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Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery


Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Hassan Ismail Fawaz1 · Germain Forestier1,2 · Jonathan Weber1 ·

Lhassane Idoumghar1 · Pierre-Alain Muller1

Received: 12 September 2018 / Accepted: 25 February 2019

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Time Series Classification (TSC) is an important and challenging problem in data
mining. With the increase of time series data availability, hundreds of TSC algorithms
have been proposed. Among these methods, only a few have considered Deep Neural
Networks (DNNs) to perform this task. This is surprising as deep learning has seen
very successful applications in the last years. DNNs have indeed revolutionized the
field of computer vision especially with the advent of novel deeper architectures such
as Residual and Convolutional Neural Networks. Apart from images, sequential data
such as text and audio can also be processed with DNNs to reach state-of-the-art
performance for document classification and speech recognition. In this article, we
study the current state-of-the-art performance of deep learning algorithms for TSC
by presenting an empirical study of the most recent DNN architectures for TSC. We
give an overview of the most successful deep learning applications in various time
series domains under a unified taxonomy of DNNs for TSC. We also provide an open
source deep learning framework to the TSC community where we implemented each
of the compared approaches and evaluated them on a univariate TSC benchmark (the
UCR/UEA archive) and 12 multivariate time series datasets. By training 8730 deep
learning models on 97 time series datasets, we propose the most exhaustive study of
DNNs for TSC to date.

Keywords Deep learning · Time series · Classification · Review

1 Introduction

During the last two decades, Time Series Classification (TSC) has been considered
as one of the most challenging problems in data mining (Yang and Wu 2006; Esling

Responsible editor: Dr. Eamonn Keogh.

B Hassan Ismail Fawaz

Extended author information available on the last page of the article

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

and Agon 2012). With the increase of temporal data availability (Silva et al. 2018),
hundreds of TSC algorithms have been proposed since 2015 (Bagnall et al. 2017).
Due to their natural temporal ordering, time series data are present in almost every
task that requires some sort of human cognitive process (Längkvist et al. 2014). In
fact, any classification problem, using data that is registered taking into account some
notion of ordering, can be cast as a TSC problem (Cristian Borges Gamboa 2017).
Time series are encountered in many real-world applications ranging from electronic
health records (Rajkomar et al. 2018) and human activity recognition (Nweke et al.
2018; Wang et al. 2018a) to acoustic scene classification (Nwe et al. 2017) and cyber-
security (Susto et al. 2018). In addition, the diversity of the datasets’ types in the
UCR/UEA archive (Chen et al. 2015b; Bagnall et al. 2017) (the largest repository of
time series datasets) shows the different applications of the TSC problem.
Given the need to accurately classify time series data, researchers have proposed
hundreds of methods to solve this task (Bagnall et al. 2017). One of the most popular
and traditional TSC approaches is the use of a nearest neighbor (NN) classifier coupled
with a distance function (Lines and Bagnall 2015). Particularly, the Dynamic Time
Warping (DTW) distance when used with a NN classifier has been shown to be a very
strong baseline (Bagnall et al. 2017). Lines and Bagnall (2015) compared several dis-
tance measures and showed that there is no single distance measure that significantly
outperforms DTW. They also showed that ensembling the individual NN classifiers
(with different distance measures) outperforms all of the ensemble’s individual com-
ponents. Hence, recent contributions have focused on developing ensembling methods
that significantly outperforms the NN coupled with DTW (NN-DTW) (Bagnall et al.
2016; Hills et al. 2014; Bostrom and Bagnall 2015; Lines et al. 2016; Schäfer 2015;
Kate 2016; Deng et al. 2013; Baydogan et al. 2013). These approaches use either an
ensemble of decision trees (random forest) (Baydogan et al. 2013; Deng et al. 2013)
or an ensemble of different types of discriminant classifiers (Support Vector Machine
(SVM), NN with several distances) on one or several feature spaces (Bagnall et al.
2016; Bostrom and Bagnall 2015; Schäfer 2015; Kate 2016). Most of these approaches
significantly outperform the NN-DTW (Bagnall et al. 2017) and share one common
property, which is the data transformation phase where time series are transformed
into a new feature space (for example using shapelets transform (Bostrom and Bagnall
2015) or DTW features (Kate 2016)). This notion motivated the development of an
ensemble of 35 classifiers named COTE (Collective Of Transformation-based Ensem-
bles) (Bagnall et al. 2016) that does not only ensemble different classifiers over the
same transformation, but instead ensembles different classifiers over different time
series representations. Lines et al. (2016, 2018) extended COTE with a Hierarchical
Vote system to become HIVE-COTE which has been shown to achieve a significant
improvement over COTE by leveraging a new hierarchical structure with probabilistic
voting, including two new classifiers and two additional representation transformation
domains. HIVE-COTE is currently considered the state-of-the-art algorithm for time
series classification (Bagnall et al. 2017) when evaluated over the 85 datasets from the
UCR/UEA archive.
To achieve its high accuracy, HIVE-COTE becomes hugely computationally inten-
sive and impractical to run on a real big data mining problem (Bagnall et al. 2017).
The approach requires training 37 classifiers as well as cross-validating each hyper-

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

parameter of these algorithms, which makes the approach infeasible to train in some
situations (Lucas et al. 2018). To emphasize on this infeasibility, note that one of these
37 classifiers is the Shapelet Transform (Hills et al. 2014) whose time complexity is
O(n 2 ·l 4 ) with n being the number of time series in the dataset and l being the length of
a time series. Adding to the training time’s complexity is the high classification time
of one of the 37 classifiers: the nearest neighbor which needs to scan the training set
before taking a decision at test time. Therefore since the nearest neighbor constitutes an
essential component of HIVE-COTE, its deployment in a real-time setting is still lim-
ited if not impractical. Finally, adding to the huge runtime of HIVE-COTE, the decision
taken by 37 classifiers cannot be interpreted easily by domain experts, since researchers
already struggle with understanding the decisions taken by an individual classifier.
After having established the current state-of-the-art of non deep classifiers for
TSC (Bagnall et al. 2017), we discuss the success of Deep Learning (LeCun et al. 2015)
in various classification tasks which motivated the recent utilization of deep learning
models for TSC (Wang et al. 2017b). Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
have revolutionized the field of computer vision (Krizhevsky et al. 2012). For exam-
ple, in 2015, CNNs were used to reach human level performance in image recognition
tasks (Szegedy et al. 2015). Following the success of deep neural networks (DNNs)
in computer vision, a huge amount of research proposed several DNN architectures to
solve natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as machine translation (Sutskever
et al. 2014; Bahdanau et al. 2015), learning word embeddings (Mikolov et al. 2013b, a)
and document classification (Le and Mikolov 2014; Goldberg 2016). DNNs also had
a huge impact on the speech recognition community (Hinton et al. 2012; Sainath et al.
2013). Interestingly, we should note that the intrinsic similarity between the NLP and
speech recognition tasks is due to the sequential aspect of the data which is also one
of the main characteristics of time series data.
In this context, this paper targets the following open questions: What is the current
state-of-the-art DNN for TSC? Is there a current DNN approach that reaches state-
of-the-art performance for TSC and is less complex than HIVE-COTE? What type of
DNN architectures works best for the TSC task? How does the random initialization
affect the performance of deep learning classifiers? And finally: Could the black-box
effect of DNNs be avoided to provide interpretability? Given that the latter questions
have not been addressed by the TSC community, it is surprising how much recent
papers have neglected the possibility that TSC problems could be solved using a pure
feature learning algorithm (Neamtu et al. 2018; Bagnall et al. 2017; Lines et al. 2016).
In fact, a recent empirical study (Bagnall et al. 2017) evaluated 18 TSC algorithms on
85 time series datasets, none of which was a deep learning model. This shows how
much the community lacks of an overview of the current performance of deep learning
models for solving the TSC problem (Lines et al. 2018).
In this paper, we performed an empirical comparative study of the most recent deep
learning approaches for TSC. With the rise of graphical processing units (GPUs), we
show how deep architectures can be trained efficiently to learn hidden discriminative
features from raw time series in an end-to-end manner. Similarly to Bagnall et al.
(2017), in order to have a fair comparison between the tested approaches, we developed
a common framework in Python, Keras (Chollet 2015) and Tensorflow (Abadi et al.
2015) to train the deep learning models on a cluster of more than 60 GPUs.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

In addition to the univariate datasets’ evaluation, we tested the approaches on 12

Multivariate Time Series (MTS) datasets (Baydogan 2015). The multivariate evalu-
ation shows another benefit of deep learning models, which is the ability to handle
the curse of dimensionality (Bellman 2010; Keogh and Mueen 2017) by leveraging
different degrees of smoothness in compositional function (Poggio et al. 2017) as well
as the parallel computations of the GPUs (Lu et al. 2015).
As for comparing the classifiers over multiple datasets, we followed the recommen-
dations in Demšar (2006) and used the Friedman test (Friedman 1940) to reject the
null hypothesis. Once we have established that a statistical difference exists within the
classifiers’ performance, we followed the pairwise post-hoc analysis recommended
by Benavoli et al. (2016) where the average rank comparison is replaced by a Wilcoxon
signed-rank test (Wilcoxon 1945) with Holm’s alpha correction (Holm 1979; Garcia
and Herrera 2008). See Sect. 5 for examples of critical difference diagrams (Demšar
2006), where a thick horizontal line shows a group of classifiers (a clique) that are not
significantly different in terms of accuracy.
In this study, we have trained about 1 billion parameters across 97 univariate and
multivariate time series datasets. Despite the fact that a huge number of parameters
risks overfitting (Zhang et al. 2017) the relatively small train set in the UCR/UEA
archive, our experiments showed that not only DNNs are able to significantly out-
perform the NN-DTW, but are also able to achieve results that are not significantly
different than COTE and HIVE-COTE using a deep residual network architecture (He
et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017b). Finally, we analyze how poor random initializations
can have a significant effect on a DNN’s performance.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we provide some background
materials concerning the main types of architectures that have been proposed for TSC.
In Sect. 3, the tested architectures are individually presented in details. We describe
our experimental open source framework in Sect. 4. The corresponding results and
the discussions are presented in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we describe in detail a couple of
methods that mitigate the black-box effect of the deep learning models. Finally, we
present a conclusion in Sect. 7 to summarize our findings and discuss future directions.
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

– We explain with practical examples, how deep learning can be adapted to one
dimensional time series data.
– We propose a unified taxonomy that regroups the recent applications of DNNs for
TSC in various domains under two main categories: generative and discriminative
– We detail the architecture of nine end-to-end deep learning models designed specif-
ically for TSC.
– We evaluate these models on the univariate UCR/UEA archive benchmark and 12
MTS classification datasets.
– We provide the community with an open source deep learning framework for TSC
in which we have implemented all nine approaches.
– We investigate the use of Class Activation Map (CAM) in order to reduce DNNs’
black-box effect and explain the different decisions taken by various models.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

time series

d i m e n si o n s
X3 distribution

of the input
over K classes
input X2 time series
multivariate X1
time series
input time

Fig. 1 A unified deep learning framework for time series classification

2 Background

In this section, we start by introducing the necessary definitions for ease of under-
standing. We then follow by an extensive theoretical background on training DNNs
for the TSC task. Finally we present our proposed taxonomy of the different DNNs
with examples of their application in various real world data mining problems.

2.1 Time series classification

Before introducing the different types of neural networks architectures, we go through

some formal definitions for TSC.
Definition 1 A univariate time series X = [x1 , x2 , . . . , x T ] is an ordered set of real
values. The length of X is equal to the number of real values T .

Definition 2 An M-dimensional MTS, X = [X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X M ] consists of M differ-

ent univariate time series with X i ∈ RT .

Definition 3 A dataset D = {(X 1 , Y1 ), (X 2 , Y2 ), . . . , (X N , Y N )} is a collection of

pairs (X i , Yi ) where X i could either be a univariate or multivariate time series with
Yi as its corresponding one-hot label vector. For a dataset containing K classes, the
one-hot label vector Yi is a vector of length K where each element j ∈ [1, K ] is equal
to 1 if the class of X i is j and 0 otherwise.

