Article Text 506345 1 10 20201214
Article Text 506345 1 10 20201214
Article Text 506345 1 10 20201214
Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23 (January, 2020); 147- 153
Research Article
Perception and Use of Herbal Medicines Among Clients Visiting
Selected Community Pharmacies in Ibadan, Nigeria
*Akande-Sholabi W.1, Iluyomade A.1, Ilesanmi O.S.2, and Adisa R.1
1Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
2Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Globally, there is an increasing trend in the use of herbal medicines. Despite, the benefit of its use, herbal medicines are not
completely harmless. This study aims to evaluate the perception and use of herbal medicines among clients who visited selected
community pharmacies in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among clients who patronized
the selected community pharmacies, using a self-administered questionnaire. Demographic information, as well as perception
and use of herbal medicines were evaluated. Data were summarized with descriptive statistics while K-W test was used for
ranked variables at P<0.05. The response rate was 90.7 %. Malaria 113 (58.9 %) was cited as the most common illness treated
with herbal medicines. A total of 232 (76.8 %) had score 50.0 % indicating “good” perception on the use of herbal medicine.
The level of education of the clients significantly influenced some of their perception towards herbal medicine. This include
statement such as herbs can cure all diseases (K-W p=0.011), combination of the conventional drugs and herbs have no side
effects (K-W p=0.002), and that side effect of synthetic drugs can be minimized with combination with herbs (K-W p=0.044).
Most of the respondents had good perception about herbal medicine use. However, it was notable that the level of education
significantly influenced the perception about the use of herbal medicines of some respondents. Public sensitization programme,
and health education about the safety of herbal medicines, may be a useful means of improving the use of herbal medicine and
reduce potential health risk.
Keywords: Herbal medicines, perception, pharmacies, Nigeria
*Author for correspondence: Email:, Tel: +2348168538093
Received: February, 2020; Accepted: April, 2020
Abstracted by:
Bioline International, African Journals online (AJOL), Index Copernicus, African Index Medicus (WHO), Excerpta medica
(EMBASE), CAB Abstracts, SCOPUS, Global Health Abstracts, Asian Science Index, Index Veterinarius
unlike the conventional orthodox medicines. In addition, the Adjusting for a 10 % non-response rate gave a target sample
formulation and sales are inadequately controlled. Hence, they population of approximately 333.
may constitute a potential health hazard for herbal medicine
users (Oshikoya, 2008). Although, the evidence of the efficacy Sampling and data collection procedure: The study was
of these medicines are scarce in the literature, its use is carried out in selected community pharmacies in Ibadan,
sometimes beneficial, and they are regularly purchased consisting of at least one pharmacy from each local
together with allopathic medicines in pharmacies (Fakeye et government area in Ibadan. Investigator visited the selected
al., 2007; Adisa et al., 2006). registered community pharmacy based on the Pharmacists
Globally, community pharmacies have been identified as Council of Nigeria (PCN) register for the year of study. There
major supplier of herbal medicines. Therefore, they, have an are 98 registered community pharmacies in the year 2016 in
essential role to play in the use of herbal medicines bought by the PCN register. Objectives and procedure of the study were
their clients especially since the medicines are commonly sold explained to the superintendent pharmacists in all the
as over-the-counter (OTC) medicines in many countries pharmacies visited, after which permission to interact with
(WHO, 2005). In addition, clients usually seek advice and clients who visited/patronize the pharmacy was obtained. A
information on medicines, including herbal medicines, from total of 22 community pharmacies eventually gave permission
pharmacists. for the conduct of the study in their premise. Subsequently,
In Nigeria, previous studies have been conducted on herbal clients who patronized the selected pharmacies for
medicine use among adults with various forms of chronic prescription refill or health-related complaints were
illnesses (Danesi et al., 1994; Amira et al., 2007; Ogbera et approached, while verbal informed consent was obtained,
al., 2010), pregnant women (Fakeye et al., 2009) and children after the purpose of the study was explained to client
with chronic illnesses (Oshikoya, 2008). However, the individually. Questionnaire administration to clients
perception and use of herbal medicines among the general continued at every day of the week, by allocating specific day
population needs to be continuously evaluated especially in of the week for pharmacies in the same axis, while focusing
Nigeria where people have unhindered access to herbal on the peak client patronage for each pharmacy. Consented
medicine use. This study was therefore aimed at evaluating the participants were consecutively enrolled in each pharmacy.
