Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panel Specification
Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panel Specification
Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panel Specification
Approved by:
Chief Engineering and Projects Officer- Ali Abdulrahman Digital signature 20/08/2020
A A Al-Mohannadi verified
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Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panels Reference: GTL-64-04
Specification Classification: Public
Revision: 04
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1 Supporting Clauses ...................................................................................................................2
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................6
3 Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panels Specification .........................................................6
4 Roles and Responsibilities.......................................................................................................21
5 Authorisation............................................................................................................................22
6 Revisions .................................................................................................................................22
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1 Supporting Clauses
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 Purpose
This standard covers the minimum technical requirements for the engineering and design of the
Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panels for the ORYX GTL plant.
1.1.2 Applicability
1.2.1 Normative
International Codes:
Code/Standard Title of Document
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IEC 61000-4-4, 2012 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-4: Testing and
Edition 3.0 measurement techniques – Electrical fast transient/ burst immunity test
IEC 61000-4-5, 2014 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5: Testing and
Edition 3.0 measurement techniques – Surge immunity test - Edition 3.0
IEC 61000-4-6, 2013 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and
Edition 4.0 measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances,
induced by radio-frequency fields - Edition 4.0
ISA 18.1, 1979 Annunciator sequences and Specifications
(R 2004)
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
NFPA 496- 2017 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical
OSHA 29 CFR Air Contaminants
Reference Standards:
Reference document:
1.2.2 Informative
Should there be any conflict between this Technical Standard and the below codes/standards/
regulations/specifications and requirements, the more stringent shall apply. The User shall inform
ORYX GTL of any conflict:
This Technical Standard
Qatar statutory law and regulations
RLIC Regulations
ORYX GTL HSE Regulations
OSHA United States Occupational Safety & Health Administration Regulations
Approved technical exception/ deviation list (as applicable)
Amendments to National/ International codes and standards
National/ International codes and standards
Qatar Construction Specifications 2014
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1.3 Definitions
Item Definition
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2 Introduction
The items described in this specification are for housing process analysers and associated systems for
ORYX GTL plant. The housing may be analyser local panel or analyser shelter. The analyser shelter is
defined as an enclosed structure with controlled environment in which one or more analysers and
associated equipment are installed, with sufficient space to allow maintenance access to the analysers
with the door(s) closed.
3.1.1 General
The installation method required for individual analysers, shall be determined during detailed
engineering and shall be subject to OWNER approval.
Analyser shelter and local analyser panel shall be located providing good accessibility and safety for
maintenance. Analyser shelters shall not be located underneath process equipment or pipe racks and
shall be at least 7.5 metres from possible sources of toxic or flammable releases e.g. process pumps
and compressors.
Analyser shelter and panels shall not be located in any Zone 1 classified hazardous areas.
Recommendation of analyser VENDOR shall be considered for the site installation of the analyser
shelters, local analyser panels, field mounted sensors, sample transport lines and sample probes.
The location of analyser shelters/ local panels should be specifically based on the following
Minimum length of sample line between the sample take-off point and the analyser
Minimum transport time between sample take-off points and the analyser
Plot plan space availability
Ease of installation
Ease of accessibility for maintenance (cranes and equipment)
Availability of utilities vents and drain lines
Environmental conditions such as weather protection, heat, vibration and noise
Suitable (safe) position for the outlet of the sample vent manifold.
Suitable position for the inlet ducting opening of the forced ventilation system (toxic, flammable
gasses; steam vapors, etc., not be present under normal conditions).
Where an analyser is proposed for installation at an analyser local panel, then operation, maintenance,
ambient conditions and technical requirements for the analyser shall be considered into the design.
Details of analyser local panel requirements are contained within this specification. The design of
analyser local panels shall suitable for duty and in accordance with this specification.
Where the number or type of analysers justifies installation within a purpose built fully enclosed
analyser shelter, then the requirements for analyser shelters contained within this specification shall be
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Refer to specification GTL 64-05 for details of analyser sampling systems. Where required these shall
be located close to the associated analyser local panel or outside analyser shelter as appropriate.
Analyser electronics may be installed within the appropriate Instrument Equipment Room/ RIB with the
associated transducer/ sensor located in the field. The sensor cable length shall not exceed the
recommended length by VENDOR.
For this type of installation, it shall be ensured that the analyser operates correctly, can be sensibly
maintained, is suitably certified and protected for installation within the plant.
