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Bonus Tutorial Reorder Spec Tree v2

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How to reorder the specification tree with VBA

Version 2.0

Last revised: 4-14-16

Emmett Ross


This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to rearrange the order of the components in the
specification tree using a VBA macro. This method will use cut and paste but the constraint links will be
preserved. In this tutorial, you’ll also learn how to:

 create a userform with listboxes, labels, and command buttons

 make a listbox not selectable
 keep constraints when reordering by cutting and pasting
 automatically sort the tree from A to Z or Z to A

This code reorders components under a CATProduct only, so the first step is you will either need an
existing CATProduct to test this on or create a new one from scratch. For example, I made up this
dummy assembly to experiment with, complete with assembly constraints:

The general steps this tutorial will follow are:

1. Create a new CATProduct or open an existing assembly file in CATIA V5

2. Setup a new CATVBA program
3. Create a Userform
4. Write the code for each of the command buttons
5. Write the reorder tree code
6. Test!

Let’s get started!

Reorder Specification Tree Tutorial
1. Go to Tools>Macro>Macros
2. Click Macro Libraries
3. Change the Library Type to VBA Projects then click Create New Library
4. Enter a file location and name for your new project, in my case: P:\Temp\MyProject.catvba

5. Click OK then close

6. Make sure your new project is the current macro library then click Create to make a new VBA

7. The macro language should be set to MS VBA. Type the macro name: Reorder_Spec_Tree
8. Select the newly created macro and click Edit to launch the VBA editor in CATIA

9. Your screen should now look similar to this:

10. First, we need to create a userform that will allow the user to set the desired order of
components. Right click on Module and navigate to Insert>UserForm
11. Click on the Listbox icon within the Toolbox to create a listbox in the form. Make it any size you
wish (maybe want to make it a tall box if you’re dealing with a large spec tree). Ensure the name
of the listbox is “current_order”. This is important when we write the code for it as this listbox
will display the original order of the components to the user.

12. Since this Listbox will show the original order of the components, the user does not need to
select any of the values, thus we want to make the listbox non-selectable. According to
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff869568.aspx we need to set both the
Enabled and Locked settings to False:
13. Make a second listbox, this time we will use it to sort the components into the order that we
would like, so we will need to make this listbox selectable. Name it “new_order”.
14. Create two labels above each listbox so the user knows which one is which (not necessary for
the program to work, just a user-friendly feature).
15. Now we need to add eight (yes, 8!) command boxes to our form. Each command button needs
to be labeled as shown below.

1. Reset: this button will reset the order of parts in the New Order listbox to match the Current
Order listbox.
2. Up: will move a component up the tree
3. Down: will move a component down the tree
4. Sort A to Z: will automatically sort the tree from A to Z
5. Sort Z to A: will automatically sort the tree from Z to A
6. Apply: will apply the new spec tree order to the tree in CATIA
7. OK: will exit the userform with changes applied
8. Cancel: will exit the userform without making any changes in CATIA
16. The completed UserForm should look like this:
17. Congratulations! You’ve created the userform. Probably a good time to save your project. Now
it’s time to write the code that actually makes all the command buttons work. First, let’s check
to make sure we are forced to declare variables by going to Tools> Options>Check “Require
Variable Declaration.” This will place an Option Explicit at the top of your code, meaning you
must explicitly declare all variables by using the Dim or ReDim statements. If you try to use an
undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.
18. To write the code for the Cancel button, right click on it and select View Code. The code for all
the userform’s buttons will be contained within the same window.
19. When the cancel button is clicked, it should stop the program from running and exit the form
without making any changes in CATIA. Use this code:

Public Response As Integer 'will be used for error handling later

Option Explicit
Private Sub cancel_button_Click()
'Exit the form when Cancel button is clicked
Unload Me
End Sub

Check: Double click UserForm1 in the tree then press the play button to run the macro. Try pressing all
the command buttons. None of them should do anything until you get to the Cancel button, which
should exit the form and take you back to the VBA editor.
20. Go back to the form, right click on the OK button and select View Code.

