Week 2 Corpo
Week 2 Corpo
Week 2 Corpo
2. Genossenschaft Theory
It is the reality of group of social and legal entity,
independent of state recognition and concession. It STOCK CORPORATION
exists because partners want it to exist.
Corporations which have capital stock divided into
shares and are authorized to distribute to the holders of
such shares dividends or allotments of the surplus profits
on the basis of shares held (Sec. 3)
BY CORPORATION CODE (B.P 68 amended by RA It is organized for profit.
The governing body of a stock corporation is usually the
Under Art. XII, Section 16 of 1987 Corporation which Board of Directors (except in certain instances, e.g.
provides as follow: close corporations).
“The congress shall not, except by general law, provide There are two elements for a stock corporation to exist:
for the formation, organization or regulation of private
corporations, Government Owned and Controlled (1) Capital stock divided into shares, and
Corporations may be created or established by special
characters in the interest of the common good and (2) An authority to distribute to the holders of such
subject to the test of economic viability” shares, dividends or allotments of the surplus profits on
the basis of shares held
Special Law can create only
Even if there is a statement of capital stock, the
1. Public Corporation corporation is still NOT a stock corporation if dividends
2. Government owned and controlled corporations are NOT supposed to be declared, that is, there is no
provided distribution of retained earnings. (CIR v. Club Filipino de
a. In the interest of common good Cebu, 1962)
b. Subject to test of economic viability
Note: Under Sec. 43 of the Corporation Code, a
corporation is deemed to have the power to declare
dividends. Thus, so long as the corporation has capital
stock and there is no prohibition in its Articles of
Incorporation or in its by-laws for it to declare dividends,
such corporation is a stock corporation.
One formed, organized, or existing under the laws of the
One formed or organized for the government of a portion Philippines.
of the state. Its purpose is for the general good and
welfare (Sec. 3, Act 1456). FOREIGN CORPORATION
PRIVATE CORPORATION One formed, organized or existing under any laws other
than those of the Philippines and whose law allows
One formed for some private purpose, benefit, aim or Filipino citizens and corporations to do business in its
end (Sec. 3, Act 1456); it may be either stock or non- own country and state (Sec. 123).
stock, government-owned or controlled or quasi-public.
The test to determine whether a corporation is CHARTER
government owned or –controlled, or private in nature, is
if a corporation is created by its own charter for the Corporations which are governed primarily by the
exercise of a public function, or by incorporation under provisions of the special law or charter creating them.
the general corporation law (Baluyot v. Holganza, 2000). Corporation Code has suppletory application. (Sec. 4)
One whose articles of incorporation provide that: One in which control, usually in the form of ownership of
majority of its shares, is in another corporation (the
(1) All the corporation's issued stock of all classes, parent corporation).
exclusive of treasury shares, shall be held of record by
not more than a specified number of persons, not PARENT CORPORATION
exceeding twenty (20);
Its control lies in its power, directly or indirectly, to elect
2) all the issued stock of all classes shall be subject to the subsidiary’s directors thus controlling its
one or more specified restrictions on transfer permitted management policies.
by this Title; and
(3) The corporation shall not list in any stock exchange CORPORATION DE JURE
or make any public offering of any of its stock of any
class (see Sec. 96). A corporation organized in accordance with the
requirements of the law.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a corporation shall not be
deemed a close corporation when at least two-thirds DE FACTO CORPORATION
(2/3) of its voting stock or voting rights is owned or
controlled by another corporation which is not a close A corporation where there exists a flaw in its
corporation within the meaning of this Code. incorporation
All persons who assume to act as a corporation knowing These are shares with a stated value set out in the
it to be without authority to do so shall be liable as Articles of Incorporation. This remains the same
general partners for all debts, liabilities and damages regardless of the profitability of the corporation. This
incurred or arising as a result thereof. gives rise to financial stability and is the reason why
banks, trust corporations, insurance companies and
One Person Corporation (Sec 116, RCCP) building and loan associations must always be organized
with par value shares.
One Person Corporation (OCP) is a corporation with a
single stockholder, who may be a natural person, a trust, Par value is minimum issue price of such share in the
or an estate. Articles of Incorporation which must be stated in the
Shares of stock of stock corporations may be divided These are shares without a stated value.
into classes or series of shares or both. Each class or
series of shares may have rights, privileges or A no par share does not purport to represent any stated
restrictions, as stated in the Articles of Incorporation. proportionate interest in the capital stock measured by
value, but only an aliquot part of the whole number of
such shares of the issuing corporation.