perception and use of herbal medicines among clients who Administration of questionnaire was done by the
visited selected community pharmacies in Ibadan metropolis, investigators. Participants were assured of their anonymity
Nigeria. and confidentiality of response. Each questionnaire took about
20 minutes to complete after which the questionnaire was
returned and checked for completeness by the investigators.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Measures were put in place to ensure that no client filled more
than one questionnaire. This was achieved by coding of each
Study area: This study was carried out in Ibadan. Ibadan is questionnaire administered to the client from each community
the capital city of Oyo State in the southwestern area of pharmacy to avoid duplication. Clients who did not
Nigeria. Oyo State has a landmass of 27, 249 square understand English were assisted by the investigator,
kilometers and is one of the 36 States in Nigeria. Oyo State however, back-translation was subsequently done to ensure
has a population of 5.6 million (NPC, 2006), while Ibadan response consistency. Average of 15 clients filled and
metropolis has a population of 3.6 million inhabitants and completed the questionnaire per consented community
Ibadan consists of 11 Local Government Areas (LGAs). The pharmacy.
first federal university teaching hospital in Nigeria is located
in Ibadan, while the State has a number of public and private Inclusion and exclusion criteria: All consenting clients aged
hospitals, as well as primary healthcare centres widely >18 years who visited the selected community pharmacies
distributed across the nooks and crannies of the State. Also, were included in the study. All clients younger than 18 years
registered community pharmacies and patent medicine and all non-consenting adults who visited the selected
vendors are abundant in Ibadan. community pharmacies were excluded.
Study population: Clients who visited selected community Data collection instrument : The main instrument used for
pharmacies in Ibadan, Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria. data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire developed
by the investigators following extensive review of relevant
Study design and setting : This was a cross-sectional survey studies (Oreagba et al., 2011; Pearson et al., 2018), as well as
among clients who visited selected community pharmacies in utilizing previous experience. The questionnaire consisted of
the Ibadan metropolis, between June and October 2016, using three sections. Section A captured demographic
a pre-tested questionnaire. characteristics and level of education. Section B contained
questions that evaluated the use of herbal medicines among
Sample size and sampling technique: Number of clients the clients. Section C contained 9-item questions with 5-points
who visited the community pharmacies monthly was obtained Likert scale response option ranging from strongly agree (5)
from the pharmacies as total average population of 1200 to strongly disagree (1) to explore and evaluate client’s
clients. Based on the estimated population at 95 % confidence perception towards the use of herbal medicine.
level and 5 % margin of error, a sample size of 300 was
obtained using Yamane sample size formula (Yamane, 1967).
148 Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23, No.2 (May) 2020 . Akande-Sholabi et al
Herbal medicine and clients in community pharmacies
149 Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23, No.2 (May) 2020 . Akande-Sholabi et al
Table 3:
Respondents’ perception on the use of herbal medicine in Ibadan, Nigeria (n=302)
Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly 50th
agree n (%) n (%) n (%) disagree percentile
n (%) n (%)
Herbal remedies are always natural 102 (33.8) 131 (43.4) 37 (12.3) 24 (7.9) 8 (2.6) 2
Herbal remedies are always safe 23 (7.6) 89 (29.5) 105 (34.8) 67 (22.2) 18 (6.0) 3
Herbs can cure all disease state 35 (11.6) 47 (15.6) 81 (26.8) 94 (31.1) 45 (14.9) 3
All drugs are originally from herbs 90 (29.8) 97 (32.1) 50 (16.6) 48 (15.9) 17 (5.6) 2
Herbs can aid the action of synthetic drugs 22 (7.3) 66 (21.9) 95 (31.5) 71 (23.5) 48 (15.9) 3
Herbs should be combined with synthetic drugs 21 (7.0) 45 (14.9) 66 (21.9) 88 (29.1) 82 (27.2) 4
Combination of the conventional drugs and herbs 26 (8.6) 66 (21.9) 73 (24.2) 66 (21.9) 71 (23.5) 3
improves health
Combination of the conventional drugs and herbs 22 (7.3) 35 (11.6) 74(24.5) 95 (31.5) 76 (25.2) 4
have no side effects
Side effect of synthetic drugs can be minimized with 20 (6.6) 34 (11.3) 85(28.1) 89 (29.5) 74 (24.5) 4
combination of herbs
Distribution of scores (%) Frequency (%) Remarks
<50% 70 23.2 Poor perception
≥50% 232 76.8 Good perception
Maximum obtainable score = 45; Strongly agree = 1, agree = 2, undecided = 3, disagree = 4, strongly disagree = 5.
