Bio 416 - 0
Bio 416 - 0
Bio 416 - 0
This course guide provides you with what to expect in the course, how to
work through the course material as a distance learner saddled with the
responsibility of studying on your own, and your overall responsibilities and
expectations. Tutorial sessions are also linked up with the course to provide the
needed support you require.
To achieve the aims set out above, the course sets the overall objective.
In addition, each unit has specific objectives stated at the beginning of a unit.
Learners are advised to read them carefully before going through the unit. You
will have to refer to them during the course of your study to monitor your
progress. You are encouraged to always refer to the unit objectives after
completing a unit.
To complete this course, you are required to study through the units, the
recommended textbooks and other relevant materials. Each unit contains some
self assessment exercises and tutor-marked assignments that, you will be
required to submit. This will be followed by an end of term examination.
2. Study units
3. Textbooks
4. Assignment file
5. Presentation schedule
This course material is made up of two modules of four units. These are:
Module 1: Basics of industrial microbiology
Becton, Dickson and Co. (2005): Difco and BBL Manual. Manual of
Microbiological Culture Media. 1st Ed. of Franklin Lakes N.J.BD.
There are two aspects to the assessment of the course. These are the
Tutor-Marked Assignments and written examination. In tackling the
assignments, you are expected to apply information, knowledge and strategies
gathered during the course. The assignments must be turned in to your tutor for
formal assessment in accordance with the stated presentation schedules. The
works you submit to your tutor for assessment will count for 30% of your total
course work.
At the end of the course you will need to sit for a final written
examination of three hour’s duration. This examination will also count for 70%
of your total course mark.
The final examination of NSS 213 will be of 3 hours duration and have a
value of 60% of the total course grade. The examination will consist of
questions which have bearings with the attempted self-assessment exercises and
Tutor-Marked Assignments that you have previously encountered. Furthermore,
all areas of the course will be evaluated. Make sure you give enough time to
revise the entire course.
This table indicates the units, the number of weeks required to complete
the assignments.
Course Guide 1
In distance learning, the study units replace the university lecture. This is
one of the greatest advantages of distance learning. You can read and work
through specially designed study materials at your own pace, at time and place
that suit you best. Think of it as reading the lecture notes instead of listening to
a lecturer. In the same way that a lecturer might set you some reading task, the
study units tell you when to read your other material. Just as a lecturer might
give you an in-class exercise, your study units provide exercise for you to do at
appropriate points.
The following are Practical Strategies for Working through the Course:
Your tutor(s) will mark and comment on your assignments, keep a close
watch on your progress and any difficulties you might encounter and also
provide assistance to you during the course. Ensure that you submit your
assignments on schedule. You will get a feedback from your tutor(s) as soon as
possible to the assignments.
You do not understand any part of the study units or the assigned reading.
You have difficulty with the self test or exercises.
You have questions or problems with an assignment, tutor’s comments or
grading of an assignment.
You are encouraged to attend the tutorials to allow for face to face
contact with your tutor(s) and ask questions which you needed answers
immediately. It is also an opportunity to discuss any grey area with your
tutor(s). You can equally prepare questions to the tutorial classes for
meaningful interactions. You are sure to gain a lot from actively participating in
the discussion. BEST OF LUCK
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.3.1 Mutagenesis
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
Once a promising microorganism is found a variety of techniques can be used
for its improvement, including chemical mutagens, ultraviolet light, and
transposon mutagenesis. For example, the first cultures of penicillium notatum,
which could be grown only under stationary conditions, yielded low
concentration of penicillium.
Most yeast and molds are asexual or of a single mating type, which
decrease the chance of random mutation that would lead to strain degeneration.
Protoplast fusion can be used in genetic studies with the microorganism.
Protoplast cells lacking a cell wall – are prepared by growing the cells in an
isotonic solution while treating them with enzymes, including cellulose and
beta-galacturonidase. The protoplasts are then generated using osmotic
stabilizers such as sucrose. After regeneration of the cell wall, the need
protoplasm fusion product can be used in further studies.
Invitro evolution start with purified nucleic acids rather than a whole
organism, DNA templates (e.g. mutagenized version of genes whose product is
of interest) are transcribed in vitro by a phage RNA polymerase into RNA
molecules that are selected based on their capacity to perform a specific
function. The enzyme reverse transcriptase is then used to copy the selected
RNA molecules in DNA, which can be amplified by PCR after a number of
such cycles; a gene that might be of industrial importance will evolve.
Periodic transfer Variables of periodic transfer to new
media include transfer frequency, medium
used and holding temperature, this can
lead to increased mutation rates, and
production of variants.
Mineral oil slants A stock culture is grown on a slant and
covered with sterile mineral oil; the slant
can be stored at refrigerator temperature.
Minimal medium, distilled water Washed cultures are stored under
or water agar refrigeration; these cultures can be viable
for 3 – 5months or longer.
Freezing in growth media Not reliable; can result in damage to
microbial structures, with some
microorganisms however, this can be a
useful mean of culture maintenance.