Classification of shares:
(1) Common shares
(2) Preferred shares (1) No-par value shares cannot have an issue price of
(3) Par value shares less than P5.00 per share (Sec. 6).
(4) No-par value shares
(5) Founder’s shares (2) They shall be deemed fully paid and non-assessable
(6) Redeemable shares and the holders of such shares shall not be liable to the
(7) Treasury shares corporation or to its creditors in respect thereto (Sec. 6).
(8) Convertible shares
(9) Non-voting shares (3) Entire consideration received by the corporation for
its no-par value shares shall be treated as capital and
Doctrine of Equality of Shares: shall not be available for distribution as dividends (Sec.
Each share shall be EQUAL in ALL respects to every
other share, except as otherwise provided in the Articles
(4) Articles of Incorporation must state the fact that the
corporation issues no par shares and the number of TREASURY SHARES (SEC. 9)
These are shares which have been issued and fully paid
(5) Banks, insurance companies, trust companies, for, but subsequently re-acquired by the issuing
building and loan associations, and public utilities cannot corporation by purchase, redemption, donation or
issue no-par value shares (Sec. 6). through some other lawful means. Such shares may
again be disposed of for a reasonable price fixed by the
(6) The issued price may be fixed in the Articles of Board of Directors
Incorporation, or by the Board of Directors pursuant to
authority conferred upon it by the ) Articles of NON-VOTING SHARES (SEC. 6)
Incorporation, or, in the absence thereof, by majority
vote of the outstanding shares in a meeting called for the General rule: Non-Voting Shares are not entitled to vote.
purpose (Sec. 62).
(1) Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation
These are shares, classified as such in the Articles of (2) Adoption and amendment of by-laws
Incorporation, which are given certain rights and (3) Sale, lease, exchange, other disposition of all or
privileges not enjoyed by the owners of other stocks. substantially all of the corporate property
Where exclusive right to vote and be voted for in the (4) Incurring, creating or increasing bonded
election of directors is granted, such right must be for a indebtedness
limited period not to exceed 5 years subject to approval (5) Increase or decrease of capital stock
by Securities and Exchange Commission. (6) Merger and consolidation
(7) Investment of corporate funds in another corporation
The 5 year period shall exclusive rights starts from date or business
of Incorporation (8) Dissolution of the corporation.
Minimum Capital Stock Required in Stock (7) Rural banks. — the capital stock of which must be
Corporation (Sec 12) fully owned and held directly or indirectly by Filipino
citizens or corporations, associations, or cooperatives
Stock Corporation shall not be required to have minimum qualified under Philippine laws to own or hold such
authorized capital stock except as otherwise specifically capital stock (R.A. No. 7353, Sec. 4.);
provided for by special laws.
(8) Corporations engaged in coastwise shipping. — at
Filipino percentage ownership requirement least 60% of the capital stock of which or of any interest
regarding corporate capital. in said capital is totally owned by citizens of the
Philippines (Pres. Decree No. 1464 [Tariff and Customs
By specific constitutional and legal provisions, Filipino Code], Sec. 806.);
ownership of a certain percentage of the capital stock or
capital is required in certain cases, such as: (9) Financing companies. — at least 60% of the capital
stock shall be owned by citizens of the Philippines (R.A.
(1) Corporations for exploration, development, and No. 5980, as amended, Sec. 16.);
utilization of natural resources. — at least 60% of the
capital of which is owned by citizens of the Philippines. (10) Corporations engaged in the pawnshop business.
