and
standing of how LPS generates inflammatory responses via IL-6 (10,11,16). We have shown that the production of TNF-
activation of the innate immune system (10,11). Recognition a, IL-1b and NO from macrophages by LPS-like molecules
of LPS and the activation of innate immune responses play a in soluble extracts of B. malayi also requires CD14 and
major role in the control of bacterial infection (12). TLR4 (Figure 2) (8) and is enhanced in the presence of
Pathogenesis results from the overwhelming stimulation of serum as a source of LBP (unpublished observations). A
systemic inflammatory responses, which can lead to tissue recent study by Brattig et al. (17) has also shown that LPS-
damage, septic shock and multiple organ failure (13). The like molecules in extracts of Onchocerca volvulus activate
sequence of events leading to activation of innate inflam- human monocytes to produce TNF-a, through binding to
matory responses by LPS begins with binding to the serum CD14.
protein, LPS binding protein (LBP), which facilitates the Evidence to suggest that the LPS-like activity is derived
transfer of LPS to CD14 (14). Membrane-bound CD14 from Wolbachia came from experiments on Acanthochei-
(mCD14) is a pattern recognition receptor expressed lonema viteae, one of only a few filarial parasites free of
predominantly on monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, Wolbachia infection (1,3,8). Soluble extracts derived from
and can also function as a soluble receptor presenting LPS A. viteae failed to induce any inflammatory responses from
to mCD14 negative cells including endothelial and epithelial macrophages and were negative in the endotoxin LAL
cells, smooth-muscle cells and dendritic cells (14). The key assay (8,17). Not only does this suggest that Wolbachia are
LPS receptor involved in signal transduction of inflamma- the source of LPS-like molecules, but it also shows that
tory response genes has recently been shown to be the Toll- soluble extracts prepared in this way contain no additional
like 4 receptor (TLR4), one of an ancient family of receptors mediators of inflammatory responses derived from the
central to the defence system of mammals, insects and nematode. Extracts prepared from insect Wolbachia,

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derived from a mosquito cell-line, also induced LPS-like WOLBACHIA IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF
responses, which were dependent on TLR4 and eliminated CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY PATHOLOGY
following antibiotic clearance of the bacteria (8). Taken
together, these data support the idea that Wolbachia LPS is The presentation of chronic pathology in lymphatic
the major mediator of inflammatory responses induced filariasis develops after several years exposure to infection
directly by the parasite. and is characterized by hydrocoele, lymphoedema and
Studies using living parasites or culture supernatants elephantiasis. The events that lead to the development of
failed to stimulate inflammatory responses from macro- chronic pathology are poorly understood, but the risk of
phages (8), suggesting that the release of Wolbachia and/or developing chronic disease is associated with an increased
LPS in sufficient amounts to induce inflammatory frequency of acute filarial lymphangitis (31,32). Evidence
responses is only likely to occur following the death of for the role of inflammatory responses in the pathogenesis
parasites. This is consistent with the association of acute of chronic pathology is shown by the presence of high
inflammatory episodes with the death of adult parasites and levels of inflammatory cytokines including IL-1b, IL-6, IL-
inflammatory adverse reactions following chemotherapy. In 8, TNF-a and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating-
animal models, the sensitization of rodents to the toxic effects factor in fluid from limb lymphoedema and hydrocoele (33)
of LPS with d-galactosamine led to lethal shock-like adverse and from the parasitized lymphatics of immunodeficient
reactions following antifilarial chemotherapy (18). These mice (34). Systemic inflammatory cytokines and receptors
adverse reactions could be prevented by inhibitors of TNF-a including IL-6, IL-8 and sTNF-R75 have also been shown
and NO and are consistent with the release of LPS following to be elevated in individuals with elephantiasis (26) and
parasite death. Similar lethal shock reactions are observed in hydrocoele (our unpublished observations), indicating an
dogs injected with extracts of Dirofilaria immitis or following active and ongoing inflammatory response in some
chemotherapy (19±21). In order to determine whether LPS is individuals with chronic pathology. How might the release
responsible for the induction of inflammatory responses post- of Wolbachia lead to the development of chronic
treatment, we infected LPS responsive (C3H/HeN) and pathology?
