Chapter I

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Teaching Practical Research 1 for Grade 11 Technological

Vocational Livelihood Home Economics Senior High Students

using Teacher Made Learning Material

A Research Paper Presented to the Research Department

Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and
Technology Graduate Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Graduate Studies


February 12, 2023


This chapter presents the different essential elements:

the introduction which contains the rationale; the
statement of the general and specific problems; the scope
and delimitation which identifies the major variables,
sub-variables, and the indicators; the significance of
the study which enumerates the beneficiaries of the study
and the corresponding benefits each will receive.

A. Background of the Study

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the potential

Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1. Is there a significant difference in teaching

Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to sex,
age, and first semester academic rating?
2. Is there a significant difference in teaching
Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to sex?
3. Is there a significant difference in teaching
Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to age?
4. Is there a significant difference in teaching
Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to first
semester academic rating?

C. Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference in teaching

Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to sex,
age, and first semester academic rating.
2. There is a significant difference in teaching
Practical Research 1 for Technical Vocational
Livelihood Home Economics Senior High students using
teacher made learning material according to sex,
age, and first semester academic rating.

D. Theoretical Framework

E. Conceptual Framework

F. Significance of the Study

Information generated from this research can provide

the respondents, the school heads of Barotac Nuevo
National Comprehensive High School, with insights on how
to enhance the teaching material through tailor-made
modules. The researcher can provide an in-depth and
personalized modules that cater to the interest of the

G. Scope and Limitation

The study will be focusing on the effectiveness of

the teacher-made modules, modules made by the teacher
designed to the level and interest of the learners, in
relation to the teaching strategies that will be employed
by the facilitator in Practical Research 1 on the
Technical Vocational Livelihood Home Economics Grade 11
Learners of Barotac Nuevo National Comprehensive
Highschool in Barotac Nuevo Iloilo for the school year
2023 to 2024.

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