Business Government and Society 10678
Business Government and Society 10678
Business Government and Society 10678
© William Frey
Collection Editor:
William Frey
Upon entering UPRM, you will be asked to participate in an awareness workshop that
introduces basic ethical issues and concepts pertinent to research activities. A Pre-Test
involving discussion of scenarios in research ethics will be followed by a lecture that
defines key concepts and situates the fundamental problems of research ethics in its
"Three Capital Sins," i.e., fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. Integrated into this
part of the workshop will be a demonstration of the intrinsic connection between
science and ethics. This workshop closes with a Post-Test designed to measure and
assess any changes in your awareness.
Workshop Activities
• To prepare for the workshop, you will read a short selection on research ethics
and explore the links provided in this module on the Hwang Woo Suk, Tuskegee,
and Enron cases. This will get you ready for the workshop.
• Exercise 1: Take a workshop pre-test in Research Ethics
• Exercise 2: Identify key duties in the research ethics context, the duties of
researchers, duties of professors to students, and duties of students to
• Exercise 3: Reflect and write on the fundamental mission an purpose of the
university. What goes on within the university? How does the university
contribute to the surrounding community?
• Exercise 4: You will return to the cases presented in the first part of the
workshop. What issues covered during the workshop on research ethics arose in
these cases? For example, what issues discussed in the workshop arose in the
Tuskegee case?
• Conceptual map exploring the etymological roots of ethics and its relations and
differences with concepts like morality, religion, and law.
• Research Ethics Themes: Research gravitates around a double axiological axis.
The first deals with issues surrounding the commitment of any academic
endeavor to the pursuit of truth. The second arises from the social
responsibility of the researcher to the whole academic enterprise. This double
axiological axis provides a basis for framing issues in Research Ethics.
• Academic integrity as the condition that makes possible the university's mission.
• The intrinsic connection between science and ethics
• Three Capital Sins against academic integrity: fabrication, falsification, and
• What is ethical relativism and absolutism?
Workshop Objectives
1. Determine your initial awareness of ethical issues in research ethics (Tied to Pre-
Test activity)
2. Deepen your awareness of ethical issues that arise in scientific and engineering
research. (Tied to Presentation activity)
3. Provide you with a conceptual map of key issues and concepts in research ethics.
(Tied to Presentation activity)
4. Uncover and assess any changes or improvements in your awareness of ethical
issues that arise in scientific and engineering research. (Tied to Post-Test activity)
Un dilema etico puede definirse como un conflicto que la persona experimenta entre
dos o mas obligaciones morales en una circunstancia particular
Integridad Académica
2.1.5 References
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
1. Kohlberg, Lawrence. 1981. The Philosophy of Moral Development: Essays on
Moral Development, vol.1. San Francisco: Harper and Row.
2. Pritchard, Michael S. 1996. Reasonable Children: Moral Education and Moral
Learning. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press: 11.
3. Rest, James, Narvaez, Darcia, Bebeau, Muriel, and Thoma, Stephen. 1999.
Postconventional Moral Thinking: a Neo-Kohlbergian Approach. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
4. Huf, Chuck and Frey, William. 2005. "Moral Pedagogy and Practical Ethics" in
Science and Engineering Ethics 11(3): 394-397.
5. Cruz, Jose and Frey, William. 2003. "An Efective Strategy for Integrating Ethics
Across the Curriculum in Engineering: An ABET 2000 Challenge" in Science and
Engineering Ethics 9(4): 546-547.
6. Haws, David R. (2004) "The Importance of Meta-Ethics in Engineering Education"
Science and Engineering Ethics, 10(2): 204-210.
7. Ian Barbour, Ethics in an Age of Technology, HarperCollins, 1993.
8. Elena Lugo, Etica Profesional para la Ingenierfa, Ediciones Riqueia, Librerfa
9. M. David Ermann, Mary B. Williams, y Michele S. Shauf, Computers, Ethics, and
Society, Oxford University Press, 1997.
10. Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, and Michael J. Rabins, Engineering Ethics:
Concepts and Cases, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995.
11. Joseph R. Herkert, Social, Ethical, and Policy Implications of Engineering, IEEE
Press, 2000.
12. William Frey and Jose Cruz, Ethics Across the Curriculum Workshop, February 22,
13. Stephen R. Covey, Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva, Paidos, 1997.
14. Louis P. Pojman, Ethics: Discovering right and Wrong, Wadworth Publishing
Company, 1990.
15. Jorge José Ferrer, y Juan Carlos Álvarez, Para Fundamentar la Bioetica, Editorial
Desclee De Brouwer, 2003.
Below are two presentations upon which different variations of the Graduate
Awareness Workshop will be built. They both explore basic and intermediate moral
concepts such as rights, duties, plagiarism, and integrity. They also contain material
and exercises designed to help capstone design courses in engineering and science
effectively integrate ethical issues. In addition to the presentations, the last media file
contains a document that provides the Pre-Test, Post-Test, and GAW evaluation forms
in Word format.
Presentation: La actividad academica como empresa moral by Jorge Ferrer and Efrain
O'Neill (
This link contains the PowerPoint presentation given for the GAW on September 29,
2007. To date it is the most recent version of the workshop.
This presentation, developed by Efrain O'Neill and Luis Jimenez, has been used to
introduce research ethics to incoming graduate students in Electrical Engineering.
Eddie Marrero and Jorge Ferrer also contributed material.
Clicking on this link will open the PowerPoint presentation used in a faculty issue
identification activity held at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez on November
29, 2007.
Engineers and other professionals work in large corporations under the supervision of
managers who may lack their expertise, skills, and commitment to professional
standards. This creates communication and ethical challenges. At the very least,
professionals are put in the position of having to advocate their ethical and
professional standards to those who, while not being opposed to them, may not share
their understanding of and commitment to them.
This module is designed to give you the tools and the practice using them necessary to
prevail in situations that require advocacy of ethical and professional standards. In
this module you carry out several activities.
(1) You will study the philosophical and ethical foundations of modern rights theory
through a brief look at Kantian Formalism. (2) You will learn a framework for
examining the legitimacy of rights claims. (3) You will practice this framework by
examining several rights claims that engineers make over their supervisors. This
examination will require that you reject certain elements, rephrase others, and
generally recast the claim to satisfy the requirements of the rights justification
framework. (4) Finally, in small groups you will build tables around your reformulation
of these rights claims and present the results to the class. This module will help you to
put your results together with the rest of your classmates and collectively assemble a
toolkit consisting of the legitimate rights claims that engineers and other professionals
can make over their managers and supervisors.
For more background on rights theory and the relation of rights and duties see (1)
Henry Shue, Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence, and U.S. Foreign Policy, 2nd
edition, Princeton, 1980 and (2) Thomas Donaldson, The Ethics of International
Business, Oxford, 1989. This exercise has been used in computer and engineering
ethics classes at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez from 2002 on to the
1. The right to act in accordance with one's ethical conscience and to refuse to work
on projects that go against one's conscience or personal or professional moral
2. The right to express one's professional judgment and to make public declarations
as long as these do not violate a corporation's rights to proprietary information.
3. The right to corporate loyalty and freedom from being made a scapegoat for
natural catastrophes, administrative ineptitude, and other forces that are beyond
the control of the individual engineer.
4. The right to better oneself through postgraduate studies and through
participation in one's professional society.
5. The right to participate in political activities outside of work hours.
6. The right not to suffer retaliation from one's current employer when one seeks
better employment elsewhere.
7. The right to due process under the law and freedom from the application of
arbitrary penalties including being fired at will without just cause.
Kantian Formalism, Part I: Aligning the moral motive and the moral act
• Kant's moral philosophy has exercised substantial influence over our notions of right
and duty. We begin with a brief summary of this theory based on the work, The
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals.
• Kant states that the only thing in this world that is good without qualification is a good
will. He characterizes this will in terms of its motive, “duty for duty's sake.”
• Consider the following example. You see a boy drowning. Even though the water
is rough and the current strong you are a good enough swimmer to save him. So
while your inclination may be to give way to fear and walk away, you are duty-
bound to save the drowning boy.
• An action (saving or not saving the drowning boy) has moral worth depending on the
correct correlation of right action and right motive. The following table shows this.
Motive Duty
(desire for reward
or fear)
• Kant sees morality as the expression and realization of the rational will. The first
formulation of this rational will is to will consistently and universally.
• This leads to the Categorical Imperative: I should act only on that maxim
(=personal rule or rule that I give to myself) that can be converted into a
universal law (a rule that applies to everybody) without self-contradiction.
• This formulation is an imperative because it commands the will of all reasonable
beings. It is categorical because it commands without exceptions or conditions.
The CI tells me unconditionally not to lie. It does not say, do not like unless it
promotes your self interest to do so.
• The following table shows how to use the Categorical Imperative to determine
whether I have a duty not to lie.
1. Formulate
your maxim ( Whenever I am in a difficult situation, I should tell
personal a lie.
Whenever anybody is in a difficult situation, he or
she should tell a lie.
your maxim.
• When I will one thing as universal law and make myself the exception in difficult
circumstances, I am treating others, in Kantian terms, merely as means.
• This implies that I subordinate or bend them to my interests and projects without
their consent. I do this by circumventing their autonomy through (1) force, (2)
fraud (often deception), or (3) manipulation. Treating them with respect would
involve telling them what I want (what are my plans and projects) and on this
basis asking them to consent to participate and help me. The extreme case for
treating others merely as means is enslaving them.
• We do on occasion treat others as means (and not as mere means) when we hire
them as employees. But this is consistent with their autonomy and rational
consent because we explain to them what is expected (we give them a job
description) and compensate them for their efforts. For this reason there is a
world of difference between hiring others and enslaving them.
• The Formula of the End = Act so as to treat others (yourself included) always as
ends and never merely as means.
• Kantian formalism provides a foundation for respect for the intrinsic value of
humans as autonomous rational beings. Using this as a point of departure, we
can develop a method for identifying, spelling out, and justifying the rights and
duties that go with professionalism. This framework can be summarized in four
general propositions:
• 1. Definition: A right is an essential capacity of action that others are obliged to
recognize and respect. This definition follows from autonomy. Autonomy can be
broken down into a series of specific capacities. Rights claims arise when we
identify these capacities and take social action to protect them. Rights are
inviolable and cannot be overridden even when overriding would bring about
substantial public utility.
• 2. All rights claims must satisfy three requirements. They must be (1) essential to
the autonomy of individuals and (2) vulnerable so that they require special
recognition and protection (on the part of both individuals and society).
Moreover, the burden of recognizing and respecting a claim as a right must not
deprive others of something essential. In other words, it must be (3) feasible for
both individuals and social groups to recognize and respect legitimate rights
• 3. Definition: A duty is a rule or principle requiring that we both recognize and
respect the legitimate rights claims of others. Duties attendant on a given right
fall into three general forms: (a) duties not to deprive, (b) duties to prevent
deprivation, and (c) duties to aid the deprived.
• 4. Rights and duties are correlative; for every right there is a correlative series
of duties to recognize and respect that right.
• These four summary points together form a system of professional and
occupational rights and correlative duties.
In other words, my rights claims over you are not so extensive as to deprive you
of your rights. My right to life should not deprive you of your right to self-
protection were I to attack you. Thus, the scope of my right claims over you and
the rest of society are limited by your ability to reciprocate. I cannot push my
claims over you to recognize and respect my rights to the point where you are
deprived of something essential.
• Duty not to deprive: We have a basic duty not to violate the rights of others. This
entails that we must both recognize and respect these rights. For example,
computing specialists have the duty not to deprive others of their rights to privacy
by hacking into private files.
• Duty to prevent deprivation: Professionals, because of their knowledge, are
often in the position to prevent others from depriving third parties of their rights.
For example, a computing specialist may find that a client is not taking sufficient
pains to protect the confidentiality of information about customers. Outsiders
could access this information and use it without the consent of the customers.
The computing specialist could prevent this violation of privacy by advising the
client on ways to protect this information, say, through encryption. The
computing specialist is not about to violate the customers' rights to privacy. But
because of special knowledge and skill, the computing specialist may be in a
position to prevent others from violating this right.
• Duty to aid the deprived: Finally, when others have their rights violated, we have
the duty to aid them in their recovery from damages. For example, a computing
specialist might have a duty to serve as an expert witness in a lawsuit in which the
plaintiff seeks to recover damages suffered from having her right to privacy
violated. Part of this duty would include accurate, impartial, and expert testimony.
1. We can identify and define specific rights such as due process. Moreover, we can
set forth some of the conditions involved in recognizing and respecting this right.
2. Due Process can be justified by showing that it is essential to autonomy,
vulnerable, and feasible.
3. Right holders can be specified.
4. Correlative duties and duty holders can be specified.
5. Finally, the correlative duty-levels can be specified as the duties not to violate
rights, duties to prevent rights violations (whenever feasible), and the duties to
aid the deprived (whenever is feasible).
Duty- Holder:
Engineer as
Right: Due employee
Justification Supervisor, Duty Lev
Process and member
officials in
7. Further spell out the right by showing what actions the correlative
duties involve. For example, a manager should not violate an
employee's due process right by firing him or her without just
cause. The organization's human resources department might carry
out a training program to help managers avoid depriving employees
of this right. The organization could aid the deprived by designing
and implementing binding arbitration involving an impartial third
Be prepared to debrief on your right claim to the rest of the class. When other groups
are debriefing, you are free to challenge them on whether their claim is essential to
autonomy, whether they have identified a valid "standard threat," and whether the
correlative duties are feasible or deprive others of something essential. Your goal as a
class is to have a short but effective list of rights that professionals take with them to
the workplace.
3.1.4 Conclusion
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• Not every claim to a right is a legitimate or justifiable claim. The purpose of this
framework is to get you into the habit of thinking critically and skeptically about
the rights claims that you and others make. Every legitimate right claim is
essential, vulnerable, and feasible. Correlative duties are sorted out according to
different levels (not to deprive, prevent deprivation, and aid the deprived); this, in
turn, is based on the capacity of the correlative duty holder to carry them out.
Finally, duties correlative to rights cannot deprive the duty-holder of something
• Unless you integrate your right and its correlative duties into the context of your
professional or practical domain, it will remain abstract and irrelevant. Think
about your right in the context of the real world. Think of everyday situations in
which the right and its correlative duties will arise. Invent cases and scenarios. If
you are an engineering student, think of informed consent in terms of the public's
right to understand and consent to the risks associated with engineering projects.
If you are a computing student think of what you can do with computing
knowledge and skills to respect or violate privacy rights. Don't stop with an
abstract accounting of the right and its correlative duties.
• Rights and duties underlie professional codes of ethics. But this is not always
obvious. For example, the right of free and informed consent underlies much of
the engineer's interaction with the public, especially the code responsibility to
hold paramount public health, safety, and welfare. Look at the different
stakeholder relations covered in a code of ethics. (In engineering this would
include public, client, profession, and peer.) What are the rights and duties
outlined in these stakeholder relations? How are they covered in codes of ethics?
• This module is effective in counter-acting the tendency to invent rights and use
them to rationalize dubious actions and intentions. Think of rights claims as credit
backed by a promise to pay at a later time. If you make a right claim, be ready to
justify it. If someone else makes a right claim, make them back it up with the
justification framework presented in this module.
Through the activities of this module you will learn to balance cautionary tales in
business and professional ethics with new stories about those who consistently act in
a morally exemplary way. While cautionary tales teach us what to avoid, narratives
from the lives of moral exemplars show us how to be good. A study of moral best
practices in business and professional ethics shows that moral exemplars exhibit
positive and learnable skills. This module, then, looks at moral exemplars in business
and the professions, outlines their outstanding accomplishments, and helps you to
unpack the strategies they use to overcome obstacles to doing good.
Kurdish refugees in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War in 1991. He also helped
design and implement an innovative water fltration system in Sarajevo during the
Bosnia-Serb confict in 1993. For more details, consult the biographical sketch at
• 3. Roger Boisjoly worked on a team responsible for developing o-ring seals for
fuel tanks used in the Challenger Shuttle. When his team noticed evidence of gas
leaks he made an emergency presentation before ofcials of Morton Thiokol and
NASA recommending postponing the launch scheduled for the next day. When
decision makers refused to change the launch date, Boisjoly watched in horror
the next day as the Challenger exploded seconds into its fight. Find out about the
courageous stand Boisjoly took in the aftermath of the Challenger explosion by
reading the biographical sketch at online ethics.
• 4. Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006. His effort in setting
up "micro-businesses" funded through "micro-lending" has completely changed
the paradigm on how to extend business practices to individuals at the bottom of
the pyramid. Learn about his strategies for creating micro-businesses and how
those strategies have been extended throughout the world, including Latin
America, by listening to an interview with him broadcast by the Online News
Hour. (See link included in this module.)
• 5. Bill Gates has often been portrayed as a villain, especially during the anti-trust
suit against Microsoft in the mid 1990's. Certainly his aggressive and often
ruthless business practices need to be evaluated openly and critically. But
recently Gates stopped participating in the day-to-day management of his
company, Microsoft, and has set up a charitable foundation to oversee
international good works projects. Click on the link included in this module to
listen to and read an interview recently conducted with him and his wife, Melinda,
on their charitable efforts.
• 6. Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron, can hardly be called a moral exemplar. Yet
when Enron was at its peak, its CEO, Jeffrey Skilling, was considered among the
most innovative, creative, and brilliant of contemporary corporate CEOs. View the
documentary, The Smartest Guys in the Room, read the book of the same title,
and learn about the configuration of character traits that led to Skilling's initial
successes and ultimate failure. A link included in this module will lead you to an
interview with Skilling conducted on March 28, 2001.
• Inez Austin worked to prevent contamination from nuclear wastes produced by a
plutonium production facility. Visit Online Ethics by clicking on the link above to
find out more about her heroic stand.
• Rachael Carson's book, The Silent Spring, was one of the key events inaugurating
the environmental movement in the United States. For more on the content of
her life and her own personal act of courage, visit the biographical profile at
Online Ethics. You can click on the Supplemental Link provided above.
3.2.5 Exercise
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
Prepare a short dramatization of a key moment in the life of your group's moral
Primes stands for Personality, Integrating value into self-system, Moral Ecology, and
Moral Skills Sets. These are the elements composing moral expertise that have been
identified by Huff and Rogerson based on interviews they conducted with exemplars
in the areas of computing.
• As said above, moral exemplars stand out by the way in which (and the extent to
which) they have integrated moral value into their self-system. Because of this,
they are strongly motivated to do good and avoid doing bad. Both (doing good
and refraining from doing bad) express who they are. If they slip into bad deeds,
this motivational system pushes them to improve to avoid repeating bad deeds.
• One way of integrating moral value into self-system is by looking at stories and
narratives of those who have displayed moral excellence. Many of the individuals
portrayed above (Carson, Boisjoly, LeMesseur, Cuny, Austin, and Yunus) provide
concrete models of outstanding moral careers.
• Literature also provides its models of moral exemplars. Charles Dickens paints
especially powerful portraits of both moral heroes (Esther Summerson and "Little
Dorritt") and villains (Heep and Skim-pole).
• Other vehicles for integrating moral value centrally into the self-system lie in
affiliations, relationships, and friendships. Aristotle shows the importance of good
friendships in developing virtues. Moral exemplars most often can point to others
who have served as mentors or strong positive influences. For example, Roger
Boisjoly tells of how he once went to a senior colleague for advice on whether to
sign of on a design that was less than optimal. His colleague's advice: would you
be comfortable with your wife or child using a product based on this design?
• The ethicist, Bernard Williams, has argued forcefully for the importance of
personal projects in establishing and maintaining integrity. Personal projects,
roles, and life tasks all convey value; when these hold positive moral value and
become central unifying factors in one's character, then they also serve to
integrate moral value into the self system.
• Augusto Blasi, a well known moral psychologist, gives a particularly powerful
account (backed by research) of the integration of moral value into self-system
and its motivational effect.
Moral Ecology
• Moral Ecologies: “The term moral ecology encourages us to consider the complex
web of relationships and influences, the long persistence of some factors and the
rapid evolution of others, the variations in strength and composition over time, the
micro-ecologies that can exist within larger ones, and the multidirectional nature
of causality in an ecology.” From Huff et. al.
• Moral ecologies refer to social surrounds, that is, the different groups,
organizations, and societies that surround us and to which we are continually
• We interact with these social surrounds as organisms interact with their
surrounding ecosystems. In fact, moral ecologies offer us roles (like ecological
niches) and envelop us in complex organizational systems (the way ecosystems
are composed of interacting and interrelated parts). We inhabit and act within
several moral ecologies; these moral ecologies, themselves, interact. Finally,
moral ecologies, like natural ecosystems, seek internal and external harmony and
balance. Internally, it is important to coordinate different the constituent
individuals and the roles they play. Externally, it is difficult but equally important
to coordinate and balance the conflicting aims and activities of different moral
• Moral ecologies shape who we are and what we do. This is not to say that they
determine us. But they do channel and constrain us. For example, your parents
have not determined who you are. But much of what you do responds to how
you have experienced them; you agree with them, refuse to question their
authority, disagree with them, and rebel against them. The range of possible
responses is considerable but these are all shaped by what you experienced from
your parents in the past.
• The moral ecologies module (see the link provided above) describes three
different moral ecologies that are important in business: quality-, customer-, and
• Moral expertise is not reducible to knowing what constitutes good conduct and
doing your best to bring it about. Realizing good conduct, being an effective moral
agent, bringing value into the work, all require skills in addition to a "good will."
PRIMES studies have uncovered four skill sets that play a decisive role in the
exercise of moral expertise.
• Moral Imagination: The ability to project into the standpoint of others and view
the situation at hand through their lenses. Moral imagination achieves a balance
between becoming lost in the perspectives of others and failing to leave one's
own perspective. Adam Smith terms this balance "proportionality" which we can
achieve in empathy when we feel with them but do not become lost in their
feelings. Empathy consists of feeling with others but limiting the intensity of that
feeling to what is proper and proportionate for moral judgment.
• Moral Creativity: Moral Creativity is close to moral imagination and, in fact,
overlaps with it. But it centers in the ability to frame a situation in different ways.
Patricia Werhane draws attention to a lack of moral creativity in the Ford Pinto
case. Key Ford directors framed the problem with the gas tank from an
economical perspective. Had they considered other framings they might have
appreciated the callousness of refusing to recall Pintos because the costs of doing
so (and retrofitting the gas tanks) were greater than the benefits (saving lives).
They did not see the tragic implications of their comparison because they only
looked at the economic aspects. Multiple framings open up new perspectives that
make possible the design of non-obvious solutions.
• Reasonableness: Reasonableness balances openness to the views of others (one
listens and impartially weighs their arguments and evidence) with commitment to
moral values and other important goals. One is open but not to the extent of
believing anything and failing to keep fundamental commitments. The Ethics of
Team Work module (see link above) discusses strategies for reaching consensus
that are employed by those with the skill set of reasonableness. These help avoid
the pitfalls of group-based deliberation and action.
3.2.9 Bibliography
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
• Blasi, A. (2004). Moral Functioning: Moral Understanding and Personality. In D.K
Lapsley and D. Narvaez (Eds.) Moral Development, Self, and Identity, (pp.
335-347). Mahwah, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
• Colby, A., Damon, W. (1992). Some do care: Contemporary lives of moral
commitment. New York: Free Press.
• Flanagan, O. (1991). Varieties of moral personality: Ethics and psychological
realism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
• Huf, C., Rogerson, S. (2005). Craft and reform in moral exemplars in computing.
Paper presented at ETHICOMP2005 in Linko¨ping, September.
• Huf, C., Frey, W. (2005). Moral Pedagogy and Practical Ethics. Science and
Engineering Ethics, 11(3), 389-408.
• Huf, C., Barnard, L., Frey, W. (2008). Good computing: a pedagogically focused
model of virtue in the practice of computing (part 1), Journal of Information,
Communication and Ethics in Society, 6(3), 246-278.
• Huf, C., Barnard, L., Frey, W. (2008). Good computing: a pedagogically focused
model of virtue in the practice of computing (part 2), Journal of Information,
Communication and Ethics in Society, 6(4), 286-316.
• Jackall, R. (1988). Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
• Johnson, M. (1993). Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for
Ethics. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 199-202.
• Lawrence, A. and Weber, J. (2010). Business and Society: Stakeholders Ethics and
Public Policy, 13th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
• Pritchard, M. (1998). "Professional Responsibility: Focusing on the Exemplary," in
Science and Engineering Ethics, 4: 215-234.
• Werhane, P. (1999). Moral Imagination and Management Decision Making.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 93-96.
Based on material presented by Chuck Huff (St. Olaf College) and William Frey at the
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics in 2005 at San Antonio, TX.
Preliminary versions were distributed during this presentation.
This module uses materials being prepared for Good Computing: A Virtue Approach to
Computer Ethics, to set up an exercise in which you will identify and spell out virtues
relevant to your professional discipline. After identifying these virtues, you will work to
contextualize them in everyday practice. Emphasis will be placed on the Aristotelian
approach to virtues which describes a virtue as the disposition toward the mean
located between the extremes of excess and defect. You will also be asked to identify
common obstacles that prevent professionals from realizing a given virtue and moral
exemplars who demonstrate consistent success in realizing these virtues and
responding to obstacles that stand in the way of their realization. In a variation on this
module you could be asked to compare the virtues you have identified for your
profession with virtues that belong to other moral ecologies such as those of the
Homeric warrier.
