Dwarves PDF
Dwarves PDF
Dwarves PDF
DWARF TRAITS Additionally, you gain access to the Magic Stone cantrip.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
Dwarves have the following traits.
ability for this cantrip when you cast it with this trait
Ability Score Increase. You gain a +2 to one ability score,
(choose when you select this race).
and a +1 to another of your choice. Alternatively, you can
have +1 to 3 ability scores of your choice. VULKEDDON
Age. Dwarves reach maturity at the same age as humans The vulkeddon dwarves are those who are deeply
but are considered youngsters until around 50 years old. connected to elemental fire. The first vulkeddon dwarves
Dwarves can live up to 500 years, but the average dwarf made their home among the fire elementals in the
lives around 350 years. southernmost peak of the Ironspine Ridge, Mount
Alignment. Dwarves share no common alignment, Luathail.
though many predominantly dwarven communities lean After they were exiled generations ago for daring to go
toward lawful. against the traditional practices of Norungard–which
Size. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and weigh shunned the summoning or use of fire elementals–the
about 150 pounds. Your size is medium. vulkeddon traveled south, where they discovered the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. volcanic mountain and were welcomed as refugees by the
Darkvision. Blessed with the gift of Kor, dwarves’ bodies benevolent Firelord Igneus.
are naturally accustomed to life underground. You can see Deep within Mount Luathail lies the elemental city of
in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, Embergate, a permanent gateway to the plane of elemental
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern fire. After proving their peaceful intentions, Firelord
color in darkness, only shades of gray. Igneus blessed these newcomers with children imbued by
Kor’s Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws the essence of fire, and thus the Vulkeddon dwarves were
you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on created.
yourself, and you have resistance to poison damage. Flameheart. You can use your bonus action to cause your
Stoneborn. The first dwarves in ancient times were body to temporarily emit immense heat for 1 minute. Upon
molded from the earth and stone, and though they have activation, any creature within 5 feet of you takes fire
lost the stone skin of their ancestors, the power still damage equal to your proficiency bonus, and any creature
resides in them to call upon it in times of need. You can use who ends their turn within 5 feet of you suffers fire
your reaction to temporarily turn your skin to stone, damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
adding your proficiency bonus to your AC until the end of You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you
equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended finish a long rest.
uses when you finish a long rest. Heat Tolerance. Your Stoneborn ability also grants you
Subrace. Two main subraces of dwarf populate the lands resistance to fire damage until it ends.
of Losatir: Earthenkin and Vulkeddon.
The earthenkin dwarves are those who have deeper
connection to elemental earth than any other dwarves. In
Losatir, many earthenkin make their home in the
Rimereach mountains, deep below its highest peak of
Mount Módgafar.
Etched in Stone. You can place your hand upon an area of
any earthen material, calling upon the memory of the
earth. You learn the following info within a 30-foot radius
of where you touched:
• How many creatures have traveled over this land in the
past 3 days
• How long ago each creature was here
• How large each creature was
• what direction each creature moved toward (up to the
edge of the spells effective range),
• How many legs each creature walked on.