Table 4:
Relationship between relevant socio-demographic characteristics of respondents’ perception and frequent use of herbs in Ibadan, Nigeria
Perception Frequent Use of Herb
Variable Good; n (%) Poor; n (%) Yes; n (%) No; n (%)
Age group
18-<30 38 (24.8) 115 (75.2) 46 (30.1) 107 (69.9)
30-39 13 (18.8) 56 (81.2) 27 (39.1) 42 (60.9)
40+ 12 (22.6) 41 (77.4) 21 (39.6) 32 (60.4)
[ x2 = 0.971 p = 0.615] [x2 = 2.601 p= 0.272]
Male 41(25.5) 120 (74.5) 61 (37.9) 100 (62.1)
Female 29 (20.6) 112 (79.4) 43 (30.5) 98 (69.5)
[ x2 = 1.013 p= 0.314] [x2 = 1.819 p = 0.177]
Yoruba 59 (23.1) 196 (76.9) 86 (33.7) 169 (66.3)
*Others 11(23.4) 36(76.6) 18 (38.3) 29 (61.7)
[ x2 = 0.002 p= 0.968] [x2 = 0.367 p = 0.544]
Student 30 (25.4) 88 (74.6) 37 (31.4) 81 (68.6)
Professional 20 (17.1) 97 (82.9) 36 (30.8) 81 (62.9)
Trader 12 (28.6) 30 (71.4) 19 (45.2) 23 (54.8)
Artisan 8 (32.0) 17 (68.0) 12 (48.0) 13 (52.0)
[ x2 = 4.545 p= 0.208] [x2 = 5.4 p= 0.145]
Level of education
No formal/Primary education 7(46.7) 8 (53.3) 9 (60.0) 6 (40.0)
Secondary education 14 (28.0) 36 (72.0) 23 (46.0) 27 (54.0)
Tertiary institution 49 (20.7) 188 (79.3) 72 (30.4) 165 (69.6)
[ x2 = 5.637** p = 0.018] [x2 = 9.03 p= 0.011]
*Igbo 31, Hausa 7, Urhobo 2, Ijaw 2, Itsekiri 2, Edo 2, Igala 1; **Linear by Linear association
About two-third 69 (66.3 %) of the clients inform their doctor believes herbal remedies are always safe and 187 (61.9 %)
or other health care provider before the use of herb, while 72 believed all drugs are originally from herbs. A total of 232
(69.2 %) reported to have experienced an adverse effect after (76.8 %) had score 50 % indicating “good” perception on
the use of herb. Most of the clients (62; 63.9 %) who use the the use of herbal medicine. The association between relevant
locally prepared herbs used the home-made preparation. demographic characteristics and respondent’s overall
Respondent perception on the use of herbal medicine is perception scores is shown in Table 4. Clients with no
shown in Table 3. Two-hundred and thirty-three (77.2 %) formal/primary education (8; 53.3 %) had significantly poor
reported herbal remedies are always natural, 112 (37.1 %) perception about herbal medicine usage compared with other
Herbal medicine and clients in community pharmacies
counterparts (X2=5.637, p=0.018). On the other hand, clients Table 5 shows that the level of education of the clients
with tertiary education (165; 69.6 %) significantly do not use significantly influenced their opinion on some perception
herbal medicines frequently when compared with their related statements towards herbal medicine use such as herbs
counterparts (X2=9.03 p=0.011). can cure all diseases (K-W p=0.011), combination of the
conventional drugs and herbs have no side effects (K-W
Table 5: p=0.002), and that side effect of synthetic drugs can be
Association between level of education and perception about use of minimized with combination with herbs (K-W p=0.044).