The task of TSC consists of training a classifier on a dataset D in order to map from
the space of possible inputs to a probability distribution over the class variable values

2.2 Deep learning for time series classification

In this review, we focus on the TSC task (Bagnall et al. 2017) using DNNs which are
considered complex machine learning models (LeCun et al. 2015). A general deep
learning framework for TSC is depicted in Fig. 1. These networks are designed to
learn hierarchical representations of the data. A deep neural network is a composi-
tion of L parametric functions referred to as layers where each layer is considered a
representation of the input domain (Papernot and McDaniel 2018). One layer li , such

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

as i ∈ 1 . . . L, contains neurons, which are small units that compute one element of
the layer’s output. The layer li takes as input the output of its previous layer li−1 and
applies a non-linearity (such as the sigmoid function) to compute its own output. The
behavior of these non-linear transformations is controlled by a set of parameters θi for
each layer. In the context of DNNs, these parameters are called weights which link
the input of the previous layer to the output of the current layer. Hence, given an input
x, a neural network performs the following computations to predict the class:

f L (θ L , x) = f L−1 (θ L−1 , f L−2 (θ L−2 , . . . , f 1 (θ1 , x))) (1)

where f i corresponds to the non-linearity applied at layer li . For simplicity, we will

omit the vector of parameters θ and use f (x) instead of f (θ, x). This process is also
referred to as feed-forward propagation in the deep learning literature.
During training, the network is presented with a certain number of known input-
output (for example a dataset D). First, the weights are initialized randomly (LeCun
et al. 1998b), although a robust alternative would be to take a pre-trained model on a
source dataset and fine-tune it on the target dataset (Pan and Yang 2010). This process
is known as transfer learning which we do not study empirically, rather we discuss
the transferability of each model with respect to the architecture in Sect. 3. After the
weight’s initialization, a forward pass through the model is applied: using the function
f the output of an input x is computed. The output is a vector whose components
are the estimated probabilities of x belonging to each class. The model’s prediction
loss is computed using a cost function, for example the negative log likelihood. Then,
using gradient descent (LeCun et al. 1998b), the weights are updated in a backward
pass to propagate the error. Thus, by iteratively taking a forward pass followed by
backpropagation, the model’s parameters are updated in a way that minimizes the loss
on the training data.
During testing, the probabilistic classifier (the model) is tested on unseen data which
is also referred to as the inference phase: a forward pass on this unseen input followed
by a class prediction. The prediction corresponds to the class whose probability is
maximum. To measure the performance of the model on the test data (generalization),
we adopted the accuracy measure [similarly to Bagnall et al. (2017)]. One advantage
of DNNs over non-probabilistic classifiers (such as NN-DTW) is that a probabilistic
decision is taken by the network (Large et al. 2017), thus allowing to measure the
confidence of a certain prediction given by an algorithm.
Although there exist many types of DNNs, in this review we focus on three main
DNN architectures used for the TSC task: Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolu-
tional Neural Network (CNN) and Echo State Network (ESN). These three types of
architectures were chosen since they are widely adopted for end-to-end deep learn-
ing (LeCun et al. 2015) models for TSC.

2.2.1 Multi layer perceptrons

An MLP constitutes the simplest and most traditional architecture for deep learning
models. This form of architecture is also known as a fully-connected (FC) network
since the neurons in layer li are connected to every neuron in layer li−1 with i ∈ [1, L].

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

These connections are modeled by the weights in a neural network. A general form
of applying a non-linearity to an input time series X can be seen in the following
Ali = f (ωli ∗ X + b) (2)
with ωli being the set of weights with length and number of dimensions identical to
X ’s, b the bias term and Ali the activation of the neurons in layer li . Note that the
number of neurons in a layer is considered a hyperparameter.
One impediment from adopting MLPs for time series data is that they do not exhibit
any spatial invariance. In other words, each time stamp has its own weight and the
temporal information is lost: meaning time series elements are treated independently
from each other. For example the set of weights wd of neuron d contains T × M values
denoting the weight of each time stamp t for each dimension of the M-dimensional
input MTS of length T . Then by cascading the layers we obtain a computation graph
similar to Eq. 1.
For TSC, the final layer is usually a discriminative layer that takes as input the
activation of the previous layer and gives a probability distribution over the class
variables in the dataset. Most deep learning approaches for TSC employ a softmax
layer which corresponds to an FC layer with softmax as activation function f and a
number of neurons equal to the number of classes in the dataset. Three main useful
properties motivate the use of the softmax activation function: the sum of probabilities
is guaranteed to be equal to 1, the function is differentiable and it is an adaptation of
logistic regression to the multinomial case. The result of a softmax function can be
defined as follows:

e A L−1 ∗ω j +b j
Ŷ j (X ) =  K (3)
A L−1 ∗ωk +bk
k=1 e

with Ŷ j denoting the probability of X having the class Y equal to class j out of K
classes in the dataset. The set of weights w j (and the corresponding bias b j ) for each
class j are linked to each previous activation in layer l L−1 .
The weights in Eqs. (2) and (3) should be learned automatically using an optimiza-
tion algorithm that minimizes an objective cost function. In order to approximate the
error of a certain given value of the weights, a differentiable cost (or loss) function that
quantifies this error should be defined. The most used loss function in DNNs for the
classification task is the categorical cross entropy as defined in the following equation:

L(X ) = − Y j log Ŷ j (4)

with L denoting the loss or cost when classifying the input time series X . Similarly,
the average loss when classifying the whole training set of D can be defined using the
following equation:
J (Ω) = L(X n ) (5)

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

with Ω denoting the set of weights to be learned by the network (in this case the
weights w from Eqs. 2 and 3). The loss function is minimized to learn the weights in
Ω using a gradient descent method which is defined using the following equation:

∂ J 
ω =ω−α ∀ω∈Ω (6)

with α denoting the learning rate of the optimization algorithm. By subtracting the
partial derivative, the model is actually auto-tuning the parameters ω in order to reach
a local minimum of J in case of a non-linear classifier (which is almost always the case
for a DNN). We should note that when the partial derivative cannot be directly com-
puted with respect to a certain parameter ω, the chain rule of derivative is employed
which is in fact the main idea behind the backpropagation algorithm (LeCun et al.

2.2.2 Convolutional neural networks

Since AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al. 2012) won the ImageNet competition in 2012, deep
CNNs have seen a lot of successful applications in many different domains (LeCun
et al. 2015) such as reaching human level performance in image recognition
problems (Szegedy et al. 2015) as well as different natural language processing
tasks (Sutskever et al. 2014; Bahdanau et al. 2015). Motivated by the success of these
CNN architectures in these various domains, researchers have started adopting them
for time series analysis (Cristian Borges Gamboa 2017).
A convolution can be seen as applying and sliding a filter over the time series.
Unlike images, the filters exhibit only one dimension (time) instead of two dimensions
(width and height). The filter can also be seen as a generic non-linear transformation
of a time series. Concretely, if we are convoluting (multiplying) a filter of length 3
with a univariate time series, by setting the filter values to be equal to [ 13 , 13 , 13 ], the
convolution will result in applying a moving average with a sliding window of length
3. A general form of applying the convolution for a centered time stamp t is given in
the following equation:

Ct = f (ω ∗ X t−l/2:t+l/2 + b) | ∀ t ∈ [1, T ] (7)

where C denotes the result of a convolution (dot product ∗) applied on a univariate time
series X of length T with a filter ω of length l, a bias parameter b and a final non-linear
function f such as the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). The result of a convolution (one
filter) on an input time series X can be considered as another univariate time series C
that underwent a filtering process. Thus, applying several filters on a time series will
result in a multivariate time series whose dimensions are equal to the number of filters
used. An intuition behind applying several filters on an input time series would be to
learn multiple discriminative features useful for the classification task.
Unlike MLPs, the same convolution (the same filter values w and b) will be used to
find the result for all time stamps t ∈ [1, T ]. This is a very powerful property (called

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Fig. 2 The result of a applying a discriminative

learned discriminative region
convolution on the GunPoint
dataset Class-2



convolution result

weight sharing) of the CNNs which enables them to learn filters that are invariant
across the time dimension.
When considering an MTS as input to a convolutional layer, the filter no longer
has one dimension (time) but also has dimensions that are equal to the number of
dimensions of the input MTS.
Finally, instead of setting manually the values of the filter ω, these values should be
learned automatically since they depend highly on the targeted dataset. For example,
one dataset would have the optimal filter to be equal to [1, 2, 2] whereas another dataset
would have an optimal filter equal to [2, 0, −1]. By optimal we mean a filter whose
application will enable the classifier to easily discriminate between the dataset classes
(see Fig. 2). In order to learn automatically a discriminative filter, the convolution
should be followed by a discriminative classifier, which is usually preceded by a
pooling operation that can either be local or global.
Local pooling such as average or max pooling takes an input time series and reduces
its length T by aggregating over a sliding window of the time series. For example if
the sliding window’s length is equal to 3 the resulting pooled time series will have
a length equal to T3 - this is only true if the stride is equal to the sliding window’s
length. With a global pooling operation, the time series will be aggregated over the
whole time dimension resulting in a single real value. In other words, this is similar to
applying a local pooling with a sliding window’s length equal to the length of the input
time series. Usually a global aggregation is adopted to reduce drastically the number
of parameters in a model thus decreasing the risk of overfitting while enabling the use
of CAM to explain the model’s decision (Zhou et al. 2016).
In addition to pooling layers, some deep learning architectures include normal-
ization layers to help the network converge quickly. For time series data, the batch
normalization operation is performed over each channel therefore preventing the inter-
nal covariate shift across one mini-batch training of time series (Ioffe and Szegedy
2015). Another type of normalization was proposed by Ulyanov et al. (2016) to nor-
malize each instance instead of a per batch basis, thus learning the mean and standard
deviation of each training instance for each layer via gradient descent. The latter

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.



Fig. 3 Fully convolutional neural network architecture

approach is called instance normalization and mimics learning the z-normalization

parameters for the time series training data.
The final discriminative layer takes the representation of the input time series (the
result of the convolutions) and give a probability distribution over the class variables
in the dataset. Usually, this layer is comprised of a softmax operation similarly to the
MLPs. Note that for some approaches, we would have an additional non-linear FC layer
before the final softmax layer which increases the number of parameters in a network.
Finally in order to train and learn the parameters of a deep CNN, the process is identical
to training an MLP: a feed-forward pass followed by backpropagation (LeCun et al.
1998b). An example of a CNN architecture for TSC with three convolutional layers
is illustrated in Fig. 3.

2.2.3 Echo state networks

Another popular type of architectures for deep learning models is the Recurrent Neu-
ral Network (RNN). Apart from time series forecasting, we found that these neural
networks were rarely applied for time series classification which is mainly due to three
factors: (1) the type of this architecture is designed mainly to predict an output for each
element (time stamp) in the time series (Längkvist et al. 2014); (2) RNNs typically
suffer from the vanishing gradient problem due to training on long time series (Pas-
canu et al. 2012); (3) RNNs are considered hard to train and parallelize which led the
researchers to avoid using them for computational reasons (Pascanu et al. 2013).
Given the aforementioned limitations, a relatively recent type of recurrent archi-
tecture was proposed for time series: Echo State Networks (ESNs) (Gallicchio and
Micheli 2017). ESNs were first invented by Jaeger and Haas (2004) for time series
prediction in wireless communication channels. They were designed to mitigate the
challenges of RNNs by eliminating the need to compute the gradient for the hidden
layers which reduces the training time of these neural networks thus avoiding the van-
ishing gradient problem. These hidden layers are initialized randomly and constitutes
the reservoir: the core of an ESN which is a sparsely connected random RNN. Each
neuron in the reservoir will create its own nonlinear activation of the incoming signal.
The inter-connected weights inside the reservoir and the input weights are not learned
via gradient descent, only the output weights are tuned using a learning algorithm such
as logistic regression or Ridge classifier (Hoerl and Kennard 1970).