Drying Cultures are dried on sterile soil (soil
stocks), on sterile filter paper disks, or in
gelatin drops; these can be stored in a
desiccators at refrigeration temperature, or
frozen to improve viability.
Freeze-drying (lyophilization) Water is removed by sublimation, in the
presence of a cryoprotective agent; sealing
in an ampoule can lead to long-term
viability, with 30years have been reported.
Ultra freezing Liquid nitrogen at -196oC is used, and
cultures of fastidious microorganisms have
been preserved for more than 15years.
In this unit we have learnt some introductory concepts that will help us to
understand industrial microbiology. These are sourcing for the microorganisms
of interest, modification and then their preservation. The first task of an
industrial microbiologist is to find a suitable microorganism that is of desired
quality and with the following characteristics genetically, stable, easy to
maintain, well suited for extraction or separation of desired products.
Microbial cultures are obtained from natural materials such as soil,
samples, water, spoiled food and fruits. The sourcing for new strains of
microbes with desired of character is known as bioprospecting.
1.0. Introduction
2.0. Objectives
3.0. Main content
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor marked assignment
Blood and other special nutrients may be added to general purpose media
to encourage the growth of fastidious microbes. These specially fortified media
(e.g. blood agar) are called enrichment media.
Media such as tryptic soy broth and tryptic soy agar are called general
purpose media because they sustain the growth of many microorganisms.
This media are those that distinguish among different groups of microbes
and ever permit tentative identification of microorganisms based on their
biological characteristics.
(i) It must produce the maximum yield of products or biomass per gram of
substrate used.
The streak plate techniques use an inoculating loop to spread cells across
an agar surface. The microbial mixture is transferred to the edge of an agar plate
with an inoculating loop or swab and then streaked out over the surface in one
of several patterns. After the first sector is streaked, the inoculating loop is
sterilized and inoculums for the second sector are obtained from the first sector
this is done for the other sectors. Eventually very few cells will be on the loop
and single cells will drop from it as it is rubbed along the agar surface.
Moist sterile soil may be inoculated with culture and incubated for
several days for some growth to occur and then allow to dry out at room
temperature for approximately two weeks. The dried soil may be stored in a
refrigerator. This technique has been used widely in fungal and actinomycetes
(3) Lyophilisation
Becton, Dickson and Co. (2005): Difco and BBL Manual. Manual of
Microbiological Culture Media. 1st Ed. of Franklin Lakes N.J.BD.
1.0. Introduction
2.0. Objectives
3.0. Main content
3.1 Mutation
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
Industrially-used microbes are unique and quite specific subset of all the
microbes available on earth whereas microbes isolated from nature exhibit cell
growth as their main physiological property, industrial microbes have been
selected carefully so that they manufacture one or more specific products. Even
the industrial microbe is one which had been isolated by traditional techniques.
It becomes a highly “modified” organism before it enters large scale industries.
To a great extent, industrial microbes are metabolic specialist capable of
producing specifically, and to high yield particular metabolites. In order to
achieve this, high metabolic specialization, industrial strains are genetically
altered by mutation or recombination.
(i) Sporulation
(iii) Hybridization
(a) Source of donor genetic material:- DNA containing the genetic code for
the property to be transferred into a bacterium from cells, or it may be
In this process, both the donor DNA and the agent into which the
fragment of the donor DNA is to be incorporated are treated with the same
endonuclease. The fragment can be connected by the addition of an enzyme
called DNA ligase.
• Contamination
• Genetic change
• And retain viability
1.0 .Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Drinks
3.1.3 Spirit
3.3.2 Probotics
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
The brewing process starts with the malting of the grain followed by
conversion of the malted grain to soluble extract which is fermented by yeast to
yield beer. The methods employed determine the quality and the type of beer
produced. Careful control must therefore be exercised at each stage of
production to produce a beer of acceptable standard.
This distinction is based on whether the yeast remains at the top of the
brew (top-fermented beer) or sediment to the bottom (bottom-fermented beer)
at end of fermentation.
Brewing yeast strains are of two major types. The top-fermenting and the
bottom fermenting yeast. The top fermenting yeast remains uniformly
distributed in the fermenting wort and are carried to the top by the CO2 gas
generated during fermentation whereas bottom yeast settle to the bottom. Top
yeasts are used in the brewing of ales and bottom yeasts are used to make lager.
The bottom yeasts are usually given the species designation Saccharomyces
carlbergensis and the top yeast are called Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The malting process thus provides sugar for the yeast from which it
obtains energy and amino acids for it’s growth. Malting involves 3 processes.
These are steeping, germination and kelming.
After kelming, the kelmed malt can then be grind in a mill in readiness
for marshing.
(2) Marshing:- This is the central process of brewing and consist of mixing
the malt with adjuncts at temperature which are optimum for the saccharomytic
and proteolytic enzymes present in the malt. The particular marshing procedure
employed is of optimus importance to the character of the resulting beer.