The instrument equipment room/ RIB mounted equipment shall follow the requirements of standard no.
GTL 64-06, with the field signals and any power supply feeds required suitably terminated within the
cabinet housing analyser electronics. The cabinet shall normally be fed from a single 120Vac UPS
supply. (If the analyser is used within a process control loop then a dual redundant 120Vac UPS feed
with automatic and bump less transfer shall be used.) All power supply and general cabinet faults shall
be alarmed via a potential free contact input to the DCS.
Process sampling shall not be conducted within the RIB/ Instrument Room, and process fluids shall
not enter the RIB/ Instrument Room for any reason.
Analyser systems shall be supplied as pre-assembled and pre-tested analyser shelters and panels in
order to ease installation, reduce field labour and provide greater assurance that accurate and reliable
process analytical signals are available for the control system with a minimum of on-site
commissioning. Entire shelter, control room mounted equipment and analyser local panels shall be
assembled and fully functionally tested as a complete system at the analyser shelter VENDOR’s
factory prior to shipment to site. The OWNER or representative shall witness analyser tests. Analyser
shelters may contain multiple analysers from different analyser VENDORs as required.
The analyser shelters and local analyser panels shall be designed to be installed upon a pre-prepared
site, requiring re-assembly of major modular components that require removal for shipping, e.g. SVAC
unit, sample conditioning system cabinets, roof overhangs, external connection of utilities, signal and
power cables, sample and return lines etc.
All connections for services, utilities etc. shall be on the outside of the analyser shelters.
Data from Analyser VENDOR shall be obtained to ensure all utilities required are suitably identified at
the analyser location and the analysers are designed for the utilities available.
Analysers shall be subjected to a factory acceptance test at the analyser VENDORs works, prior to
installation into the analyser shelter/local panel. Analyser shelters and analyser local panels shall be
subject to a full factory acceptance test.
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The equipment and design must be suitable for operation in the coastal salt laden environment of the
Arabian Gulf.
Specific environmental conditions are detailed in standard no. GTL-01-01.
Equipment located within air conditioned RIBs/ Instrument Equipment Rooms shall be designed to
operate at 50°C and 95% humidity under air conditioning failure.
Vortex coolers, as required, may be provided for standalone analysers, these shall be powered from
the plant air system. Standards
Equipment for use in potentially hazardous atmospheres shall be selected in accordance
with IEC 60079, and certified as per IECEx. ATEX or equivalent certificates are also
Where equipment is located outside hazardous certified areas then “safe area” equipment
may be used. Protection
The type of protection selected shall be as follows:
Zone 2- Type EEx N or EEx d where EEx N is not available
Combination of EEx N and EEx e components
Zone 1 - Type EEx d
Zone 0 - Type EEx ia Type 'p' equipment
Type 'p' equipment shall not be used where a viable alternative exists. Intrinsically Safe
IS equipment shall be used in Zone 1 and 2 areas where a viable alternative does not exist.
Where IS equipment is used, barriers shall be galvanic “active” type.
IS calculations shall be compiled for the worst case scenario for each type of IS loop. Each
installed IS loop shall not exceed the worst case scenario. Specifics for Analyser Shelters
Analyser shelters shall be ventilated with air drawn from a safe area and a positive
overpressure shall be maintained to prevent ingress of potentially flammable gases.
The amount of flammable material entering shelters shall be restricted to the small sample
flow required by the analysers and the flow of flammable carrier gases to the analysers.
To ensure maximum safety and operability, the following guidelines shall be adhered to, for
equipment located within analyser shelters:
i) Equipment to be certified suitable for Zone 1 (as applicable):
Electrical Power Distribution
Safety System, including gas detection
Analysers and associated controls designated “critical”
This will allow their safe, continued operation under abnormal or failure conditions, when
flammable materials may build up in the shelters atmosphere.
ii) Equipment to be suitable for Zone 2 (as applicable)
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Maintenance tools and configuration tools shall be supplied for all analysers as applicable. Including all
software licences and manuals as required.
All field instruments shall be protected to IP 65 as a minimum and be finished to the manufacturer’s
standard suitable for the environmental conditions.
All instruments shall be identified by a unique tag number. All instruments shall be tagged in the field
with a tag number and a service. Tags shall be laminated plastic-type with black lettering on white
Refer to General Instrumentation Specification, standard no. GTL 61-01 for details on instrument
signal levels and general requirements.