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

non trainable
start of
Reservoir weights
the time
weights W W out

W in output
input classes

Fig. 4 An Echo State Network architecture for time series classification

To better understand the mechanism of these networks, consider an ESN with input
dimensionality M, neurons in the reservoir Nr and an output dimensionality K equal
to the number of classes in the dataset. Let X (t) ∈ R M , I (t) ∈ R Nr and Ŷ (t) ∈ R K
denote the vectors of the input M-dimensional MTS, the internal (or hidden) state
and the output unit activity for time t respectively. Further let Win ∈ R Nr ×M and
W ∈ R Nr ×Nr and Wout ∈ RC×Nr denote respectively the weight matrices for the input
time series, the internal connections and the output connections as seen in Fig. 4. The
internal unit activity I (t) at time t is updated using the internal state at time step t − 1
and the input time series element at time t. Formally the hidden state can be computed
using the following recurrence:

I (t) = f (Win X (t) + W I (t − 1)) | ∀ t ∈ [1, T ] (8)

with f denoting an activation function of the neurons, a common choice is tanh(·)

applied element-wise (Tanisaro and Heidemann 2016). The output can be computed
according to the following equation:

Ŷ (t) = Wout I (t) (9)

thus classifying each time series element X (t). Note that ESNs depend highly on the
initial values of the reservoir that should satisfy a pre-determined hyperparameter: the
spectral radius. Fig. 4 shows an example of an ESN with a univariate input time series
to be classified into K classes.
Finally, we should note that for all types of DNNs, a set of techniques was pro-
posed by the deep learning community to enhance neural networks’ generalization
capabilities. Regularization methods such as l2-norm weight decay (Bishop 2006) or
Dropout (Srivastava et al. 2014) aim at reducing overfitting by limiting the activation of
the neurons. Another popular technique is data augmentation, which tackles the prob-
lem of overfitting a small dataset by increasing the number of training instances (Baird
1992). This method consists in cropping, rotating and blurring images which have
been shown to improve the DNNs’ performance for computer vision tasks (Zhang
et al. 2017). Although two approaches in this survey include a data augmentation
technique, the study of its impact on TSC is currently limited (Ismail Fawaz et al.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

for TSC

Generative Discriminative
Models Models

Echo Feature
State Engineering End-to-End

tradit- kernel meta image domain

ional learning learning transform specific

Fig. 5 An overview of the different deep learning approaches for time series classification

2.3 Generative or discriminative approaches

Deep learning approaches for TSC can be separated into two main categories: the
generative and the discriminative models [as proposed in Längkvist et al. (2014)]. We
further separate these two groups into sub-groups which are detailed in the following
subsections and illustrated in Fig. 5.

2.3.1 Generative models

Generative models usually exhibit an unsupervised training step that precedes the
learning phase of the classifier (Längkvist et al. 2014). This type of network has been
referred to as Model-based classifiers in the TSC community (Bagnall et al. 2017).
Some of these generative non deep learning approaches include auto-regressive mod-
els (Bagnall and Janacek 2014), hidden Markov models (Kotsifakos and Papapetrou
2014) and kernel models (Chen et al. 2013).
For all generative approaches, the goal is to find a good representation of time
series prior to training a classifier (Längkvist et al. 2014). Usually, to model the time
series, classifiers are preceded by an unsupervised pre-training phase such as stacked
denoising auto-encoders (SDAEs) (Bengio et al. 2013; Hu et al. 2016). A generative
CNN-based model was proposed in Wang et al. (2016c), Mittelman (2015) where the
authors introduced a deconvolutional operation followed by an upsampling technique
that helps in reconstructing a multivariate time series. Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)
were also used to model the latent features in an unsupervised manner which are
then leveraged to classify univariate and multivariate time series (Wang et al. 2017a;
Banerjee et al. 2017). In Mehdiyev et al. (2017), Malhotra et al. (2018), Rajan and
Thiagarajan (2018), an RNN auto-encoder was designed to first generate the time
series then using the learned latent representation, they trained a classifier (such as

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

SVM or Random Forest) on top of these representations to predict the class of a given
input time series.
Other studies such as in Aswolinskiy et al. (2017), Bianchi et al. (2018), Chouikhi
et al. (2018), Ma et al. (2016) used self-predict modeling for time series classifica-
tion where ESNs were first used to re-construct the time series and then the learned
representation in the reservoir space was utilized for classification. We refer to this
type of architecture by traditional ESNs in Fig. 5. Other ESN-based approaches (Chen
et al. 2015a, 2013; Che et al. 2017b) define a kernel over the learned representation
followed by an SVM or an MLP classifier. In Gong et al. (2018), Wang et al. (2016a),
a meta-learning evolutionary-based algorithm was proposed to construct an optimal
ESN architecture for univariate and multivariate time series. For more details con-
cerning generative ESN models for TSC, we refer the interested reader to a recent
empirical study (Aswolinskiy et al. 2016) that compared classification in reservoir
and model-space for both multivariate and univariate time series.

2.3.2 Discriminative models

A discriminative deep learning model is a classifier (or regressor) that directly learns
the mapping between the raw input of a time series (or its hand engineered features)
and outputs a probability distribution over the class variables in a dataset. Several
discriminative deep learning architectures have been proposed to solve the TSC task,
but we found that this type of model could be further sub-divided into two groups: (1)
deep learning models with hand engineered features and (2) end-to-end deep learning
The most frequently encountered and computer vision inspired feature extraction
method for hand engineering approaches is the transformation of time series into
images using specific imaging methods such as Gramian fields (Wang and Oates
2015b, a), recurrence plots (Hatami et al. 2017; Tripathy and Acharya 2018) and
Markov transition fields (Wang and Oates 2015c). Unlike image transformation, other
feature extraction methods are not domain agnostic. These features are first hand-
engineered using some domain knowledge, then fed to a deep learning discriminative
classifier. For example in Uemura et al. (2018), several features (such as the velocity)
were extracted from sensor data placed on a surgeon’s hand in order to determine the
skill level during surgical training. In fact, most of the deep learning approaches for
TSC with some hand engineered features are present in human activity recognition
tasks (Ignatov 2018). For more details on the different applications of deep learning
for human motion detection using mobile and wearable sensor networks, we refer the
interested reader to a recent survey (Nweke et al. 2018) where deep learning approaches
(with or without hand engineered features) were thoroughly described specifically for
the human activity recognition task.
In contrast to feature engineering, end-to-end deep learning aims to incorporate the
feature learning process while fine-tuning the discriminative classifier (Nweke et al.
2018). Since this type of deep learning approach is domain agnostic and does not
include any domain specific pre-processing steps, we decided to further separate these
end-to-end approaches using their neural network architectures.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

In Wang et al. (2017b), Geng and Luo (2018), an MLP was designed to learn from
scratch a discriminative time series classifier. The problem with an MLP approach is
that temporal information is lost and the features learned are no longer time-invariant.
This is where CNNs are most useful, by learning spatially invariant filters (or fea-
tures) from raw input time series (Wang et al. 2017b). During our study, we found that
CNN is the most widely applied architecture for the TSC problem, which is probably
due to their robustness and the relatively small amount of training time compared to
complex architectures such as RNNs or MLPs. Several variants of CNNs have been
proposed and validated on a subset of the UCR/UEA archive (Chen et al. 2015b;
Bagnall et al. 2017) such as Residual Networks (ResNets) (Wang et al. 2017b; Geng
and Luo 2018) which add linear shortcut connections for the convolutional layers
potentially enhancing the model’s accuracy (He et al. 2016). In Le Guennec et al.
(2016), Cui et al. (2016), Wang et al. (2017b), Zhao et al. (2017), traditional CNNs
were also validated on the UCR/UEA archive. More recently in Wang et al. (2018b),
the architectures proposed in Wang et al. (2017b) were modified to leverage a filter
initialization technique based on the Daubechies 4 Wavelet values (Rowe and Abbott
1995). Outside of the UCR/UEA archive, deep learning has reached state-of-the-art
performance on several datasets in different domains (Längkvist et al. 2014). For
spatio-temporal series forecasting problems, such as meteorology and oceanography,
DNNs were proposed in Ziat et al. (2017). Strodthoff and Strodthoff (2019) proposed
to detect myocardial infractions from electrocardiography data using deep CNNs.
For human activity recognition from wearable sensors, deep learning is replacing the
feature engineering approaches (Nweke et al. 2018) where features are no longer
hand-designed but rather learned by deep learning models trained through backprop-
agation. One other type of time series data is present in Electronic Health Records,
where a recent generative adversarial network with a CNN (Che et al. 2017a) was
trained for risk prediction based on patients historical medical records. In Ismail Fawaz
et al. (2018b), CNNs were designed to reach state-of-the-art performance for surgical
skills identification. Liu et al. (2018) leveraged a CNN model for multivariate and
lag-feature characteristics in order to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on the Prog-
nostics and Health Management (PHM) 2015 challenge data. Finally, a recent review
of deep learning for physiological signals classification revealed that CNNs were
the most popular architecture (Faust et al. 2018) for the considered task. We men-
tion one final type of hybrid architectures that showed promising results for the TSC
task on the UCR/UEA archive datasets, where mainly CNNs were combined with
other types of architectures such as Gated Recurrent Units (Lin and Runger 2018)
and the attention mechanism (Serrà et al. 2018). The reader may have noticed that
CNNs appear under Auto Encoders as well as under End-to-End learning in Fig. 5.
This can be explained by the fact that CNNs when trained as Auto Encoders have
a complete different objective function than CNNs that are trained in an end-to-end
Now that we have presented the taxonomy for grouping DNNs for TSC, we intro-
duce in the following section the different approaches that we have included in our
experimental evaluation. We also explain the motivations behind the selection of these

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

3 Approaches

In this section, we start by explaining the reasons behind choosing discriminative

end-to-end approaches for this empirical evaluation. We then describe in detail the
nine different deep learning architectures with their corresponding advantages and

3.1 Why discriminative end-to-end approaches ?

As previously mentioned in Sect. 2, the main characteristic of a generative model

is fitting a time series self-predictor whose latent representation is later fed into an
off-the-shelf classifier such as Random Forest or SVM. Although these models do
sometimes capture the trend of a time series, we decided to leave these generative
approaches out of our experimental evaluation for the following reasons:
– This type of method is mainly proposed for tasks other than classification or as
part of a larger classification scheme (Bagnall et al. 2017);
– The informal consensus in the literature is that generative models are usually less
accurate than direct discriminative models (Bagnall et al. 2017; Nguyen et al.
– The implementation of these models is usually more complicated than for dis-
criminative models since it introduces an additional step of fitting a time series
generator—this has been considered a barrier with most approaches whose code
was not publicly available such as Gong et al. (2018), Che et al. (2017b), Chouikhi
et al. (2018), Wang et al. (2017a);
– The accuracy of these models depends highly on the chosen off-the-shelf classifier
which is sometimes not even a neural network classifier (Rajan and Thiagarajan
Given the aforementioned limitations for generative models, we decided to limit
our experimental evaluation to discriminative deep learning models for TSC. In addi-
tion of restricting the study to discriminative models, we decided to only consider
end-to-end approaches, thus further leaving classifiers that incorporate feature engi-
neering out of our empirical evaluation. We made this choice because we believe that
the main goal of deep learning approaches is to remove the bias due to manually
designed features (Ordón̈ez and Roggen 2016), thus enabling the network to learn the
most discriminant useful features for the classification task. This has also been the
consensus in the human activity recognition literature, where the accuracy of deep
learning methods depends highly on the quality of the extracted features (Nweke et al.
2018). Finally, since our goal is to provide an empirical study of domain agnostic deep
learning approaches for any TSC task, we found that it is best to compare models that
do not incorporate any domain knowledge into their approach.
As for why we chose the nine approaches (described in the next Section), it is
first because among all the discriminative end-to-end deep learning models for TSC,
we wanted to cover a wide range of architectures such as CNNs, Fully CNNs, MLPs,
ResNets, ESNs, etc. Second, since we cannot cover an empirical study of all approaches
validated in all TSC domains, we decided to only include approaches that were vali-

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

dated on the whole (or a subset of) the univariate time series UCR/UEA archive (Chen
et al. 2015b; Bagnall et al. 2017) and/or on the MTS archive (Baydogan 2015). Finally,
we chose to work with approaches that do not try to solve a sub task of the TSC problem
such as in Geng and Luo (2018) where CNNs were modified to classify imbalanced
time series datasets. To justify this choice, we emphasize that imbalanced TSC prob-
lems can be solved using several techniques such as data augmentation (Ismail Fawaz
et al. 2018a) and modifying the class weights (Geng and Luo 2018). However, any
deep learning algorithm can benefit from this type of modification. Therefore if we did
include modifications for solving imbalanced TSC tasks, it would be much harder to
determine if it is the choice of the deep learning classifier or the modification itself that
improved the accuracy of the model. Another sub task that has been at the center of
recent studies is early time series classification (Wang et al. 2016b) where deep CNNs
were modified to include an early classification of time series. More recently, a deep
reinforcement learning approach was also proposed for the early TSC task (Martinez
et al. 2018). For further details, we refer the interested reader to a recent survey on
deep learning for early time series classification (Santos and Kern 2017).

