Action Research On Reading-Chiara
Action Research On Reading-Chiara
Action Research On Reading-Chiara
School Head
Pakwan Integrated School
In the continuous quest to uphold and cater quality education to our young generation, it
is my utmost desire as English Teacher of Grade IV to conduct remedial reading for them
to be fully equipped with sufficient reading and communication skills before they reaches
another extra mile on their educational journey.
In relevance to this, I would like to humbly ask your permission to conduct my study
entitled “Basa Mo, Sagot Ko: A Peer Mediated Instruction To Decrease The
Mispronunciation of Words In Oral Reading Among Grade IV Pupils” and I would be
using the Grade IV pupils as my respondents.
Your utmost consideration and response anent to this request will be very much
appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
Respectfully yours,
Basa Mo, Sagot Ko: A Peer Mediated Instruction To Decrease the Mispronunciation
of Words in Oral Reading Among Grade IV Pupils of Pakwan Integrated School
February 8, 2019
This study was wholeheartedly dedicated to the following entities who contributed
To Sir Arnie Cidro, our School Head for believing in me and for allowing me to
To Ma’am Ella Armayan and Sir Benjamin Fallado, our District Research
Coordinators, for the valuable insights and encouragement that motivated me a lot to
To my family, for the continuous support and for inspiring me to continue this
To my Grade IV pupils, for giving me the chance to ignite their young minds and
Title Page - - - - - - - - -i
Abstract - - - - - - - - - ii
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - iii
Table of Contents - - - - - - - - iv
Discussion - - - - - - - - -8
Reflection - - - - - - - - - 12
References - - - - - - - - - 13
Annexes - - - - - - - - - 14
3. Instrument/Tool
5. Cost Estimates
7. Pictorials
8. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines
Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - 26
Email 1 :
Email 2 :
Age : 26
Gender : Female
Nationality : Filipino
competent in this ever glocalizing world. Every one of our students must be able to
communicate in a decent manner in the English language for him to compete on a global
According to Pritchard and O’hara (2018), “the solution to the language and
literacy development challenges English learners face cannot be found in a specific set of
The issue being focused in this study is the low reading literacy level among Grade
4 pupils. 10 out of 38 pupils are the subjects of this study due to their low performance in
Peer tutoring is one of the ways to help our students learn communication skills.
Because it is the peer that teaches, it makes the learner much more confident in
practicing his skills in English. Also, the students themselves can become coaches
The benefits to having a peer tutoring program in your classroom or in your school
are extensive. First and foremost, peer tutoring improves reading accuracy and
comprehension in a program that uses reading partners, one older and one younger
student, the results showed that students improved between three and four times the
expected rates in accuracy and comprehension (Miller, 2010). The tutors on the
other hand, not only gain competence in the subject matter and in their reading, but in
all levels of student learning. Findings are discussed in terms of RC Andersons 3-step of
verbal learning.
This research just attempts to prove that peer tutoring can be an effective way in
1. What is the reading literacy level of the Grade 4 pupils before the
2. What is the reading literacy level of the Grade 4 pupils after the implementation
3. What is the difference before and after the implementation of the intervention?
and using another ideas and works and passing them off as one’s own. This
includes explicitly copying the whole work of another person and/or using some
2. I hereby attest to the originality of this research proposal and has cited properly all
the references used. I further commit that all deliverables and the final research
study emanating from this proposal shall be of original content. I shaal use
3. I understand that violation from this declaration and commitment shall be subject to
SIGNATURE : __________________________
DATE : __________________________
2. I hereby declare that I do not have any personal conflict of interest that may arise
3. Further, in case of any form of conflict of interest which may inadvertently emerge
during the conduct of my research, I duly report it to the research committee for
immediate action.