herbal medicine in Ibadan, Nigeria (n=302)
Statement Level N Mean K-W, DISCUSSION
Rank p-value
Herbal remedies are ≤Primary 15 142.37 0.039
always natural
Herbal medicines use is very common among general
Secondary 50 125.56** population in Nigeria (Oreagba et al., 2011). Various studies
in Nigeria have been conducted on herbal medicine among
Tertiary 237 157.55* adults with chronic illnesses (Danesi et al., 1994; Amira et al.,
Herbal remedies are ≤Primary 15 132.30 0.067 2007; Ogbera et al., 2010), pregnant women (Fakeye et al.,
always safe 2009), children with chronic illnesses (Oshikoya, 2008) and
Secondary 50 129.47** cancer (Ezeome et al., 2007). Only few studies have explicitly
Tertiary 237 157.36*
assessed herbal medicine use among general population
(Williamson et al., 1998; Bennett et al., 2000; Oreagba et al.,
Herbs can cure all ≤Primary 15 121.80** 0.011 2011). This study evaluated the perception and use of herbal
disease state medicines among clients who visited selected community
Secondary 50 124.05 pharmacies in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria.
Tertiary 237 159.17* In this study, herbal medicines were used for a variety of
All drugs are ≤Primary 15 126.10** 0.228 health conditions ranging from malaria to diarrhoea, typhoid
originally from herbs and so on (Table 2). Furthermore, malaria was the commonest
Secondary 50 139.46 illness for herbal medicine use in this study. This finding is
Tertiary 237 155.65* similar to previous studies in Nigeria (Adibe, 2009; Oreagba
Herbs can aid the ≤Primary 15 147.17** 0.944
et al., 2011). However, only 58.9 % of our respondents treated
action of synthetic malaria with herbal medicine compared with 20 % (Adibe,
drugs 2009) and 80 % (Oreagba et al., 2011) in the previous studies.
Secondary 50 148.75 The difference in the proportions of respondents using herbal
Tertiary 237 152.35* medicine to treat malaria in our studies as well as other studies
Herbs should be ≤Primary 15 112.10** 0.122
might be as a result of the differences in the perception of the
combined with herbal medicine users in the various parts of Nigeria. In
synthetic drugs addition, malaria is a major public health problem that may
Secondary 50 143.82 negatively affect many individuals in high malaria endemic
Tertiary 237 155.61* region, thus the look for alternative therapy to augment the
conventional orthrodox medicine. Of note, the upsurge of
Combination of the ≤Primary 15 133.50** 0.618
conventional drugs chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine resistant
and herbs improves malaria in the country might have influenced the use of herbal
health medicines by the respondents (Igboeli et al., 2010).
Secondary 50 146.87 The choice of using the pharmacy premise as a target site
Tertiary 237 153.62* for our respondents was corroborated by the fact that,
Combination of the ≤Primary 15 82.60** 0.002 substantial number of the respondents cited pharmacy
conventional drugs premises as the most common source of purchase for the
and herbs have no herbal medicine used. It is also noted in our study that about
side effects two-third of the clients claimed to inform their doctor or other
Secondary 50 139.56 health care providers before the use of herbs. The community
Tertiary 237 158.38* pharmacist role in the sale and use of herbal medicine cannot
Side effect of ≤Primary 15 102.20** 0.044 be underrated, as they play a significant role in counselling
synthetic drugs can and educating the clients about these products. Most herbal
be minimized with medicine users believe herbs are safe due to its natural
combination with sources. However, this may be misleading and therefore
necessitate the need for continuous enlightenment of the
Secondary 50 143.93
populace, that though herbal medicine is perceived to be safe,
Tertiary 237 156.22*
there is still need to be safety cautions. The fact that herbal
K-W: Kruskal-Wallis test medicine is produced from herbs which originated from
*Highest mean rank indicates those who least agreed to the corresponding natural products does not justify its safety (WHO, 2004).
**Lowest mean rank indicates those who mostly agreed to the Some of the respondents reported to have experienced an
corresponding statement adverse effect after the use of these products. This could be
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