3.2 Compared approaches

After having presented an overview over the recent deep learning approaches for time
series classification, we present the nine architectures that we have chosen to compare
in this paper.

3.2.1 Multi layer perceptron

The MLP, which is the most traditional form of DNNs, was proposed in Wang et al.
(2017b) as a baseline architecture for TSC. The network contains 4 layers in total
where each one is fully connected to the output of its previous layer. The final layer is
a softmax classifier, which is fully connected to its previous layer’s output and contains
a number of neurons equal to the number of classes in a dataset. All three hidden FC
layers are composed of 500 neurons with ReLU as the activation function. Each layer
is preceded by a dropout operation (Srivastava et al. 2014) with a rate equal to 0.1,
0.2, 0.2 and 0.3 for respectively the first, second, third and fourth layer. Dropout is
one form of regularization that helps in preventing overfitting (Srivastava et al. 2014).
The dropout rate indicates the percentage of neurons that are deactivated (set to zero)
in a feed forward pass during training.
MLP does not have any layer whose number of parameters is invariant across
time series of different lengths (denoted by #invar in Table 1) which means that the
transferability of the network is not trivial: the number of parameters (weights) of the
network depends directly on the length of the input time series.

3.2.2 Fully convolutional neural network

Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNs) were first proposed in Wang et al.
(2017b) for classifying univariate time series and validated on 44 datasets from the

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

UCR/UEA archive. FCNs are mainly convolutional networks that do not contain any
local pooling layers which means that the length of a time series is kept unchanged
throughout the convolutions. In addition, one of the main characteristics of this archi-
tecture is the replacement of the traditional final FC layer with a Global Average
Pooling (GAP) layer which reduces drastically the number of parameters in a neural
network while enabling the use of the CAM (Zhou et al. 2016) that highlights which
parts of the input time series contributed the most to a certain classification.
The architecture proposed in Wang et al. (2017b) is first composed of three convo-
lutional blocks where each block contains three operations: a convolution followed by
a batch normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy 2015) whose result is fed to a ReLU activa-
tion function. The result of the third convolutional block is averaged over the whole
time dimension which corresponds to the GAP layer. Finally, a traditional softmax
classifier is fully connected to the GAP layer’s output.
All convolutions have a stride equal to 1 with a zero padding to preserve the exact
length of the time series after the convolution. The first convolution contains 128 filters
with a filter length equal to 8, followed by a second convolution of 256 filters with
a filter length equal to 5 which in turn is fed to a third and final convolutional layer
composed of 128 filters, each one with a length equal to 3.
We can see that FCN does not hold any pooling nor a regularization operation.
In addition, one of the advantages of FCNs is the invariance (denoted by #invar in
Table 1) in the number of parameters for 4 layers (out of 5) across time series of
different lengths. This invariance (due to using GAP) enables the use of a transfer
learning approach where one can train a model on a certain source dataset and then
fine-tune it on the target dataset (Ismail Fawaz et al. 2018c).

3.2.3 Residual network

The third and final proposed architecture in Wang et al. (2017b) is a relatively deep
Residual Network (ResNet). For TSC, this is the deepest architecture with 11 layers
of which the first 9 layers are convolutional followed by a GAP layer that averages
the time series across the time dimension. The main characteristic of ResNets is the
shortcut residual connection between consecutive convolutional layers. Actually, the
difference with the usual convolutions (such as in FCNs) is that a linear shortcut is
added to link the output of a residual block to its input thus enabling the flow of the
gradient directly through these connections, which makes training a DNN much easier
by reducing the vanishing gradient effect (He et al. 2016).
The network is composed of three residual blocks followed by a GAP layer and a
final softmax classifier whose number of neurons is equal to the number of classes in
a dataset. Each residual block is first composed of three convolutions whose output is
added to the residual block’s input and then fed to the next layer. The number of filters
for all convolutions is fixed to 64, with the ReLU activation function that is preceded
by a batch normalization operation. In each residual block, the filter’s length is set to
8, 5 and 3 respectively for the first, second and third convolution.
Similarly to the FCN model, the layers (except the final one) in the ResNet archi-
tecture have an invariant number of parameters across different datasets. That being
said, we can easily pre-train a model on a source dataset, then transfer and fine-tune it

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

Table 1 Architecture’s hyperparameters for the deep learning approaches

Methods Architecture
#Layers #Conv #Invar Normalize Pooling Feature Activate Regularize

MLP 4 0 0 None None FC ReLU Dropout

FCN 5 3 4 Batch None GAP ReLU None
ResNet 11 9 10 Batch None GAP ReLU None
Encoder 5 3 4 Instance Max Att PReLU Dropout
MCNN 4 2 2 None Max FC Sigmoid None
t-LeNet 4 2 2 None Max FC ReLU None
MCDCNN 4 2 2 None Max FC ReLU None
Time-CNN 3 2 2 None Avg Conv Sigmoid None


input time K
series output
64 64 64 128 128 128 128 128 128

global fully
average connected
residual pooling

Fig. 6 The Residual Network’s architecture for time series classification

on a target dataset without having to modify the hidden layers of the network. As we
have previously mentioned and since this type of transfer learning approach can give
an advantage for certain types of architecture, we leave the exploration of this area of
research for future work. The ResNet architecture proposed by Wang et al. (2017b) is
depicted in Fig. 6.

3.2.4 Encoder

Originally proposed by Serrà et al. (2018), Encoder is a hybrid deep CNN whose
architecture is inspired by FCN (Wang et al. 2017b) with a main difference where
the GAP layer is replaced with an attention layer. In Serrà et al. (2018), two variants
of Encoder were proposed: the first approach was to train the model from scratch in
an end-to-end fashion on a target dataset while the second one was to pre-train this
same architecture on a source dataset and then fine-tune it on a target dataset. The latter
approach reached higher accuracy thus benefiting from the transfer learning technique.
On the other hand, since almost all approaches can benefit to certain degree from
a transfer learning method, we decided to implement only the end-to-end approach

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

(training from scratch) which already showed high performance in the author’s original
Similarly to FCN, the first three layers are convolutional with some relatively small
modifications. The first convolution is composed of 128 filters of length 5; the second
convolution is composed of 256 filters of length 11; the third convolution is composed
of 512 filters of length 21. Each convolution is followed by an instance normalization
operation (Ulyanov et al. 2016) whose output is fed to the Parametric Rectified Linear
Unit (PReLU) (He et al. 2015) activation function. The output of PReLU is followed
by a dropout operation (with a rate equal to 0.2) and a final max pooling of length 2.
The third convolutional layer is fed to an attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al. 2015)
that enables the network to learn which parts of the time series (in the time domain)
are important for a certain classification. More precisely, to implement this technique,
the input MTS is multiplied with a second MTS of the same length and number of
channels, except that the latter has gone through the softmax function. Each element
in the second MTS will act as a weight for the first MTS, thus enabling the network
to learn the importance of each element (time stamp). Finally, a traditional softmax
classifier is fully connected to the latter layer with a number of neurons equal to the
number of classes in the dataset.
In addition to replacing the GAP layer with the attention layer, Encoder differs from
FCN in three main core changes: (1) the PReLU activation function where an additional
parameter is added for each filter to enable learning the slope of the function, (2) the
dropout regularization technique and (3) the max pooling operation. One final note is
that the careful design of Encoder’s attention mechanism enabled the invariance across
all layers which encouraged the authors to implement a transfer learning approach.

3.2.5 Multi-scale convolutional neural network

Originally proposed by Cui et al. (2016), Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network

(MCNN) is the earliest approach to validate an end-to-end deep learning architec-
ture on the UCR Archive. MCNN’s architecture is very similar to a traditional CNN
model: with two convolutions (and max pooling) followed by an FC layer and a final
softmax layer. On the other hand, this approach is very complex with its heavy data
pre-processing step. Cui et al. (2016) were the first to introduce the Window Slicing
(WS) method as a data augmentation technique. WS slides a window over the input
time series and extract subsequences, thus training the network on the extracted subse-
quences instead of the raw input time series. Following the extraction of a subsequence
from an input time series using the WS method, a transformation stage is used. More
precisely, prior to any training, the subsequence will undergo three transformations: (1)
identity mapping; (2) down-sampling and (3) smoothing; thus, transforming a univari-
ate input time series into a multivariate input time series. This heavy pre-processing
would question the end-to-end label of this approach, but since their method is generic
enough we incorporated it into our developed framework.
For the first transformation, the input subsequence is left unchanged and the raw
subsequence will be used as an input for an independent first convolution. The down-
sampling technique (second transformation) will result in shorter subsequences with
different lengths which will then undergo another independent convolutions in parallel

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

to the first convolution. As for the smoothing technique (third transformation), the
result is a smoothed subsequence whose length is equal to the input raw subsequence
which will also be fed to an independent convolution in parallel to the first and the
second convolutions.
The output of each convolution in the first convolutional stage is concatenated to
form the input of the subsequent convolutional layer. Following this second layer, an
FC layer is deployed with 256 neurons using the sigmoid activation function. Finally,
the usual softmax classifier is used with a number of neurons equal to the number of
classes in the dataset.
Note that each convolution in this network uses 256 filters with the sigmoid as an
activation function, followed by a max pooling operation. Two architecture hyperpa-
rameters are cross-validated, using a grid search on an unseen split from the training
set: the filter length and the pooling factor which determines the pooling size for the
max pooling operation. The total number of layers in this network is 4, out of which
only the first two convolutional layers are invariant (transferable). Finally, since the
WS method is also used at test time, the class of an input time series is determined by
a majority vote over the extracted subsequences’ predicted labels.

3.2.6 Time Le-Net

Time Le-Net (t-LeNet) was originally proposed by Le Guennec et al. (2016) and
inspired by the great performance of LeNet’s architecture for the document recognition
task (LeCun et al. 1998a). This model can be considered as a traditional CNN with
two convolutions followed by an FC layer and a final softmax classifier. There are two
main differences with the FCNs: (1) an FC layer and (2) local max-pooling operations.
Unlike GAP, local pooling introduces invariance to small perturbations in the activation
map (the result of a convolution) by taking the maximum value in a local pooling
window. Therefore for a pool size equal to 2, the pooling operation will halve the
length of a time series by taking the maximum value between each two time steps.
For both convolutions, the ReLU activation function is used with a filter length
equal to 5. For the first convolution, 5 filters are used and followed by a max pooling
of length equal to 2. The second convolution uses 20 filters followed by a max pooling
of length equal to 4. Thus, for an input time series of length l, the resulting output
of these two convolutions will divide the length of the time series by 8 = 4 × 2.
The convolutional blocks are followed by a non-linear fully connected layer which
is composed of 500 neurons, each one using the ReLU activation function. Finally,
similarly to all previous architectures, the number of neurons in the final softmax
classifier is equal to the number of classes in a dataset.
Unlike ResNet and FCN, this approach does not have much invariant layers (2 out
of 4) due to the use of an FC layer instead of a GAP layer, thus increasing drastically
the number of parameters needed to be trained which also depends on the length of
the input time series. Thus, the transferability of this network is limited to the first two
convolutions whose number of parameters depends solely on the number and length
of the chosen filters.
We should note that t-LeNet is one of the approaches adopting a data augmentation
technique to prevent overfitting especially for the relatively small time series datasets

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

in the UCR/UEA archive. Their approach uses two data augmentation techniques:
WS and Window Warping (WW). The former method is identical to MCNN’s data
augmentation technique originally proposed in Cui et al. (2016). As for the second data
augmentation technique, WW employs a warping technique that squeezes or dilates
the time series. In order to deal with multi-length time series the WS method is adopted
to ensure that subsequences of the same length are extracted for training the network.
Therefore, a given input time series of length l is first dilated (× 2) then squeezed (× 21 )
resulting in three time series of length l, 2l and 21 l that are fed to WS to extract equal
length subsequences for training. Not that in their original paper (Le Guennec et al.
2016), WS’ length is set to 0.9l. Finally similarly to MCNN, since the WS method
is also used at test time, a majority vote over the extracted subsequences’ predicted
labels is applied.