4. I understand that I may held accountable by the Department of Education for any
SIGNATURE : __________________________
DATE : __________________________
Data Gathering Methods:
The researcher employed quantitative type of research. The study focused on the
parameter defined by the questions. Oral reading pre-test and post-test were done to
identified pupil respondents. Prior to the interview, conversation to school head, adviser,
and parents was observed. Students were notified about this research and the purposes
of the interview were explained to them for better understanding. The researcher also
Data Analysis
To determine the effectiveness of Basa Mo, Sagot Ko: A Peer Tutoring-Based Instruction
to Improve the Reading Literacy Level among 10 identified pupil respondents of Grade 4,
Table 1: Oral Reading Pre-Test Scores of the identified respondents before the
Table 1 showed the level of performance of the pupils in the oral reading pre-
test just before the intervention. In the table, ten (10) identified respondents have low
scores in the oral reading pre-test with only an average mean of 86.57 which falls directly
in the frustration level, and if not given immediate intervention it might affect the learners’
performance in school.
Table 2: Factors affecting the pupils in their low reading literacy level.
A 1 1 0
B 0 1 1
,C 1 1 1
D 0 1 0
E 0 0 0
F 1 1 1
G 0 1 0
H 0 1 0
I 0 1 1
J 1 1 0
Total 4 9 4
English among the learners gathered from the informal interview. Among the three
factors, no follow-up given at home is the most common one. This exhibits the fact that
lack of parents support to their children has a great impact in the reading literacy level of
Table 3: Oral Reading Post-Test Scores of the identified respondents after the
Table 3 showed the oral reading post-test scores of the pupils after the
implementation of the said intervention. From the table shown, it is clear that there is an
improvement in the reading literacy level of the pupils from an average mean of 86.57%
which is classified as frustration to 91.72% average mean which falls to instructional level
Table 4: ORPT scores before and after the implementation of the intervention.
scores that has a great and significant improvement after the implementation of the peer
tutoring program. Based on the results, the pupil respondents have benefited from the
Findings presented were consistent with the findings of Annis (2017) that peer
tutoring thus appears to be a potentially powerful technique for increasing all levels of
student learning.
Lyttle, Leigh Anne (2011). Do peer tutors help teach ESL students to learn English as a
Lee, Stacy (2011). Supporting comprehension among English language learners. St.
Annis, Linda F. (2017). The process and effects of peer tutoring. Human Learning:
The Department of Education has its flagship program, “Every Child A Reader
Program” which aims to make every Filipino child a reader and writer at his/her grade
level. Before a teacher can design and provide appropriate reading instruction for his
learners, he should be armed with information about his students’ current reading levels
and abilities.
It is with this view that prompted the researcher to conduct peer tutoring
program to help improve the reading literacy level of ten (10) Grade 4 pupils who were
identified as respondents of this study because of their low scores in the oral reading pre-
test. Prior to the conduct of this study, respondents, school head, and parents were
notified about this study through letter of consent duly signed by the above mentioned
Purposive sampling was used targeting learners who marked low scores in the
result, 10 out of 38 Grade IV pupils have low reading literacy level based on the oral
This study is focused on improving the reading literacy level among the 10
identified pupil respondents of Grade 4 thru the Basa Mo, Sagot Ko program. Oral
reading pre-test scores of each respondent were calculated before the implementation of
the intervention and oral reading post-test scores were also calculated and analysed if
In the continuous quest to uphold and cater quality education to our young
generation, the Department of Education initiated its flagship program which aims to
Thus, as the prime mover of this educational wheel, it is our job as educator to
ensure that nobody is left behind. We must exhaust all means for our school children to
learn not just the basics but for them to be able to compete in the working world and in
This prompted the researcher in crafting this action research to address the
issue that has been besetting the school children of Pakwan Integrated School for so
many years. Since it is the mandate of the Department that every school children should
know how to read, the researcher initiated the Basa Mo, Sagot Ko: A Peer Tutoring-
Based Instruction to help improve the reading literacy level of the 10 identified
The study showed that peer tutoring is an effective way to teach language
subjects to students. It also showed based on the responses, the pupils exhibited
improvement in their reading literacy and that is always a good sign for the learners as
It would also be recommended that peer tutoring be one of the main strategies
in teaching English as it is very useful in instilling both skills and confidence in the
learners. That way, the teacher’s work would be cut short and he would just be facilitating