Private Sub ok_button_Click()

'Error handling - if no items in the list then give error message

If new_order.ListCount = 0 Then
Response = MsgBox("There are no items in the list to reorder! Please select at least one component.", ,
UserForm1.Name & "Warning Message")
Exit Sub
End If

'Reorders the tree and then exits the userform

Unload Me

End Sub

The Reorder_Tree is going to reference another part of the code where the magic is going to happen,
but does nothing for now.
21. Next, right click on the Apply button and view code. This button will reorder the tree but will
NOT exit the form and the program will stay running.

Private Sub apply_button_Click()

'reorders the tree and stays in the userform
End Sub

At this point, your code should look like this (do you see why we gave each button a unique name!):
22. Moving up the buttons, we go on to the Sort Z to A button. Type this code:

Private Sub ZtoA_button_Click()

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim temp As Variant

'sort the spec tree order from Z to A

For j = 0 To new_order.ListCount - 2
For i = 0 To new_order.ListCount - 2
If new_order.List(i) < new_order.List(i + 1) Then
temp = new_order.List(i)
new_order.List(i) = new_order.List(i + 1)
new_order.List(i + 1) = temp
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub
23. To sort from A to Z (rather than Z to A), copy and paste the code is just wrote but change the
direction of “<” to “>”.

Private Sub AtoZ_button_Click()

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim temp As Variant

'sort the spec tree order from A to Z

For j = 0 To new_order.ListCount - 2
For i = 0 To new_order.ListCount - 2
If new_order.List(i) > new_order.List(i + 1) Then
temp = new_order.List(i)
new_order.List(i) = new_order.List(i + 1)
new_order.List(i + 1) = temp
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub
24. Three more buttons to go! Next, we’ll add the code for the Down button. I’ll use comments to
explain what is happening.

Private Sub down_button_Click()

Dim selector As String 'The selected item will be saved here
Dim selected_position As Integer 'The position of the selected item will be saved here
Dim current_occupant As String 'The item one step underneath the selected item will be saved here

'----- variable initialization -----

selector = ""
selected_position = 0

current_occupant = ""

'selected item and its position are determined

selected_position = new_order.ListIndex
selector = new_order.List(selected_position)

'current_occupant is determined
'(IF-statement makes sure nothing happens if item in the very bottom is selected)
If selected_position < (new_order.ListCount - 1) Then
current_occupant = new_order.List(selected_position + 1)

'move the selected item down by one position

new_order.List(selected_position + 1) = selector
new_order.List(selected_position) = current_occupant

'Keep the selected item selected (otherwise the current_occupant,

'that has switched places with selector, will be selected)
new_order.Selected(selected_position + 1) = True
End If
End Sub
25. The code for the Up button is very similar to the Down button, it just moves the components in
the tree the opposite direction.

Private Sub up_button_Click()

Dim selector As String 'The selected item will be saved here
Dim selected_position As Integer 'The position of the selected item will be saved here
Dim current_occupant As String 'The item one step above the selected item will be saved here

selector = ""
selected_position = 0
current_occupant = ""

'selected item and its position are determined

selected_position = new_order.ListIndex
selector = new_order.List(selected_position)

'current_occupant is determined
'(IF-statement makes sure nothing happens if top-most item is selected)
If selected_position > 0 Then
current_occupant = new_order.List(selected_position - 1)

'move the selected item up by one position

new_order.List(selected_position - 1) = selector
new_order.List(selected_position) = current_occupant

'Keep the selected item selected (otherwise the current_occupant,

'that has switched places with selector, will be selected)
new_order.Selected(selected_position - 1) = True
End If
End Sub
26. Finally! The last button is the Reset button to reset the new order to be the same as the current

Private Sub reset_button_Click()