Virtue ethics has gone through three historical versions. The first, Virtue 1, was set
forth by Aristotle in ancient Greece. While tied closely to practices in ancient Greece
that no longer exist today, Aristotle's version still has a lot to say to us in this day and
age. In the second half of the twentieth century, British philosophical ethicists put
forth a related but different theory of virtue ethics (virtue 2) as an alternative to the
dominant ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology. Virtue 2 promised a new
foundation of ethics consistent with work going on at that time in the philosophy of
mind. Proponents felt that turning from the action to the agent promised to free
ethical theory from the intractable debate between utilitarianism and deontology and
offered a way to expand scope and relevance of ethics. Virtue 3 reconnects with
Aristotle and virtue 1 even though it drops the doctrine of the mean and Aristotle's
emphasis on character. Using recent advances in moral psychology and moral
pedagogy, it seeks to rework key Aristotelian concepts in modern terms. In the
situation, we learn how to structure our situations to see moral problems and
possibilities, and we develop the skill of "hitting" consistently on the mean
between the extremes. All of these are skills that are cultivated in much the same
way as a basketball player develops through practice the skill of shooting the ball
through the hoop.
• Bouleusis. This word translates as "deliberation." For Aristotle, moral skill is not
the product of extensive deliberation (careful, exhaustive thinking about reasons,
actions, principles, concepts, etc.) but of practice. Those who have developed the
skill to find the mean can do so with very little thought and effort. Virtuous
individuals, for Aristotle, are surprisingly unreflective. They act virtuously without
thought because it has become second nature to them.
• Akrasia. Ross translates this word as "incontinence" which is outmoded. A better
translation is weakness of will. For Aristotle, knowing where virtue lies is not the
same as doing what virtue demands. There are those who are unable to translate
knowledge into resolution and then into action. Because akrasis (weakness of will)
is very real for Aristotle, he also places emphasis in his theory of moral
development on the cultivation of proper emotions to help motivate virtuous
action. Later ethicists seek to oppose emotion and right action; Aristotle sees
properly trained and cultivated emotions as strong motives to doing what virtue
• Logos Aristotle's full definition of virtue is "a state of character concerned with
choice, lying in a mean, i.e. the mean relative to us, this being determined by a
rational principle, and by that principle by which [a person] of practical wisdom
would determine it." (Ross's translation in Nichomachean Ethics, 1106b, 36.) We
have talked about character, the mean, and the person of practical wisdom. The
last key term is "logos" which in this definition is translated by reason. This is a
good translation if we take reason in its fullest sense so that it is not just the
capacity to construct valid arguments but also includes the practical wisdom to
assess the truth of the premises used in constructing these arguments. In this
way, Aristotle expands reason beyond logic to include a fuller set of intellectual,
practical, emotional, and perceptual skills that together form a practical kind of
3.3.4 Virtue 2
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• The following summary of Virtue 2 is taken largely from Rosalind Hursthouse.
While she extensively qualifies each of these theses in her own version of virtue
ethics, these points comprise an excellent summary of Virtue 2 which starts with
G.E.M. Anscombe's article, "Modern Moral Philosophy," and continues on into the
present. Hursthouse presents this characterization of Virtue 2 in her book, On
Virtue Ethics (2001) U.K.: Oxford University Press: 17.
• Virtue 2 is agent centered. Contrary to deontology and utilitarianism which
focus on whether actions are good or right, V2 is agent centered in that it sees the
action as an expression of the goodness or badness of the agent. Utilitarianism
focuses on actions which bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest
number; deontology seeks those actions that respect the autonomy of individuals
and carry out moral obligations, especially duties. These theories emphasize
doing what is good or right. Virtue 2, on the other hand, focuses on the agent's
becoming or being good.
• Can Virtue 2 tell us how to act? Because V2 is agent-centered, critics claim that
it cannot provide insight into how to act in a given situation. All it can say is, "Act
the way a moral exemplar would act." But what moral standards do moral
exemplars use or embody in their actions? And what moral
• standards do we use to pick out the moral exemplars themselves? Hursthouse
acknowledges that this criticism hits home. However, she points out that the
moral standards come from the moral concepts that we apply to moral
exemplars; they are individuals who act courageously, exercise justice, and
realize honesty. The moral concepts "courage," "justice," and "honesty" all have
independent content that helps guide us. She also calls this criticism unfair: while
virtue 2 may not provide any more guidance than deontology or utilitarianism, it
doesn't provide any less. Virtue 2 may not provide perfect guidance, but what it
does provide is favorably comparable to what utilitarianism and deontology
• Virtue 2 replaces Deontic concepts (right, duty, obligation) with Aretaic
concepts (good, virtue). This greatly changes the scope of ethics. Deontic
concepts serve to establish our minimum obligations. On the other hand, aretaic
concepts bring the pursuit of excellence within the purview of ethics. Virtue ethics
produces a change in our moral language that makes the pursuit of excellence an
essential part of moral inquiry.
• Finally, there is a somewhat different account of virtue 2 (call it virtue 2a) that can
be attributed to Alisdair MacIntyre. This version "historicizes" the virtues, that is,
looks at how our concepts of key virtues have changed over time. (MacIntyre
argues that the concept of justice, for example, varies greatly depending on
whether one views justice in Homeric Greece, Aristotle's Greece, or Medieval
Europe.) Because he argues that skills and actions are considered virtuous only in
relation to a particular historical and community context, he redefines virtues as
those skill sets necessary to realize the goods or values around which social
practices are built and maintained. This notion fits in well with professional ethics
because virtues can be derived from the habits, attitudes, and skills needed to
maintain the cardinal ideals of the profession.
3.3.5 Virtue 3
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Virtue 3 can best be outlined by showing how the basic concepts of Virtue 1 can
be reformulated to reflect current research in moral psychology.
The table just below provides a format for spelling out individual virtues through (1) a
general description, (2) the correlative vices of excess and defect, (3) the skills and
mental states that accompany and support it, and (4) real and fictional individuals who
embody it. Following the table are hints on how to identify and characterize virtues.
We start with the virtue of integrity:
One may
work in an
is the norm.
following an
illegal order
or getting
• The most tenacious obstacle to working with virtue ethics is to change focus from
the morally minimal to the morally exemplary. "Virtue" is the translation of the
Greek word, arete. But "excellence" is, perhaps, a better word. Understanding
virtue ethics requires seeing that virtue is concerned with the exemplary, not the
barely passable. (Again, looking at moral exemplars helps.) Arete transforms our
understanding of common moral values like justice and responsibility by moving
from minimally acceptable to exemplary models.
3.3.11 Resources
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• Murdoch, I. (1970). The Sovereignty of Good. UK: London, Routledge.
• Sherman, N. (1989). The Fabric of Character: Aristotle's Theory of Virtue. UK:
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
• Hursthouse, R. (1999). On Virtue Ethics. UK: Oxford, Oxford University Press.
• Virtue Ethics. (2003). Edited by Stephen Darwall. UK: Oxford: Blackwell.
• Blum, L. (1994). Moral Perception and Particularity. UK: Cambridge University
• Pincofs, E.L. (1986). Quandaries and Virtues: Against Reductivism in Ethics.
Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
• Virtue Ethics (1997). Edited by Crisp, R. and Slote, M. UK: Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
• Environmental Virtue Ethics. (2005). Edited by Sandler, R. and Cafaro, P. New York:
Rowman and Littlefield.
• Frey, W. (2008). "Engineering Ethics in Puerto Rico: Issues and Narratives. Science
and Engineering Ethics, 14: 417-431.
• Frey, W. (2010). "Teaching Virtue: Pedagogical Implications of Moral Psychology.
Science and Engineering Ethics, 16: 611-628.
• Huff, C., Barnard, L. and Frey, W. (2008) "Good computing: a pedagogically
focused model of virtue in the practice of computing (parts 1 and 2)." Information,
Communication and Ethics in Society, 6(3), 246-278.
Much of your future work will be organized around group or team activities. This
module is designed to prepare you for this by getting you to reflect on ethical and
practical problems that arise in small groups like work teams. Four issues, based on
well-known ethical values, are especially important. How do groups achieve justice (in
the distribution of work), responsibility (in specifying tasks, assigning blame, and
awarding credit), reasonableness (ensuring participation, resolving conflict, and
reaching consensus), and honesty (avoiding deception, corruption, and impropriety)?
This module asks that you develop plans for realizing these moral values in your
group work this semester. Furthermore, you are provided with a list of some of the
more common pitfalls of group work and then asked to devise strategies for avoiding
them. Finally, at the end of the semester, you will review your goals and strategies,
reflect on your successes and problems, and carry out an overall assessment of the
5. Textboxes in this module describe pitfalls in groups activities and offer general
strategies for preventing or mitigating them. There is also a textbox that provides
an introductory orientation on key ethical values or virtues.
The objective of this module is to teach you to teach yourselves how to work in small
groups. You will develop and test procedures for realizing value goals and avoiding
group pitfalls. You will also use Socio-Technical System Analysis to help you
understand better how to take advantage of the way in which different environments
enable groups activities and to anticipate and minimize the way in which other
environments can constrain or even oppose group activities.
• Discovery:“The goal of this activity is to 'discover' the values that are relevant to,
inspire, or inform a given design project, resulting in a list of values and bringing
into focus what is often implicit in a design project.” [Flanagan et al. 323].
Discovery of group values is a trial and error process. To get started, use the
ADEM Statement of Values or the short value profiles listed below.
• Translation:“[T]ranslation is the activity of embodying or expressing...values in a
system design. Translation is further divided into operationalization, which
involves defining or articulating values in concrete terms, and implementation
which involves specifying corresponding design features” [Flanagan et al., 338].
You will operationalize your values by developing profiles. (See below or the
ADEM Statement of Values for examples.) Then you will implement your values by
developing realization procedures. For example, to realize justice in carrying out a
group task, first we will discuss the task as a group, second we will divide it into
equal parts, third, forth, etc.
• Verification:“In the activity of verification, designers assess to what extent they
have successfully implemented target values in a given system. [Strategies and
methods] may include internal testing among the design team, user testing in
controlled environments, formal and informal interviews and surveys, the use of
prototypes, traditional quality assurance measures such as automated and
regression-oriented testing and more” [Flanagan et al., 344-5]. You will document
your procedures in the face of different obstacles that may arise in your efforts at
value-realization. At the end of your semester, you will verify your results by
showing how you have refined procedures to more effectively realize values.
The framework on value realization and the above-quoted passages can be found in
the following resource:
1. Identify value goals. Start with two or three. You can add or subtract from these
as the semester progresses.
2. Give a brief description of each using terms that reflect your group's shared
understandings. You may use the descriptions in this module or those in the
ADEM Statement of Values but feel free to modify these to fit your group's
context. You could also add characteristics and sample rules and aspirations.
3. For each value goal, identify and spell out a procedure for realizing it. See the
examples just below for questions that can help you develop value procedures
for values like justice and responsibility.
• Design a plan for realizing key moral values of team work. Your
plan should address the following value-based tasks
• How does your group plan on realizing justice? For example, how
will you assign tasks within the group that represent a fair
distribution of the work load and, at the same time, recognize
differences in individual strengths and weaknesses? How does
your group plan on dealing with members who fail to do their fair
Note: Use your imagination here and be specific on how you plan to realize
each value. Think preven tively (how you plan on avoiding injustice,
irresponsibility, injustice, and dishonesty) and proactively (how you can
enhance these values). Don't be afraid to outline specific commitments.
Expect some of your commitments to need reformulation. At the end of the
semester, this will help you write the final report. Describe what worked, what
did not work, and what you did to fix the latter.
• Free Riders: Free riders are individuals who attempt to "ride for free" on the
work of the other members of the group. Some free riders cynically pursue their
selfish agenda while others fall into this pitfall because they are unable to meet
all their obligations. (See conflict of effort.)
• Outliers: These are often mistaken for free riders. Outliers want to become
participants but fail to become fully integrated into the group. This could be
because they are shy and need encouragement from the other group members.
It could also be because the other group members know one another well and
have habitual modes of interaction that exclude outsiders. One sign of outliers;
they do not participate in group social activities but they still make substantial
• At the end of the solution generating process, carry out an anonymous survey
asking participants if anything was left out they were reluctant to put before
• Designate a Devil's Advocate charged with criticizing the group's decision.
• Ask participants to reaffirm group decision-perhaps anonymously.
• “The leader of a policy-forming group should assign the role of critical evaluator to
each member, encouraging the group to give high priority to airing objections and
• “The leaders in an organization's hierarchy, when assigning a policy-planning
mission to a group, should be impartial instead of stating preferences and
expectations at the outset.”
• “Throughout the period when the feasibility and effectiveness of policy alternatives
are being sur veyed, the policy-making group should from time to time divide into
two or more subgroups to meet separately....”
• “One or more outside experts or qualified colleagues within the organization who
are not core members of the policy-making group should be invited to each
meeting ...and should be encouraged to challenge the views of the core members.”
• “At every meeting devoted to evaluating policy alternatives, at least one member
should be assigned the role of devil's advocate.”
Best Practices for Avoiding Polarization (Items taken from "Good Computing: A
Virtue Approach to Computer Ethics" by Chuck Huff, William Frey and Jose Cruz
(Unpublished Manuscript)
• Set Quotas. When brainstorming, set a quota and postpone criticism until after
quota has been met.
• Negotiate Interests, not Positions. Since it is usually easier to integrate basic
interests than specific positions, try to frame the problem in terms of interests.
• Expanding the Pie. Conflicts that arise from situational constraints can be
resolved by pushing back those constraints through negotiation or innovation.
• Nonspecific Compensation. One side makes a concession to the other but is
compensated for that concession by some other coin.
• Logrolling. Each party lowers their aspirations on items that are of less interest
to them, thus trading of a concession on a less important item for a concession
from the other on a more important item.
• Cost-Cutting. One party makes an agreement to reduce its aspirations on a
particular thing, and the other party agrees to compensate the party for the
specific costs that reduction in aspirations involves.
• Bridging. Finding a higher order interest on which both parties agree, and then
constructing a solution that serves that agreed-upon interest.
Note: Use imagination and creativity here. Think of specific scenarios where
these obstacles may arise, and what your group can do to prevent them or
minimize their impact.
Your group work this semester will take place within a group of nested or overlapping
environments. Taken separately and together, these will structure and channel your
activity, facilitating action in certain circumstances while constraining, hindering, or
blocking it in others. Prepare a socio-technical system table for your group to help
structure your group self-evaluation. Include hardware/software, physical
surroundings, stakeholders (other groups, teacher, other classes, etc.), procedures
(realizing values, avoiding pitfalls), university regulations (attendance), and information
structures (collecting, sharing, disseminating)
Think about How does the Think about Name but What are T
the new classroom other don't university w
role for and the teachers, describe in regulations i
your smart arrangement classes, detail, the that will a
phones in of objects supervisors, value- have an l
group work within it jobs, and realizing impact on o
in class. constrain other procedures your group m
Will you be and enable individuals your group work. For w
using group that can is example, u
Google activities? have an adopting. switches a
Docs to impact on between t
exchange your ability MWF and g
documents? to carry out TTH a
group schedules. H
assignments. w
repeat these successes in the future? If things didn't work out, what can you do to
avoid similar problems in the future? Be honest, be descriptive and avoid blame
3. This may sound harsh but get used to it. Self-evaluations—group and
individual—are an integral part of professional life. They are not easy to carry out,
but properly done they help to secure success and avoid future problems.
4. Student groups—perhaps yours—often have problems. This self-evaluation
exercise is designed to help you face them rather than push them aside. Look at
your goals. Look at the strategies you set forth for avoiding Abilene, groupthink,
and group polarization. Can you modify them to deal with problems? Do you
need to design new procedures?
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Ethics of Team
Work.pptx (
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Pitfalls to Avoid
in Group Work.pptx (
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Thought Experi
ments on Group Work.docx (
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at TEAM MEMBER
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Ethics of Team
work.pptx (
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Team Jeopard
y.pptx (
3.4.13 Bibliography
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1. Weston, A. (2002). A Practical Companion to Ethics: 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK:
Oxford University Press
2. Flores, F. and Solomon, R. (2003). Building Trust: In Business, Politics,
Relationships and Life. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
3. Brincat, Cynthia A. and Wike, Victoria S. (2000) Morality and the Professional
Life: Values at Work. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
4. Urban Walker, M. (2006). Moral Repair: Reconstructing Moral Relations After
Wrongdoing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
5. Pritchard, M. (1996). Reasonable Children: Moral Education and Moral
Learning. Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Press.
6. Huff, Chuck and Jawer, Bruce. (1994). "Toward a Design Ethic for Computing
Professionals." Social Issues in computing: Putting Computing in its Place.
Eds. Chuck Huff and Thomas Finholt. New York: McGraw-Hill. 130-136.
7. Janis, I. Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and
Fiascoes-2nd Ed. Boston, Mass: Wadsworth.
8. Sunstein, C.R. (2006). Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge. Oxford,
UK: Oxford University Press, 217-225.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines introduced in the early 1990's have transformed
the way businesses respond to ethics. Formerly, corporations relied on compliance
measures which became activated only after wrongdoing occurred. Violations
occurred and compliance responses consisted of identifying and punishing those
responsible. But the Federal Sentencing Guidelines push corporations toward a much
more proactive stance; if a corporation is found guilty of law violation, its punishment
is determined by the measures the corporation has already implemented to prevent
the crime as well as the measures the corporation develops in response to the crime
to mitigate it and prevent future reoccurrences. Working to prevent crime, accepting
responsibility for crimes that could not be prevented, and learning from past mistakes
all serve to "flag" corporate intention. In other words, corporations can demonstrate
good intentions by documenting measures implemented to prevent crime and by
showing a "responsive adjustment" to crimes they could not prevent.
It is in this new corporate context that corporations have begun to adopt values-based
decision making. Instead of setting forth rules that outline minimum levels of forced
compliance, they now ask employees to work beyond the moral minimum and seek
occasions to actually realize or enhance moral value. In the decision making context,
employees ask: (1) What can I do to make this a more just environment? (2) How do I
go about respecting my co-workers? and (3) How do I identify and carry out my
responsibilities, including social responsibilities, in my daily work?" These questions,
representing instances of values-based decision-making, serve to change your focus
from getting by with the moral minimum to realigning your moral and workplace
efforts toward moral excellence.
In this module you will learn about ethical leadership, ethical decision-making,
corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance. The occasion for this
learning is the classical ethics video, "Gilbane Gold." You will view the video and
practice values-based decision-making from within the role of David Jackson, the
young engineer around whom the narrative of this video is built. To get you started,
you will use the values portrayed in the University of Puerto Rico's College of Business
Administration Statement of Values. Module sections will outline what you will be
doing and what you need to know as well as provide opportunities for you to reflect
on what you have learned upon completion of this module.
Gilbane Gold
• You are David Jackson a young engineer working for the computer manufacturer,
Z-Corp. Your studies into the waste emissions of Z-Corp indicate that they are a
little bit over the boarderline of what is legally acceptable in the Gilbane
metropolitan area. Two further issues complicate your findings. (1) Gilbane draws
sludge from the river and sells it to farmers to cover their fields; if heavy metals
are present in this sludge, they will be passed on to consumers who eat the
vegetables grown in fields covered with this "Gilbane Gold." This could produce
long and short term health problems for the Gilbane community. (2) Z-Corp has
just entered into a new agreement with a Japanese company that will produce a
five-fold increase in demand for their product. While this will also increase their
emissions of heavy metals into the water supply by the same amount, it will not
violate city regulations because these regulations only take into account the
concentration of heavy metals in each discharge. Z-Corp merely dilutes the heavy
metals dumped into Gilbane's water supply to reflect acceptable concentration
levels. David Jackson holds that this loophole in environmental regulations could
endanger the health and safety of the citizens in the Gilbane. But he has trouble
sharing these concerns with his supervisors, Diane Collins, Phil Port, and Frank
• David (you) has made several efforts to make his concerns known to Z-Corp
officials, including Phil Port, Frank Seeders, and Diane Collins. Their response is
that spending money on increased pollution control measures will threaten Z-
Corp's thin profit margin. Diane puts the issue even more strongly when she says
that Z-Corp's social responsibility is to provide the Gilbane community with good
jobs and to obey local environmental regulations. If the city wants stricter
regulations, then they need to pass them through the legislative process. But
taking proactive measures on this count goes far beyond Z-Corp's ethical and
social responsibilities to the Gilbane community.
• You are David. What values do you see involved in this situation? Design a
solution that best preserves and integrates them.
Copy-past this exercise and complete in your groups. If you have any questions on the
stages of problem solving, consult the module "Three Frameworks for Ethical Decision
Making and Good Computing Reports," module m13757.
Problem Specification
Solution Generation
Solution Testing
• Test ethically three solutions, your two best solutions and a bad one to serve as a
basis of comparison.
• Use the three ethics tests: reversibility, harm, and publicity. You can substitute a
rights test for reversibility and a values or virtues test for publicity.
• Tie breakers: meta tests. If tests converge on a solution, this is an independent
signal of solution strength. If the tests diverge on a particular solution alternative,
this is an independent sign of the solution's weakness.
• Is your best solution feasible? Ask this question globally.
Solution Implementation
• In this stage, you want to look carefully at the situation in which you are going to
realize your solution. Are there factors in this situation that will constrain or limit
implementation? What are they, and how will they do this?
• Are there factors present in the situation that will aid the implementation of one
or the other of your good solutions? What are they?
• What are your resource constraints? Do you have enough time, money, or
materials to realize your ethical solution? If not, are the constraints negotiable?
• What are your interest or social constraints? Are there individuals or groups who
have agendas affected by your solution? Given these agendas will they be allies or
opponents? How can you win opponents over your side? Think here about
government regulations, supervisor interests, corporate or business procedures,
community traditions, etc.
• Important in Gilbane Gold is whether your solution is technical feasible and how
your solution will affect the chip-manufacturing process. Is your solution
technically feasible? Does it require developing new technology or acquiring
expensive technology? Are these technical or manufacturing constraints
negotiable, that is, flexible or rigid?
4.1.5 Conclusion
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More and more, business ethics is concentrating on four general themes or issues. In
this section, you will use the video, "Gilbane Gold," to reflect on these different
themes. Consider this your first incursion into business ethics. Most important,
remember that ethics forms a central part of everyday business practice and is
essential to good business.
Ethical Leadership: In terms of the values mentioned in the SOV, discuss and
rate the following characters in terms of the leadership skills and qualities they
• Diane Collins
• David Jackson
• Phil Port
• Tom Richards
• Frank Seeders
Social Responsibility:
David reminds Diane that corporations like Z-Corp are responsible for the health and
safety impacts of their operations. Diane disagrees placing more emphasis on
following the law and serving the community by creating economic opportunity and
jobs. Who sets for the better argument? Using these positions as a springboard, set
forth your own conception of corporate social responsibility.
Corporate Governance:
Toward the end of the video, David goes to local reporter, Maria Renato, and provides
her with inside information on his and Tom Richards's environmental and safety
concerns. Was this a necessary action? Did David have other options which would
have allowed him to work within Z-Corp for an effective response to his concerns?
How do engineers advocate within for-profit corporations for including ethical values
into corporate decisions? What do real world corporations do to recognize and
respond to dissenting professional opinions held by their employees?
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Values in Gilba
ne Gold Handout.doc (
This handout for students provides exercises based on Gilbane Gold that introduces
the three AACSB business ethics themes: ethical leadership, ethical decision making,
and social responsibility.
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Virtues for AD
MI 3405.pptx (
Clicking on this file are the virtues worked out in the previous module. Use these to
carry out the values based decision making exercise in Gilbane Gold.
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Values Based D
ecision Making.pptx (
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Ethics Assessm
ent.docx (
This is a short pre and post test to examine short term impact of the module.
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Solutions to Gil
bane Gold.docx (
In this module you will learn and practice three frameworks designed to integrate
ethics into decision making in the areas of practical and occupational ethics. The first
framework divides the decision making process into four stages: problem
specification, solution generation, solution testing, and solution implementation. It is
based on an analogy between ethics and design problems that is detailed in a table
presented below. The second framework focuses on the process of solution testing by
providing four tests that will help you to evaluate and rank alternative courses of
action. The reversibility, harm/beneficence, and public identification tests each
"encapsulate" or summarize an important ethical theory. A value realization test
assesses courses of action in terms of their ability to realize or harmonize different
moral and nonmoral values. Finally, a feasibility test will help you to uncover interest,
resource, and technical constraints that will affect and possibly impede the realization
of your solution or decision. Taken together, these three frameworks will help steer
you toward designing and implementing ethical decisions the professional and
occupational areas.
Two online resources provide more extensive background information. The first, ww, provides background information on the ethics tests, socio-
technical analy sis, and intermediate moral concepts. The second, http://onlineethics.o
rg/essays/education/teaching.html (
g.html%20, explores in more
detail the analogy between ethics and design problems. Much of this information will
be published in Good Computing: A Virtue Approach to Computer Ethics, a textbook of
cases and decision making techniques in computer ethics that is being authored by
Chuck Huff, William Frey, and Jose A. Cruz-Cruz.