Generally analyser outputs to the DCS shall be isolated, fully floating 4-20mA signals, self-powered or
power from the DCS, and potential free contacts for status.
The use of communications links for large amounts of analyser data may be considered, subject to
OWNER approval.
The analyser equipment shall comply with IEC 61000-4, parts 2 to 6 as detailed in section 1.2. All analysers and major components within the analyser systems shall have the following
identifying information on a permanently fastened nameplate:
Identification number
Pressure rating of pressurised parts
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Page: 10 of 22 An overhead weather protection canopy shall be provided at each local analyser panel large
enough to provide protection for the equipment and technician during maintenance in
addition to providing protection against solar heating of the interior of the panel. Depending on the dimensions, local panels shall either be mounted on a framework so that
the centre line of the cabinet is between 1.25 and 1.75 metres from grade, or be free
standing. Free standing cabinets shall be bolted directly to appropriate foundations and have
full length access door(s). The panel, support framework and canopy shall be constructed from unpainted type 316
stainless steel. All fittings e.g. hinges, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, supports etc. and components in contact
with the atmosphere shall be stainless steel. Key locks are not required. The door shall have
a fixed open position, or be lift off type. Adequate lighting (minimum 500 Lux) for full maintenance within the panel shall be provided
local to the cabinet installation under the canopy. This lighting shall be powered from the
electrical utility circuit (permanently available supply) and not from the instrument supply. Instrument supplies shall be powered from the 120Vac Instrument UPS supply. Local power isolation switches/ fuses or circuit breakers shall be mounted outside the panel
for the incoming power supplies. All power and signal cables shall terminate in junction/ termination boxes located outside the
panel. Where utilities are required at a local panel, the utility installation shall comply with the
requirements of Section 3.4.4.
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Page: 11 of 22 Where gas cylinders are required at a local panel for validation/ calibration gases or as a
reference gas/ utility, these shall be mounted at grade, clamped to the panel framework or
exterior of the cabinet in bottle racks and located to allow easy removal and replacement.
Connections to the cylinders shall be via flexible armoured stainless steel tubing to facilitate
removal/ replacement. Two stage pressure reducing stations with pressure gauges for each
gas cylinder shall be provided. The positioning of any local analyser panel requiring gas cylinders shall ensure that a
minimum distance of 7.5 m is maintained from any process pumps/ compressors or any
other hazardous process equipment. A stainless steel tag plate giving the analyser tag number and service shall be fitted to the
outside of the panel. Unless agreed with the OWNER otherwise, the analyser and all electrical equipment located
at a analyser local panel must be certified for use in specified hazardous area for the
appropriate gas group and surface temperature rating. A thermostatically controlled vortex tube air cooler shall be supplied at each local analyser
panel to maintain the internal temperature at a maximum of 30oC, as appropriate. All vortex
coolers shall be powered from plant air and not instrument air. Cooling failure shall be
alarmed in the DCS.
3.4 Analyser Shelter Design
Analyser shelter layout and design shall be developed with inputs the analyser VENDOR. Layout and
location of analyser shelters shall be subject to OWNER approval.
The following items shall be taken into consideration in the sizing and layout of the shelters: Consideration shall be given to maximising access to equipment for maintenance purposes. The centre line of equipment mounted on the shelter walls shall be between 1.25 and 1.75
metres from the floor. If groups of smaller enclosure or analysers are to be mounted one above the other, then the
centre line should be considered to be the mid-point between the two horizontal rows. A trolley complete with built in draw and bottom shelf shall be provided in the shelter,
suitable to accommodate a recorder and printer, where required. A portable manually operated CO2 fire extinguisher shall be mounted on the inside of the
main entrance door of each shelter. A suitably sized workbench of steel construction shall be provided inside the shelter. A sink and eyewash facility shall be included where required.
It is often prudent to anticipate expansion by allowing space for additional analysers.
The following requirements shall be met in the design and construction of the analyser shelters: Foundation Work
A concrete pad will be provided for each analyser shelter. The perimeter of the concrete pad
shall extend sufficiently to allow personnel access to equipment mounted on the outside
Ancillary equipment such as Sample Recovery Units, Validation Vessels and Validation gas
bottle racks shall be mounted on concrete at grade adjacent to the analyser shelter.
