Valerie Runyan Houghton / Therapist / Attorney / Divorce

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Valerie Houghton sex trafficked my kids during my


During my divorce I told Valerie Houghton and Leah Amini (my other attorney) that my now
ex-wife was letting an older man molest my 13 year old son. The two attorneys mostly ignored
my pleas.

Marie O’Leary (visitation supervisor) would not allow me to talk to my son about it during

At the next hearing, my ex-wife not only agreed to disclose that she had hidden $130,000 worth
of gold coins, but also agreed to stipulate that the coins be divided.

I was in complete shock. No one ever mentioned anything about gold coins before the hearing. I
never thought that I would see them again because my ex-wife is greedy.

We each got $25,000 worth. The remaining $80,000 went to Ms. Amini to be held in trust.

Ms. Houghton had threatened me about firing her or Ms. Amini, but at that point I did so anyway.
Ms. Houghton went on to represent my ex-wife without disclosure to me – and I was
subsequently cut off from my children. I have not seen 3 of them in over eight years.

My son recently turned 18, so I was able to speak with him. He confirmed that he had indeed
been molested. The other 3 children show significant signs of also being sexually abused. I told
my son to go report what happened to the police. About a week and a half later Judge Towery
(ON HIS OWN ACCORD) filed an order that I could only have supervised visitation with my
ADULT son.

The judge had a conflict of interest and refused to recuse himself from my case.
You can read the lawsuit that I filed against Judge Towery here:

Ms. Houghton then sex trafficked a daughter whom

I share with a another mother

My youngest daughter (who I share with another mother) is under the legal custody of a man
who previously drugged and raped a teen.

Said mother understands the danger of allowing this man to have parental rights to our
daughter. She came to court and agreed to my motion to establish paternity. But before we
could sign a stipulation, we were rushed into the courtroom.
The judge acknowledged the memo from the mediator indicating that she agreed by referring to
the defect and waiver of service. Then the judge DENIED the motion.

Valerie Houghton has done this to other parents

I came across a similar case that Ms. Houghton was involved in. A child had reported sexual
abuse. When the parent tried to protect her children, she lost all custody. The child’s attorney
(Houghton) sought and received a restraining order against the protective parent. The protective
parent was also ordered to receive therapy. It was stated in the order that the alleged abuse was

In a subsequent case, 3 young girls were sexually abused. They were not able to take any
action until after they turned 18.

Valerie was the expert witness that derailed the protective parent’s efforts to protect the children.

She’s been doing this for over 30 years. There have to be many, many more victims, but no one
seems to care enough to prevent it from continuing.
Retaliation against me and assaults

The only thing that I have received is retaliation. I have been hacked, stalked and assaulted. I
have been poisoned so many times that now all of my organs are damaged, my testicles have
atrophied and the shape of my face has changed. You can see here what they did to me:

Valerie isn’t even bashful about it:

They also raised my child support obligations to leave me with just $300 a month to live off of:

I have also had charges filed against me without having committed a crime.

I have been begging for the district attorney of our county to stop the malicious prosecution and
protect my children. He is accusing me of violating a restraining order by texting a third party. He
failed to include in his complaint texts that instruct the recipient to not forward any of the
messages to anyone else.

Deputy District Attorney Daniel Chung was at one point on my case. I gave him all the
information about the assaults and what was happening to my kids. Because he seemed like an
honorable man, I asked him for help.

A few weeks later, it was announced that he had been fired and escorted out of the DA’s Office
by three armed investigators. A BOLO was issued and he was banned from setting foot on
county property.

Mr. Chung ended up running for District Attorney this year. During one of the debates, I asked
the candidates how they would address sex trafficking that results from abuse of the legal

I believe that he answered the question truthfully in an indirect fashion. He mentioned conflicts
of interest and judges acting egregiously.

Then it was the DA’s turn. The first thing that he said was that Mr. Chung was “demonstrating
why he was fired.” You can see the question and answer in this short clip.

Ms. Houghton demanded that I retain an attorney for the criminal proceedings against me so
that she could instruct the attorney to raise a doubt to stand trial. I didn’t want to lose my
standing to protect my children. When I refused, she poisoned and terrorized me.

I begged District Attorney Jeffrey Rosen to enroll me into Cal-WRAP or drop the charges. I
provided the names of two ER doctors that could confirm the assaults, Ms. Houghton’s social
media posts, police reports, and other information. Mr. Rosen already knew about the sexual
abuse of my kids, but he just ignored me.

In order to end the proceedings against me, I set the matter for trial. Deputy District Attorney
Joseph Eisenberg then tried to plea bargain with me. One of the stipulations was that
competency proceedings be initiated. After I refused his offer, DDA Eisenberg raised a doubt,
himself. Judge Barnum denied said request.

I begged Mr. Eisenberg to consider my children. He showed no emotion and ignored my pleas.