(1) problem specification, (2) solution generation, (3) solution testing, and (4) solution
For a broader problem framing model see Harris, Pritchard, and Rabins, Engineering
Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2000, pp. 30-56.
See also Cynthia Brincat and Victoria Wike, Morality and Professional Life: Values at
Work, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999.
system may set in motion a chain of events that will eventually harm stakeholders
in the socio-technical system. For example, giving laptop computers to public
school students may produce long term environmental harm when careless
disposal of spent laptops releases toxic materials into the environment.
• The following table helps summarize some of these problem categories and then
outlines generic solutions.
Concept in dispute and
Conceptual method for agreeing on its
Moral vs.
Non-moral Partially
Conflict vs. moral Value Trade Off
vs. non-
Strategy Value
Social Strategy for
for integrative,
Framing Justice maintaining
restoring design
justice strategy
Removing Prioritizing
Intermediate Agency, Realizing
value values for
Moral Value Professional Value
conflicts trade offs
1. Is your problem a conflict? Moral versus moral value? Moral versus non-moral
values? Non-moral versus non-moral values? Identify the conflicting values as
concisely as possible. Example: In Toysmart, the financial values of creditors come
into conflict with the privacy of individuals in the data base: financial versus
privacy values.
2. Is your problem a disagreement? Is the disagreement over basic facts? Are these
facts observable? Is it a disagreement over a basic concept? What is the concept?
Is it a factual disagreement that, upon further reflection, changes into a
conceptual disagreement?
3. Does your problem arise from an impending harm? What is the harm? What is its
magnitude? What is the probability that it will occur?
4. If your problem is a value conflict then can these values be fully integrated in a
value integrating solution? Or must they be partially realized in a compromise or
traded off against one another?
5. If your problem is a factual disagreement, what is the procedure for gathering the
required information, if this is feasible?
6. If your problem is a conceptual disagreement, how can this be overcome? By
consulting a government policy or regulation? (OSHA on safety for example.) By
consulting a theoretical account of the value in question? (Reading a philosophical
analysis of privacy.) By collecting past cases that involve the same concept and
drawing analogies and comparisons to the present case?
• Try identifying the stakeholders. Stakeholders are any group or individual with a
vital interest at stake in the situation at hand.
• Project yourself imaginatively into the perspectives of each stakeholder. How
does the situation look from their standpoint? What are their interests? How do
they feel about their interests?
• Compare the results of these different imaginative projections. Do any
stakeholder interests conflict? Do the stakeholders themselves stand in conflict?
• If the answer to one or both of these questions is "yes" then this is your problem
statement. How does one reconcile conflicting stakeholders or conflicting
stakeholder interests in this situation?
• Technical Frame: Engineers frame problems technically, that is, they specify a
problem as raising a technical issue and requiring a technical design for its
resolution. For example, in the Hughes case, a technical frame would raise the
problem of how to streamline the manufacturing and testing processes of the
• Physical Frame: In the Laminating Press case, the physical frame would raise the
problem of how the layout of the room could be changed to reduce the white
powder. Would better ventilation eliminate or mitigate the white powder
• Social Frame: In the "When in Aguadilla" case, the Japanese engineer is
uncomfortable working with the Puerto Rican woman engineer because of social
and cultural beliefs concerning women still widely held by men in Japan. Framing
this as a social problem would involve asking whether there would be ways of
getting the Japanese engineer to see things from the Puerto Rican point of view.
• Financial or Market-Based Frames: The DOE, in the Risk Assessment case
below, accuses the laboratory and its engineers of trying to extend the contract to
make more money. The supervisor of the head of the risk assessment team
pressures the team leader to complete the risk assessment as quickly as possible
so as not to lose the contract. These two framings highlight financial issues.
• Managerial Frame: As the leader of the Puerto Rican team in the "When in
Aguadilla" case, you need to exercise leadership in your team. The refusal of the
Japanese engineer to work with a member of your team creates a management
problem. What would a good leader, a good manager, do in this situation? What
does it mean to call this a management problem? What management strategies
would help solve it?
• Legal Frame: OSHA may have clear regulations concerning the white powder
produced by laminating presses. How can you find out about these regulations?
What would be involved in complying with them? If they cost money, how would
you get this money? These are questions that arise when you frame the
Laminating Press case as a legal problem.
• Environmental Framing: Finally, viewing your problem from an environmental
frame leads you to consider the impact of your decision on the environment.
Does it harm the environment? Can this harm be avoided? Can it be mitigated?
Can it be offset? (Could you replant elsewhere the trees you cut down to build
your new plant?) Could you develop a short term environmental solution to "buy
time" for designing and implementing a longer term solution? Framing your
problem as an environmental problem requires that you ask whether this
solution harms the environment and whether this harming can be avoided or
remedied in some other way.
• One of the most difficult stages in problem solving is to jump start the process of
brainstorming solutions. If you are stuck then here are some generic options
guaranteed to get you "unstuck."
• Gather Information: Many disagreements can be resolved by gathering more
information. Because this is the easiest and least painful way of reaching
consensus, it is almost always best to start here. Gathering information may not
be possible because of different constraints: there may not be enough time, the
facts may be too expensive to gather, or the information required goes beyond
scientific or technical knowledge. Sometimes gathering more information does
not solve the problem but allows for a new, more fruitful formulation of the
problem. Harris, Pritchard, and Rabins in Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases
show how solving a factual disagreement allows a more profound conceptual
disagreement to emerge.
• Nolo Contendere. Nolo Contendere is latin for not opposing or contending. Your
interests may conflict with your supervisor but he or she may be too powerful to
reason with or oppose. So your only choice here is to give in to his or her
interests. The problem with nolo contendere is that non-opposition is often taken
as agreement. You may need to document (e.g., through memos) that your
choosing not to oppose does not indicate agreement.
• Negotiate. Good communication and diplomatic skills may make it possible to
negotiate a solution that respects the different interests. Value integrative
solutions are designed to integrate conflicting values. Compromises allow for
partial realization of the conflicting interests. (See the module, The Ethics of Team
Work, for compromise strategies such as logrolling or bridging.) Sometimes it may
be necessary to set aside one's interests for the present with the understanding
that these will be taken care of at a later time. This requires trust.
• Oppose. If nolo contendere and negotiation are not possible, then opposition
may be necessary. Opposition requires marshalling evidence to document one's
position persuasively and impartially. It makes use of strategies such as leading
an "organizational charge" or "blowing the whistle." For more on whistle-blowing
consult the discussion of whistle blowing in the Hughes case that can be found at
computing cases.
• Exit. Opposition may not be possible if one lacks organizational power or
documented evidence. Nolo contendere will not suffice if non-opposition
implicates one in wrongdoing. Negotiation will not succeed without a necessary
basis of trust or a serious value integrative solution. As a last resort, one may
have to exit from the situation by asking for reassignment or resigning.
Refining solutions
Description Is the Does the Does the Does the Are there
solution solution solution solution constrain
reversible produce the express violate any or
with best and code obstacle
stakeholders? benefit/ integrate provisions? to realizi
Does it honor harm ratio? key the
basic rights? Does the virtues? solution
The chosen solution must be examined in terms of how well it responds to various
situational constraints that could impede its implementation. What will be its costs?
Can it be implemented within necessary time constraints? Does it honor recognized
technical limitations or does it require pushing these back through innovation and
discovery? Does it comply with legal and regulatory requirements? Finally, could the
surrounding organizational, political, and social environments give rise to obstacles to
the implementation of the solution? In general this phase requires looking at interest,
technical, and resource constraints or limitations. A Feasibility Matrix helps to guide
this process.
The Feasibility Tests focuses on situational constraints. How could these hinder the
implementation of the solution? Should the solution be modified to ease
Feasibility Matrix
Resource Technical
Interest Constraints
Constraints Constraints
Time Organizational
Cost Legal
Social, Political,
Materials Manufacturability
1. The Feasibility Test identifies the constraints that could interfere with realizing a
solution. This test also sorts out these constraints into resource (time, cost,
materials), interest (individuals, organizations, legal, social, political), and
technical limitations. By identifying situational constraints, problem-solvers can
anticipate implementation problems and take early steps to prevent or mitigate
2. Time. Is there a deadline within which the solution has to be enacted? Is this
deadline fixed or negotiable?
3. Financial. Are there cost constraints on implementing the ethical solution? Can
these be extended by raising more funds? Can they be extended by cutting
existing costs? Can agents negotiate for more money for implementation?
4. Technical. Technical limits constrain the ability to implement solutions. What,
then, are the technical limitations to realizing and implementing the solution?
Could these be moved back by modifying the solution or by adopting new
5. Manufacturability. Are there manufacturing constraints on the solution at hand?
Given time, cost, and technical feasibility, what are the manufacturing limits to
implementing the solution? Once again, are these limits fixed or flexible, rigid or
6. Legal. How does the proposed solution stand with respect to existing laws, legal
structures, and regulations? Does it create disposal problems addressed in
existing regulations? Does it respond to and minimize the possibility of adverse
legal action? Are there legal constraints that go against the ethical values
embodied in the solution? Again, are these legal constraints fixed or negotiable?
7. Individual Interest Constraints. Individuals with conflicting interests may
oppose the implemen tation of the solution. For example, an insecure supervisor
may oppose the solution because he fears it will undermine his authority. Are
these individual interest constraints fixed or negotiable?
8. Organizational. Inconsistencies between the solution and the formal or informal
rules of an orga nization may give rise to implementation obstacles.
Implementing the solution may require support of those higher up in the
management hierarchy. The solution may conflict with organization rules,
management structures, traditions, or financial objectives. Once again, are these
constraints fixed or flexible?
9. Social, Cultural, or Political. The socio-technical system within which the
solution is to be imple mented contains certain social structures, cultural
traditions, and political ideologies. How do these stand with respect to the
solution? For example, does a climate of suspicion of high technology threaten to
create political opposition to the solution? What kinds of social, cultural, or
political problems could arise? Are these fixed or can they be altered through
negotiation, education, or persuasion?
Set-Up Pitfalls: Mistakes in this area lead to the analysis becoming unfocused and
getting lost in irrelevancies. (a) Agent-switching where the analysis falls prey to
irrelevancies that crop up when the test application is not grounded in the standpoint
of a single agent, (b) Sloppy action-description where the analysis fails because no
specific action has been tested, (c) Test-switching where the analysis fails because one
test is substituted for another. (For example, the public identification and reversibility
tests are often reduced to the harm/beneficence test where harmful consequences
are listed but not associated with the agent or stakeholders.)
1. Identify the agent (the person who is going to perform the action)
2. Describe the action or solution that is being tested (what the agent is going to do
or perform)
3. Identify the stakeholders (those individuals or groups who are going to be
affected by the action), and their stakes (interests, values, goods, rights, needs,
4. Identify, sort out, and weigh the consequences (the results the action is likely to
bring about)
1. "Paralysis of Analysis" comes from considering too many consequences and not
focusing only on those relevant to your decision.
2. Incomplete Analysis results from considering too few consequences. Often it
indicates a failure of moral imagination which, in this case, is the ability to
envision the consequences of each action alternative.
3. Failure to compare different alternatives can lead to a decision that is too limited
and one-sided.
4. Failure to weigh harms against benefits occurs when decision makers lack the
experience to make the qualitative comparisons required in ethical decision
5. Finally, justice failures result from ignoring the fairness of the distribution of
harms and benefits. This leads to a solution which may maximize benefits and
minimize harms but still give rise to serious injustices in the distribution of these
benefits and harms.
Cross Checks for Reversibility Test (These questions help you to check if you
have carriedout the reversibility test properly.)
• Does the proposed action treat others with respect? (Does it recognize their
autonomy or circumvent it?)
• Does the action violate the rights of others? (Examples of rights: free and
informed consent, privacy, freedom of conscience, due process, property,
freedom of expression)
• Would you recommend that this action become a universal rule?
• Are you, through your action, treating others merely as means?
• Does the action under consideration realize justice or does it pose an excess or
defect of justice?
• Action not associated with agent. The most common pitfall is failure to associate
the agent and the action. The action may have bad consequences and it may treat
individuals with respect but these points are not as important in the context of
this test as what they imply about the agent as a person who deliberately
performs such an action.
• Failure to specify moral quality, virtue, or value. Another pitfall is to associate the
action and agent but only ascribe a vague or ambiguous moral quality to the
agent. To say, for example, that willfully harming the public is bad fails to zero in
on precisely what moral quality this ascribes to the agent. Does it render him or
her unjust, irresponsible, corrupt, dishonest, or unreasonable? The virtue list
given above will help to specify this moral quality.
sign that one test is relevant while the others are not. Divergence between test
results is a sign that the solution is weak.
You will now practice the four stages of decision making with a real world case. This
case, Risk Assessment, came from a retreat on Business, Science, and Engineering
Ethics held in Puerto Rico in December 1998. It was funded by the National Science
Foundation, Grant SBR 9810253.
Case Scenario: You supervise a group of engineers working for a private laboratory
with expertise in nuclear waste disposal and risk assessment. The DOE (Department of
Energy) awarded a contract to your laboratory six years ago to do a risk assessment of
various nuclear waste disposal sites. During the six years in which your team has been
doing the study, new and more accurate calculations in risk assessment have become
available. Your laboratory's study, however, began with the older, simpler calculations
and cannot integrate the newer without substantially delaying completion. You, as the
leader of the team, propose a delay to the DOE on the grounds that it is necessary to
use the more advanced calculations. Your position is that the laboratory needs more
time because of the extensive calculations required; you argue that your group must
use state of the art science in doing its risk assessment. The DOE says you are using
overly high standards of risk assessment to prolong the process, extend the contract,
and get more money for your company. They want you to use simpler calculations
and finish the project; if you are unwilling to do so, they plan to find another company
that thinks differently. Meanwhile, back at the laboratory, your supervisor (a high level
company manager) expresses to you the concern that while good science is important
in an academic setting, this is the real world and the contract with the DOE is in
jeopardy. What should you do?
1. Specify the problem in the above scenario. Be as concise and specific as possible
2. Is your problem best specifiable as a disagreement? Between whom? Over what?
3. Can your problem be specified as a value conflict? What are the values in conflict?
Are the moral, nonmoral, or both?
4. If you formulated your problem as a value conflict, how do your solutions resolve
this conflict? By integrating the conflicting values? By partially realizing them
through a value compromise? By trading one value of for another?
1. Develop an implementation plan for your best solution. This plan should
anticipate obstacles and offer means for overcoming them.
2. Prepare a feasibility table outlining these issues using the table presented above.
3. Remember that each of these feasibility constraints is negotiable and therefore
flexible. If you choose to set aside a feasibility constraint then you need to outline
how you would negotiate the extension of that constraint.
Decision-Making Presentation
Clicking on this link will allow you to open a presentation designed to introduce
problem solving in ethics as analogous to that in design, summarize the concept of a
socio-technical system, and provide an orientation in the four stages of problem
solving. This presentation was given February 28, 2008 at UPRM for ADMI 6005
students, Special Topics in Research Ethics.
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Decision Makin
g Manual V5.pptx (
This exercise is designed to give you practice with the three frameworks described in
this module. It is based on the case, "When in Aguadilla."
4.3.1 Introduction
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
The Hughes Aircraft Case involves a group of employees in charge of testing chips for
weapons systems. Because of the lengthy testing procedure required by the U.S.
Defense Department, Hughes soon fell behind schedule in delivering chips to
customers. To get chips out faster, some Hughes middle level managers began to put
pressure on employees to pass chips that had failed tests or to pass them without
testing. The scenarios below consist of narratives that stop at the point of decision.
Your job is to complete the narrative by making a decision. Alternatives are provided
to get the process started, but you may find it necessary to design your own solution.
Ethics and feasibility tests help you to evaluate these alternatives and even design new
ones more to your liking. This format superficially resembles the Gray Matters
exercise used at Boeing Corporation. (More information on the history of Gray Matters
can be found by consulting Carolyn Whitbeck, Ethics in Engineering Practice, 1998,
176-182.) This version differs in being more open-ended and more oriented toward
giving you the opportunity to practice using ethical theory (which has been
encapsulated into ethics tests).
4.3.2 Directions
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
• Be prepared to present your matrix to the class. You will also provide the other
groups in the class with a copy of your matrix for their ethics portfolios
Bibliographical Note
The six scenarios below were developed by Chuck Huff as Participant Perspectives.
They were first published online through the Computing Cases website. (Computing
Cases was developed through two National Science Foundation grants, DUE-9972280
and DUE-9980768.) A revised version of these participant perspectives has been
published in the anthology, Whistleblowing: Perspectives and Experiences, edited
by Reena Raj and published in 2008 by the Icfai University Press, Nagarjuna Hills,
Punjagutta, Hyderbad, India. These materials can be found on pages 75-80.
Frank Saia has worked at Hughes Aircraft for a long time. Now he is faced with the
most difficult decisions of his career. He has been having problems in the
environmental testing phase of his microchip manufacturing plant; the detailed nature
of these tests has caused Hughes to be consistently late in delivering the chips to
customers. Because of the time pressure to deliver chips, Saia has been working to
make the production of chips more efficient without losing the quality of the product.
Chips are manufactured and then tested, and this provides two places where the
process can bottle up. Even though you might have a perfectly fine chip on the floor of
the plant, it cannot be shipped without testing. And, since there are several thousand
other chips waiting to be tested, it can sit in line for a long time. Saia has devised a
method that allows testers to put the important chips, the "hot parts," ahead of the
others without disrupting the flow and without losing the chips in the shuffle. He has
also added a "gross leak" test that quickly tells if a chip in a sealed container is actually
sealed or not. Adding this test early in the testing sequence allows environmental
testing to avoid wasting time by quickly eliminating chips that would fail a more fine-
grained leak test later in the sequence. Because environmental testing is still falling
behind, Saia's supervisors and Hughes customers are getting angry and have begun to
apply pressure. Karl Reismueller, the director of the Division of Microelectronics at
Hughes, has given Saia's telephone number to several customers, whose own
production lines were shut down awaiting the parts that Saia has had trouble
delivering. His customers are now calling him directly to say "we're dying out here" for
need of parts. Frank Saia has discovered that an employee under his supervision,
Donald LaRue, has been skipping tests on the computer chips. Since LaRue began this
practice, they have certainly been more on time in their shipments. Besides, both
LaRue and Saia know that many of the "hot" parts are actually for systems in the
testing phase, rather than for ones that will be put into active use. So testing the chips
for long-term durability that go into these systems seems unnecessary. Still, LaRue
was caught by Quality Control skipping a test, and now Saia needs to make a decision.
Upper management has provided no guidance; they simply told him to "handle it" and
to keep the parts on time. He can't let LaRue continue skipping tests, or at least he
shouldn't let this skipping go unsupervised. LaRue is a good employee, but he doesn't
have the science background to know which tests would do the least damage if they
were skipped. He could work with LaRue and help him figure out the best tests to skip
so the least harm is done. But getting directly involved in skipping the tests would
mean violating company policy and federal law.
1. Do nothing. LaRue has started skipping tests on his own initiative. If any problems
arise, then LaRue will have to take responsibility, not Saia, because LaRue was
acting independently of and even against Saia's orders.
2. Call LaRue in and tell him to stop skipping tests immediately. Then call the
customers and explain that the parts cannot be shipped until the tests are carried
3. Consult with LaRue and identify non essential chips or chips that will not be used
in systems critical to safety. Skipping tests on these chips will do the least
4. Your solution....
3. Gooderal and Lightner should blow the whistle. They should go to the U.S.
defense department and inform them of the fact that Hughes Aircraft is
delivering chips that have either failed tests or have not been tested.
4. Your solution....
Now that Goodearl had few sympathizers among upper management, she
increasingly turned to Ruth Ibarra in Quality assurance for support in her concerns
about test skipping and the falsification of paperwork. One day, Goodearl noticed that
some AMRAAM chips with leak stickers were left on her project desk in the
environmental testing area. The leak stickers meant that the seal on the chips'
supposedly airtight enclosure had failed a test to see if they leaked. AMRAAM meant
that the chips were destined to be a part of an Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air
Missile. Goodearl knew that these parts could not be retested and needed to be
simply thrown away. So why was someone keeping them? She also knew that these
were officially "hot parts" and that the company was behind schedule in shipping
these parts. After consulting with Ruth Ibarra, the two of them decided to do some
sleuthing. They took the chips and their lot travelers to a photocopy machine and
made copies of the travelers with "failed" noted on the leak test. They then replaced
the chips and their travelers on the desk. Later that day, as Don LaRue passed the
desk, Goodearl asked Don LaRue if he knew anything about the chips. "None of your
business," he replied. The chips disappeared, and later the travelers showed up in
company files with the "failed" altered to "passed." So, Goodearl and Ibarra had clear
evidence (in their photocopy of the "failed" on the traveler) that someone was passing
of failed chips to their customers. And these were important chips, part of the
guidance system of an air-to-air missile.
Alternatives: Since they have clear evidence, Gooderal and Ibarra should blow
the whistle. Evaluate each of the following ways in which they could blow the
1. Blow the whistle to Hughes' Board of Directors. In this way they can stop the test
skipping but will also be able to keep the whole affair "in house."
2. Blow the whistle to the local news media. In this way they will shame Hughes into
compliance with the testing requirements.
3. Take the evidence to the U.S. Department of Defense, since they are the client
and are being negatively impacted by Hughes' illegal actions.
4. Some other mode of blowing the whistle....
Alternative Weigh
Two (Best harms
among those against
given) benefits
for alt 2
Alternative What
Three values/
in alt 3?
• REVERSIBILITY: Would I think this is a good choice if I were among those affected
by it?
• PUBILICITY: Would I want to be publicly associated with this action through, say,
its publication in the newspaper?
• HARM/BENEFICENCE: Does this action do less harm than any of the available
• FEASIBILITY: Can this solution be implemented given time, technical, economic,
legal, and political constraints?
• Identify the agent (=the person who will perform the action). Describe the action
(=what the agent is about to do).
• Identify the stakeholders (individuals who have a vital interest at risk) and their
• Identify, sort out, and weight the expected results or consequences.
Reversibility Pitfalls
• Set up the analysis by identifying the agent, describing the action under
consideration, and listing the key values or virtues at play in the situation.
• Associate the action with the agent.
• Identify what the action says about the agent as a person. Does it reveal him or
her as someone associated with a virtue/value or a vice?
1. Action is not associated with the agent. The most common pitfall is failure to
associate the agent and the action. The action may have bad consequences and it
may treat individuals with disrespect but these points are not as important in the
context of this test as what they imply about the agent as a person who
deliberately performs such an action.
2. Failure to specify the moral quality, virtue, or value of the action that is imputed
to the agent in the test. To say, for example, that willfully harming the public is
bad fails to zero in on precisely what moral quality this attributes to the agent.
These exercises present three decision points from Hughes, solution alternatives,
summaries of ethics and feasibility tests, and a solution evaluation matrix. Carry out
the exercise by filling in the solution evaluation matrix.
This timeline is taken from the Computing Cases website developed and maintained
by Dr. Charles Huff at St. Olaf College. Computing Cases is funded by the National
Science Foundation, NSF DUE-9972280 and DUE 9980768.
Time Line
Saia, LaRue,
• Computing Cases is the primary source for the material below on responsible
dissent. It is based on the materials for responsibly carrying out dissent and
disagreement that was formerly posted at the IEEE website. The IEEE has since
taken this material down.
• The Online Ethics Center has also posted the IEEE material on responsible
dissent. The origin of this material as well as a thorough discussion of its content
can be found in Carolyn Whitbek, Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research:
2nd Edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Chapter 7,
"Workplace Rights and Responsibilities, pp. 227-269.
• Much of this material (IEEE Guidelines and a discussion of Dissenting Professional
Opinion Guidelines) can be found in Chapter 7 ("Averting the Conflict at the
Source")in the following: Stephen H., Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and
the Responsible Engineer: 2nd Edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons, INC.
Ethical Dissent
Places to Go
1. Government Agencies
2. Judicial Systems
3. Legislators
4. Advocacy Groups
5. News Media
6. In Puerto Rico, laws 14 and 426 have been passed to protect those who would
blow the whistle on government corruption. The Ofcina de Etica Gubernamental
de Puerto Rico has a whistle blower's hotline. See link above.
• The notion of dramatic rehearsal comes from John Dewey's Human Nature and
Moral Conduct. An agent works through a solution alternative in the imagination
before executing it in the real world. The dramatic rehearsal tests the idea in a
mental laboratory created by the moral imagination. Steven Fesmire in his book,
John Dewey and Moral Imagination: Pragmatism in Ethics (Indiana University
Press, 2003), provides a comprehensive interpretation of Dewey's suggestive idea.
• Frank Saia has worked at Hughes Aircraft for a long time. Now he is faced with the
most difficult decisions of his career. He has been having problems in the
environmental testing phase of his microchip manufacturing plant; the detailed
nature of these tests has caused Hughes to be consistently late in delivering the
chips to customers.
• Because of the time pressure to deliver chips, Saia has been working to make the
production of chips more efficient without losing the quality of the product. Chips
are manufactured and then tested, and this provides two places where the
process can bottle up. Even though you might have a perfectly fine chip on the
floor of the plant, it cannot be shipped without testing. And, since there are
several thousand other chips waiting to be tested, it can sit in line for a long time.