Marshing extracts, those materials from the malt and adjuncts which can
be solubilized under the particular conditions employed and the liquid resulting
from mashing is known as the wort. Marshing is influenced by various factors
such as temperature, time, concentration of malt, starch and protein.
(4) Lagering and ageing: - At the end of fermentation, the product is beer
and it has a harsh taste and referred to as ‘green beer’. In England, where ale or
top beer is consumed, the beer is not processed further but drawn at this stage. It
is however, primed to improve it’s taste and appearance. Priming is done by
small amount of sucrose, invert sugar or a mixture of cereal starch hydroxylase
and invests sugar caramel. Primary serves as substrate fro secondary
fermentation as well as beer sweetner.
(5) Bottling: - The filtered beer is pumped to the bottling hall for bottling.
Some breweries, the beer is carbonated to the extent of 0.45 – 0.50% by weight.
In some other breweries, no CO2 is added, it is the CO2 generated during
secondary fermentation that is used for carbonation.
The term wine refers to the alcoholic beverage made from the juice of
variety of fruits by the fermentative action of selected yeast adapted to the
particular type of wine followed by the ageing process. The term is frequently
used to demote the alcoholic beverage made from grape fruit. The yeast used in
the fermentation of grape wine is Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus
which have been selected over the years. There are two types of grape wine viz:
Red wine which are fermented with the skin (red, purple) which contain the
authocyanin pigment while white wine are produced from white grape or the
juice of other grapes fermented without their skin.
3.1.3 SPIRIT
The use of yeast as a leavening agent in baking dates back to the very
early history of the Jews, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. In modern baking
practice, pure cultures of selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are
mixed with bread dough to make about desire changes.
After the curd is formed, it is heated and pressed to remove the watery
part of the milk (called the whey), salted and then usually ripened. The cheese
curd can be packed for ripening with or without additional microorganisms. In
some cases, molds are used to further enhance cheese.
This product has achieved the status of a delicacy in many parts of the
western world. Another popular product is tempeh, a soybean mash fermented
by Rhizopus.
Beer and ale are produced from cereal and grains. The starches in this
substrate are grains. The starches in this substrate are hydrolyzed, in the process
of malting and mashing, to produce fermentable wort. Saccharomyces
cerevisisiae is major yeast used in the production of beer and ale.
Wines are produced from pressed grapes and can be dry or sweet
depending on the level of free sugar that remains at the end of alcoholic
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 .Main content
3.3. Antifoams
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
(1) The vessel must be capable of being operated aseptically for a number of
days and should be reliable in long term operations.
(2) Adequate aeration and agitation should be provided to meet the metabolic
requirements of microorganisms.
(8) The vessel should be designed to require the minimal use of labour in
operation cleaning, harvesting and maintenance.
(12) The vessel should be of similar geometry to both smaller and larger
vessels in the pilot plant to facilitate scale-up.
• Higher alcohol
• Silicones
• Natural esters
• Lard and vegetable oils, palm oil
• Fatty acids and derivatives
• Castor oil
Fermenter has much volume for a given surface area. Since gas transfer
and mixing depend more surfaces exposed than on fermenter volume. It is
obviously more difficult to mix the big can than the small flask. Oxygen
transfer is much more difficult to obtain in a large fermenter due to different
surface/volume ratio. Most commercial fermentations are aerobic; hence
effective O2 transfer is essential. With the rich culture media, used in industrial
processes, high biomass is obtained leading to high oxygen demand.
If aeration is reduced even for a short period, the culture may experience
partial anaerobiosis with serious consequences in terms of product yield & time.
If there are pockets within the large fermenter where mixing is less efficient,
microbial cell in such pockets will experience different environment conditions
than the ones in the bulk fluid. In laboratory flask, such pockets do not exist.
(1) Experiment in the laboratory flask which is generally the 1st indication
that a process of commercial interest is possible.
(3) The pilot plant stage usually carried out in equipment of 300 to 3000L
size. The conditions in this case closely approach a commercial scale. In the
pilot plant fermenter, careful instrumentation and computer control is
introduced so that in the lab fermenter can be obtained.
(1) Is a sufficient space available in the fermenter for the foam produced.
However this reduces the effective volume of the fermenter as well as the
additional changes of contamination. Foaming can also be
hindered/counteracted using chemical & mechanical measures.
(a) Chemical antifoam agents such as animal vegetable oil reduce the surface
tension of the broth and at the same time they reduce the solubility of oxygen
which in turn affects the aeration requirement. It may also make down stream
processing more difficult.
(2) To ensure that an inventor is not exploited without some reward to the
invention for his innovations
(1) Plant or animal varieties r essentially biological process for the production
of plants and animals.(other than microbial process, and their products.)
Principles and discoveries of a scientific invention for the purpose of this decree
patent are valid in Nigeria and some other countries for 20 years and 7 years in
USA.A wide range of microbiological inventions are generally indentified as
patentable. Such items includes vaccines, bacteria, insecticides, mycoherbicides
etc.Microbes parse are not patentable except when they are used as part of a
useful process.