(Constitution of the Philippines, Art. XII, Sec. 2.) The — at least 70% of the voting capital stock shall be owned
word "capital" in the above constitutional provision by citizens of the Philippines (Pres. Decree No. 114,
should be understood to mean "outstanding capital Sec. 8.);
stock" in case of stock corporation;
(11) Corporations engaged in the recruitment and
(2) Public service corporations. — at least 60% of the placement of workers, locally or overseas. — at least
capital of which is owned by citizens of the Philippines. 75% of the authorized and voting capital stock is owned
The participation of foreign investors in the governing and controlled by Filipino citizens (Pres. Decree No. 442
body of any public utility enterprise shall be limited to [Labor Code], as amended, Sec. 27.);
their proportionate share in its capital, and all the
executive and managing officers of such corporation (12) Corporations engaged in the operation of a private
must be Filipino citizens. detective, watchman or security guard agencies. — Must
be 100% Filipino owned (R.A. No. 5487, Sec. 4.);
(3) Educational corporations. — Other than those
established by religious orders and mission boards, at (13) Under the Flag Law. — In the purchase of articles
least 60% of the capital of which is owned by citizens of for the Government, preference shall be given to
the Philippines. The control and administration of materials and supplies produced, made, or
educational institutions shall be vested in Filipino citizens manufactured in the Philippines, and to domestic
entities. The term "domestic entities" means any citizen
(4) Corporations engaged in mass media and advertising of the Philippines or any corporate body or commercial
industry - The first must be wholly (i.e., 100%) owned company at least 75% of the capital of which is owned
and managed by Filipino citizens, while at least 70% of by citizens of the Philippines. (C.A. No. 138, Sec. 1.)
should not contradict or change the nature of the
Business activities wherein foreigner’s ownership could corporation (Sec. 14(2)
be more than 40% up to 100%
(b) Must not be patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral,
1. Export Enterprise and contrary to government rules and regulations
2. Domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity
capital of atleast the equivalent of US 200,00.00 dollars. (3) Principal Office
3. Domestic market enterprises, which involved
advanced technology or employ atleast fifty direct (a) Must be within the Philippines
employees with paid-in equity capital of at least the (b) AOI must specify both province or city or town where
equivalent of US 100,000 dollars. it is located
At the base are the shareholders (or members) whose Each director and trustee shall hold office until the
vote is required to elect the board of directors (or successor is elected and qualified.
trustees) and to pass on other major corporate actions.
A director who ceases to own at least one (1) share of
The next level is represented by directors who constitute stock or a trustee who ceases to be a member of the
the policy-making body of the corporation and select the corporation shall cease to be such.
officers annually, as a rule. The keystone of corporate
procedure is the provision common to most corporate Independent Director
laws that the business of a corporation shall be managed
by its board of directors. An independent director is a person who apart from
shareholdings and fees received from the corporation, is
Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the officers who independent of management and free from any business
have some discretion but in general deemed to execute or other relationship which could or could reasonably be
policies formulated by the board. perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of
independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities
The board of directors and corporate officers are as a director.
frequently referred to as management. In its strict sense,
the term refers to the corporate officers given the Independent directors must be elected by the
authority to implement the policies determined by the shareholders present or entitled to vote in absentia
board of directors as the governing body of the during the election of directors. Independent directors
corporation. shall be subject to the rules and regulation governing
their qualifications, disqualifications, voting requirements,
Corporate powers exercised by board of directors or duration of term and term limit, maximum number of
trustees. board membership and other requirements that the
Commission will prescribe to strengthen their
All corporations being invisible, existing only in independence and align with international best practices.
contemplation of law, can only act and contract through
the aid and by means of individuals. Such individuals
may be those holding corporate offices or agents
properly appointed by such officers. The same general
principles of law which govern the relation of agency for Requirements of Independent director for
a natural person govern the officer or agent of a corporation vested with public interest
corporation in respect to his power or authority to act for
the corporation. The board of the following corporations vested with
public interest shall gave independent directors
Number and Qualification of Directors (Sec 22) constituting atleast 20% of such board:
1. Not more than 15 directors and may be more than 1. Corporation covered the Securities Regulation Code
15 trustees (Sec 13) (R.A 8799), namely;
2. Owner of atleast one share
3. The owner (Legal not beneficial ownership such as a) Whose securities are registered with the Commission
mortgagor) must be stand in the name of the director In b) Corporation listed with an exchange or
the boo of the corporation. c) With assets of atleast 50,000,000.00 and having 200
4. Possess all the qualification and none of the or more holders of share, each holding atleast 100
disqualification (Sec 26 and 23) shares of a class of its equality shares.