Saia has devised a method that allows testers to put the important chips, the "hot
parts," ahead of the others without disrupting the flow and without losing the
chips in the shuffle. He has also added a "gross leak" test that quickly tells if a
chip in a sealed container is actually sealed or not. Adding this test early in the
testing sequence allows environmental testing to avoid wasting time by quickly
eliminating chips that would fail a more fine-grained leak test later in the
• Because environmental testing is still falling behind, Saia's supervisors and
Hughes customers are getting angry and have begun to apply pressure. Karl
Reismueller, the director of the Division of Microelectronics at Hughes, has given
Saia's telephone number to several customers, whose own production lines were
shut down awaiting the parts that Saia has had trouble delivering. His customers
are now calling him directly to say "we're dying out here" for need of parts.
• Construct a dialogue in which Saia responds to the pressure from his supervisor,
Karl Reismueller
• Be sure to address the customer complaints
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
• Frank Saia has discovered that an employee under his supervision, Donald LaRue,
has been skipping tests on the computer chips. Since LaRue began this practice,
they have certainly been more on time in their shipments. Besides, both LaRue
and Saia know that many of the "hot" parts are actually for systems in the testing
phase, rather than for ones that will be put into active use. So testing the chips for
long-term durability that go into these systems seems unnecessary. Still, LaRue
was caught by Quality Control skipping a test, and now Saia needs to make a
decision. Upper management has provided no guidance; they simply told him to
"handle it" and to keep the parts on time.
• He can't let LaRue continue skipping tests, or at least he shouldn't let this skipping
go unsupervised. LaRue is a good employee, but he doesn't have the science
background to know which tests would do the least damage if they were skipped.
He could work with LaRue and help him figure out the best tests to skip so the
least harm is done. But getting directly involved in skipping the tests would mean
violating company policy and federal law.
• Construct a dialogue in which Saia confronts LaRue about skipping the tests
• Address the following issues:
• Should Saia work with LaRue to identify tests that are not necessary and then
have LaRue skip these?
• How should Saia and LaRue deal with the concerns that Quality Control has
expressed about skipping the tests? Your first item here
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
many of these tests are being skipped. The reason: Hughes has fallen behind in
the production schedule and Hughes upper management and Hughes customers
have been applying pressure to get chip production and testing back on schedule.
Moreover, LaRue and others feel that skipping certain tests doesn't matter, since
many of these chips are being used in systems that are in the testing phase,
rather than ones that will be put into active use.
• Construct a dialogue that acts out Gooderal's response to her knowledge that
LaRue is regularly skipping tests
• Address these two issues in your dialogue:
• Should Gooderal first talk directly to LaRue? What if he responds defensively?
• Should Gooderal go over LaRue's head and discuss his skipping the tests with one
of his supervisors? To whom should she go? How could she prepare for possible
retaliation by LaRue? What should she know before doing this?
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
• A few months after Margaret Gooderal started her new position, she was
presented with a difficult problem. One of the "girls" (the women and men in
Environmental Testing at Hughes), Lisa Lightner, came to her desk crying. She was
in tears and trembling because Donald LaRue had forcefully insisted that she
pass a chip that she was sure had failed the test she was running. Lightner ran
the hermeticity test on the chips. The chips are enclosed in a metal container, and
one of the questions is whether the seal to that container leaks. From her test,
she is sure that the chip is a "leaker" — the seal is not airtight so that water and
corrosion will seep in over time and damage the chip. She has come to Gooderal
for advice. Should she do what LaRue wants and pass a chip she knows is a
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
• Ruth Ibarra (from Quality Assurance) has seen Shirley Reddick resealing chips
without the authorization stamp. Ibarra has asked Gooderal to find out what's
going on. When Gooderal asks LaRue, he replies, "None of your damn business."
Shortly after this, Gooderal receives a phone call from Jim Temple, one of her
superiors, telling her to come to his office. Temple informs Gooderal in no
uncertain terms that she needs to back down. "You are doing it again. You are not
part of the team, running to Quality with every little problem." When Gooderal
insisted she did not "run to Quality" but Quality came to her, Temple replies,
"Shape up and be part of the team if you want your job."
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
• Margaret Gooderal and Ruth Ibarra have made several attempts to get their
supervisors to respond to the problem of skipping the environmental tests. The
general response has been to shoot the messenger rather than respond to the
message. Both Gooderal and Ibarra have been branded trouble makers and told
to mind their own business. They have been threatened with dismissal if they
• So they have decided to blow the whistle, having exhausted all the other options.
They initiated contact with officials in the U.S. government's Office of the
Inspector General. These officials are interested but have told Gooderal and
Ibarra that they need to document their case.
• One day they fnd two hybrids (chips that combine two different kinds of
semiconductor devices on a common substrate) on LaRue's desk. These chips
which are destined for an air-to-air missile have failed the leak test. It is obvious
that LaRue plans on passing them without further testing during the evening shift
after Gooderal has gone home. Gooderal and Ibarra discuss whether this
presents a good opportunity to document their case for the Ofce of the Inspector
• Each drama point revolves around one or more conflicts. What is the conflict in
your drama point. How did you play this conflict out through your dramatization?
• Your drama takes place over a socio-technical system. Look at the above table.
What are the key values at play in the Hughes STS? How did these values enter
into your dramatization? For example, did a value conflict drive and confrontation
between characters in your dramatization? Think, in this section, about how the
STS and its values enter into your dramatic portrayal of the events in this case.
• What kind of narrative form did your drama take on? Was it a tragedy? A comedy?
A story with a happy ending? Something else? What is it about the case that led
you to pick the narrative form that you did?
• Finally, did you learn anything about the case by constructing and acting out your
drama? What was it? What is different about these dramatic rehearsals in
comparison with other learning activities you have undergone this semester?
4.3.8 Bibliography
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
• Chuck Huff and William Frey. "The Hughes Whistleblowing Case." In Reena Raj
(Ed.) Whistle-blowing: Perspectives and Experiences, 75-80. 2008, Hyderabad
India: Icfai University Press.
• Charles Harris, Michael Pritchard, Michael Rabins. "Engineers as Employees," in
Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition. Wadsworth Thompson
Learning, 2000. Section 8.8 of Chapter 8 discusses DeGeorge's criteria for whistle-
• Richard T. DeGeorge. "Ethical Responsibilities of Engineers in Large
Organizations," in Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol 1, no. 1: 1-14.
Joe Mondragon has created quite a stir in Milagro, a small village in New Mexico. He
has illegally diverted water from the irrigation ditch to his field to grow beans. Access
to scarce water in New Mexico has created sharp political and social disputes which
have reached a crises point in Milagro. Competing with traditional subsistence farmers
like Joe is the profitable recreation industry. Ladd Devine, a wealthy developer, has
joined with the state government in New Mexico to build a large recreational center
consisting of a restaurant, travel lodge, individual cabins and a lavish golf course. Since
there is not enough water to cover both recreational and agricultural uses and since
Ladd Devine's project promises large tax revenues and new jobs, the state
government has fallen behind him and has promised to give to the recreational
facilities all the water it needs. Hence, the problem created by Mondragon's illegal act.
You work for Ladd Devine. He has asked you to look into local opposition to the
recreational facility. Along these lines, you attend the town meeting scheduled by
Ruby Archuleta in the town's church. You are concerned about Charlie Bloom's
presentation and the impact it may have on the local community. Prepare a STS
analysis to test Bloom's assertions and better prepare Ladd Devine for local
opposition to his facility.
Incident at Morales
thinner. Under financial pressure from the parent French company, Chemistre, they
have decided to locate their new plant in Morales, Mexico to take advantage of lower
costs and more flexible government regulations. You are well on the way toward
designing this new plant when news comes from Chemistre that all budgets are being
cut 20% to finance Chemistre's latest takeover acquisition. You are Fred and are now
faced with a series of difficult financial-engineering decisions. Should you hold out for
the more expensive Lutz and Lutz controls or use the cheaper ones produced locally?
Should you continue with the current plant size or cut plant size and capacity to keep
within budgetary constraints? You have also been made aware of the environmental
and health risks associated with not lining the waste ponds used by the plant. Do you
advocate lining the ponds or not, the latter being within compliance for Mexican
environmental and health regulations. Prepare a STS analysis to help you make and
justify these decisions. Make a series of recommendations to your supervisors based
on this study.
• Your company, Cogentrix, proposes a cogeneration plant that uses coal, produces
electricity, and creates steam as a by-product of electricity generation process.
Because the steam can be sold to nearby tuna canning plants, your company
wishes to study the feasibility of locating its plant in or near Mayaguez, Puerto
Rico. (Co-generation technology has become very popular and useful in some
places.) Carry out a STS analysis to identify potential problems. Make a
recommendation to your company. If your recommendation is positive, discuss
how the plant should be modified to fit into the Mayaguez, Puerto Rico STS.
• Your company, Southern Gold Resources, is interested in mining different regions
in central Puerto Rico for copper and gold. But you know that twenty years
earlier, two proposals by two international mining companies were turned down
by the PR government. Carry out a STS study to examine the feasibility of
designing a different project that may be more acceptable to local groups. What
does your STS analysis tell you about social and ethical impacts, financial promise,
and likely local opposition. Can profitable mining operations be developed that
respect the concerns of opposed groups? What is your recommendation based
on your STS analysis?
• Windmar, a company that manufactures and operates windmills for electricity
generation has proposed to locate a windmill farm in a location adjacent to the
Bosque Seco de Guanica. They have encountered considerable local opposition.
Carry out a STS analysis to understand and clarify this opposition. Can the
concerns of local stakeholders be addressed and the windmill farm still remain
profitable? How should the windmill project be modified to improve its chances of
• People, Groups, and Roles. This component of a STS has been the focus of
traditional stakeholder analyses. A stakeholder is any group or individual which
has an essential or vital interest in the situation at hand. Any decision made or
design implemented can enhance, maintain, or diminish this interest or stake. So
if we consider Frank Saia a decision-maker in the Hughes case, then the Hughes
corporation, the U.S. Air Force, the Hughes sub-group that runs environmental
tests on integrated circuits, and Hughes customers would all be considered
• Procedures. How does a company deal with dissenting professional opinions
manifested by employees? What kind of due process procedures are in place in
your university for contesting what you consider to be unfair grades? How do
researchers go about getting the informed consent of those who will be the
subjects of their experiments? Procedures set forth ends which embody values
and legitimize means which also embody values.
• Laws, statutes, and regulations all form essential parts of STSs. This would
include engineering codes as well as the state or professional organizations
charged with developing and enforcing them
• The final category can be formulated in a variety of ways depending on the
specific context. Computing systems gather, store, and disseminate information.
Hence, this could be labeled data and data storage structure. (Consider using
data mining software to collect information and encrypted and isolated files for
storing it securely.) In engineering, this might include the information generated
as a device is implemented, operates, and is decommissioned. This information, if
fed back into refining the technology or improving the design of next generation
prototypes, could lead to uncovering and preventing potential accidents.
Electrical engineers have elected to rename this category, in the context of power
systems, rates and rate structures.
Technological Component
Physical Surroundings
This table summarizes the physical environment of the STS and how it can constrain
or enable action.
This table shows the social or stakeholder environment of the STS. A stakeholder is
any group or individual that has a vital interest at play in the STS.
Procedural Environment
Contract law
concerns the
violation of
the terms of
a contract.
Market Environment
Directions: identify the values embedded in the STS. Use the table below to
suggest possible values as well as the locations in which they are embedded.
• Changes in STS can also lead to long term harms. Giving laptops to children
threatens environmental harm as the laptops become obsolete and need to be
safely disposed of.
Hardware Software Groups, Procedur
for Safety
Free Speech
• Technical Frame: Engineers frame problems technically, that is, they specify a
problem as raising a technical issue and requiring a technical design for its
resolution. For example, in the STS grid appended below, the Burger Man
corporation wishes to make its food preparation areas more safe. Framing this
Please view or download it at Socio Technical System Grid for Business Ethics.docx (htt
Clicking on this link will open as a Word file a STS table based on the fictional
corporation, Burger Man. Below are a list of problems suggested by the STS analysis.
This module consists of two attached Media Files. The first file provides background
information on STSs. The second file provides two sample STS grids or tables. These
grids will help you to develop specific STSs to analyze cases in engineering, business,
and computer ethics without having to construct a completely new STS for each case.
Instead, using the two tables as templates, you will be able to zero in on the STS that is
unique to the situation posed by the case. This module also presents background
constraints to problem-solving in engineering, business, and computer ethics. These
constraints do not differ absolutely from the constituents of STSs. However, they pose
underlying constraints that outline the feasibility of an ethical decision and help us to
identify obstacles that may arise when we attempt to implement ethical decisions.
Socio-Technical Systems
STS Templates
Two STSs, Power Engineering and the Puerto Rican Context of Engineering Practice.
1. Brincat, Cynthia A. and Wike, Victoria S. (2000) Morality and the Professional Life:
Values at Work. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
2. Huff, Chuck and Jawer, Bruce, "Toward a Design Ethics for Computing
Professionals in Social Issues in Computing: Putting Computing in its Place,
Huff, Chuck and Finholt, Thomas Eds. (1994) New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
3. Solomon, Robert C. (1999) A Better Way to Think About Business: How Personal
INtgrity Leads to Corporate Success. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
4. Wike, Victoria S. (2001) "Professional Engineering Ethics Bahavior: A Values-based
Approach," Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Session 2461.
4.5.1 Introduction
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While social responsibility has been recognized as one of the key areas of business
ethics, much more needs to be done to develop frameworks and tools to clarify the
concept itself and to implement it in business and professional practice on a day-to-
day basis. This module will give students the opportunity to practice using frameworks
and techniques that address these two needs.
1. In the late 1990's, the Texas State Board of Education proposed the ambitious
plan of providing each of the state's four million public school students with their
own laptop computer. This plan was devised to solve several problems
confronting Texas public education.
2. Laptop computers could make educational resources more accessible to students
who were faced with special challenges like deafness or blindness. Computers
offer software options (such as audio books) that promise to reach more students
than traditional printed textbooks.
3. Laptops also promised to solve the problem of obsolete textbooks. Texas
purchased textbooks for their students at considerable costs. The purchasing
cycle ran six years. By the end of this cycle, textbooks were out of date. For
example, in the late 1990's when the laptop plan was proposed, history textbooks
still referred to the Soviet Union and to the existence of the Berlin Wall. Laptops,
on the other hand, would present textbook content in digital form which would
eliminate printing and shipping costs and facilitate updates through online
4. Texas business leaders were concerned about the computer literacy of the
upcoming generation of students. By employing laptops in more and more
teaching activities, students would learn how to interact with computers while
taking advantage of the new and more effective modes of presentation offered.
1. However, adopting laptops also presented problems that critics quickly brought
2. Teachers would need to learn how to use laptop computers and would have to
change their teaching to accommodate them in the classroom.
3. Apparent cost savings disappeared upon further, closer examination. For
example, it became clear that textbook publishers would not so easily give up the
revenues they had come to depend upon that came from textbook purchases for
public school students. Updates from downloads could turn out to be more
expensive and educational software could be coded to restrict access and
4. Further studies indicated that technical support costs would run two to three
times initial outlays. Keeping laptop hardware and software up and running
required technical support and continued investment.
5. Texas found that while some school districts—the richer ones—had already
begun projects to integrate computing technology, the poorer school districts
would require considerable financial support.
To deal with these problems, Texas carried out several pilot projects that examined
the effectiveness of laptop integration in select school districts. While several
successes were reported a series of problems arose that led Texas Board of Education
officials to postpone the laptop project. First, pilot projects depended on donations
from private computing vendors. While some were forthcoming, others failed to
deliver hardware on time and provided only minimal technical support. Second,
teachers resisted laptop integration due to the extensive investment of time required
to appropriate computing skills and the difficulty of modifying existing curricula and
teaching styles to accommodate laptop hardware and software. Third, at that time the
available educational software, such as digitalized textbooks, was expensive,
inadequately developed, and narrowly focused on curricular areas such as writing and
math practice. Teachers also began to develop more comprehensive and
philosophical criticisms of laptop use. Education specialist, Larry Cuban, argued that
while laptops provided good support for a vocational education, they failed to deliver
on other educational goals such as teaching children how to interact with their peers
and teachers and teaching children the civic virtues necessary to become active
participants in a democratic form of government. Studies began to appear that argued
that skills developed through computer use came at the expense of other, more social
The Texas Laptop plan was never formally implemented beyond the pilot project
phase. However, several computer integration projects have been carried out in other
parts of the country. For example, Larry Cuban reports on computer integration
projects carried out in Silicon Valley in California. MIT has developed a cheap laptop
computer for use in developing nations. You can find a link to computer integration
projects that have been implemented in Philadelphia public schools through the
support of the Microsoft Foundation.
Students in computer ethics classes at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez have
looked into the feasibility of integrating laptops in the public school socio-technical
system in Puerto Rico. They began by looking at the project to provide public school
teachers with laptops that was carried out in the late 1990's under the Pedro Rossello
administration. The student research projects came to focus on three problem areas.
First, they examined whether there were structures in laptop design that made
computers unfit for use by children. Second, they studied whether social or ethical
problems would arise from disposal of spent laptops. Third, they investigated the
impact on copyright law and intellectual property practices that digitalizing printed
textbooks would have.
You are a computer engineer and have been subcontracted by your local
government to purchase new portable computers for high school teachers. Your
job includes...
Distributing computers to high school teachers seems simple enough. You select
the computers, buy them, and give them to the teachers. Yet only a slight
change in circumstances can bring into the open latent or potential ethical
• How should you go about setting up the bidding process to determine the
computers to be used?
• What should you do to determine teacher and student needs and how computers
can respond to these needs? It makes very little sense to provide computers and
then tell teachers and students to use them. What are they to do with these
computers? How do they ft them into everyday education? This requires seeing
the computer project from the standpoints of students, their parents, and
teachers. The reversibility test will help here.
• Who stands to benefit from your actions? Who stands to be harmed from these
actions? How will benefits and harms be distributed through the different
stakeholders in this case?
• Latent ethical problems exist in this socio-technical system that can erupt
into full-blown problems with small changes in circumstances
• Someone you know well-say your cousin submits a bid. What ethical issues does
this turn of events give rise to?
• The contract to provide computers is awarded to you cousin, and he provides
reliable computers at a reasonable price. The, a few weeks later, you read the
following headline in the newspaper: "More Government Corruption-Computer
Czar's Cousin Counts Millions in Cozy Computer Contract" What do you do
• A group of angry high school teachers holds a press conference in which they
accuse the government of forcing them to use computing technology in their
classes. They say you are violating their academic freedom. How should you
You are Dr. Negroponte from MIT. For several years now, you have been working
to design laptop computers that respond to a wide range of needs of children in
poor, developing nations. You have set up an incentive for people in developed
nations to contribute to children in poor nations. For $300, one can buy two
laptops, keep one, and have the other donated to a child in a developing nation.
This has generated computers but governments in developing nations-
enthusiastic at first-have recently shown themselves reluctant to carry through
on their commitments. Your goal of reducing laptop costs to $100 per computer
have also stalled. It has been difficult to generate projected economies of scale.
• The laptops employ a simple design. They use Linux as an operating system since
this shareware can be freely downloaded. The computers are also designed to be
used in areas where the underlying infrastructure, especially electricity, is
unreliable. They are battery driven and a hand crank allows for recharging
batteries when electricity is unavailable. They employ a wireless connection to the
• An Open Education Resource movement has been started to generate
educational resources directly and freely available to children using MIT laptops.
This movement has generated considerable educational content of varying
qualities. Reports available online provide insights into the pros and cons of the
open resource educational movement. Whether this can (or should) replace
traditional textbooks (which can be quite expensive and difficult to update) is still
open to debate.
• There is evidence that laptops can and have contributed to an enhanced learning
experience for children in developing nations. Poor attendance, a large and
chronic problem, has been improved in laptop programs. Children enjoy their
computers and seem better motivated in general as a result. They take their
computers home for homework and share them with the rest of their family.
Many teachers have successfully adapted their teaching styles to this Internet-
supported, technologically enhanced educational mode.
• But recently, laptops have come under increasing critical scrutiny.
• They are more expensive than traditional educational materials such as textbooks
• They compete for scarce financial resources and may be less cost-effective in the
long run than other, more traditional educational resources.
• The MIT laptop has no hard drive, a fact critically singled out by Microsoft's
founder, Bill Gates. They have been designed to use the Linus operating system
rather than Microsoft's more expensive and complicated one.
• Developing nation government's have recently shown "cold feet" to putting action
behind their verbal commitments to laptop computers. This may, in part, be due
to concerns expressed by parents and teachers.
• Defend the MIT Laptop Project in the face of these and other criticisms.
• Should their design be modified to suit better children's needs as well as the
concerns of teachers and parents?
• What features do MIT laptops already display that respond to student, parent,
and teacher needs?
• What are the alternatives to MIT Laptops? For example, evaluate the proposal
made by a group in computer ethics to invest in and emphasize instruction in
computer laboratories housed in schools themselves. What problems would this
new approach avoid? What are its limitations in comparison to the laptop
Values in STSs
Values that can be used for exercise 1 include Justice (equity and access), Property,
Privacy, Free Speech, Responsibility (Safety). More on these values can be found by
clicking on the Computing Cases link provided in this module. Several of these values
are defined in the Ethics of Team Work module, m13769.
4.5.5 Presentations
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5.1.1 Introduction
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In this module you will learn about the history of corporations. Antecedents of the
modern corporation can be found in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and in the
Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and the United States. Corporations have
evolved into their present form as the synthesis of discrete solutions to specific
historical problems that have arisen in the practice of business. This module has been
designed for courses in (1) business, society, and government, (2) business ethics, (3)
corporate governance, and (4) corporate social responsibility.
This historical process has produced five functions that characterize the modern
corporation. Corporations have emerged as...
4. A legal shield that protects owners and investors from liability and helps to
spread and distribute financial, moral, and legal risk
5. Organizational decision-making structures that subordinate and synthesize the
actions of human agents to bring about collective goals such as building a
railroad, designing and manufacturing automobiles, and pursuing legitimate
business ventures.
When the abbot of a medieval monastery died, public officials had difficulty
determining to whom its property, wealth, and resources passed. While this is hard to
conceptualize from a modern standpoint, during the Middle Ages, no legal distinction
could be made between (1) managing property owned by others, (2) exercising
stewardship over property owned by others, and (3) owning property. Moreover, the
concept and practice of owning property is complex. "Property" in its modern sense
has been spelled out as a bundle of distinct rights including "the right to possess,
control, use, benefit from, dispose of and exclude others from the property."
(DesJardins: 37) These distinct rights are not given as entailments of a natural concept
of property but represent legally endowed capacities designed to respond to specific
practical problems. So, to return to the problem created by the death of the abbot, a
legal entity (called the church) was created and endowed with the one of the bundled
rights accompanying the notion of property, namely, the right to possess and hold
property (Stone 1974: 11)
Those familiar with European history know that the university came from student
guilds. Students banded together to hire noted scholars willing to teach their research.
Other guilds were formed around practical occupations as butchering or shoe making.
Eventually, guilds evolved to address a series of practical problems: (1) how to educate
individuals concerning the skills and knowledge required by the practice, (2) how to
identify those responsible for the improper practice of the craft, (3) how to control
who could and could not participate in (and profit from) the craft, and (4) how to
regulate the craft to promote the interests of its practitioners and its beneficiaries or
clients. Guilds became responsible for controlling the privileges of a trade,
establishing rules and standards of practice, and holding courts to adjudicate
grievances between participants. (Stone: 11-13)
Scandals in 18th century Great Britain revealed another set of problems besetting the
emerging corporation. When the unchartered joint stock company, the South Sea
Company, went bankrupt, all the investors and owners found themselves responsible
for covering the huge debt created when risky investments and questionable ventures
went sour. This debt went well beyond resources of the investors destroying their
personal fortunes and placing many of them in debtor's prison. (This and other
fiascoes were dramatized by Charles Dickens in his novel, Little Dorrit.) The specter
of unlimited liability scared of potential investors and set back the development of the
corporation. It became necessary to endow joint stock companies with powers and
devices that limited and distributed financial, moral, and legal risk. (Both owners and
managers required protection although in different ways.) Individuals would invest in
joint stock companies only when the associated risks became manageable and widely
limited legally to the amount invested. Liability for managers required proving that
they failed to remain faithful to the interests of the stockholders, the principals or
originators of their actions. This broke down into demonstrating failure to exercise
"sound business judgment" by, among other things, allowing outside, competing
interests to corrupt their business judgment. Positively, the corporation emerged out
of a series of legal innovations designed to establish and then control the collective
power of corporate organizations. Complex organizational structures were created
that designed differentiated roles filled by employees. These structures served to
channel the activities of employees toward corporate ends. The investor role
stabilized into that of stockholders who owned or held shares of the corporation. To
promote their interests and to establish the cardinal or fundamental objectives of the
corporation, the stockholders elected representatives to serve on a board of directors.