nonresponsive (C3H/HeJ) mice with B. malayi microfilariae In addition to the release of large numbers of Wolbachia,
and treated them with ivermectin. TNF-a production was which accompany acute inflammatory episodes, chronic
only observed following chemotherapy in LPS-responsive exposure to Wolbachia is likely to occur following the
C3H/HeN mice, and not C3H/HeJ mice which carry a natural attrition of parasites. This will include the constant
mutation in the TLR4 receptor (8), supporting the hypothesis turnover of microfilariae and exposure to L3±L4 larvae,
that Wolbachia LPS released from dead microfilariae which fail to achieve complete development. An additional
mediates inflammatory responses post-treatment. source of endosymbiont release may occur during the birth
Ongoing studies in our laboratory have also shown that in of microfilariae as part of the debris from the uteri or
humans infected with B. malayi, Wolbachia are released through excretory or secretory processes.
into the blood following DEC chemotherapy in individuals Following exposure to LPS, the production of pro-
presenting with severe inflammatory adverse reactions inflammatory responses is regulated by anti-inflammatory
(Cross et al., unpublished data). Adverse reactions in mediators including IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, transforming
these individuals is accompanied by the release of pro- growth factor (TGF)-b, IL-1Ra, glucocorticoids, prosta-
inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory mediators glandin E2 and pro-inflammatory cytokine soluble receptors
including IL-1b, IL-6, interferon (IFN)-g, TNF-a, NO (13). This is thought to provide protection from the
and LBP and occurs predominantly in individuals with high uncontrolled immunological activation of acute endotoxic
microfilarial loads (22±28). Localized inflammation fol- shock, but can lead to an inability to respond appropriately
lowing chemotherapy is also associated with the death of to secondary infections in survivors of endotoxic shock. At
adult worms in the lymphatics, an event which is also the cellular level, repeated exposure to LPS, or exposure to
thought to account for the pathogenesis of acute filarial low doses, results in the development of a state known as
lymphangitis (29). The severity and presentation of fever `LPS tolerance' in which cells show a reduced sensitivity to
associated with acute lymphatic filarial disease also subsequent exposure to LPS through differential regulation
correlates with the systemic production of TNF-a (30). of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (35±37). Although
These studies support the idea that the release of Wolbachia the mechanisms leading to LPS tolerance have yet to be
following the death of parasites activates inflammatory defined, it is thought to be due to alterations in signalling
responses, leading to acute inflammatory pathology asso- pathways and is associated with the downregulation of
ciated with death of adult worms and adverse reactions to cytokine, chemokine and TLR4 expression (38,39). LPS
chemotherapy. tolerance has been mostly studied in monocytes and

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Volume 23, Number 7, July 2001 Wolbachia bacteria in filarial immunity and disease

macrophages but similar phenomena have been described in with associated adherent mononuclear cells (34). Pro-
endothelial cells (40) and neutrophils (41). inflammatory cytokines that can stimulate the proliferation
The chronic release of Wolbachia may therefore result in of lymphatic endothelia (53) are elevated in lymph from
the desensitization of cells of the innate immune system. parasitized lymphatics (54). The activation of lymphatic
This, together with the damage inflicted by acute endothelium may be important in controlling the composi-
inflammatory episodes on the structure and function of tion and pressure of interstitial fluid and in facilitating
parasitized lymphatics, would promote the establishment of lymphocyte trafficking and thus have an important role in
opportunistic infections acquired from the environment as inflammatory processes in filarial pathology. Furthermore,
occurs during acute dermatolymphangioadenitis (ADLA) activation of endothelial cells and the promotion of
associated with chronic lymphodema and elephantiasis lymphangiogenesis and hyperplasia leading to vessel
(29,32,42). dilation may even be necessary for the survival of adult
worms within the lymphatics.
Activation of innate immune cells leads to the release of
several chemokines, which recruit leucocytes to the site of
inflammation and contribute to tissue damage (13).