Foundations, utilities and other facilities shall be provided at the analyser shelter location as
required by the analyser design and considering the requirements the analyser VENDOR.
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Page: 13 of 22 The SVAC must be supplied as a complete system with the analyser shelter, the air
conditioning sub-vendor must have proven support and service facilities local to Qatar. The
SVAC sub-vendor shall be in accordance with the approved VENDORs list. Each SVAC system shall be a frame mounted package unit located adjacent to the shelter.
The controls for the SVAC unit should be mounted on the external of the shelter wall.
Note: The SVAC unit may alternatively be mounted on the shelter roof subject to OWNER
approval. In this case a permanent access ladder, walkway and hand rails shall be provided. Each shelter shall be forced draft (positive pressure) ventilated by two independent air fan
systems. Ventilation shall be continuous and provide both fresh air makeup and recirculation
of inside air. Each fan shall be sized to supply at least eight (8) fresh air changes per hour
within the shelter and maintain a positive overpressure of at least 2.5-5 mm WG. The
number of air changes per hour shall be increased if necessary to dilute the worst case
hydrocarbon leak to less than 25% LEL in the event of a complete failure of any single line
carrying flammable materials.
Only one fan will be in operation at any one time but each fan will be capable of continuous
operation. A switch on the SVAC system control panel will enable either fan to be selected
as the normal duty fan. Failure of the selected duty fan shall automatically start the other fan
and provide an input to the common “shelter trouble” alarm. An easily removable dust filter
shall be provided for each fan. Each fan motor and compressor motor shall have its own main power switch and manual
remote/ start/ stop switch located close to the motor which will override the automatic
facilities when switched out of the remote position. This will be in addition to the main power
isolation switch for the SVAC unit at the 3-phase distribution board. Ventilation fans shall
have direct drive motors. No belt driven fans shall be allowed. Facilities shall be provided in the SVAC system to prevent cross flow through the fan that is
not in operation and such that the system may operate with one fan removed for
maintenance. A single fresh air intake duct shall be provided for the SVAC system which will
obtain air from an electrically unclassified (safe) location. This will be a point that is at least
7.5 metres from any equipment containing hydrocarbons or other flammable or toxic
vapours. The air intake ducting shall be galvanised steel or GRP and insulated to prevent
heating by solar radiation. A low ventilation air flow switch shall be provided across each fan set to alarm at 80 percent
of normal flow. This may be achieved by a thermal switch in the air flow. The switch shall
automatically start the back-up fan and provide a local “fan failure” alarm and not provide an
input to the common “shelter trouble” alarm. The flow switch for non-duty fan shall be
inhibited until it is automatically started. The back-up fan shall also be automatically started
on 20% LEL detection or toxic gas detection in the shelter. In this case both fans shall
remain running until manually reset.
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Page: 14 of 22 A separate pressure switch shall be installed to provide a “loss of shelter pressurisation”
alarm. This shall nominally be set at 2.5 mm WG. A time delay of approximately 90 seconds
shall be provided for this alarm to allow the standby fan to cut in and to allow personnel to
enter and exit the shelter without causing spurious alarms. A local “loss of shelter
pressurisation” shall be initiated and an input provided to the “shelter in hazardous condition”
alarm. Air release from the shelter shall be by weighted baromatics louvers located only at the top
and bottom of the shelter walls. The louvers shall be designed to maintain an over pressure
of 5 mm WG within the shelter and shall be manually adjustable to allow for changing
conditions. Each louver shall be protected externally against accidental damage and be
provided within a cover to prevent sand etc. from entering the shelter. The number and
location of vents shall be subject to approval by the OWNER. A magnehelic indicator shall
be installed inside the shelter to provide a visual indication of over pressure. The SVAC system should provide an even distribution of air throughout the shelter to
prevent uneven cooling or a localised build-up of hazardous vapours. This should be
achieved by using diffusers or ducting inside the shelter, unless it can be demonstrated that
even distribution can be achieved without these diffusers and ducting. The noise generated by the SVAC system within the shelter shall be less than 70 dBA
measured 1 metre from the exhaust grill at a height of approximately 1.75 metres. The noise
levels 1 metre from the SVAC system outside the shelter shall not exceed 85 dBA. The capacity of the air conditioning (cooling) system shall be sufficient to maintain the
temperature within the shelter to 23oC ± 2oC with the ambient conditions. The analyser
VENDOR shall provide calculations to demonstrate that the SVAC system has sufficient
cooling capacity. The system shall be fully self-contained and automatic. The temperature
control limits may be relaxed if major savings can be demonstrated, this is subject to
OWNER’s approval. Cooling shall be provided by means of an air cooled mechanical refrigeration unit. This shall
also dehumidify the air to prevent condensation within the analyser shelter, and to maintain
the relative humidity within the analyser shelter to 70% or less. The vibration measured at any component of the SVAC system (compressor, motor, fan etc.)