The directors then appointed managers responsible for running the corporation and
realizing the interests and objectives of the stockholders. Managers, in turn, hired and
supervised employees who executed the company's day to day operations (line
employees) and provided expert advice (staff employees). These roles (and the
individuals who occupied them) were related to one another through complex
decision-making hierarchies. Davis (1999) in his discussion of the Hitachi Report shows
how many modern companies have dropped or deemphasized the staff-line
distinction. Others (Stone, Nader) cite instances where managers have become so
powerful that they have supplanted the directorial role. (They hand pick the directors
and carefully filter the information made available to stockholders.) But these two
distinctions (staff v. line and owner v. operator) remain essential for understanding
and classifying modern corporations. (See Fisse, Stone, and Nader.)
Corporations became full blown legal persons. They acquired legal standing (can sue
and be sued), have been endowed with legal rights (due process, equal protection,
and free speech), and have acquired legal duties (such as tax liabilities). (See table
below for the common law decisions through which these corporate powers and
rights have been established.) The powers of the corporation were regulated by the
state through founding charters which served roughly the same function for a
corporation as a constitution did for a state. Initially, charters limited corporate
powers to specific economic activities. Railroad companies, for example, had charters
that restricted their legitimate operations to building and operating railroads. When
they sought to expand their operations to other activities they had to relate these to
the powers authorized in the founding charter. If a charter did not specifically allow an
operation or function, then it was literally ultra vires, i.e., beyond the power of the
corporation (Stone: 21-22). This method of control gradually disappeared as states,
competing to attract business concerns to incorporate within their boarders, began to
loosen charter restrictions and broaden legitimate corporate powers in a process
called “charter mongering.” Eventually charters defined the legitimate powers of
corporations so broadly that they ceased to be effective regulatory vehicles.
Given this vacuum, governments have had to resort to other measures to control and
direct corporations toward the public good. The practice of punishment, effective in
controlling human behavior, was extended to corporations. But Baron Thurlow (a
British legal theorist) framed the central dilemma in corporate punishment with his oft
quoted comment that corporations cannot be punished because they have “no soul to
damn” and “no body to kick.” The unique attributes of corporations has given rise to
creative options for corporate control and punishment: fining, stock dilution, court-
mandated changes in corporate structure, adverse publicity orders, and community
service. (See Fisse) Most recently, Federal Sentencing Guidelines have sought to
provide incentives for corporations to take preventive measures to avoid wrongdoing
by developing ethics compliance programs. These guidelines adjust punishments in
light of ethics programs that the corporations have designed and implemented to
prevent wrongdoing. Corporations found guilty of wrongdoing would still be punished.
But punishments can be reduced when guilty corporations show that they have
developed and implemented compliance programs to promote organizational ethics
and to prevent corporate wrongdoing. These include compliance codes, ethics training
programs, ethics risk identification measures, and corporate ethical audits.
History of Corporation
Corrigible Corporations and Unruly Law, editors Brent Fisse and Peter A. French.
San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press, 137-157. Summary in tabular form of the
taxonomy developed by Fisse to classify and compare forms of corporate punishment.
From Ritz, Dean. (2007) "Can Corporate Personhood Be Socially Responsible?" in eds.
May, S., Cheney, G., and Roper, J., Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press: 194-195.
Watch the shareholder's meeting in the movie, "Other People's Money." Then
answer the questions below. Think generally about what the manager of a
corporation should do with the money its stakeholders have invested in it.
• What is Larry the Liquidator's basic argument? What is Andrew Jorgensen's basic
• What is Larry the Liquidator's conception of the nature and value of the
corporation? What is Andrew Jorgensen's conception of the nature and value of
the corporation?
• What is the social responsibility of a corporation according to Larry the
Liquidator? What is it according to Andrew Jorgensen?
• Write a paragraph on which argument you find most persuasive, that of Larry or
that of Andrew. Explain why you find it persuasive.
Watch the documentary, "The Smartest Guys in the Room," paying special
attention to the role played in the Enron fiasco by the accounting firm, Arthur
Andersen. Then answer the following questions.
be targeted? Should the company's black box be left alone? Is it better to attack
financial or non-financial values? Should Arthur Andersen and other corporate
offenders be encouraged to reform themselves or should those reforms be
designed and directed from the outside?
Peter French speculates on the possibility that a corporation could consist of nothing
more than a sophisticated software program. He also holds forth the notion of
corporate moral personhood (as opposed to natural personhood). Now that you have
had an opportunity to study the history of and structure of the modern corporation,
what do you think about the nature of corporations?
5.1.5 Appendix Bibliography
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
1. Stone, C. D. (1975) Where the Law Ends: The Social Control of Corporate
Behavior. Prospectr Heights, IL: Waveland Press, INC: 1-30.
2. Sandel, M. (1982). Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
3. Des Jardins, J.R. (1993) Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to
Environmental Philosophy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company: 37.
4. Clarke, T. (2004) "Introduction: Theories of Governance-Reconceptualizing
Corporate Governance Theory After the Enron Experience," in Theories of
Corporate Governance: The Philosophical Foundations of Corporate
Governance, ed. Thomas Clarke. New York: Routledge: 1-30.
5. French, P.A. (1984) Collective and Corporate Responsibility. New York:
Columbia University Press.
6. French, P.A. (1997) "Corporate Moral Agency" in Werhane, P.H., and Freeman, R.E.
Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics. Oxford, UK: Blackwell:
7. May, L. (1987) The Morality of Groups: Collective Responsibility, Group-Based
Harm, and Corporate Rights. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
8. Werhane, P. H. (2008) "Mental Models: Moral Imagination and System Thinking in
the Age of Globalization," in Journal of Business Ethics, 78: 463-474.
9. Werhane, P. (2007) "Corporate Social Responsibility/Corporate Moral
Responsibility: Is There a Difference and the Difference It Makes," in eds., May, S.,
Cheney, G., and Roper, J., The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press: 459-474.
10. Fisse, B. and French, P.A., eds. (1985) Corrigible Corporations and Unruly Law.
San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press.
11. Nader, R. and Green, M.J., eds. (1973) Corporate Power in America. New York:
12. Nader" R. Green, M. and Seligman, J. (1976) Taming the Giant Corporation. New
York: Norton.
13. Davis, M. (1998) Thinking Like an Engineer: Studies in the Ethics of a
Profession. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press: 119-156.
14. Jackall, R. (1988) Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers. Oxford, UK:
Oxford University Press.
15. Carol, A. B., "Social Responsibility," in Werhane, P., and Freeman, R. E., eds. (1997,
1998) Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics. Oxford, UK:
Blackwell Publishers, INC: 593-595.
16. Dyrud, M.A. (2007) "Ethics, Gaming, and Industrial Training," in IEEE Technology
and Society Magazine. Winter 2007: 36-44.
17. Ritz, Dean. (2007) "Can Corporate Personhood Be Socially Responsible?" in eds.
May, S., Cheney, G., and Roper, J., Corporate Governance. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press: 194-195.
This is an example of an embedded link. (Go to "Files" tab to delete this file and
replace it with your own files.)
• The first two links to this module are to sample corporate social responsibility
statements put out by McDonalds and Starbucks. These will help you to
benchmark your own efforts both in the fictional Burger Man case and in your
efforts to develop CSR reports for real companies.
• The other link is a story from reporter, Paul Solomon, that reports on the annual
Business for Social Responsibility conference. This story, first broadcast on
December 23, 2004 reports on outstanding and successful efforts on CSR. Its title
is "Good Business Deeds" and it was accessed for this module on August 17, 2008
here (
5.2.1 Introduction
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
This module will introduce you to the theme of corporate social responsibility. Three
representative cases will help to pose the central problems and basic issues of CSR.
Then you will work on developing a social contract between the business corporation
and society to articulate the interests, goods, and rights at stake in CSR. Three
different approaches dominate this field: the shareholder approach set forth by
Milton Friedman, the stakeholder approach articulated by Evan and Freeman, and
Patricia Werhane's alliance model. Finally, you will work on developing a CSR program
for the hypothetical corporation, Burger Man. This will be based on a shareholder
meeting that consists of six or seven stakeholder presentations. (You will play the role
of one of the stakeholders.) Your CSR program will address and integrate the needs
and interests of the Burger Man stakeholders.
Patricia Werhane discusses how six corporate organizations deal with three CSR
challenges: (1) carrying out oil drilling in a corrupt political environment, (2) working
with suppliers who impose sweatshop conditions on employees, and (3) addressing
the HIV/AIDS challenge in Africa. Each challenge elicits two corporate responses, one
from a shareholder or stakeholder perspective, the other from an alliance perspective.
Shell Oil's response to political corruption in Nigeria will be compared with Exxon/
Mobile's response in Chad and Cameroon. Nike's answer to public criticism of the
employment practices of its third world suppliers will be compared to Wal Mart's
reputedly heavy-handed treatment of its employees and suppliers. Finally, while the
pharmaceutical industry has developed an expensive drug cocktail to treat HIV/AIDS in
patients in developed nations, the NGO (Non Government Organization), the Female
Health Company, has designed a program to distribute of condoms to prevent
infection in the frst place. These paired corporate responses to CSR challenges are not
provided in support of the position that the superiority of the alliance approach is a
"no-brainer." Instead, they provide you with a menu of CSR strategies that you will
evaluate using the CSR framework you will develop out of the social contract that
between business and society. These three CSR challenges come from Werhane (2007)
• Vicarious responsibility occurs when one agent accepts responsibility for actions
executed by another. For example, under agency theory, the principal bears
overall moral and legal responsibility for the action since he or she has originated
it. Although the agent executes the action, he or she is responsibility only for
executing the action faithfully and treating the principal's interests as his or her
• In this context, can we hold corporations such as Nike and Wal Mart vicariously
responsible for the morally questionable actions of their suppliers? If so, then
under what conditions?
• Nike fell under siege when the press found out that its suppliers based in the
third world imposed harsh, sweatshop conditions on their employees, including
child labor. Nike could have argued that
• this was beyond the scope of their responsibility. How could they be held
vicariously responsible for the actions of another? Their job was to produce shoes
at the lowest possible price to deliver an affordable quality product to customers
and to maximize shareholder value. But Nike went beyond this minimal
responsibility to carefully vet suppliers and to work with them to improve working
conditions. Thus, they expanded the scope of their CSR to include improving
working conditions for, not only their employees, but also the employees of their
• Wal Mart has been identified by Collins and Porras (Built to Last) as a highly
successful and visionary company. It has certainly led the way in providing
consumers with high quality products at surprisingly low prices. But the savings it
provides to customers and the high returns it guarantees investors are purchased
at a high price. Wal Mart prevents its employees from joining unions which has
lowered their wages and restricted their health and retirement benefits. Wal Mart
employees are also expected to work long hours for the company. While it
provides cheap, high quality products to its customers, Wal Mart pushes suppliers
narrowing their profit margin and placing upon them the responsibility of
supplying product just-in-time to meet demand.
• In its earlier days, Wal Mart targeted small towns. Their competitive practices
forced less aggressive, local business to leave. While they have brought
considerable benefits to these communities, they have also seriously changed
established business and social structures.
• Finally, Wal Mart, like Nike initially, exercises minimal supervision over their
suppliers many of whom are oversees. Wal Mart suppliers also have been known
to impose harsh working conditions on their employees.
• The widespread and devastating effects of the AIDS epidemic in Africa are well
known. But what are the responsibilities of corporations in the face of this terrible
CSR challenge? Should they do business as usual and allow others who are
perhaps more qualified respond to this pervasive social problem? Or should they
recognize a broader responsibility to channel their wealth, knowledge and
expertise toward mitigating this social problem?
• Pharmaceutical corporations invest huge amounts of money in research and
development. The market place is a good place for both encouraging this
necessary risk and for distributing it among several groups and interests.
Developing new medicines requires costly research. So Friedman's question is
highly pertinent here: does imposing CSR on a corporation do more harm than
good because it interferes with the delicate mechanism of the market?
• At any point along the way, the product may not meet expectations, a competitor
may beat the pharmaceutical to the market, the regulatory process may delay or
even prevent sale, and so on. The rewards from patenting a successful medicine
are astoundingly high. But heavy, possibly devastating losses are also possible.
Adding CSR to the mixture may be the formula for corporate disaster.
• Pharmaceutical corporations also face daunting challenges from regulatory
agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration. New products must be
exhaustively and painstakingly tested to avoid problems that have arisen in the
past such as the Dalkon Shield and Thalidomide. Again, considerable effort must
be expended in exploring the middle and long term consequences accompanying
product and drug use, and all of this before the product can be marketed and
profits made. Government regulation also raises another problem. Is government
prodding necessary to force corporations into a proper CSR posture? Or should
corporations be allowed to develop voluntarily their own CSR responses?
• In the case at hand, pharmaceutical companies have invested considerable
resources to carry out research into medicines that control HIV infection and
prevent it from developing into full-blown AIDS. But these treatments are very
expensive and bring with them considerable side effects. An anti-AIDS chemical
cocktail can cost patients in developed nations between 15 and 20 thousand
dollars per patient per year. This is far beyond the financial resources available to
a typical HIV/AIDS patient in Africa. Some NGOs and critics of the pharmaceutical
industry accuse the latter of gouging victims and drawing excess profits from the
misfortune of others. A spokesperson for "Doctors Without Borders," for
example, claims that the AIDS treatment "cocktail" that costs U.S. patients 15 to
20 thousand dollars could be made available to Africans at less than 300 dollars
per patient per year. Pharmaceuticals, according to their critics, need to rethink
their CSR, cease operating as for-profit businesses, and make these drugs
available to third world sufferers at cost.
• What are the CSRs of multinational pharmaceutical corporations for making HIV/
AIDS drugs available to victims in the poverty-stricken nations of Africa? Are they
responsible for charging what the market will bear? Assuming they have the right
to recoup their heavy investment in research, should governments, recognizing
the necessity of compensating drug companies for their research, buy these
drugs and redistribute them at little or no cost to those who can't afford them? Or
should the pharmaceuticals charge more to those who can pay and less to those
who cannot? (This redistributes the burden of cost from the haves to the have
• Many NGOs have taken the stance that their responsibility lies in pressuring drug
companies to do the right thing and donate medicines to patients who cannot
pay. This is their corporate social responsibility, and the pharmaceutical industry
certainly has enough money to do this.
• But others have tried to reframe this issue using moral imagination. Treating
individuals for HIV infection once they have contracted it is expensive no matter
how you look at it. But, redefining the problem, can moderate and affordable
measures be taken to prevent the spread of the disease?
• This is the imaginative approach taken by the Female Health Company which has
initiated a widespread effort to distribute condoms to those at risk for contracting
• How does the approach of the FHO exemplify Werhane's alliance model? How
should pharmaceutical companies respond to this kind of initiative? Is it
necessary to frame the relation between the pharmaceutical industry and NGOs
as an adversarial relation or should broader alliances be formed that coordinate
the efforts of these groups?
Every contract is built on the basis of three conditions (1) free and informed
consent, (2) a quid pro quo, and (3) the rational self interest of the contracting
Social Contracts
A social contract differs from other contracts because it is hypothetical. Business and
Society have never sat down in a room and hammered out a contract outlining their
relation. But this hypothetical contract provides a good means of making sense out of
the relation that has gradually evolved between society and business. Forget for a
moment the historical details of the relation between business and society. If this
relation is summarized as a contract, what does society give to business? What does
business give to society? Do these two institutions trust one another or do they each
adopt means to monitor and control the other? What are these means? Treating the
relation between business and society as a contract between two mutually consenting
agents or actors does get some of the facts wrong. But it provides a useful "heuristic"
device, i.e., a framework that will help us to summarize, structure, and, in a work,
make sense of the relation between the two. Moving from the terms of this "contract"
you will be able to develop a framework for understanding the social responsibilities
of business corporations. This, in turn, will help you to understand the CSR challenges
presented above and the CSRs of the fictional but realistic Burger Man corporation.
STS Table
Technology Technology Physical
Embedded Stakeholders Procedures Laws
(Hardware) (Software) Surroundings
Free Speech
Table 5.1 STS Table
Shareholder View
From Milton Friedman, "The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits."
"But the doctrine of "social responsibility" taken seriously would extend the scope of
the political mechanism to every human activity. It does not differ in philosophy from
the most explicitly collectivist doctrine. It differs only by professing to believe that
collectivist ends can be attained without collectivist means. That is why, in my book
Capitalism and Freedom, I have called it a “fundamentally subversive doctrine” in a
free society, and have said that in such a society, "there is one and only one social
responsibility of business-to use its resources and engage in activities designed to
increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say,
engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud." 1970 by New York
Times Company
Stakeholder View
a stakeholder of the corporation whose vital interest at play is the share owned of
the corporation and the money invested in this share.
• There are several other stakeholders of the corporation. These include (1)
employees, (2) customers, (3) suppliers, (4) local community, (4) surrounding
governments, (5) the surrounding human and natural environment, and (6) the
corporation's managers. (In some situations there are other stakeholders such as
• Stakeholder theory requires that the corporation recognize and respect the vital
interests of each of its surrounding stakeholders. This frequently issues in
proposing stakeholder rights and assigning to others correlative duties to
recognize and respect these rights.
• Stakeholder theory also requires that the corporation integrate interests where
possible, mediate or broker conflicts between interests, and only trade of
competing interests when absolutely necessary and when more conciliatory
efforts have already been made and have failed.
• See Evan and Freeman 1988
Module Activities
1. Examine the CSR challenges presented above. Compare the two responses to
each challenge.
2. Learn about three models of corporate social responsibility.
3. Develop a fully articulated social contract between business and society. Use this
contract to understand the basic CSRs of business corporations.
4. Prepare a Social Impact Analysis on the fictional firm, Burger Man.
5. Prepare for and participate in a board meeting for Burger Man to examine
ethically its practices and develop for it a viable and sustainable program of
corporate social responsibility. This requires that you give a short presentation on
the interests of a particular Burger Man stakeholder
6. Develop a full blown CSR program for Burger Man that carries out the
responsibilities of this company to its stakeholders.
The author became aware of the Burger Man exercise when participating in an Ag-Sat
broadcast course in Agricultural Ethics in 1992. The exercise was created by the leader
of the course, Dr. Paul Thompson.
Burger Man is a franchise that began by selling the fast food staples of hamburgers,
french fries, and milk shakes. As the company has matured and faced other
competitors in this market niche, it has, of course, developed a more sophisticated set
of products and services. But it has also been challenged on various issues related to
corporate social responsibility. Groups representing the rights and interests of
animals have criticized the agribusiness methods used by its suppliers. Recently,
public interest groups have blamed Burger Man and its competitors for encouraging
unhealthy dietary habits among its customers and the public in general. Shareholders,
of course, are concerned that the company continue to be profitable and provide
them with a good return on investment. Governmental regulatory agencies such as
the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Administration) wish to hold Burger Man accountable for conforming to its
regulations. In short there are several stakeholder groups surrounding this
corporation, each vying for its particular interest. In this exercise, you will play two
roles. First you will be assigned a role as one of Burger Man's stakeholders and make
a presentation of your group's interest in mock shareholder meeting that will be held
in class. Then you will switch to the role of Burger Man management. Here your
assignment will be to articulate the different stakeholder interests and integrate them
into a coherent CSR plan for your company.
• Burger Man customers are the consumers who go to its restaurant and enjoy its
food services. In preparing your board meeting presentation you need to explore
Burger Man's social responsibilities to its customers.
• Are these reducible to providing them an enjoyable product at a reasonable
price? Or does BM's social responsibilities go beyond this?
• Burger Man has extensive interactions with its suppliers that include meat
packing corporations and agri-business concerns. How should Burger Man
choose its suppliers? How carefully should it monitor their activities. To what
extent is Burger Man responsible for the untoward activities of these groups?
• How responsible is Burger Man for shaping the dietary habits of its customers?
Does it bear responsibility for the health problems that its public develops from
bad dietary practices?
• Burger Man shareholders are investors who have purchased shares of Burger
Man's publicly traded stock.
• What are their stakes?
• What are their responsibilities? For example, how closely should shareholders
monitor the actions of their agents, i.e., Burger Man's managers? Are
shareholders responsible for holding Burger Man to certain standards of
corporate social responsibility? What are these standards and how do they stand
in relation to the different models of social responsibility?
• Prepare your presentation around these issues. Address shareholder interests
(stakes) and responsibilities.
• Burger Man managers are the agents of the shareholders/owners responsible for
overseeing the day-today operations of the corporation.
• What are the manager's stakes? What role do they play in the different models of
social responsibility? (Classical, stakeholder, and alliance views?)
• Agency theory argues that the primary corporate governance problem is
overseeing and controlling the actions of managers. How closely should
shareholders and their board of directors oversee corporate managers? Are
managers self-interested agents or stewards of the corporation?
• What are managerial responsibilities vis a vis corporate social responsibility?
Should they uncover illegal actions? Should they implement an audit process that
assess the corporation's success in carrying out its social responsibilities? Should
these responsibilities go beyond the legal minimum?
• Should managers go beyond the legal minimum in monitoring and carrying out
corporate social responsibilities?
• Are corporate managers responsible only to shareholders or do their
responsibilities extend to other stakeholders? If the latter, how do they balance
conflicting stakes?
• Structure your presentation around outlining managerial stakes and roles.
Choose a model of corporate social responsibility and argue for its
appropriateness to Burger Man.
• Burger Man serves hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, and dairy products. These
involve animals. As animal rights activists, you are concerned with steering Burger
Man and its suppliers toward morally acceptable treatment of animals.
• What are your group's stakes in this board meeting? What kind of role should you
• State your policy on animal treatment? Is it a position of animal welfare based on
utilitarian considerations? (Peter Singer provides such a position.) Is it a
deontological position based on the assertion of animal rights that impose
correlative duties on humans? (Tom Regan takes this position.) Or should you
base your arguments on anthropocentric issues such as human health?
• Write a position paper that responds to these questions for presentation in the
Burger Man board meeting.
• Your town, Town X, has three Burger Man franchises. Representatives from the
town council are participating in the board meeting in order to ensure that Burger
Man's policies on corporate social responsibility enhance the town's economic
welfare and development.
• What are your stakes? What are your roles and responsibilities?
• What kind of services and products do you provide for Burger Man? What
benefits do your community draw from Burger Man? How can Burger Man
activities and policies promote or demote your town's interests and stakes?
• Develop a position paper for the board meeting that addresses these issues? Pay
special attention to the goods and risks that your town exchanges with Burger
Exercises in CSR
• Participate in the Burger Man Stakeholder Meeting
• Take your assigned stakeholder group and prepare a short
presentation (five minutes maximum) on your stakeholder's
interests, rights, needs, and vulnerabilities.
• Listen to the stakeholder presentations from the other groups. Try
to avoid a competitive stance. Instead, look for commonalities and
shared interests. You may want to form coalitions with one or more
of the other groups.
• Switch from the stakeholder role to that of Burger Man
management. You are responsible for developing a comprehensive
corporate social responsibility program for Burger Man. You job is to
integrate the concerns expressed by the stakeholders in their
presentation and form your plan around this integration.
• Try to resolve conflicts. If you cannot and are forced to prioritize,
then you still must find a way of recognizing and responding to each
legitimate stakeholder stake. You may want to refer to the "Ethics
of Team Work" module (m13760) to look for time-tested methods
for dealing with difficult to reconcile stake. These include setting
quotas, negotiating interests, expanding the pie, nonspecific
compensation, logrolling, cost-cutting and bridging. You should be
able to establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have made
every attempt to recognize and integrate every legitimate
stakeholder stake.
This module and two others (A Short History of the Corporation and Corporate
Governance) are designed to help you understand the corporate context of business.
In this section, you should reflect on three questions: (1) What have you learned about
the social responsibilities of corporations? (2) What still perplexes you about the social
responsibilities of corporations. (3) Do you find one model of CSR better than the
others? (4) Can these models of CSR be combined in any way?
5.2.7 Appendix
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
This file contains the rubric to be used on the partial exam for Corporate Leadership
and Social Responsibility, ADMI 3405, Fall 2008"
15. Carol, A. B., "Social Responsibility," in Werhane, P., and Freeman, R. E., eds. (1997,
1998) Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics. Oxford, UK: Blackwell
Publishers, INC: 593-595.
16. Dyrud, M.A. (2007) "Ethics, Gaming, and Industrial Training," in IEEE Technology
and Society Magazine. Winter 2007: 36-44.
17. Ritz, Dean. (2007) "Can Corporate Personhood Be Socially Responsible?" in eds.
May, S., Cheney, G., and Roper, J., Corporate Governance. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press: 194-195.
This is an example of an embedded link. (Go to "Files" tab to delete this file and
replace it with your own files.)
Gyges a poor shepherd is tending his flock when there is an earthquake. A hugh crack
opens in the earth to expose a sarcopagus. Gyges reaches in and takes the ring that
draws his attention. Later, when he is talking among friends, he notices that he
becomes invisible when he turns the ring in toward himself. He tries this out a few
times and then forms his plans. Invisible, he gains entry to the king's castle and rapes
the queen. Drawing her into his nefarious plan, they kill the king and take over the
kingdom. Gyges marries the queen and becomes ruler of a large and wealthy
kingdom. Somehow it doesn't seem fit to say that he lives "happily ever after." But,
since he is never caught, it doesn't follow that his ill-gotten gain has made him
Before finding his ring, Gyges was, at least outwardly, a well-behaved, just citizen. But
the combination of vast power and no accountability drew Gyges over to the dark
side. Does the human character, like that of Gyges, dissolve in the face of temptation
and lack of accountability? Is the threat of punishment necessary to keep individuals
moral? Is visibility and the threat of punishment all that stands between an individual
and a life of injustice?