3.2.7 Multi channel deep convolutional neural network

Multi Channel Deep Convolutional Neural Network (MCDCNN) was originally pro-
posed and validated on two multivariate time series datasets (Zheng et al. 2014, 2016).
The proposed architecture is mainly a traditional deep CNN with one modification for
MTS data: the convolutions are applied independently (in parallel) on each dimension
(or channel) of the input MTS.
Each dimension for an input MTS will go through two convolutional stages with 8
filters of length 5 with ReLU as the activation function. Each convolution is followed
by a max pooling operation of length 2. The output of the second convolutional stage
for all dimensions is concatenated over the channels axis and then fed to an FC layer
with 732 neurons with ReLU as the activation function. Finally, the softmax classifier
is used with a number of neurons equal to the number of classes in the dataset. By
using an FC layer before the softmax classifier, the transferability of this network is
limited to the first and second convolutional layers.

3.2.8 Time convolutional neural network

Time-CNN approach was originally proposed by Zhao et al. (2017) for both univariate
and multivariate TSC. There are three main differences compared to the previously
described networks. The first characteristic of Time-CNN is the use of the mean
squared error (MSE) instead of the traditional categorical cross-entropy loss function,
which has been used by all the deep learning approaches we have mentioned so far.
Hence, instead of a softmax classifier, the final layer is a traditional FC layer with
sigmoid as the activation function, which does not guarantee a sum of probabilities
equal to 1. Another difference to traditional CNNs is the use of a local average pooling
operation instead of local max pooling. In addition, unlike MCDCNN, for MTS data
they apply one convolution for all the dimensions of a multivariate classification task.
Another unique characteristic of this architecture is that the final classifier is fully
connected directly to the output of the second convolution, which removes completely
the GAP layer without replacing it with an FC non-linear layer.
The network is composed of two consecutive convolutional layers with respec-
tively 6 and 12 filters followed by a local average pooling operation of length 3. The

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

convolutions adopt the sigmoid as the activation function. The network’s output con-
sists of an FC layer with a number of neurons equal to the number of classes in the

3.2.9 Time warping invariant echo state network

Time Warping Invariant Echo State Network (TWIESN) (Tanisaro and Heidemann
2016) is the only non-convolutional recurrent architecture tested and re-implemented
in our study. Although ESNs were originally proposed for time series forecast-
ing, Tanisaro and Heidemann (2016) proposed a variant of ESNs that uses directly the
raw input time series and predicts a probability distribution over the class variables.
In fact, for each element (time stamp) in an input time series, the reservoir space
is used to project this element into a higher dimensional space. Thus, for a univariate
time series, the element is projected into a space whose dimensions are inferred from
the size of the reservoir. Then for each element, a Ridge classifier (Hoerl and Kennard
1970) is trained to predict the class of each time series element. During test time, for
each element of an input test time series, the already trained Ridge classifier will output
a probability distribution over the classes in a dataset. Then the a posteriori probability
for each class is averaged over all time series elements, thus assigning for each input
test time series the label for which the averaged probability is maximum. Following
the original paper of Tanisaro and Heidemann (2016), using a grid-search on an unseen
split (20%) from the training set, we optimized TWIESN’s three hyperparameters: the
reservoir’s size, sparsity and spectral radius.

3.3 Hyperparameters

Tables 1 and 2 show respectively the architecture and the optimization hyperparameters
for all the described approaches except for TWIESN, since its hyperparameters are
not compatible with the eight other algorithms’ hyperparameters. We should add that
for all the other deep learning classifiers (with TWIESN omitted), a model checkpoint
procedure was performed either on the training set or a validation set (split from the
training set). Which means that if the model is trained for 1000 epochs, the best one on
the validation set (or the train set) loss will be chosen for evaluation. This characteristic
is included in Table 2 under the “valid” column. In addition to the model checkpoint
procedure, we should note that all deep learning models in Table 1 were initialized
randomly using Glorot’s uniform initialization method (Glorot and Bengio 2010). All
models were optimized using a variant of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) such as
Adam (Kingma and Ba 2015) and AdaDelta (Zeiler 2012). We should add that for FCN,
ResNet and MLP proposed in Wang et al. (2017b), the learning rate was reduced by a
factor of 0.5 each time the model’s training loss has not improved for 50 consecutive
epochs (with a minimum value equal to 0.0001). One final note is that we have no way
of controlling the fact that those described architectures might have been overfitted
for the UCR/UEA archive and designed empirically to achieve a high performance,
which is always a risk when comparing classifiers on a benchmark (Bagnall et al.
2017). We therefore think that challenges where only the training data is publicly

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Table 2 Optimization’s hyperparameters for the deep learning approaches

Methods Optimization
Algorithm Valid Loss Epochs Batch Learning rate Decay

MLP AdaDelta Train Entropy 5000 16 1.0 0.0

FCN Adam Train Entropy 2000 16 0.001 0.0
ResNet Adam Train Entropy 1500 16 0.001 0.0
Encoder Adam Train Entropy 100 12 0.00001 0.0
MCNN Adam Split20% entropy 200 256 0.1 0.0
t-LeNet Adam Train Entropy 1000 256 0.01 0.005
MCDCNN SGD Split33% Entropy 120 16 0.01 0.0005
Time-CNN Adam Train Mse 2000 16 0.001 0.0

available and the testing data are held by the challenge organizer for evaluation might
help in mitigating this problem.

4 Experimental setup

We first start by presenting the datasets’ properties we have adopted in this empirical
study. We then describe in details our developed open-source framework of deep
learning for time series classification.

4.1 Datasets

4.1.1 Univariate archive

In order to have a thorough and fair experimental evaluation of all approaches, we

tested each algorithm on the whole UCR/UEA archive (Chen et al. 2015b; Bagnall
et al. 2017) which contains 85 univariate time series datasets. The datasets possess
different varying characteristics such as the length of the series which has a minimum
value of 24 for the ItalyPowerDemand dataset and a maximum equal to 2709 for
the HandOutLines dataset. One important characteristic that could impact the DNNs’
accuracy is the size of the training set which varies between 16 and 8926 for respec-
tively DiatomSizeReduction and ElectricDevices datasets. We should note that twenty
datasets contains a relatively small training set (50 or fewer instances) which surpris-
ingly was not an impediment for obtaining high accuracy when applying a very deep
architecture such as ResNet. Furthermore, the number of classes varies between 2 (for
31 datasets) and 60 (for the ShapesAll dataset). Note that the time series in this archive
are already z-normalized (Bagnall et al. 2017).
Other than the fact of being publicly available, the choice of validating on the
UCR/UEA archive is motivated by having datasets from different domains which
have been broken down into seven different categories (Image Outline, Sensor Read-
ings, Motion Capture, Spectrographs, ECG, Electric Devices and Simulated Data)

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

Table 3 The multivariate time series classification archive

Dataset Old length New length classes Dimensions Train Test

ArabicDigits 4–93 93 10 13 6600 2200

AUSLAN 45–136 136 95 22 1140 1425
CharacterTrajectories 109–205 205 20 3 300 2558
CMUsubject16 127–580 580 2 62 29 29
ECG 39–152 152 2 2 100 100
JapaneseVowels 7–29 29 9 12 270 370
KickVsPunch 274–841 841 2 62 16 10
Libras 45–45 45 15 2 180 180
Outflow 50–997 997 2 4 803 534
UWave 315–315 315 8 3 200 4278
Wafer 104–198 198 2 6 298 896
WalkVsRun 128–1918 1919 2 62 28 16

in Bagnall et al. (2017). Further statistics, which we do not repeat for brevity, were
conducted on the UCR/UEA archive in Bagnall et al. (2017).

4.1.2 Multivariate archive

We also evaluated all deep learning models on Baydogan’s archive (Baydogan 2015)
that contains 13 MTS classification datasets. For memory usage limitations over a
single GPU, we left the MTS dataset Performance Measurement System (PeMS) out of
our experimentations. This archive also exhibits datasets with different characteristics
such as the length of the time series which, unlike the UCR/UEA archive, varies among
the same dataset. This is due to the fact that the datasets in the UCR/UEA archive are
already re-scaled to have an equal length among one dataset (Bagnall et al. 2017).
In order to solve the problem of unequal length time series in the MTS archive we
decided to linearly interpolate the time series of each dimension for every given MTS,
thus each time series will have a length equal to the longest time series’ length. This
form of pre-processing has also been used by Ratanamahatana and Keogh (2005) to
show that the length of a time series is not an issue for TSC problems. This step is
very important for deep learning models whose architecture depends on the length of
the input time series (such as a MLP) and for parallel computation over the GPUs.
We did not z-normalize any time series, but we emphasize that this traditional pre-
processing step (Bagnall et al. 2017) should be further studied for univariate as well
as multivariate data, especially since normalization is known to have a huge effect
on DNNs’ learning capabilities (Zhang et al. 2017). Note that this process is only
true for the MTS datasets whereas for the univariate benchmark, the time series are
already z-normalized. Since the data is pre-processed using the same technique for all
nine classifiers, we can safely say, to some extent, that the accuracy improvement of
certain models can be solely attributed to the model itself. Table 3 shows the different
characteristics of each MTS dataset used in our experiments.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

4.2 Experiments

For each dataset in both archives (97 datasets in total), we have trained the nine deep
learning models (presented in the previous Section) with 10 different runs each. Each
run uses the same original train/test split in the archive but with a different random
weight initialization, which enables us to take the mean accuracy over the 10 runs in
order to reduce the bias due to the weights’ initial values. In total, we have performed
8730 experiments for the 85 univariate and 12 multivariate TSC datasets. Thus, given
the huge number of models that needed to be trained, we ran our experiments on a
cluster of 60 GPUs. These GPUs were a mix of four types of Nvidia graphic cards: GTX
1080 Ti, Tesla K20, K40 and K80. The total sequential running time was approximately
100 days, that is if the computation has been done on a single GPU. However, by
leveraging the cluster of 60 GPUs, we managed to obtain the results in less than one
month. We implemented our framework using the open source deep learning library
Keras (Chollet 2015) with the Tensorflow (Abadi et al. 2015) back-end1 .
Following Lucas et al. (2018), Forestier et al. (2017), Petitjean et al. (2016),
Grabocka et al. (2014) we used the mean accuracy measure averaged over the 10 runs
on the test set. When comparing with the state-of-the-art results published in Bagnall
et al. (2017) we averaged the accuracy using the median test error. Following the
recommendation in Demšar (2006) we used the Friedman test (Friedman 1940) to
reject the null hypothesis. Then we performed the pairwise post-hoc analysis recom-
mended by Benavoli et al. (2016) where the average rank comparison is replaced by a
Wilcoxon signed-rank test (Wilcoxon 1945) with Holm’s alpha (5%) correction (Holm
1979; Garcia and Herrera 2008). To visualize this type of comparison we used a critical
difference diagram proposed by Demšar (2006), where a thick horizontal line shows a
group of classifiers (a clique) that are not-significantly different in terms of accuracy.

5 Results

In this section, we present the accuracies for each one of the nine approaches. All
accuracies are absolute and not relative to each other that is if we claim algorithm A
is 5% better than algorithm B, this means that the average accuracy is 0.05 higher for
algorithm A than B.