must not exceed 7.5 min/sec. NFPA 496 and applicable OSHA requirements shall be referred for ventilation requirements. Connect SVAC condensate drain line to the condensate drain header/ sewer. Condensate
should not allow to drain freely on concrete pad.
3.4.4 Utilities During detailed engineering, the design of utilities required for correct operation of the
analyser systems shall be developed in conjunction with the analyser VENDOR. The utilities and drain return headers (1 inch minimum size) shall run along the entire length
of the longitudinal shelter walls. The headers should be run either inside or outside the
shelters as most appropriate. Each utility header shall have a primary shut-off valve, accessible from grade, located
upstream of any user connections. The primary shut-off valve shall be outside the shelter.
All pressurised headers shall be fitted with a pressure gauge. The incoming headers for
instrument air, plant air, plant nitrogen and fresh (potable) water (as required) shall have
filters upstream of any users. The steam header shall have a Y-strainer and blow down
valve. Dual filters and dual driers (mounted downstream of the filters) shall be supplied for
the instrument air header to permit change over without shutting services down. The filters
for the instrument air headers and the filter/ regulators for each individual instrument air user
shall have automatic drains. All headers downstream of inlet filters shall generally be constructed of 316 stainless steel
piping. Materials for headers shall be designed to be compatible with the fluids contained
e.g. Cooling water supply and return headers, may be CS pipe sch 80.
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Page: 15 of 22 Each user connection to a supply or return header shall have an individual isolation ball
valve except for connections to atmospheric headers. These isolation valves shall be
accessible from grade. The individual isolation valves for all supply and return headers shall
be stainless steel. The isolation ball valves for safety relief connections shall be lockable in
both positions. Utilities (including instrument air) and services downstream of the individual
isolation valves shall be distributed throughout the shelter via suitable stainless steel tubing
or pipe as a minimum, suitable materials shall be used if stainless steel is not compatible
with the fluid. PVC covered copper tubing must not be used. Each header shall be provided with all valves necessary for the current analysers plus at
least two extra plugged inlets/ outlets in the region of the spare space inside and outside the
shelter. All headers shall sloped to a low point and include a knock out pot and drain valve. All low
point drains shall be connected to the atmospheric drain header. When required at a shelter, provision shall be made for installing gas cylinders at grade,
alongside the concrete pad. The cylinders shall be clamped in bottle racks. The cylinders
shall be located to allow easy disconnecting and removal. Connections to all gas cylinders/ bottles shall be via flexible stainless steel tubing to facilitate
their removal and replacement. The dual pressure reducing stations with pressure gauges
and change over facilities for all validation gas cylinders at the shelter shall be provided. All validation vessels containing liquid sample shall have a connection from the shelter
nitrogen header or nitrogen cylinder as appropriate. The standard Gas cylinders/ cylinder banks as required for the analysers shall be supplied
such that a minimum of 3 months normal operation should be achieved from the installed
cylinders. A quick connector to the instrument air header complete with regulator, filters and lubricator
shall be provided in each analyser shelter. Low pressure switches shall be installed on the main instrument air header, plant air header,
plant nitrogen header, carrier gas header and detector fuel gas header, as appropriate,
which shall input to the shelter ‘common trouble alarm’. When steam is required for heating remote analyser equipment, each user shall an individual
supply with Isolation valve and trap. All utility piping shall be according to piping specification. The analysers and associated equipment shall be designed and assembled to minimise the
exposure of personnel to hazard. Suitable signs shall be provided to warn personnel of potential hazards (e.g. sources of high
temperature, pressure or voltage). Protective guards shall be installed over sources of high temperature or voltage. High pressure sources shall not be located in areas of normal occupancy. In general, high
pressure sources shall be located outside analyser shelters. The quantity of hazardous samples (toxic or flammable) entering analyser shelters shall be
minimised. Consideration shall be given to mounting Gas Chromatographs liquid sample
valves inside the ovens, with purge air being vented outside the analyser shelter. Pockets or void spaces where hazardous gas could accumulate shall be eliminated. Sampling systems containing highly toxic or flammable components shall include facilities for
purging with an inert gas prior to maintenance of sampling system components. Sampling systems and analysers containing toxic or odorous samples shall be installed in
enclosures and purged with instrument air. The effluent air from these enclosures shall be
connected to a separate atmospheric vent system and routed outside the analyser shelter.