From 1960 until 1963, Stanley Milgram, a social psychologist, carried out a series of
experiments on around 1000 subjects. Each experiment brought together three
participants, a subject (or teacher), a learner, and an experimenter. In the initial
orientation, the experimenter told the subject/teacher and the learner that they were
about to participate in an experiment designed to measure the influence of
punishment (in the form of electrical shocks) on learning. The learner was presented
with information. The teacher then asked questions based on this information. If the
learner answered correctly, then they went on to the next question. If the learner
answered incorrectly, then he was given an electrical shock by the teacher. With each
missed question the intensity of the shock increased. The experiment continued until
all the questions were asked and answered.
Before the Milgram experiments were carried out, a group of psychogists were asked
to predict how many teachers/subjects would go all the way to the end and give the
learner what they thought were life-threatening and highly painful shocks. The
consensus was that most would stop the experiment early on when the learner first
began to protest. But the actual results were quite "shocking." Nearly 60 percent of
the teachers went all the way and gave the learner the maximum shock. You can read
more about these experiments and how they have been interpreted by reading
Milgram 1974 and Flanagan 1991. You Tube has several video vignettes on the
Milgram Experiments. Simply type "Milgram Experiments" in the search window and
browse the results.
Can authority and environment override our everyday moral beliefs as well as the
characters constructed from them? Is character robust and "trans-situational?" Or is it
radically dependent on situation and environment? Can normally decent and well-
behaved individuals turn into moral monsters given the right external conditions?
Both of these thought experiments raise the question of the influence of environment
on character. This module is designed to help increase the strength of moral character
by identifying different organizational environments (called "moral ecologies") and
having you developing strategies to resist their pressures and maintain integrity.
6.1.2 Introduction
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
1. Extraversion..........................Introversion
2. Neuroticism Stability.............Emotional
3. Conscientiousness.................Carelessness
4. Agreeableness.......................Disagreeableness
5. Openness (to experience).......Closed (to experience)
6. Honesty/Humility.................Dishonesty/Arrogance
Centrality of Allocation of T
Type/ engineers: role Withholding
ethics and praise and o
Characteristics and information
values blame a
Managers play Ethics and
Allocated withhold to
line role (=make values are side "
according to control and
decisions) constraints m
hierarchical protect
Finance- Engineers dealt with D
position: secrets.
Driven provide when they d
praise goes Engineers
technical oppose a
up and blame withhold
information financial b
goes down. bad news to
(=staff role) considerations
avoid blame.
Praise and
Managers make o
blame are Information
decisions on e
Ethics and fairly not withheld
financial a
values are not allocated but gaps
Customer- matters. to
central but are based on arise
Driven Engineers "go to th
still assigned because or
the mat" on p
important. responsibility role
engineering in
and differences.
matters. m
Praise and Open
Manager and b
blame are consensus
engineering Ethics and m
attributed to process
distinction values are in
group and ensures that
Quality- drops out. constitutive of c
distributed to needed
Driven Interdisciplinary the th
individuals information
work teams are organization's d
within is integrated
empowered and identity. a
according to into decision
responsible r
contribution. making
This table and the explanatory material below summarizes materials from studies
reported by Davis (Thinking Like an Engineer) and Jackall (Moral Mazes). The reader
should be aware that it departs somewhat from the strictly reported results in order
to adopt the results to the idea of moral ecology. This later idea was introduced by R.
Park in Human Communities: The City and Human Ecology, Free Press, Glencoe, IL,
Breakdown of Table
Finance-Driven Companies
Customer-Driven Companies
adversarial because it is assumed that this is the best way to get all the
information out on the table. Bad news and professional dissenting opinions are
not interpreted as disloyalty; in fact, disloyalty lies in refusing to expose faws in
the choices proposed by one's supervisor. Managers expect their engineers to "go
to the mat" when advocating technical positions based on their professional
Quality-Driven Companies
• Quality-driven companies stand out for the emphasis they place on achieving
high engineering standards and on elevating the participation of the engineer in
the decision making process. As is implied by the name, the central focus of these
corporations is the achievement of high quality in products and services.
• Managers and Engineers:Role and Participation: In quality-driven companies,
the distinction between the manager and engineering roles drops out. For
example, while engineers play the staff role and provide expert engineering
advice, they also participate fully in the decision making process. The locus of
decision making moves from individual managers to small interdisciplinary
groups. These groups, in turn, carry out consensus-based decision making
• Centrality of Ethics and Values: In quality-driven companies, ethics and values
are central to the organization's objectives, charter, and identity. This has a
decisive impact on the role of the engineer in the decision-making process. In
customer driven companies, engineers are expected to advocate engineering and
ethical standards precisely because these are not central to the organization's
identity. But the centrality of ethical concerns in quality driven companies
changes the engineer's role from advocacy to channeling technical expertise
toward realizing ethical value.
• Allocation of praise and blame: In customer-driven companies, blame
avoidance procedures no longer dominate the decision making process. In quality
driven companies they disappear completely. Decisions are made by
interdisciplinary groups in which engineers and managers participate fully and
equally. Responsibility (praise and blame) then is allocated to the group. If it is
distributed to members inside the group it is done so on the basis of
contribution. But the primary target of responsibility ascriptions is the group, not
the individual. And the response to untoward happenings is not targeting
individuals and groups for blame but taking measures to learn from mistakes and
avoiding them in the future.
• Withholding Information: The open, consensus-based decision process ensures
that the needed information is brought forth and integrated into the decision.
This results from removing a primary motivation to withholding information,
namely, blame avoidance. Quality-driven corporations aggres sively move to
prevent untoward occurrences and, should prevention fail, make adjustments to
ensure they do not reoccur. The motive to withhold information does not arise in
this moral ecology.
• Treatment of Dissent and DOPs (dissenting professional opinions): Engineers
and managers work toward consensus by gathering information, discussing the
problem and continuing the discussion until consensus is reached. Thus, dissent
does not stand alone but is considered to be an essential and healthy component
to the decision-making process. When consensus is not immediately reached,
participants seek more information. If consensus is still not reached, the decision
is postponed (if this is possible). The most viable strategy to reach consensus is to
continue the discussion. For example, an engineer and manager might approach
a supervisor; in this way they bring a new perspective into the decision-making
process. They might consult other experts. The crucial point here is that
disagreement (really non-agreement) is not a bad thing but a necessary stage in
the process of reaching agreement and consensus.
Skill Sets
• The four skills described below are derived from studying the moral expertise
displayed by moral exemplars. Each moral ecology will require the exercise of
each of the skills described below. However, each skill has to be contextualized
into the moral ecology. For example, reasonableness should not be exercised in
the same way in a finance-driven company as it should be exercised in a quality-
driven company. The reasonable exercise of dissent is manifested differently in
an environment where dissent is equated with disloyalty than in one in which
dissent is embraced as a necessary part of the consensus-reaching process. So
your job, in constructing your moral careers within these different moral
ecologies, is to contextualize the skill, that is, describe specifically how each skill
should be practiced in each particular moral ecology.
• Moral imagination consists of projecting oneself into the perspective of others.
It also includes multiple problem definitions and the ability to distance oneself
from the decision situation to gain impartiality.
• Moral creativity is the ability to generate non-obvious solutions to moral
challenges while responding to multiple constraints.
• Reasonableness consists of gathering relevant evidence, listening to others,
giving reasons for one's own positions (arguments and evidence), and changing
plans/positions only on the basis of good reasons.
• Perseverance involves planning moral action and responding to unforeseen
circumstances while keeping moral goals intact.
Personality Traits
• Agreeableness: According to Huff et al, this trait has also been called “social
adaptability, likability, friendly compliance, and love.” Again think about how this
trait would operate within a finance-driven moral ecology as opposed to a quality-
driven one.
• Studies carried out by Chuck Huff into moral exemplars in computing suggest
that moral exemplars can operate as craftspersons or reformers. (Sometimes
they can combine both these modes.)
• Craftspersons (1) draw on pre-existing values in computing, (2) focus on users or
customers who have needs, (3) take on the role of providers of a service/product,
(4) view barriers as inert obstacles or puzzles to be solved, and (5) believe they are
effective in their role.
• Reformers (1) attempt to change organizations and their values, (2) take on the
role of moral crusaders, (3) view barriers as active opposition, and (4) believe in
the necessity of systemic reform
• These descriptions of moral exemplars have been taken from a presentation by
Huff at the STS collo quium at the University of Virginia on October 2006.
Skill sets, personality traits, and kinds of moral expertise are discussed in detail by
Huff et al., "Good computing: a pedagogically focused model of virtue in the practice
of computer, parts 1 and 2." These are published in Information, communication
and Ethics in Society, Emrald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 6, numbers 3 and 4 in
In this section, you will learn about this module's activities and/or exercises. You will
also find step by step instructions on how to carry them out.
• What kind of ethical and practical principles (or values) do they use
to make their case?
• Which moral ecology would you like to work in: finance-, customer-
, or quality-driven companies?
• Why? Specify your answer in terms of how the company allocates
praise or blame, the centrality of moral concerns, the role given to
professionals, the circumstances under which information is
withheld, and the typical response to bad news.
• Why? What configuration of personality traits best fits within which
moral ecology?
This module was designed to help you visualize how to realize a moral career within
three dominant moral ecologies. Apply these matters to yourself. Which moral ecology
would be best for you? Of the two moral careers mentioned above, reformer and
helper, which best fits your personality? Why? In other words, begin the process of
visualizing and planning your own moral career.
6.1.6 Appendix
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
• The first link refers to a news story on Dunn's resignation from the Hewlett-
Packard board.
• It is taken from PBS's Online NewsHour in a report delivered by Margaret Warner
on September 22, 2006.
• The second link provides background information on the Hughes Aircraft case
profiled just below.
Arthur Andersen
Once a highly respected company, Arthur Andersen no longer exists having gone
bankrupt in the wake of the Enron disaster. Arthur Andersen provided Enron with
consulting and accounting services. The consulting division was more successful but
the accounting division, with its long tradition of outstanding ethical service, was the
corporation's backbone. Arthur Andersen signed off on Enron's use of mark-to-market
accounting which allowed Enron to project optimistic earnings from their deals and
then report these as actual profits years before they would materialize (if at all). They
also signed off on Enron's deceptive use of special purpose entities (SPE) to hide debt
by shifting it from one fictional company to another. With Arthur Andersen's blessing,
Enron created the illusion of a profitable company to keep stock value high. When
investors finally saw through the illusion, stock prices plummeted. To hide their
complicity, Arthur Andersen shredded incriminating documents. For federal
prosecutors this was the last straw. The Justice Department indicted the once proud
accounting firm convinced that this and previous ethical lapses (Sunbeam and Waste
McLean and Elkind provided background for this profile on Arthur Andersen. See
below for complete reference.
Hughes Aircraft
Howard Hughes founded this company at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Hughes became a regular supplier of military hardware to the U.S. military. In the
1980's this included parts for surface to air misiles and fighter aircraft. One division
specialized in computer chips designed to convert analogue information to digital for
use in guidance systems and decision support systems. For example, these chips
interacted with radar to help pilots of fighter aircraft avoid enemy missiles and also
served as an essential component for missile guidance systems, the so-called smart
bombs. Hughes had won the competitive bids for these highly profitable military
projects but they had also committed themselves to tight delivery schedules with
inflexible deadlines. And on top of this, the U.S. Airforce demanded that these
computer chips and the systems that integrated them be rigorously tested to show
that they could withstand the severe environmental stresses of battle. Hughes soon
fell behind on the delivery of these computer chips causing a chain reaction of other
delays both within the company and between the company and other links in the
military supply chain. The environmental tests carried out by quality control under the
supervision of Frank Saia had worked hard to complete the time-consuming tests and
still remain on schedule with deliveries; hot parts (parts in high demand) were pulled
to the front of the testing line to keep things running but soon even this wasn't
enough to prevent delays and customer complaints. Giving way to these pressures,
some Hughes supervisors pushed employees to pass chips without testing and even
to pass chips that had failed tests. Margaret Gooderal and Ruth Ibarra resigned from
the company and blew the whistle on these and other ethical failings that had become
rampant in Hughes. So the corporate social responsibility question becomes how to
change this culture of dishonesty and restore corporate integrity to this once
innovative and leading company. (Background information on Hughes can be found ).
For a complete case study see Stewart (complete reference below) and Anne Lawrence
and James Weber, Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 13th
edition (McGraw-Hill): 501-513.
How can successful corporate governance programs be integrated
into companies with free-wheeling, innovative cultures without
dampening creative and imaginative initiatives? How does one make
sense of the fundamental irony of this case, that a conscientious
pursuit of corporate governance (attacking violations of board
confidentiality) can turn into violation of corporate governance
(violation of the privacy and persons of innocent board members)?
This is an example of an embedded link. (Go to "Files" tab to delete this file and
replace it with your own files.)
6.2.1 Introduction
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
James B. Stewart, in a New Yorker article about Patricia Dunn and Hewlett-Packard,
describes corporate governance as “a term that technically refers to all aspects of
running a corporation but in recent years has come to emphasize issues of fairness,
transparency, and accountability.” This module looks at corporate governance from
the macro perspective, (1) examining the management strategies adopted by a firm to
ensure compliance and pursue excellence and (2) from the standpoint of government
as it seeks to minimize unethical corporate behavior and to maximize the
corporation's contribution to social welfare.
• If both A and B confess. A and B are put in jail for five years each. The net loss in
this scenario is 10. This is the least desirable alternative from the collective
• If one confesses and the other does not. The confessor is released immediately
while the non-confessor gets seven years in prison. This maximizes the
confessor's self interest but severely punishes the patriotic, non-confessor. Net
loss is 7.
• If both do not confess. After six months of half-hearted interrogation (most of
this time is for processing the prisoners' release), both are set free for lack of
evidence. While not maximizing self interest (this lies in confessing while the
other remains silent) this does maximizes overall welfare by producing a net loss
of only 1.
• Cooperation produces the best collective option and the second best individual
option. This, in turn, assumes that cooperation produces more social welfare than
• Free riding (competing) on the cooperation of others produces the most
individual gains (for the free rider) but the second worst collective results. Society
suffers loses from the harm done to the trusting, non-confessor and from the
overall loss of trust caused by unpunished free-riding.
• Unlimited, pure competition (both prisoners confess) produces the worst
collective results and the second worst individual results.
• Multiple iterations of the prisoner's dilemma eventually lead to cooperative
behavior. But what causes this? (1) The trust that emerges as the prisoners,
through repeated iterations, come to rely on one another? Or (2) the fear of "tit-
for-tat" responses, i.e., that free riding on the part of one player will be punished
by free riding on the part of the other in future iterations?
• Does the Prisoner's Dilemma assume that each player is a rational, self-interest
maximizer? Are the players necessarily selfish in that they will seek to maximize
self interest even at the expense of the other players unless rewards and
punishments are imposed onto the playing situation from the outside?
The Prisoner's dilemma is discussed throughout the literature in business ethics. For a
novel and insightful discussion in the context of corporate responsibility see Peter A.
French, 1995 Corporate Ethics from Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
the self. Werhane's description of this "social animal" is worth quoting in full: “In
that socialization process, we develop a number of interests, roles, memberships,
commitments, and values such that each individual is an historical, cultural, and
social product, a pluralistic bundle of overlapping spheres of foci, a thick self or
selves.... [T]here is no self as precritical, transcendental subject, totally ideal
spectator or dispossessed subject.”
• Thus a series of views of human nature emerge that are instrumental in forming
different approaches to corporate governance. Hobbes's atomistic individualism
will favor the compliance approach mandated by agency theory as directors set
up external checks to self-serving managers. Rousseau's more nuanced view
would require structures to hold the pursuit of self-interest in check while
strengthening the equally natural impulses toward socializability and
cooperation. The social conception of the self would treat the corporation as an
environment where managers, as stewards, recruit employees who will quickly
commit to the central corporate values and then develop supporting structures
and procedures to help their colleagues find meaningful work while fulfilling
social, corporate objectives.
Stewardship Managers act as Desire and self Owners still set Man
Model(5,1) stewards for interest are cardinal objectives stew
absentee owners; balanced out by but they also are exer
oversee the social motives responsible for over
operations of such as providing of th
corporation and Rousseau's pity managers with a thei
Agency Theory
Stockholder Theory
1. The stockholder approach is quite similar to that set forth in agency theory. The
difference is that it views the corporation as the property of its owners
(stockholders) who may dispose of it as they see ft. Most of the time this involves
using it to receive maximum return on investment.
2. Stockholders are oriented toward self-interest, so stockholder theory, along with
agency theory, takes an egoistic/Hobbesian view of human nature. Humans are
rational, self-interest maximizers. Owners should expect this from the
corporation's managers and employees. They should integrate procedures and
controls that channel the corporation and its members in the direction of their
(owners) self-interest.
3. The owners invest in the corporation and seek a return (profit) on this
investment. But this narrow role has been expanded into overseeing the
operations of the corporations and its managers to ensure that the corporation is
in compliance with ethical and legal standards set by the government. Just as the
master, under tort law, was responsible for injury brought about by the
negligence of a servant, so also are directors responsible for harm brought about
by their property, the corporation.
4. Managers are role-responsible for ensuring that investors get maximum return
on their investment. This includes exercising good business judgment and
avoiding conflicts of interests and violations of confidences.
5. Like corporations operating within agency theory, stockholder corporations focus
on compliance strategies to monitor managers and make sure they remain
faithful agents. However, directors under the stockholder approach also take
seriously oversight responsibility which include ensuring corporate compliance
with laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Stakeholder Theory
1. Owners drop out of the center of attention in this approach to become one of
several, equal stakeholders. A stakeholder is any group or individual that has a
vital interest, right, good, or value in play or at risk. (A gambler's stake is the
money on the table in play as the roulette wheel turns. Depending on the
outcome of the situation, the gambler either keeps or loses the stake.) Examples
of corporate stakeholders include stockholders, employees, customers, suppliers,
local community, and government. The corporation on this view exists for the
sake of its stakeholders, not stockholders.
2. The stakeholder view can be closely tied to egoism if it is assumed that the
different stakeholder groups exist to maximize their selfish interests. But the
stakeholder approach to corporate governance goes beyond the egoistic account
of human nature. The corporation (and its managers) become responsible for
mediating between these different, often conflicting, stakeholder interests, always
keeping in mind that all stakeholders deserve equal respect. If stakeholders have
any solidarity with one another, it is because the interest set of each includes the
interests of the others. (This is how Feinberg defines solidarity.) The ability to
envision the interests of each stakeholder and to work toward integrating these
must be built on a view of human nature that is as altruistic as egoistic. While not
embracing the social view of human nature outlined above, the stakeholder view
assumes that stakeholders are capable and willing to negotiate and bargain with
one another. It begins, in other words, with enlightened and long term self
3. The first feature of the owner role is the reduction in centrality mentioned just
above. They advocate their interests in the same arena as the other stakeholders,
but they also must work to make their interests compatible with the other
stakeholders. This requires integrating interests when possible and drawing
integrity-preserving compromises when necessary. (See Benjamin 1990).
4. Managers play an important meta-role here. They are faithful agents but of all
stakeholders, not just stockholders. Thus, they become referees or (to switch
metaphors) brokers between stakeholders. They oversee the generation of
expansive corporate values capable of absorbing and integrating narrower
stakeholder interests.
5. Stakeholder approaches combine compliance and value-based approaches. In
compliance, corporate officers define a moral and legal minimum; this consists of
the minimum set of rules necessary for stakeholder coexistence. Beyond this,
value-based approaches seek to create common, broader objec tives, aspirations
that can unite the different stakeholders in the pursuit of excellence. Stakeholder
approaches need both; the compliance approach gets things started and the
values-based approach sets them on the path to excellence.
Stewardship Theory
interests and concerns well beyond the confines of the ego. In fact, to organize
the corporation around egoistic assumptions does harm to those capable of
action on altruistic motives. The emphasis here is on building trust and social
capital to strengthen the social potentialities of human nature.
• Owners still establish the cardinal objectives for the sake of which the corporation
exists. But they are also responsible for providing managers with an environment
suitable developing human potentialities of forming societies to collaborate in
meaningful work.
• Managers act as stewards or caretakers; they act as if they were owners in terms
of the care and concern expressed for work rather than merely executors of the
interests of others. In other words, the alienation implied in agency theory (acting
not out of self but for another), disappears as the managers and employees of
the corporation reabsorb the agent function.
• Stewardship approaches are primarily value-based. They (1) identify and
formulate common aspirations or values as standards of excellence, (2) develop
training programs conducive to the pursuit of excellence, and (3) respond to
values "gaps" by providing moral support.
Target of
Description Example Trap
Harms Fails to
Monetary Exaction Fines Procurement
innocent Escape
Stockholders Escapes by
Dilute Stock
(Not attacking
Stock Dilution and award to
necessarily future
guilty) earnings
Court orders
SEC Escapes since
internal Corporation
Voluntary it mandates
Probation changes and its
Disclosure organizational
(special board Members
Program changes
Bread Acts
Court orders adverse
(Hester Targets
Court Ordered corporation to publicity
Prynne corporate
Adverse Publicity publicize indirectly
shame in image
crime attacks
Corporation Representative
Allied Escapes since
performs groups/
CommunityService chemical targets non-
services individuals
Orders (James River financial
mandated by from
Pollution) values
court corporation
Table 6.2 Classifications of Corporate Punishments from French and Fisse This table summarize
Corporations: The Limitations of fines and the enterprise of Creating Alternatives." This article is
Unruly Law and provides a taxonomy of different forms of punishment for corporations. It helps r
targets the guilty, produces a positive change within the corporation, avoids Cofee's deterrence tra
the corporate black box. For full reference to book see bibliography below.
Module Activities
• Study the Prisoner's Dilemma to help you formulate the central challenges of
corporate governance.
• Study four different approaches to corporate governance, (1) agency theory, (2)
the stockholder ap proach, (3) the stakeholder approach, and (4) stewardship
• Examine corporate governance from the macro level by (1) looking at the
structural changes a company can make to comply with legal and ethical
standards and (2) examining the balances that government must make to control
corporate behavior and yet preserve economic freedom.
• Design a corporate governance program for an actual company that you and your
group choose. It should be a company to which you have open access. You will
also be required to take steps to gain the consent of this company for your study.
This material will be added later. Students will be given an opportunity to assess
different stages of this module as well as the module as a whole.
6.2.5 Appendix
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
In this module, you will learn about professional and occupational codes of ethics by
looking at a bad code, writing your own code, and then critically examine a
professional code of ethics, the engineering code for the Colegio de Ingenieros y
Agrimensores de Puerto Rico. Three exercises will take you through the process of
examining the Pirate Creed, writing your own code, and examining the Colegio's code.
Text boxes will provide helpful background information on purposes served by
professional codes, philosophical objections, and a framework for working your way
through a stakeholder-based code like that of the CIAPR or the National Society of
Professional Engineers. This module provides a Spanish translation of the Pirate Creed
prepared by Dr. Dana Livingston Collins of the Department of Humanities in the
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.
Concluding this module are two word documents uploaded as media files. One
provides the exercises that are presented in this module in XML format. The other
provides the background information that has been presented in this module as
12. El que se duerma mientras esta trabajando como centinela, recibiran latigazos
por todos los miembros de la tripulaci6n. Se repite el crimen, su cabeza sera
13. A todos quienes conspiren para desertar, o lo que hayan desertado y sean
capturados, sus cabezas seran rajadas.
14. Pelas entre varios hermanos mientras esten a bordo sera resueltos en tierra con
pistolas y espadas. El que saque primera sangre sera el vencedor. No pueden
golpear a otro mientras esten a bordo de la nave.
stakes? Have you left out any ethical considerations such as rights and duties?
Compare your code to the law. Are your code's provisions legal? Do they overlap
with existing law? Do they imply criticisms of existing laws? If they imply
punishments or sanctions, what measures does your code prescribe to
administer justly and properly these sanctions? Finally, be sure to guard against
the equal but opposite sins of over-specificity and too much generality. Overly
specifc codes try to provide a rule for every possible situation. Because this is
impossible, these codes tend toward rigidity, inflexibility, and irrelevance. Codes
that are too general fail because they can be interpreted to rationalize any kind of
claim and, thus, mask immoral actions and intentions.
• The relation between engineer and public is founded on the goods of health,
safety and welfare.
• The relation between engineer and client is founded on the good of faithful
agency (trust).
• The relation between the individual engineer and the profession is founded on
the engineer working to maintain the good reputation and integrity of the
• The peer relation between practicing engineers is founded on the good of
• Duties arising in this relation are tied to maintaining or promoting the goods of
health, safety, and welfare. They include minimizing harm, avoiding paternalism
(making decisions for others who have the right and ability to make these for
themselves), free and informed consent (the right of those taking a risk to
consent to that risk).
• FP1: Deberan considerar su principal función como profesionales la de servir a la
humanidad. Su relación como professional y cliente, y como professional y
patrono, debera estar sujeta a su función fundamental de promover el bienestar
de la humanidad y la de proteger el interes publico.