Right before the subsequent disposition hearing, DDA Eisenberg attempted to plea bargain with
me again. Then he raised yet another doubt. Judge Geffon denied his request.
That didn’t stop DDA Eisenberg from raising a doubt at a third consecutive hearing that followed
more plea bargaining. This time judge Pennypacker granted the request and transferred the
matter to competency proceedings.

Plea bargaining is purely discretionary. Why would Mr. Eisenberg plea bargain with me if he was
so concerned with my rights being violated at trial? Why did he ignore two previous rulings?

I promptly filed a motion to transfer the matter back to the trial court. I cited the previous rulings
that denied the doubt. At the next hearing, the judge continued my motion and appointed me
counsel against my objection.

At the subsequent hearing the newly appointed attorney refused to argue my motion. She also
asked the court to appoint a psychologist to evaluate my competency to stand trial.

I then filed a writ of mandate with the 6th District Court of appeals. I included the information
about the sexual abuse of my children, as well as Ms. Houghton’s threats to tamper with any
evaluation. The motion was denied. You can read the motion here:
Shortly after the denial, the motion was purged from the court record:

An appeal to the Supreme Court of California was denied, as well.

Although I refused to be evaluated by a
psychologist, a report was written anyhow by Dr.
Lyn J. Mangiameli
After Dr. Lyn Mangiameli entered a fraudulent report into the court record, I refused to
participate in the proceedings in fear of what it would mean for my kids. My court appointed
attorney (who I am forced to have) signed a mental health treatment agreement on my behalf
and without my consent.

I have already spent 5 days in jail for refusing to be evaluated by Dr. Mangiameli. Now I have a
warrant for my arrest.
I don’t even have a criminal record, nor have I committed a crime to constitute these

Dr. Lyn J. Mangiameli had a duty to the state to only write a report that met ethical and scientific
standards set by the California Board of Psychology. Since he failed to do so, he should have
never made the taxpayer flip the bill for his report.
I’ve asked him to return the money and retract the report, but he is refusing to do so.

Please sign the following petitions in support of the Judicial Council terminating its contract with
this psychologist. The state of California deserves better.

I found a direct quote from Dr. Mangiameli in 2019. He is reflecting on his emotions after
volunteering during a wildfire.

“After my fire, sensitive to feeling everything I had built, acquired, and nurtured had been
stripped from me, I came up with a list of three things I believed could never be taken from me:

1. The memories of the experiences I have had. This belief made me determined to have a life
filled with experiences and adventure.

2. The knowledge and skills I acquire.

3. My integrity. My reputation may go up and down in the judgment of others, but my integrity is
a contract with myself. Only I can diminish it, and sometimes I have paid a high price in my
refusal to do so.”

How can he say that he refuses to compromise on integrity?

Valerie’s history of theft and use of District

Attorney’s Office to retaliate
Ms. Houghton did the same to another man who alleges that she misappropriated $10,000,000
from him.

Less than a money after the man asked for his money back, he was charged with raping a
pregnant woman with a golf club. He was in jail for 8 days and spent $3,000,000 before he was
found factually innocent.
Here is the link regarding the man who was charged with raping a pregnant woman with a golf

Now the man is suing Ms. Houghton.

I would prefer to deal with any other type of criminal. At least when you report a crime, the
authorities won’t ignore retaliation.
Valerie gloats about sex trafficking kids

Valerie just doesn’t see anything wrong with doing this to children. My son is now suicidal. She
said, “It’s not rape if they want it.”

You can see what she posted to her personal blog after I told her that my ex was letting a man
rape our 13 year old son.

Watch her joke that “molesting [kids] is not reportable”

She has no shame.

Judge James Towery

I had posted complaints on the judge’s Robing Room webpage. Here are a couple of responses
that I received:

“The district attorney would sooner investigate you than do anything to protect a child against a
judge’s wishes. They cower in fear to these judges who control their livelihood. The common
person means nothing to them.”

“Unfortunately, the court sees evidence that the man holding custody raped and drugged
someone in the past as “ancient history.” Although in the court of public opinion we all know your
child should not be with such a person, the court doesn’t care. This is the root of injustice–the
discrepancy between how the court thinks versus a reasonable person’s common sense.”
I have been complaining to many government officials and other relevant parties. No one cares
enough to stop this madness. The list includes the Commission on Judicial Performance, the
State Legislature, the District Attorney of Santa Clara County, the Attorney General of California,
the local news media, the State Bar, the police, the FBI, the California Board of Psychology, The
California Board of Consumer Affairs, the Supreme Court of California, and many more.

I urge anyone who has been affected by Valerie Houghton, Judge James Towery, or Dr. Lyn J.
Mangiameli to write an email to these parties. Even if you just don’t agree with how they have
acted, voicing your opinion can help. You can write the email anonymously.

Here is a comprehensive list of emails. All the contacts are already aware of the misconduct.