5. If the corporation is vested with public interest, the
board shall also elect a compliance officer 2. Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLA’s, pawnshops,
corporation engaged in money service business,
Directors shall be elected for a term of one
preneed, trust and insurance companies and other The owners of majority of the outstanding capital stock,
financial intermediaries and or if there be no capital stock, a majority of the members
entitled to vote must all be present either in person or
3. Other corporations engaged “in business vested with through a representative authorized to act by written
pubic interest similar to the above, as may be proxy in the elections of directors or trustee.
determined by the Commission, after taking into account
relevant factors which are germane to the objective and When so authorized in the bylaws or by a majority of the
purpose of requiring the election of an independent board of directors, the stockholders or members may
director, such as extent of minority ownership, types of also vote through remote communication or in
financial products or securities, issued or offered to absentia: Provided, that the right to vote through such
investors, public interest involved in the nature of modes may be exercised in corporations vested with
business operations, and other analogous factors. public interest, notwithstanding the absence of a
provision in the bylaws of such corporations.
Election of Directors or Trustees (Sec. 23) The election must be by ballot if requested by any voting
stockholder or member.
A stockholder may cumulate his shares by multiplying Concurrent positions of corporate officer
the number of his shares by the number of directors to
be elected and distribute the same among as many 1. President + Secretary = Not allowed
candidates as he shall see fit. 2. President + Treasurer = Not allowed
3. Secretary + Treasurer = Allowed
Illustration: In the illustration above, Pedro instead may
choose to give 100 votes to candidate 1, 100 votes to By laws may provide for the qualifications of the director
candidate 2, 100 votes to candidate 3, 150 votes to such as:
candidate 4, and 50 votes to candidate 5.
a. At least 25 years old
STRAIGHT VOTING b. Have some experiences in business, finance or law
c. Disqualify anyone who is competing with a corporation
Every stockholder may vote such number of shares for
as many persons as there are directors to be elected. As long as the qualifications imposed are reasonable
and not meant to unjustly or unfairly deprive the minority
General Rule: of the rightful representation in the Board of Directors, it
is valid.
Each stockholder or member shall have the right to
nominate any director or trustee who possesses all of Disqualification of Directors, Trustees or Officers
the qualifications and none of the disqualifications and (Sec 26)
none of the disqualifications set forth in this Code.
A person shall be disqualified from being a director,
Exception: trustee or officer of any corporation if, within five (5)
years prior to the election or appointment as such, the
Except when the exclusive right is reserved for holders person was:
of founders' shares under Section 7 of this Code
(a) Convicted by final judgment:
(1) Of an offense punishable by imprisonment Vacancies in the office of director (Sec . 28)
for a period exceeding six (6) years;
1. Other than removal by the stockholders or members
(2) For violating this Code; and or expiration of term – Majority of the remaining directors
or trustees if still constituting quorum.
(3) For violating Republic Act No. 8799,
otherwise known as "The Securities Regulation Code"; 2. Removal by stockholder or members or expiration of
term or increase in number of director other than
(b) Found administratively liable for any offense involving (removal, expiration or increase) but was referred to the
fraudulent acts; and BOD to the stockholders- Stockholders or members in
the regular or special meeting called for that purpose.
(c) By a foreign court or equivalent foreign regulatory
authority for acts, violations or misconduct similar to When the vacancy is due to term expiration, the election
those enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b) above. shall be held no later that the day of such expiration at a
meeting called for that purpose. When the vacancy
The foregoing is without prejudice to qualifications or arises as a result of removal by the stockholders or
other disqualifications, which the Commission, the members, the election may be held on the same day of
primary regulatory agency, or Philippine Competition the meeting authorizing the removal and this fact must
Commission may impose in its promotion of good be so stated in the agenda and notice of said meeting. In
corporate governance or as a sanction in its all other cases, the election must be held no later than
administrative proceedings. forty-five (45) days from the time the vacancy arose. A
director or trustee elected to fill vacancy shall be referred
to as replacement director or trustee elected to fill a
vacancy shall be referred to as replacement director or
trustee and shall serve only for the unexpired term of the
Removal of Director or Trustees (Sec. 27)
predecessor in office.