Although monocytes and macrophages are the principal Neutrophils and eosinophils can be directly activated by
cells responsible for the activation and regulation of innate LPS to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines and NO (55),
inflammatory responses, LPS can influence the function of which can lead to a delay in apoptosis (56). Evidence to
a wide variety of other cells, including endothelial and link Wolbachia with the presence of neutrophils comes
epithelial cells, fibroblasts, lymphocytes, granulocytes, from a recent study by Brattig et al. (57) on the granulocyte
smooth muscle cells and adipocytes (43,44). Of direct responses in nodules of adult Onchocerca species. The
relevance to the blood- and lymph-dwelling lymphatic study showed that neutrophils occur only in nodules from
filariae are the endothelial lining of the vascular and species with Wolbachia, but are absent from nodules of O.
lymphatic vessels, the reticulo-endothelial system of volvulus depleted of Wolbachia by antibiotics, and in
organs, such as the lung, liver and spleen, and blood cellular responses to Wolbachia-free Onchocerca flexuosa.
leucoctyes. Chemotactic factors for neutrophils have also been demon-
LPS can directly activate endothelial cells to produce strated from extracts of O. volvulus (58). Neutrophils and
cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules, which eosinophils are activated following chemotherapy and are
promote the recruitment and activation of blood leucocytes thought to contribute to the Mazzoti reaction (59,60).
(13). Endotoxin can also cause endothelial cell damage Interestingly, in addition to neutrophils, eosinophils are also
through loss of barrier function and integrity (45). recruited to tissues following exposure to LPS (61).
Activation of endothelial cells by LPS requires the LPS is well known as an activator of B cell proliferation
participation of LBP and soluble CD14 (46) which, through and polyclonal antibody production and can be regarded as
engagement of TLR4, activates signalling pathways leading a classical T-independent antigen (62). Recent studies have
to the activation of NFkB in a similar manner to also shown that LPS can have potent effects on T cells.
monocytes/macrophages (47,48). In the context of lympha- Injection of LPS results in the activation of both naõÈve and
tic endothelium, recent studies have shown that vascular memory CD41 and CD81 T cells, with proliferation of
endothelial growth factor VEGF-C and its receptor memory CD81 T cells (63). Further studies have shown
VEGFR-3, are specific regulators of lymphatic endothelial that similar LPS activation of T cells leads to profound
activation and angiogenesis (49). Overexpression of VEGF- apoptosis of T cells (64). Following injection of humans
C in the skin of transgenic mice resulted in lymphatic with LPS, stimulation of peripheral T cells results in a
endothelial proliferation and dilation of vessels (50) with a reduced production of IFN-g and IL-2, whilst IL-4 and IL-5
striking resemblence to lymphatics infected with filarial responses were either unaffected or slightly increased,
parasites. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1b and implying a shift towards Th2 cytokine responses (65). The
TNF-a, have been shown to upregulate the expression of influence of LPS on T cells is thought to occur indirectly
VEGF-C, raising the possibility that pro-inflammatory through effects on antigen presenting cells (APC) as shown
cytokines affect the lymphatic vessels via VEGF-C (51). by the ability of APC from LPS responsive mice to restore
Lymphatic endothelium can also respond to LPS with the T cell activation in LPS nonresponsive animals (63). LPS
production of NO through activation of inducible nitric has potent effects on the activation, differentiation and
oxide (52). migration of dendritic cells (DC), influencing their ability
Studies on the morphology of infected lymphatics in to process and present antigen to T cells (66). Although
animal models show that the endothelium appears activated LPS stimulates the upregulation of major histocompatibility

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complex (MHC) Class II and costimulatory molecules in from Ascaris sp. was interpreted as evidence for an
DCs (66), it can have the opposite effect on monocytes, O. volvulus antigen specific effect (75). Although this
macrophages and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, which may be the case, an alternative interpretation could be that
leads to a downregulation of T cell activation (17,67). IL-12 hyporesponsiveness was only induced with antigens from a
derived from DCs can also regulate Th1 development by nematode containing Wolbachia and LPS (17,76).
activation of B cells to produce IL-10 and IL-6 which both Taken from the view presented here that the natural
promote Th2 development and downregulate Th1 differ- history of filariasis is associated with acute and chronic
entiation (68). Clearly the activation of innate immune exposure to inflammatory stimuli from Wolbachia, the
responses are critical in defining the regulation of acquired development of an anti-inflammatory immune response
immune response through expression of costimulatory may be generated by the host predominantly to regulate this
molecules and effector cytokines (69). inflammation. This would be consistent with the rapid onset
of acute filarial inflammation and pathology in people not
previously exposed to infection (77,78) and in early
prepatent infections in animals (79).
