Global warming.-WPS Office
Global warming.-WPS Office
Global warming.-WPS Office
* Environmental management.
Nishant joshi. (4017)
Akshata kadam. (4018)
Divyesh kagrech. (4020)
What is Global warming :-
• Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in
Earth's average surface temperature over the past
century primarily due to the greenhouse gases
released as people burn fossil fuels. ...
Temperatures are certain to go up further. Despite
ups and downs from year to year, global average
surface temperature is rising.
Causes of Global warming:-
Humans are increasingly influencing the climate
and the earth's temperature by burning fossil
fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock.
This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse
gases to those naturally occurring in the
atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect
and global warming.
Causes of Global warming :-
1.Greenhouse Gases Are the Main Reasons for Global
• Although carbon dioxide receives the most press as the
culprit responsible for global warming, water vapor is
actually the most abundant greenhouse gas in the
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide still deserves its notoriety,
however. It may be a minor component of the atmosphere,
but its increased abundance is contributing to the warming
trend, according to NASA. Humans exacerbate the
problem by cutting trees that absorb this gas and by adding
other greenhouse gases to the mixture over and above
those that enter through natural processes. In addition, one
of the global warming causes might be astronomical.
Causes of Global warming:-
As trash breaks down in landfills, it releases methane and
nitrous oxide gases. Approximately eighteen percent of
methane gas in the atmosphere comes from waste disposal
and treatment.
Deforestation to use wood for building materials, paper and
fuel increases global warming in two ways -- the release of
carbon dioxide during the deforestation process and the
reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide that forests can
Causes of Global warming:-
• The use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers increases the amount of
heat cropland can store. Nitrogen oxides can trap up to 300
times more heat than carbon dioxide. Sixty-two percent of
nitrous oxide released comes from agricultural byproducts.
5.Oil Drilling
• Burn-off from the oil drilling industry impacts the carbon
dioxide released into the atmosphere. Fossil fuel retrieval,
processing and distribution accounts for roughly eight
percent of carbon dioxide and thirty percent of methane
Solutions on Global
One of the most effective ways to prevent
global warming is to start using renewable
energy sources such as solar, geothermal,
wind and biomass, and stop using fossil
fuels. Use renewable energy resources to
supply power to your home.
1. Save tree :-
• Make sure to turn off taps while
brushing, go for shorter
showers and do not waster
water by cleaning your cars or
bikes. By following these easy
tips, all of us can play a
significant role in reducing
carbon dioxide emission and
preventing global warming, thus,
preserving the planet for future
2. Recycl Bin ♻ :-