5.1 Results for univariate time series

We provide on the companion GitHub repository the raw accuracies over the 10 runs for
the nine deep learning models we have tested on the 85 univariate time series datasets:
the UCR/UEA archive (Chen et al. 2015b; Bagnall et al. 2017). The corresponding
critical difference diagram is shown in Fig. 7. The ResNet significantly outperforms
the other approaches with an average rank of almost 2. ResNet wins on 50 problems
out of 85 and significantly outperforms the FCN architecture. This is in contrast to
the original paper’s results where FCN was found to outperform ResNet on 18 out of
1 The implementations are available on https://github.com/hfawaz/dl-4-tsc.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

t-LeNet ResNet
MCDCNN Encoder

Fig. 7 Critical difference diagram showing pairwise statistical difference comparison of nine deep learning
classifiers on the univariate UCR/UEA time series classification archive

44 datasets, which shows the importance of validating on a larger archive in order to

have a robust statistical significance.
We believe that the success of ResNet is highly due to its deep flexible architecture.
First of all, our findings are in agreement with the deep learning for computer vision
literature where deeper neural networks are much more successful than shallower
architectures (He et al. 2016). In fact, in a space of 4 years, neural networks went from
7 layers in AlexNet 2012 (Krizhevsky et al. 2012) to 1000 layers for ResNet 2016 (He
et al. 2016). These types of deep architectures generally need a huge amount of data
in order to generalize well on unseen examples (He et al. 2016). Although the datasets
used in our experiments are relatively small compared to the billions of labeled images
(such as ImageNet (Russakovsky et al. 2015) and OpenImages (Krasin et al. 2017)
challenges), the deepest networks did reach competitive accuracies on the UCR/UEA
archive benchmark.
We give two potential reasons for this high generalization capabilities of deep CNNs
on the TSC tasks. First, having seen the success of convolutions in classification tasks
that require learning features that are spatially invariant in a two dimensional space
(such as width and height in images), it is only natural to think that discovering patterns
in a one dimensional space (time) should be an easier task for CNNs thus requiring
less data to learn from. The other more direct reason behind the high accuracies of
deep CNNs on time series data is its success in other sequential data such as speech
recognition (Hinton et al. 2012) and sentence classification (Kim 2014) where text
and audio, similarly to time series data, exhibit a natural temporal ordering.
The MCNN and t-LeNet architectures yielded very low accuracies with only one
win for the Earthquakes dataset. The main common idea between both of these
approaches is extracting subsequences to augment the training data. Therefore the
model learns to classify a time series from a shorter subsequence instead of the whole
one, then with a majority voting scheme the time series at test time are assigned a
class label. The poor performances (worst average ranks) for these two approaches
suggest that this ad-hoc method of slicing the time series does not guarantee that the
discriminative information of a time series has not been lost. These two classifiers are
similar to the phase dependent intervals TSC algorithms (Bagnall et al. 2017) where
the classifiers derive features from intervals of each series. Similarly to the recent
comparative study of TSC algorithms, this type of Window Slicing based approach
yielded the lowest average ranks.
Although MCDCNN and Time-CNN were originally proposed to classify MTS
datasets, we have evaluated them on the univariate UCR/UEA archive. The MCDCNN
did not manage to beat any of the classifiers except for the ECG5000 dataset which

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

is already a dataset where almost all approaches reached the highest accuracy. This
low performance is probably due to the non-linear FC layer that replaces the GAP
pooling of the best performing algorithms (FCN and ResNet). This FC layer reduces
the effect of learning time invariant features which explains why MLP, Time-CNN
and MCDCNN exhibit very similar performance.
One approach that shows relatively high accuracy is Encoder (Serrà et al. 2018). The
statistical test indicates a significant difference between Encoder, FCN and ResNet.
FCN wins on 36 datasets whereases Encoder wins only on 17 which suggests the
superiority of the GAP layer compared to Encoder’s attention mechanism.

5.2 Comparing with state-of-the-art approaches

In this section, we compared ResNet (the most accurate DNN of our study) with the
current state-of-the-art classifiers evaluated on the UCR/UEA archive in the great
time series classification bake off (Bagnall et al. 2017). Note that our empirical study
strongly suggests to use ResNet instead of any other deep learning algorithm—it is
the most accurate one with similar runtime to FCN (the second most accurate DNN).
Finally, since ResNet’s results were averaged over ten different random initializations,
we chose to take one iteration of ResNet (the median) and compare it to other state-of-
the-art algorithms that were executed once over the original train/test split provided
by the UCR/UEA archive.
Out of the 18 classifiers evaluated by Bagnall et al. (2017), we have chosen the four
best performing algorithms: (1) Elastic Ensemble (EE) proposed by Lines and Bag-
nall (2015) is an ensemble of nearest neighbor classifiers with 11 different time series
similarity measures; (2) Bag-of-SFA-Symbols (BOSS) published in Schäfer (2015)
forms a discriminative bag of words by discretizing the time series using a Discrete
Fourier Transform and then building a nearest neighbor classifier with a bespoke dis-
tance measure; (3) Shapelet Transform (ST) developed by Hills et al. (2014) extracts
discriminative subsequences (shapelets) and builds a new representation of the time
series that is fed to an ensemble of 8 classifiers; (4) Collective of Transformation-based
Ensembles (COTE) proposed by Bagnall et al. (2017) is basically a weighted ensemble
of 35 TSC algorithms including EE and ST. We also include the Hierarchical Vote Col-
lective of Transformation-Based Ensembles (HIVE-COTE) proposed by Lines et al.
(2018) which improves significantly COTE’s performance by leveraging a hierarchical
voting system as well as adding two new classifiers and two additional transformation
domains. In addition to these five state-of-the-art classifiers, we have included the
classic nearest neighbor coupled with DTW and a warping window (WW) set through
cross-validation on the training set (denoted by NN-DTW-WW), since it is still one
of the most popular methods for classifying time series data (Bagnall et al. 2017).
Finally, we added a recent approach named Proximity Forest (PF) which is similar
to Random Forest but replaces the attribute based splitting criteria by a random simi-
larity measure chosen out of EE’s elastic distances (Lucas et al. 2018). Note that we
did not implement any of the non-deep TSC algorithms. We used the results provided
by Bagnall et al. (2017) and the other corresponding papers to construct the critical
difference diagram in Fig. 8.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Fig. 8 Critical difference diagram showing pairwise statistical difference comparison of state-of-the-art
classifiers on the univariate UCR/UEA time series classification archive

Figure 8 shows the critical difference diagram over the UEA benchmark with
ResNet added to the pool of six classifiers. As we have previously mentioned, the
state-of-the-art classifiers are compared to ResNet’s median accuracy over the test set.
Nevertheless, we generated the ten different average ranks for each iteration of ResNet
and observed that the ranking of the compared classifiers is stable for the ten differ-
ent random initializations of ResNet. The statistical test failed to find any significant
difference between COTE/HIVE-COTE and ResNet which is the only TSC algorithm
that was able to reach similar performance to COTE. Note that for the ten different
random initializations of ResNet, the pairwise statistical test always failed to find
any significance between ResNet and COTE/HIVE-COTE. PF, ST, BOSS and ResNet
showed similar performances according to the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, but the fact
that ResNet is not significantly different than COTE suggests that more datasets would
give a better insight into these performances (Demšar 2006). NN-DTW-WW and EE
showed the lowest average rank suggesting that these methods are no longer com-
petitive with current state-of-the-art algorithms for TSC. It is worthwhile noting that
cliques formed by the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with Holm’s alpha correction do
not necessary reflect the rank order (Lines et al. 2018). For example, if we have three
classifiers (C1 , C2 , C3 ) with average ranks (C1 > C2 > C3 ), one can still encounter a
case where C1 is not significantly worse than C2 and C3 with C2 and C3 being signif-
icantly different. In our experiments, when comparing to state-of-the-art algorithms,
we have encountered this problem with (ResNet > COTE > HIVE-COTE). Therefore
we should emphasize that HIVE-COTE and COTE are significantly different when
performing the pairwise statistical test.
Although HIVE-COTE is still the most accurate classifier (when evaluated on the
UCR/UEA archive) its use in a real data mining application is limited due to its huge
training time complexity which is O(N 2 · T 4 ) corresponding to the training time of
one of its individual classifiers ST. However, we should note that the recent work
of Bostrom and Bagnall (2015) showed that it is possible to use a random sampling
approach to decrease significantly the running time of ST (HIVE-COTE’s choke-point)
without any loss of accuracy. On the other hand, DNNs offer this type of scalability evi-
denced by its revolution in the field of computer vision when applied to images, which
are thousand times larger than time series data (Russakovsky et al. 2015). In addition to
the huge training time, HIVE-COTE’s classification time is bounded by a linear scan
of the training set due to employing a nearest neighbor classifier, whereas the trivial
GPU parallelization of DNNs provides instant classification. Finally we should note
that unlike HIVE-COTE, ResNet’s hyperparameters were not tuned for each dataset
but rather the same architecture was used for the whole benchmark suggesting fur-
ther investigation of these hyperparameters should improve DNNs’ accuracy for TSC.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

These results should give an insight of deep learning for TSC therefore encouraging
researchers to consider the DNNs as robust real time classifiers for time series data.

5.2.1 The need of a fair comparison

In this section, we highlight the fairness of the comparison to other machine learning
TSC algorithms. Since we did not train nor test any of the state-of-the-art non deep
learning algorithms, it is possible that we allowed much more training time for the
described DNNs. For example, for a lazy machine learning algorithm such as NN-
DTW, training time is zero when allowing maximum warping whereas it has been
shown that judicially setting the warping window (Dau et al. 2017) can lead to a
significant increase in accuracy. Therefore, we believe that allowing a much more
thorough search of DTW’s warping window would lead to a fairer comparison between
deep learning approaches and other state-of-the-art TSC algorithms. In addition to
cross-validating NN-DTW’s hyper-parameters, we can imagine spending more time
on data pre-processing and cleansing (e.g. smoothing the input time series) in order
to improve the accuracy of NN-DTW (Höppner 2016; Dau et al. 2018). Ultimately, in
order to obtain a fair comparison between deep learning and current state-of-the-art
algorithms for TSC, we think that the time spent on optimizing a network’s weights
should be also spent on optimizing non deep learning based classifiers especially
lazy learning algorithms such as the K nearest neighbor coupled with any similarity

5.3 Results for multivariate time series

We provide on our companion repository2 the detailed performance of the nine deep
learning classifiers for 10 different random initializations over the 12 MTS clas-
sification datasets (Baydogan 2015). Although Time-CNN and MCDCNN are the
only architectures originally proposed for MTS data, they were outperformed by the
three deep CNNs (ResNet, FCN and Encoder), which shows the superiority of these
approaches on the MTS classification task. The corresponding critical difference dia-
gram is depicted in Fig. 9, where the statistical test failed to find any significant
difference between the nine classifiers which is mainly due to the small number of
datasets compared to their univariate counterpart. Therefore, we illustrated in Fig. 10
the critical difference diagram when both archives are combined (evaluation on 97
datasets in total). At first glance, we can notice that when adding the MTS datasets
to the evaluation, the critical difference diagram in Fig. 10 is not significantly differ-
ent than the one in Fig. 7 (where only the univariate UCR/UEA archive was taken
into consideration). This is probably due to the fact that the algorithms’ performance
over the 12 MTS datasets is negligible to a certain degree when compared to the per-
formance over the 85 univariate datasets. These observations reinforces the need to
have an equally large MTS classification archive in order to evaluate hybrid univari-
ate/multivariate time series classifiers. The rest of the analysis is dedicated to studying
the effect of the datasets’ characteristics on the algorithms’ performance.
2 www.github.com/hfawaz/dl-4-tsc.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

t-LeNet FCN
MCDCNN Encoder

Fig. 9 Critical difference diagram showing pairwise statistical difference comparison of nine deep learning
classifiers on the multivariate time series classification archive

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

t-LeNet ResNet
MCDCNN Encoder

Fig. 10 Critical difference diagram showing pairwise statistical difference comparison of nine deep learning
classifiers on both univariate and multivariate time series classification archives

Table 4 Deep learning algorithms’ performance grouped by themes. Each entry is the percentage of dataset
themes an algorithm is most accurate for

Themes (#) MLP FCN ResNet Encoder MCNN t-LeNet MCDCNN Time-CNN TWIESN

DEVICE (6) 0.0 50.0 83.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ECG (7) 14.3 71.4 28.6 42.9 0.0 0.0 14.3 0.0 0.0
IMAGE (29) 6.9 34.5 48.3 10.3 0.0 0.0 6.9 10.3 0.0
MOTION (14) 14.3 28.6 71.4 21.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SENSOR (16) 6.2 37.5 75.0 31.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 0.0 12.5
SIMULATED (6) 0.0 33.3 100.0 33.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SPECTRO (7) 14.3 14.3 71.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.6 28.6
Bold indicates the best model