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Page: 16 of 22 For samples containing Toxic or Carcinogenic materials, such as Benzene, then the manual
sampling device must be of special design, such as Dopak, Prise Masson system 1000,
system 2000 or equivalent.
3.4.6 Electrical Each shelter shall have an electrical grounding system in line with Instrument Earthing
Philosophy Drawing no. QGTL1-INS-63-00001. All analyser chassis and electrical enclosure
chassis shall be connected to the shelter ground. A copper ground bar shall run around the
shelter interior. Each shelter shall be furnished with an Intrinsically Safe (I.S.) earthing system if required.
The I.S. earth shall be fully insulated from the electrical ground system. Power distribution panels shall be provided in each shelter. All switches and distribution
boards shall be certified suitable for the hazardous area classification. The primary isolation
switch for each type of power supply shall be mounted on the external shelter wall. Three
separate power distribution boards are required:
Motor and Electrical General Utilities
This shall be a 3 phase 4 wire, 415 VAC, 50 Hz supply. The distribution board shall be
mounted outside the shelter.
General Purpose Power Supply
This will be a 240 VAC, 50 Hz power supply derived from a single phase of the 415
VAC, 3 phase general supply. It will be used to feed shelter single phase users and the
shelter lighting. The distribution board shall be mounted inside the shelter and the loads
shall be divided evenly across the phases of the 415 VAC supply.
UPS Power Supply
This will be a 120VAC, 50 Hz secure supply. It will be used to power the analysers, the
area gas detectors, and the shelter safety and alarm system, as required. The
distribution board shall be inside the shelter. This supply will be sourced from the
nearest RIB instrument UPS. Each power user shall have an individual automatic circuit breaker (or switch/ fuse) at the
distribution board. Circuit breakers shall be provided at each distribution board to cover all
the analysers plus another three spare breakers. All motors including ventilation fans, fast loop and sample recovery pumps shall have an
individual circuit breaker at the distribution board plus an individual on/off/remote power
switch mounted next to the motor to allow isolation for safe maintenance and local control.
Achieving motor isolation for maintenance through relays and pushbuttons is not acceptable. The shelter duty fan shall automatically restart after a power failure. Three pin grounded socket convenience outlets with appropriate hazardous certification shall
be provided in each shelter, as required, for connecting test equipment. The sockets will be
rated for 15 Amps and be equipped with ground fault. All power supply failures shall be alarmed at the shelter and included in the common
analyser shelter trouble alarm to the DCS.
3.4.7 Lighting Internal lighting in each analyser shelter shall provide an intensity of illumination of at least
500 LUX at working levels. Light switches shall be provided by each door. External lighting shall be provided under the longitudinal overhangs of each shelter and will
provide an intensity of illumination of at least 400 Lux at working levels. Light switches shall
be provided on each site on the external wall.
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Page: 17 of 22 All power and signal wiring and cabling shall be in accordance with Instrument Cable
Specification, standard no. GTL-63-02. SWA cabling shall be used for all external shelter
wiring and will terminate with certified cable glands. Conduit systems shall not be used. Signal and power cables shall be adequately separated to ensure integrity and prevent any
form of interference. All cabling inside each shelter shall be run in cable trays. The main cable trays running
around the shelter ceiling shall be mounted horizontally. Separate cable trays shall be
provided for signal and power cabling. Cable transits through the analyser shelter walls shall be provided separately for power and
signal cables.
For power cables, gas tight cable transits shall be provided below or above the power
distribution panels. These transits shall be single or double frame with a minimum of
10% spare entries fitted with rubber blocks.