The list is long. You can use Gmail to include the entire list.
Since Judge Towery is refusing to order an emergency screening to protect my children, I’ve
asked the Commission on Judicial Performance to write him an advisory letter.

Gregory Dresser and Judge Michael Harper have previously refused to open an investigation for
the obvious misconduct. I am no longer pressing for that. All I want is for my kids to be

They ordered a full investigation and started formal proceedings for a judge who posted
improper political tweets.

But so far they have failed to write a simple letter that will protect my children from being
sexually abused.

Judge Towery has a long history of egregious


Judge Towery has a history of putting children in danger and abusing his power.

He once ordered a hearing to be put on calendar for MIDNIGHT. (see the order)
When the mother could not attend because the courthouse was closed, this judge made a ruling
by default. As a result, sole custody of her child went to an incarcerated man who was not the
biological father and not the father listed on the birth certificate. The mother was completely cut
out of the child’s life.

The child went on to live with the jailed man’s relative and was allegedly physically and sexually
abused. (see pic)

Someone posted this story in a video that I found online. They interviewed the attorney who
represented the mother. Watch it here:

I emailed the order ( + the link of the video to all of the CJP’s members.
I also included it in a separate complaint using the CJP’s official online portal.
These people just don’t have a heart to be allowing a judge to be doing this to children.

What happened to me can affect others

When Ms. Houghton applied for and received a state license to be marriage and family
therapist, she entered into an agreement with the state to be a mandated reporter of child

Much like a firefighter is expected to put out fires, we expect that stopping child abuse to be a
knee-jerk response. Allowing the abuse to continue has an exponential effect on the community.

(1) Children continue to be abused and can become abusers themselves (2) The abuser abuses
other children without abatement (3) The DA’s Office and other authorities learn that sometimes
it is permissible to sexually abuse children and may provide leniency in subsequent cases

Most people take the short view. It’s not happening to their own children, so they don’t have to
worry about it. You can use pollution as a good example of this.

If a river is polluted, you never know how it can affect you. The pollution could affect the drinking
water in your home. It could enter the drinking water at your friend’s house, or even a restaurant
that someone you know visits.

People like Valerie, Judge Towery and Dr. Mangiameli are selfish. They only care about their
own interests. Said interests only have a microscopic value of significance compared to the
overall picture.

Most people don’t understand how it can work in family court. The judge is like a poker dealer.
He expects a tip after every hand and for the lawyers to keep coming back to the table to play.

Had the confirmed child molestation been properly addressed, the custody proceedings would
have been finished and the ability to extort my ex would not exist.

The biggest reason that they do this is BECAUSE THEY CAN.

A judge is like a king in Santa Clara County. He/ she can influence judges, government
agencies, and lawyers to destroy anyone who complains about misconduct. The laws that make
our community a place of civility are completely arbitrary.
Tips for dealing with Valerie Houghton if she is on your

This is not an easy one to answer. Valerie doesn’t use legitimate workers such as PI’s to do her
dirty work. The people that she utilizes appear to gang members. Many are young hispanic
males with facial tattoos and articles of red clothing. They are capable of doing most anything,
including hacking, breaking into your car, assaults, and stalking.

(1) The first thing to do is secure your electronics. Valerie will get into them to monitor your
communications, harass you electronically, write emails on your behalf, monitor your
locations, see your search history and find out who is in your social circle.
(2) Periodically do a DFU restore. For this reason only apple products make sense. She will
root your phone. It is difficult to get rid of it on an android product.
(3) Never have any wireless connections turned on (ie bluetooth or wifi) the default is for
them to be on. Once you do a DFU restore, immediately go into the settings and turn it
all off.
(4) Periodically change your passwords.
(5) Carry your own chargers. Those can be tampered with to inject malicious code.
(6) Never eat out. Most people will take the money and poison/ drug you. This might seem
crazy, but that is what Houghton is. She has no worries about getting caught because
she is two or three people removed. Those thugs likely will not say anything either if
(7) Never give your keys to anyone. Don’t keep spares around. You may need to change
locks. Make sure that she doesn’t know. Even a locksmith will take her money.
(8) Don’t trust anyone. Once she gets into your contacts, most of your friends and family will
be on the payroll. They will relay messages, try to influence you, and pass on
information. People who you haven’t been in contact with for a long time will start
reaching out.
(9) Move far away. Valerie never gives in. It won’t matter how many people know that she is
sex trafficking your kids or poisoning you. Valerie will keep doing it like a dog without a
(10) Change your phone number and don’t give it out unless you have to.

Ms. Houghton has been terrorizing people for a long time. It is ingrained at this point so don’t
ever expect her to change. Daya Baran is another of her victims. He discovered that an inlaw
was sexually abusing his toddler. When he tried to protect her, Daya was poisoned. The
pigmentation in his skin was damaged and he became a diabetic. Then he was prosecuted for a
crime that he did not commit and subsequently lost all contact with his daughter.

Most people are scared to complain, so the list of victims has to be much longer.

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