5.4 What can the dataset’s characteristics tell us about the best architecture?

The first dataset characteristic we have investigated is the problem’s domain. Table 4
shows the algorithms’ performance with respect to the dataset’s theme. These themes
were first defined in Bagnall et al. (2017). Again, we can clearly see the dominance
of ResNet as the best performing approach across different domains. One exception
is the electrocardiography (ECG) datasets (7 in total) where ResNet was drastically
beaten by the FCN model in 71.4% of ECG datasets. However, given the small sample
size (only 7 datasets), we cannot conclude that FCN will almost always outperform
the ResNet model for ECG datasets (Bagnall et al. 2017).
The second characteristic which we have studied is the time series length. Similar
to the findings for non deep learning models in Bagnall et al. (2017), the time series
length does not give information on deep learning approaches’ performance. Table 5
shows the average rank of each DNN over the univariate datasets grouped by the
datasets’ lengths. One might expect that the relatively short filters (3) might affect the
performance of ResNet and FCN since longer patterns cannot be captured by short

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Table 5 Deep learning algorithms’ average ranks grouped by the datasets’ length

Length MLP FCN ResNet Encoder MCNN t-LeNet MCDCNN Time-CNN TWIESN

< 81 5.43 3.36 2.43 2.79 8.21 8.0 3.07 3.64 5.5
81–250 4.16 1.63 1.79 3.42 7.89 8.32 5.26 4.47 5.53
251–450 3.91 2.73 1.64 3.32 8.05 8.36 6.0 4.68 4.91
451–700 4.85 2.69 1.92 3.85 7.08 7.08 5.62 4.92 4.31
701–1000 4.6 1.9 1.6 3.8 7.4 8.5 5.2 6.0 4.5
> 1000 3.29 2.71 1.43 3.43 7.29 8.43 4.86 5.71 6.0
Bold indicates the best model

Table 6 Deep learning algorithms’ average ranks grouped by the training sizes

Train size MLP FCN ResNet Encoder MCNN t-LeNet MCDCNN Time-CNN TWIESN

< 100 4.3 2.03 1.67 4.13 7.67 7.73 6.1 4.37 4.77
100–399 4.85 2.76 2.06 3.24 7.71 8.12 4.59 4.97 4.5
400–799 3.62 2.38 1.75 3.5 8.0 8.62 4.38 5.0 5.88
> 799 3.85 2.85 1.62 2.08 7.92 8.69 4.62 4.85 6.92
Bold indicates the best model

filters. However, since increasing the number of convolutional layers will increase
the path length viewed by the CNN model (Vaswani et al. 2017), ResNet and FCN
managed to outperform other approaches whose filter length is longer (21) such as
Encoder. For the recurrent TWIESN algorithm, we were expecting a poor accuracy for
very long time series since a recurrent model may “forget” a useful information present
in the early elements of a long time series. However, TWIESN did reach competitive
accuracies on several long time series datasets such as reaching a 96.8% accuracy on
Meat whose time series length is equal to 448. This would suggest that ESNs can solve
the vanishing gradient problem especially when learning from long time series.
A third important characteristic is the training size of datasets and how it affects a
DNN’s performance. Table 6 shows the average rank for each classifier grouped by the
train set’s size. Again, ResNet and FCN still dominate with not much of a difference.
However we found one very interesting dataset: DiatomSizeReduction. ResNet and
FCN achieved the worst accuracy (30%) on this dataset while Time-CNN reached the
best accuracy (95%). Interestingly, DiatomSizeReduction is the smallest datasets in
the UCR/UEA archive (with 16 training instances), which suggests that ResNet and
FCN are easily overfitting this dataset. This suggestion is also supported by the fact
that Time-CNN is the smallest model: it contains a very small number of parameters by
design with only 18 filters compared to the 512 filters of FCN. This simple architecture
of Time-CNN renders overfitting the dataset much harder. Therefore, we conclude that
the small number of filters in Time-CNN is the main reason behind its success on small
datasets, however this shallow architecture is unable to capture the variability in larger
time series datasets which is modeled efficiently by the FCN and ResNet architectures.
One final observation that is in agreement with the deep learning literature is that in
order to achieve high accuracies while training a DNN, a large training set is needed.
Figure 11 shows the effect of the training size on ResNet’s accuracy for the TwoPatterns

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.





0 25 50 75 100
amount of training data (%)
Fig. 11 ResNet’s accuracy variation with respect to the amount of training instances in the TwoPatterns

dataset: the accuracy increases significantly when adding more training instances until
it reaches 100% for 75% of the training data.
Finally, we should note that the number of classes in a dataset—although it yielded
some variability in the results for the recent TSC experimental study conducted by Bag-
nall et al. (2017)—did not show any significance when comparing the classifiers based
on this characteristic. In fact, most DNNs architectures, with the categorical cross-
entropy as their cost function, employ mainly the same classifier: softmax which is
basically designed for multi-class classification.
Overall, our results show that, on average, ResNet is the best architecture with FCN
and Encoder following as second and third respectively. ResNet performed very well
in general except for the ECG datasets where it was outperformed by FCN. MCNN
and t-LeNet, where time series were cropped into subsequences, were the worst on
average. We found small variance between the approaches that replace the GAP layer
with an FC dense layer (MCDCNN, CNN) which also showed similar performance
to TWIESN and MLP.

5.5 Effect of random initializations

The initialization of deep neural networks has received a significant amount of interest
from many researchers in the field (LeCun et al. 2015). These advancement have
contributed to a better understanding and initialization of deep learning models in
order to maximize the quality of non-optimal solutions found by the gradient descent
algorithm (Glorot and Bengio 2010). Nevertheless, we observed in our experiments,
that DNNs for TSC suffer from a significant decrease (increase) in accuracy when
initialized with bad (good) random weights. Therefore, we study in this section, how
random initializations can affect the performance of ResNet and FCN on the whole
benchmark in a best and worst case scenario.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

100 median

80 ResNet is
better here

FCN is
better here

0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 12 Accuracy of ResNet versus FCN over the UCR/UEA archive when three different aggregations are
taken: the minimum, median and maximum (Color figure online)

Figure 12 shows the accuracy plot of ResNet versus FCN on the 85 univari-
ate time series datasets when aggregated over the 10 random initializations using
three different functions: the minimum, median and maximum. When first observ-
ing Fig. 12 one can easily conclude that ResNet has a better performance than
FCN across most of the datasets regardless of the aggregation method. This is in
agreement with the critical difference diagram as well as the analysis conducted in
the previous subsections, where ResNet was shown to achieve higher performance
on most datasets with different characteristics. A deeper look into the minimum
aggregation (red points in Fig. 12) shows that FCN’s performance is less stable
compared to ResNet’s. In other words, the weight’s initial value can easily decrease
the accuracy of FCN whereas ResNet maintained a relatively high accuracy when
taking the worst initial weight values. This is also in agreement with the average
standard deviation of ResNet (1.48) which is less than FCN’s (1.70). These observa-
tions would encourage a practitioner to avoid using a complex deep learning model
since its accuracy may be unstable. Nevertheless we think that investigating differ-
ent weight initialization techniques such as leveraging the weights of a pre-trained
neural network would yield better and much more stable results (Ismail Fawaz et al.

6 Visualization

In this section, we start by investigating the use of Class Activation Map to provide
an interpretable feedback that highlights the reason for a certain decision taken by the
classifier. We then propose another visualization technique which is based on Multi-
Dimensional Scaling (Kruskal and Wish 1978) to understand the latent representation
that is learned by the DNNs.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

6.1 Class activation map

We investigate the use of Class Activation Map (CAM) which was first introduced
by Zhou et al. (2016) to highlight the parts of an image that contributed the most for
a given class identification. Wang et al. (2017b) later introduced a one-dimensional
CAM with an application to TSC. This method explains the classification of a certain
deep learning model by highlighting the subsequences that contributed the most to a
certain classification. Figures 13 and 14 show the results of applying CAM respectively
on GunPoint and Meat datasets. Note that employing the CAM is only possible for
the approaches with a GAP layer preceding the softmax classifier (Zhou et al. 2016).
Therefore, we only considered in this section the ResNet and FCN models, who also
achieved the best accuracies overall. Note that Wang et al. (2017b) was the only paper
to propose an interpretable analysis of TSC with a DNN. We should emphasize that this
is a very important research area which is usually neglected for the sake of improving
accuracy: only 2 out of the 9 approaches provided a method that explains the decision
taken by a deep learning model. In this section, we start by presenting the CAM method
from a mathematical point of view and follow it with two interesting case studies on
Meat and GunPoint datasets.
By employing a Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer, ResNet and FCN benefit from
the CAM method (Zhou et al. 2016), which makes it possible to identify which regions
of an input time series constitute the reason for a certain classification. Formally, let
A(t) be the result of the last convolutional layer which is an MTS with M variables.
Am (t) is the univariate time series for the variable m ∈ [1, M], which is in fact the
result of applying the mth filter. Now let wmc be the weight between the mth filter and

the output neuron of class c. Since a GAP layer is used then the input to the neuron of
class c (z c ) can be computed by the following equation:

zc = wm
Am (t) (10)
m t

The second sum constitutes the averaged time series over the whole time dimension
but with the denominator omitted for simplicity. The input z c can be also written by
the following equation: 
zc = wmc
Am (t) (11)
t m

Finally the Class Activation Map (C AMc ) that explains the classification as label c is
given in the following equation:

C AMc (t) = wm
Am (t) (12)

CAM is actually a univariate time series where each element (at time stamp t ∈ [1, T ])
is equal to the weighted sum of the M data points at t, with the weights being learned
by the neural network.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

red bump

blue plateau

(a) FCN on GunPoint: Class-1 (b) FCN on GunPoint: Class-2

red bump

blue plateau

(c) ResNet on GunPoint: Class-1 (d) ResNet on GunPoint: Class-2

Fig. 13 Highlighting with the Class Activation Map the contribution of each time series region for both
classes in GunPoint when using the FCN and ResNet classifiers. Red corresponds to high contribution and
blue to almost no contribution to the correct class identification (smoothed for visual clarity and best viewed
in color) (Color figure online)

6.1.1 GunPoint dataset

The GunPoint dataset was first introduced by Ratanamahatana and Keogh (2005) as
a TSC problem. This dataset involves one male and one female actor performing two
actions (Gun-Draw and Point) which makes it a binary classification problem. For
Gun-Draw (Class-1 in Fig. 13), the actors have first their hands by their sides, then
draw a replicate gun from hip-mounted holster, point it towards the target for one
second, then finally place the gun in the holster and their hands to their initial position.
Similarly to Gun-Draw, for Point (Class-2 in Fig. 13) the actors follow the same steps
but instead of pointing a gun they point their index finger. For each task, the centroid
of the actor’s right hands on both X and Y axes were tracked and seemed to be very
correlated, therefore the dataset contains only one univariate time series: the X -axis.
We chose to start by visualizing the CAM for GunPoint for three main reasons.
First, it is easy to visualize unlike other noisy datasets. Second, both FCN and ResNet
models achieved almost 100% accuracy on this dataset which will help us to verify if

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

both models are reaching the same decision for the same reasons. Finally, it contains
only two classes which allow us to analyze the data much more easily.
Figure 13 shows the CAM’s result when applied on each time series from both
classes in the training set while classifying using the FCN model (Fig. 13a, b) and
the ResNet model (Fig. 13c, d). At first glance, we can clearly see how both DNNs
are neglecting the plateau non-discriminative regions of the time series when taking
the classification decision. It is depicted by the blue flat parts of the time series which
indicates no contribution to the classifier’s decision. As for the highly discriminative
regions (the red and yellow regions) both models were able to select the same parts
of the time series which correspond to the points with high derivatives. Actually, the
first most distinctive part of class-1 discovered by both classifiers is almost the same:
the little red bump in the bottom left of Fig. 13a and c. Finally, another interesting
observation is the ability of CNNs to localize a given discriminative shape regardless
where it appears in the time series, which is evidence for CNNs’ capability of learning
time-invariant warped features.
An interesting observation would be to compare the discriminative regions iden-
tified by a deep learning model with the most discriminative shapelets extracted by
other shapelet-based approaches. This observation would also be backed up by the
mathematical proof provided by Cui et al. (2016), that showed how the learned filters
in a CNN can be considered a generic form of shapelets extracted by the learning
shapelets algorithm (Grabocka et al. 2014). Ye and Keogh (2011) identified that the
most important shapelet for the Gun/NoGun classification occurs when the actor’s arm
is lowered (about 120 on the horizontal axis in Fig. 13). Hills et al. (2014) introduced
a shapelet transformation based approach that discovered shapelets that are similar
to the ones identified by Ye and Keogh (2011). For ResNet and FCN, the part where
the actor lowers his/her arm (bottom right of Fig. 13) seems to be also identified
as potential discriminative regions for some time series. On the other hand, the part
where the actor raises his/her arm seems to be also a discriminative part of the data
which suggests that the deep learning algorithms are identifying more “shapelets”.
We should note that this observation cannot confirm which classifier extracted the
most discriminative subsequences especially because all algorithms achieved simi-
lar accuracy on GunPoint dataset. Perhaps a bigger dataset might provide a deeper
insight into the interpretability of these machine learning models. Finally, we stress
that the shapelet transformation classifier (Hills et al. 2014) is an ensemble approach,
which makes unclear how the shapelets affect the decision taken by the individual
classifiers whereas for an end-to-end deep learning model we can directly explain the
classification by using the Class Activation Map.

