Tender Offer
Tender Offer
Tender Offer
Means publicly announced intention by a Exemptions from the Mandatory Tender Offer
person acting alone or in concert with other Requirement
persons to acquire the outstanding equity 19.3.1. Unless the acquisition of equity securities is
securities of a PUBLIC company or of an intended to circumvent or defeat the objectives of the
associate or related company of such public tender offer rules, the mandatory tender offer
company which controls said public company requirement shall not apply to the following:
Applies to acquisition of shares of stock in a
public company and not any other kind of Any purchase of securities from the unissued
securities. capital stock; Provided, the acquisition will not result to a
fifty percent (50%) or more ownership of securities by
1. 15% of equity securities in a public company purchaser or such percentage that is sufficient to gain
within a period of 12 months; control of the board;
2. 35% of the outstanding voting shares or such Any purchase of securities from an increase in
outstanding voting shares that is sufficient to authorized capital stock;
gain control of the board in a public company Purchase in connection with foreclosure
within 12 months; and proceedings involving a duly constituted pledge or
3. Acquisition would result in ownership of over security arrangement where the acquisition is made by
50% of the total outstanding equity securities the debtor or creditor;
of a public company, regardless of the time Purchases in connection with a privatization
when said shares were acquired. undertaken by the government of the Philippines; Purchases in connection with corporate
* NOTE: the tender offer rule covers not only direct rehabilitation under court supervision;
acquisition but also indirect acquisition or any type of 19.3.1 .6. Purchases in the open market at the prevailing
acquisition. market price; and
* CHECK THE DIAGRAMS ON PP. 49-50 (IMPORTANT!!!) Merger or consolidation.
Approval of various Election and removal of
corporate acts directors
Determination of the
existence of quorum for
election of directors
Election contest
Criminal cases under SRC Civil suits falling under SRC
(primary jurisdiction)