The analysis of acquired immune responses to filarial
parasites with native worm preparations will inevitably
include antibody and cellular responses to Wolbachia
antigens. These responses may be to cross-reactive Although LPS is considered to be the major mediator of
conserved bacterial antigens or those specific to Wolbachia. inflammatory responses in Gram-negative bacteria, other
Several Wolbachia antigens have already been shown to be mediators have been identified as key molecules in the
immunogenic, with the detection of antibodies from pathogenesis of bacterial disease, including heat shock
infected individuals to Wolbachia hsp60, catalase and the proteins, CpG motifs in DNA, lipoproteins and peptidogly-
outer membrane protein wsp [Koszarski, cited in (17), our can (80±82). Although Wolbachia LPS appears to be the
unpublished observation, 70]. Further studies with purified major inducer of IL-1b, TNF-a and NO responses from
Wolbachia and nematodes depleted of bacteria by anti- macrophages, other inflammatory stimuli may play a role in
biotics, together with recombinant Wolbachia proteins, will the activation of alternative inflammatory responses or
be useful to characterize other antigens derived from the contribute additively or synergistically with LPS.
bacteria and determine their association with clinical Heat-shock protein 60 or Chaperonin 60 (hsp60) is one
presentation. of an abundant and conserved family of proteins which play
Many studies have investigated the concept of `tolerance' a fundamental role in the post-translational folding,
to T cell responses during filarial infection. Several assembly and targeting of proteins within prokaryotic and
mechanisms to account for this phenomenon have been eukaryotic cells (83). Microbial hsp60 is well characterized
proposed with varying support from experimental and as a major antigen of immune protection or pathogenesis of
clinical studies (71). In particular, it is not clear what the bacterial infection in the stimulation of both antibody and
functional significance of T cell tolerance is, if any, to T cell responses (84). Mammalian hsp60 can also function
immunity or disease. Evidence from a study on LPS-like as an autoantigen during chronic inflammation (85).
molecules from Onchocerca volvulus Wolbachia show that Recently, bacterial and human hsp60 have been shown to
the induction of TNF-a from purified human monocytes activate potent innate immune responses from macrophages
leads to the production of IL-10, resulting in the down- and endothelial cells and so provide a `danger' signal to
regulation of HLA-DR and costimulatory molecules B7-1 antigen presenting cells and contribute to bacterial
and B7-2 (17). The combination of IL-10 activity inhibiting inflammation (80,86,87). Surprisingly, hsp60 activation of
Th1-like responses and the downregulation of HLA and macrophages is dependent on CD14 and TLR4, showing
costimulatory receptors would be likely to have a profound that hsp60 stimulation of innate immunity uses the same
effect on the expression of T cell tolerance. Studies in pathways as LPS (88,89).
human bancroftian filariasis and experimental animal Preliminary studies in our laboratory show that recombi-
models lend support to the role of IL-10 and down- nant Wolbachia hsp60 can stimulate potent TNF-a and IL-6
regulation of costimulatory molecules in the regulation of production from macrophages. These responses are depen-
T cell responses (72±74). In onchocerciasis, the production dent on CD14 and TLR4 but, in contrast to LPS, are
of IL-10 and TGF-b from Th3 cells has been suggested to unaffected by polymyxin B and serum LBP. The possible
mediate cellular hyporesponsiveness (75). The lack of upregulation of Wolbachia hsp60 in response to stressors,
downregulation of responses to other nematode antigens including antifilarial and antibiotic treatment, exposure to

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Volume 23, Number 7, July 2001 Wolbachia bacteria in filarial immunity and disease

immunological effector molecules or fever, may influence to filarial chemotherapy and the onset of chronic pathology
the contribution of hsp60 to inflammatory responses. would appear to be warranted.
Another recently discovered mediator of bacterial
inflammation is bacterial DNA (82). Pattern recognition
receptors of the innate immune system recognize unmethy-
lated CpG motifs of bacterial DNA. Macrophages, dendritic We would like to thank the Wellcome Trust for fellowship
cells and NK cells are activated to produce cytokines support to MJT (No. 047176) and the WHO/TDR, The
including IFN-g, IL-12, IL-18, TNF-a and IL-6, which Commonwealth, the University of Liverpool and the
promote Th1 cell development. B cells can also be activated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine for additional
to proliferate and produce polyclonal immunoglobulin (90). financial support.
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cells and the enhancement of antigen-specific immune
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