Activity For Theories of Development
Activity For Theories of Development
Activity For Theories of Development
1. Psychosexual Development Sigmund Freud Id (executes pleasure-based In the stages of development
behavior). and learning, they should
Ego is the part of a person's confront desire that, if not
personality that deals with satisfied, leads to fixations that
reality. show up in adulthood.
The super-ego (maintains
internalized moral standards and
2. Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson The acquisition of fundamental Create an atmosphere in which
virtues and a healthy personality every child feels valued, is
are the outcomes of successfully comfortable learning new
completing each stage. things, and can form
The ego can use basic virtues, or relationships with their peers
strengths, to overcome without fear.
subsequent difficulties.
3. Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg The development of morality and Helps you change your beliefs
moral reasoning in children is the because it's possible to believe
primary focus of Kohlberg's the wrong things as a child,
theory. Additionally, this theory especially when so many people
explains that knowledge of right don't bother telling you what's
and wrong can be influenced by right and wrong.
several factors and begins in the
early years of childhood.
4. Cognitive Development Jean Piaget The purpose of this theory is to Let kids learn about the
provide an explanation for the connections between ideas,
mechanism and process by which how cause and effect work, and
an infant, and later a child, how to think more analytically.
develops into a person who can
reason and think in terms of
hypothesis. As a result of
environmental exposure and
biological maturation, cognitive
development was a gradual
reorganization of mental
5. Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman Emotional intelligence, according The capacity to recognize,
to Goleman, is just as important manage, and comprehend one's
as intelligence for success in own emotions as well as those
academic, professional, social, of others is referred to as
and interpersonal settings. emotional intelligence.
Relationship building, team
stress reduction, conflict
resolution, and increased job
satisfaction are all helped by
having a high EQ.
6. Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner Learning styles are not multiple The multiple intelligences
intelligences. Each learner has a theory developed by Gardner
unique learning style, which can be applied to the creation
should be utilized in all learning of curriculum, the planning of
situations. instruction, the selection of
course activities, and related
assessment strategies. It is
necessary to provide a holistic
education that considers the
whole person.
7. Reciprocal Influences Richard Bells and Robert Because of the exchange in By explicitly teaching the
Cairns interactions in which individuals essential components of
exhibit similar behavior, it is comprehension of text,
bidirectional; neither the reciprocal influences aids in
individual nor the object is solely reducing the cognitive load on
dependent on the other; rather, students with disabilities.
they are dependent on one Necessitates the gradual
another delegation of responsibility to
the students as well as the
provision of support structures.
8. Family System Model Salvador Minuchin Moving from a traditional narrow Creates a series of natural
psychological perspective, which interactions within and
essentially focuses only on between families that foster
individual family members, to a stability and cohesiveness.
systems level, where interaction Numerous studies have
and transaction are emphasized, demonstrated that encouraging
is made easier with an ecological behaviors in everyday life can
perspective. foster healthy children.
9. Ecological Context Urie Bronfenbrenner Children frequently find An ecological perspective is
themselves entangled in a variety beneficial because it
of ecological systems, ranging encourages us to view our
from the most intimate ecological learning and development as a
system at home to the larger process that connects us to
educational system and the most other people, the material
expansive system that includes resources in our environment,
culture and society. In every the events and circumstances of
aspect of a child's life, each of our lives, and the things we
these ecological systems interacts want to do or need to do and
with and influences the other. achieve.
10. Socio-Cultural Context Lev Semenovich Vygotsky According to Vygotsky, children's The concept that language is
cognitive ability is developed not independent of the culture
through social interaction with and society in which it is used is
more knowledgeable individuals referred to as socio-cultural
and their growth in various context. This means that when
sociocultural contexts. learning a language, the social
and cultural context in which it
is used must also be considered.