• Canon 1: Velar por sobre toda otra consideración por la seguridad, el ambiente, la
salud y el bienestar de la comunidad en la ejecuci6n de sus responsabilidades
• Practical Norm 1d: Cuando tengan conocimiento o sufciente razón para creer que
otro ingeniero o agrimensor viola las disposiciones de este Código, o que una
persona o frma pone en peligro la seguridad, el ambiente, la salud o el bienestar
de la comunidad, presentaran tal informaci6n por escrito a las autoridades
concernidas y cooperaran con dichas autoridades proveyendo aquella
información o asistencia que les sea requerida.
Engineer to Client
• Duties stemming from this relation arise out of faithful agency, that is, the
responsibility of an engineer to remain true to the client's interests. Positively this
includes exercising due care for the client by carrying out the client's interests
through the exercise of sound, competent engineering professional judgment.
Negatively this entails avoiding conflicts of interest and revealing the client's
confidential information.
• Faithful Agency: Canon 4—Actuar en asuntos profesionales para cada patrono o
cliente como agentes feles o fduciarios, y evitar confictos de intereses o la mera
apariencia de estos, manteniendo siempre la independencia de criterio como
base del profesionalismo.
• Confict of Interest: 4a—Evitaran todo conficto de intereses conocido o potencial
con sus patronos o clientes e informaran con prontitud a sus patronos o clientes
sobre cualquier relaci6n de negocios, intereses o circunstancias que pudieran
infuenciar su juicio o la calidad de sus servicios.
Engineer to Profession
Engineer to Engineer
• This relation is based on the good of Collegiality. It requires that engineers work
to maintain friendly and collaborative relations with other engineers by avoiding
disloyal competition and comparative advertising and by always giving peers due
credit for their contributions to engineering projects and designs.
• Practical Norm 4l: Antes de realizar trabajos para otros, en los cuales puedan
hacer mejoras, planos, diseios, inventos, u otros registros, que puedan justifcar la
obtenci6n de derechos de autor o patentes, llegaran a un acuerdo en relaci6n con
los derechos de las respectivas partes. (Give due credit to colleagues for their
• Canon 5: Edifcar su reputación professional en el merito de sus servicios y no
competir deslealmente con otros. (Avoid disloyal competition)
• Practical Norm 6b: Anunciaran sus servicios profesionales sin auto-alabanza y
sin lenguaje en gaioso y de una manera en que no se menoscabe la dignidad de
sus profesiones. (Non-comparative advertising)
• Practical Norm 5h: No trataran de suplantar, ni suplantaran otro ingeniero o
agrimensor, despues de que una gestión profesional le haya sido ofrecida o
confada a este, ni tampoco competira injustamente con el. (Avoid disloyal
then a third claim can be made, namely, that professions have an ineliminable
ethical dimension.
• A legitimate contract between two parties requires a quid pro quo (a mutually
beneficial exchange) and free consent (consent that includes full information and
excludes force or deception). The social contract between engineering and society
can be pictured int he following way:
Society grants to
Profession grants to Society
Autonomy Self-Regulation
1. Autonomy includes freedom from regulation and control from the outside
through cumbersome laws, regulations, and statutes.
2. Prestige includes high social status and generous pay.
3. Monopoly status implies that the profession of engineering itself determines who
can practice engineering and how it should be practiced.
4. The profession promises to use its autonomy responsibly by regulating itself. it
does this by developing and enforcing professional and ethical standards. By
granting prestige to the profession, society has removed the need for the
profession to collectively bargain for its self-interest.
5. Not having to worry about its collective self-interest, the profession is now free to
hold paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
6. This contract explains why professions develop codes of ethics. Codes document
to the public the profession's commitment to carry out its side of the social
contract, namely, to hold paramount public welfare. They can do this because
society will honor its side of the contract, namely, to remove from the profession
the need to fight for its self-interest
• Codes allow the profession to document to society that it has developed proper
standards and intends to enforce them. They express the profession's trust in
society to keep its side of the bargain by granting autonomy, prestige, and
monopoly. Of course this contract has never been explicitly enacted at a point in
historical time. But the notion of a social contract with a mutually beneficial
exchange (a quid pro quo) provides a useful device for modeling the relation that
has actually evolved between society and its professions.
• Professions have been created to exercise stewardship over knowledge and skill
• Exercising stewardship over X generally means watching over, preserving,
protecting, and even improving X. Stewardship is a forward-looking kind of
responsibility similar to the responsibility that a parent exercises toward his or
her children. The steward is a trusted servant or agent of the landowner who acts
in the owner's place while the later is absent or incapacitated.
• "Stewardship," thus, refers to the profession's responsibility to safeguard its
specific domain of knowl edge and skill. This domain is essential to society in
some way (it provides society with a basic, common good) and society delegates
responsibility for this domain to its members who are specially suited to exercise
• So, generally speaking, professions can be characterized in terms of
epistemological and ethical responsibilities.
• The epistemological responsibility refers to stewardship over the knowledge and
skills that characterizes the profession. The profession preserves, transmit, and
advances this domain of knowledge and skill. (Epistemology study of knowledge.)
• The ethical dimension refers to the responsibility of the profession to safeguard
knowledge and skill for the good of society. Society trusts the profession to do
this for the sake of the common good. Society also trusts the profession to
regulate its own activities by developing and enforcing ethical and professional
These objections are taken from John Ladd, "The Quest for a Code of
Professional Ethics: An Intellectual and Moral Confusion." This article can be
found in Deborah G. Johnson, editor, (1991) Ethical Issues in Engineering, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall: 130-136. The author of this module has taken some
liberties in this presentation.
• Codes “confuse ethics with law-making” (Ladd, 130). Ethics is deliberative and
argumentative while law-making focuses on activities such as making and
enforcing rules and policies.
• A code of ethics is an oxymoron. Ethics requires autonomy of the individual
while a code assumes the legitimacy of an external authority imposing rule and
order on that individual.
• Obedience to moral law for autonomous individuals is motivated by respect
for the moral law. On the other hand, obedience to civil law is motivated by
fear of punishment. Thus, Ladd informs us that when one attaches “disciplinary
• Codes make professionals complacent. (Ladd 135) First, they reduce the ethical
to the minimally acceptable. Second, they cover up wrongful actions or policies by
calling them-within the context of the code-"ethical". For example, the NSPE code
of ethics used to prohibit competitive bidding. Enshrining it in their code of ethics
gave it the appearance of being ethical when in fact it was motivated primarily by
self interest. This provision was removed when it was declared unconstitutional
by the U.S. Supreme Court for violating the Anti-Trust law.
• Because codes focus on micro-ethical problems, “they tend to divert attention
from macro-ethical problems of a profession.” (Ladd 135) For example, in Puerto
Rico, the actions of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Colegio de Ingenieros y
Agrimensores de Puerto Rico tend to focus on individual engineers who violate
code provisions concerned with individual acts of corruption; these include
conflicts of interest, failing to serve as faithful agents or trustees, and
participating in corrupt actions such as taking or giving bribes. On the other hand,
the CIAPR does not place equal attention on macro-ethical problems such as “the
social responsibilities of professionals as a group” (Ladd 132), the role of the
profession and its members in society (Ladd 135), and the “role professions play
in determining the use of technology, its development and expansion, and the
distribution of the costs.” (Ladd 135)
Codes of ethics evoke opposite reactions from people who teach, do research in, or
are practitioners of occupational and professional ethics. Some hold that teaching
codes of ethics is essential to preparing students for their future careers.
Corporations, for example, have come to view codes as the cornerstone of a
successful compliance program. Professional societies, such as the Puerto Rico State
Society of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, also make the drafting,
revising, and disseminating professional codes of ethics a central part of practicing
professional engineering ethics. But many strongly oppose codes because they
promote the wrong sorts of attitudes in those who would be influenced by them. As
you will see below, philosophical ethicists raise objections to codes because they
undermine moral autonomy, lead to uncritical acceptance of authority, and replace
moral motives with fear of punishment. These polar stances are grounded in the very
different perspectives from which different groups approach codes. But they are also
grounded in the fact that codes take many different forms and serve distinct
functions. For example, consider the introductory considerations presented in the
Kinds of Codes
• Discipline. This function gets all the attention. Most codes are set forth to
establish clearly and forcefully an organization's standards, especially its
minimum standards of acceptable conduct. Having established the limits,
organizations can then punish those who exceed them.
• Educate. This can range from disseminating standards to enlightening members.
Company A's employees learned that anything over $100 was a bribe and should
not be accepted. But engineers learn that their fundamental responsibility is to
hold paramount public safety, health, and welfare. Codes certainly teach
minimum standards of conduct, but they can help a community to articulate and
understand their highest shared values and aspirations.
• Inspire. Codes can set forth ideals in a way that inspires a community's members
to strive for excellence. They can be written to set forth the aspirations and value
commitments that express a community's ideals. They can point a community
toward moral excellence.
• Stimulate Dialogue. Engineering professional codes of ethics have changed
greatly over the last 150 years. This has been brought about by a vigorous
internal debate stimulated by these very codes. Members debate controversial
claims and work to refine more basic statements. Johnson and Johnson credits
their credo for their proactive and successful response to the Tylenol crisis.
Regularly, employees "challenge the credo" by bringing up difficult cases and
testing how effectively the credo guides decision-making and problem-solving.
The CIAPR's Disciplinary Tribunal cases have served as a focus for discussions on
how to interpret key provisions of the organization's code of ethics. The NSPE
Board of Ethical Review decisions have also provided an excellent forum for
clarifying ethical concepts (public safety, conflict of interest) in the context of
cases brought to the board by NSPE members. The BER discusses cases in terms
of relevant provisions of the NSPE code. Over the years, the NSPE BER has
established a firm foundation for the resolution of difficult ethical cases by
developing analogies with cases it has already discussed and clarified.
• Empower and Protect. Codes empower and protect those who are committed to
doing the right thing. If an employer orders an employee to do something that
violates that employee's ethical or professional standards, the code provides a
basis for saying, "No!". Engineers have refused to carry out directives that place
in jeopardy the health and safety of the public based on statements like canon 1
of the CIAPR code. (The NSPE code has similar provisions.) Because codes
establish and disseminate moral standards, they can provide the structure to
convert personal opinion into reasoned professional judgment. To reiterate, they
provide support to those who would do the right thing, even under when there is
considerable pressure to do the opposite.
• Codes capture or express a community's identity. They provide the occasion
to identify, foster commitment, and disseminate the values with which an
organization wants to be identified publicly. These values enter into an
organization's core beliefs and commitments forming an identify-conferring
system. By studying the values embedded in a company's code of ethics,
observing the values actually displayed in the company's conduct, and looking for
inconsistencies, the observer can gain insight into the core commitments of that
company. Codes express values that, in turn, reveal a company's core
commitments, or (in the case of a hypocritical organization) those values that
have fallen to the wayside as the company has turned to other value pursuits.
This module is designed to steer you through these complex issues by having you
draft a Statement of Values for students at your university. As you work through
your Statement of Values, you will learn that codes have strengths and weaknesses,
serve different functions, and embody values. To get you started in this process, you
will study a defective code, the Pirate Credo. A quick glance is all that is needed to see
that codes are "all too human" and need to be approached critically. In a second
activity you will identify the values embedded in professional, corporate, and
academic codes. Working with these values, you will develop a list upon which your
group will build its own Statement of Values in a third activity. Finally, you will
construct value profiles that include a general description, sample provisions, value-
based challenges, and value principles. These will all contribute to motivating those in
your community to commit to and work in concert to realize these values.
A False Start
The faculty of the Arts and Sciences College of University X decided to form a
committee to write a code of ethics. This committee met several times during the
course of an academic semester to prepare the first draft. When they finished, they
circulated copies throughout the college. Then they held a series of public hearings
where interested members of the College could criticize the code draft. These were
lightly attended and those attending had only a few suggestions for minor changes.
However, when the code was placed before the faculty for approval, considerable
opposition emerged. For example, a provision discouraging faculty from gossiping was
characterized by opponents as an attempt by a hostile College administration, working
through the committee, to eliminate faculty free speech. Several opponents expressed
opposition to the very idea of a code of ethics. "Does the administration think that our
faculty is so corrupt," they asked, "that the only hope for improvement is to impose
upon them a set of rules to be mindlessly followed and ruthlessly enforced?" At the
end of this debate, the faculty overwhelmingly rejected the code.
that any of these would explain false starts in developing a code of ethics? How
can these group pitfalls be overcome?
• Groups are often polarized around different and conflicting ideologies or
paradigms. Thomas Kuhn discusses paradigms in the context of scientific
debates. When these debates are fueled by conflicting and incompatible
paradigms, they can turn acrimonious and prove extraordinarily difficult to
resolve. For Kuhn, paradigms articulate and encapsulate different world views;
the meanings and experiences shared by one group operating under one
paradigm are often not shared by those operating under different paradigms.
Members of the Arts and Sciences faculty of University X may have disagreed
about the provisions proscribing gossiping because they were operating under
different conceptual systems brought about by incommensurable paradigms. If
faculty members assumed different meanings for 'gossiping', 'code', and
'discipline', then this would fuel the polarization of non-agreement like that which
occurred at University X.
• Cass Sunstein proposes that communities work around ideological or paradigm-
driven disputes by developing, in special circumstances, "incompletely theorized
agreements." These agreements are brought about by bracketing commitments
to a given ideology or paradigm. This allows one side to work on understanding
the other instead of marshaling arguments to defend the set of views entailed by
its paradigm. So Sunstein's recommendation to the College of Arts and Sciences
of University X would be to suspend commitment to defending the core beliefs of
the conflicting ideologies and try to hold discussions at a more concrete,
incompletely theorized level. This makes finding common ground eas ier. When
shared understandings are forged, then they can serve as bridges to more
complex, more completely theorized positions.
• Looking at this problem from a completely different angle, do codes of ethics
require a background of trust? If so, how can trust be built up from within highly
diverse and highly polarized communities or groups?
• Finally, can codes of ethics be abused by more ruthless groups and individuals?
For example, as those in the College of Arts and Sciences claimed, can codes of
ethics be used by those in positions of power to strengthen that power and
extend control over others?
A Success Story
• Three years later at the same university, another faculty group set out to
construct a code of ethics in order to respond to accreditation requirements.
They began with the idea of constructing a stakeholder code.
• First, they identified the stakeholders of the college's activities, that is, groups or
individuals who had a vital interest in that community's actions, decisions and
• Second, they identified the goods held by each of these stakeholders which could
be vitally impacted by the actions of the college. For example, education
represented the key good held by students that could be vitally impacted by the
activities and decisions of the College.
• Working from each stakeholder relation and the good that characterized that
relation, members of the college began crafting code provisions. Some set forth
faculty duties such as keeping regular office hours, grading fairly, and keeping up
to date in teaching and research. Others emphasized student duties such as
working responsibly and effectively in work teams, adhering to standards of
academic honesty, and attending classes regularly.
Turning their efforts toward preparing a Statement of Value Process, the Business
Administration com munity went through the following steps:
1. They discussed a flawed document, the Pirate Credo. This brought about three
positive results: participants came to see how codes embody values, that codes
serve different functions, and that codes clarify relations between the insiders
and outsiders of a community.
2. Participants examined "bona fide" codes of ethics such as academic codes, codes
of honor, corporate codes, and professional codes. Since codes embody values,
they developed lists of the values these codes embodied.
3. The sample provisions crafted in the earlier stakeholder code effort were
presented so that participants could identify the values these embodied. Previous
efforts in developing a stakeholder code could be benchmarked against the codes
studied in the previous step. Convergences and divergences were noted and used
to further characterize the college's community in terms of its similarities and
differences with other communities.
4. In this step, faculty members were asked to reduce the values list to a
manageable number of five to seven. This led to the most contentious part of the
process. Participants disagreed on the conception of value, the meaning of
particular values like justice, and on whether rights could be treated as values.
5. To resolve this disagreement, discussion leaders proposed using ballots to allow
participants to vote on values. This process was more than a simple up or down
vote. Participants also ranked the values under consideration.
6. After the top five values were identified, efforts were made, in describing each of
the remaining values, to find places to include at least components of the values
left out. For example, while confidentiality was not included in the final value list,
it was reintegrated as a component of the more general value of respect. Thus,
the final values list could be made more comprehensive and more acceptable to
the faculty community by reintegrating some values as parts of other, more
general values. Another way of picking up values left behind in the voting process
was to combine values that shared significant content. Values that did not make it
into the final list were still noted with the provision that they could be integrated
into subsequent drafts of the Statement of Values.
7. A committee was formed to take each value through a value template. After
describing the value, they formulated a principle summarizing the ethical
obligations it entailed, crafted sample provisions applying the value, and posed
different challenges the value presented to help guide a process of continuous
8. The committee presented its results to the faculty who approved this first draft
Statement of Values
9. The faculty then developed a schedule whereby the Statement of Values would be
revisited, expanded, revised, and improved.
Recent efforts to develop ethics codes in the academic context for both students and
faculty may, in part, stem from the success of ethics compliance programs developed
in business and industry in response to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Organizational codes of ethics have been integrated alongside other compliance
structure and activities to prevent criminal behavior, to detect criminal behavior, and
to ensure prompt and effective organizational response once such behavior has been
The following section contains short exerpts from the Federal Sentencing
Guidelines. For more details consult the materials referenced in note 5 below.
Compliance Strategy
1. The initial and still probably the most prevalent method for responding to the
Federal Sentencing Guidelines is the compliance strategy. This strategy is based
on three interrelated components:
2. Rules: Compliance strategies are centered around strict codes of ethics
composed of rules that set forth minimum thresholds of acceptable behavior.
The use of rules to structure employee action does run into problems due to the
gap between rule and application, the appearance of novel situations, and the
impression that it gives to employees that obedience is based on conformity to
3. Monitoring: The second component consists of monitoring activities designed to
ensure that em ployees are conforming to rules and to identify instances of non-
compliance. Monitoring is certainly effective but it requires that the organization
expend time, money, and energy. Monitoring also places stress upon employees
in that they are aware of constantly being watched. Those under observation
tend either to rebel or to automatically adopt behaviors they believe those doing
the monitoring want. This considerably dampens creativity, legitimate criticism,
and innovation.
4. Disciplining Misconduct: The last key component to a compliance strategy is
punishment. Pun ishment can be effective especially when establishing and
enforcing conduct that remains above the criminal level. But reliance on
punishment for control tends to impose solidarity on an organization rather than
elicit it. Employees conform because they fear sanction. Organizations based on
this fear are never really free to pursue excellence.
Values Orientation
Read the Pirate Credo. Then answer the following questions individually
• What is the purpose served by the Pirate Credo? For the Pirate Community? For
Form small work teams of four to five individuals. Carry out the following four
steps and report your results to the rest of the group.
In this third exercise, work with your group to develop a refined list of five to
seven values. You can refine your list by integrating or synthesizing values,
grouping specific values under more general ones, and integrating values into
others as parts. Do your best to make your list comprehensive and
1. Brainstorm: list the values for your group. Keep in mind that values are multi-
dimensional. For example, in the academic context, the values will break down
into dimensions corresponding to stake holder: faculty, students, administration,
and other academic stakeholders.
2. Refine: reduce your list to a manageable size (5-7). Do this by rewording,
synthesizing, combining, and eliminating.
3. Post: share your list with the entire group.
4. Revise: make any last minute changes.
5. Combine: a moderator will organize the lists into a ballot
6. Vote: Each person ranks the top five values
1. Value: Responsibility
2. Description: a responsible person is a person who...
3. Principle: The faculty, students, and staff of the college of business
Administration will...
4. Commitments: Keep office hours, do your fair share in work teams, divide work
into clear and coordinated tasks, tec.
This exercise provides you an opportunity to study and discuss the UPRM College of
Business Administration Statement of Values (available via the PREREQUISITE LINKS).
Your task consists of the following tasks:
This exercise offers four scenarios in academic integrity. Your job is to discuss each
scenario in terms of the values listed in the UPRM College of Business Administration
Statement of Values (available via the PREREQUISITE LINKS).
• Is Marta threatening any of the values listed in the ADEM SOV? Which ones?
• What can be done prevent this kind of problem from arising in the first place?
Should Marta have planned her course load better when registering? Can
teachers coordinate to prevent overloading students with the same deadlines?
Whose fault is this? The students? The teachers? The system?
• Can this problem be posed as a conflict between ADEM values and other values
held by students and teachers? If so, what are values that are in conflict? How can
these conflicts be addressed?
• Do you think the ADEM SOV adequately addresses this problem? If not, how can it
be improved?
You are head of your department. A recent study has revealed that plagiarism,
which is a university-wide problem, is especially bad in your department.
Imagine your relief when a member of your faculty brings you his latest
software project, a super-effective and comprehensive anti-plagiarism software
program. This program does everything. It detects subtle changes in style in
student papers. Its new search engine quickly connects to existing online paper
data bases, greatly expanding the ability of a professor to detect the sources
from which their students have copied. Furthermore, it allows professors to
upload papers and projects from past semesters and provides fast and flexible
indexing to help them identify recycled student work. Professors can zero in on
students using recycled papers, and the former students who have become their
suppliers. Following the recent lead of Ohio State University, you can now
revoke the degrees of past students who participate in this version of academic
dishonesty. In short, this new and exciting software package allows you to
monitor the work of present and past students to a degree thought impossible
even in the recent past. "Plagiarism," your colleague tells you, "will now become
a thing of the past."
• Does this anti-plagiarism program threaten any of the values in the ADEM SOV? If
so, which values?
• Is the department chairperson treating students disrespectfully by adopting and
implementing the anti-plagiarism software? Can faculty treat students
disrespectfully as "justifiable" retaliation for student cheating and plagiaring? Do
two wrongs make a right?
• What is the cause of plagiarism? Do students do it out of ignorance of standards
and practices of documentation and acknowledgment? Do they do it because
they procrastinate until they do not have time to do the assignment properly? Do
students resort to plagiarism because they have too many conflicting obligations
such as family, job, large course loads, etc.?
You teach an advanced course in Engineering Economics that has both graduate
and undergraduate students. At the end of the semester the students turn in a
group project that comprises 40% of their grade. One of the groups complains to
you that only 4 out of the 5 members have done any work. The fifth student, the
one who allegedly has done no work, is an undergraduate. The others are
graduate students. You talk with the undergraduate who claimed that she tried
to involve herself in the group activities but was excluded because she was an
undergraduate. What should you do?
• ADEM faculty have identified students not working together effectively in groups
as a major concern. Do you find this a problem? What do you think are the causes
of students not participating effectively in work groups?
• Assume that the teacher in this case is committed to implementing the ADEM
SOV. Which values are at play in this case? Design an action for the teacher that
realizes these values?
• Assume you are a member of this student work group. What can groups do to
ensure that every member is able to participate fully? What do group members
do to exclude individuals from participating?
You are studying frantically for your exam in a computer engineering course. It
will be very difficult. But your roommate, who is also taking the course and has
the exam tomorrow, seems unconcerned. When you ask why, he tells you that
he has a copy of the exam. Apparently, a group of students in the class found
out how to hack into the professor's computer and download the exam. (They
installed a Trojan horse called Sub-Seven into the professor's computer which
allows unauthorized access; then they searched through the professor's files,
found the exam and downloaded it.) Your roommate has the exam in his hand
and asks you if you would like to look at it. What should you do?
You have now discussed some or all of the above cases in terms of the ADEM
Statement of Values. What do you think are the strengths of this document? What are
its weaknesses? Do you recommend any changes? What are these?
• Case 1 has been developed by William Frey, Chuck Huff, and Jose Cruz for their
book, Good Computing: A Virtue Approach to Computer Ethics. This book is
currently in draft stage and is under contract with Jones and Bartlett Publishing
• Cases 2 and 3 were developed by UPRM faculty teams from the College of
Engineering during workshops held for the ABET 2001 Steering Committee and
the Department of Industrial Engineering. These workshops took place April 6,
2001 and May 14, 2001.
• Case 4 has been modified from "The Plagiarism Detector" written by Moshe Kam.
It can be found at the beginning of the ethics chapter in Practical Engineering
Design, edited by Maja Bystrom and Bruce Eisenstein. Moshe Kam. "The
Plagiarism Detector", in Practical Engineering Design, edited by Maja Bystrom and
Bruce Eisenstein. Boca Raton, FLA: CFC Press, 2005: 27-28.
This table will help you document your class discussion of the ADEM Statement of
Clicking on this media file will open a word format for the Muddiest Point Exercise.
Students are invited to discuss the strongest and weakest facets of the ADEM
Statement of Values.
Clicking on this media file will open a general module assessment form taken from
Michael Davis' IIT EAC workshop. This form will help you assess the SOV activity as well
as other EAC modules.
6.4.13 Bibliography
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
1. Lynn Sharp Paine (1994) "Managing for Organizational Integrity," in Harvard
business review, March-April: 106-117
2. Gary R. Weaver and Linda Klebe Trevino (1999) "Compliance and Values Oriented
Ethics Programs: Influences on Employees' Attitudes and Behavior," in Business
Ethics Ethics Quarterly 9(2): 315-335
3. Stuart C. Gilman (2003) "Government Ethics: If Only Angels Were to Govern," in
Professional Ethics, edited by Neil R. Luebke in Ph Kappa Phi Forum, Spring 2003:
4. Stephen H. Unger (1994) Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible
Engineer, 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons: 106-135.