Any Director or Trustee of a corporation may be
However, when the vacancy prevents the remaining
removed from office, with or without cause.
directors from constituting a quorum and emergency
action is required to prevent grave, substantial, and
Removal without cause may not be used to deprive irreparable loss or damage to the corporation, the
minority stockholders or members of the right of vacancy may be temporarily filled from among the
representation to which they may be entitled under officers of the corporation by unanimous vote of the
Section 23. remaining directors or trustees. The action by the
designated director or trustee shall be limited to the
Other requisites: emergency action necessary, and the term shall cease
within a reasonable time form the termination of the
(1) By a vote of the stockholders holding or representing emergency or upon election of the replacement director
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock, or if the corporation or trustee, whichever comes earlier. The corporation
be a non-stock corporation, by a vote of 2/3 of the must notify the Commission within three (3) days from
members entitled to vote the creation of the emergency board, stating therein the
reason for its creation.
2) At a regular or special meeting after proper notice is
given Compensation of Directors (Sec 29)
(a) Full disclosure of the adverse interest of the a) Approval of any action for which shareholders'
directors/trustees involved is made on such meeting; approval is also required;
(b) The contract is fair and reasonable under the (b) Filing of vacancies in the board;
circumstances (c) Amendment or repeal of bylaws or the adoption of
new bylaws;
(d) Amendment or term is not amendable or repealable;
(e) Distribution of cash divendends to the shareholders.
X Corporation sold a parcel of land worth P500,000.00 to
Y Corporation for only P300,000.00. Z is a board 2. The board of directors may create special committees
member of both corporations. of temporary or permanent nature and determine the
members, term, composition, compensation, powers and
Evidently, the contract is not fair and reasonable and is, responsibilities.
therefore, voidable on that ground. But if the contract is
fair and reasonable under the circumstances and Z's
interest in X Corporation is merely nominal and in Y CORPORATE POWERS AND CAPACITY
Corporation substantial, the conditions in Section 31
must be present insofar as X Corporation is concerned,
on the theory that the contract of X Corporation is with Z. Every corporation incorporated under this Code has the
power and capacity: (Sec 36)
However, if Z's interest in both corporations is nominal or
is substantial, the provisions of Section 31 do not apply (a) To sue and be sued in its corporate name;
but the contract shall be valid only if there is no fraud
and the contract is fair and reasonable under the (b) To have perpetual existence unless the
circumstances. The corporation which seeks to uphold certificate of incorporation provides otherwise;
the contract has the burden to show that it is fair and
reasonable. (c) To adopt and use a corporate seal;
There is no prejudice to creditors if they have been 2. A sale of all or substantially all of the corporation’s
informed of such possible or planned returned of capital properties and assets, including its goodwill.
at the time they extend credit to the corporation. A sale or other disposition shall be deemed to cover
substantially all of the corporate property and assets if
thereby the corporation would be rendered incapable of
Nonstock corporations continuing the business or accomplishing the purpose for
which it was incorporated.
They may incur, create or increase bonded indebtedness
when approved by a majority of the board of trustees The determination of whether or not the sale involves all
and of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a or substantially all of the corporation’s properties and
meeting duly called for the purpose. assets must be computed based on its net asset value,
as shown in its latest financial statements.
Bonds issued by a corporation shall be registered with
the Commission, which shall have the authority to 1. Subject to the provisions of RA 10667 or Philippine
determine the sufficiency of the terms thereof. Competition Act and other related laws
All Shareholders of a Stock Corporation have pre- Right of appraisal is the right to withdraw from the
emptive right to subscribe to all issues or disposition of corporation and demand payment of the fair value of the
shares of any class, in proportion to their respective shares after dissenting from certain corporate acts
shareholdings involving fundamental changes in corporate structure.
No management contracts shall be entered into for A seller, trader, dealer or importer of goods is not
period longer that five (5) years for any one term. necessarily or indispensably the manufacturer of the
goods. Therefore, manufacturing cannot be treated as
Exception: reasonably necessary to the business of the selling thus
it is Ultra Vires.
That such service contracts or operating agreements
which relate to the exploration, development exploitation Ratification of ultra vires acts
or utilization of natural resources may entered into such
periods as may be provided by the pertinent laws or (1) Where the contract or act is illegal per se, it is wholly
regulations. void or inexistent. It cannot be ratified or validated
(2) Where the contract or act is not illegal per se but
merely beyond the power of a corporation, the same is
merely voidable and may be enforced by performance,
ratification, or estoppel, or on equitable grounds.