'this button resets the new_order to the current_order

Dim i As Integer



For i = 0 To current_order.ListCount - 1
new_order.AddItem current_order.List(i)
Next i
End Sub
27. That covers all eight of our command buttons. Whew! If you remember, we had a line of code in
some of the commands, Reorder_Tree. It’s time to add the code for which this is referring. This
is where the reordering magic happens. Add this code below all the command button code:

Sub Reorder_Tree()

Dim selection1 As Selection

Dim selection2 As Selection
Dim ProdName As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim i As Integer

'---keep assembly constraints when cutting and pasting----------------------

Dim settingControllers1 As SettingControllers
Set settingControllers1 = CATIA.SettingControllers
Dim asmConstraintSettingAtt1 As AsmConstraintSettingAtt
Set asmConstraintSettingAtt1 = settingControllers1.Item("CATAsmConstraintSettingCtrl")
asmConstraintSettingAtt1.PasteComponentMode = catPasteWithCstOnCopyAndCut

Set selection1 = productDocument1.Selection

'This loop goes through the items in new_order

'and compares them to the components of the selected product.
For j = 0 To UserForm1.new_order.ListCount - 1

'Getting selection1 ready for the operation by clearing whatever might be in it


'This for loop goes through the items of the selected product
For i = 1 To product1.Products.Count

ProdName = product1.Products.Item(i).Name

If Left(ProdName, Len(new_order.List(j))) = new_order.List(j) Then

selection1.Add product1.Products.Item(i)
End If

Next i
'cut and paste the components from the original order to the new order
Set selection2 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
selection2.Add product1

Next j

End Sub

You may have noticed the section on keeping the constraints when cutting and pasting. This is an option
in CATIA V5 under Options>Mechanical Design>Assembly Design> tab: Constraints>Paste
components>Always with the assembly constraints. We added code to programmatically select this
option every time so the assembly constraints will not get broken.
28. So now all the buttons should be functioning properly, the problem is we need to populate the
first list box with the names of all the components. To do this, we’re going to go back to our
original and still blank module Reorder_Spec_Tree (again, you can right click and select View

Add the code shown below to the CATMain then save it. This is where the macro will be run from.

Option Explicit

Public productDocument1 As Document 'Holds the active document

Public product1 As Product 'Holds the main product
Public products1 As Products 'Holds the list of component parts of product1
Public selection1 As Selection 'For looping operations
Public check As Boolean 'For looping operations
Public ip, jp, lp, Response1 As Integer 'for looping operations

Sub CATMain()
Dim str As String 'Used to save name of element for listing in the ListBox

Set productDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument 'productDocument1 set to hold current document

'products1 set to hold the main product of the active document
Set product1 = productDocument1.Product
Set products1 = product1.Products 'products1 set to hold the list of components of product1

'loop through all components to add them to the listbox

For ip = 1 To products1.Count
check = False
lp = InStr(products1.Item(ip).Name, ".")
str = Left(products1.Item(ip).Name, lp - 1)

'add all component names to first listbox

For jp = 0 To UserForm1.current_order.ListCount - 1
If str = UserForm1.current_order.List(jp) Then
check = True
End If
Next jp

If check = False Then

UserForm1.current_order.AddItem str
End If

Next ip

'Finally new_order is also populated


ip = 0

For ip = 0 To UserForm1.current_order.ListCount - 1
UserForm1.new_order.AddItem UserForm1.current_order.List(ip)
Next ip


End Sub
29. That’s it! Time to run the Reorder Spec Tree macro on your CATProduct file. You should see the
list of parts appear in the first Listbox.

Screenshot is just after launching the program:

Screenshot after manually click the up and down buttons followed by Apply:
Screenshot after sorting Z to A then clicking apply:
Video Demonstration

To see a video of this program in action, check this out:



I hope you enjoyed this tutorial as much as I enjoyed making it for you!

Questions or comments? Email me: Emmett@scripting4v5.com

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