For signal cables, gas tight cable transits with a minimum of 10% spare entries shall be
provided. Single or double frame transits may be used. Single layer terminal blocks/ connectors must be used for all wiring connections. Signal termination junction boxes shall be mounted on an external shelter wall. All terminals
and wires shall be identified. A minimum of 40% spare terminals shall be provided in each
junction box in addition to the terminals required for the future designated analysers. To
ensure proper levels of segregation, separate junction boxes shall be provided at each
shelter for the following, as required:
Analogue signal circuits (4-20 mA). All analyser signals for process variables will be 4-
20 mA, fully floating and isolated.
I.S. Analogue signals.
Digital status and alarm signals.
I.S. digital signals. Two flammable vapour (LEL) detectors shall be installed for every 15 m² or part thereof of
shelter floor at floor level and ceiling level in the vicinity of the ventilation air outlet louvers.
The alarm settings shall be 20% LEL calibrated on methane or hydrogen. The alarms and
actions detailed in Section 3.4.11 will be initiated on this level of LEL detection. The shelter LEL and toxic gas detectors shall be wired direct to the Plant Fire and Gas
system. The F&G system will then provide a shelter shutdown signal back to the analyser
shelter safety system. If other toxic gases are present in samples in hazardous levels then appropriate detectors
shall be installed in the shelter with alarms. Calibration kits and calibration gases for one year’s operation for the LEL detectors and gas
detectors shall be supplied with each shelter. Maintenance tools and configuration tools shall
be supplied for each type of detector as applicable. A low Oxygen (O2) detector shall also be provided in the shelter loop powered from the
control system, DCS.
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Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panels Reference: GTL-64-04
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Page: 18 of 22 The following common alarm signals shall be transmitted from each analyser shelter:
a. “Shelter in Hazardous Condition” Alarm
This will be an alarm in the DCS. It will be initiated by the following conditions, as
Loss of shelter pressurisation.
Flammable vapour (20% LEL) detection.
Gas detection inside the shelter.
Gas detection in local analyser cabinets and/or sample conditioning system
cabinets associated with the shelter.
Loss of ventilation flow.
b. “Common Shelter Trouble” Alarm
This will be an alarm in the DCS. It will be initiated by the following conditions, as
High shelter temperature (AC failure).
Power failure (each switchboard).
Air purge system failure (for purged enclosures).
Sample recovery system high or low level.
Sample flows low (fast loop).
Low instrument air header pressure.
Low plant nitrogen header pressure.
Low chromatograph carrier gas header pressure.
Low chromatograph detector fuel gas header pressure.
Analyser self diagnostic (malfunction) alarms.
Any other non-critical system alarms. An alarm annunciator shall be provided outside the shelter with alarm windows for every
individual alarm initiator detailed above. The alarms shall flash until acknowledged going to a
steady state and shall automatically reset when alarm conditions clear. Alarms annunciated shall be configured as auto-reset type in accordance with ISA S18.1
type ‘A’. A horn and beacon shall be provided outside the shelter, and a beacon shall be
located outside, above the main door of the shelter to alarm when the shelter is in hazardous
condition. Alarm/ Horn silence buttons shall be provided. Gas and fire alarming shall be
provided in accordance with Fire and Gas System Technical specification, standard no. GTL
62-04. Separate beacons shall be provided for gas alarms. All inputs to the alarm annunciator shall have an adjustable 0-60 second time delay to
minimise nuisance alarms. All alarm contacts shall be the Normally Open (NO) fail safe type with alarm condition as the
de-energised state. The alarm contacts for each alarm to the control room must be
completely independent and isolated from other alarm contacts. The actions below shall be initiated at the following alarm points:
a) 20% LEL Flammable Vapour Detection
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Shelter back-up fan shall automatically start and keep running until manually
Isolation of power to electrical convenience outlets, shelter recorder and
shelter printer until manually reset.
b) Toxic Gas Detection
Shelter back-up fan shall automatically start and keep running until manually
c) Shelter Pressurisation Failure (Failure of Both Fans)
Isolation of power to electrical convenience outlets until manually reset.
If pressurisation is not reinstated within one hour, then power to all process
analysers shall be isolated.
Wiring inside the panels shall comply to Control and Marshalling Cabinet Specification, standard no.
GTL-64-06, and Instrument Installation specification, standard no. GTL 64-01.
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The following table offers guidance on typical installations to be followed for various types of analyser.
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Analyser Shelters & Analyser Local Panels Reference: GTL-64-04
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Revision: 04
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5 Authorisation
The Projects Services Manager and Chief Engineering & Projects Officer have seen and approved this
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