6.1.2 Meat dataset

Although the previous case study on GunPoint yielded interesting results in terms of
showing that both models are localizing meaningful features, it failed to show the
difference between the two most accurate deep learning classifiers: ResNet and FCN.
Therefore we decided to further analyze the CAM’s result for the two models on the
Meat dataset.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Meat is a food spectrograph dataset which are usually used in chemometrics to

classify food types, a task that has obvious applications in food safety and quality
assurance. There are three classes in this dataset: Chicken, Pork and Turkey corre-
sponding respectively to classes 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. 14. Al-Jowder et al. (1997) described
how the data is acquired from 60 independent samples using Fourier transform infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) sampling.
Similarly to GunPoint, this dataset is easy to visualize and does not contain very
noisy time series. In addition, with only three classes, the visualization is possible to
understand and analyze. Finally, unlike for the GunPoint dataset, the two approaches
ResNet and FCN reached significantly different results on Meat with respectively 97%
and 83% accuracy.
Figure 14 enables the comparison between FCN’s CAM (left) and ResNet’s CAM
(right). We first observe that ResNet is much more firm when it comes to highlighting
the regions. In other words, FCN’s CAM contains much more smoother regions with
cyan, green and yellow regions, whereas ResNet’s CAM contains more dark red and
blue subsequences showing that ResNet can filter out non-discriminative and discrim-
inative regions with a higher confidence than FCN, which probably explains why FCN
is less accurate than ResNet on this dataset. Another interesting observation is related
to the red subsequence highlighted by FCN’s CAM for class 2 and 3 at the bottom
right of Fig. 14c and e. By visually investigating this part of the time series, we clearly
see that it is a non-discriminative part since the time series of both classes exhibit this
bump. This subsequence is therefore filtered-out by the ResNet model which can be
seen by the blue color in the bottom right of Fig. 14d and f. These results suggest that
ResNet’s superiority over FCN is mainly due to the former’s ability to filter-out non-
distinctive regions of the time series. We attribute this ability to the main characteristic
of ResNet which is composed of the residual connections between the convolutional
blocks that enable the model to learn to skip unnecessary convolutions by dint of its
shortcut links (He et al. 2016).

6.2 Multi-dimensional scaling

We propose the use of Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) (Kruskal and Wish 1978)
with the objective to gain some insights on the spatial distribution of the input time
series belonging to different classes in the dataset. MDS uses a pairwise distance
matrix as input and aims at placing each object in a N-dimensional space such as
the between-object distances are preserved as well as possible. Using the Euclidean
Distance (ED) on a set of input time series belonging to the test set, it is then possible
to create a similarity matrix and apply MDS to display the set into a two dimensional
space. This straightforward approach supposes that the ED is able to strongly separate
the raw time series, which is usually not the case evident by the low accuracy of the
nearest neighbor when coupled with ED (Bagnall et al. 2017).
On the other hand, we propose to apply this MDS method to visualize the set of time
series with its latent representation learned by the network. Usually in a deep neural
network, we have several hidden layers and one can find several latent representation
of the dataset. But since we are aiming at visualizing the class specific latent space,

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

red region

(a) FCN On Meat: Class-1 (b) ResNet On Meat: Class-1

red region
by ResNet

(c) FCN On Meat: Class-2 (d) ResNet On Meat: Class-2

blue peak

(e) FCN On Meat: Class-3 (f) ResNet On Meat: Class-3

Fig. 14 Highlighting with the Class Activation Map the contribution of each time series region for the three
classes in Meat when using the FCN and ResNet classifiers. Red corresponds to high contribution and blue
to almost no contribution to the correct class identification (smoothed for visual clarity and best viewed in
color) (Color figure online)

we chose to use the last latent representation of a DNN (the one directly before the
softmax classifier), which is known to be a class specific layer (Yosinski et al. 2014).

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

We decided to apply this method only on ResNet and FCN for two reasons: (1) when
evaluated on the UCR/UEA archive they reached the highest ranks; (2) they both
employ a GAP layer before the softmax layer making the number of latent features
invariant to the time series length.
To better explain this process, for each input time series, the last convolution (for
ResNet and FCN) outputs a multivariate time series whose dimensions are equal to
the number of filters (128) in the last convolution, then the GAP layer averages the
latter 128-dimensional multivariate time series over the time dimension resulting in a
vector of 128 real values over which the ED is computed. As we worked with the ED,
we used metric MDS (Kruskal and Wish 1978) that minimizes a cost function called
Stress which is a residual sum of squares:

  2 1/2
i, j di j − x i − x j 
Str ess D (X 1 , . . . , X N ) =  2
i, j di j

where di j is the ED between the GAP vectors of time series X i and X j . Obviously, one
has to be careful about the interpretation of MDS output, as the data space is highly
simplified (each time series X i is represented as a single data point xi ).
Figure 15 shows three MDS plots for the GunPoint dataset using: (1) the raw
input time series (Fig. 15a); (2) the learned latent features from the GAP layer for
FCN (Fig. 15b); and (3) the learned latent features from the GAP layer for ResNet
(Fig. 15c). We can easily observe in Fig. 15a that when using the raw input data
and projecting it into a 2D space, the two classes are not linearly separable. On the
other hand, in both Figs. 15b and c, by applying MDS on the latent representation
learned by the network, one can easily separate the set of time series belonging to
the two classes. We note that both deep learning models (FCN and ResNet) managed
to project the data from GunPoint into a linearly separable space which explains
why both models performed equally very well on this dataset with almost 100%
Although the visualization of MDS on GunPoint yielded some interesting results,
it failed to pinpoint the difference between the two deep learning models FCN and
ResNet. Therefore we decided to analyze another dataset where the accuracy of both
models differed by almost 15%. Figure 16 shows three MDS plots for the Wine dataset
using: (1) the raw input time series (Fig. 16a); (2) the learned latent features from the
GAP layer for FCN (Fig. 16b); and (3) the learned latent features from the GAP layer
for ResNet (Fig. 16c). At first glimpse of Fig. 16, the reader can conclude that all
projections, even when using the learned representation, are not linearly separable
which is evident by the relatively low accuracy of both models FCN and ResNet
which is equal respectively to 58.7% and 74.4%. A thorough observation shows us
that the learned hidden representation of ResNet (Fig. 16c) separates the data from
both classes in a much clearer way than the FCN (Fig. 16b). In other words, FCN’s
learned representation has too many data points close to the decision boundary whereas
ResNet’s hidden features enables projecting data points further away from the decision
boundary. This observation could explain why ResNet achieves a better performance
than FCN on the Wine dataset.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

GunPoint - MDS - Raw


4 class-2

7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

(a) GunPoint-MDS-Raw

GunPoint - MDS - GAP - FCN GunPoint - MDS - GAP - ResNet

3 class-2


1 2 linearly
linearly separable
0 separable


2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

(b) GunPoint-MDS-GAP-FCN (c) GunPoint-MDS-GAP-ResNet

Fig. 15 Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) applied on GunPoint for: (top) the raw input time series; (bottom)
the learned features from the Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer for FCN (left) and ResNet (right)—(best
viewed in color). This figure shows how the ResNet and FCN are projecting the time series from a non-
linearly separable 2D space (when using the raw input), into a linearly separable 2D space (when using the
latent representation) (Color figure online)

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented the largest empirical study of DNNs for TSC. We described
the most recent successful deep learning approaches for TSC in many different domains
such as human activity recognition and sleep stage identification. Under a unified tax-
onomy, we explained how DNNs are separated into two main categories of generative
and discriminative models. We re-implemented nine recently published end-to-end
deep learning classifiers in a unique framework which we make publicly available
to the community. Our results show that end-to-end deep learning can achieve the
current state-of-the-art performance for TSC with architectures such as Fully Convo-
lutional Neural Networks and deep Residual Networks. Finally, we showed how the
black-box effect of deep models which renders them uninterpretable, can be mitigated
with a Class Activation Map visualization that highlights which parts of the input time
series, contributed the most to a certain class identification.

Deep learning for time series classification: a review

Wine - MDS - Raw





0.4 class-2

0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

(a) Wine-MDS-Raw

Wine - MDS - GAP - FCN Wine - MDS - GAP - ResNet

1.00 2

0.75 1
0.50 and hardly
0.25 non-linear
1 class-2 but easily
0.00 class-2 separable

0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

(b) Wine-MDS-GAP-FCN (c) Wine-MDS-GAP-ResNet

Fig. 16 Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) applied on Wine for: (top) the raw input time series; (bottom)
the learned features from the Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer for FCN (left) and ResNet (right)—(best
viewed in color). This figure shows how ResNet, unlike FCN, is able to project the data into an easily
separable space when using the learned features from the GAP layer (Color figure online)

Although we have conducted an extensive experimental evaluation, deep learning

for time series classification, unlike for computer vision and NLP tasks, still lacks a
thorough study of data augmentation (Ismail Fawaz et al. 2018a; Forestier et al. 2017)
and transfer learning (Ismail Fawaz et al. 2018c; Serrà et al. 2018). In addition, the
time series community would benefit from an extension of this empirical study that
compares in addition to accuracy, the training and testing time of these deep learning
models. Furthermore, we think that the effect of z-normalization (and other normal-
ization methods) on the learning capabilities of DNNs should also be thoroughly
explored. In our future work, we aim to investigate and answer the aforementioned
limitations by conducting more extensive experiments especially on multivariate time
series datasets. In order to achieve all of these goals, one important challenge for the
TSC community is to provide one large generic labeled dataset similar to the large
images database in computer vision such as ImageNet (Russakovsky et al. 2015) that
contains 1000 classes.

H. Ismail Fawaz et al.

In conclusion, with data mining repositories becoming more frequent, leveraging

deeper architectures that can learn automatically from annotated data in an end-to-end
fashion, makes deep learning a very enticing approach.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the creators and providers of the datasets: Hoang
Anh Dau, Anthony Bagnall, Kaveh Kamgar, Chin-Chia Michael Yeh, Yan Zhu, Shaghayegh Gharghabi,
Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana, Eamonn Keogh and Mustafa Baydogan. The authors would also like to
thank NVIDIA Corporation for the GPU Grant and the Mésocentre of Strasbourg for providing access to
the cluster. The authors would also like to thank François Petitjean and Charlotte Pelletier for the fruitful
discussions, their feedback and comments while writing this paper. This work was supported by the ANR
TIMES project (Grant ANR-17-CE23-0015) of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

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Hassan Ismail Fawaz1 · Germain Forestier1,2 · Jonathan Weber1 ·

Lhassane Idoumghar1 · Pierre-Alain Muller1

Germain Forestier
Jonathan Weber
Lhassane Idoumghar
Pierre-Alain Muller
1 IRIMAS, Université Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France
2 Faculty of IT, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


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