Nyu Arctic Activity1 Worksheet
Nyu Arctic Activity1 Worksheet
Nyu Arctic Activity1 Worksheet
List three traits that you have as a person that help you get your basic needs.
The second test will be done with the robot fitted with shoes you will design.
Cut out your shoes and measure the length of the shoes in centimeters. Write the number in the space
Length = __________ cm
Measure the width of the shoes in centimeters. Write the number in the space below.
Width = ___________ cm
Cut out your shoes and measure the diameter of the shoes in centimeters. Write the number in the
space below. Then calculate the radius.
Diameter = __________ cm
1. Trace the shoe onto graph paper and count the number of squares that fit inside the shoe.
2. If some square only partially fit in the shoe, count them as half of a square.
3. Add together all the whole squares and half squares that count inside the shoe and record the
number in the space below.
Write a hypothesis. Do you think the shoes will help increase how far the robot goes in the same
number of steps? By how much? Write your hypothesis in the space below.
Trial 1 Trial 2
Surface Distance in Distance in
centimeters centimeters
Robot without
1. 2.
added shoes
1. Cotton
Robot with add-
3. 4.
on shoes
Robot without
added shoes
Robot with add-
on shoes
Robot without
added shoes
3. ________
Robot with add-
on shoes
What did you observe when running the robot with the added shoes? Were there any problems?
Was your hypothesis correct? If so, what evidence do you have to support one way or the other?