5. "Federal Sentencing Guidelines—Sentencing of Organizations," in Ethical Theory
and Business, 5th Edition, edited by Tom L Beauchamp and Norman E. Bowie,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall: 182-187. This article was reprinted with permission
from The United States Law Week, Vol. 50 pp. 4226-29 (March 26, 1991) (Bureau
of National Affairs, Inc.)
Manuel, plant manager at the Phaust chemical plant in Morales, Mexico, has just died.
While he was babysitting the process of manufacturing Phaust's new paint remover
(monitoring on site temperature and pressure conditions) an explosion occurred that
killed him instantly. The Mexican government has formed an independent commission
to investigate this industrial accident.
This commission (headed by your instructor) has ordered key participants to testify on
their role in the accident in a public hearing. Your job is to present before this
commission from a stakeholder point of view. You will be divided into groups to role
play the following stakeholder perspectives:
You will be assigned roles and given class time to prepare presentations for the
commission. Then the class will enact the public hearing by having each group give a
presentation from the perspective of its assigned role. Following these presentations,
groups will answer questions from the investigating commission. Finally, you will work
through debriefing activities to help solidify your practical understanding of the
module's chief concepts. Background materials designed to help you with your
presentations include sketches of moral responsibility, links to the "Incident at
Morales" Case, tasks to help structure your role-playing, and activities to debrief on
this exercise. This module is designed to help you learn about moral responsibility by
using responsibility frameworks to make day-to-day decisions in a realistic, dynamic,
business context.
you will be using in this module, and the difference between moral and legal
responsibility. Having this background will get you ready to learn about moral
responsibility by actually practicing it.
3. Come to class ready to watch the video and start preparing for your part in the
public hearing. It is essential that you attend all four of these classes. Missing out
on a class will create a significant gap in your knowledge about and
understanding of moral responsibility.
"Responsibility" is used in several distinct ways that fall under two broad categories,
the reactive and the proactive. Reactive uses of responsibility refer back to the past
and respond to what has already occurred. (Who can be praised or blamed for what
has occurred?) Proactive uses emerge through the effort to extend control over what
happens in the future. An important part of extending control, knowledge, and power
over the future is learning from the past, especially from past mistakes. But proactive
responsibility also moves beyond prevention to bringing about the exemplary. How do
occupational and professional specialists uncover and exploit opportunities to realize
value in their work? Proactive responsibility (responsibility as a virtue) explores the
skills, sensitivities, motives, and attitudes that come together to bring about
Reactive Senses
Proactive Senses
1. Specify his role responsibilities and determine whether he carried them out
2. Identify situation-based factors that limited his ability to execute his role
responsibilities (These are factors that compel our actions or contribute to our
ignorance of crucial features of the situation.)
3. Determine if there is any moral fault present in the situation. For example, did
Fred act on the basis of wrongful intention (Did he intend to harm Manuel by
sabotaging the plant?), fail to exercise due care, exhibit negligence or
4. If Fred (a) failed to carry out any of his role responsibilities, (b) this failure
contributed to the accident, and (c) Fred can offer no morally legitimate excuse to
get himself of the hook, then Fred is blameworthy.
Fred, and other Incident at Morales stakeholders, can escape or minimize blame by
establishing morally legitimate excuses. The following table associates common
excuses with the formal conditions of imputability of blame responsibility. (Conditions
of imputability are those conditions that allow us to associate an action with an agent
for purposes of moral evaluation.)
Overly determining
I lack the time and money to carry out my
situational constraints:
financial and time
Overly determining
situational constraints: Carrying out my responsibility goes
technical and beyond technical or manufacturing limits.
Overly determining
Personal, social, legal or political
situational constraints:
obstacles prevent me from carrying out
personal, social, legal,
my responsibilities.
and political.
• Responsibility to adjust future actions in response to what has been learned from
the past
• Scenario One: Past actions that have led to untoward results. Failure here to
adjust future actions to avoid repetition of untoward results leads to reassessing
the original action and retrospectively blaming the agent.
• Scenario Two: Past actions have unintentionally and accidentally led to positive,
value-realizing results. Here the agent responsively adjusts by being prepared to
take advantage of being lucky. The agent adjusts future actions to repeat past
successes. In this way, the agent captures past actions (past luck) and inserts
them into the scope of praise.
• Nota Bene: The principle of responsible adjustment sets the foundation for
responsibility in the sense of prevention of the untoward.
1. Virtues are excellences of the character which are revealed by our actions,
perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes. Along these lines, responsibility as a virtue
requires that we reformulate responsibility from its reactive, minimalist sense
(where it derives much of its content from legal responsibility) to responsibility as
an excellence of character.
2. Aristotle situates virtues as means between extremes of excess and defect. Can
you think of examples of too much responsibility? (Does Fred try to take on too
much responsibility in certain situations?) Can you think of anyone who exhibits
too little responsibility? (Does Fred take on too little responsibility or shift
responsibility to others?) For Aristotle, we can have too much or too little of a
good thing. From the "too much" we derive vices of excess from the "too little" we
derive the vices of defect.
3. Virtues are more than just modes of reasoning and thinking. They also consist of
emotions that clue us into aspects of the situation before us that are morally
salient and, therefore, worthy of our notice and response. Two emotions
important for responsibility are care and compassion. Care clues us into aspects
of our situation that could harm those who depend on our actions and vigilance.
Do Wally and Fred pay sufficient attention to the early batch leakages in the
Morales plant? If not, does this stem from a lack of care ("Let operations handle
it") and a lack of compassion ("Manuel can take care of himself")? Care and
compassion help to sensitize us to what is morally salient in the situation at hand.
They also motivate us to act responsibility on the basis of this sensitivity.
4. Responsibility as a virtue manifests itself in a willingness to pick up where others
have left off. After the Bhopal disaster, a worker was asked why, when he saw a
cut-off valve open, he didn't immediately close it as safety procedures required.
His response was that shutting of the value was not a part of his job but, instead,
the job of those working the next shift. This restriction of responsibility to what is
one's job creates responsibility gaps through which accidents and other harms
rise to the surface. The worker's lack of action may not constitute moral fault but
it surely signifies lack of responsibility as a virtue because it indicates a deficiency
of care and compassion. Those who practice responsibility as a virtue or
excellence move quickly to fill responsibility gaps left by others even if these tasks
are not a part of their own role responsibilities strictly defined. Escaping blame
requires narrowing the range of one's role responsibilities while practicing
responsibility as a virtue often requires effectively expanding it.
5. Finally, responsibility as an excellence requires extending the range of knowledge
and control that one exercises in a situation. Preventing accidents requires
collecting knowledge about a system even after it has left the design and
manufacturing stages and entered its operational life. Responsibility requires that
we search out and correct conditions that could, under the right circumstances,
produce harmful accidents. Moreover, responsibility is a function of power and
control. Extending these and directing them toward good results are clear signs
of responsibility as a virtue.
Responsibility as Virtue
• The Incident at Morales provides us with a look into a fictionalized disaster. But, if
it is examined more carefully, it also shows opportunities for the exercise of
responsibility as a virtue. The following table will help you to identify these
"responsibility opportunities" and allow you to imagine counterfactuals where
had individuals acted otherwise the "incident" could have been avoided and
moral value could have been realized.
• Think of virtuous or even heroic interventions that could have prevented the
accident. These represents, from the standpoint of the film, lost opportunities for
realizing responsibility and other virtues.
Relevance to Incident at
Section Conclusion
Integrate the retroactive and proactive senses of responsibility into your group's
presentation for the public hearing. Don't just work on the reactive approach, i.e., try
to avoid blame and cast it on the other stakeholder groups. Think proactively on how
to prevent future problems, respond to this accident, and turn the events into positive
opportunities to realize value.
• Is Fred (blame) responsible for the accident and even Manuel's death? (Use the
conditions of imputability and the excuse table to get started on this question.)
• Did Wally and Chuck evade their responsibility by delegating key problems and
decisions to those, like plant manager Manuel, in charge of operations? (Start the
answer to this question by determining the different role responsibilities of the
stakeholders in this situation.)
• What kind of responsibility does the parent French company bear for shifting
funds away from Phaust's new plant to finance further acquisitions and mergers?
(Looking at the modules on corporate social responsibility and corporate
governance will help you to frame this in terms of corporate responsibility.)
• Do engineering professional societies share responsibility with Fred? (The CIAPR
and NSPE codes of ethics will help here. Try benchmarking corporate codes of
ethics to see if they provide anything relevant.
• Look at the positive, proactive moral responsibilities of professional societies.
What can they do to provide moral support for engineers facing problems similar
to those Fred faces? Think less in terms of blame and more in terms of prevention
and value realization.
• Manuel, your plant manager, has just died. You and your co-workers are
concerned about the safety of this new plant. Can you think of any other issues
that may be of concern here?
• Develop a statement that summarizes your interests, concerns, and rights. Are
these being addressed by those at Phaust and the parent company in France?
• The Mexican Commission established to investigate this "incident" will ask you
questions to help determine what cause it and who is to blame. What do you
think some of these questions will be? How should you respond to them? Who do
you think is to blame for the incident and what should be done in response?
• Examine Fred's actions and participation from the standpoint of the three
responsibility frameworks mentioned above.
• Develop a two minute position paper summarizing Fred's interests, concerns, and
• Anticipate questions that the Commission might raise about Fred's position and
develop proactive and effective responses.
• Be sure to use the three responsibility frameworks. Is Fred to blame for what
happened? In what way? What can professional societies do to provide moral
support to members in difficult situations? How can interested parties provide
moral support? Finally, what opportunities arose in the video practicing moral
responsibility as a virtue? (Think about what an exemplary engineer would have
done differently.)
• Chuck and Walley made several decisions responding to the parent company's
budget cuts that placed Fred under tight constraints. Identify these decisions,
determine whether there were viable alternatives, and decide whether to justify,
excuse, or explain your decisions.
• Develop a two minute position paper that you will present to the commission.
• Anticipate Commission questions into your responsibility and develop effective
responses to possible attempts by other groups to shift the blame your way.
• You represent the French owners who have recently required Phaust Chemical.
You have recently shifted funds from Phaust operations to fnance further
mergers and acquisitions for your company.
• What are your supervisory responsibilities in relation to Phaust?
• Develop a preliminary two minute presentation summarizing your position and
• Anticipate likely commission questions along with possible attempts by other
groups to shift the blame your way.
Investigative Commission
This role will be played by your instructor and other "guests" to the classroom. Try to
anticipate the commissions questions. These will be based on the conditions of blame
responsibility, the principle of responsive adjustment, and responsibility as a virtue.
• Class Four: Class will debrief on the previous class's public hearing. This will
begin with the Com mission's findings
1. Do you agree with the Commissions findings? Why or why not? Be sure to frame
your arguments in terms of the responsibility frameworks provided above.
2. Were there any opportunities to offer Fred moral support by those who shared
responsibility with him? What were these opportunities? How, in general, can
professional societies support their members when they find themselves in
ethically difficult situations?
3. What opportunities arise for exercising responsibility as an excellence? Which
were taken advantage of? Which were lost?
4. Finally, quickly list themes and issues that were left out of the public hearing that
should have been included?
1. F. H. Bradley (1962) Ethical Studies, Essay I. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
2. Herbert Fingarette. (1967) On Responsibility. New York: Basic Books, INC: 3-16.
3. Larry May (1992) Sharing Responsibility. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4. Larry May (1996) The Socially Responsive Self: Social Theory and Professional
Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 28-46.
5. Michael Pritchard (2006) Professional Integrity: Thinking Ethically. Lawrence, KS:
University of Kansas Press.
6. Lawrence Blum (1994) Moral Perception and Particularity. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press: 30-61
7. Aristotle. Nichomachean Ethics, Book 3, Chapters 1-3.
8. Edmund L. Pincofs (1986) Quandaries and Virtues: Against Reductivism in Ethics.
Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
9. W.H. Walsh (1970) "Pride, Shame and Responsibility," The Philosophical Quarterly,
Vol 20, no 78, January 1970: 1-13.
10. Albert Flores and Deborah G. Johnson (1983) "Collective Responsibility and
Professional Roles" in Ethics April 1983: 537-545.
6.6.2 Introduction
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
• Below is a media file that provides a summary of the basic and intermediate
moral concepts that play a key role in business and engineering ethics. (Many of
them also apply to research ethics.) This summary, in table form, will help you in
forming your case. Which concepts arise in the case you are considering? Can you
reform or rewrite the case to bring out other concepts?
• Examples of Basic Moral Concepts: Rights, Duties, Goods, and Virtues.
• Examples of Intermediate Moral Concepts: Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality,
Free Speech, Informed Consent, Privacy, Intellectual Property, etc.
• Cases provide an excellent way of learning how these basic and intermediate
moral concepts fit into the real world.
This module is designed to help you learn ethics by preparing and analyzing
ethics cases.
• Discussing cases will help you learn about basic and intermediate moral concepts.
Studying several cases helps you develop a repertoire of examples of different
degrees and kinds of instantiations of these concepts in real situations.
Discussing these cases and comparing them to one another helps you to develop
paradigmatic examples of the concepts and then understand more problematic
instances by establishing their relations to the paradigms through analogical
reasoning. This process, called by some "prototyping" more accurately reflects
the way we understand and use these thick concepts than does the process of
formally defining them in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. (See
Michael Pritchard, Reasonable Children, and Mark Johnson, Moral Imagination.
For a clear and useful explanation of relating problematic cases to paradigms
(what they call "line drawing problems"), see Harris, Pritchard, and Rabins,
Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases (2000) Wadsworth: 45-52.
• Cases provide the means of converting the freestanding ethics course into an
ethics laboratory where you practice decision-making under conditions that
mirror real world situations to the greatest degree possible.
• By helping us to develop cases, you keep our ethics program, in all its aspects, as
up to date and relevant as possible. Many of these cases will be integrated into
the College of Business Administration Ethics Bowl competition.
• Study and respond to a taxonomy that spells out different types of ethics cases.
• Receive advice on how to choose, prepare, write, and analyze your case.
• Study different templates for writing and analyzing your case. For example, the
template (procedures) for developing cases used by Dr. Huff at the Computing
Cases website provides an excellent model for developing historical, thick cases.
Dr. Huff places the development of a socio-technical system analysis at the center
of his case writing and analyzing method.
• You will receive advice on how to develop a poster presentation on your case
study and your analysis.
Michael Davis in Ethics and the University (1999) Routledge: 143-174 provides a
comprehensive discussion of how the field of practical and professional ethics
employs the case study method of teaching.
• He discusses how law schools began to use discussion of legal decisions (law
cases) to teach the law.
• Professors presented these cases using the "Socratic Method" or what has also
been termed as "testing to destruction." Aggressive questioning is used to get
students accustomed to the pressures of making a legal argument in an
adversarial context in court. The Socratic Method has never been successfully
used in teaching business because questions are not used by managers as
weapons in a legal context but as means for gathering the information necessary
for making informed decisions.
• Davis also discusses how the Harvard Business School adopted the legal model of
teaching by case discussion but quickly changed this methodology to reflect
better the underlying dynamics of the business situation.
• Philosophers have also used cases to clarify, rhetorically support, or advance a
position in a philosophical controversy. Deciding whether to keep the promise
you made to the village chief (on his deathbed) to use his inheritance to build a
statute of him or to buy the village children much needed shoes helps to point
out ethical conflicts and to advance a theory as a more effective way of
addressing these conflicts. The dilemma that Jim in the Jungle faces (made
famous by Bernard Williams) that is portrayed in the Mountain Terrorist module
also provides an example of this kind of puzzle case.
• Ethics cases began to emerge when physicians brought practical and difficult
decisions raising ethical issues to philosophical ethicists for discussion and
counsel. These case have also undergone different transformations as they have
been used to promote learning and discussion in the different areas of practical
and professional ethics.
This quote from Donaldson and Gini also provides insight into how the case study
method was first imported into business teaching.
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996: 12.)
Michael Davis in Ethics and the University also provides an excellent case taxonomy.
Below are the sixteen distinctions he uses to classify cases. It is best to think of this
taxonomy, not as a static matrix within which we slot a case, but as a set of
specifications and constraints we can use to design or modify cases to ft our needs
and purposes.
• Thick vs. Thin Cases: Thin cases are useful for abstracting a single point and
focusing work on that point. Thick cases can give the student practice in making
ethical decisions in the full context of the messy real world.
• Historical vs. Hypothetical: Historical cases are based on actual experience in
the field. The Therac-25, Ford Pinto, Hughes Aircraft, and Machado cases are all
historical. these provide the sort of excitement and immediate relevance that
help students to recognize the importance of ethical enquiry. On the other hand,
cases that are hypothetical, fictional, or abstract remove much of the impact of
the historical case, though they allow the case writer the freedom to structure,
abstract and focus the discussion on precisely the issues of concern. Harvard
Business cases are generally thick and historical. Useful—in fact excellent—for in-
depth study, they present difficulties for those interested in directing shorter
• Good vs. Bad News cases: The tendency in ethics cases is to have only bad news
cases in which some bad outcome occurs because of poor choices. These
cautionary tales do grab students' imaginations but the asymmetrical emphasis
on bad news gives the impression that good—or even decent—action is
impossible, rare, and heroic. Bad news cases should be balanced with cases of
morally exemplary scientists and engineers as well as with good choices toward
good outcomes made by ordinary scientists and engineers.
• Big vs. Small News Cases: Bad news cases are frequently big news cases; bad
news is more sensational and often more newsworthy. Bad news cases are also
rare events which make them big news. But these cases frequently present
students with a spectacle which, while interesting, precludes involvement. On the
other hand, small news cases are about the everyday decisions that scientists and
engineers make in the way they handle reporting, data collection , process
management, personnel and other day-to-day issues. So big news cases are more
sensational and exciting; little news cases are more appropriate to the day-to-day
ethical situations that students are likely to face.
• From Huff, C. W. and Frey, W. (2005) "Moral pedagogy and practical ethics"
Science and Engineering Ethics Vol. 11, 1-20.)
The following table compares and contrasts participant vs. evaluator cases. In
general, the difference comes down to this: participant cases are excellent for
practicing decision-making while evaluator cases do an excellent job of teaching
students how to apply ethical theory.
Participant Evaluator
Student takes up a
Student takes on the role of one of the
standpoint from outside the
participants and makes a decision
case and evaluates the
from that perspective
participants and their deeds.
• Tie your case to areas that interest you and tie directly to your research.
• Chose narratives that raise an ethical issue such as how to mitigate or prevent
harm, how to resolve value conflicts, how to balance and respect different
stakeholder rights, how to balance out conflicting elements of a socio-technical
system, and how to transform a dysfunctional organization into an ethical
• Choose a case that can be built out of readily accessible information. Looking
carefully at the case's socio-technical system can help you identify and assess
information needs.
• Your case should interest and engage you. You and your group should find
preparing it a good investment of your time, energy, and expertise.
• Abstract: Begin your case with a short paragraph that summarizes or outlines
the narrative events. It should draw the reader in.
• Historical Narrative: Here, in about 5 to 10 pages, you should detail the "story"
of your case. Elements in a narrative or story include a beginning, middle, and
end. Protagonists or main characters confront difficulties or obstacles. (This is
called the agon in Greek.) At the end of your case, the reader should be clear
about how successful the protagonist dealt with the agon and the antagonists.
• Socio-Technical Analysis The case narrative unfolds in a particular context called
a socio-technical system. Identify the components of your case's STS. Generally
these include hardware, software, physical surroundings, stakeholders,
procedures, laws, and information systems. Summarize your STS in a table. Then
unpack it in a detailed analysis. Frequently, you will find the conflict in your case's
narrative in the form of conflicts between values embedded in the STS.
• Participant Perspectives: If you were detailing the Enron case, you would
identify a key decision point and then weave a mini-narrative around it. For
example, an important moment occurred when Enron decided to implement
mark-to-market accounting. Invent a dialogue where this was discussed and
reenact the reasons the eventually led to the decision.
• Ethical Perspective Pieces: The cases prepared by graduate students in APPE's
seminar in research ethics were followed by commentaries by the authors and
the ethicists who directed the seminar. They explore ethical issues in the context
of the case's narrative in issues such as privacy, confidentiality, and informed
consent. These ethical perspective pieces can be drawn out into a full blow
analysis that follows a framework such as (1) problem specification, (2) solution
generation, (3) solution testing, and (4) solution implementation.
• Chronology: A table outline in chronological order the key events of the case
helps you and your reader stay on track.
Clicking on this media file will open a PowerPoint presentation on problem solving in
ethics. It outlines specifying the problem, generation solutions, testing solutions, and
implementing solutions. This problem solving method is based on an analogy
between ethics and design.
• Your Objective: Develop a Poster that captures the case's narratives and
summarizes the different stages of a case analysis framework. In the figure
below, we have appended an excellent poster presentation developed by Dr.
Carlos Rios.
• Dimensions: Your poster should print out onto a piece of paper two feet by three
feet. It should be available digitally in ppt format (either version 2003 or 2007).
• Due Date: May 1 for presentation in class either May 1 or May 8.
• Content: (1) summary of key ethically relevant facts; (2) highlight of the dominant
elements of the case's socio-technical system; (3) an analysis of the case that
includes problem definition, solutions generated, solution testing (in the form of a
solution evaluation matrix), and a plan for implementing the solution over
situational constraints; (4) Your names; (5) items that will help visually portray
case elements such as flow charts and pictures.
• Make your case visually interesting and choose images that capture the essence
of the concepts you are portraying. Be daring and exciting here.
• Practice presenting from your poster. And have fun!
Clicking on this figure will give you the poster presentation prepared by Dr. Carlos Rios
for GERESE, an NSF project in research ethics for graduate students.
Clicking on this media file will open a poster presentation reporting on a case of
scientific misconduct.
The Poehlman Case analysis/poster is about half way completed. It has been included
to give you an idea of how the case development process looks (and feels) at its mid
point. The STS table included provides a sense of the gaps that need to be filled with
further investigation and analysis. For example, more information could be collected
on hormonal treatment therapy. The dialogue box quoting from one of the witnesses
could be expanded into conversations between Poelman and the witness or between
the witness and officials at the University of Vermont. The point is to identify gaps in
the case development that can be filled with moral imagination and further research.
Content Style
After you finish your poster presentation, take some time to reflect on the reaction of
your teacher and classmates. Was it what you expected? How could you change things
to align better your expectations and goals with results? What did you learn from
developing this case? What were the obstacles, frustrations, or negative experience
you faced in this exercise? Assess this exercise, your case, the reaction, and your
experience in general.
6.6.6 Appendix
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
Below are supporting materials to help with you as you work through this module.
They include a presentation on writing and analyzing cases, a table of basic moral
concepts, and a table of intermediate moral concepts.
Please view or download it at Writing and Analyzing Ethics Cases in Business.ppt (htt
Clicking on this figure will allow you to open a PowerPoint presentation on writing and
analyzing cases. It provides a case taxonomy, suggestions on how to choose a case,
templates for "filling out" a case, and a framework for analyzing a case.
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at BGS Cases V2.p
ptx (
To help you develop and analyze your case, this media file contains tables that
summarize basic moral concepts such as goods, rights, duties, and virtues.
Clicking on this media file will open a table that summarizes intermediate moral
concepts such as privacy, informed consent, and safety. These concepts will help you
to choose, develop and analyze your case.
Keywords are listed by the section with that keyword (page numbers are in
parentheses). Keywords do not necessarily appear in the text of the page. They are
merely associated with that section. Ex. apples, § 1.1 (1) Terms are referenced by the
page they appear on. Ex. apples, 1
C Case, § 5.6(155)
Compliance, § 5.4(136)
Computer, § 3.3(51)
Corporate, § 4.2(95)
Corporations, § 5.2(116)
D Decision, § 3.3(51)
Professional, § 5.5(147)
Right, § 2.1(7)
S Social, § 4.2(95)
Template, § 5.2(116)
Toolkit, § 5.2(116)
V Value, § 5.4(136)
Values, § 3.5(80)
Values-Based, § 5.4(136)
Chapter 8 Attributions
Available under Creative Commons-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommon
Pages: 1-5
Pages: 7-13
Pages: 13-18
Pages: 33-38
Module: "Three Frameworks for Ethical Decision Making and Good Computing
Pages: 38-50
Pages: 51-65
Pages: 65-80
Module: "Ethics and Laptops: Identifying Social Responsibility Issues in Puerto Rico"
Pages: 80-85
Pages: 87-95
Pages: 95-105
Pages: 107-116
Pages: 116-129
Based on: EAC Toolkit -Student Module Template By: Jose A. Cruz-Cruz, William Frey
Pages: 129-136
Pages: 136-147
Pages: 147-154
Module: "Writing and Analyzing Ethics Cases in Business and Research Ethics"
Pages: 155-162
(Caution! This course is still under development. New modules will be added soon and
existing modules will undergo extensive revisions.) Business, Society, and Government
(GERE 6055) examines the nature of the practice of business and how it interacts with
society and government. This course is organized around four AACSB (Association for
the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business) themes: Ethical Leadership,
Ethical Decision-Making, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance. It
also has a short module devoted to building awareness of ethical issues in graduate
research. This course and its constituent modules form part of the EAC (ethics across
the curriculum) Toolkit project funded by the National Science Foundation, SES
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